Data Management ™
Unique and comprehensive solution adds data analytics
for enhanced smart grid operations
With these functions, you put your smart meter data to work not only for
streamlined meter to cash but also for effective decision making, improved
grid operations, and enterprise-level processes such as planning and
customer service.
Here’s how this advanced solution helps you get the highest mileage from your
smart meter data and AMI investment –
The powerful Conductor MDM Validation, Estimation and Editing (VEE) engine
validates and corrects raw data collected by smart meters, field devices and
SCADA. It can scale to support millions of service delivery and measurement
points, and deliver billing-quality data to your CIS, on time, every day, as your
network grows. And validation rules and estimation algorithms are configurable,
so your utility realizes the results that meet your specific requirements.
Put your smart meter data to work, not only for streamlined meter to
cash but also for effective decision making, improved grid operations,
and enterprise-level processes.
Analytics extend smart metering value to A key component of your smart grid
the entire enterprise infrastructure
Smart meters provide huge amounts of data! Through the Conductor MDM solution, your
In addition to streamlining billing and improving utility can extract new business intelligence from
revenue processes, the Conductor MDM solution your smart meters and field devices. You realize
incorporates the integrations and data analytics that actionable information that can optimize operations
support – and business process efficiency — and help achieve
• Network energy inventory balancing – You can smart grid initiatives, today and tomorrow.
accurately compare feeder energy to aggregated
meter data to detect costly energy theft. Proven expertise
• Outage management – Integration enables real- Schneider Electric is a world leader in real-time
time, accurate and complete outage event analysis automation control and information management
that helps identify nested outages and optimize systems and has successfully implemented some of
field crew dispatch – all to support efficient the world’s largest multi-vendor AMI deployments.
response and restoration. Planned outages and It creates highly successful utility solutions based
momentaries are filtered from the OMS. on open architecture, standards compliance and
• Customer satisfaction and performance an accurate model of the utility network — a single
measures – Readily available data improves version of the truth — that enables interoperability
the accurate reporting of the Customer Average among its systems, efficient enterprise performance
Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) and other and scalability for long-term effectiveness.
performance indexes and information shared
with regulators, customers, media and other With a complete suite of interoperable Smart Grid
stakeholders. applications, including enterprise-scale GIS, DMS,
• Load profiling – You have accurate and highly OMS and SCADA, the company provides solutions
granular transformer load profiles, especially that support the world’s electric, gas and water
significant for effective distribution planning when utilities as they embrace the next generation in
electric vehicle (EV) charging and distributed efficient network management and sustainable
generation are involved. services.
• Forecasting and predictive analysis – Long-term
data stored in Conductor MDM and load profiles
August 2012