EDC17 Chybove Kody
EDC17 Chybove Kody
EDC17 Chybove Kody
1117 EGR CHECK ECU compares the in _flow meter and re
(4375) AN AIR coming air mass meas spective wiring
FLOW ured by the flow meter _EGR/TVA actuator
VALUE with a calculated target (mechanical actuation
LOWER value. A fault is stored difficulties) and re
THAN THE when the measured spective wiring
EXPECTED value is lower than ex _air intake circuit
ONE HAS pected. _check exhaust sys
BEEN DE tem obstruction.
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1118 BOOST AIR _run parameter ac Actual boost pressure
(4376) PRESSURE quisition during road measured by means of
CHECK IN test with Easy in the respective sensor
JECTION EDC17 and record does not reach the boost
CORREC parameters related to: pressure calculated by
TION boost pressure, target EDC according to engine
FACTOR boot pressure, engine load and rpm. A fault is
LOWER rpm, accelerator pedal stored if this difference
THAN THE position, EGR position, exceeds certain limits
EXPECTED TVA position, turbine and specifically if the
ONE geometry, intake air measured boost pres
amount, target air for sure is LOWER than the
EGR management. expected value.
Check if boost pressure
follows target pressure.
If it does not, try to es
tablish the test condi
tions in which the fault
occurs (e.g. engine load
request conditions
_ check for absence of
obstructions in fresh air
intake system and in
EGR intake system
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1118 _ run a turbine test
(4376) with respective engine
test function with Easy.
If the test result is neg
ative, repeat the test by
connecting in parallel
vacuum meter of
99367121 kit to pipe
segment between
turbo control solenoid
valve and turbo mech
anical valve to measure
vacuum in positions
defined by test (0 25%
50% 75% 100%).
_ check integrity of
turbo control solenoid
valve vacuum system.
check correct opera
tion of EGR and TVA
_ check reliability of
boost pressure sensor
signal (boost pressure/
ambient pressure with
engine idling or off) and
flow meter (intake air
amount parameter/
target amount with
engine idling)
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1118 _ check for presence of
(4376) oxidation on turbine
mechanical actuator
hinge (NOTE: the tar
get boost pressure
cannot be reached if
the actuator remains
jammed in open posi
1243 BOOST AIR ECU checks electric sig Wiring (short circuit
(4675) PRESSURE nal from boost pressure to positive)
SENSOR sensor. Fault is stored if Sensor
SIGNAL signal > 4.5V.
NOTE: ECU uses a
boost pressure re
placement value when
the fault is stored.
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1247 AIRFLOW The error is caused by
(4679) METER faulty flow meter or
THE AIR faulty sensor wiring.
FLOW READ Check wiring. Check
BY THE correct operation of the
SENSOR IS flow meter and replace it
EXCEEDING if necessary. In case of
THE replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ
ment in Easy.
1327 EGR CON Signal of the EGR valve _position sensor wir
(4903) TROL VALVE position sensor (EGR ing integrity and no
POSITION valve connector pin 4 to short circuits
SENSOR A27 EDC17) is out of _component faults.
AN ELEC range (voltage >4.8V)
TRICAL for a given time.
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1333 FUEL PRES A few instants after _ check the real pres
(4915) SURE stopping the engine, the sure value and the
SENSOR fuel pressure in the rail ambient pressure
RAIL PRES should drop to reach a value in EDC17 para
SURE VALUE value close to ambient meter reading in Easy.
ABOVE pressure value (approx Furthermore, check
THRESHOL imately 1 bar). Con that during a driving
D DURING sequently EDC17 during cycle the measured
AFTER RUN after run following a fuel pressure follows
driving cycle compares the target fuel pres
fuel pressure signal (rail sure required by
pressure signal) with EDC17.
ambient pressure signal _ fuel pressure sensor
(sensor on engine ECU). wiring integrity
A fault is stored if the _ fuel pressure sensor
value read by the fuel fault.
pressure sensor is higher
NOTE: If the fuel
than ambient pressure
pressure sensor is re
beyond given limits.
placed, run the
procedure in EDC17
in component re
placement environ
ment with Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1357 AIRFLOW The error may be caused
(4951) METER by:
WORKING Fouled or jammed flow
NOT meter
PLAUSIBLE Inaccurate sensor
caused by aging or loss or
obstructions of intake
EGR actuator jammed
Faulty VTG/WG. Check
EGR actuators and check
actuator feeding pres
Check cleanness of
sensor and check intake
system. Replace flow
meter if needed. In case
of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1376 INJECTOR EDC17 has a function for _ run an engine test in
(4982) CYLINDER 4 calibrating energising order to evaluate
CORREC time of each injector to performance of each
TION request an extremely cylinder and injector
FACTOR low amount of fuel in (run up test + com
ABOVE LIM jection (zero delivery, for pression test)
IT UNDER example, when acceler _ inaccurate lambda
"ZERO" IN ator pedal is released). sensor signal may
JECTION The calibration is carried cause excessive cor
CONDI out in several engine rection factor drifts.
TIONS points, for example ac Check reliability of
cording to vehicle speed lambda sensor signal,
and rail pressure. EDC17 e.g. by means of road
uses information on the test and acquiring
amount of oxygen lambda sensor para
measured in exhaust meters in EDC17
(lambda sensor) to de parameter reading
termine whether the mode.
requested amount of
fuel corresponds to the
amount actually injected.
A fault is stored for each
single injector if the cor
rection factor related to
times needed to obtain
“zero delivery” exceeds
given thresholds.
