Neuro-Oncology Explained Through Multiple Choice Questions: Joe M Das
Neuro-Oncology Explained Through Multiple Choice Questions: Joe M Das
Neuro-Oncology Explained Through Multiple Choice Questions: Joe M Das
Explained Through
Multiple Choice
Joe M Das
Neuro-Oncology Explained Through Multiple
Choice Questions
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Joe M Das
Neuro-Oncology Explained
Through Multiple Choice
Joe M Das
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Bahrain Specialist Hospital
Juffair, Bahrain
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Dedicated to my late father,
Dr Mariadas S.
Suresh Nair
Former Dean & Prof (Senior Grade) of Neurosurgery
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences
Trivandrum, India
This is our humble attempt to summarize the major neurosurgical concepts in neuro-
oncology with the help of multiple-choice questions. I sincerely thank all the con-
tributors who have given their best in adding quality content. We have tried to keep
the facts as simple as possible, especially the molecular classification. Medical sci-
ence, especially neuro-oncology, is a rapidly changing field. We have taken efforts
to keep the contents up to date. One peculiarity of the book is that we have intro-
duced many updates and nuances, which may be difficult to comprehend.
Hot topics like artificial intelligence and nanotheranostics are added.
This book is intended for those in neurosurgery and oncology training and will
act as a refresher for consultant neurosurgeons, neurologists, and medical/radiation
oncologists. The book is written assuming that the reader already knows the basics
of neurosurgery and neuro-oncology. We are sure that this book will help to increase
your existing level of knowledge on the subject and inspire reading.
It is almost impossible to include every topic in neuro-oncology in a single book.
This book excludes spinal and pediatric oncology.
The book contains both multiple-choice and matching questions, both formats
are likely to be interesting to the reader. We have tried to avoid giving the names of
trials, and percentages have been rounded off.
In addition, we would invite readers to explore the Springer Nature Flashcards
available with individual chapters. The cards are intended to help with consolidating
knowledge from the text. Download the Springer Nature Flashcards app for free
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rial to consolidate your knowledge.
“Errare humanum est.”—Latin proverb.
As mentioned by Dade Lunsford, the field of neurosurgery has been part of an
enormous paradigm shift over the last decade of the twentieth century and the initial
years of the twenty-first century. We have started applying molecular and laboratory
data in the operating room rather than going back to the laboratory from the operat-
ing room. We totally stand by his concept and have included more molecular aspects
of oncology in our book.
We sincerely wish you happy reading.
I would like to thank my wife (Dr Salini) and daughter (Miss Aarika) for always
being there for me and excusing me for doing academic activities during times that
could have been spent with them.
I thank my mother (Ms Daisy) and my friends (Drs Prasanth TS, Kiran N and
Sreeganesh K) for supporting me in all the things I do.
F-FDG 2-Deoxy-2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-D-glucose
3,4-Dihydroxy-6-(18F) fluoro-L-phenylalanine
3D Three dimensional
ABC ATP-binding cassette
ABR Auditory brainstem response
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone
ACVR1 Activin A receptor Type 1
ADC Apparent diffusion coefficient
AED Antiepileptic drug
AFP Alpha-fetoprotein
AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ALKBH5 alkB homolog 5 (alkB - Alkane hydroxylase gene)
APC Adenomatous polyposis coli
ASV Anterior septal vein
ATM Ataxia telangiectasia mutated
ATP Adenosine triphosphate
ATRX Alpha-thalassemia/mental retardation, X-linked
BAER Brainstem auditory evoked response
BAP1 BRCA1-associated protein 1 (BRCA1 - Breast cancer type 1)
BCOR BCL6 Corepressor (Bcl-6 - B-cell lymphoma 6)
b-FGF Basic fibroblast growth factor
BMI Body Mass Index
BMP Bone morphogenetic protein
B-RAF Rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma-B
BRG-1 Brahma-related gene-1
BTK Bruton tyrosine kinase
BTSC Brain tumor stem cell
C11orf95 (ZFTA) Zinc finger translocation associated
CARD11 Caspase recruitment domain family member 11
CD Cluster of differentiation
Cdk Cyclin-dependent kinase
xiv Abbreviations
xxii Contents
Chapter 1
Classification of Brain Tumors
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant—graded as WHO grades 2, 3, or 4 (the presence of
CDKN2A/B homozygous deletion results in a CNS WHO grade of 4)
Oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant, and 1p/19q-codeleted
Glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype
• Gliomas with mutated IDH1 and IDH2 have improved prognoses compared
to gliomas with wild-type IDH.
• IDH1/IDH2 mutations are less common in glioblastomas compared to grade
2 and 3 diffuse astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and oligoastrocytomas.
• The most common form of IDH mutation is a missense one in IDH1 (Arginine
at position 132 → Histidine) (IDH1 R132H). This accounts for 90% of the
IDH mutations in gliomas and is being used for immunohistochemical staining.
• IDH-mutated glioma shows markedly reduced glycolysis—the metabolic
hallmark of highly proliferating malignancies.
• Outside the central nervous system, IDH mutations are found in acute myeloid
leukemia, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, and central/periosteal
(a) BRAF V600E Papillary craniopharyngioma
(b) CTNNB1 Adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma
(c) MYB Angiocentric glioma
(d) PRKCA Chordoid glioma
(e) NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion Solitary fibrous tumor and hemangiopericytoma
(f) TERT promoter mutation Aggressive meningiomas
(g) NRAS Diffuse meningeal melanocytic tumors
(h) FGFR1 Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
(i) SMARCB1/SMARCA4 loss Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor
(j) KIAA1549-BRAF gene Pilocytic astrocytoma
11. What are the possible grades for an oligodendroglioma that is IDH-mutant, and
(a) 1, 2
(b) 2, 3
(c) 3,4
(d) 1, 2, 3
Answer: b
Oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant, and 1p/19q-codeleted can be of
grades 2 or 3.
8 J. M. Das
13. Which of the following is false about the polymorphous low-grade neuroepithe-
lial tumor of the young (PLNTY)?
(a) It is associated with a history of epilepsy in young people
(b) Shows a diffuse growth pattern
(c) CD34 immunoreactivity is typically absent
(d) Shows MAPK pathway-activating genetic abnormalities
Answer: c
Polymorphous Low-grade Neuroepithelial Tumor of the Young (PLNTY)
• Glial neoplasm
• Associated with a history of epilepsy in young people
• Shows diffuse growth patterns
• Presence of oligodendroglioma-like components
• Calcification present
• CD34 immunoreactivity strongly present
• MAPK pathway-activating genetic abnormalities
15. Which of the following is false regarding medulloblastomas in the latest WHO
(a) All true desmoplastic/nodular medulloblastomas and MBENs belong to the
SHH-1 and SHH-2 subgroups
(b) Nearly all WNT tumors have a classic morphology
(c) Most large cell/anaplastic tumors belong either to the SHH-3 subgroup or
to the Group 3/4 subgroup
(d) Nearly all WNT tumors have a large cell/anaplastic morphology
Answer: d
17. Match the following types of meningiomas with their characteristic molecular
1. SMARCE1 Clear cell subtype
2. BAP1 Rhabdoid and papillary subtypes
3. KLF4/TRAF7 Secretory subtype
4. TERT promoter mutation WHO grade 3
19. Which of the following is not a central nervous system soft tissue tumor of
uncertain differentiation?
(a) Intracranial mesenchymal tumor, FET-CREB fusion-positive
(b) Rhabdomyosarcoma
(c) Primary intracranial sarcoma, DICER1-mutant
(d) Ewing sarcoma
Answer: b
• Soft tissue tumors of uncertain differentiation:
– Intracranial mesenchymal tumor, FET-CREB fusion-positive
– CIC-rearranged sarcoma
– Primary intracranial sarcoma, DICER1-mutant
– Ewing sarcoma
1 Classification of Brain Tumors 11
20. CNS tumor with BCOR internal tandem duplication is included provisionally
under which group in the WHO 2021 classification?
(a) Mesenchymal, non-meningothelial tumors
(b) Hematolymphoid tumors
(c) Embryonal tumors
(d) Glioneuronal and neuronal tumors
Answer: c
CNS tumor with BCOR internal tandem duplication
• Mostly solid growth pattern
• Uniform oval or spindle-shaped cells
• Dense capillary network
• Focal pseudorosette formation
• Internal tandem duplication (ITD) in exon 15 of the BCOR gene.
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1. Louis DN, Perry A, Wesseling P, Brat DJ, Cree IA, Figarella-Branger D, Hawkins C, Ng
HK, Pfister SM, Reifenberger G, Soffietti R, von Deimling A, Ellison DW. The 2021
WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system: a summary. Neuro-Oncology.
Chapter 2
Molecular Genetics and Syndromes
Joe M Das
1. Which of the following is the most common neoplasm of the central nervous
system associated with neurofibromatosis type 1?
(a) Neurofibroma
(b) Optic pathway glioma
(c) Optic nerve sheath meningioma
(d) Sphenoid wing meningioma
Answer: b
Optic Pathway Glioma
• The most common central nervous system tumor seen in patients with NF1.
• WHO grade 1 pilocytic astrocytoma, histologically.
• The second most common tumor in the CNS in such patients is a brain
stem glioma.
• The most common genetically inherited neurological disorder
• 1 in 3000 to 4000 live births
• NF1 tumor suppressor gene (chromosome 17q11.2)
• Encodes neurofibromin (a cytoplasmic protein) which is a negative regula-
tor of the RAS-MAP kinase pathway involved in cell proliferation.
• Autosomal dominant
• 50% of patients may present with de novo mutations
• Lifetime cancer risk—59.6%
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
2. The initial treatment of optic pathway glioma presenting with precocious puberty
in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 is
(a) Surgical decompression
(b) Radiotherapy
(c) Chemotherapy
(d) Hormone therapy
Answer: d
• Clinical indications for treatment in OPG:
(a) Progressive visual decline
(b) Severe exophthalmos
(c) Precocious puberty not responding to hormonal therapy
(d) Radiographic progression
• Clinical indication for surgery in OPG: Visual loss, hydrocephalus
• Treatment of OPG: Chemotherapy (regimen including carboplatin with vin-
cristine), everolimus
• Five-year survival—90% following chemotherapy
3. The unidentified bright objects seen in the MRI scan of the craniospinal neuraxis
of occasional patients with neurofibromatosis are structurally
(a) Neurofibromas
(b) Schwannomas
(c) Hamartomas
(d) Intramyelin edema
Answer: d
UBOs are derived from
• altered microstructural compartmentalization
• increase in intracellular water
• intramyelinic edema
4. Which of the following is not a major criterion for the diagnosis of tuberous
(a) Shagreen patch
(b) Fibrous cephalic plaque
(c) Retinal hamartoma
(d) “Confetti” skin lesions
Answer: d
Diagnostic Criteria for TSC:
Dermatologic and dentistry
Major criteria:
Hypomelanotic macules (≥3, at least 5 mm diameter)
Angiofibromas (≥3) or fibrous cephalic plaque
16 J. M. Das
5. Which of the following drugs has been approved by the US FDA for the treat-
ment of progressive and inoperable plexiform neurofibromas in symptomatic
(a) Trametinib
(b) Cabozantinib
(c) Nilotinib
(d) Selumetinib
Answer: d
• Selumetinib—oral selective inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase
(MEK or MAPK/ERK kinase) 1 and 2.
• Indications: Symptomatic children ≥2 years with inoperable and progres-
sive plexiform neurofibromas.
