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EDC17 Chybove Kody

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DTC error codes - EDC17 ECU

Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be

DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1113 COOLANT The error may be caused
(4371) TEMPERAT­ by faulty sensor or pres­
URE ence of short circuit to
SENSOR ­ battery voltage. Check
AN ELEC­ for absence of short cir­
TRIC VALUE cuits along wiring. Check
BEYOND coolant temperature
THRESHOL sensor and replace it if
D BEEN DE­ needed.

1117 EGR CHECK ECU compares the in­ _flow meter and re­
(4375) ­ AN AIR coming air mass meas­ spective wiring
FLOW ured by the flow meter _EGR/TVA actuator
VALUE with a calculated target (mechanical actuation
LOWER value. A fault is stored difficulties) and re­
THAN THE when the measured spective wiring
EXPECTED value is lower than ex­ _air intake circuit
ONE HAS pected. _check exhaust sys­
BEEN DE­ tem obstruction.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1118 BOOST AIR _run parameter ac­ Actual boost pressure
(4376) PRESSURE quisition during road measured by means of
CHECK ­ IN­ test with Easy in the respective sensor
JECTION EDC17 and record does not reach the boost
CORREC­ parameters related to: pressure calculated by
TION boost pressure, target EDC according to engine
FACTOR boot pressure, engine load and rpm. A fault is
LOWER rpm, accelerator pedal stored if this difference
THAN THE position, EGR position, exceeds certain limits
EXPECTED TVA position, turbine and specifically if the
ONE geometry, intake air measured boost pres­
amount, target air for sure is LOWER than the
EGR management. expected value.
Check if boost pressure
follows target pressure.
If it does not, try to es­
tablish the test condi­
tions in which the fault
occurs (e.g. engine load
request conditions
_ check for absence of
obstructions in fresh air
intake system and in
EGR intake system
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1118 _ run a turbine test
(4376) with respective engine
test function with Easy.
If the test result is neg­
ative, repeat the test by
connecting in parallel
vacuum meter of
99367121 kit to pipe
segment between
turbo control solenoid
valve and turbo mech­
anical valve to measure
vacuum in positions
defined by test (0 ­ 25%
­ 50% ­ 75% ­ 100%).
_ check integrity of
turbo control solenoid
valve vacuum system.
check correct opera­
tion of EGR and TVA
_ check reliability of
boost pressure sensor
signal (boost pressure/­
ambient pressure with
engine idling or off) and
flow meter (intake air
amount parameter/­
target amount with
engine idling)
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1118 _ check for presence of
(4376) oxidation on turbine
mechanical actuator
hinge (NOTE: the tar­
get boost pressure
cannot be reached if
the actuator remains
jammed in open posi­

111D BATTERY The fault may depend on

(4381) VOLTAGE the alternator regulator.
SENSOR ­ A Replace the alternator
TOO HIGH regulator or the altern­

111E LAMDA The error is due to:­

(4382) SENSOR Possible short circuit in
HEATING ­ wiring
SHORT CIR­ ­ Faulty lambda sensor
CUIT TO ­ Sensor electric power.
SUPPLY Check correct operation
VOLTAGE of ECU. Check lambda
sensor wiring and re­
place sensor if needed. In
case of replacement: run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1121 ACCELER­ The error occurred due
(4385) ATOR PED­ to presence of short cir­
AL ­ THE cuit in pedal wiring or in
POTEN­ pedal. Check presence of
TIOMETER 1 short circuits along wir­
DETECTED ing or replace the accel­
A TOO erator pedal.

1127 EGR CON­ A position sensor inside _jamming or stiff

(4391) TROL VALVE the EGR actuator de­ mechanical move­
­ AN INCO­ tects the correct position ment of the compon­
HERENT assumed by the valve. A ent
POSITION fault is stored if the posi­ _check wiring, spe­
HAS BEEN tion does not coincide cifically EGR valve
DETECTED with the target reques­ power and earth
COMPARED ted by the ECU (in detail: (positive ­­> EGR
TO THE RE­ excessive EGR recircu­ valve connector pin 5;
QUESTED lation). earth ­­> EGR valve
POSITION ­ connector pin 3)
NOTE: ECU attempts
to release the EGR
valve by requesting
rapid opening/closing
movements. DTC
A227 may also appear
if this attempt is not
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1133 FUEL PRES­ ECU monitors voltage of _ wiring (for short
(4403) SURE fuel pressure sensor fit­ circuits)
SENSOR ­ ted on rail. A fault is _ fuel pressure sensor
AN ELEC­ stored if the voltage is fault.
TRICAL higher than 4.8V.
NOTE: If the fuel
pressure sensor is re­
placed, run the
procedure in EDC17
in component re­
placement environ­
ment with Easy.

1139 EXHAUST The exhaust gas tem­

(4409) GAS TEM­ perature sensor at cata­
PERATURE lyser inlet is detected in­
SENSOR AT correct values or values
THE CATA­ are swapped with tem­
LYZATOR perature before catalys­
INPUT ­ A er. Check wires and con­
TOO HIGH nectors to check if con­
VALUE HAS tact is correct (corro­
BEEN DE­ sion). Check sensor and
TECTED replace it if needed.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
113E LAMBDA The error may be caused
(4414) SENSOR by:
TEMPERAT­ ­ Sensor wiring fault
URE ­ A ­ Disconnected or faulty
VALUE BEY­ lambda sensor
OND ­ Short circuit to earth.
THRESHOL Check sensor wiring and
D HAS BEEN connections. Check
DETECTED lambda sensor wiring
and replace sensor if
needed. In case of re­
placement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

1147 AIR­FLOW The error may be caused

(4423) METER ­ by faulty wiring or flow
THE PRO­ meter and/or fault tem­
CESSED AIR perature sensor. Check
FLOW wiring, check sensors
VALUE (flow meter, temperat­
READ BY ure sensor) and replace if
THE needed.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1157 AIR­FLOW The error may be caused
(4439) METER – by:
DETECTED ­ Wiring fault
AN EXCESS ­ Faulty or inaccurate
DEVIATION flow meter
OF THE AIR ­ Leakage or obstruction
FLOW in intake manifold
MEASURE­ ­ Faulty VTG/WG. Check
MENT FROM intake manifold and
THE feeding pressure actuat­
SENSOR or. Check wiring and flow
meter accuracy and re­
place it if necessary. In
case of replacement: run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

115E VALUE DE­ The error may be caused

(4446) TECTING BY by:
LAMBDA ­ Sensor wiring fault
SENSOR ­ ­ Disconnected or faulty
AN ELEC­ lambda sensor
TRIC VALUE ­ Short circuit to earth.
OF 02 EX­ Check sensor wiring and
CEEDING connections. Check
THRESHOL lambda sensor wiring
D HAS BEEN and replace sensor if
DETECTED needed. In case of re­
placement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1161 PRESSURE The error may be caused
(4449) CIRCUIT by faulty sensor or pres­
SENSOR ence of short circuit to
FOR AIR battery voltage. Check
CONDI­ for short circuit along the
TIONING ­ wiring. Check operation
AN ELEC­ of the sensor and replace
TRICAL it if necessary.

1173 FUEL TEM­ The error may be caused

(4467) PERATURE by fuel temperature
SENSOR ­ sensor wiring fault or
AN ELEC­ faulty sensor. Check wir­
TRIC VALUE ing. Check correct op­
BEYOND eration of the sensor and
THRESHOL replace it if necessary.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1176 INJECTOR EDC17 has a function for _ run an engine test in
(4470) CYLINDER 1 calibrating the energising order to evaluate
­ CORREC­ time of each injector in performance of each
TION order to request an ex­ cylinder and injector
FACTOR tremely low fuel injection (run up test + com­
ABOVE LIM­ (for example, zero deliv­ pression test)
IT UNDER ery when accelerator _ inaccurate lambda
"ZERO" IN­ pedal is released). The sensor signal may
JECTION calibration is carried out caused excessive cor­
CONDI­ in several engine points, rection factor drifts.
TIONS for example according to Check reliability of
vehicle speed and rail lambda sensor signal,
pressure. EDC17 uses e.g. by means of road
information on the test and acquiring
amount of oxygen lambda sensor para­
measured in exhaust meters in EDC17
(lambda sensor) to de­ parameter reading
termine whether the mode.
requested amount of
fuel corresponds to the
amount actually injected.
A fault is stored for each
single injector if the cor­
rection factor related to
times needed to obtain
“zero delivery” exceeds
given thresholds.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1179 PARTICU­ The error is caused by
(4473) LATE FILTER excessive dilution of
­ LUBRIC­ lubrication oil caused by
ANT OIL post­injections required
CHECK ­ OIL during particulate trap
CONTAM­ regeneration. Check
INATED lubrication oil and run
TOO HIGH CHANGE procedure in
FUEL DILU­ component replacement
TION environment in Easy.

117C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(4476) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
117D ECU SUPPLY The error caused by ex­
(4477) ­ A TOO cessive power voltage of
HIGH components inside ECU
VOLTAGE caused by:
HAS BEEN ­ High battery voltage
DETECTED ­ Faulty wiring
­ Fault inside ECU.
Check battery for cor­
rect power. Check wir­
ing. If the error persists,
replace the ECU.

1182 AIR CON­ The error may be caused

(4482) DITINING ­ by AC fluid expansion
CIRCUIT valve jammed or incor­
PRESSURE rect pressure measure­
TOO HIGH ment. Check cooling cir­
cuit. Check pressure

118C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(4492) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1193 ENVIRON­ The error caused by
(4499) MENT faulty ambient pressure
PRESSURE sensor in ECU. Discon­
SENSOR ­ nect battery power ter­
AN ELEC­ minal. Check correct
TRICAL ECU power wiring. Re­
VALUE BEY­ connect battery power
OND terminal. Power ECU
THRESHOL and clear error memory.
D HAS BEEN Contact market THD or
DETECTED CET if the fault persists.

119C ECU The error caused by in­

(4508) MEMORY ­ correct programming or
CALIBRA­ faulty EEPROM. Reflash
TION the ECU: replace the
PARAMET­ ECU if the problem per­
ERS OF sists.

11A4 ENGINE ECU cannot manage en­

(4516) REVS CON­ gine rpm correctly. The
TROL ­ UP­ error caused by injection
PER LIMIT system problems or in­
OF CALCU­ jector out of operating
LATED range. Check injectors
SPEED EX­ and replace them if
CEEDED needed.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
11A6 COMBUS­ Too little fuel injected in
(4518) TION ­ CYL­ cylinder 1 or cylinder it­
INDER 1 self is faulty (no com­
LOW PER­ pression/no combus­
FORMANCE tion). Check combustion
regularity (idling or ac­
celeration test) and re­
place the injector if the
error persists.

1211 VEHICLE The error may be caused

(4625) SPEED by excessive real speed
SENSOR ­ A due to engine tuning or
TOO HIGH incorrect speed de­
SPEED HAS termination. Check
BEEN DE­ measuring device and
TECTED replace it, if required. No
intervention is indicated
in case of real overspeed
or engine tuning.

1217 EGR CHECK The error may be caused

(4631) ­ A LOWER by:
AIR FLOW ­ Fault air mass flow
VALUE sensor
THAN THE ­ Loss of air in manifold
EXPECTED ­ EGR electric or mech­
ONE HAS anical fault
BEEN DE­ ­ EGR actuator wiring
TECTED fault. Check air mass flow
DURING sensor operation. Check
THE RE­ air manifold. Check EGR
GENERA­ actuators and wiring.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1221 ACCELER­ The error is due to
(4641) ATOR PED­ presence of short circuit
AL ­ THE to battery voltage in
POTEN­ wiring or in accelerator
TIOMETER 2 pedal. Check wires and
DETECTED accelerator pedal.

1239 EXHAUST Exhaust gas temperature

(4665) GAS TEM­ sensor detects incorrect
PERATURE values after the catalyser.
SENSOR AT Check wires and con­
THE PAR­ nectors to check if con­
TICULATE tact is correct (corro­
FILTER IN­ sion). Check sensor and
PUT ­ A TOO replace it if needed.

1243 BOOST AIR ECU checks electric sig­ ­ Wiring (short circuit
(4675) PRESSURE nal from boost pressure to positive)
SENSOR ­ sensor. Fault is stored if ­ Sensor
SIGNAL signal > 4.5V.
NOTE: ECU uses a
boost pressure re­
placement value when
the fault is stored.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1247 AIR­FLOW The error is caused by
(4679) METER ­ faulty flow meter or
THE AIR faulty sensor wiring.
FLOW READ Check wiring. Check
BY THE correct operation of the
SENSOR IS flow meter and replace it
EXCEEDING if necessary. In case of
THE replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

1253 BOOST AIR ECU electrically checks _ wiring (absence of

(4691) TEMPERAT­ temperature signal from short circuits)
URE boost air pressure and _ faulty boost air
SENSOR ­ temperature sensor. temperature and
AN ELEC­ Fault is stored if signal is pressure sensor.
TRIC VALUE higher than 4.9V.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1255 DRV PRES­ Real pressure may be
(4693) SURE REG­ higher than specifica­
ULATOR ­ tions. This may be caused
ADAPTING by an addition currently
CALCU­ through the pressure
LATED control valve (partial
FACTOR short circuit in wiring)
TOO HIGH which is not measured by
the ECU. Faulty fuel
control valve. Check
wiring and pressure
control valve. If the
problem is caused by
valve malfunction, re­
place the valve and run
cedure in component
replacement environ­

1257 AIR­FLOW The error is caused by

(4695) METER – faulty flow meter or
DETECTED faulty sensor wiring.
AN EXCESS Check wiring. Check
DEVIATION correct operation of the
OF THE AIR flow meter and replace it
FLOW if necessary. In case of
MEASURE­ replacement: run the
SENSOR cedure in component
WITH THE replacement environ­
ENGINE ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
125E VALUE DE­ The error is caused by:
(4702) TECTING BY ­ Faulty lambda sensor
LAMBDA wiring
SENSOR ­ ­ Inaccurate or faulty
AN ELEC­ lambda sensor
TRIC VALUE ­ Problems concerning
OF 02 EX­ EGR actuators or injec­
CEEDING tion system.
THRESHOL Check operation of in­
D HAS BEEN jection system and EGR
DETECTED actuators. Check lambda
sensor wiring and re­
place sensor if needed. In
case of replacement: run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

1263 AIR TEM­ The error may be caused

(4707) PERATURE by the presence of short
SENSOR IN circuit of the sensor to
THE battery voltage or faulty
AIR­FLOW sensor. Check wiring.
METER ­ AN Check correct operation
ELECTRIC of sensor and replace it if
VALUE BEY­ necessary.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1269 PARTICU­ The error may have
(4713) LATE FILTER various causes.
­ TOO ­ Particular ambient
MUCH FIL­ conditions or improper
TER RE­ vehicle use (urban cycle)
GENERA­ which do not allow cor­
TIONS RE­ rect particulate trap
QUESTS (DPF) regeneration due
HAVE BEEN to excessively low ex­
DETECTED haust gas temperatures.
­ Temperature measured
by sensor upstream of
catalyser and/or up­
stream of particulate
trap (DPF) is excessively
­ Catalyser is not working
property (hydrocarbons
not burnt properly): in
the latter case there is
blue smoke and bad smell
in exhaust in addition to
the fault.
Check the temperature
sensor upstream of
catalyser and DPF. Check
correct operation of
catalyser. Check correct
operation of DPF. Run
particulate trap filter re­
generation procedure
using Easy to reduce the
amount of soot in filter. If
forced regeneration fails
and the fault persists:
contact market THD or
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1276 CYLINDER EDC17 has a function for _ run an engine test in
(4726) INJECTOR 3 ­ calibrating energising order to evaluate
CORREC­ time of each injector to performance of each
TION request an extremely cylinder and injector
FACTOR low amount of fuel in­ (run up test + com­
ABOVE LIM­ jection (zero delivery, for pression test)
IT UNDER example, when acceler­ _ inaccurate lambda
ator pedal is released). sensor signal may
The calibration is carried cause excessive cor­
out in several engine rection factor drifts.
points, for example ac­ Check reliability of
cording to vehicle speed lambda sensor signal,
and rail pressure. EDC17 e.g. by means of road
uses information on the test and acquiring
amount of oxygen lambda sensor para­
measured in exhaust meters in EDC17
(lambda sensor) to de­ parameter reading
termine whether the mode.
requested amount of
fuel corresponds to the
amount actually injected.
A fault is stored for each
single injector if the cor­
rection factor related to
times needed to obtain
“zero delivery” exceeds
given thresholds.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
12A6 COMBUS­ Too little fuel injected in
(4774) TION ­ CYL­ cylinder 3 or cylinder it­
INDER 3 self is faulty (no com­
LOW PER­ pression/no combus­
FORMANCE tion). Check combustion
regularity (idling or ac­
celeration test) and re­
place the injector if the
error persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
12D7 FUEL INJEC­ According to some data _ run an engine test
(4823) TION acquired during driving being particular at­
CHECK ­ IN­ cycles, EDC17 can adapt tention to run up test
JECTION the amount of fuel re­ and compression test
CORREC­ quired by injectors with
TION respect to the initially _ access EDC17
FACTOR mapped values in order parameter reading,
BEYOND to obtain the best pos­ acquire and evaluate
THE UPPER sible combustion ac­ the reliability of some
PERMITTED cording to the operating parameters during a
LIMIT conditions required by driving cycle starting
the engine and the limits from idling engine
established by pollution conditions: rpm, am­
prevention standards. bient temperature,
This correction function intake air amount,
is based on some para­ target air amount for
meters such as input air EGR device manage­
quantity (flow meter) ment, current oxygen
and amount of oxygen concentration, lambda
detected in exhaust sensor output voltage
(lambda sensor). The level, lambda heater
fault is stored if the cor­ resistance measure,
rection factor exceeds lambda heater tem­
certain limits. perature, accelerator
pedal position. The
objective is to check
whether the meas­
urements made by the
flow meter and the
lambda sensor may be
wrong consequently
influencing injection
corrector factor cal­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ check that IMA code
programmed in
EDC17 for each in­
jector corresponds to
the code actually
printed on each in­
jector (also check
code positioning se­
NOTE: run the re­
placement procedure
with Easy in EDC17 in
menu for replacing
either flow meter,
lambda sensor, inject­
ors. For the injector,
reprogram the IMA
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1319 EXHAUST The error may be caused
(4889) GAS TEM­ by the presence of short
PERATURE circuit to battery voltage
SENSOR AT or faulty sensor. Check
THE CATA­ wiring. Check correct
LYZATOR operation of the sensor
INPUT ­ AN and replace it if neces­

