Tuesday LP
Tuesday LP
Tuesday LP
II. Content Determining the number of neutrons from the mass number
III. Learning Resources
A. Reference
1. Teachers Guide
2. Learners Materials Learners Manual pp. 204-205, pp 195-197
3. Additional Materials Learner’s Material, Powerpoint, periodic table, and other materials
4. OTHER Materials
IV. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity A. Daily Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking Attendance
Evaluating Learning Give the shorthand notation showing the mass number and atomic
(EVALUATE) number of he Isotopes of the following
1. Iron
2. Aluminum
3. Calcium
Additional activities for application Using old folder, students select one element to be drawn with
or remediation symbol, atomic number and mass number.
Prepared By:
Student Teacher
Noted By:
Cooperating Teacher