LG White Paper PLC
LG White Paper PLC
LG White Paper PLC
Introduction 3
Utility-owned network 5
Network topology 6
Emissions 6
Interoperability 8
Conclusion 11
Introducing the power of PLC
Power Line Communication (PLC) is a well-established
communications technology that was initially used
for telemetry purposes. The first large-scale PLC
deployments took place in the 1990s. Today, PLC
technology has reached maturity with many vendors
offering fully operational communication solutions for a
wide range of industry applications.
Introducing the power of PLC
PLC communication is the number one a single specification and standard for CENELEC
technology for smart metering in Europe A-Band power line communications for smart grid
products and services.
The table below shows the installed PLC endpoints in
Europe by country. Currently, large volumes of meters equipped with
PRIME technology are being installed in Spain. Their
Country Endpoints % of installed AMM number is expected to reach 1 million metering
[millions] base points by March 2013.
Italy 36 99%
Sweden 3 58% According to ABI Research, PLC technology is the
Finland 1.5 52% number one smart metering technology in the world.
Denmark 1.3 79% This is a remarkable success for PLC technology
considering the large number of national regulatory
France 0.3 Pilot
and legislative bodies in and outside Europe promoting
Spain 0.2 Beginning of rollout
the use of other communication technologies in smart
Norway 0.15 76%
The European market data presented above has been
obtained from the BERG IN-SIGHT research report
Introducing the power of PLC
Introducing the power of PLC
Introducing the power of PLC
Introducing the power of PLC
The smart metering architecture shown on this page is components from different manufacturers. By investing
also considered as a basis for the standardization work in standardized PLC technology, a utility can avoid
issued by the European Commission under the mandate the risk of stranded investments due to proprietary
M/441. M/441 architecture is built around a PLC technology.
communication stack that is structured to fit perfectly
The standards framework on this page allows enough
into the existing application standards framework. The
flexibility to incorporate new PLC technologies, thus
OSI layering ensures expandability taking the evolution
providing a smooth upgrade path from today’s field
of PLC technology into account, while at the same
proven S-FSK technology towards the emerging OFDM
time maintaining backwards compatibility with proven
Introducing the power of PLC
The combination of standardized PLC with the global The installation takes just a few minutes.
concept of the expandable COSEM data model offers
• “Plug and play“ installation of the PLC meter:
the user consistency between today’s solutions and
Once the meter has been installed, it is ready to
future technologies and applications. The universal
communicate. This reduces the installation cost
message- based security features offered by the
of PLC communication to almost zero and is a
application layer are independent of the PLC technology
significant cost advantage over RF solutions.
and can even be used in any other communication
Meters serve as repeaters thus strengthening the
PLC offers the lowest Total Cost of • Establishing the PLC communication network:
Ownership (TCO) Landis+Gyr supports the entire installation process
with powerful installation tools and the central
The TCO analysis of a smart metering system covers
system. The PLC communication network itself
the following aspects:
does not require an installation process.
The cost of the smart metering equipment
The cost of installing the equipment and setting up Cost of operating and maintaining the smart
the system metering system (OPEX)
The cost of operating and maintaining the system • The cost of operating the PLC network is
independent of third-party network operators and
In order to get a fair assessment of the TCO of a PLC-
therefore low compared to 2G/3G operation costs.
based smart metering solution, the following points
But most importantly, because of the unmatched
must be considered:
communication reliability, the cost of human
Cost of smart metering equipment (CAPEX) intervention is minimal.
• A PLC meter is the most cost-effective smart meter • The PLC network needs very little maintenance
due to the following: from the system side. Moreover, the PLC network
monitoring capabilities of the system enable basic
• PLC chip sets are mature and available from network supervision.
many vendors. From the technical point of view,
integration into a meter is quite simple. • The firmware of the data concentrator and the meter
can be remotely updated; hence no additional site
• The large installed base has already driven the visits are required.
cost down (economies of scale).
• Cost of data concentrator:
In densely populated areas the ratio between metering
points and a data concentrator on average is 1:200 (and
can go up to 1:1000). This results in minimal costs for
each metering point.
Introducing the power of PLC
PLC compared to other communication In the comparison table on this page, these
technologies for smart metering technologies are rated based on key aspects applicable
to the smart metering solution.
In order for the utility to achieve a reliable
Based on 25 years of experience in smart metering
communication network and to fulfill the required
in EMEA, Landis+Gyr considers PLC to be the “last
SLAs (Service Level Agreements) at the lowest Total
mile” technology that provides the most benefits to the
Cost of Ownership (TCO), it is essential to choose
the right communication technology. The selected
communication technology must fit in the geographical
environment and satisfy the utility’s business *The “last mile” refers to the final leg of connectivity
requirements. from the utility to the consumer.
Rating: ++ / + / 0 / - / --
Introducing the power of PLC
Conclusion Landis+Gyr (Europe) AG
Theilerstrasse 1
With an installed base of over 40 million metering points
6301 Zug
in Europe, PLC is by far the most commonly used
communication technology for smart metering.
Tel: +41 (0)41 935 6000
Over the past 15 years, all advantages of the PLC Fax: +41 (0)41 935 6501
technology in large installations have been fully proven. Email: info@landisgyr.com
The electricity network was not designed to be used as Website: www.landisgyr.eu
a communication channel; however, PLC technology is
mature enough to deal with even the most challenging Landis+Gyr is a registered trademark of
environments. Filtering techniques, repetition of Landis+Gyr (Europe) AG, Switzerland
messages and sophisticated routing algorithms
guarantee exceptionally robust communication. About Landis+Gyr
Landis+Gyr is the leading global provider of integrated
Connecting the meter to the PLC communication energy management products tailored to energy
network is just as simple as connecting the meter to the company needs, and unique in its ability to deliver
mains. No additional work is required. The Landis+Gyr true end-to-end advanced metering solutions. Today,
PLC solution makes Plug-and-Play installation a reality. the company offers the broadest portfolio of products
and services in the electricity metering industry, and is
By using PLC technology, the utility retains full control
paving the way for the next generation of smart grid.
over its distribution network. Smart metering based on
PLC is the first step towards smart grid. Landis+Gyr, a standalone growth platform of the
Toshiba Corporation and 40% owned by the Innovation
With the introduction of OFDM encoding, PLC is
Network Corporation of Japan, operates in 30 countries
brought to the next level, securing its prime position for
across five continents, and employs 5,000 people with
the next decade.
the sole mission of helping the world manage energy
At Landis+Gyr, we believe that interoperability between better.
different manufactures is a must for successful smart
More information is available at www.landisgyr.com.
metering solutions. Based on the widely used PLC
technology and the IDIS (Interoperable Device Interface
Specification) initiative, we can offer maximum flexibility
and investment protection to our customers.
Jürg Haas, Product Manager, Communication Devices
Daniel Lauk, Head Platform and Innovation
Thomas Schaub, Standards and Interoperability
Andreas Wirtz, Product Management, Post-rollout Offers
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