1327 EGR CON­ Signal of the EGR valve _position sensor wir­
(4903) TROL VALVE position sensor (EGR ing integrity and no
­ POSITION valve connector pin 4 to short circuits
SENSOR ­ A27 EDC17) is out of _component faults.
AN ELEC­ range (voltage >4.8V)
TRICAL for a given time.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1333 FUEL PRES­ A few instants after _ check the real pres­
(4915) SURE stopping the engine, the sure value and the
SENSOR ­ fuel pressure in the rail ambient pressure
RAIL PRES­ should drop to reach a value in EDC17 para­
SURE VALUE value close to ambient meter reading in Easy.
ABOVE pressure value (approx­ Furthermore, check
THRESHOL imately 1 bar). Con­ that during a driving
D DURING sequently EDC17 during cycle the measured
AFTER RUN after run following a fuel pressure follows
driving cycle compares the target fuel pres­
fuel pressure signal (rail sure required by
pressure signal) with EDC17.
ambient pressure signal _ fuel pressure sensor
(sensor on engine ECU). wiring integrity
A fault is stored if the _ fuel pressure sensor
value read by the fuel fault.
pressure sensor is higher
NOTE: If the fuel
than ambient pressure
pressure sensor is re­
beyond given limits.
placed, run the
procedure in EDC17
in component re­
placement environ­
ment with Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1357 AIR­FLOW The error may be caused
(4951) METER ­ by:
WORKING ­ Fouled or jammed flow
NOT meter
PLAUSIBLE ­ Inaccurate sensor
caused by aging or loss or
obstructions of intake
­ EGR actuator jammed
­ Faulty VTG/WG. Check
EGR actuators and check
actuator feeding pres­
Check cleanness of
sensor and check intake
system. Replace flow
meter if needed. In case
of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1376 INJECTOR EDC17 has a function for _ run an engine test in
(4982) CYLINDER 4 calibrating energising order to evaluate
­ CORREC­ time of each injector to performance of each
TION request an extremely cylinder and injector
FACTOR low amount of fuel in­ (run up test + com­
ABOVE LIM­ jection (zero delivery, for pression test)
IT UNDER example, when acceler­ _ inaccurate lambda
"ZERO" IN­ ator pedal is released). sensor signal may
JECTION The calibration is carried cause excessive cor­
CONDI­ out in several engine rection factor drifts.
TIONS points, for example ac­ Check reliability of
cording to vehicle speed lambda sensor signal,
and rail pressure. EDC17 e.g. by means of road
uses information on the test and acquiring
amount of oxygen lambda sensor para­
measured in exhaust meters in EDC17
(lambda sensor) to de­ parameter reading
termine whether the mode.
requested amount of
fuel corresponds to the
amount actually injected.
A fault is stored for each
single injector if the cor­
rection factor related to
times needed to obtain
“zero delivery” exceeds
given thresholds.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
13A6 COMBUS­ Too little fuel injected in
(5030) TION ­ CYL­ cylinder 4 or cylinder it­
INDER 4 self is faulty (no com­
LOW PER­ pression/no combus­
FORMANCE tion). Check combustion
regularity (idling or ac­
celeration test) and re­
place the injector if the
error persists.

1427 EGR CON­ Whenever the EGR ac­ _jamming or stiff

(5159) TROL VALVE tuator is all closed/open, mechanical move­
­ POSITION EDC check position ment of the compon­
SENSOR ­ sensor value (EGR valve ent (particularly in all
DETECTED connector pin 4 to A27 open/all closed posi­
AN ELEC­ EDC17). The error is tions)
TRICAL stored if the value is out _ position sensor wir­
VALUE of range for a given time. ing integrity and no
ABOVE short circuits
THRESHOL _ component faults.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
1476 INJECTOR EDC17 has a function for _ run an engine test in
(5238) CYLINDER 2 calibrating energising order to evaluate
­ CORREC­ time of each injector to performance of each
TION request an extremely cylinder and injector
FACTOR low amount of fuel in­ (run up test + com­
ABOVE LIM­ jection (zero delivery, for pression test)
IT UNDER example, when acceler­ _ inaccurate lambda
"ZERO" IN­ ator pedal is released). sensor signal may
JECTION The calibration is carried cause excessive cor­
CONDI­ out in several engine rection factor drifts.
TIONS points, for example ac­ Check reliability of
cording to vehicle speed lambda sensor signal,
and rail pressure. EDC17 e.g. by means of road
uses information on the test and acquiring
amount of oxygen lambda sensor para­
measured in exhaust meters in EDC17
(lambda sensor) to de­ parameter reading
termine whether the mode.
requested amount of
fuel corresponds to the
amount actually injected.
A fault is stored for each
single injector if the cor­
rection factor related to
times needed to obtain
“zero delivery” exceeds
given thresholds.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
14A6 COMBUS­ Too little fuel injected in
(5286) TION ­ CYL­ cylinder 2 or cylinder it­
INDER 2 self is faulty (no com­
LOW PER­ pression/no combus­
FORMANCE tion). Check combustion
regularity (idling or ac­
celeration test) and re­
place the injector if the
error persists.
1657 AIR­FLOW The error may be caused
(5719) METER ­ A by:
TOO HIGH ­ Fouled or jammed flow
AIR FLOW meter
CORREC­ ­ Inaccurate sensor
TION HAS caused by aging or loss or
BEEN DE­ obstructions of intake
TECTED manifold
WITH IDLE ­ EGR actuator jammed
Check EGR actuators
and check actuator
feeding pressure.
Check cleanness of
sensor and check intake
system. Replace flow
meter if needed. In case
of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
172A EXHAUST The error may be caused
(5930) GAS TEM­ by the exhaust gas tem­
PERATURE perature sensor before
SENSOR AT particulate trap which is
THE PAR­ measuring incorrect val­
TICULATE ues. Check wires and
FILTER IN­ connectors to check if
PUT ­ A TOO contact is correct (cor­
HIGH VALUE rosion). Check correct
HAS BEEN operation of sensor and
DETECTED replace it if needed.

1757 AIR­FLOW The error may be caused

(5975) METER ­ A by:
TOO HIGH ­ Fouled or jammed flow
AIR FLOW meter
CORREC­ ­ Inaccurate sensor
TION WITH caused by aging or loss or
ENGINE obstructions of intake
UNDER manifold
LOAD HAS ­ EGR actuator jammed
BEEN DE­ ­ Faulty VTG/WG.
TECTED Check EGR actuators
and check actuator
feeding pressure. Check
cleanness of sensor and
check intake system. Re­
place flow meter if
needed. In case of re­
placement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
192A EXHAUST The error may be caused
(6442) GAS TEM­ by the exhaust gas tem­
PERATURE perature sensor before
SENSOR AT particulate trap which is
THE PAR­ measuring incorrect val­
TICULATE ues. Check wires and
FILTER IN­ connectors to check if
PUT ­ A TOO contact is correct (cor­
HIGH VALUE rosion). Check correct
HAS BEEN operation of sensor and
DETECTED replace it if needed.

1C69 SWITCH The error may be caused

(7273) FOR EMER­ by high speed vehicle
GENCY RE­ emergency regeneration
GENERA­ switch pressure or faulty
TION OF switch. Check correct
PARTICU­ operation of particulate
LATE FILTER trap regeneration switch.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2113 COOLANT The error is due to faulty
(8467) TEMPERAT­ sensor or presence of
URE short circuit to earth.
SENSOR ­ Check wiring. Check
AN ELEC­ correct operation of
TRIC VALUE sensor and replace it if
BELOW necessary.

2117 EGR CHECK EDC compares the in­ _flow meter and re­
(8471) ­ A HIGHER coming air mass meas­ spective wiring
AIR FLOW ured by the flow meter _EGR/TVA actuator
VALUE with a calculated target (mechanical actuation
THAN THE value. A fault is stored difficulties) and re­
EXPECTED when the measured spective wiring
ONE HAS value is higher than ex­ _air intake circuit
BEEN DE­ pected. _EGR intake circuit
TECTED (obstructions).
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2118 BOOST AIR _run parameter ac­ Actual boost pressure
(8472) PRESSURE quisition during road measured by means of
CHECK ­ IN­ test with Easy in the respective sensor
JECTION EDC17 and record does not reach the boost
CORREC­ parameters related to: pressure calculated by
TION boost pressure, target EDC according to engine
FACTOR boot pressure, engine load and rpm. A fault is
HIGHER rpm, accelerator pedal stored if this difference
THAN THE position, EGR position, exceeds certain limits
EXPECTED TVA position, turbine and specifically if the
ONE geometry, intake air measured boost pres­
amount, target air for sure is HIGHER than the
EGR management. expected value.
Check if boost pressure
follows target pressure.
If it does not, try to es­
tablish the test condi­
tions in which the fault
occurs (e.g. engine load
request conditions etc.)
_ check for integrity of
fresh air intake system
and in EGR intake sys­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ run a turbine test
with respective engine
test function with Easy.
If the test result is neg­
ative, repeat the test by
connecting in parallel
vacuum meter of
99367121 kit to pipe
segment between
turbo control solenoid
valve and turbo mech­
anical valve to measure
vacuum in positions
defined by test (0 ­ 25%
­ 50% ­ 75% ­ 100%).
_ check for absence of
obstructions and in­
tegrity of vacuum sys­
tem or turbo control
solenoid valve. High
boost pressure could
be reached as engine
rpm increases if there is
no vacuum on turbo
actuator (the mechan­
ical turbo actuator is
normally closed)
_ check correct opera­
tion of EGR and TVA
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ check reliability of
boost pressure sensor
signal (boost pressure/­
ambient pressure with
engine idling or off) and
flow meter (intake air
amount parameter/­
target amount with
engine idling)
_ check for presence of
oxidation on turbine
mechanical actuator
hinge (NOTE: high
boost pressure peaks
would be reached if the
actuator remains
jammed in closed posi­
tion as engine rpm in­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
211D BATTERY The error may be caused
(8477) VOLTAGE by:
SENSOR ­ A ­ Faulty battery
TOO LOW ­ Faulty alternator
ELECTRICAL ­ Wiring problems (ex­
VALUE HAS cessively high resistance)
BEEN DE­ ­ Faulty ECU.
TECTED Fault may occur during
cold starts. Check ECU
power connections and
wiring. Check battery
recharge system effi­
ciency. Check battery
charge state.

211E LAMDA The error is due to:

(8478) SENSOR ­ Possible short circuit in
HEATING ­ wiring
SHORT CIR­ ­ Faulty lambda sensor
CUIT TO ­ Sensor electric power.
GROUND Check lambda sensor
wiring and replace
sensor if needed. In case
of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2127 EGR CON­ A position sensor inside _jamming or stiff
(8487) TROL VALVE the EGR actuator de­ mechanical move­
­ AN INCO­ tects the correct position ment of the compon­
HERENT assumed by the valve. A ent
POSITION fault is stored if the posi­ _check wiring, spe­
HAS BEEN tion does not coincide cifically EGR valve
DETECTED with the target reques­ power and earth
COMPARED ted by EDC (in detail: low (positive ­­> EGR
TO THE RE­ EGR recirculation). valve connector pin 5;
QUESTED earth ­­> EGR valve
POSITION ­ connector pin 3)
NOTE: Before storing
the fault EDC at­
tempts to release the
EGR valve by re­
questing rapid open­
ing/closing move­

2133 FUEL PRES­ EDC monitors voltage of _ wiring (for short

(8499) SURE fuel pressure sensor fit­ circuits)
SENSOR ­ ted on rail. A fault is _ fuel pressure sensor
AN ELEC­ stored if the voltage is fault.
TRICAL lower than 0.3V.
NOTE: If the fuel
pressure sensor is re­
placed, run the
procedure in EDC17
in component re­
placement environ­
ment with Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
213E LAMBDA The error is due to:
(8510) SENSOR ­ Possible short circuit in
TEMPERAT­ wiring
URE ­ A ­ Faulty lambda sensor
VALUE BE­ ­ Sensor electric power.
LOW Check lambda sensor
THRESHOL wiring and replace
D HAS BEEN sensor if needed. In case
DETECTED of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

2143 ECU TEM­ The error may be caused

(8515) PERATURE ­ by the presence of short
THE circuit to earth or faulty
SENSOR sensor. Check wiring.
DETECTED Check correct operation
A TOO of the sensor and replace
HIGH it if necessary. In case of
MEASURE replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2147 AIR­FLOW The error is caused by
(8519) METER ­ faulty flow meter or
THE PRO­ faulty sensor wiring.
CESSED AIR Check wiring. Check
FLOW correct operation of the
VALUE flow meter and replace it
READ BY if necessary. In case of
THE replacement: run the
THRESHOL cedure in component
D replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
2153 FUEL TEM­ The error may be caused
(8531) PERATURE by the presence of short
SENSOR ­ circuit to earth or faulty
AN ELEC­ sensor. Check wiring.
TRIC VALUE Check correct operation
BELOW of the sensor and replace
THRESHOL it if necessary.
NOTE: This error may al­
ternatively be detected
in case of excessively high
fuel temperature (> 350
°C), e.g. caused by hot
total EGR flow or pres­
ence of fire.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2157 AIR­FLOW The error may be caused
(8535) METER – by:
DETECTED ­ Fouled or jammed flow
DEVIATION ­ Inaccurate sensor
OF THE AIR caused by aging or loss or
FLOW obstructions of intake
MEASURE­ manifold
MENT FROM ­ EGR actuator jammed
THE ­ Faulty VTG/WG.
SENSOR Check EGR actuators
and check actuator
feeding pressure. Check
cleanness of sensor and
check intake system. Re­
place flow meter if
needed. In case of re­
placement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

2161 PRESSURE The error may be caused

(8545) CIRCUIT by the presence of short
SENSOR circuit to earth or faulty
FOR AIR sensor. Check wiring.
CONDI­ Check correct operation
TIONING ­ of sensor and replace it if
AN ELEC­ necessary.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2173 FUEL TEM­ The error may be caused
(8563) PERATURE by the presence of short
SENSOR ­ circuit to earth or faulty
AN ELEC­ sensor. Check wiring.
TRIC VALUE Check correct operation
BELOW of the sensor and replace
THRESHOL it if necessary.
2176 INJECTOR EDC17 has a function for _ run an engine test in
(8566) CYLINDER 1 calibrating energising order to evaluate
­ CORREC­ time of each injector to performance of each
TION request an extremely cylinder and injector
FACTOR low amount of fuel in­ (run up test + com­
ABOVE LIM­ jection (zero delivery, for pression test)
IT BELOW example, when acceler­ _ inaccurate lambda
"ZERO" IN­ ator pedal is released). sensor signal may
JECTION The calibration is carried cause excessive cor­
CONDI­ out in several engine rection factor drifts.
TIONS points, for example ac­ Check reliability of
cording to vehicle speed lambda sensor signal,
and rail pressure. EDC17 e.g. by means of road
uses information on the test and acquiring
amount of oxygen lambda sensor para­
measured in exhaust meters in EDC17
(lambda sensor) to de­ parameter reading
termine whether the mode.
requested amount of
fuel corresponds to the
amount actually injected.
A fault is stored for each
single injector if the cor­
rection factor related to
times needed to obtain
“zero delivery” exceeds
given thresholds.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
217C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(8572) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

217D ECU SUPPLY The error caused by in­

(8573) ­ A TOO sufficient power voltage
LOW of components inside
VOLTAGE ECU caused by:
HAS BEEN ­ Low battery voltage
DETECTED ­ Faulty wiring
­ Fault inside ECU. Check
battery charge state.
Check wiring. If the error
persists, replace the ECU
(internal fault).
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2182 AIR CON­ The error caused by
(8578) DITINING ­ faulty ambient pressure
CIRCUIT sensor in ECU. Discon­
PRESSURE nect battery power ter­
TOO LOW minal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
2193 ENVIRON­ The error caused by
(8595) MENT faulty ambient pressure
PRESSURE sensor in ECU. Discon­
SENSOR ­ nect battery power ter­
AN ELEC­ minal. Check correct
TRICAL ECU power wiring. Re­
VALUE BEY­ connect battery power
OND terminal. Power ECU
THRESHOL and clear error memory.
D HAS BEEN Contact market THD or
DETECTED CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
21A4 ENGINE ECU cannot manage en­
(8612) REVS CON­ gine rpm correctly. The
TROL ­ error caused by injection
LOWER system problems or in­
LIMIT OF jector out of operating
CALCU­ range. Check injectors
LATED and replace them if
SPEED EX­ needed.
21A6 COMBUS­ The error occurred
(8614) TION ­ CYL­ when there is too much
INDER 4 fuel in injector of cylinder
TOO HIGH 1 (injector jammed
PERFORM­ open). Check combus­
ANCE tion regularity (idling or
acceleration test) and
replace the injector if the
error persists.
2217 EGR CHECK EDC compares the in­ _flow meter and re­
(8727) ­ A HIGHER coming air mass meas­ spective wiring
AIR FLOW ured by the flow meter _EGR/TVA actuator
VALUE with a calculated target (mechanical actuation
THAN THE value during a DPF gen­ difficulties) and re­
EXPECTED eration process. A fault is spective wiring
ONE HAS stored when the meas­ _air intake circuit
BEEN DE­ ured value is higher than _EGR intake circuit
TECTED expected. (obstructions).
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
223E LAMBDA The error may be caused
(8766) SENSOR by:
SUPPLY ­ A ­ Faulty wiring
TOO LOW ­ Faulty lambda sensor
VOLTAGE ­ Sensor electric power.
VALUE ON Check lambda sensor
THE ECU wiring and replace
SIDE HAS sensor if needed. In case
BEEN DE­ of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

2243 BOOST AIR ECU checks electric sig­ ­ Wiring (short cir­
(8771) PRESSURE nal from boost pressure cuits to earth or open
SENSOR ­ sensor. Fault is stored if circuits)
SIGNAL BE­ signal < 0.2V. ­ Sensor.
NOTE: EDC uses a
boost pressure re­
placement value when
the fault is stored.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2247 AIR­FLOW The error is caused by
(8775) METER – faulty flow meter or
DETECTED faulty sensor wiring.
AN EXCESS Check wiring. Check
DEVIATION correct operation of the
OF THE AIR flow meter and replace it
FLOW if necessary. In case of
MEASURE­ replacement: run the
SENSOR cedure in component
WITH THE replacement environ­
ENGINE ment in Easy.

