The good news is that as industrial automation control systems become smarter and digitized, they
benefit from years of Information Technology (IT) experience in cybersecurity best practices.
The IEC 62443 standard is a consensus-based cybersecurity standard for industrial automation
and control system (IACS) applications. It consolidates global IT cybersecurity best practices and
translates it into security standards for industrial applications. The result is a solid roadmap for
industrial enterprises and equipment owners seeking to shield data and systems from breach or
damage and to strengthen their overall security posture.
The standard defines how networks and connections should be configured and secured for the
entire lifecycle of industrial applications – from design through to decommissioning. It drives a
crucial point home, one learned and borrowed from IT: Security is not just implemented, but needs
to be continuously improved.
In industrial automation, that means adopting a layered security approach. At the level of network connectivity, the IEC
62443 standard establishes requirements for dividing systems into segments as a key security measure to fortify indus-
trial systems.
Consider a factory automation facility with separate assembly lines (Lines A, B, C, D), each of which encompasses several
processes and multiple input/output (I/O) devices, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), and Variable Frequency
Drives (VFDs). Many organizations maintain flat networks with no divisions between different lines. The problem is that
a device plugged in anywhere can access every other part of the system.
This ease of connectivity is a major security risk and can lead to intentional or unintentional compromise. An employee
laptop infected with malware, for example, could damage the rest of the system. A hacker with malicious intent could
infiltrate one network and gain easy access to the others.
A safer approach is to segment the factory floor into multiple smaller containers, called zones. Since each zone has its
own network, any device plugged into that zone can only access the processes and devices in that area. Zones create a
layered security boundary with process control and help maintain the same security level for all devices within that zone.
Zones aren’t isolated from one another, however. Communication between devices in different zones can be enabled
through conduits that control and monitor traffic in and out of individual segments.
For example, if our imaginary facility’s Line A had a PLC that needed to communicate to a PLC in Line C, a conduit would
be set up to connect Line A to Line B, and a second conduit would connect Line B to Line C. Those conduits would block
or allow traffic. Done right, they would also provide visibility into what’s happening at each boundary.
You’d have to set up routers for those subnets. You’d also need firewalls to block traffic ingress and egress at transport
and network layers and effectively allow or disallow communication through segment boundaries.
Getting VLAN, router, and firewall technology to work effectively together can be a challenging process. Every piece
adds a layer of complexity, and a single change introduced to one part of the solution requires adjustments to every
other device.
2 | The Best Approach to Zones and Conduits: IT Cybersecurity Lessons for Industrial Applications Learn more at redlion.net
When an industrial process has been running
reliably for 5 to 10 years or more, any change
to that process is daunting. The concern with
VLAN technology is that what begins with a
little downtime could end up jeopardizing the
whole process.
A better and easier method is possible with Red Lion’s RA10C compact industrial firewall. You simply install the RA10C
in your panel as the conduit between two zones (e.g. Line A and Line B). Rather than having a cable that runs between
Lines A and B, cables from Line A and Line B both plug into the RA10C, acting as the conduit and providing the
necessary segmentation between zones.
The unit provides firewall protection, along with traffic control and monitoring, and eliminates the need for VLANs and
routers. In contrast to the VLAN approach, the Red Lion unit supports zone and conduits capability and preserves net-
work communication without requiring any time-consuming and risky changes to network devices.
With the RA10C operating in Bridge Mode, users can control, visualize, and monitor network traffic with a single piece
of software. No special expertise is expected in either networking or firewall functionality. A setup wizard launches
during setup, asks users a few questions, and guides them through the installation process.
The RA10C comes installed with configuration software that enables the automatic creation of a host list of devices
trying to communicate with the RA10C. The user only needs to know which hosts should be connected to each other
and which connections should be blocked. Those decisions are easily and securely managed through a graphical user
interface. Arrows indicate which communication pathways are open and closed, and users can direct, redirect, and block
traffic with a few simple clicks.
3 | The Best Approach to Zones and Conduits: IT Cybersecurity Lessons for Industrial Applications Learn more at redlion.net
Among the system controls is a Syslog that logs and stores network events on the RA10C unit. In the case of a cyber
incident or attack, those network events can be collected and used to alert the IT department that something has oc-
When safer, stricter access control is a priority, large, flat networks are no longer viable options for automated industrial
applications. A zones and conduits approach to network communication meets modern standards and provides more
robust security and the necessary traffic control.
Experienced controls engineers sometimes feel wet behind the ears when it comes to cybersecurity. Fortunately, indus-
trial cybersecurity standards have their best interests in mind: high uptime and compliance. The tools that deliver those
priorities best are those that support IT cybersecurity principles by design.
Adopting a layered security approach doesn’t just make engineers look good. It strengthens the security posture of the
organization, protects upstream and downstream partners, and enhances the security of the industrial sector overall.
To discover how Red Lion solutions can help you access, connect, and visualize your data, visit www.redlion.net.
4 | The Best Approach to Zones and Conduits: IT Cybersecurity Lessons for Industrial Applications Learn more at redlion.net
About Red Lion
Red Lion is focused on being THE Industrial Data Company™.
We empower industrial organizations around the world to
unlock the value of data by developing and manufacturing
innovative products and solutions to access, connect and
visualize their information. Red Lion’s global manufacturing
and support facilities serve customers in factory automation,
alternative energy, oil and gas, power and utilities, transpor-
tation, water and wastewater industry segments. We provide
scalable solutions for cloud connectivity, edge intelligence
and asset management, industrial Ethernet switches and
industryleading panel meters and operator panels, to make it
easy for companies to gain real-time data visibility that drives
productivity. Red Lion is part of Spectris plc, the experts in
providing insight through precision measurement.