6. Which of the following genetic mutations have been identified as a major deter-
mining pathomechanism in Sturge Weber syndrome?
(a) GNAQ
(b) GNAT-1
(c) PIK3CA
(d) ERCC2
Answer: a
Genes Associated with Neurogenetic Syndromes
7. Which of the following modalities has shown promise in the treatment of pres-
ymptomatic patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome?
(a) Antiplatelet medications
(b) Anticonvulsants
(c) Antiplatelet medications and anticonvulsants
(d) Observation alone
Answer: c
75% of children with brain involvement due to SWS develop seizures in the
first year of life.
Early onset of seizures → poor neurological outcome.
Treatment to be started at an early age
8. Which of the following is not a major criterion in the diagnosis of Gorlin
(a) Odontogenic keratocysts of the jaw
(b) Palmar/plantar hyperkeratosis
(c) Bilamellar calcification of the falx cerebri
(d) Ovarian or cardiac fibroma
Answer: d
Gorlin-Glotz Syndrome
Major criteria:
• Basal cell carcinoma <20 years of age
• Odontogenic keratocysts of the jaws—histologically proven
• ≥3 Palmar or plantar pits
• Bilamellar calcification of the falx cerebri
• First-degree relative with the same syndrome
Minor criteria:
• Macrocephaly
• Cleft lip or palate
• Hand/feet/rib/vertebral anomalies
• Ovarian fibroma
• Medulloblastoma
2 major +1 minor OR 1 major +3 minor criteria are necessary to establish a
9. Curaçao clinical criteria are used in the diagnosis of which neurocutaneous
(a) Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
(b) Gorlin syndrome
2 Molecular Genetics and Syndromes 19
13. Which of the following tumor syndromes is less likely to have an association
with medulloblastoma formation?
(a) Gorlin syndrome
(b) Ataxia-telangiectasia
(c) Li-Fraumeni syndrome
(d) Cowden syndrome
Answer: d
The syndromes usually associated with medulloblastoma are
• Gorlin syndrome (nevoid basal cell carcinoma)
• Li Fraumeni syndrome
• Turcot syndrome
• Rubinsten-Taybi syndrome
• Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS1 gene—chromosome 8q21)
• Neurofibromatosis
• Ataxia-telangiectasia
14. The NF-1 mutation is located on locus 17q.11.2 which encodes neurofibromin.
What is the normal function of this protein?
(a) Inhibition of the mTOR pathway
(b) Activation of the mTOR pathway
(c) Accelerates the inactivation of Ras
(d) Accelerates the activation of Ras
Answer: c
• The most common tumor-predisposing disease in humans—NF1
• NF1 gene—17q11.2 locus
• Neurofibromin—Tumor suppressor protein
• Neurofibromin = GTPase-activating protein of Ras (Ras-GAP) → increases
the intrinsic GTPase activity of Ras → promotes the hydrolysis of the active
form of Ras (GTP-bound Ras) to an inactive form of Ras (GDP-bound
Ras) → downregulates the Ras signaling pathway
15. Which is the most common intramedullary spinal cord tumor associated
with NF-2?
(a) Astrocytoma
(b) Schwannoma
(c) Ependymoma
(d) Ganglioglioma
Answer: c
• Autosomal dominant
• 1 in 33,000 to 40,000 live births
2 Molecular Genetics and Syndromes 21
Bilateral VS arise from the superior and inferior vestibular branches of the
eighth cranial nerve.
There is no consensus on the management of VS Less than 3 cm—Surgery
vs SRS.
Indications for Surgery:
1. Tumor >3 cm
2. Brainstem compression or hydrocephalus
3. Patients not interested in SRS
Drug shown to be effective in the management of NF2-associated VS—Bev-
Surgery for NF2 meningiomas—Rapid tumor growth or symptomatic neuro-
logical decline.
Spinal ependymomas have an indolent course and are typically observed.
16. Which of the following genetic syndromes is associated with Lhermitte- Duclos
(a) Gorlin syndrome
(b) Ataxia-telangiectasia
(c) Li-Fraumeni syndrome
(d) Cowden syndrome
Answer: d
17. Which of the following is the least common central nervous system tumor asso-
ciated with Li-Fraumeni syndrome?
(a) Choroid plexus carcinoma
(b) Medulloblastoma
(c) Astrocytoma
(d) Ependymoma
Answer: d
18. Which of the following are the most common brain tumors associated with Li-
Fraumeni syndrome?
(a) Choroid plexus carcinoma
(b) Medulloblastoma
(c) Astrocytoma
(d) Ependymoma
Answer: c
19. What is the first-line treatment for subependymal giant cell astrocytoma associ-
ated with tuberous sclerosis?
(a) Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor
(b) Surgical excision
2 Molecular Genetics and Syndromes 23
(c) Radiotherapy
(d) Laser therapy
Answer: a
20. The most common genetic mutation in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome is in which
of the following genes?
(b) C-MYB
(c) C-FOS
(d) CITED2
Answer: a
21. Which is the most common type of pituitary adenoma associated with Multiple
Endocrine Neoplasia type 1?
(a) Growth Hormone adenoma
(b) Non-functioning adenoma
(c) Corticotroph adenoma
(d) Prolactinoma
Answer: d
22. Which CNS tumor is most commonly associated with Turcot syndrome 1?
(a) Meningioma
(b) Hemangioblastoma
(c) Medulloblastoma
(d) Glioma
Answer: d
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3. Day AM, Hammill AM, Juhász C, Pinto AL, Roach ES, CE MC, Comi AM, National Institutes
of Health Sponsor: Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN) Brain and Vascular
Malformation Consortium (BVMC) SWS Investigator Group. Hypothesis: Presymptomatic
treatment of Sturge-weber syndrome with aspirin and antiepileptic drugs may delay seizure
onset. Pediatr Neurol. 2019;90:8–12.
Epub 2018 Nov 24
4. Yum MS, Lee EH, Ko TS. Vigabatrin and mental retardation in tuberous sclerosis:
infantile spasms versus focal seizures. J Child Neurol. 2013;28(3):308–13. https://doi.
org/10.1177/0883073812446485. Epub 2012 Jun 29
5. Jawa DS, Sircar K, Somani R, Grover N, Jaidka S, Singh S. Gorlin-Goltz syndrome. J Oral
Maxillofac Pathol. 2009;13(2):89–92.
6. McDonald J, Bayrak-Toydemir P, DeMille D, Wooderchak-Donahue W, Whitehead K. Curaçao
diagnostic criteria for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is highly predictive of a patho-
genic variant in ENG or ACVRL1 (HHT1 and HHT2). Genet Med. 2020;22(7):1201–5. https:// Epub 2020 Apr 17
7. Garg N, Khunger M, Gupta A, Kumar N. Optimal management of hereditary hemorrhagic tel-
angiectasia. J Blood Med. 2014;15(5):191–206.
8. Carta R, Del Baldo G, Miele E, Po A, Besharat ZM, Nazio F, Colafati GS, Piccirilli E, Agolini
E, Rinelli M, Lodi M, Cacchione A, Carai A, Boccuto L, Ferretti E, Locatelli F, Mastronuzzi
A. Cancer predisposition syndromes and Medulloblastoma in the molecular era. Front Oncol.
9. Bergoug M, Doudeau M, Godin F, Mosrin C, Vallée B, Bénédetti H. Neurofibromin structure,
functions and regulation. Cell. 2020;9(11):2365.
Chapter 3
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
1. Cilengitide Integrins ανβ3 and ανβ5
2. Bevacizumab VEGF A
3. Panzem® HIF 1A
4. Vandetanib VEGFR2, EGFR
(a) Bevacizumab: Prevents binding of VEGF-A to receptors.
(b) Aflibercept: Binds to VEGF A and renders it unavailable to bind to receptors
(c) Sunitinib: Tyrosine kinase inhibitor
(d) Sorafenib: Inhibitor of intracellular Raf kinase and targets MAPK, Raf/MEK/ERK
signaling pathways
(e) Wortmannin: Inhibitor of PI3K pathway
(f) Everolimus: Inhibitor of mTOR.
(g) Lonafarnib: Inhibits MAPK signaling
11. Which of the following microRNAs is most important in the intercellular com-
munication from glioblastoma to endothelial cells and astrocytes?
(a) miR-21
(b) miR-301a
(c) miR-124-3p
(d) miR-5096
Answer: d
12. Glioma cells move towards and along the pre-existing tissue blood vessels and
utilize them to support tumor growth, survival, and metastasis. What is this
process known as?
(a) Angiogenic switch
(b) Vessel co-option
(c) Vasculogenic mimicry
(d) Intussusception
Answer: b
Angiogenic switch:
• It is a time-restricted event during tumor progression.
• The balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors favors a pro-
angiogenic outcome during this event.
• This results in the transition: Dormant avascularized hyperpla-
sia → Vascularized tumor → Malignant tumor progression.
Key steps:
• Gene mutation / Hypoxia → Glioma cells release VEGF / bFGF → Activate
brain endothelial cells (Switch event) → Angiogenic phenotype.
• VEGF binds to endothelial cell receptors → Activate signal transduction
pathways → Endothelial cell proliferation
• Sprouting vessels → Urokinase and MMPs → Vessels migrate toward the
tumor using αβ integrins.
Vessel Co-option
• Glioma cells surround the host vessels → Migration along these vessels
away from the main tumor mass → Protected environment (vascular niche)
3 Angiogenesis 29
• The critical size of the glioma cluster 5 × 105 cells → Recruitment of its own
additional vessels → The process is repeated
Vasculogenic mimicry
• Tumor cells → trans-differentiation → Obtain features of endothelial
cells → Form vessel-like structures lacking endothelium → Connect with
blood vessels to supply blood to the tumor.
Intussusception (Intussusceptive or Splitting Angiogenesis)
• Formation of new blood vessels by splitting off existing vessels. The capil-
lary wall extends into the single blood vessel lumen in two.
• Decreasing the tumor volume by inhibiting angiogenesis
• Differentiation of precursor cells (angioblasts) or bone marrow−derived
cells → Endothelial cells → Formation of a primitive vascular network
• The proliferation of endothelial cells from local preexisting vessels.
13. Bevacizumab is not approved by FDA in the treatment of
(a) Metastatic colorectal cancer
(b) Metastatic renal cell cancer
(c) Newly diagnosed glioblastoma
(d) Recurrent glioblastoma
Answer: c
14. Which is not a histological pattern of secondary structures of Scherer?
(a) Subpial spread
(b) Perineuronal satellitosis
(c) Perivascular satellitosis
(d) Subarachnoid spread
Answer: d
Secondary Structures of Scherer
The glioma cells migrate away from the main tumor mass through the brain
parenchyma. These are called secondary structures of Scherer.
Four types of spread:
• Subpial spread
• Perineuronal satellitosis
• Perivascular satellitosis
• Invasion along white matter tracts
30 J. M. Das
15. Which of the following markers and their receptors are expressed by most of
the different cell types of the glioblastoma microenvironment?
(a) DCC
(b) NEO1
(c) Netrin-1
(d) UNC5
Answer: c
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1. Buruiană A, Florian ȘI, Florian AI, Timiș TL, Mihu CM, Miclăuș M, Oșan S, Hrapșa I,
Cataniciu RC, Farcaș M, Șușman S. The roles of miRNA in Glioblastoma tumor cell commu-
nication: diplomatic and aggressive negotiations. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(6):1950. https://doi.
2. Hara A, Kanayama T, Noguchi K, Niwa A, Miyai M, Kawaguchi M, Ishida K, Hatano Y, Niwa
M, Tomita H. Treatment strategies based on histological targets against invasive and resistant
Glioblastoma. J Oncol. 2019;2019:2964783.