2253 BOOST AIR ECU electrically checks _ wiring (absence of

(8787) TEMPERAT­ temperature signal from short circuits)
URE boost air pressure and _ faulty boost air
SENSOR ­ temperature sensor. temperature and
AN ELEC­ Fault is stored if signal is pressure sensor.
TRIC VALUE lower than 0.16V.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2255 DRV PRES­ Real pressure may be
(8789) SURE REG­ lower than specifications.
ULATOR ­ This may be caused by
ADAPTING current loss (partial
CALCU­ short circuit in wiring)
LATED which does not pass
FACTOR through pressure con­
TOO LOW trol valve. Faulty fuel
control valve. Check
wiring and pressure
control valve. If the
problem is caused by
valve malfunction, re­
place the valve and run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
2257 AIR­FLOW The error is caused by
(8791) METER – faulty flow meter or
DETECTED faulty sensor wiring.
A NEGATIVE Check wiring. Check
DEVIATION correct operation of the
OF THE AIR flow meter and replace it
FLOW if necessary. In case of
MEASURE­ replacement: run the
SENSOR cedure in component
WITH THE replacement environ­
ENGINE ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
225E VALUE DE­ The error is caused by:
(8798) TECTING BY ­ Faulty lambda sensor
LAMBDA wiring
SENSOR ­ ­ Inaccurate or faulty
AN ELEC­ lambda sensor
TRIC VALUE ­ Problems concerning
OF 02 UN­ EGR actuators or injec­
DER tion system.
THRESHOL Check operation of in­
D HAS BEEN jection system and EGR
DETECTED actuators. Check lambda
sensor wiring and re­
place sensor if needed. In
case of replacement: run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

2263 AIR TEM­ The error may be caused

(8803) PERATURE by the presence of short
SENSOR IN circuit to earth or faulty
THE sensor. Check wiring.
AIR­FLOW Check correct operation
METER ­ AN of sensor and replace it if
ELECTRIC necessary.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2276 INJECTOR EDC17 has a function for _ run an engine test in
(8822) CYLINDER 3 calibrating energising order to evaluate
­ CORREC­ time of each injector to performance of each
TION request an extremely cylinder and injector
FACTOR low amount of fuel in­ (run up test + com­
BELOW jection (zero delivery, for pression test)
LIMIT UN­ example, when acceler­ _ inaccurate lambda
DER "ZERO" ator pedal is released). sensor signal may
INJECTION The calibration is carried cause excessive cor­
CONDI­ out in several engine rection factor drifts.
TIONS points, for example ac­ Check reliability of
cording to vehicle speed lambda sensor signal,
and rail pressure. EDC17 e.g. by means of road
uses information on the test and acquiring
amount of oxygen lambda sensor para­
measured in exhaust meters in EDC17
(lambda sensor) to de­ parameter reading
termine whether the mode.
requested amount of
fuel corresponds to the
amount actually injected.
A fault is stored for each
single injector if the cor­
rection factor related to
times needed to obtain
“zero delivery” exceeds
given thresholds.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
22A6 COMBUS­ The error occurs due to
(8870) TION ­ CYL­ much fuel in injector of
INDER 3 cylinder 3 (injector
TOO HIGH jammed open). Check
PERFORM­ combustion regularity
ANCE (idling or acceleration
test) and replace the in­
jector if the error per­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
22D7 FUEL INJEC­ According to some data _ run an engine test
(8919) TION acquired during driving being particular at­
CHECK ­ IN­ cycles, EDC17 can adapt tention to run up test
JECTION the amount of fuel re­ and compression test
CORREC­ quired by injectors with
TION respect to the initially _ access EDC17
FACTOR mapped values in order parameter reading,
BEYOND to obtain the best pos­ acquire and evaluate
THE LOWER sible combustion ac­ the reliability of some
PERMITTED cording to the operating parameters during a
LIMIT conditions required by driving cycle starting
the engine and the limits from idling engine
established by pollution conditions: rpm, am­
prevention standards. bient temperature,
This correction function intake air amount,
is based on some para­ target air amount for
meters such as input air EGR device manage­
quantity (flow meter) ment, current oxygen
and amount of oxygen concentration, lambda
detected in exhaust sensor output voltage
(lambda sensor). The level, lambda heater
fault is stored if the cor­ resistance measure,
rection factor exceeds lambda heater tem­
certain limits. perature, accelerator
pedal position. The
objective is to check
whether the meas­
urements made by the
flow meter and the
lambda sensor may be
wrong consequently
influencing injection
corrector factor cal­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ check that IMA code
programmed in
EDC17 for each in­
jector corresponds to
the code actually
printed on each in­
jector (also check
code positioning se­
NOTE: run the re­
placement procedure
with Easy in EDC17 in
menu for replacing
either flow meter,
lambda sensor, inject­
ors. For the injector,
reprogram the IMA

2319 EXHAUST The error may be caused

(8985) GAS TEM­ by the presence of short
PERATURE circuit to earth or faulty
SENSOR AT sensor. Check wiring.
THE CATA­ Check correct operation
LYZATOR of the sensor and replace
INPUT ­ AN it if necessary.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2327 EGR CON­ Signal of the EGR valve _position sensor wir­
(8999) TROL VALVE position sensor (EGR ing integrity and no
­ POSITION valve connector pin 4 to short circuits
SENSOR ­ A27 EDC17) is out of _component faults.
AN ELEC­ range (voltage >0.2V)
TRICAL for a given time.

2333 FUEL PRES­ A few instants after _ real pressure value

(9011) SURE stopping the engine, the and the ambient
SENSOR ­ fuel pressure in the rail pressure value in
RAIL PRES­ should drop to reach a EDC17 parameter
SURE VALUE value close to ambient reading in Easy. Fur­
BELOW pressure value (approx­ thermore, check that
THRESHOL imately 1 bar). Con­ during a driving cycle
D DURING sequently EDC17 during the measured fuel
AFTER RUN after run following a pressure follows the
driving cycle compares target fuel pressure
fuel pressure signal (rail required by EDC17.
pressure signal) with _ fuel pressure sensor
ambient pressure signal wiring integrity
(sensor on engine ECU). _ fuel pressure sensor
A fault is stored if the fault.
value read by the fuel
NOTE: If the fuel
pressure sensor is lower
pressure sensor is re­
than ambient pressure
placed, run the
beyond given limits.
procedure in EDC17
in component re­
placement environ­
ment with Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2376 INJECTOR EDC17 has a function for _ run an engine test in
(9078) CYLINDER 4 calibrating energising order to evaluate
­ CORREC­ time of each injector to performance of each
TION request an extremely cylinder and injector
FACTOR low amount of fuel in­ (run up test + com­
BELOW jection (zero delivery, for pression test)
LIMIT UN­ example, when acceler­ _ inaccurate lambda
DER "ZERO" ator pedal is released). sensor signal may
INJECTION The calibration is carried cause excessive cor­
CONDI­ out in several engine rection factor drifts.
TIONS points, for example ac­ Check reliability of
cording to vehicle speed lambda sensor signal,
and rail pressure. EDC17 e.g. by means of road
uses information on the test and acquiring
amount of oxygen lambda sensor para­
measured in exhaust meters in EDC17
(lambda sensor) to de­ parameter reading
termine whether the mode.
requested amount of
fuel corresponds to the
amount actually injected.
A fault is stored for each
single injector if the cor­
rection factor related to
times needed to obtain
“zero delivery” exceeds
given thresholds.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
23A6 COMBUS­ The error occurred
(9126) TION ­ CYL­ when there is too much
INDER 4 fuel in injector of cylinder
TOO HIGH 4 (injector jammed
PERFORM­ open). Check combus­
ANCE tion regularity (idling or
acceleration test) and
replace the injector if the
error persists.

2427 EGR CON­ Whenever the EGR ac­ _jamming or stiff

(9255) TROL VALVE tuator is all closed/open, mechanical move­
­ POSITION EDC check position ment of the compon­
SENSOR ­ sensor value (EGR valve ent (particularly in all
DETECTED connector pin 4 to A27 open/all closed posi­
AN ELEC­ EDC17). The error is tions)
TRICAL stored if the value is out _position sensor wir­
VALUE BE­ of range for a given time. ing integrity and no
LOW short circuits
THRESHOL _component faults.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2476 INJECTOR EDC17 has a function for _ run an engine test in
(9334) CYLINDER 2 calibrating energising order to evaluate
­ CORREC­ time of each injector to performance of each
TION request an extremely cylinder and injector
FACTOR low amount of fuel in­ (run up test + com­
ABOVE LIM­ jection (zero delivery, for pression test)
IT BELOW example, when acceler­ _ inaccurate lambda
"ZERO" IN­ ator pedal is released). sensor signal may
JECTION The calibration is carried cause excessive cor­
CONDI­ out in several engine rection factor drifts.
TIONS points, for example ac­ Check reliability of
cording to vehicle speed lambda sensor signal,
and rail pressure. EDC17 e.g. by means of road
uses information on the test and acquiring
amount of oxygen lambda sensor para­
measured in exhaust meters in EDC17
(lambda sensor) to de­ parameter reading
termine whether the mode.
requested amount of
fuel corresponds to the
amount actually injected.
A fault is stored for each
single injector if the cor­
rection factor related to
times needed to obtain
“zero delivery” exceeds
given thresholds.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
24A6 COMBUS­ The error occurred
(9382) TION ­ CYL­ when there is too much
INDER 2 fuel in injector of cylinder
TOO HIGH 2 (injector jammed
PERFORM­ open). Check combus­
ANCE tion regularity (idling or
acceleration test) and
replace the injector if the
error persists.

2517 INFO : EGR No intervention is re­

(9495) FUNCTION quired.
2523 COOLANT The error may be caused
(9507) PRESSURE ­ by:
A NOT SUF­ ­ Faulty pressure switch.
FICIENT ­ Faulty wiring (presence
PRESSURE of open circuits).
HAS BEEN ­ Dispersion in cooling
DETECTED system.
­ Faulty cooling pump.
Check pressure switch
and wiring. Check cool­
ing system for leakages.
Check cooling pump.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2657 AIR­FLOW The error may be caused
(9815) METER ­ AN by:
INSUFFI­ ­ Fouled or jammed flow
FLOW ­ Inaccurate sensor
CORREC­ caused by aging, leakage
TION WITH or intake manifold ob­
ENGINE AT struction
IDLE HAS ­ EGR actuator jammed
BEEN DE­ ­ Faulty VTG/WG.
TECTED Check EGR actuators
and increase actuator
feeding pressure. Check
cleanness of sensor and
check intake system. Re­
place flow meter if
needed. Run the FLOW
procedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2757 AIR­FLOW The error may be caused
(10071) METER ­ AN by:
INSUFFI­ ­ Fouled or jammed flow
FLOW ­ Inaccurate sensor
CORREC­ caused by aging, leakage
TION WITH or intake manifold ob­
ENGINE struction
UNDER ­ EGR actuator jammed
BEEN DE­ Check EGR actuators
TECTED and increase actuator
feeding pressure. Check
cleanness of sensor and
check intake system. Re­
place flow meter if
needed. Run the FLOW
procedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
2769 PARTICU­ The error may be caused
(10089) LATE FILTER by:
­ A LOW ­ Filter not installed or
RESISTANCE presence of internal in­
VALUE OF terference
EXAUST ­ Pressure sensor meas­
GAS FLOW uring low values due to
HAS BEEN broken pipe before
DETECTED sensor or sensor failure.
Check that filter is con­
nect installed and work­
ing (no black smoke in
­ Check integrity of dif­
ferential pressure sensor
hose (upstream DPF).
­ Check differential
pressure sensor. In case
of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
31000 ECU TEM­ The error caused by
(200704) PERATURE ­ temperature sensor de­
A TOO tection in ECU. Discon­
HIGH IN­ nect battery power ter­
TERNAL minal. Check correct
TEMPER­ ECU power wiring. Re­
ATURA connect battery power
VALUE HAS terminal. Power ECU
BEEN DE­ and clear error memory.
TECTED Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
3113 COOLANT The error may be caused
(12563) TEMPERAT­ by coolant temperature
URE sensor out of range.
SENSOR ­ Check correct operation
TEST ­ A of sensor and replace it if
NOT necessary.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3131 SENSOR ON The error may be caused
(12593) BRAKE PED­ by:
AL ­ THE ­ Incorrect wiring or as­
STATUS OF sembly of sensor on
TWO brake pedal. ­ Short cir­
SWITCHES IS cuit in one of the sensor
NOT CO­ switches.
HERENT ­ Sensor circuit has a dis­
connected wire. Check
correct installation of
brake pedal sensor.
Check wiring and cor­
rect operation of sensor
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3143 BOOST AIR The boost air pressure After having saved and
(12611) PRESSURE ­ sensor and the atmo­ deleted the fault from
ENVIRON­ spheric pressure sensor memory EDC, access
MENT AND must be very similar in EDC17 parameter
BOOST AIR absence of air boosting reading with Easy, read
PRESSURE (e.g. engine off and key and compare the am­
ARE DIF­ on). A fault is stored if the bient and boost pres­
FERENT AT absolute difference sure values (if possi­
STARTING between two pressure ble, compare with the
values when the engine is real atmosphere pres­
cranked (engine rpm < sure measured using
850 rpm; injection < 7 an external tool or
mg/hub) is higher than compare with the sa­
0.07bar. me diagnostic para­
meter using Easy mea­
sured on another ve­
hicle). ECU uses a cal­
culated boost pressu­
re replacement value
when the fault is sto­
red. In case of replace­
ment: run the BOOST
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3149 PARTICU­ The error may have
(12617) LATE FILTER various causes:
­ DIFFEREN­ ­ differential pressure
TIAL PRES­ sensor fault
SURE ­ interrupted or ob­
SENSOR ­ structed hoses con­
NOT necting sensor to filter
PLAUSIBLE ­ problems concerning
MEASURE­ particulate trap. Check
MENT differential pressure
sensor efficiency and
connection hoses to fil­
ter. Check particulate
trap integrity if problem
persists. If one or more
parts are replaced: run
the appropriate proced­
ure in component re­
placement environment
using Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3153 BOOST AIR When starting the en­ _ access EDC17
(12627) TEMPERAT­ gine after a long stops parameter reading
URE (parking time > 5h), EDC with Easy, with the
SENSOR ­ checks the plausibility of engine cold, and
PLAUSIBIL­ the temperature signal compare the boost air
ITY ERROR from the boost air pres­ temperature and the
DURING sure and temperature coolant temperature.
COLD sensor. In these condi­ Compare with ambi­
START tions, it is assumed that ent temperature (the
the engine is cold and air temperature read
consequently ambient by the air flow meter
temperature, engine when engine is cold
coolant temperature and should be very close
booster air temperature to ambient temper­
should be very similar. ature) to see which
EDC compares boost air temperature is out of
temperature with engine range. Check wiring
coolant temperature. A (no short circuits,
fault is stored if the ab­ resistance higher than
solute difference is out of normal) and check if
given limits. the sensor whose
temperature meas­
urement is out of
range is faulty.
TIP: If the fault does
not reoccur, check
stored error and/or
data in ambient con­
ditions to see if EDC
stored temperatures
when the fault were
detected and stored.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3241 CLUTCH The error may be caused
(12865) PEDAL by:
SENSOR ­ ­ Faulty clutch pedal
SIGNAL sensor
NOT ­ Interrupted wiring or
PLAUSIBLE presence of short circuit
to earth
­ Improper vehicle use
(starting engine with
gear engaged or shifting
without pressing the
clutch etc.)
Check clutch pedal
sensor. Check wiring in­
tegrity and for presence
of short circuit.
325D ECU IN­ The error is due to in­
(12893) TERNAL ternal ECU fault. Dis­
CHECKS ­ connect battery power
FAULT DE­ terminal. Check correct
TECTED ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3291 CRUISE The error caused by a
(12945) CONTROL ­ fault in cruise control
IRREVERS­ switches or wiring fault.
IBLE FAULT Check cruise control
CAUSED BY switches. Check wiring.
3313 COOLANT The error is caused by:
(13075) TEMPERAT­ ­ Excessive coolant tem­
URE perature caused by
SENSOR ­ presence of additional
TEST ­ A heaters and very cold
NOT external temperature
PLAUSIBLE ­ Additional electric res­
VALUE HAS istance in cables (cor­
BEEN DE­ roded connector)
TECTED ­ Inaccurate sensor (but
COMPARED within its signal range)
TO THE EN­ ­ Thermostat jammed in
GINE open position.
WORKING Make sure that the en­
gine is not running in ex­
treme environmental
conditions. Check wires
and connectors (corro­
sion). Check thermostat
functionality. Check
sensor accuracy and op­
eration. Replace it if
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3343 BOOST AIR ECU compares boost ­ reliability of boost
(13123) PRESSURE pressure value with am­ pressure by reading
SENSOR ­ A bient pressure when the the respective para­
TOO HIGH engine is running at low meter on Easy. Boost
VALUE HAS rpm and low load. A fault pressure when engine
BEEN DE­ is stored if boost pres­ is idling or off must be
TECTED sure sensor is 0.07 bars very close to ambient
COMPARED higher than atmospheric pressure. If required,
TO THE EN­ pressure. replace the boost
VIRON­ pressure sensor after
MENT having cleaned it to
PRESSURE remove dirt
SENSOR ­ check integrity of
wiring and connec­
tions, short circuit in­
sulation. In case of re­
placement: run the
procedure in com­
ponent replacement
environment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3357 AIR­FLOW The error may be caused
(13143) METER ­ by:
WORKING ­ Fouled or jammed flow
NOT meter
PLAUSIBLE ­ Inaccurate sensor
caused by aging or loss or
obstructions of intake
­ EGR actuator jammed
­ Faulty VTG/WG.
Check EGR actuators
and check actuator
feeding pressure. Check
cleanness of sensor and
check intake system. Re­
place flow meter if
needed. In case of re­
placement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
335E LAMBDA The error may be caused
(13150) SENSOR by:
VALUE DE­ ­ Gas exhaust system
TECTING ­ A obstructed or leakage.
LOWER 02 ­ Faulty lambda sensor
CONCEN­ wiring
TRATION ­ Incorrect lambda
VALUE HAS sensor or flow meter
BEEN DE­ ­ Injection system prob­
TECTED lems (e.g. leaky injectors)
COMPARED Gas exhaust system.
TO THE Check flow meter ac­
CALCU­ curacy. Check lambda
LATED sensor wiring and accur­
VALUE acy. Check lambda sensor
wiring and replace
sensor if needed. In case
of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3391 CRUISE The error caused by a
(13201) CONTROL ­ fault in cruise control
REVERSIBLE switches or wiring fault.
FAULT Check cruise control
CAUSED BY switches. Check wiring.