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
13A6 COMBUS Too little fuel injected in
(5030) TION CYL cylinder 4 or cylinder it
INDER 4 self is faulty (no com
LOW PER pression/no combus
FORMANCE tion). Check combustion
regularity (idling or ac
celeration test) and re
place the injector if the
error persists.
2117 EGR CHECK EDC compares the in _flow meter and re
(8471) A HIGHER coming air mass meas spective wiring
AIR FLOW ured by the flow meter _EGR/TVA actuator
VALUE with a calculated target (mechanical actuation
THAN THE value. A fault is stored difficulties) and re
EXPECTED when the measured spective wiring
ONE HAS value is higher than ex _air intake circuit
BEEN DE pected. _EGR intake circuit
TECTED (obstructions).
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2118 BOOST AIR _run parameter ac Actual boost pressure
(8472) PRESSURE quisition during road measured by means of
CHECK IN test with Easy in the respective sensor
JECTION EDC17 and record does not reach the boost
CORREC parameters related to: pressure calculated by
TION boost pressure, target EDC according to engine
FACTOR boot pressure, engine load and rpm. A fault is
HIGHER rpm, accelerator pedal stored if this difference
THAN THE position, EGR position, exceeds certain limits
EXPECTED TVA position, turbine and specifically if the
ONE geometry, intake air measured boost pres
amount, target air for sure is HIGHER than the
EGR management. expected value.
Check if boost pressure
follows target pressure.
If it does not, try to es
tablish the test condi
tions in which the fault
occurs (e.g. engine load
request conditions etc.)
_ check for integrity of
fresh air intake system
and in EGR intake sys
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ run a turbine test
with respective engine
test function with Easy.
If the test result is neg
ative, repeat the test by
connecting in parallel
vacuum meter of
99367121 kit to pipe
segment between
turbo control solenoid
valve and turbo mech
anical valve to measure
vacuum in positions
defined by test (0 25%
50% 75% 100%).
_ check for absence of
obstructions and in
tegrity of vacuum sys
tem or turbo control
solenoid valve. High
boost pressure could
be reached as engine
rpm increases if there is
no vacuum on turbo
actuator (the mechan
ical turbo actuator is
normally closed)
_ check correct opera
tion of EGR and TVA
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ check reliability of
boost pressure sensor
signal (boost pressure/
ambient pressure with
engine idling or off) and
flow meter (intake air
amount parameter/
target amount with
engine idling)
_ check for presence of
oxidation on turbine
mechanical actuator
hinge (NOTE: high
boost pressure peaks
would be reached if the
actuator remains
jammed in closed posi
tion as engine rpm in
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
211D BATTERY The error may be caused
(8477) VOLTAGE by:
SENSOR A Faulty battery
TOO LOW Faulty alternator
ELECTRICAL Wiring problems (ex
VALUE HAS cessively high resistance)
TECTED Fault may occur during
cold starts. Check ECU
power connections and
wiring. Check battery
recharge system effi
ciency. Check battery
charge state.
2243 BOOST AIR ECU checks electric sig Wiring (short cir
(8771) PRESSURE nal from boost pressure cuits to earth or open
SENSOR sensor. Fault is stored if circuits)
SIGNAL BE signal < 0.2V. Sensor.
NOTE: EDC uses a
boost pressure re
placement value when
the fault is stored.
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2247 AIRFLOW The error is caused by
(8775) METER – faulty flow meter or
DETECTED faulty sensor wiring.
AN EXCESS Check wiring. Check
DEVIATION correct operation of the
OF THE AIR flow meter and replace it
FLOW if necessary. In case of
MEASURE replacement: run the
SENSOR cedure in component
WITH THE replacement environ
ENGINE ment in Easy.
A627 EGR CON EGR actuator opening is _ air intake system ac
(42535) TROL VALVE controlled when the tuators (EGR and
PROBLEMS EGR control strategy TVA): mechanical
WITH goes from Regeneration blocks, connections,
WORKING operating mode to nor wiring.
STRATEGY mal operating strategy.
HVE BEEN Control strategy must go
DETECTED to closed circuit after a
given time and in given
conditions. A fault is
stored if this does not
occur before the
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A635 FUEL CHECK EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(42549) PRESSURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
A TOO of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
HIGH FUEL fitted on the high pres then check the fol
PRESSURE sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
HAS BEEN the pressure limiter fit rpm, fuel pressure,
DETECTED ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
WITH ONLY certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
THE FUEL value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
PRESSURE using only the DRV (e.g. accelerator pedal po
ON RAIL if the ZME is requested sition
(RAIL PRES in maximum fuel delivery _ jamming of DRV in
SURE > position, thus fully open). closed position (con
1950BAR) A fault is stored if in these sequently pressure
specific conditions rail cannot be dumped
pressure is higher than from rail despite the
the admissible limit (rail request by EDC17)
pressure > 1950bar). _ run engine test to
detect faults (pay par
ticular attention to
runup test and
buildup test results)
_ wiring integrity to
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ fuel return system
to tank (absence of
obstruction which
obstruct return of
fuel dumped from
_ low pressure system
(excessive fuel feeding
pressure to high
pressure pump).
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
E41C ECU IN The error is due to in
(58396) TERNAL ternal ECU fault. Dis
CHECKS connect battery power
FAULT DE terminal. Check correct
TECTED ECU power wiring. Re
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
If there is no error stored
in memory for EGR or
boost pressure sensor:
Check correct tur
bocharger efficiency
Check correct opera
tion of HFM Check that
boost pressure sensor
measurements are cor
No action is needed if
the error occurs in ex
treme conditions.
Otherwise, check EGR,
boost pressure and
turbo block on engine
Failing Type of Visible failu Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F82C INTERNAL The error is due to in
(63532) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.