3. Vásquez X, Sánchez-Gómez P, Palma V. Netrin-1 in Glioblastoma neovascularization: the new
partner in crime? Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22(15):8248.
Chapter 4
Joe M Das
1. Which of the following factors is not associated with better survival in patients
with glioblastoma?
(a) IDH mutation
(b) Less contrast enhancement on MRI scan
(c) Young age
(d) Involvement of splenium
Answer: d
The variables associated with better prognosis of glioblastoma:
• Younger age
• IDH mutation in the tumor
• Higher Karnofsky Performance Scale score
• Greater extent of resection and capacity for complete resection
• Lower degree of tumor necrosis
• Less contrast enhancement in the tumor on preoperative magnetic resonance
imaging studies
• Decreased volume of residual disease
• Smaller preoperative and postoperative tumor size
• More favorable tumor location (poorer survival is associated with tumor
infiltration of the splenium, basal ganglia, thalamus, or midbrain)
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
2. Match the following mutations with the glioblastoma subtype in which they are
commonly seen.
(a) Classical SLC12A
(b) Mesenchymal EGFR amplification
(c) Proneural Hemizygous deletion of NF1
(d) Proneural PDGFRA mutation
Classical EGFR amplification
Mesenchymal Hemizygous deletion of NF1
Proneural PDGFRA mutation
Neural SLC12A5
3. Which is the familial tumor syndrome most frequently associated with glioma?
(a) Li-Fraumeni syndrome
(b) Multiple endocrine neoplasia—I
(c) Multiple endocrine neoplasia—II
(d) Neurofibromatosis—1
Answer: a
4. Which single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is associated with a six-fold
increased risk of developing an IDH-mutant glioma?
(a) 8q24.21 SNP
(b) 8p24.21 SNP
(c) 10q21.24 SNP
(d) 10p21.24 SNP
Answer: a
5. Which of the following interleukins present in allergic conditions reduce the
risk of gliomagenesis?
(a) IL-1 and IL-3
(b) IL-2 and IL-14
(c) IL-3 and IL-8
(d) IL-4 and IL-13
Answer: d
6. Smoking has been inversely related to the risk of development of which of the
following tumors?
(a) Low-grade glioma
(b) High-grade glioma
(c) Meningioma
(d) Acoustic neuroma
Answer: d
4 Epidemiology 33
7. Which of the following is the most common type of secondary brain tumor fol-
lowing cranial radiotherapy?
(a) Low-grade glioma
(b) High-grade glioma
(c) Meningioma
(d) Acoustic neuroma
Answer: c
8. Which of the following cancers is the most common primary to be identified in
a patient with CNS metastasis?
(a) Lung and bronchus
(b) Breast
(c) Melanoma
(d) Kidney
Answer: a
9. Which of the following countries/continents has the lowest mortality due to
brain tumors?
(a) United States of America
(b) United Kingdom
(c) Australia
(d) Japan
Answer: d
10. What is the position of brain tumors in the hierarchical order of average years
of life lost due to the disease?
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth
Answer: d
Testes, cervix, and Hodgkin Lymphoma occupy the first, second, and third
positions respectively.
11. Which of the following tumors has the highest rate of CNS metastasis among
all cancer types?
(a) Lung and bronchus
(b) Breast
(c) Melanoma
(d) Kidney
Answer: c
34 J. M. Das
15. Which of the following is a protective factor against pediatric brain tumors?
(a) Male sex
(b) Non-Hispanic/White ethnicity
(c) Parental age
(d) Early life exposure to infections
Answer: d
Risk Factors:
• Ionizing radiation
• Hereditary cancer syndromes
• Birth defects
• Male sex
• Non-Hispanic/White ethnicity
• Paternal age and high socioeconomic status
• Dietary n-nitroso compounds
• High birth weight
Allergic and atopic conditions are protective factors.
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1. Oktay Y, Ülgen E, Can Ö, Akyerli CB, Yüksel Ş, Erdemgil Y, Durası IM, Henegariu OI, Nanni
EP, Selevsek N, Grossmann J, Erson-Omay EZ, Bai H, Gupta M, Lee W, Turcan Ş, Özpınar A,
Huse JT, Sav MA, Flanagan A, Günel M, Sezerman OU, Yakıcıer MC, Pamir MN, Özduman
K. IDH-mutant glioma specific association of rs55705857 located at 8q24.21 involves MYC
deregulation. Sci Rep. 2016;10(6):27569.
2. Gould J. Breaking down the epidemiology of brain cancer. Nature. 2018;561(7724):S40–1.
3. Tawbi H, To TM, Bartley K, Sadetsky N, Burton E, Haydu L, McKenna E. Treatment patterns
and clinical outcomes for patients with melanoma and central nervous system metastases: a
real-world study. Cancer Med. 2022;11(1):139–50. Epub
2021 Dec 7
4. Sung H, Ferlay J, Siegel RL, Laversanne M, Soerjomataram I, Jemal A, Bray F. Global cancer
statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers
in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin. 2021;71(3):209–49.
Epub 2021 Feb 4
5. Adel Fahmideh M, Scheurer ME. Pediatric brain tumors: descriptive epidemiology, risk fac-
tors, and future directions. Cancer Epidemiol Biomark Prev. 2021;30(5):813–21. https://doi.
org/10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-20-1443. Epub 2021 Mar 2
Chapter 5
White Matter Fiber Tracts
Dia R. Halalmeh and Marc D. Moisi
1. A 54-year-old man is being evaluated for muscle weakness. The patient drinks
alcohol daily and has been binge drinking for the past 2 days. He has had no
numbness, vision changes, or dizziness. The patient’s only other medical condi-
tion is hypertension for which he takes captopril and chlorthalidone. This morn-
ing, the patient stumbled and fell several times while trying to get to the
bathroom. Physical examination shows right lower extremity weakness but sen-
sation to touch and vibration is normal. MRI was performed and revealed
2 cm × 4 cm irregular lesion in the left hemisphere with mild midline shift. A
diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme was made and surgical resection was rec-
ommended. Over the 2 weeks following surgery, the patient gradually devel-
oped slurred speech and his wife, who accompanied him, says “he sounds like
a robot when he speaks”. Diffusion tractography would show disruption to
which of the following white matter tracts in this patient?
(a) Corticospinal tract
(b) Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
(c) Superior longitudinal fasciculus (branch III)
(d) Optic radiation
(e) Arcuate fasciculus
Answer: c
This patient’s speech difficulty manifesting as slurred, robot-like speech is
consistent with acquired dysarthria. In the context of surgical resection of a
brain tumor (glioblastoma in this case), his symptoms are most likely due to
damage to a key pathway involved in the motor articulatory aspect of speech.
Of the given choices, superior longitudinal fasciculus (branch III) (SLF) is
the most likely correct answer. SLF is a recently discovered association tract
located laterally to the centrum semiovale and typically connects the pars oper-
cularis and inferior portion of premotor cortex to supramarginal gyrus. Damage
to any of these components usually results in dysarthric or anarthric speech.
Therefore, diffusion tractography (DT) has been investigated in many studies to
predict recovery of postoperative language deficits. Preservation of parietotem-
poral and arcuate fibers (part of the SLF) has been associated with preserved
language postoperatively.
Points to remember
The Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus represents a major association tract
that links the pars operculum in the frontal lobe to the supramarginal gyrus in
the parietal lobe. Damage to this white matter tract can result in dysarthria or
anarthria. Early postoperative diffusion tractography facilitates the evaluation
of SLF integrity along with its associated fibers, and therefore, the prognosis of
language preservation and recovery can be easily predicted.
2. A 62-year-old, right-handed woman is brought to the emergency department by
her husband due to confusion. This morning, the husband found her confused and
disoriented on the bed. She had also urinated on herself. Temperature is 36.8 °C
(98.2 F), blood pressure is 140/84 mm Hg, pulse is 92/min, and respirations are
20/min. Oxygen saturation is 96% on room air. On physical examination, the
patient is somnolent but rouses to voice. Pupils are equal and briskly reactive.
There is no facial droop, but a small laceration on the lateral border of the tongue
is present. MRI imaging demonstrates a large infiltrative tumor involving the
corpus callosum and right middle frontal gyrus, and does not enhance with con-
trast. The patient undergoes frontoparietal craniotomy. Which of the following
imaging modalities will be most useful in maximizing tumor resection while
minimizing injury to subcortical tracts and structures prior to the surgery?
(a) Computed tomography (CT) with contrast
(b) Computed tomography (CT) without contrast
(c) Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
(d) Diffusion tensor (DT) imaging
(e) Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
(f) Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) imaging
Answer: d
This patient with an infiltrative brain tumor (as seen in MRI) developed
a seizure (evidenced by urinary incontinence and lateral tongue biting in this
patient). This is a common initial presentation for most infiltrative cerebral neo-
plasms. In many patients, surgical resection is typically recommended.
However, surgical planning and postoperative potential complications should
be discussed with the patient. The risks of adverse outcomes should be weighed
against the benefit of adequate surgical resection. This is usually a challenging
issue that encounters most neurosurgeons when making the final physician-
patient shared decision, particularly in a patient with infiltrative lesions.
5 White Matter Fiber Tracts 39
Points to remember
Clinicians should have a high index of suspicion with a low threshold for
investigation of suspected glioblastoma multiforme. The aggressive tumor is
notorious for its involvement of both cerebral hemispheres by direct extension
along the corpus callosum; normally an infiltration-resistant subcortical
4. A daughter brings her 69-year-old mother to the office for evaluation of her
facial appearance. She reports that she woke up this morning with unusually
excessive saliva on her pillow. Her medical history is notable for poorly con-
trolled, long-standing hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Medications include
aspirin, metoprolol, valsartan, hydrochlorothiazide, amlodipine, atorvastatin,
and metformin. She has a 20-pack-year smoking history but quit 8 years ago.
The patient is retired and lives with her only daughter. Blood pressure is
177/100 mm Hg in the left arm and 180/100 mm Hg in the right. A focused
neurological examination shows right-sided weakness in the upper extremity
that is most noticeable in the hand as well as facial asymmetry. She has no dif-
ficulty closing her eyes tight, however, drooping of the right corner of the mouth
on the right side is noted. Which of the following fibers subtypes is most likely
affected in this patient?
(a) Commissural fibers
(b) Projection fibers
(c) Association fibers
(d) Cerebellopontine fibers
(e) Optic pathway
Answer: b
This patient presents with acute, focal neurologic deficits, which should
raise concern for stroke. The presence of unilateral facial symptoms along with
sparing of the forehead is consistent with an upper motor neuron lesion of the
connection from the motor cortex to the facial nucleus in the pons.
Based on their connectivity, white matter tracts are typically classified into
projection, association, and commissural fibers. The projection fibers connect
the cortical grey matter with subcortical structures (eg, basal ganglia, head and
face nuclei in the brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord). The corticobulbar
tract, part of the projection white matter fibers, generally provides upper motor
control of the contralateral brain stem nuclei, except for the facial and hypo-
glossal nuclei which receive bilateral input from both hemispheres. In this
patient, the anterior limb (ie corticospinal tract, explaining her right-sided
weakness) and genu (corticobulbar tract, explaining her facial palsy) of
the internal capsule are most likely affected by the stroke.
Points to remember
White matter tracts are classified into three fiber bands based on their con-
nectivity: projection, association, and commissural fibers. Projection fibers rep-
resent tracts between the grey matter and subcortical structures.