3411 VEHICLE The error may be caused

(13329) SPEED by:
SENSOR ­ A ­ Faulty speed sensor.
NOT ­ Vehicle speed not
PLAUSIBLE compatible with engine
VALUE load conditions (e.g. due
COMPARED to presence of PTO) or
TO THE EN­ when attempting to
GINE warm up the engine
WORKING when temperature is
HAS BEEN very cold and oil very
Check vehicle speed
Check if external PTO is
in use.
Check if fault occurs at
very low engine tem­
perature (< ­10 ° C)
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3413 COOLANT The error is caused by:
(13331) TEMPERAT­ ­ Excessive coolant tem­
URE perature caused by
SENSOR ­ presence of additional
DYNAMIC heaters and very cold
TEST ­ A external temperature
NOT ­ Additional electric res­
PLAUSIBLE istance in cables (cor­
VALUE HAS roded connector)
BEEN DE­ ­ Inaccurate sensor (but
TECTED within its signal range)
COMPARED ­ Thermostat jammed in
TO THE EN­ open position.
GINE Make sure that engine is
WORKING not running in extreme
environmental condi­
tions. Check wires and
connectors (corrosion).
Check sensor accuracy
and operation. Replace it
if needed. Check ther­
mostat functionality.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3443 BOOST AIR ECU compares boost ­ reliability of boost
(13379) PRESSURE pressure value with am­ pressure by reading
SENSOR ­ A bient pressure when the the respective para­
TOO LOW engine is running at low meter on Easy. Boost
VALUE HAS rpm and low load. A fault pressure when engine
BEEN DE­ is stored if boost pres­ is idling or off must be
TECTED sure sensor is 0.07 bars very close to ambient
COMPARED higher than atmospheric pressure. If required,
TO THE EN­ pressure. replace the boost
VIRON­ pressure sensor after
MENT having cleaned it to
PRESSURE remove dirt
SENSOR ­ check integrity of
wiring and connec­
tions, short circuit in­
In case of replace­
ment: run the BOOST
procedure in com­
ponent replacement
environment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
345E LAMBDA The error may be caused
(13406) SENSOR by:
VALUE DE­ ­ Gas exhaust system
TECTING ­ A obstructed or leakage.
HIGHER 02 ­ Faulty lambda sensor
CONCEN­ wiring
TRATION ­ Incorrect lambda
VALUE HAS sensor or flow meter
BEEN DE­ ­ Injection system prob­
TECTED lems (e.g. leaky injectors)
COMPARED Gas exhaust system.
TO CALCU­ Check flow meter ac­
LATED curacy. Check lambda
VALUE sensor wiring and accur­
acy. Check lambda sensor
wiring and replace
sensor if needed. In case
of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

3523 COOLANT The error may be caused

(13603) PRESSURE ­ by faulty wiring (short
INCOHER­ circuit) or faulty pressure
ENT switch (jammed closed).
SENSOR Check wiring. Check
BEHAVIOR correct operation of the
pressure switch and re­
place it if necessary.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
3559 PARTICU­ The error may have
(13657) LATE FILTER various causes:
­ DIFFEREN­ ­ differential pressure
TIAL PRES­ sensor fault
SURE ­ interrupted or ob­
SENSOR ­ structed hoses or incor­
NOT rect assembly of hoses
PLAUSIBLE connecting sensor to fil­
MENT ­ IN­ Check differential pres­
TERVETED sure sensor efficiency
PIPES and connection hoses to
filter. In case of replace­
ment: run the DELTA P
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

35D3 ENGINE OIL The error may be caused

(13779) TEMPERAT­ by oil temperature
URE ­ TEST ­ sensor out of range.
A NOT Check correct operation
PLAUSIBLE of sensor and replace it if
VALUE necessary.
4111 SPEED The error may be caused
(16657) VEHICLE by faulty operation or in­
SENSOR ­ correct vehicle speed
AN ERROR sensor. Check correct
HAS BEEN operation of sensor and
DETECTED replace it if needed.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
411E LAMDA The error is due to:
(16670) SENSOR ­ Damaged or discon­
HEATING ­ nected wiring.
OPEN CIR­ ­ Faulty lambda sensor
CUIT Check lambda sensor
wiring and replace
sensor if needed. In case
of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

412E LAMBDA The error is caused by:

(16686) SENSOR ­ Wiring fault
CONNEC­ ­ Faulty lambda sensor
TION ­ Check wiring. Check
OPEN CIR­ correct operation of
CUIT ON lambda sensor and re­
PIN place it if necessary. In
"NERNST" case of replacement: run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
4131 BRAKE PED­ The error may be caused
(16689) AL SIGNAL ­ by:
CAN LINE ­ Incorrect wiring or as­
MESSAGE sembly of sensor on
NOT CO­ brake pedal.
HERENT ­ Short circuit in one of
WITH the sensor switches.
SWITCHES ­ Sensor circuit has a dis­
STATUS connected wire.
Check correct installa­
tion of brake pedal
sensor. Check wiring and
correct operation of
sensor switches.

4147 AIR­FLOW The error is caused by

(16711) METER ­ faulty flow meter or
ERROR ON faulty sensor wiring.
SENSOR Check wiring. Check
DETECTED correct operation of the
BY IN IN­ flow meter and replace it
TERNAL if necessary. In case of
ECU DEVICE replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
4154 ENGINE The error is caused by:
(16724) REVS DE­ ­ Faulty or missing cam­
TECTING ­ shaft rpm sensor.
CAMSHAFT ­ Presence of open cir­
SENSOR ­ cuit in wiring.
SIGNAL AB­ Check that sensor is fit­
SENT ted correctly. Check
wiring. Check correct
operation of sensor and
replace it if needed.

4181 GEARBOX The error caused by

(16769) NEUTRAL faulty gearbox sensor.
POSITION ­ Check correct operation
ERROR of the sensor and replace
MESSAGE it if necessary.
422E LAMBDA The error is caused by:
(16942) SENSOR ­ Wiring fault
CONNEC­ ­ Faulty lambda sensor
TION ­ Check wiring. Check
OPEN CIR­ correct operation of
CUIT ON lambda sensor and re­
PIN "PUMP place it if necessary. In
CELL" OF case of replacement: run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
4254 ENGINE The error is due to:
(16980) REVS DE­ ­ Crankshaft speed
TECTING ­ sensor faulty, not fitted
CRANK­ correctly or not elec­
SHAFT trically connected.
SENSOR ­ ­ Presence of open cir­
SIGNAL AB­ cuits or short circuits.
SENT Check that sensor is fit­
ted correctly. Check
wiring (for short circuits
or open circuits). Check
correct operation of
sensor and replace it if

432E LAMBDA The error is caused by:

(17198) SENSOR ­ Wiring fault
CONNEC­ ­ Faulty lambda sensor
TION ­ Check wiring. Check
OPEN CIR­ correct operation of
CUIT ON lambda sensor and re­
PIN "VG" OF place it if necessary. In
SENSOR case of replacement: run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
4354 ENGINE Camshaft rpm speed
(17236) REVS DE­ signal is not stable. This
TECTING ­ may be caused by:
CAMSHAFT ­ False contact
SENSOR ­ ­ Sensor not fitted cor­
SIGNAL rectly
DISTURBED ­ Electric interference
caused by damage to the
wiring insulation.
­ Electric interference
due to particular electric
features. Check correct
operation and correct
installation of camshaft
timing sensor (evaluate
electric signal pattern).
Check if sensor is fixed
correctly (it should not
be mobile). Check wiring
and contacts. Check
whether high efficiency
electric connections are
installed (components
validated by vehicle
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
4454 ENGINE The error may be caused
(17492) REVS DE­ by:
TECTING ­ ­ High vibration of
CRANK­ crankshaft sensor.
SHAFT ­ False contact.
SENSOR ­ ­ Electric interference
SIGNAL caused by damage to the
DISTURBED wiring insulation.
­ Electric distortion
caused by presence of
external electromag­
netic interference.
Check if sensor is fixed
correctly (it should not
be mobile). Check wiring
and contacts. Check
whether high efficiency
electric connections are
installed (components
validated by vehicle

452E LAMBDA The error is caused by

(17710) SENSOR fault in ECU (SPI chip).
CONNEC­ Check correct operation
TION ­ of lambda sensor and
DEVICE ER­ replaced ECU if the er­
ROR ror persists.

5124 COOLING The error due to dam­

(20772) FAN CON­ aged wiring or discon­
TROL ­ 1 nected or faulty relay.
OPEN CIR­ Check wiring. Check and
CUIT replace fan actuator.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
5127 EGR CON­ EDC detects open circuit _ wiring and connec­
(20775) TROL VALVE to earth on the EGR ac­ tions
­ OPEN CIR­ tuator solenoid valve.

5137 TVA EDC detects open circuit _wiring interruptions,

(20791) THROTTLE on TVA. connections, com­
VALVE ­ ponent.

5144 PRE­WARM­ The error due to dam­

(20804) ING GLOW aged wiring or faulty glow
PLUG RELAY plug relay.
­ OPEN CIR­ Check wiring.
CUIT Check if relay is present.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
5145 DOSING Fault is stored if EDC _ wiring between
(20805) VALVE ON detects open circuit on EDC17 and high
HIGH PRES­ high pressure pump pressure pump regu­
SURE PUMP ­ pressure regulator. lator
OPEN CIR­ _ component faults.
NOTE: If not con­
trolled by EDC, the
high pressure pump
pressure regulator is
normally open. This
means that the high
pressure pump sup­
plies maximum fuel
pressure to the rail.
The system is protec­
ted using the pressure
limiting valve fitted on
the rail controlled by
EDC17, in combina­
tion to the rail pres­
sure sensor signal.
Engine cranking takes
longer if regulator
circuit is open.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
5155 DRV PRES­ The error due to dam­
(20821) SURE REG­ aged wiring or discon­
ULATOR ­ nected or faulty pressure
OPEN CIR­ control valve relay. Check
CUIT wiring. Check pressure
regulation valve. If the
problem is caused by
valve malfunction, re­
place the valve and run
cedure in component
replacement environ­

5166 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between

(20838) INJECTOR 1 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
OPEN CIR­ stored if an open circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT condition is detected.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
5172 HEATED The error due to dam­
(20850) FUEL FILTER aged wiring or discon­
RELAY ­ nected or faulty fuel filter
OPEN CIR­ heater. Check wiring
CUIT (presence of open cir­
cuits). Replace fuel filter

5182 COM­ The error due to dam­

(20866) PRESSOR aged wiring or discon­
CONTROL nected or faulty relay.
RELAY ­ AIR Check wiring. Replace
CONDI­ relay if damaged.

51A2 ENGINE The error due to dam­

(20898) REVS ­ aged wiring or discon­
CONNEC­ nected or faulty tacho­
TION TO meter. Check wiring
TACHO­ between ECU and ta­
METER ­ chometer. Check tacho­
OPEN CIR­ meter and replace it if
CUIT needed.

51B2 FUEL ELEC­ The error due to dam­

(20914) TROPUMP aged wiring or discon­
RELAY ­ nected or faulty fuel
OPEN CIR­ pump. Check wiring.
CUIT Replace the pump.

5224 COOLING The error due to dam­

(21028) FAN CON­ aged wiring or discon­
TROL ­ 2 nected or faulty relay.
OPEN CIR­ Check wiring. Check and
CUIT replace fan actuator.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
5228 TUR­ The ECU detects an _ interruptions in
(21032) BOCHAR­ open circuit on the tur­ wiring
GER CON­ bine control solenoid _ connections.
NOTE: In these con­
ditions, the turbo
control actuator re­
mains in closed posi­
tion (all exhaust gases
strike the small tur­

5266 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between

(21094) INJECTOR 3 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
OPEN CIR­ stored if an open circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT condition is detected.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
5366 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between
(21350) INJECTOR 4 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
OPEN CIR­ stored if an open circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT condition is detected.

5466 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between

(21606) INJECTOR 2 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
OPEN CIR­ stored if an open circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT condition is detected.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
6124 COOLING The error due to dam­
(24868) FAN CON­ aged wiring (short cir­
TROL ­ 1 cuit) or faulty fan actuat­
SHORT CIR­ or. Check wiring. Check
CUIT TO and replace fan actuator.

6127 EGR CON­ EDC detects short cir­ _absence of short

(24871) TROL VALVE cuit to positive on the circuit to positive in
­ SHORT EGR actuator solenoid wiring and connec­
CIRCUIT TO valve. tions between EDC
BATTERY and EGR actuator.

612E LAMBDA The error is caused by

(24878) SENSOR faulty wiring (short cir­
CONNEC­ cuit or open load) or
TION ­ faulty lambda sensor.
SHORT CIR­ Check wiring. Check
CUIT TO correct operation of
VOLTAGE lambda sensor and re­
SUPPLY ON place it if necessary. In
AT LEAST case of replacement: run
"NERNST", cedure in component
"PUMP CELL" replacement environ­
OR "VG ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
6137 TVA EDC detects short cir­ _wiring, connections,
(24887) THROTTLE cuit to positive on TVA component.
VALVE ­ driving circuit.

6144 PRE­WARM­ Short circuit to battery

(24900) ING GLOW voltage or inside glow
PLUGS RE­ plugs (caused by relay if
LAY ­ SHORT system has a relay
CIRCUIT TO between ECU and glow
BATTERY plugs) is detected. Check
VOLTAGE wiring. Check if relay is
present. Check glow
plugs and replace.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
6145 DOSING Fault is stored if EDC _ wiring between
(24901) VALVE ON detects short circuit to EDC17 and high
HIGH PRES­ positive on high pressure pressure pump regu­
SURE PUMP ­ pump pressure regulator. lator
SHORT CIR­ _ if the component is
CUIT TO faulty.
NOTE: EDC reacts by
deactivating regulator
PWM control. If not
controlled by EDC,
the high pressure
pump pressure regu­
lator is normally open.
This means that the
high pressure pump
sends maximum fuel
pressure to rail. The
system is protected
using pressure limiting
valve fitted on rail
controlled by EDC17,
in combination to rail
pressure sensor signal.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
6149 PARTICU­ The error may be caused
(24905) LATE FILTER by the presence of short
­ DIFFEREN­ circuit to battery voltage
TIAL PRES­ or faulty sensor. Check
SURE wiring. Check correct
SENSOR OF operation of the sensor
EXAUST and replace it if neces­
GASES ­ AN sary. In case of replace­
ELECTRICAL ment: run the DELTA P
THRESHOL cedure in component
D HAS BEEN replacement environ­
DETECTED ment in Easy.

6155 DRV PRES­ The error is caused by

(24917) SURE REG­ presence of short circuit
ULATOR ­ to battery voltage or fault
SHORT CIR­ inside pressure control
CUIT TO valve. Check wiring.
BATTERY Check correct operation
VOLTAGE of pressure valve. If the
problem is caused by
valve malfunction, re­
place the valve and run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
6166 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between
(24934) INJECTOR 1 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT condition is detected.

6172 HEATED The error is caused by

(24946) FUEL FILTER presence of short circuit
­ SHORT to battery voltage or in­
CIRCUIT TO side the faulty fuel filter
BATTERY heater. Check wiring
VOLTAGE (presence of open cir­
cuits). Replace heated
fuel filter.

6182 COM­ The error may be caused

(24962) PRESSOR by the presence of short
CONTROL circuit to battery voltage
RELAY ­ AIR or inside relay. Check
CONDI­ wiring. Replace relay if
TIONING damaged.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
61A2 ENGINE The error may be caused
(24994) SPEED ­ by the presence of short
CONNEC­ circuit to battery voltage
TION TO or faulty tachometer.
TACHO­ Check wiring between
METER ­ ECU and tachometer.
SHORT CIR­ Check tachometer and
CUIT TO replace it if needed.

61B2 FUEL ELEC­ The error may be caused

(25010) TROPUMP by the presence of short
RELAY ­ circuit to battery voltage
SHORT CIR­ or inside pump. Check
CUIT TO wiring. Check correct
BATTERY operation of pump and
VOLTAGE replace it if necessary.

6224 COOLING The error due to dam­

(25124) FAN CON­ aged wiring (short cir­
TROL ­ 2 cuit) or faulty fan actuat­
SHORT CIR­ or. Check wiring. Check
CUIT TO and replace fan actuator.

6227 EGR CON­ EDC detects short cir­ _absence of short

(25127) TROL VALVE cuit to positive on the circuit to positive in
­ SHORT EGR actuator solenoid wiring and connec­
CIRCUIT TO valve. tions between EDC
BATTERY and EGR actuator.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
6229 EXHAUST The error may be caused
(25129) GAS TEM­ by the presence of short
PERATURE circuit to battery voltage
SENSOR AT or faulty sensor. Check
INPUT OF wiring. Check correct
PARTICU­ operation of the sensor
LATE FILTER and replace it if neces­
­ AN ELEC­ sary.

6266 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between

(25190) INJECTOR 3 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT condition is detected.

6328 TUR­ The ECU detects short _ for short circuits in

(25384) BOCHAR­ circuit to positive on the wiring
GER CON­ turbine control solenoid _ connections
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
6366 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between
(25446) INJECTOR 4 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT condition is detected.

6466 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between

(25702) INJECTOR 2 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT condition is detected.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
7124 COOLING The error due to dam­
(28964) FAN CON­ aged wiring (short cir­
TROL ­ 1 cuit) or faulty fan actuat­
SHORT CIR­ or. Check wiring. Check
CUIT TO and replace fan actuator.

7127 EGR CON­ EDC detects short cir­ _absence of short

(28967) TROL VALVE cuit to earth on EGR ac­ circuit to earth in wir­
­ SHORT tuator solenoid valve. ing and connections
CIRCUIT between EDC and
GROUND EGR actuator.
712E LAMBDA The error is caused by
(28974) SENSOR presence of short circuit
CONNEC­ to earth in one wiring
TION ­ line of the lambda sensor
SHORT CIR­ or faulty LSU. Check
CUIT TO wiring. Check correct
GROUND operation of lambda
ON AT sensor and replace it if
LEAST ONE necessary. In case of re­
OF PINS placement: run the
OR "VG" cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
7137 TVA EDC detects short cir­ _wiring, connections,
(28983) THROTTLE cuit to earth on TVA component.
VALVE ­ driving circuit.

