Sat Brochure MD
Sat Brochure MD
Sat Brochure MD
Testing framework
Build resilient grids by smartly
implementing ADMS
As residential and commercial power usage and requirements continue to evolve, so
do the complexities and reliability needs of the modern distribution networks – which
are expected to deliver resilience in the face of natural disasters, reliability and
improved power quality – including rising complexity from prosumers who continue to
disrupt traditional energy capacity through generation from alternative resources like
solar, battery and wind. Gaining real-time visibility into the distribution networks
becomes crucial to quicken FLISR (Fault Location, Isolation and Restoration)
Service Restoration)
and optimize grid performance. This forms the groundwork for Advanced Distribution
Management Systems implementation – an integrated software platform that can
enable rapid FLISR, demand management, VAR (volt-ampere reactive) optimization –
transitioning paperwork, manual processes and siloed software systems to systems
driven by real-time data resulting in automated data-led processes.
As Utilities drive grid modernization programs, including deploying ADMS solutions,
testing assumes prime importance whether it is a full implementation, an upgrade,
adding or updating an integration, or installing a maintenance patch to a distribution
management system that must build confidence by delivering improved performance
under stress or heavy loads and accurate outage predictions. The information must be
timely and reliable, otherwise faulty switching, grounding, and tagging information
could jeopardize repair crew safety – and a utility simply cannot afford sluggish perfor-
mance, system failures in the face of a diverse set of environmental conditions.
* article
*US Dept. of Energy, Insights into ADMS report
The Smart ADMS Testing (SAT) framework by IoT WoRKSTM successfully enables
end-to-end planning, management and execution of full-lifecycle ADMS Testing Cycle
for utilities customers using Agile methodology. This covers in its scope Functional
testing, Integration testing, System Integration testing, Security, Performance testing
and User acceptance testing. This framework allows IoT WoRKSTM to leverage a Testing
Competency team from ERS, Power Engineering domain experts, and testing automa-
tion tools such as eDAT, CoSiNe, TAF (Test Automation Framework), Intelligent Test
Automation (iTF) as needed by utilities customers.
The well planned SAT framework enables effective implementa-
tion of ADMSs’ for utilities, that respond to high stress and heavy
use, ensuring that high availability/failover work as expected –
creating robust, responsive systems that can stand up to stresses
from heavy loads and diverse, challenging environments – deliv-
ering high grid performance, reliability and resilience that match
up to end customer expectations and requirements.
Offering Highlights:
Functional Testing: Validation of ADMS product configuration, busi-
ness rules, UI Navigation. Interface testing with external systems and
System & Integration Testing
Field Device Testing: Validation using Smart Meters, RTUs/IED – Sub-
station & Feeder Lines
Integrated Systems: Enables rapid FLISR, Volt/Var Control (VVC),
Unbalanced Power Flow (UBPF), Outage Management
Ensure Best Practices: Enable industry best practices in ADMS testing – carried out
by planning, managing and executing full-lifecycle ADMS Testing Cycle for clients
using an Agile method
Quicken Time to Market: Tools and frameworks helps in reducing testing effort and
Improve Success Rates: Well defined methodologies help reduce risks and improves
success rate of ADMS implementation
Build Resilience: Power reliability and resilience in the modern distribution network
capable of catering to changing end-customer needs
Accelerator for device Data Analytics platform Reference Design for an Build next generation
IoT-ization intelligent device cloud services