5 White Matter Fiber Tracts 41
5. A 51-year-old woman comes to the clinic for recurrent seizures. After evalua-
tion, she is diagnosed with WHO grade 2 “Diffuse” astrocytoma. The neurosur-
geon discusses surgical removal with the patient and informed consent was
obtained. Due to the infiltrative nature of the tumor, the surgeon bilaterally
resects part of the posterior fibers of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF)
tract. Based on the above information, which of the following is most likely to
result from this patient’s surgical intervention?
(a) Dysarthria
(b) Pure alexia
(c) Hearing loss
(d) Aphasia
(e) Paresis
(f) Hypertonia
Answer: b
This patient’s surgical intervention resulted in injury to the inferior longitu-
dinal fasciculus (ILF), particularly the posterior fibers. This white matter tract
is typically involved in a variety of brain functions, however; its posterior por-
tion plays a major role in visual processing and visually associated behaviors
(eg, reading). Therefore, ILF disruption in this patient would most likely lead to
alexia. Other visual functions such as object and face recognition may also be
impaired. Bilateral lesions are usually required for the full clinical picture as
injury to one tract can be compensated for by the contralateral portion.
Moreover, it has been shown that disturbances in ILF are the basis for visual
hallucinations in some disorders (especially schizophrenia).
Points to remember
Inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) can be injured during surgical resec-
tion of infiltrative brain tumors. This typically results in visually associated
symptoms such as visual agnosia, prosopagnosia, and alexia.
6. A 54-year-old man is admitted to the hospital for evaluation of right-sided arm
weakness and numbness over the past month. Brain MRI revealed a left fronto-
parietal lesion predominantly involving the postcentral gyrus. Glioblastoma is
suspected and further evaluation is required. Which of the following is the most
appropriate imaging modality for surgical planning in this patient?
(a) Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) imaging
(b) Diffusion tensor (DT) imaging
(c) CT scan of the head
(d) Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
(e) Functional MRI (fMRI)
(f) High-definition fiber tractography (HDFT)
Answer: e
This patient right-sided upper extremity weakness along with numbness
suggests the involvement of the precentral and postcentral gyrus. The cortico-
42 D. R. Halalmeh and M. D. Moisi
spinal tract is typically responsible for controlling motor function and thus
tumor displacement of this tract would most likely result in a weakness (as seen
in this patient). Given the patient’s age and gradual worsening of the symptoms,
this most likely represents a growing neoplastic lesion (particularly malignant
due to the rapid progression within 1 month).
Although the conventional white matter tractography, diffusion tensor imag-
ing (DTI), is usually used for preoperative planning to maximize surgical resec-
tion while preserving adjacent tracts, some cases are quite complex due to the
involvement of multiple crossing fibers. This issue has been resolved by using
a more advanced imaging modality, the high-definition fiber tractography
(HDFT), particularly in the setting of edematous zones surrounding high-grade
cerebral neoplasms. The characterization of the fiber bundles provided by
HDFT is superior to that of traditional DTI due to its ability to delineate the
spatial relationship of white matter tracts in a 3D manner. Therefore, this allows
the surgeon to accurately plan the optimal surgical approach and minimize oth-
erwise unavoidable extensive resection.
Points to remember
For patients with infiltrative high-grade brain gliomas that involve multiple
white matter tracts, a 3D characterization of the spatial anatomical orientation
can be provided by high-definition fiber tractography.
7. A 65-year-old woman is brought to the office by her spouse due to cognitive
impairment. The patient has been mildly forgetful over the past 4 months,
with a further significant decline in the last 2 months. She performs most daily
activities independently but must be reminded frequently to perform basic self-
care. She has had no gait abnormalities, motor weakness, or other neurological
deficits. She still enjoys spending time with family and friends. She was recently
diagnosed with an advanced primary brain tumor for which she has received
partial brain radiotherapy. Which of the following subcortical structures would
be most susceptible to radiotherapy-induced damage?
(a) Basal ganglia
(b) Thalamus
(c) Fornix
(d) Internal capsule
(e) Optical radiation
(f) Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
(g) Superior longitudinal fasciculus
Answer: c
This patient’s 4-month memory deficit in the setting of recent brain radiation
is highly suggestive of radiation-induced white matter damage. White mat-
ter fibers that comprise the limbic system are the most susceptible white matter
tracts to radiotherapy of the brain. Of these, fornix, cingulum, and corpus cal-
5 White Matter Fiber Tracts 43
losum are the most affected. This typically occurs in a dose-dependent fashion.
Radiosensitivity of the limbic system and resultant dysfunction of cognitive
abilities following radiotherapy indicates that these white matter fibers play a
critical role in memory formation.
Points to remember
Fornix, cingulum bundles, and corpus callosum are the most susceptible
white matter tracts to radiotherapy of the brain.
8. A 9-year-old boy is brought to the office by his parents due to worsening head-
aches over the past month. Gait is slow and unsteady. A brain MRI revealed a
posterior fossa mass consistent with medulloblastoma. Surgical removal of the
tumor was successfully performed without postoperative complications. A fol-
low-up evaluation after 2 years revealed a generalized decrease in cognitive
performance which was noted by his parents as deteriorating academic perfor-
mance. A teacher has expressed concern that his grades have dropped from a B
to a C average, that he is not engaged in class, and that his work has become
“sloppy.” Diffusion MRI demonstrated decreased fractional anisotropy (FA)
associated with white matter volume loss. Which of the following is the most
likely explanation of this patient current presentation?
(a) Recurrence of medulloblastoma
(b) Metastasis of medulloblastoma to supratentorial region
(c) Microstructural damage to supratentorial frontal white matter
(d) Hydrocephalus
(e) Inadequate surgical removal of the tumor.
Answer: c
The 9-year-old child has undergone surgical removal of medulloblastoma
and the subsequent cognitive decline and academic deterioration are suggestive
of damage to supratentorial frontal white matter fibers. Survivors of medul-
loblastoma frequently have reduced white matter volume associated with neu-
rocognitive dysfunction following surgery but prior to radiation and
chemotherapy. The presentation may include a decline in working memory,
intelligence, academic performance, and attention span (as seen in this patient).
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) classically shows a
decrease in fractional anisotropy (FA) which is most predominant in corona
radiata and corpus callosum. This highlights the effect of surgical removal of
posterior fossa tumors as well as the tumor itself on distant supratentorial white
matter tracts, particularly frontal fibers.
Points to remember
Volume loss of supratentorial, frontal white matter fibers following surgical
removal of posterior fossa tumors (eg, medulloblastoma) is responsible for the
neurocognitive decline in survivors.
44 D. R. Halalmeh and M. D. Moisi
This patient’s left-sided hemiparesis with normal deep tendon reflexes fol-
lowing surgical removal of brain tumor involving supplementary motor area
(SMA) is concerning for SMA syndrome. SMA is located anterior to the pri-
mary motor cortex (as seen in this patient). Importantly, the frontal aslant tract
connects the precentral gyrus with the supplementary motor area. Damage to
this fasciculus is thought to be responsible for the manifestations of SMA syn-
drome. These include transient loss of motor function usually on the contralat-
eral side as well as mutism. Symptoms typically resolve completely within
weeks to months. SMA syndrome most commonly results from neurosurgical
resection of a tumor within this territory. Patients should be counseled about
this syndrome and the transient nature of its symptoms.
Points to remember
The frontal aslant tract is a white matter tract that connects the primary
motor cortex with the supplementary motor area. Neurosurgical resection of
this tract can lead to SMA syndrome which typically presents as contralateral
motor weakness and speech deficit.
11. A neurosurgery resident is looking at diffusion tensor (DT) tractography for a
patient diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme who is scheduled for surgery.
The resident noticed a fiber tract extending from the anterior temporal lobe to
the inferior frontal and orbital gyri. Which of the following white matter tracts
is the resident currently observing?
(a) Middle longitudinal fasciculus
(b) Uncinate fasciculus (of Russell)
(c) Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
(d) Superior longitudinal fasciculus
(e) Arcuate fasciculus
(f) Cingulum
Answer: b
Uncinate fasciculus (of Russell) is a group of white matter association
fibers that connects the anterior temporal lobe (particularly anterior parahippo-
campus and amygdala) with the inferior frontal and orbital gyri (ie. Orbitofrontal
cortex). It is the last white matter tract to complete development in the human
brain. The fibers course above the M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery in
the anterior portion of the tract. Due to its anatomical distribution between the
limbic system and orbitofrontal cortex, it is thought that damage to this tract is
responsible for severe retrograde memory loss, especially following a trauma.
Moreover, learning of associations through a trial and error method is strongly
related to the microstructure of uncinate fasciculus.
Points to remember
Uncinate fasciculus (of Russel) is an association white matter tract that links
the temporal lobe to the frontal lobe. It plays a crucial role in the maintenance
of retrograde memory.
46 D. R. Halalmeh and M. D. Moisi
bundles. The latter is also known as “Meyer’s loop” due to its curved nature
around the tip of the temporal horn. This patient’s metastatic lesion has com-
pressed Meyer’s loop of the optic radiation. Superior quadrantanopia is also
expected to be found in this patient as Meyer’s loop receives optic information
from the inferior lateral part of the retina.
Points to remember
Optic radiation projects from the lateral geniculate body. Its anterior bundle
“Meyer’s loop” courses on the roof and around the tip of the temporal horn.
15. A researcher is studying the anatomical characterization of the various white
matter tracts in the human brain. She learned that the superior longitudinal fas-
ciculus (SLF) is composed of three major bundles. Damage in which of the
following branches of SLF is most likely to result in aphasia?
(a) SLF (branch I)
(b) SLF (branch II)
(c) SLF (branch III)
(d) Temporo-parietal branch of SLF (SLF-tp)
Answer: d
The superior longitudinal fasciculus is an association white matter tract that
connects the four lobes of the brain. Although there is no clear consensus on the
subcomponents of this tract, it has been shown that there are several major
branches that are consistently seen in diffusion tensor (DT) imaging. These are
the SLF branches I, II, III, and the temporoparietal branch (SLF-tp). The
SLF-tp. As the name implies, this branch connects the temporal lobe with the
parietal lobe and is thought to participate in language processing, especially
interpretation. Therefore, a lesion in this branch would typically result in recep-
tive or “fluent” aphasia due to the proximity of these fibers from Wernicke’s area.
Points to remember
There are several major branches of the superior longitudinal fasciculus:
SLF I, II, III, and tp. The SLF-tp bundle is language-related and injury to this
area results in aphasia.
16. During the dissection of a human brain for teaching purposes, an anatomist
found two semi-parallel bundles of white matter running immediately below
the splenium of the corpus callosum. Rostrally, they form the anterior wall of
the lateral ventricle before they course superomedially to the thalamus. Which
of the following structures represent the origin and terminal destination of these
fibers, respectively?
(a) Thalamus, hippocampus
(b) Cingulum, pineal gland
(c) Mamillary body, supraoptic nucleus
(d) Tectum, hypothalamus
(e) Hippocampus, mamillary bodies
Answer: e
5 White Matter Fiber Tracts 49
The observed white matter tract most likely represents the fornix, which is
comprised of two thick bundles inferior to the corpus callosum. The fornix
initially originates as a thin, efferent group of fibers from the hippocampus.
These fibers thicken to form the crura of the fornix bilaterally prior to being
connected by the hippocampal commissure. The crura then fuse anterior to the
splenium of the corpus callosum into the body of fornix, passing freely in the
inferior border of the septum pellucidum. At this level, the fornix aligns with
the foremen of Monro and forms the anterior wall of the lateral ventricle. It then
bifurcates into the columns of the fornix before joining the mammillary bodies
on each side. The mammillothalamic tract continues from the mamillary bodies
to the anterior nucleus of the thalamus.