7144 PRE­WARM­ The error is due to

(28996) ING GLOW presence of short circuit
PLUGS RE­ to earth or inside glow
LAY ­ SHORT plugs (caused by relay if
CIRCUIT TO system has a relay
GROUND between ECU and glow
plugs). Check wiring.
Check relay (if available)
and replace it if needed.
Check and replace glow
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
7145 DOSING Fault is stored if EDC _ wiring between
(28997) VALVE ON detects short circuit to EDC17 and high
HIGH PRES­ earth on high pressure pressure pump regu­
SURE PUMP ­ pump pressure regulator. lator
SHORT CIR­ _ if the component is
CUIT TO faulty
NOTE: EDC reacts by
deactivating regulator
PWM control. If not
controlled by EDC,
the high pressure
pump pressure regu­
lator is normally open.
This means that the
high pressure pump
supplies maximum
fuel pressure to rail.
The system is protec­
ted using the pressure
limiting valve fitted on
the rail controlled by
EDC17, in combina­
tion to the rail pres­
sure sensor signal.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
7149 PARTICU­ The error may be caused
(29001) LATE FILTER by the presence of short
­ DIFFEREN­ circuit to earth or faulty
TIAL PRES­ sensor. Check wiring.
SURE Check correct operation
SENSOR OF of sensor and replace it if
EXAUST necessary. In case of re­
GASES ­ AN placement: run the
LOW cedure in component
THRESHOL replacement environ­
D HAS BEEN ment in Easy.

7155 DRV PRES­ The error is caused by

(29013) SURE REG­ presence of short circuit
ULATOR ­ to earth or fault inside
SHORT CIR­ pressure control valve.
CUIT TO Check wiring. Check
GROUND correct operation of
pressure control valve. If
the problem is caused by
valve malfunction, re­
place valve and run the
procedure in component
replacement environ­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
7166 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ injector wiring
(29030) INJECTOR 2 ­ checks injectors. A fault is _ injector faults.
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit
CUIT condition is detected
BETWEEN between high and low
THE TWO wire connected to in­
INJECTOR jector.

7172 HEATED The error is caused by

(29042) FUEL FILTER presence of short circuit
RELAY ­ to earth or inside the
SHORT CIR­ faulty fuel filter heater.
CUIT TO Check wiring. Replace
GROUND fuel filter heater.

7182 COM­ The error is caused by

(29058) PRESSOR presence of short circuit
CONTROL to earth or inside relay.
RELAY ­ AIR Check wiring. Replace
CONDI­ relay if damaged.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
71A2 ENGINE The error caused by fault
(29090) REVS ­ in wiring (short circuit to
CONNEC­ earth) or faulty tacho­
TION TO meter. Check wiring
TACHO­ between ECU and ta­
METER ­ chometer. Check tacho­
SHORT CIR­ meter and replace it if
CUIT TO needed.

71B2 FUEL ELEC­ The error is caused by

(29106) TROPUMP presence of short circuit
RELAY ­ to earth or inside the
SHORT CIR­ preheating pump. Check
CUIT TO wiring or replace pump.

7224 COOLING The error due to dam­

(29220) FAN CON­ aged wiring (short cir­
TROL ­ 2 cuit) or faulty fan actuat­
SHORT CIR­ or. Check wiring. Check
CUIT TO and replace fan actuator.

7227 EGR CON­ EDC detects short cir­ _absence of short

(29223) TROL VALVE cuit to earth on EGR ac­ circuit to earth in wir­
­ SHORT tuator solenoid valve. ing and connections
CIRCUIT between EDC and
GROUND EGR actuator.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
7229 EXHAUST The error may be caused
(29225) GAS TEM­ by the presence of short
PERATURE circuit to earth or faulty
SENSOR AT sensor. Check wiring.
INPUT OF Check correct operation
PARTICU­ of the sensor and replace
LATE FILTER it if necessary.
7266 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ injector wiring
(29286) INJECTOR 3 ­ checks injectors. A fault is _ injector faults.
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit
CUIT condition is detected
BETWEEN between high and low
THE TWO wire connected to in­
INJECTOR jector.

7327 EGR CON­ EDC run a plausibility _ absence of short

(29479) TROL VALVE check if it detects EGR circuits on wiring.
­ OVER­ solenoid valve short cir­
LOAD cuit (to positive/earth).
AFTER DE­ The error is stored if an
TECTING A electric overload condi­
SHORT CIR­ tion is detected after this
CUIT check.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
7366 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ injector wiring
(29542) INJECTOR 4 ­ checks injectors. A fault is _ injector faults.
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit
CUIT condition is detected
BETWEEN between high and low
THE TWO wire connected to in­
INJECTOR jector.

7427 EGR CON­ EDC detects excessively _wiring and connec­

(29735) TROL VALVE low power voltage to tions _EDC faults.
­ SUPPLY EGR solenoid valve.

7466 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ injector wiring

(29798) INJECTOR 2 ­ checks injectors. A fault is _ injector faults.
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit
CUIT condition is detected
BETWEEN between high and low
THE TWO wire connected to in­
INJECTOR jector.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
7528 TUR­ The ECU detects a short _ for short circuits in
(29992) BOCHAR­ circuit to earth on tur­ wiring
GER CON­ bine control solenoid _ connections

8124 COOLING The error may be caused

(33060) FAN CON­ by:
TROL ­ 1 ­ High battery voltage
OVER­ ­ High temperature in
ON ECU ­ High load
SIDE ­ Faulty wiring
Check load and outputs.
Check the wiring. If the
error persists, replace

8127 EGR CON­ EDC internally detect _excessive battery

(33063) TROL VALVE overheating on EGR voltage
­ ECU SIDE solenoid valve driving _short circuit/wiring
OVER­ line. faults
HEATING _obstacles to EGR
solenoid valve move­

8137 TVA EDC internally detect _excessive battery

(33079) THROTTLE overheating on TVA voltage
VALVE ­ driving line. _short circuit/wiring
OVER­ faults
HEATING _obstacles to TVA ac­
ON ECU tuator movement
SIDE _component.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
8144 PRE­WARM­ The error may be caused
(33092) ING GLOW by:
PLUGS RE­ ­ High battery voltage
LAY ­ OVER­ ­ High temperature in
ON ECU ­ High load
SIDE ­ Faulty wiring
­ Faulty glow plugs (due
to relay if the system has
a relay between ECU and
glow plugs). No inter­
vention is required if the
fault does not reoccur
after a short time.
­ Check load and outputs.
­ Check wiring.
­ If the error persists, re­
place the ECU.

8172 HEATED The error may be caused

(33138) FUEL FILTER by:
RELAY ­ ­ High battery voltage
OVER­ ­ High temperature in
ON SIDE ­ High load
ECU ­ Faulty wiring
Check load and outputs.
Check the wiring. If the
error persists, replace
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
81A2 ENGINE The error may be caused
(33186) SPEED ­ by:
CONNEC­ ­ High battery voltage
TION TO ­ High temperature in
METER ­ ­ High load
OVER­ ­ Faulty wiring
HEATING ­ Faulty tachometer
ON ECU ­ Faulty ECU
SIDE Check load and outputs.
Check wiring. If the error
persists, replace tacho­
meter or ECU.

81B2 FUEL ELEC­ The error may be caused

(33202) TROPUMP by:
RELAY ­ ­ High battery voltage
OVER­ ­ High temperature in
ON ECU ­ High load
SIDE ­ Faulty wiring
No intervention is re­
quired if the fault does
not occur again after a
short time. Otherwise:
­ Check load and outputs.
­ Check the wiring.
­ If the error persists, re­
place the ECU.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
8224 COOLING The error may be caused
(33316) FAN CON­ by:
TROL ­ 2 ­ High battery voltage
OVER­ ­ High temperature in
ON ECU ­ High load
SIDE ­ Faulty wiring
Check load and outputs.
Check the wiring. If the
error persists, replace
the ECU.

8328 TUR­ The ECU internally de­ _excessive battery

(33576) BOCHAR­ tects overheating on voltage
GER CON­ turbo control solenoid _short circuit/wiring
TROL VALVE valve driving line. faults
­ ECU SIDE _turbo control solen­
OVER­ oid valve.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
8561 COM­ The error may be caused
(34145) PRESSOR by:
CONTROL ­ High battery voltage
RELAY ­ AIR ­ High temperature in
TIONING ­ High load
SYSTEM ­ ­ Faulty wiring.
OVER­ No intervention is re­
HEATING quired if the fault does
ON ECU not reoccur after a short
SIDE time. Otherwise:
­ Check load and outputs.
­ Check the wiring. ­ If
the error persists, re­
place the ECU.

A116 CYLINDER EDC17 internally checks _ coherence of IMA

(41238) INJECTOR 1­ plausibility of injector code programmed in
IMA CODE correction factors asso­ EDC17 with respect
PROGRAM­ ciated to IMA codes for to that actually
MING NOT each injector. The ECU present on engine.
PLAUSIBLE checks plausibility with _ try reprogramming
respect to programming IMA code of the in­
every time it is powered jector determined as
up: a fault for each single incorrect and carry
injector is stored in case out a long after­run
of lack of plausibility. after programming
_ if the above is not
successful, ask for
automated remote
programming to re­
flash EDC17 accord­
ing to market THD.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A125 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(41253) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
PRESSURE fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
VALUE DE­ sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
TECTED the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
LOWER ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
THAN THE certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
TARGET value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
ONE IN by using the high pres­ accelerator pedal po­
CONTROL sure pump regulator only sition.
WITH ONLY (e.g. if the pressure lim­_ check fuel low pres­
THE REGU­ iter on the rail is reques­ sure system and fuel
LATOR ON ted in all closed position). drawing system
THE HIGH In these specific condi­ (leakage, obstruc­
PRESSURE tions, the fault is stored if tions, diesel filter, high
PUMP (IN the system does not pressure pump feed­
RELATION reach the target fuel ing failure)
TO ENGINE pressure requested by _ run engine test to
RPM) EDC17. Tolerance bey­ detect faults (pay par­
ond which the fault is ticular attention to
stored depends on en­ run­up test and
gine rpm. build­up test results)
_ check for absence of
leakage from high
pressure fuel system
_ check wiring integ­
rity on ZME and DRV
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ DRV jammed in
open position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol), ZME jammed in
closed position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol, i.e. in maximum
delivery conditions),
injectors leaking or
jammed in open posi­
tion, poor high pres­
sure pump efficiency,
may cause failure to
reach target pressure.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A126 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 internally dia­ _ presence of errors
(41254) ECU IN­ gnoses the capacitors in EDC17 fault
TERNAL used for delivering high memory related to
ERROR OF voltage for driving the injector wiring (e.g.
INJECTORS injectors. A fault is stored presence of short
(BENCH 1) if a fault condition on cyl­ circuits)
SUPPLY inder row 1 (injector 1 _ check integrity of
DEVICE and injector 4) is detec­ injector wiring, in
ted. particular absence of
short circuits
_ check EDC17 ECU
power, particularly
positive under main
relay T09 cvm.
_ faults to injector or
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A12D SENSORS 1 The error may be caused
(41261) SUPPLY ­ AN by:
ERROR IN ­ Excessive battery
THE ELEC­ voltage
TRICAL ­ Faulty wiring
SUPPLY OF A ­ Electric fault on accel­
SENSORS erator pedal sensor 1 or
BEEN DE­ Check battery voltage.
TECTED Check wiring for correct
supply voltage to con­
nected sensor and ECU.
If the error persists, re­
place the ECU.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A135 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(41269) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
PRESSURE fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
VALUE DE­ sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
TECTED the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
LOWER ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
THAN THE certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
TARGET value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
ONE IN using the DRV only (e.g. accelerator pedal po­
CONTROL if the ZME is requested sition
WITH ONLY in maximum fuel delivery _ fuel low pressure
THE REGU­ position, thus fully open). system and fuel
LATOR ON In these specific condi­ drawing system
RAIL PRES­ tions, a fault is stored if (leakage, obstruc­
SURE LIM­ the system does not tions, diesel filter, high
ITER (IN RE­ reach the target fuel pressure pump feed­
LATION TO pressure requested by ing failure)
ENGINE EDC17. Tolerance bey­ _ run engine test to
RPM) ond which the fault is detect faults (pay par­
stored depends on en­ ticular attention to
gine rpm. run­up test and
build­up test results)
_ absence of leakage
from high pressure
fuel system parts
_ wiring integrity on
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ DRV jammed in
open position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol), ZME jammed in
closed position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol, i.e. in maximum
delivery conditions),
injectors leaking or
jammed in open posi­
tion, poor high pres­
sure pump efficiency,
may cause failure to
reach target pressure.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A139 EXHAUST The error is caused by
(41273) GAS TEM­ incorrect exhaust gas
PERATURE temperature sensor
SENSOR AT measurement at catalys­
THE CATA­ er inlet.
NOTE: Excessively rapid
ambient temperature
changes may cause this
error, e. g. exposure of
the vehicle (and dedic­
ated temperature
sensor) to direct sunlight
after a very cold night, or
the sensor placed in a hot
air flow (e.g. caused by
additional motors, such
as chiller cooling com­
pressor which runs
when the vehicle is
standing or an external
source such as an ex­
haust flow of an air con­
ditioning system of a
building). No action is re­
quired in this case.
­ Check wires and con­
nectors to check if con­
tact is correct (corro­
­ Check correct opera­
tion of the sensor and re­
place it if necessary.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A13B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(41275) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE TSC1AE tion on CAN line from
MESSAGE other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing TSC1AE
function (ABS) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A13D RELAY FOR This error occurs when
(41277) ECU MAIN the main relay is turned
SUPPLY ­ off directly from the ig­
CONC­ nition switch instead of
TACTS AD­ by the ECU. This occurs:
VANCED ­ In vehicles with electric
OPENING master switch: engine off
from master switch in­
stead of 15 key.
­ Main switch is inter­
rupted before after­run
is ended.
­ Incorrect main relay
wiring (no direct contact
to battery or wiring
between ECU and main
­ Faults inside ECU.
Check wiring between
main relay and battery.
Check wiring between
ECU and main relay.

A144 PRE­WARM­ The error due to glow

(41284) ING GLOW plug fault or fault in wir­
PLUGS RE­ ing between relay and
LAY ­ FAULT glow plugs. Check wiring
ON GLOW between relay and glow
PLUGS plugs. Check glow plugs.
Check glow plug relay.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A145 DOSING EDC internally detects _excessive battery
(41285) VALVE ON overheating on the high voltage
HIGH PRES­ pressure pump regulator _short circuit/wiring
SURE PUMP ­ driving line. faults
OVER­ _component.
NOTE: EDC reacts by
deactivating regulator
PWM control. If not
controlled by EDC,
the high pressure
pump pressure regu­
lator is normally open.
This means that the
high pressure pump
provides the maxim­
um fuel pressure to
the rail. The system is
protected using the
pressure limiting valve
fitted on the rail con­
trolled by EDC17, in
combination to the rail
pressure sensor signal.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A149 PARTICU­ The error may have
(41289) LATE FILTER various causes:
­ DIFFEREN­ ­ differential pressure
TIAL PRES­ sensor fault
SURE ­ interrupted or ob­
SENSOR ­ A structed hoses con­
TOO HIGH necting sensor to filter
VALUE HAS ­ problems concerning
BEEN DE­ particulate trap.
TECTED Check differential pres­
sure sensor efficiency
and connection hoses to
filter. Check particulate
trap integrity if problem
persists. If one or more
parts are replaced: run
the appropriate proced­
ure in component re­
placement environment
using Easy.

A14D ECU The error caused by in­

(41293) MEMORY ­ correct programming or
MEMORY faulty EEPROM. Reflash
READING the ECU: replace the
ERROR ECU if the problem per­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A14E VALUE DE­ The error is caused by:
(41294) TECTING ­ Faulty lambda sensor
FROM wiring
LAMBDA ­ Inaccurate or faulty
SENSOR ­ lambda sensor
THE O2 ­ Injection system prob­
CONCEN­ lems (e.g. leaky injector)
TRATION ­ EGR which does not
VALUE IS close at excessively high
RELEASED engine rpm.
TOO Check lambda sensor
SLOWLY wiring and replace
sensor if needed. In case
of replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

A155 DRV PRES­ The error may be caused

(41301) SURE REG­ by presence of short cir­
ULATOR ­ cuit in wiring or fault in­
OVER­ side pressure control
HEADING valve. Check wiring.
ON ECU Check correct operation
SIDE of pressure control valve.
If the problem is caused
by valve malfunction, re­
place the valve and run
cedure in component
replacement environ­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A156 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 electrically _ injector wiring
(41302) SHORT CIR­ checks injectors. A fault is _ injector faults.
CUIT OF IN­ stored if a short circuit
JECTORS condition is detected
CONNEC­ between two injectors of
TED TO the same row. Injectors 1
BENCH 1 and 4 are connected to
(INJECTOR 1 row 1.
AND 4)

A15D ECU IN­ Presence of another fault

(41309) TERNAL that trips engine speed
CHECKS ­ limiter. No intervention
FAULT DE­ is provided for this signal.

A164 ENGINE No action is needed un­

(41316) OVERSPEED less the fault is repeated
: A TOO frequently. In this case,
HIGH VALUE check vehicle driving
HAS BEEN conditions and acquisi­
DETECTED tion speed of engine and
injection system, refer­
ence value and actual
valve during fault detec­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A169 PARTICU­ The error due to ob­
(41321) LATE FILTER structed DPF: filter re­
­ AN HIGH generation was either
RESISTANCE non successful or not
VALUE OF possible. Run the regen­
EXAUST eration procedure by
GAS FLOW means of Easy, check in­
HAS BEEN tegrity of filter and ex­
DETECTED haust system.

A16B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(41323) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE other electronic systems
TSC1TE or functions present on
TRANSMIS­ the vehicle. Check that
SION HAS electric connection
BEEN DE­ between CAN line and
TECTED engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing TSC1TE
function (automatic
transmission) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A16D SOFTWARE The error is caused by
(41325) RESTART IN the presence of elec­
ECU tronic faults, hardware
faults of various nature
(inside ECU) or config­
uration problems. Ana­
lyse which error
triggered Recovery. Re­
flash EDC if the error
reoccurs frequently.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

A179 FILTER PAR­ The error is caused by

(41337) TICULATE ­ excessive dilution of
LUBRICANT lubrication oil caused by
OIL CHECK ­ post­injections required
OIL CON­ during particulate trap
TAMINATED regeneration. Check
DUE TO lubrication oil and runt
TION CHANGE procedure in
component replacement
environment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A18B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(41355) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE other electronic systems
COMAMB­ or functions present on
CON the vehicle. Check that
TRANSMIS­ electric connection
SION HAS between CAN line and
BEEN DE­ engine ECU is correct.
TECTED Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing
ComAmbCon function
(EDC) are correctly
powered and running.

A18C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(41356) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A19B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(41371) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE other electronic systems
TIMEDATE or functions present on
TRANSMIS­ the vehicle. Check that
SION HAS electric connection
BEEN DE­ between CAN line and
TECTED engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing
TimeDate function (ta­
chometer and Body
Computer) are correctly
powered and running.

A1A6 COMBUS­ The error may be caused

(41382) TION ­ IN­ by unbalanced cylinders,
CORRECT probably due to a prob­
PERFORM­ lem to one or more in­
ANCE OF jectors. Check combus­
SEVERAL tion regularity (idling test
CYLINDERS or acceleration test).
Attempt to identify the
faulty cylinders by means
of RunUp Test in Engine
Test environment: at
least two cylinders are
probably faulty.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A1AB CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(41387) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE other electronic systems
DASHDSPL or functions present on
TRANSMIS­ the vehicle. Check that
SION HAS electric connection
BEEN DE­ between CAN line and
TECTED engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing
DashDspl function
(Body Computer) are
correctly powered and
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A215 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 adjusts fuel _ access EDC17
(41493) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two devices: a pres­ with Easy, acquire and
RAIL PRES­ sure regulator fitted on then check the fol­
SURE NOT the high pressure pump lowing parameters:
SUFFICIENT (ZME) and a high pres­ rpm, fuel pressure,
sure limiter fitted on the target fuel pressure,
rail (DRV). A fault is total fuel delivery,
stored if the target fuel target fuel delivery,
pressure in rail value re­ accelerator pedal po­
quired by EDC17 is not sition.
reached during the driv­ _ check fuel low pres­
ing cycle. sure system and fuel
drawing system
(leakage, obstruc­
tions, diesel filter, high
pressure pump feed­
ing failure)
_ run engine test to
detect faults (pay par­
ticular attention to
run­up test and
build­up test results)
_ check for absence of
leakage from high
pressure fuel system
_ check wiring integ­
rity on ZME and DRV
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ DRV jammed in
open position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol), ZME jammed in
closed position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol, i.e. in maximum
delivery conditions),
injectors leaking or
jammed in open posi­
tion, poor high pres­
sure pump efficiency,
may cause failure to
reach target pressure.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A216 CYLINDER EDC17 internally checks _ coherence of IMA
(41494) INJECTOR 3 ­ plausibility of injector code programmed in
IMA CODE correction factors asso­ EDC17 with respect
PROGRAM­ ciated to IMA codes for to that actually
MING NOT each injector. The ECU present on engine.
PLAUSIBLE checks plausibility with _ try reprogramming
respect to programming IMA code of the in­
every time it is powered jector determined as
up: a fault for each single incorrect and carry
injector is stored in case out a long after­run
of lack of plausibility. after programming
_ if the above is not
successful, ask for
automated remote
programming to re­
flash EDC17 accord­
ing to market THD.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A225 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(41509) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
PRESSURE fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
VALUE DE­ sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
TECTED the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
LOWER ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
THAN THE certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
TARGET value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
ONE IN by using the high pres­ accelerator pedal po­
CONTROL sure pump regulator only sition.
WITH ONLY (e.g. if the pressure lim­_ check fuel low pres­
THE REGU­ iter on the rail is reques­ sure system and fuel
LATOR ON ted in all closed position). drawing system
THE HIGH A fault is stored if in these (leakage, obstruc­
PRESSURE specific conditions the tions, diesel filter, high
PUMP pressure does not reach pressure pump feed­
the target fuel pressure ing failure)
required by EDC17 with _ run engine test to
a difference higher than detect faults (pay par­
200 bar. ticular attention to
run­up test and
build­up test results)
_ check for absence of
leakage from high
pressure fuel system
_ check wiring integ­
rity on ZME and DRV
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ DRV jammed in
open position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol), ZME jammed in
closed position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol, i.e. in maximum
delivery conditions),
injectors leaking or
jammed in open posi­
tion, poor high pres­
sure pump efficiency,
may cause failure to
reach target pressure.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A226 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 internally dia­ _ presence of errors
(41510) ECU IN­ gnoses the capacitors in EDC17 fault
TERNAL used for delivering high memory related to
ERROR OF voltage for driving the injector wiring (e.g.
INJECTORS injectors. A fault is stored presence of short
(BENCH 2) if a fault condition on cyl­ circuits)
SUPPLY inder row 2 (injector 2 _ check integrity of
DEVICE and injector 3) is detec­ injector wiring, in
ted. particular absence of
short circuits
_ check EDC17 ECU
power, particularly
positives under main
relay T09 (cvm).
_ faults to injector or
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A227 EGR CON­ A position sensor inside _jamming or stiff
(41511) TROL VALVE the EGR actuator de­ mechanical move­
­ CLOSE tects the correct position ment of the compon­
LOCKED assumed by the valve. In­ ent
POSITION coherence is detected if _check wiring, spe­
position does not coin­ cifically EGR valve
cide with target reques­ power and earth
ted by EDC. EDC at­ (positive ­­> EGR
tempts to release the valve connector pin 5;
EGR valve by requesting earth ­­> EGR valve
rapid opening/closing connector pin 3)
movements. A fault is
stored if it is not suc­

A22D SENSORS 2 The error may be caused

(41517) SUPPLY ­ AN by:
ERROR IN ­ Excessive battery
THE ELEC­ voltage
TRICAL ­ Faulty wiring
SUPPLY OF A ­ Electric fault to one or
SENSORS more of the following
GROUP HAS sensors: accelerator
BEEN DE­ pedal 2, boost pressure,
TECTED fuel pressure, A/C circuit
­ ECU electric fault.
Check battery voltage
and recharge system.
Check wiring to check
for correct supply
voltage of indicated
sensors and connected
to ECU. If the error
persists, replace the
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A235 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(41525) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
PRESSURE fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
VALUE DE­ sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
TECTED the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
LOWER ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
THAN THE certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
TARGET value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
ONE IN using only the DRV (e.g. accelerator pedal po­
CONTROL if the ZME is requested sition.
WITH ONLY in maximum fuel delivery _ fuel low pressure
THE REGU­ position, thus fully open). system and fuel
LATOR ON A fault is stored if in these drawing system
RAIL PRES­ specific conditions does (leakage, obstruc­
SURE LIM­ not reach the target fuel tions, diesel filter, high
ITER (ALSO pressure requested by pressure pump feed­
WITH DRV EDC17 despite the re­ ing failure)
REQUEST quest by EDC17 to close _ run engine test to
COM­ DRV (and consequently detect faults (pay par­
PLETELY not to dump fuel from ticular attention to
CLOSED) the rail). Tolerance bey­ run­up test and
ond which the fault is build­up test results)
stored depends on en­ _ absence of leakage
gine rpm. from high pressure
fuel system parts
_ wiring integrity on
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ DRV jammed in
open position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol), ZME jammed in
closed position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol, i.e. in maximum
delivery conditions),
injectors leaking or
jammed in open posi­
tion, poor high pres­
sure pump efficiency,
may cause failure to
reach target pressure.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A239 EXHAUST The error caused by in­
(41529) GAS TEM­ correct measurement by
PERATURE post­cat temperature
SENSOR AT sensor.
NOTE: Excessively rapid
ambient temperature
changes may cause this
error, e. g. exposure of
vehicle (and respective
temperature sensor) to
direct sunlight after a
very cold night, or sensor
placed in a hot air flow
(e.g. caused by additional
motors, such as chiller
cooling compressor
which runs when the
vehicle is standing or an
external source such as
an exhaust flow of an air
conditioning system of a
building). No action is re­
quired in this case.
­ Check wires and con­
nectors to check if con­
tact is correct (corro­
­ Check correct opera­
tion of the sensor and re­
place it if necessary.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A23D RELAY FOR The error is caused by
(41533) ECU MAIN main relay short circuit
SUPPLY ­ or mechanically jammed
PASTED in closed position. Check
CONC­ wiring. Check correct
TACTS operation of relay and
replace it.

A244 PRE­WARM­ The error is due to fault

(41540) ING GLOW glow plug relay. Check
PLUGS RE­ the relay and replace it if
LAY ­ PAS­ needed.
A24D ECU The error caused by in­
(41549) MEMORY ­ correct programming or
MEMORY faulty EEPROM. Reflash
READING the ECU: replace the
ERROR ECU if the problem per­

A256 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 electrically _ injector wiring

(41558) SHORT CIR­ checks injectors. A fault is _ injector faults.
CUIT OF IN­ stored if a short circuit
JECTORS condition is detected
CONNEC­ between two injectors of
TED TO the same row. Injectors 2
BENCH 2 and 3 are connected to
(INJECTOR 2 row 3.
AND 3)
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A26D SOFTWARE The error is caused by
(41581) RESTART IN the presence of elec­
ECU tronic faults, hardware
faults of various nature
(inside ECU) or config­
uration problems. Ana­
lyse which error
triggered Recovery. Re­
flash EDC if the error
reoccurs frequently.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

A279 FILTER PAR­ The error is caused by

(41593) TICULATE ­ excessive dilution of
LUBRICANT lubrication oil caused by
OIL CHECK ­ post­injections required
OIL CON­ during particulate trap
TAMINATED regeneration. Check
DUE TO lubrication oil and runt
OF SOOT CHANGE procedure in
component replacement
environment in Easy.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A27C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(41596) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A287 EGR ­ NOX _ air intake system NOx emissions are
(41607) EMISSION problems (EGR, TVA strongly influenced by
TOO HIGH etc.) correct operation and
_ fuel injection system efficiency of the exhaust
problems (run­up test gas recirculation system
etc.) (EGR). EDC uses the
_ signal lambda sensor lambda sensor to meas­
problems. ure the actual amount of
Check for presence of oxygen remaining in ex­
other stored faults in haust gases. Starting
EDC related to one of from this signal, accord­
the systems above. ing to requested rpm and
torque it calculates the
actual amount of air in­
troduced into the engine.
A fault is stored if the
calculated value is higher
than expected. Con­
sequently, this error is
caused when the com­
bustion process effi­
ciency is not optimal and
as a result the oxygen
value detected by the
lambda sensor exceeds a
defined limit.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A29B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(41627) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE HRVD other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing HRVD
function (tachometer
and Body Computer) are
correctly powered and

A2AB CAN LINE ­ The error occurred fol­

(41643) AN ENGINE lowing an external en­
SHUT gine stopping request
DOWN RE­ (message BC2EDC2).
QUEST HAS No intervention is
BEEN RE­ needed. Check which
CEIVED BY fault has generated the
THE MES­ stopping.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A315 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 adjusts fuel _ access EDC17
(41749) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two devices: a pres­ with Easy, acquire and
RAIL PRES­ sure regulator fitted on then check the fol­
SURE TOO the high pressure pump lowing parameters:
HIGH (RAIL (ZME) and a high pres­ rpm, fuel pressure,
PRESSURE > sure limiter fitted on the target fuel pressure,
1950BAR) rail (DRV). A fault is total fuel delivery,
stored if the fuel pres­ target fuel delivery,
sure in the rail exceeds accelerator pedal po­
the allowed limit value sition.
(1950bar). _ run engine test to
detect faults (pay par­
ticular attention to
run­up test and
build­up test results)
_ check the low pres­
sure system (excess­
ive fuel feeding pres­
sure to high pressure
_ check high pressure
fuel and rail pressure
limiter return system
to fuel tank
_ check wiring integ­
rity on ZME and DRV
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ DRV jammed open
(normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol), ZME jammed
open (normally open
in absence of PWM
control and thus in
maximum fuel deliv­
ery conditions) can
cause failure to reach
the target pressure.

A316 CYLINDER EDC17 internally checks _ coherence of IMA

(41750) INJECTOR 4 ­ plausibility of injector code programmed in
IMA CODE correction factors asso­ EDC17 with respect
PROGRAM­ ciated to IMA codes for to that actually
MING NOT each injector. The ECU present on engine.
PLAUSIBLE checks plausibility with _ try reprogramming
respect to programming IMA code of the in­
every time it is powered jector determined as
up: a fault for each single incorrect and carry
injector is stored in case out a long after­run
of lack of plausibility. after programming
_ if the above is not
successful, ask for
automated remote
programming to re­
flash EDC17 accord­
ing to market THD.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A325 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(41765) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK­ of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
PRESSURE fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
VALUE DE­ sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
TECTED the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
TOO HIGH ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
ALSO WITH certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
ZERO FUEL value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
SUPPLY RE­ by using the high pres­ accelerator pedal po­
QUEST sure pump regulator only sition
(REGULAT­ (e.g. if the pressure lim­_ jamming of ZME in
OR ON THE iter on the rail is reques­ open position (max­
HIGH PRES­ ted in all closed position). imum delivery condi­
SURE PUMP A fault is stored in these tion), despite the re­
DRIVEN specific conditions the quest by EDC17 to
CLOSED) pressure in rail exceeds close (reduction of
the target value reques­ delivery to zero)
ted by EDC17, despite _ run engine test to
the attempt of EDC17 to detect faults (pay par­
reduce fuel delivery to ticular attention to
high pressure pump (by run­up test and
requesting closing of build­up test results)
ZME to zero delivery). _ wiring integrity to
Thresholds are defined ZME
according to engine rpm.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ fuel return system
from high pressure
pump to tank (ab­
sence of obstructions
which obstruct fuel
_ low pressure system
(excessive fuel feeding
pressure to high
pressure pump).
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A32D SENSORS 3 The error may be caused
(41773) SUPPLY ­ AN by:
ERROR IN ­ Excessive battery
THE ELEC­ voltage
TRICAL ­ Faulty wiring
SUPPLY OF A ­ Electric fault to one or
SENSORS more of the following
GROUP HAS sensors: deltaP on par­
BEEN DE­ ticulate trap, oil pressure,
TECTED EGR valve position.
­ ECU electric fault.
Check battery voltage.
Check wiring to check
for correct supply
voltage to connected
sensor and ECU. If the
error persists, replace
the ECU.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A335 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(41781) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
PRESSURE fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
VALUE DE­ sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
TECTED the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
HIGHER ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
THAN THE certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
TARGET value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
ONE IN using only the DRV (e.g. accelerator pedal po­
CONTROL if the ZME is requested sition
WITH ONLY in maximum fuel delivery _ jamming of DRV in
THE REGU­ position, thus fully open). closed position (con­
LATOR ON A fault is stored if in these sequently pressure
THE HIGH specific conditions rail cannot be dumped
PRESSURE pressure exceeds the from rail despite the
PUMP (ALSO target value required by request by EDC17)
WITH DRV EDC17 despite EDC17 _ run engine test to
REQUEST requests to fully open detect faults (pay par­
COM­ DRV (and thus attempt ticular attention to
PLETELY to dump fuel from the run­up test and
OPENED) rail) (rail pressure > tar­ build­up test results)
get pressure for values _ wiring integrity to
higher than 250bar). DRV
_ fuel return system
to tank (absence of
obstruction which
obstruct return of
fuel dumped from
_ low pressure system
(excessive fuel feeding
pressure to high
pressure pump).
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A34D ECU The error caused by in­
(41805) MEMORY ­ correct programming or
MEMORY faulty EEPROM. Reflash
WRITING the ECU: replace the
ERROR ECU if the problem per­
A354 ENGINE The error due to cam­
(41812) SPEED DE­ shaft position sensor not
TECTING ­ coherent with engine
SIGNALS position for:­ Incorrectly
FROM TWO position cam shaft (e.g.
REVS timing belt: 1 tooth
SENSORS skipped)
ARE NOT ­ Phonic wheel incor­
SYN­ rectly position on cam­
CHRON­ shaft (if adjustable)
IZED ­ Incorrectly positioned
camshaft sensor (if ad­
­ Incoherent crankshaft
signal (like camshaft).
Check correct position
of camshaft wheel signal
and crankshaft wheel
signal with respect to
piston position.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A356 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 electrically _ injector wiring
(41814) SHORT CIR­ checks injectors. A fault is _ injector faults.
CUIT OF IN­ stored if a short circuit
JECTORS condition is detected
CONNEC­ between the injectors of
TED TO the same row. Injectors 1
BENCH 1 and 4 are connected to
(INJECTOR 1 row 1.
AND 4)

A36D SOFTWARE The error is caused by

(41837) RESTART IN the presence of elec­
ECU tronic faults, hardware
faults of various nature
(inside ECU) or config­
uration problems. Ana­
lyse which error
triggered Recovery. Re­
flash EDC if the error
reoccurs frequently.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A379 PARTICU­ The error is caused by
(41849) LATE FILTER excessive dilution of
­ LUBRIC­ lubrication oil caused by
ATING OIL post­injections required
CHECK ­ during particulate trap
THE ENGINE regeneration. Check
WORKED lubrication oil and runt
LONG TIME CHANGE procedure in
WITH component replacement
CONTAM­ environment in Easy.