Points to remember
The fornix originates in the hippocampus, runs inferiorly to the corpus cal-
losum, and then terminates at the mamillary bodies.
17. A 32-year-old, left-handed, African American woman comes to the emergency
room due to confusion and severe headaches. Her husband noted that the patient
was running into furniture lately, especially on the right side. He also reports
that his wife was weak on her right side where she has been dropping objects.
MRI of the brain was immediately obtained revealing a large left-sided
temporal-parietal-occipital lesion with heterogenous enhancement and exten-
sive adjacent edema. After stabilization, the patient was counseled on the avail-
able management plans, including surgical intervention. The neurosurgeon
explained the benefits and adverse effects of the surgery as well as alternative
treatments. The patient agreed to surgical removal of the lesion and emphasized
the importance of preserving her language function as she works as a motiva-
tional speaker in a well-known international company. Which of the following
is the most appropriate intraoperative technique for this patient?
(a) Craniotomy with transcranial motor mapping
(b) Awake craniotomy with direct electrical stimulation
(c) Awake craniotomy without electrical stimulation
(d) Craniotomy under general anesthesia with intraoperative navigation based
on preoperative MRI
(e) Craniotomy under general anesthesia with intraoperative fluores-
cence imaging
Answer: b
This young patient has subacute nature of symptom progression. Given her
symptoms and MRI characteristics, this patient most likely has high-grade gli-
oma. In order to achieve safe, maximal resection while preserving the language
area (due to the eloquent location of the tumor, right side in this patient), con-
tinuous intraoperative monitoring is required. This is typically achieved by per-
forming the surgery in an awake manner with direct electrical stimulation
and intraoperative navigation. Therefore, this patient requires left-sided,
awake craniotomy for tumor resection with cortical and subcortical direct
50 D. R. Halalmeh and M. D. Moisi
19. During awake craniotomy for removal of low-grade glioma in the left insular
lobe, an electrostimulation with cortical and subcortical mapping was per-
formed. After sensorimotor mapping, the neurosurgeon attempted to preserve
language function due to the involvement of the dominant insula using subcorti-
cal language mapping. Which of the following white matter tracts most likely
runs through the insula and hence must be preserved when possible?
(a) Inferior fronto-occipital tract
(b) Middle longitudinal fasciculus
(c) Arcuate fasciculus
(d) Superior longitudinal tract
(e) Inferior longitudinal tract
Answer: a
Language processing is typically carried out through dorsal and ventral path-
ways. The dorsal pathway deals with the integration of auditory and motor
functions for optimal articulation. In contrast, the ventral pathway matches
sounds and their meaning in the brain. Notably, the ventral pathway with its two
major tracts; uncinate fasciculus and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus pass
through the insula. To benefit from continuous monitoring during the assess-
ment of real-time language function in generally anesthetized patients, awake
craniotomy with subcortical mapping is usually required. Therefore, subcorti-
cal language mapping is of paramount importance during the resection of
tumors within the dominant insula.
Points to remember
Subcortical language mapping during awake craniotomy for insular lesions
is important to preserve language function.
20. A 55-year-old male presented with right-sided upper extremity weakness and
numbness over the past several weeks. The patient says, “I think it all began last
month when my wife and I started to fight more than usual”. The symptoms
became more severe today. He has a history of hypercholesterolemia and hyper-
tension. He has no known psychiatric history. Due to the subacute nature of his
symptoms, his primary physician ordered a brain MRI which revealed left-
sided hyperintense, ill-defined frontoparietal lesion with extensions to the
region adjacent to the frontal operculum and external to the claustrum with no
contrast enhancement. The decision was made to undergo awake surgical resec-
tion using intraoperative brain mapping with direct electrical stimulation. Based
on the tumor location, which of the following tasks should be assessed intraop-
eratively while mapping the frontal operculum and adjacent temporal lobe?
(a) Continuous movement with his hands
(b) Disturbance of tongue movement after stimulation of the corresponding area
(c) Visual acuity
(d) Automated speech and object naming
(e) Sensory function
Answer: d
52 D. R. Halalmeh and M. D. Moisi
The clinical presentation and brain MRI of this patient are suggestive of a
low-grade glioma. Several studies have shown overall prolonged survival with
early maximal resection. Optimization of surgical removal is key to the suc-
cessful management of these tumors as well as better survival rates. For this
purpose, intraoperative navigation with direct electrical stimulation for func-
tional brain mapping is usually indicated. In this patient, the tumor is located in
the proximity of the frontal operculum and the superior portion of the temporal
lobe, a region occupied by the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF). This
white matter tract is heavily involved in language processing, particularly
semantic language, and naming. As a result, tasks such as automated speech
(eg, counting, reciting days of the week), and object naming (eg, in response to
pictures) during the surgery are used to map language, preserving perilesional
white matter tracts responsible for language production and processing.
Points to remember
Task such as object naming is typically used to map language areas during
awake surgical removal of tumors that are located in the eloquent cortex and
adjacent to main language bundles.
21. A previously healthy, 44-year-old farmer is brought to the emergency depart-
ment due to new-onset confusion and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. In the
emergency department, blood pressure is 174/130 mm Hg, the pulse is 98/min,
and the pulse oximetry is 98% on 100% FiO2. On examination, he is found to
have weakness in his right extremities, more pronounced in his upper arms.
Non-contrast CT scan of the head demonstrated a left frontoparietal hypodense
lesion with extensive surrounding edema. MRI of the brain was then ordered
which confirmed the physician’s suspicion of malignant neoplasm, likely glio-
blastoma multiforme. Following stabilization, the patient was counseled about
the risks and benefits of surgery as well as the prognosis. Which of the following
factors is significantly implicated in the assessment of this patient’s prognosis?
(a) Gender
(b) Concomitant comorbidities and family history
(c) Migration along white matter tracts
(d) Time from symptoms to diagnosis
(e) Degree of adjacent edema
Answer: c
This patient has glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), one of the most aggres-
sive primary brain tumors in adults. The prognosis is still dismal despite the
current advancements in medical and surgical therapies. Survival can be mod-
erately predicted by several factors including but not exclusive to age, postop-
erative residual tumor, and adjuvant therapy. GBM is notorious for infiltrating
and migrating along subcortical white matter tracts. GBMs that intersect white
matter tracts like inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, and inferior longitudinal
5 White Matter Fiber Tracts 53
fasciculus (ILF), tend to have a poor prognosis regardless of any therapy. This
is attributed to the ability of the tumor to reach vital areas, especially in
the brainstem, responsible for cardiopulmonary function (eg, breathing and
hemodynamic stability). Interestingly, involvement of left ILF has been associ-
ated with decreased progressing-free survival but not overall survival. This indi-
cates that white matter tract infiltration plays a key role in predicting prognosis
in patients with GBM.
Points to remember
Intersection and migration of malignant gliomas along white matter tracts
may correlate with poor prognosis.
22. A 35-year-old musician is undergoing awake operative removal for low-grade
glioma in a functional area. The neurosurgeon is utilizing intraoperative naviga-
tion with direct electrical stimulation to minimize postoperative functional defi-
cits. During subcortical stimulation of the perilesional region, specifically
inferior and lateral to the temporal horn and under the optic pathways, the
patient exhibited disturbances in spontaneous speech and picture naming.
Which of the following fiber tracts was the neurosurgeon specifically targeting?
(a) Superior longitudinal fasciculus
(b) Middle longitudinal fasciculus
(c) Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
(d) Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus
(e) Optic radiation
(f) Uncinate fasciculus
(g) Arcuate fasciculus
Answer: c
This patient’s intraoperative speech difficulties following direct electrical
stimulation are consistent with targeting the inferior longitudinal fasciculus
(ILF). ILF is a long association white matter tract that connects the occipital
lobe with the anterior portion of the temporal lobe. It lies in close contact with
the lateral wall of the temporal horn at the level of the inferior temporal gyrus
and courses beneath the optic radiation. ILF has been strongly associated with
language function, especially visual processing of written language and lan-
guage comprehension. The surgeon targeted the ILF in this patient which
explains the language abnormalities during electrical stimulation.
Points to remember
The inferior longitudinal fasciculus runs near the temporal horn in the supe-
rior temporal gyrus. Intraoperative stimulation of this fiber tract may result in
speech disturbances and semantic deficits.
23. A neurosurgery resident is assisting with a sleep-awake-sleep operative removal
of high-grade glioma in a 43-year-old male patient, using brain mapping and
electrical stimulation. While approaching the lesion through the transsylvian
route, the attendant surgeon asked the resident about an important landmark to
54 D. R. Halalmeh and M. D. Moisi
Points to remember
The anterior commissure is one of the interhemispheric white matter tracts
and is located superiorly to the optic tracts and inferior to the rostrum of the cor-
pus callosum across the midline.
26. A diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of a 55-year-old male with low-grade glioma
shows an involvement of a distinct white matter tract extending from the poles
of temporal lobes, coursing through the substance of the superior temporal
gyrus toward the inferior part of the parietal lobe around the angular gyrus.
Which of the following represents the structure being described in this patient?
(a) Superior longitudinal fasciculus
(b) Middle longitudinal fasciculus
(c) Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
(d) Inferior occipito-frontal fasciculus
(e) Uncincate fasciculus
Answer: b
The first description of middle longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) was in mon-
keys. It has been shown that this white matter tract that connects the inferior
parietal lobules with the superior temporal gyri bilaterally. This was then con-
firmed in human brains via modern imaging techniques such as diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI). MLF contributes to language function through participation in
both the ventral and dorsal routes responsible for language processing. However,
this fascicle may not be essential to the processing of language as removal of
this fiber bundle or intraoperative electrostimulation have not been associated
with postoperative language deficit or abnormalities in picture naming, respec-
tively. MLF fibers run parallel to the extreme capsule and may extend to occipi-
tal lobes posteriorly. The function of this bundle is still not established despite
the anatomical relation to language tracts.
Points to remember
Tumor involvement of the middle longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) may not
lead to an apparent language deficit as this white matter tract is not essential for
language processing.
27. A 59-year-old man is brought to the office by his wife due to personality
changes. She says, “he began behaving strangely over the past 4 months and
became very irritable and agitated almost all the time. He recently lost his job
due to involvement in an altercation with his coworker which he used to like
ever since he began this job.” On neurological examination, mild weakness in
the right lower extremity is noted. The patient reports that he has had syncopal
episodes during the same period. MRI of the brain was ordered and revealed a
parieto-occipital homogenous signal on T1 and T2 images with distinct borders
just above the corpus callosum. A brain biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of
grade-2 oligodendroglioma. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was obtained for
presurgical planning. The images show the involvement of a collection of fibers
extending from the area above the corpus callosum toward the entorhinal cor-
5 White Matter Fiber Tracts 57
tex. Which of the following white matter bundles is most likely to be affected in
this patient?
(a) Subcallosal fasciculus
(b) Superior longitudinal fasciculus
(c) Arcuate fasciculus
(d) Cingulum
(e) Uncinate fasciculus
Answer: d
This patient has seizures, lower extremity weakness, and personality changes
which along with radiographical characteristics on MRI and the subacute nature
of symptoms are consistent with a malignant brain neoplasm. This was con-
firmed through a biopsy which showed low-grade (2) oligodendroglioma.