A39B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(41883) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE VD other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing VD
function are correctly
powered and running.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A3AB CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(41899) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE other electronic systems
BC2EDC1 or functions present on
TRANSMIS­ the vehicle. Check that
SION HAS electric connection
BEEN DE­ between CAN line and
TECTED engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing
BC2EDC1 function
(Body Computer) are
correctly powered and

A416 CILYNDER EDC17 internally checks _ coherence of IMA

(42006) INJECTOR 2 ­ plausibility of injector code programmed in
IMA CODE correction factors asso­ EDC17 with respect
PROGRAM­ ciated to IMA codes for to that actually
MING NOT each injector. The ECU present on engine.
PLAUSIBLE checks plausibility with _ try reprogramming
respect to programming IMA code of the in­
every time it is powered jector determined as
up: a fault for each single incorrect and carry
injector is stored in case out a long after­run
of lack of plausibility. after programming
_ if the above is not
successful, ask for
automated remote
programming to re­
flash EDC17 accord­
ing to market THD.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A456 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 electrically _ injector wiring
(42070) SHORT CIR­ checks injectors. A fault is _ injector faults.
CUIT OF IN­ stored if a short circuit
JECTORS condition is detected
CONNEC­ between the injectors of
TED TO the same row. Injectors 2
BENCH 2 and 3 are connected to
(INJECTOR 2 row 3.
AND 3)

A45B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(42075) PROBLEMS delay in message recep­
IN THE tion on CAN line from
TRANSMIS­ other electronic systems
SION TIMES or functions present on
OF RE­ the vehicle. Check that
QUEST FOR electric connection
ENGINE between CAN line and
TORQUE engine ECU is correct.
AND REVS Check at all ECUs con­
LIMITATION nected to CAN line are
FROM PTO correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing PTO
function (Expansion
Module) are correctly
powered and running.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A45D ENGINE The error is caused by
(42077) START RE­ excessively long cranking
QUEST ­ RE­ request, short circuit in
QUEST ignition switch or in wir­
DURATION ing. Check correct op­
TOO LONG eration of ignition switch.
Check the wiring.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A469 PARTICU­ The error may have
(42089) LATE FILTER various causes.
­ TOO ­ Particular ambient
MUCH FIL­ conditions or improper
TER RE­ vehicle use (urban cycle)
GENERA­ which do not allow cor­
TIONS RE­ rect particulate trap
QUESTS IN­ (DPF) regeneration due
CORRECTLY to excessively low ex­
CARRIED haust gas temperatures.
OUT HAVE ­ Temperature measured
BEEN DE­ by sensor upstream of
TECTED catalyser and/or up­
stream of particulate
trap (DPF) is excessively
­ Catalyser is not working
property (hydrocarbons
not burnt properly): in
the latter case there is
blue smoke and bad smell
in exhaust in addition to
the fault.
Check the temperature
sensor upstream of
catalyser and DPF. Check
correct operation of
catalyser. Check correct
operation of DPF. Run
particulate trap filter re­
generation procedure
using Easy to reduce the
amount of soot in filter. If
forced regeneration fails
and the fault persists:
contact market THD or
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A48B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(42123) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE EN­ other electronic systems
GTEMP or functions present on
TRANSMIS­ the vehicle. Check that
SION HAS electric connection
BEEN DE­ between CAN line and
TECTED engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing
ENGTEMP function
(EDC) are correctly
powered and running.

A49B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(42139) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE TCO1 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing TCO1
function (tachometer
and Body Computer) are
correctly powered and
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A525 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(42277) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
PRESSURE fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
VALUE DE­ sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
TECTED the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
LOWER ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
THAN THE certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
MINIMUM value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
PERMISSIBLE by using the high pres­ accelerator pedal po­
ONE IN sure pump regulator only sition
CONTROL (e.g. if the pressure lim­_ check fuel low pres­
WITH ONLY iter on the rail is reques­ sure system and fuel
THE PRES­ ted in all closed position). drawing system
SURE LIM­ A fault is stored if in these (leakage, obstruc­
ITER ON specific conditions the tions, diesel filter, high
HIGH PRES­ rail pressure remains pressure pump feed­
SURE PUMP under the admissible ing failure)
(IN RELA­ minimum value. Toler­ _ run engine test to
TION TO ance beyond which the detect faults (pay par­
ENGINE fault is stored depends ticular attention to
RPM) on engine rpm. run­up test and
build­up test results)
_ check for absence of
leakage from high
pressure fuel system
_ check wiring integ­
rity on ZME and DRV
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ DRV jammed in
open position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol), ZME jammed in
closed position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol, i.e. in maximum
delivery conditions),
injectors leaking or
jammed in open posi­
tion, poor high pres­
sure pump efficiency,
may cause failure to
reach target pressure.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A535 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(42293) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
PRESSURE fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
VALUE DE­ sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
TECTED the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
LOWER ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
THAN THE certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
MINIMUM value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
PERMISSIBLE using only the DRV (e.g. accelerator pedal po­
ONE IN if the ZME is requested sition
CONTROL in maximum fuel delivery _ fuel low pressure
WITH ONLY position, thus fully open). system and fuel
THE PRES­ In these specific condi­ drawing system
SURE LIM­ tions, a fault is stored if (leakage, obstruc­
ITER ON the system does not tions, diesel filter, high
RAIL (IN RE­ reach the minimum al­ pressure pump feed­
LATION TO lowed fuel pressure. ing failure)
ENGINE Tolerance beyond which _ run engine test to
RPM) the fault is stored de­ detect faults (pay par­
pends on engine rpm. ticular attention to
run­up test and
build­up test results)
_ absence of leakage
from high pressure
fuel system parts
_ wiring integrity on
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ DRV jammed in
open position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol), ZME jammed in
closed position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol, i.e. in maximum
delivery conditions),
injectors leaking or
jammed in open posi­
tion, poor high pres­
sure pump efficiency,
may cause failure to
reach target pressure.

A53B CAN LINE ­ Engine was stopped by

(42299) AN ENGINE another fault. Check
SHUT what fault made the en­
DOWN RE­ gine stop.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A58B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(42379) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE FIECO other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing FIEco
function (EDC) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A625 FUEL CHECK EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(42533) PRESSURE ­ pressure in rail by means parameter reading
A TOO of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
HIGH FUEL fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
PRESSURE sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
HAS BEEN the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
DETECTED ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
WITH ONLY certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
THE REGU­ value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
LATOR ON by using the high pres­ accelerator pedal po­
HIGH PRES­ sure pump regulator only sition
SURE PUMP (e.g. if the pressure lim­_ jamming of ZME in
(RAIL PRES­ iter on the rail is reques­ open position (max­
SURE > ted in all closed position). imum delivery condi­
1950BAR) A fault is stored if in these tion), despite the re­
specific conditions rail quest by EDC17 to
pressure is > 1950bar. close (reduction of
delivery to zero)
_ run engine test to
detect faults (pay par­
ticular attention to
run­up test and
build­up test results)
_ wiring integrity to
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ fuel return system
from high pressure
pump to tank (ab­
sence of obstructions
which obstruct fuel
_ low pressure system
(excessive fuel feeding
pressure to high
pressure pump).

A627 EGR CON­ EGR actuator opening is _ air intake system ac­
(42535) TROL VALVE controlled when the tuators (EGR and
­ PROBLEMS EGR control strategy TVA): mechanical
WITH goes from Regeneration blocks, connections,
WORKING operating mode to nor­ wiring.
STRATEGY mal operating strategy.
HVE BEEN Control strategy must go
DETECTED to closed circuit after a
given time and in given
conditions. A fault is
stored if this does not
occur before the
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A635 FUEL CHECK EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(42549) PRESSURE ­ pressure in rail by means parameter reading
A TOO of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
HIGH FUEL fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
PRESSURE sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
HAS BEEN the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
DETECTED ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
WITH ONLY certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
THE FUEL value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
PRESSURE using only the DRV (e.g. accelerator pedal po­
ON RAIL if the ZME is requested sition
(RAIL PRES­ in maximum fuel delivery _ jamming of DRV in
SURE > position, thus fully open). closed position (con­
1950BAR) A fault is stored if in these sequently pressure
specific conditions rail cannot be dumped
pressure is higher than from rail despite the
the admissible limit (rail request by EDC17)
pressure > 1950bar). _ run engine test to
detect faults (pay par­
ticular attention to
run­up test and
build­up test results)
_ wiring integrity to
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ fuel return system
to tank (absence of
obstruction which
obstruct return of
fuel dumped from
_ low pressure system
(excessive fuel feeding
pressure to high
pressure pump).

A63B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(42555) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE VDC1 tion on CAN line from
MESSAGE other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing VDC1
function (ESP) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A68B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(42635) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE other electronic systems
SHUTDWN or functions present on
TRANSMIS­ the vehicle. Check that
SION HAS electric connection
BEEN DE­ between CAN line and
TECTED engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing
ShutDwn function
(EDC) are correctly
powered and running.

A6AB CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(42667) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE other electronic systems
BC2EDC2 or functions present on
TRANSMIS­ the vehicle. Check that
SION HAS electric connection
BEEN DE­ between CAN line and
TECTED engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing
(Body Computer) are
correctly powered and
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A74B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(42827) PROBLEMS delay in message recep­
IN THE tion on CAN line from
TRANSMIS­ other electronic systems
SION TIMES or functions present on
OF RE­ the vehicle. Check that
QUEST FOR electric connection
ENGINE between CAN line and
TORQUE engine ECU is correct.
AND REVS Check at all ECUs con­
LIMITATION nected to CAN line are
FROM correctly powered and
DRIVELINE running. Check that
RETARDER ECUs managing
RETARDER function are
correctly powered and

A76B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(42859) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE ETC1 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing ETC1
function (automatic
transmission) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A825 FUEL PRES­ EDC17 may manage fuel _ access EDC17
(43045) SURE pressure in rail by means parameter reading
CHECK ­ of two regulators: one with Easy, acquire and
PRESSURE fitted on the high pres­ then check the fol­
VALUE DE­ sure pump (ZME) and lowing parameters:
TECTED the pressure limiter fit­ rpm, fuel pressure,
LOWER ted on the rail (DRV). In target fuel pressure,
THAN THE certain conditions, the total fuel delivery,
TARGET value may be controlled target fuel delivery,
ONE IN by using the high pres­ accelerator pedal po­
CONTROL sure pump regulator only sition
WITH ONLY (e.g. if the pressure lim­_ check fuel low pres­
THE REGU­ iter on the rail is reques­ sure system and fuel
LATOR ON ted in all closed position). drawing system
THE HIGH In these specific condi­ (leakage, obstruc­
PRESSURE tions, a fault is stored if tions, diesel filter, high
PUMP (IN the system does not pressure pump feed­
RAPID reach the target fuel ing failure)
TRANSIENT pressure requested by _ run engine test to
STAGES) EDC17. The fault refers detect faults (pay par­
to transient rapid mon­ ticular attention to
itoring (the thresholds run­up test and
are broader in these build­up test results)
conditions). _ check for absence of
leakage from high
pressure fuel system
_ check wiring integ­
rity on ZME and DRV
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
_ DRV jammed in
open position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol), ZME jammed in
closed position (it is
normally open in ab­
sence of PWM con­
trol, i.e. in maximum
delivery conditions),
injectors leaking or
jammed in open posi­
tion, poor high pres­
sure pump efficiency,
may cause failure to
reach target pressure.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A84B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(43083) PROBLEMS delay in message recep­
IN THE tion on CAN line from
TRANSMIS­ other electronic systems
SION TIMES or functions present on
OF RE­ the vehicle. Check that
QUEST FOR electric connection
ENGINE between CAN line and
TORQUE engine ECU is correct.
AND REVS Check at all ECUs con­
LIMITATION nected to CAN line are
FROM correctly powered and
DRIVELINE running. Check that
RETARDER ECUs managing
RETARDER function are
correctly powered and

A86B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(43115) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE ETC2 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing ETC2
function (automatic
transmission) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A88B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(43147) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE other electronic systems
EDC2BC or functions present on
TRANSMIS­ the vehicle. Check that
SION HAS electric connection
BEEN DE­ between CAN line and
TECTED engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing
EDC2BC function
(EDC) are correctly
powered and running.

A93B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(43323) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE HRWS tion on CAN line from
MESSAGE other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing HRWS
function (ABS) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
A97B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(43387) PROBLEMS delay in message recep­
IN THE tion on CAN line from
TRANSMIS­ other electronic systems
SION TIMES or functions present on
OF RE­ the vehicle. Check that
QUEST FOR electric connection
ENGINE between CAN line and
TORQUE engine ECU is correct.
AND REVS Check at all ECUs con­
LIMITATION nected to CAN line are
FROM correctly powered and
VEHICLE running. Check that
CONTROL­ ECUs managing "Hill
LER Holder" function are
correctly powered and

AA3B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(43579) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE EBC1 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing EBC1
function (ABS) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
AA7B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(43643) PROBLEMS delay in message recep­
IN THE tion on CAN line from
TRANSMIS­ other electronic systems
SION TIMES or functions present on
OF RE­ the vehicle. Check that
QUEST FOR electric connection
ENGINE between CAN line and
TORQUE engine ECU is correct.
AND REVS Check at all ECUs con­
LIMITATION nected to CAN line are
FROM correctly powered and
VEHICLE running. Check that
CONTROL­ ECUs managing "Hill
LER Holder" function are
correctly powered and

AC6B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(44139) PROBLEMS delay in message recep­
IN THE tion on CAN line from
TRANSMIS­ other electronic systems
SION TIMES or functions present on
OF RE­ the vehicle. Check that
QUEST FOR electric connection
ENGINE between CAN line and
TORQUE engine ECU is correct.
AND REVS Check at all ECUs con­
LIMITATION nected to CAN line are
FROM correctly powered and
TRANSMIS­ running. Check that
SION CON­ ECUs managing
tion (automatic trans­
mission ECU) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
AD3B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(44347) PROBLEMS delay in message recep­
IN THE tion on CAN line from
TRANSMIS­ other electronic systems
SION TIMES or functions present on
OF RE­ the vehicle. Check that
QUEST FOR electric connection
ENGINE between CAN line and
TORQUE engine ECU is correct.
AND REVS Check at all ECUs con­
LIMITATION nected to CAN line are
FROM ABS/­ correctly powered and
ESR/ESP running. Check that
ECUs managing ABS/­
ASR/ESP function are
correctly powered and

AD6B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(44395) PROBLEMS delay in message recep­
IN THE tion on CAN line from
TRANSMIS­ other electronic systems
SION TIMES or functions present on
OF RE­ the vehicle. Check that
QUEST FOR electric connection
ENGINE between CAN line and
TORQUE engine ECU is correct.
AND REVS Check at all ECUs con­
LIMITATION nected to CAN line are
FROM correctly powered and
TRANSMIS­ running. Check that
SION CON­ ECUs managing
tion (automatic trans­
mission ECU) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
AE3B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(44603) PROBLEMS delay in message recep­
IN THE tion on CAN line from
TRANSMIS­ other electronic systems
SION TIMES or functions present on
OF RE­ the vehicle. Check that
QUEST FOR electric connection
ENGINE between CAN line and
TORQUE engine ECU is correct.
AND REVS Check at all ECUs con­
LIMITATION nected to CAN line are
FROM ABS/­ correctly powered and
ESR/ESP running. Check that
ECUs managing ABS/­
ASR/ESP function are
correctly powered and

B116 CILYNDER EDC17 checks plausibil­ _ coherence of IMA/­

(45334) INJECTOR 1 ­ ity of injector correction ISA code pro­
IMA/ISA factors associated to grammed in EDC17
CODE PRO­ IMA/ISA codes for each with respect to that
GRAMMING injector internally. The actually present on
NOT ECU checks plausibility engine.
PLAUSIBLE with respect to pro­ _ try reprogramming
gramming every time it is IMA code of the in­
powered up: a fault for jector determined as
each single injector is incorrect and carry
stored in case of lack of out a long after­run
plausibility. after programming
_ if the above is not
successful, ask for
automated remote
programming to re­
flash EDC17 accord­
ing to market THD.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B11B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by:­
(45339) AN ERROR Incorrect CAN timer
ON C­CAN configuration (Prescaler,
HAS BEEN SJW, sampling, propaga­
DETECTED tion etc)­ Faulty line ter­
­ Faulty network con­
nection and contacts
­ faulty CAN controller
(presence of incorrect
Check timing configura­
tion and hardware com­
patibility. Check line ter­
minals, connections and
CAN contacts. Check
wiring (presence of
short circuit to battery
voltage, earth, CAN up
or CAN down). Monitor
CAN communication for
possible incorrect beha­
viour of one of the ECUs.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B126 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 internally dia­ _ presence of errors
(45350) ECU IN­ gnoses the capacitors in EDC17 fault
TERNAL used for delivering high memory related to
ERROR OF voltage for driving the injector wiring (e.g.
INJECTORS injectors and the de­ presence of short
(BENCH 1) livered current. A fault is circuits)
SUPPLY stored if a fault condition _ check integrity of
DEVICE on cylinder row 1 (in­ injector wiring, in
jector 1 and injector 4) is particular absence of
detected. short circuits
_ check EDC17 ECU
power, particularly
positives under main
relay T09 cvm.
_ faults to injector or
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B136 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 monitors voltage _ integrity of injector
(45366) PIEZO­ of injector piezoelectric wiring (this fault may
ELECTRIC actuator in determined be caused by electric
ACTUATOR operating conditions. A interference on the
­ AN ELEC­ fault is stored if the wiring)
TRIC VALUE measured value is out of _ faults to injector or
BEYOND a higher range. EDC ECU.

B166 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between

(45414) INJECTOR 1 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT ON condition is detected.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B18B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(45451) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE EEC1 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing EEC1
function (EDC) are cor­
rectly powered and run­

B216 CYLINDER EDC17 checks plausibil­ _ coherence of IMA/­

(45590) INJECTOR 3 ­ ity of injector correction ISA code pro­
IMA/ISA factors associated to grammed in EDC17
CODE PRO­ IMA/ISA codes for each with respect to that
GRAMMING injector internally. The actually present on
NOT ECU checks plausibility engine.
PLAUSIBLE with respect to pro­ _ try reprogramming
gramming every time it is IMA code of the in­
powered up: a fault for jector determined as
each single injector is incorrect and carry
stored in case of lack of out a long after­run
plausibility. after programming
_ if the above is not
successful, ask for
automated remote
programming to re­
flash EDC17 accord­
ing to market THD.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B21B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by:
(45595) AN ERROR ­ Incorrect CAN timer
ON NODE B configuration (Prescaler,
HAS BEEN SJW, sampling, propaga­
DETECTED tion etc)
­ Faulty line terminals
­ Faulty network con­
nection and contacts
­ faulty CAN controller
(presence of incorrect
Check timing configura­
tion and hardware com­
patibility. Check line ter­
minals, connections and
CAN contacts. Check
wiring (presence of
short circuit to battery
voltage, earth, CAN up
or CAN down). Monitor
CAN communication for
possible incorrect beha­
viour of one of the ECUs.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B226 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 internally dia­ _ presence of errors
(45606) ECU IN­ gnoses the capacitors in EDC17 fault
TERNAL used for delivering high memory related to
ERROR OF voltage for driving the injector wiring (e.g.
INJECTORS injectors and the de­ presence of short
(BENCH 2) livered current. A fault is circuits)
SUPPLY stored if a fault condition _ check integrity of
DEVICE on cylinder row 2 (in­ injector wiring, in
jector 2 and injector 3) is particular absence of
detected. short circuits
_ check EDC17 ECU
power, particularly
positives under main
relay T09 cvm.
_ faults to injector or
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B227 EGR CON­ A position sensor inside _jamming or stiff
(45607) TROL VALVE the EGR actuator de­ mechanical move­
­ OPEN tects the correct position ment of the compon­
LOCKED assumed by the valve. In­ ent
POSITION coherence is detected if _check wiring, spe­
position does not coin­ cifically EGR valve
cide with target reques­ power and earth
ted by EDC. EDC at­ (positive ­­> EGR
tempts to release the valve connector pin 5;
EGR valve by requesting earth ­­> EGR valve
rapid opening/closing connector pin 3)
movements. A fault is
stored if it is not suc­

B236 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 monitors voltage _ integrity of injector

(45622) PIEZO­ of injector piezoelectric wiring (this fault may
ELECTRIC actuator in determined be caused by electric
ACTUATOR operating conditions. A interference on the
­ AN ELEC­ fault is stored if the wiring)
TRIC VALUE measured value is out of _ faults to injector or
BELOW THE a lower range. EDC ECU.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B266 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between
(45670) INJECTOR 3 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT ON condition is detected.

B28B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(45707) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE EEC2 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing EEC2
function (EDC) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B316 CYLINDER EDC17 checks plausibil­ _ coherence of IMA/­
(45846) INJECTOR 4 ­ ity of injector correction ISA code pro­
IMA /ISA factors associated to grammed in EDC17
CODE PRO­ IMA/ISA codes for each with respect to that
GRAMMING injector internally. The actually present on
NOT ECU checks plausibility engine.
PLAUSIBLE with respect to pro­ _ try reprogramming
gramming every time it is IMA code of the in­
powered up: a fault for jector determined as
each single injector is incorrect and carry
stored in case of lack of out a long after­run
plausibility. after programming
_ if the above is not
successful, ask for
automated remote
programming to re­
flash EDC17 accord­
ing to market THD.

B366 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between

(45926) INJECTOR 4 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT ON condition is detected.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B38B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(45963) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE EEC3 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing EEC3
function (EDC) are cor­
rectly powered and run­

B416 CILYNDER EDC17 checks plausibil­ _ coherence of IMA/­

(46102) INJECTOR 2 ­ ity of injector correction ISA code pro­
IMA/ISA factors associated to grammed in EDC17
CODE PRO­ IMA/ISA codes for each with respect to that
GRAMMING injector internally. The actually present on
NOT ECU checks plausibility engine.
PLAUSIBLE with respect to pro­ _ try reprogramming
gramming every time it is IMA code of the in­
powered up: a fault for jector determined as
each single injector is incorrect and carry
stored in case of lack of out a long after­run
plausibility. after programming
_ if the above is not
successful, ask for
automated remote
programming to re­
flash EDC17 accord­
ing to market THD.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B466 CYLINDER EDC17 electrically _ wiring between
(46182) INJECTOR 2 ­ checks injectors. A fault is EDC17 and injectors
SHORT CIR­ stored if a short circuit _ injector faults.
CUIT ON condition is detected.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B51B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by:
(46363) A PASSIVE ­ Incorrect CAN timer
ERROR configuration (Prescaler,
C­CAN HAS SJW, sampling, propaga­
BEEN DE­ tion etc)
TECTED ­ Faulty line terminals
­ Faulty network con­
nection and contacts
­ faulty CAN controller
(presence of incorrect
Check timing configura­
tion and hardware com­
patibility. Check line ter­
minals, connections and
CAN contacts. Check
wiring (presence of
short circuit to battery
voltage, earth, CAN up
or CAN down). Monitor
CAN communication for
possible incorrect beha­
viour of one of the ECUs.

B527 EGR CON­ EDC checks current in­ _ wiring between

(46375) TROL VALVE tensity used to drive the EDC and EGR solen­
­ ACTUAT­ EGR solenoid valve. A oid valve (short cir­
OR CON­ fault is stored if the cur­ cuit)
TROL CUR­ rent used to reach a given _ mechanical impedi­
RENT EX­ actuator position excess ments to actuator
CEEDING the limit value. movement causing
LIMIT excessive current
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B68B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(46731) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE EFL_P1 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing EFL_P1
function (EDC) are cor­
rectly powered and run­

B766 INJECTORS ­ EDC17 internally mon­ _ check injector wir­

(46950) ECU IN­ itors injector driving ing integrity
TERNAL devices. An error is _ check EDC17 ECU
ERROR OF stored if a fault is detec­ power, particularly
INJECTORS ted. positives under main
SUPPLY relay T09 cvm.
DEVICE _ EDC faults.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B78B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(46987) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE FIC other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing FIC
function (EDC) are cor­
rectly powered and run­

B88B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(47243) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE IC1 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing IC1
function (EDC) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
B98B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a
(47499) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE TX­ other electronic systems
CCVS or functions present on
TRANSMIS­ the vehicle. Check that
SION HAS electric connection
BEEN DE­ between CAN line and
TECTED engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing TxCCVS
function (EDC) are cor­
rectly powered and run­

BA8B CAN LINE ­ The error is caused by a

(47755) A DELAY IN delay in message recep­
THE MES­ tion on CAN line from
SAGE VEP1 other electronic systems
TRANSMIS­ or functions present on
SION HAS the vehicle. Check that
BEEN DE­ electric connection
TECTED between CAN line and
engine ECU is correct.
Check at all ECUs con­
nected to CAN line are
correctly powered and
running. Check that
ECUs managing VEP1
function (EDC) are cor­
rectly powered and run­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
C149 PARTICU­ The error is caused by
(49481) LATE FILTER detection of atmo­
­ DIFFEREN­ spheric pressure up­
TIAL PRES­ stream of particulate
SURE trap. The error may have
SENSOR ­ various causes:­ differ­
NOT ential pressure sensor
PLAUSIBLE fault ­ interrupted or
MEASURE­ obstructed hoses or in­
MENT ­ correct assembly of
PIPES NOT hoses connecting sensor
CONNEC­ to filter. Check fittings
TED OR and particulate filter as­
CLOGGED sembly. Check differen­
tial pressure sensor effi­
ciency and connection
hoses to filter. In case of
replacement: run the
cedure in component
replacement environ­
ment in Easy.

D193 ENVIRON­ The error caused by

(53651) MENT faulty ambient pressure
PRESSURE ­ sensor in ECU. Discon­
A TOO nect battery power ter­
HIGH minal. Check correct
MEASURE ECU power wiring. Re­
HAS BEEN connect battery power
DETECTED, terminal. Power ECU
NOT and clear error memory.
PLAUSIBLE Contact market THD or
BY THE CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
D2E3 ECU TEM­ The error caused by
(53987) PERATURE ­ temperature sensor de­
THE tection in ECU. Discon­
SENSOR nect battery power ter­
DETECTED minal. Check correct
A TOO ECU power wiring. Re­
HIGH connect battery power
MEASURE terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

E11C ECU IN­ The error is due to in­

(57628) TERNAL ternal ECU fault. Dis­
CHECKS ­ connect battery power
FAULT DE­ terminal. Check correct
TECTED ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
E193 ENVIRON­ The error caused by
(57747) MENT faulty ambient pressure
PRESSURE ­ sensor in ECU. Discon­
A TOO LOW nect battery power ter­
MEASURE minal. Check correct
NOT ECU power wiring. Re­
PLAUSIBLE connect battery power
BY THE terminal. Power ECU
SENSOR and clear error memory.
HAS BEEN Contact market THD or
DETECTED CET if the fault persists.

E21C ECU IN­ The error is due to in­

(57884) TERNAL ternal ECU fault. Dis­
CHECKS ­ connect battery power
FAULT DE­ terminal. Check correct
TECTED ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
E2E3 ECU TEM­ The error caused by
(58083) PERATURE ­ temperature sensor de­
THE tection in ECU. Discon­
SENSOR nect battery power ter­
DETECTED minal. Check correct
A TOO LOW ECU power wiring. Re­
MEASURE connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

E31C ECU IN­ The error is due to in­

(58140) TERNAL ternal ECU fault. Dis­
CHECKS ­ connect battery power
FAULT DE­ terminal. Check correct
TECTED ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists

Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
E41C ECU IN­ The error is due to in­
(58396) TERNAL ternal ECU fault. Dis­
CHECKS ­ connect battery power
FAULT DE­ terminal. Check correct
TECTED ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

E61C ECU IN­ The error is due to in­

(58908) TERNAL ternal ECU fault. Dis­
CHECKS ­ connect battery power
FAULT DE­ terminal. Check correct
TECTED ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
E71C ECU IN­ The error is due to in­
(59164) TERNAL ternal ECU fault. Dis­
CHECKS ­ connect battery power
FAULT DE­ terminal. Check correct
TECTED ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F11C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(61724) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F11F INFO: This signal indicates
(61727) TORQUE power loss >2. 00s
LIMITATION caused by turbocharger
ACTIVA­ protection. No actions
TION RE­ are needed when this
QUESTED signal appears on its own.
BY TUR­ If loss of power is caused
BOCHAR­ by another error the
GER PRO­ event should be stored in
TECTION the fault memory.

F12C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(61740) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F12F NOX EMIS­ This type of error is gen­
(61743) SIONS erated because the NOx
THRESHOL level allowed in standards
D EX­ has been exceeded. Seek
CEEDED the cause by checking the
DUE TO memory for other faults.
GROUP Then check for other
FAULTS: faults which caused the
SUPPLY/ IN­ Long Term fault activa­
JECTION tion and follow the re­
SYSTEM commended repair pro­
CONTROL cedure. The Long Term
(LONG will continue to remain in
TERM the ECU memory after
FAULT) having correct the causes
which generated it and
will be automatically de­
leted after 9600 hours
(400 days) of engine op­

F13C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(61756) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F15C IMMOBIL­ ­ use of an incorrect key This fault indicates that
(61788) IZER ­ FUEL ­ use of a faulty key Immobilizer is cutting off
RELEASE ­ use of a key which has fuel release and is con­
DISABLED not been programmed sequently preventing the
yet engine from being
­ use of a falsified key cranked. Check the
­ communication in­ reason of immobiliser
terference between intervention.
key and Immobilizer

F16C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(61804) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F17C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(61820) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F21C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(61980) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F21F INFO: This signal indicates
(61983) TORQUE power loss >2. 00s
LIMITATION caused by engine mech­
ACTIVA­ anical protection. No ac­
TION RE­ tions are needed when
QUESTED this signal appears on its
BY ENGINE own. If loss of power is
PROTEC­ caused by another error
TION the event should be
STRATEGY stored in the fault

F22C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(61996) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F22F NOX EMIS­ This type of error is gen­
(61999) SIONS erated because the NOx
THRESHOL level allowed in standards
D EX­ has been exceeded. Seek
CEEDED the cause by checking the
DUE TO memory for other faults.
GROUP Then check for other
FAULTS: IN­ faults which caused the
JECTION Long Term fault activa­
TIME CON­ tion and follow the re­
TROL commended repair pro­
(LONG cedure. The Long Term
TERM will continue to remain in
FAULT) the ECU memory after
having correct the causes
which generated it and
will be automatically de­
leted after 9600 hours
(400 days) of engine op­

F23C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(62012) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F25C IMMOBIL­ Fault caused by incorrect
(62044) IZER ­ UNI­ ECU and Immobilizer
VERSAL learning value settings.
CODE RE­ Possible causes may be:
CEIVED ­ ­ faulty Immobilizer
REPLACED ­ Immobilizer replaced
OR NOT and learning values not
YET PRO­ yet determined.
GRAMMED Run the learning pro­
cedure between engine
ECU and Immobilizer.

F26C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(62060) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F31C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(62236) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F31F INFO: This signal indicates

(62239) TORQUE power loss >2. 00s
LIMITATION caused by excessive
ACTIVA­ pressure in rail. No ac­
TION RE­ tions are needed when
QUESTED this signal appears on its
BY THE IN­ own. If loss of power is
JECTION caused by another error
SYSTEM the event should be
PROTEC­ stored in the fault
TION memory.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F32C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(62252) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F32F NOX EMIS­ This type of error is gen­

(62255) SIONS erated because the NOx
THRESHOL level allowed in standards
D EX­ has been exceeded. Seek
CEEDED the cause by checking the
DUE TO memory for other faults.
GROUP Then check for other
FAULTS: AIR faults which caused the
CONTROL Long Term fault activa­
(LONG tion and follow the re­
TERM commended repair pro­
FAULT) cedure. The Long Term
will continue to remain in
the ECU memory after
having correct the causes
which generated it and
will be automatically de­
leted after 9600 hours
(400 days) of engine op­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F33C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(62268) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F35C IMMOBIL­ Fault caused by interfer­

(62300) IZER ­ CODE ence of absence of com­
NOT RE­ munication between
CEIVED engine ECU and Im­
mobilizer. Check that
electric connection of
CAN line between en­
gine ECU and Immobil­
izer is correct.

F36C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(62316) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F41C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(62492) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F41F INFO: The signal is consequent

(62495) TORQUE to loss of power >2. 00s
LIMITATION caused by torque limiter
ACTIVA­ after engine brake re­
TION RE­ lease. No actions are
QUESTED needed when this signal
BY ENGINE appears on its own. If loss
BRAKE of power is caused by
PROTEC­ another error the event
TION should be stored in the
STRATEGY fault memory.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F42C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(62508) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F42F NOX EMIS­ This type of error is gen­

(62511) SIONS erated because the NOx
THRESHOL level allowed in standards
D EX­ has been exceeded. Seek
CEEDED the cause by checking the
DUE TO memory for other faults.
GROUP Then check for other
FAULTS: EGR faults which caused the
CONTROL Long Term fault activa­
(LONG tion and follow the re­
TERM commended repair pro­
FAULT) cedure. The Long Term
will continue to remain in
the ECU memory after
having correct the causes
which generated it and
will be automatically de­
leted after 9600 hours
(400 days) of engine op­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F43F NOX EMIS­ This type of error is gen­
(62527) SIONS erated because the NOx
THRESHOL level allowed in standards
D EX­ has been exceeded. Seek
CEEDED the cause by checking the
DUE TO memory for other faults.
GROUP Then check for other
FAULTS: faults which caused the
LAMBDA Long Term fault activa­
FEELER tion and follow the re­
CONTROL commended repair pro­
(LONG cedure. The Long Term
TERM will continue to remain in
FAULT) the ECU memory after
having correct the causes
which generated it and
will be automatically de­
leted after 9600 hours
(400 days) of engine op­
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F45C IMMOBIL­ The fault may be caused
(62556) IZER ­ IN­ by:
CORRECT ­ assembly on vehicle of
CODE RE­ Immobilizer ECU asso­
CEIVED ciated to an engine ECU
of another vehicle
­ assembly on vehicle of
engine ECU associated
to an Immobilizer ECU of
another vehicle
­ after engine ECU re­
placement if association
with Immobilizer has not
been run yet or was not
­ problems to Immobil­
izer ECU.
Check correct operation
of Immobilizer. Check
correct programming of
engine ECU.

F46C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(62572) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F51C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(62748) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F51F INFO: The signal is consequent

(62751) TORQUE to loss of power >5. 00s
LIMITATION caused by torque limiter
ACTIVA­ due to low pressure dif­
TION RE­ ference on particulate
QUESTED trap. No actions are
BY PARTIC­ needed when this signal
ULATE FIL­ appears on its own. The
TER PRO­ failed torque limiter fault
TECTION should be stored in the
STRATEGY fault memory if loss of
power is caused by an­
other error.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F52C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(62764) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F61C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(63004) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F61F INFO: The signal is caused by
(63007) TORQUE power loss caused by
LIMITATION OBD performance lim­
ACTIVA­ iter as a result of excess­
TION RE­ ive high NOx emission
QUESTED values. No actions are
BY OBD needed when this signal
LAW appears on its own. If loss
STRATEGY of power is caused by
another error the event
should be stored in the
fault memory.

F71F INFO: Indication occurred due

(63263) TORQUE to power reduction
LIMITATION caused by excessive
ACTIVA­ temperature in SCR
TION RE­ catalyzer. No actions are
QUESTED needed when this signal
BY THE appears on its own. If loss
CATALYS­ of power is caused by
ATOR PRO­ another error the event
TECTION should be stored in the
STRATEGY fault memory.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F72C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(63276) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F81C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(63516) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F81F INFO: This signal indicates
(63519) TORQUE power loss >5. 00s due
LIMITATION to smoke limitation.
ACTIVA­ If no other EGR fault or
TION RE­ booster charge fault, the
QUESTED problem may be caused
ITATION ­ Operation in extreme
STRATEGY conditions (high altitude
FOR EX­ >1800 m or ambient
HAUST pressure < 780mbar)
SMOKES ­ VGT or EGR block or
engine brake baffle (if
­ Slow turbocharger re­
sponse (poor efficiency).

­ Incorrect air flow meter

signal (or boost pressure
sensor if flow meter is
not available). No actions
are needed when this
signal appears on its own.
If loss of power is caused
by another error the
event should be stored in
the fault memory.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected

If there is no error stored
in memory for EGR or
boost pressure sensor:
­ Check correct tur­
bocharger efficiency
­ Check correct opera­
tion of HFM ­ Check that
boost pressure sensor
measurements are cor­
­ No action is needed if
the error occurs in ex­
treme conditions.
Otherwise, check EGR,
boost pressure and
turbo block on engine

Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F82C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(63532) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

F91C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(63772) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
F91F INFO: The signal is caused by
(63775) TORQUE power loss caused by
LIMITATION OBD performance lim­
ACTIVE RE­ iter as a result of excess­
QUESTED ive high NOx emission
BY values. Check which er­
STRATEGIES ror activates the per­
OF OBD formance limiter and re­
LAWS commended resolution.
Note: Performance lim­
iter can be deactivated
using diagnostic tester
for up to three times for
60 min each time so that
the vehicle can be driven
at full load to reach the
closest service station.

F92C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(63788) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
FA1C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(64028) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

FA2C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(64044) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
FB1C INTERNAL The error is due to in­
(64284) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

FB2C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(64300) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.
Failing Type of Visible failu­ Checks to be Measuring Values to be
DTC FMI Possible Cause Repair action Remarks
component Failure re performed conditions detected
FC2C ECU IN­ The error is due to in­
(64556) TERNAL ternal ECU fault. Dis­
CHECKS ­ connect battery power
FAULT DE­ terminal. Check correct
TECTED ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

FD2C INTERNAL The error is due to in­

(64812) ECU ERROR ternal ECU fault. Dis­
connect battery power
terminal. Check correct
ECU power wiring. Re­
connect battery power
terminal. Power ECU
and clear error memory.
Contact market THD or
CET if the fault persists.

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