According to the updated WHO classification of CNS tumors, diagnosis of oli-
godendroglioma is made by identifying an infiltrative glioma with IDH muta-
tion and 1p19q codeletion. In this patient, the tumor has infiltrated the cingulum,
as seen in DT imaging. The cingulum is a collection of white matter fibers
located centrally right above the corpus callosum. It terminates at the entorhinal
cortices bilaterally and plays a role in emotion, pain, and memory (limbic sys-
tem). It has been also shown that fibers frequently exiting and entering the cin-
gulum contribute to the connection of parietal, frontal, and temporal lobes in
both hemispheres. Because of this parallel fashion of fibers arrangement, lesion
to the cingulum results only in mild neurological deficits.
Points to remember
The cingulum extends from the cingulate gyrus right above the corpus cal-
losum to the entorhinal cortices. It is involved in pain, emotion, and memory
formation, among other limbic system functions.
28. According to the recent model for language processing, it has been suggested
that the dual stream model is composed of two main pathways: the dorsal and
ventral routes. The dorsal route was found to be formed from the fibers of
the arcuate fasciculus (AF) and the third subcomponent of the superior longitu-
dinal fasciculus (SLFIII). A diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of a 77-year-old-
man shows disruption of the dorsal stream integrity due to metastatic lesions
and resultant adjacent edema. Which of the following speech functions is pri-
marily affected in this patient?
(a) Sensory-motor integration
(b) Mapping sound to meaning
(c) Auditory perception
(d) Visual-auditory integration
(e) Vocabulary access
Answer: a
This patient’s DTI shows metastatic lesions along the dorsal stream of
speech pathway, which is mainly involved in mapping auditory afferent infor-
58 D. R. Halalmeh and M. D. Moisi
Points to remember
Thalamic radiation is a white matter fiber tract that receives major sensory
and motor inputs and relays it to appropriate cortical connections for processing
and integration.
30. A 22-year-old male presented to the emergency department with severe nausea,
vomiting, tinnitus, and frontal headaches. The headaches worsen with bending
forward and are simultaneously associated with double vision. Recently, he fell
while getting up at night to use the bathroom. Vital signs are normal without
orthostasis. On examination, he has difficulty getting up from a chair. BMI is
22 kg/m2. An emergent non-contrast CT scan of the head demonstrated an exo-
phytic brainstem tumor arising from the fourth ventricle with a vague area of
distorted architecture surrounding the tumor. A diagnosis of pilocytic astrocy-
toma was suspected. MRI of the spine and brain could not distinguish the semi-
infiltrative region seen in CT from vasogenic edema. Which of the following
imaging techniques allows for determining whether the patient is a good candi-
date for surgery?
(a) Functional MRI
(b) PET scan
(c) Contrast CT scan of the head
(d) MRA
(e) Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
(f) Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) imaging
(g) Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
Answer: g
This patient with nausea, vomiting, headaches, tinnitus, visual changes, diz-
ziness (falling down while getting up), and evidence of mass in the fourth ven-
tricle on the CT scan has an exophytic cervicomedullary junction tumor. These
tumors typically extend rostrally and caudally into the medulla and cervical
spinal cord, respectively. The neurosurgeon should weigh the benefits of surgi-
cal removal against resultant morbidity. Therefore, the decision on whether to
perform surgery depends on the radiographic appearance of the MRI (CT is not
reliable due to bone artifact at the level of the foramen magnum). Surgery is
recommended when low-grade tumors are suspected and improvement in neu-
rological deficits can be achieved with total or maximal resection. When the
conventional imaging techniques cannot characterize a low-grade and local
tumor, surgery is deferred until more accurate anatomical delineation can be
obtained, as the resultant morbidity from debulking an otherwise high-grade
invasive tumor will be detrimental to the patient. For this purpose, conventional
imaging combined with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can differentiate
between white matter tract infiltration and displacement in this highly com-
pacted region of the spinal cord. Observation of normal anatomical integrity of
60 D. R. Halalmeh and M. D. Moisi
these white matter tracts (by the ability to trace tracts in relation to an adjacent
tumor with no direct infiltration) indicates low-grade tumors, and that the
patient is a good candidate for surgical removal.
Points to remember
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is critical to determine resectability of cervi-
comedullary junction tumors.
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1. Voets NL, Bartsch A, Plaha P. Brain white matter fibre tracts: a review of functional neuro-
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7. Connor M, Karunamuni R, McDonald C, Seibert T, White N, Moiseenko V, Bartsch H, Farid
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8. Glass JO, Ogg RJ, Hyun JW, Harreld JH, Schreiber JE, Palmer SL, Li Y, Gajjar AJ, Reddick
WE. Disrupted development and integrity of frontal white matter in patients treated for pediat-
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9. Conner AK, Briggs RG, Sali G, Rahimi M, Baker CM, Burks JD, Glenn CA, Battiste JD,
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10. Mandonnet E, Capelle L, Duffau H. Extension of paralimbic low grade gliomas: toward
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11. Potgieser AR, De Jong BM, Wagemakers M, Hoving EW, Groen RJ. Insights from the supple-
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connectivity of the superior longitudinal fasciculus in the human brain. Brain Struct Funct.
5 White Matter Fiber Tracts 61
15. Bernal B, Altman N. The connectivity of the superior longitudinal fasciculus: a tractography
DTI study. Magn Reson Imaging. 2010;28(2):217–25.
16. Lövblad KO, Schaller K, Vargas MI. The fornix and limbic system. InSeminars in ultrasound,
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17. Pallud J, Rigaux-Viode O, Corns R, Muto J, Lopez CL, Mellerio C, Sauvageon X, Dezamis
E. Direct electrical bipolar electrostimulation for functional cortical and subcortical cerebral
mapping in awake craniotomy. Practical considerations. Neurochirurgie. 2017;63(3):164–74.
18. Mikuni N, Miyamoto S. Surgical treatment for glioma: extent of resection applying functional
neurosurgery. Neurol Med Chir. 2010;50(9):720–6.
19. Yamao Y, Matsumoto R, Kikuchi T, Yoshida K, Kunieda T, Miyamoto S. Intraoperative brain
mapping by cortico-cortical evoked potential. Front Hum Neurosci. 2021;18(15):55.
20. Jakola AS, Myrmel KS, Kloster R, Torp SH, Lindal S, Unsgård G, Solheim O. Comparison of
a strategy favoring early surgical resection vs a strategy favoring watchful waiting in low-grade
gliomas. JAMA. 2012;308(18):1881–8.
21. Rofes A, Miceli G. Language mapping with verbs and sentences in awake surgery: a review.
Neuropsychol Rev. 2014;24(2):185–99.
22. Mickevicius NJ, Carle AB, Bluemel T, Santarriaga S, Schloemer F, Shumate D, Connelly J,
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23. Binder JR, Desai RH, Graves WW, Conant LL. Where is the semantic system? A criti-
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Chapter 6
Intraoperative Adjuncts in Tumor Surgery
Rajesh Krishna Pathiyil
R. K. Pathiyil (*)
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
in such a way that the surgical trajectory is vertical, one needs to adjust for a
shift only in one direction.
However, this explanation of brain shift is an oversimplification of the actual
process. One should be aware that brain shift is a more complex spatiotemporal
phenomenon that does not occur always in the direction of gravity. It is a slow
phenomenon and continues to happen throughout the surgery. In addition to
gravity and CSF loss, many other factors contribute to brain shifts including
tissue manipulation, deformation of the tumor during resection, tumor size, and
use of medications like mannitol [5]. The maximum brain shift occurs at the
center of the craniotomy; the larger the craniotomy, the more the brain shift.
The least deformation occurs towards the midline and skull base structures.
Other methods to reduce or compensate for brain shift include minimizing
diuretics and hyperventilation, avoiding cyst puncture or ventricle puncture at
the start of resection, attempting to remove the tumor en-bloc avoiding internal
debulking, mechanically expanding the resection cavity with cottonoids if
internal debulking is needed, resecting the most critical boundaries in the begin-
ning when the shift is minimum, placing markers(fence posting) at critical
boundaries before starting resection, and using intraoperative imaging modali-
ties like ultrasound or MRI [1, 6].
Dynamic reference frames (DRFs) consist of a set of markers that are linked
to the patient’s head and usually attached to the patient’s head holder. The reg-
istration remains valid as long as the head is moved along with the head holder
without changing the position of the head relative to the DRF.
3. Which of the following statements regarding the incorporation of functional
MRI (fMRI) and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) into standard navigation
is TRUE?
(a) Diffusion tractography helps to improve the extent of resection in high-
grade gliomas, as compared to neuronavigation with standard
sequences alone.
(b) DTI conclusively distinguishes fiber tract disruption due to tumor infiltra-
tion from that due to vasogenic edema.
(c) Precise language localization provided by fMRI obviates the need for
awake surgery to localize these areas.
(d) All of the above.
Answer: a
The addition of Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) to standard neuronaviga-
tion has been shown to improve the extent of resection and improve survival in
high-grade gliomas (level II evidence from a prospective RCT) [7]. DTI also
helps to reduce postoperative deficits, resulting in better functional status. One
of the limitations of DTI is that it cannot conclusively distinguish between fiber
tract disruption due to tumor infiltration and vasogenic edema [8, 9].
66 R. K. Pathiyil
Functional MRI (fMRI) has replaced the Wada test for language lateraliza-
tion [10], but it has a sensitivity of less than 60% in precisely localizing the
language areas [11–14]. fMRI shows activation of all the regions which are
involved in the task being tested, but it does not tell us which region is function-
ally required, or which area is involved in what aspect of a particular function.
On the other side, some areas which may be only transiently activated but func-
tionally important, might not show up on fMRI. Awake surgery with intraopera-
tive direct electrical stimulation (DES) remains the gold standard for language
4. Advantages of high field strength over low field strength intraoperative MRI
(iMRI) include all of the following EXCEPT:
(a) Better quality images.
(b) Surgery need not be interrupted.
(c) Allows multimodality imaging.
(d) Can be used for routine diagnostic imaging while not in use.
Answer: b
Intraoperative MRI (iMRI) is in use in Neurosurgery since 1994. The most
common use of iMRI is to assess the extent of tumor resection and to identify
surrounding functioning neural tissues, avoiding damage to them. It also helps
to compensate for brain shifts. iMRI can be used for targeted procedures like
brain biopsy or cyst drainage.
iMRI may be broadly divided into low field strength (0.5 T or less) and high
field strength (1.5–3 T) devices. The first system developed by GE, which was
nicknamed “the double doughnut”, was designed in such a way that the surgeon
operates between two vertically placed magnets, offering 0.5 T field strength.
Though ergonomics of such an operative room setting were not optimum, it
provided real-time imaging, unlike most high field strength systems that were
marketed later. Low field strength iMRI devices are much less expensive than
high field strength devices and may be operated with a local Faraday shielding,
obviating the need to shield the walls of the operating room. While the lower
resolution of low field strength iMRI might not be much of a problem in high-
grade glioma surgeries, it might be troublesome in cases of low-grade gliomas
where margins are not well-delineated [15].
In addition to better image resolution, high-field systems also benefit from
their ability to include other advanced techniques like MR spectroscopy, func-
tional MRI, MR angiography, chemical shift imaging, and diffusion-weighted
imaging [5]. But they come at a very high cost. Also, the installations are very
heavy, putting a higher demand on the construction of the operating room. One
advantage of high field strength iMRI is that it can be used for doing regular
diagnostic MRI scans when not in use as an intraoperative adjunct.
The main limitation of iMRI is its cost including the investment for MR
compatible surgical instruments and modification of the operating room. It also
results in interruption of surgery and longer operating times.
6 Intraoperative Adjuncts in Tumor Surgery 67
10. Which of the following intraoperative modalities helps to compensate for brain
shifts by assessing cortical surface deformation?
(a) Intraoperative 3D ultrasound.
(b) Laser Range Scanner.
(c) StereoVision.
(d) b and c.
Answer: d
Modalities like Laser Range Scanners (LRS) and StereoVision acquire the
intraoperative cortical surface deformation which is then integrated into a pre-
computed patient-specific biomedical model to estimate the volumetric defor-
mation. Stereovision is the process of extracting 3D information from digital
images taken by two cameras displaced horizontally from one another to obtain
two different views of the same scene. The reconstructed images are displayed
over the patient’s preoperative images in the physical space. Stereovision sys-
tems can be coupled to operating microscopes. This helps to estimate intraop-
erative brain shifts in real-time without interrupting the surgery. This technology
is relatively less expensive and contactless [5, 26].
11. Which of the following is a telesurgical robot used in Neurosurgery?
(a) ROSA.
(b) NeuroMate.
(c) NeuroArm.
(d) SpineAssist.
Answer: c
The surgical robots were first used in the field of Neurosurgery. PUMA- 200
robot which was originally designed for industrial use, was used for CT-guided
needle biopsy. The first FDA-approved robot was NeuroMate. The robots cur-
rently in use are classified into three categories [27]:
(i) Telesurgical robot (Master-slave)—In this type, the surgeon controls the
robot from a remote workstation outside the operating room. It can even
provide tactile feedback to the surgeon. e.g.: NeuroArm
(ii) Supervisory surgeon-controlled robot—In this type, the robot assists the
surgeon and helps to improve precision. The main use of these robots has
been taking stereotactic biopsies in brain tumors and improving the preci-
sion of screw placement in the spine. e.g.: PUMA- 200, Minerva,
Pathfinder, SpineAssist.
Handheld shared/controlled systems—In these systems, the surgeon
and the robot jointly control the instruments. The precision contributed by
the robotic system and the manual dexterity and manipulative skills con-
tributed by the Neurosurgeon leads to better instrument handling. The
robot can also mark out the safe zone, which prevents the surgeon from
straying and injuring important structures. It can also reduce surgeon’s
hand tremors and fatigue. eg: Steady hand system, Evolution 1, ROSA.
72 R. K. Pathiyil
Except for the primary motor cortex and motor tracts, mapping of any func-
tional brain area requires the patient to be awake. Even for the primary motor
cortex, spatial fidelity for mapping is better when awake. Awake mapping
allows for testing of volitional aspects of movement, for instance, negative
motor areas in supplementary motor and parietal regions [14, 28, 29].
Subcortical stimulation of areas underlying SMA can induce deficits of com-
plex motor coordination like bimanual coordination or coordination of contra-
lateral upper and lower limbs, which will be missed if the mapping is not done
in an awake state.
Glioma should be looked upon as a disease of the brain, rather than a discrete
tumor entity. The fact that gliomas extend well beyond the radiological margins
is well appreciated, especially in low-grade tumors. So, the current concept is
to map the functional boundaries with DES and resect the tumor beyond its
‘radiological margins’ until ‘functional margins’ are reached (supratotal resec-
tion). This improves the extent of resection while reducing morbidity, thus
improving the progression-free survival as well as the quality of life of these
patients. Awake mapping should become the rule rather than an exception.
Seizures occurring during awake mapping are generally aborted by cessation
of stimulus and irrigating the cortical surface with ice-cold saline. The occur-
rence of seizures can be reduced by starting with a lower current strength, and
avoiding continuous or repeated stimulation over the same gyrus (which leads
to temporal summation). Using muscle electrodes to monitor motor response
instead of looking for overt muscle contraction, obviates the need for higher
current strengths.
15. Which of the following patients is NOT a good candidate for awake mapping?
(a) Pediatric patients.
(b) Patients with contralateral limb power less than 3/5.
(c) >25% error rate on preoperative language tests.
(d) All of the above.
Answer: d
Patients with already existing major deficits might not yield reliable infor-
mation on mapping with DES. Patients with less than antigravity strength in the
muscles to be monitored or those with significant preoperative language deficit
(error rate > 25% in preoperative language tests) are not good candidates for
mapping. Pediatric patients, as well as patients who do not co-operate well for
awake mapping like those with major neurocognitive impairment or anxiety,
should not be offered awake craniotomy [14]. Using awake mapping in this
scenario can be counterproductive. Proper patient selection is key to successful
awake surgery. Patient’s co-operation is imperative. If the patient becomes
uncooperative or restless, there should be an alternative option to anesthetize
him before proceeding; otherwise, the surgeon might unnecessarily hurry
through the procedure resulting in a suboptimal resection or additional morbid-
ity. Asleep monitoring or a more conservative resection using anatomical land-
marks should be considered for these patients.
74 R. K. Pathiyil
SSEP can be used to identify the motor cortex by phase reversal of the
response (response changes from positive to negative) which can be demon-
strated by placing cortical strip electrodes across the central sulcus [34].
20. Which of the following statements regarding H reflex is FALSE?
(a) It monitors sensory and motor components of the nerve, as well as the spi-
nal grey matter.
(b) It is the electrical equivalent of deep tendon reflex.
(c) It is less sensitive than SSEP to detect spinal cord injury cephalad to the
level of the monitored nerve.
(d) None of the above.
Answer: c
When a peripheral motor nerve is stimulated, the initial compound muscle
action potential (CMAP) recorded from the muscle is called M-response. The
stimulation of sensory fibers in the nerve causes impulses to travel proximally,
which passes through the spinal reflex arc and travels back along the motor
fibers, creating a response called H-reflex. The stimulation also produces a
depolarization that travels along the motor nerve centrally towards the cord and
is then reflected, producing a response, which is called an F wave.
The suprasegmental tracts influence the spinal reflex response and hence
alter the H-reflex. These changes have been shown to appear earlier than SSEP
changes [34].
21. All of the following complications have been reported with MEP monitor-
ing except:
(a) Sore muscles.
(b) Neuropsychiatric disease.
(c) Kindling.
(d) Cardiac arrhythmias.
Answer: b
Sore muscles and tongue lacerations are the most common complications of
transcranial MEP monitoring. There are also reports of cardiac arrhythmias,
scalp burns, and jaw fractures. Kindling is direct cortical thermal injury, which
is an extremely rare complication [34].
22. The advantages of D-wave monitoring include all of the following EXCEPT:
(a) Altered little by anesthetics.
(b) Differentiate laterality of injury.
(c) Not affected by muscle relaxants.
(d) More sensitive than SSEP to motor tract injury.
Answer: b
Transcranial stimulation of motor tracts produces a wave of depolarization
that can be recorded using electrodes placed in the spinal epidural or subdural
78 R. K. Pathiyil
space. This is called D wave (direct wave). I waves (indirect waves) are a series
of smaller waves that follows the D wave. I waves are a result of additional
trans-synaptic activation of internuncial neurons in the cortex. D and I waves
summate over the anterior horn cells, producing a peripheral response (CMAP).
As the D wave is measured before the first synapse, it is the least affected by
anesthetic agents. Obviously, muscle relaxants do not alter this response. But
the epidural/subdural electrodes can record potentials from either side, hence
not very useful in differentiating the laterality of the injury.
In contrast to SSEP monitoring which monitors the posterior column sup-
plied by the posterior spinal arteries, D waves represent the motor tracts located
in the anterior spinal artery territory and hence are more valuable in predicting
postoperative motor deficits [34].
23. Which of the following brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) waves can
be lost even in patients with preserved hearing?
(a) Wave I.
(b) Wave III.
(c) Wave V.
(d) None of the above.
Answer: c
Brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) refers to the auditory responses
recorded from cranial nerve VIII and the brain stem usually during the first
10 ms after auditory stimulation. It has five peaks labeled from I to V, of which
I, III, and V are more prominent.
I—extracranial cranial nerve VIII.
II—cochlear nucleus.
III—superior olivary complex (lower pons).
IV—lateral lemniscus.
V—inferior colliculus (midbrain).
BAER is used for monitoring auditory nerve and brain stem injury during
posterior fossa tumor surgeries. Loss of peaks or prolongation of interpeak
latencies points towards damage at corresponding locations. Changes in wave
V have the least correlation with the outcome as it can be lost due to desynchro-
nization in the pathways even when hearing is preserved.
Response to auditory stimulation recorded over the sensory cortex is termed
mid latency auditory evoked response. It is usually used as an index of anes-
thetic effect [34].
24. What is the normal latency for facial nerve EMG response when the nerve is
stimulated in the CP angle?
(a) 3–4 ms.
(b) 6–8 ms.
(c) 14–16 ms.
(d) 30–32 ms.
Answer: b
6 Intraoperative Adjuncts in Tumor Surgery 79
demonstrated with regards to language subcortical tracts. nTMS was also shown
to be useful in mapping the primary visual cortex. It is also being tried for map-
ping complex neuropsychological functions involving frontal and parietal lobes
[37]. Maps generated using nTMS can be generated preoperatively. This helps
to plan the surgical approach well in advance.
TMS-induced seizure is seen in <1% of cases. US FDA recommends that
TMS should not be used for preoperative mapping in patients with poorly con-
trolled seizures (>1 seizure/week). Other complications reported include pain,
headache, and high-frequency hearing loss [37].
26. Which of the following responses is least affected by inhalational anes-
thetic agents?
(a) Muscle CMAPs.
(b) D wave.
(c) Cortical SSEP.
(d) BAER.
Answer: b
Anesthetic agents act to reduce synaptic transmission. In SSEP, the first syn-
apses occur at the level of nucleus cuneatus and gracilis. So, the anesthetic
drugs have little effect on SSEPs recorded at the level of the cervical spine.
Similarly, during MEP monitoring, D-waves are not affected by anesthetic
agents as there are no synapses involved, whereas the I wave and muscle
CMAPs are reduced. In general, inhalational anesthetic agents have the most
profound influence on slowing synaptic transmission, hence total intravenous
anesthesia (TIVA) is preferred, especially when MEPs are monitored. Propofol
is currently the most common sedative used in TIVA, although depression of
MEPs can occur at higher doses. Ketamine has an enhancement effect on corti-
cal SSEP responses and CMAPs in MEP monitoring. Hence, the use of ket-
amine along with propofol helps to reduce the depressant effect of the latter.
Opioids cause only mild depression of responses. Dexmedetomidine also
appears to have minimal effect on the responses. Thiopental and midazolam
cause long-lasting depression in MEP responses. Etomidate can cause high cor-
tical excitability, resulting in increased amplitude of cortical sensory responses,
hence has been used with SSEP monitoring and not commonly with MEP mon-
itoring. Neuromuscular blockade interferes with MEP and EMG monitoring. A
technique called post-tetanic MEPs may be useful in patients in whom partial
paralysis is desired. In this technique, a tetanic stimulus is delivered to the
peripheral nerve before the MEPs to enhance the responses. Other factors
including hypoxemia, hypotension, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, electrolyte
abnormalities, anemia, and raised intracranial tension, also affect the responses
during monitoring.
6 Intraoperative Adjuncts in Tumor Surgery 81
27. What is the dose and route of 5-aminolevulinic acid administered for intraop-
erative tumor fluorescence?
(a) 20 mg /kg orally.
(b) 20 mg/kg slow iv.
(c) 2 mg/kg orally.
(d) 2 mg/kg iv.
Answer: a
5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) is a precursor in hemoglobin synthesis. It is
metabolized inside tumor cells into fluorescent protoporphyrin IX (PpIX)
which emits a red-violet fluorescence under blue light. Solid red fluorescence
corresponds to highly proliferating tumor tissue, whereas vague pink fluores-
cence corresponds to the infiltrating tumor cells in the transitional area between
the tumor and normal brain. Necrotic areas in high-grade gliomas do not fluo-
resce. It differs from other fluorescing agents like fluorescein, which penetrates
malignant glioma via the defective blood-brain barrier. 5- ALA is administered
orally at a dose of 20 mg/kg dissolved in 50 ml of water about 3 h (range 2–4 h)
before induction of anesthesia.
Stummer et al. reported that the rates of complete resection as well as
6-month progression-free survival in malignant glioma were doubled with the
use of 5-ALA [38]. Another advantage of intraoperative tumor fluorescence
when compared to other modalities like iMRI and intraoperative ultrasound is
that it does not interrupt the surgery.
Disadvantages of 5-ALA [39]:
(i) Expensive
(ii) Skin reactions (photosensitivity). Exposure to sunlight or strong room
light should be avoided for 24 h after administration of 5-ALA.
(iii) Difficult to operate continuously under blue light.
(iv) Many other pathologies also show fluorescence.
28. Which of the following fluoresce least after 5-ALA administration?
(a) Low-grade glioma.
(b) Grade I meningioma.
(c) Cerebral inflammation.
(d) Cerebral metastasis.
Answer: a
The utility of 5-ALA tumor fluorescence is well studied for high-grade glio-
mas (level I evidence) where it has a sensitivity of around 85%. It is not useful
in low-grade glioma resection where the sensitivity was reported from 0 to 16%
in various studies. 5-ALA is a good marker of tumor anaplasticity. Meningiomas
also show fluorescence. Though grade II/III meningiomas have increased sen-
sitivity to 5-ALA tumor fluorescence, approximately 70% of grade I meningio-
mas also fluoresce. The sensitivity of ALA fluorescence for cerebral metastasis
is lower (54%). Studies have also shown that PpIX accumulates in peritumor
82 R. K. Pathiyil
tissues around the metastases emitting a vague fluorescence with high false-
positive rates [40]. Fluorescence is also seen in areas of cerebral inflammation,
fungal and bacterial abscesses, CNS lymphoma, radiation necrosis, multiple
sclerosis, and some normal brain tissues like ventricular ependyma [41].
29. Which of the following statements regarding 5-ALA tumor fluorescence
(a) Prolonged exposure to the microscope light can result in photobleaching of
porphyrins resulting in reduced fluorescence.
(b) 5-ALA obviates the need for electrophysiological mapping and monitoring.
(c) If surgery is delayed, but not beyond 12 h of 5-ALA administration, repeat
administration of the dye is not required.
(d) Neon ambient lighting can interfere with fluorescence signal.
Answer: b
It was shown that 5-ALA tumor fluorescence decayed to 36% in 25 minutes
for violet-blue, and 87 minutes for white light [42]. This happens only in
exposed areas of the tumor. Fluorescence may be refreshed by suction and
removal of superficial cell layers.
5-ALA fluorescence is more sensitive than MRI in delineating tumor mar-
gins. Fluorescing tumor volume is usually larger than the volume in contrast-
enhanced MRI sequences. The tumor infiltrating into functioning brain areas
also fluoresce. Studies have shown that even though 5-ALA improves the extent
of resection, there can be a higher incidence of neurological deficits when this
modality is used alone for gliomas near eloquent areas. Awake intraoperative
monitoring is required while operating near functional brain areas to reduce
deficits [40].
The peak plasma levels of PpIX are reached 7–8 h after oral administration
[43]; excellent tumor fluorescence is obtained for at least 9 h. Then it rapidly
declines over the next 20 h and is not detectable by 48 h. If the surgery is
delayed by more than 12 h, surgery should be preferably re-scheduled for the
next day or later. There is no robust data available on the safety of repeat admin-
istration of ALA on the same day.
Neon ambient lighting contains substantial red and infrared light. Red wave-
lengths are selectively amplified by the detection equipment. This leads to red-
dish discoloration of non-tumor tissue, which is otherwise normally perceived
as being blue. Standard surgical lights are usually filtered in the red and infrared
wavelengths. The operating rooms have to be darkened for daylight.
30. All of the following statements regarding sodium fluorescein tumor fluores-
cence are true EXCEPT:
(a) Tumor fluorescence can be seen under white light.
(b) Tumor fluorescence is best visualized under blue light.
(c) Sodium fluorescein helps to identify dural tail in meningiomas.
6 Intraoperative Adjuncts in Tumor Surgery 83
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1. Missios S, Barnett GH. Surgical navigation of brain tumours. In: Youmans and Winn
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31. Tate MC, Herbet G, Moritz-Gasser S, Tate JE, Duffau H. Probabilistic map of critical functional
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gual brain: a comparison of electrical stimulation language mapping in 25 bilingual patients
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33. Duffau H. Surgery of insular gliomas. Prog Neurol Surg [Internet]. 2018;30:173–85. https://
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35. Picht T, Schmidt S, Brandt S, Frey D, Hannula H, Neuvonen T, et al. Preoperative functional
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37. Haddad AF, Young JS, Berger MS, Tarapore PE. Preoperative applications of navigated tran-
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38. Stummer W, Pichlmeier U, Meinel T, Wiestler OD, Zanella F, Reulen HJ. Fluorescence-guided
surgery with 5-aminolevulinic acid for resection of malignant glioma: a randomised controlled
multicentre phase III trial. Lancet Oncol [Internet]. 2006;7(5):392–401. https://pubmed.ncbi.
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39. Schebesch KM, Brawanski A, Hohenberger MS, Höhne J. Fluorescein sodium-guided sur-
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Chapter 7
Joe M Das
1. Which of the following features in an MRI scan does not help to differentiate a
brain abscess from a glioblastoma?
(a) Susceptibility Weighted Imaging
(b) Deep Transfer Learning
(c) Hand-crafted Radiomics
(d) Contrast-enhanced MRI
Answer: d
• Cerebral abscesses on SWI—high-intensity line (granulation tissue) lies
internal to the low-intensity rim—The dual rim sign
2. Which of the following is not a characterizing magnetic resonance spectros-
copy finding in a glioblastoma?
(a) Increased choline
(b) Increased myoinositol
(c) Increased lactate
(d) Increased lipids
Answer: b
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
(a) WNT Cerebellar peduncle/foramen of Luschka
(b) SHH Cerebellar hemisphere
(c) Group 3 or 4 Midline
(c) SHH No taurine
(d) Group 3 or 4 Taurine peak
(a) Periwinkle sign Supratentorial ependymoma
(b) Yin-yang sign Solitary fibrous tumor of the dura
(c) Notch sign Primary CNS lymphoma
(d) Spoke wheel sign Meningioma
7 Neuroradiology 89
(a) Artificial intelligence A task performed by a computer that normally needs
human intelligence
(b) Machine learning A branch of data science which makes computers
capable of learning from existing training data
without accurate programming
(c) Deep learning Learning based on neural networks that have a large
number of layers
(d) Convolutional neural networks Feed-forward networks used for image-based
(e) Radiomics Method for quantitative description of medical
(f) Delta-radiomics Changes in radiomic features from one point in time
to the next
(g) Radiogenomics Combines quantitative data from medical images with
genomic phenotypes and creates a prediction model
(h) Personalised medicine Use of an individual’s genetic profile to guide
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.
90 J. M. Das
(a) PNET Taurine
(b) Meningioma Alanine
(c) Glioblastoma Glycine
(d) Low-grade astrocytomas Myoinositol
(e) Oligodendroglioma, demyelination GLX (Glutamate, Glutamine, GABA)
10. Which of the following is used as the internal reference standard for character-
izing other peaks during MRS?
(a) Choline
(b) Creatinine
(c) NAA
(d) Lactate
Answer: b
7 Neuroradiology 91
(a) Amide proton transfer imaging Tumor proliferation and provides information
regarding the pH of tissue
(b) Contrast-enhanced susceptibility- Tumor necrosis and vessels.
weighted imaging
(c) Arterial spin labeling Tumor vascular normalization and drug
delivery efficacy
(d) Dynamic contrast-enhanced perfusion Identification of immature hyperpermeable
MRI vessels.
(e) Dynamic susceptibility contrast Microvessel density or area
perfusion MRI
(f) Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) Estimation of cytoarchitectonic complexities of
gray and white matters
(g) Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Separation of perfusion from diffusion
7 Neuroradiology 93
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1. You are evaluating a 28-year-old man with a known history of HIV infection
who presented with persistent headaches. Imaging demonstrated a classic
appearance of primary CNS lymphoma. What is the best initial treatment for
these lesions?
(a) Observation
(b) Gross total resection
(c) Chemotherapy with methotrexate
(d) Chemotherapy with Hydroxyurea
Answer: c
E. Abdulla (*)
Department of Neurosurgery, Salmaniya Medical Complex, Manama, Bahrain
L. R. Moscote-Salazar
Colombian Clinical Research Group in Neurocritical Care, Bogota, Colombia
A. Agrawal
Department of Neurosurgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
D. Singh
Department of Radiation Oncology, Govt Doon Medical College & Hospital,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
2. A tumor was resected from a 61-year-old man with convulsions. The pathologi-
cal evaluation of the specimen was consistent with WHO grade 4 glioblastoma
multiforme (GBM). A chemotherapeutic temozolomide was commenced. What
is the most common side effect of temozolomide?
(a) Renal toxicity
(b) Liver toxicity
(c) Keratitis
(d) Bone marrow suppression
Answer: d
Temozolomide is a chemotherapeutic agent that is well tolerated. It may
nevertheless cause thrombocytopenia and neutropenia. Temozolomide has also
been associated with severe hematologic side effects, including myelodysplas-
tic syndrome and aplastic anemia [2].
3. What tumor type listed below is most likely to respond to the ICE regimen
(ifosfamide, carboplatin, etoposide)?
(a) Germ cells tumors
(b) Medulloblastoma
(c) Glioblastoma multiforme
(d) Primary CNS lymphoma
Answer: a
Two cycles of the ICE regimen, which consists of ifosfamide (2 gm/m2),
carboplatin (400 mg/m2), and etoposide (20 mg/m2), followed by autologous
hematopoietic progenitor cell support, is a potential treatment for germ cell
malignancies [3].
4. Which one of the following chemotherapy options is LEAST likely to be uti-
lized in the context of anaplastic oligodendroglioma?
(a) Procarbazine
(b) Lomustine
(c) Etoposide
(d) Vincristine
Answer: c
It is possible to treat anaplastic oligodendroglioma with a combination of
radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. For the treatment of low-grade
glioma, studies have mostly focused on the three-drug combination of procarba-
zine, lomustine, and vincristine (PCV) or a single dosage of temozolomide [4].
5. Which one of the following statements regarding vinca alkaloids is LEAST
(a) They prevent tubulin polymerization and thus microtubule formation
(b) Induce cell apoptosis by arresting growing cells in the S phase.
8 Chemotherapy 97
15. You are evaluating a patient with a recurrent systemic Langerhans Cell
Histiocytosis involving the CNS. What targeted gene therapy is likely effective
in this patient?
(a) VEGF inhibitor
(b) BRAF inhibitor
(c) PTEN inhibitor
(d) P53 inhibitor
Answer: b
Surgery is the treatment for Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. Persistence or
recurrence of these lesions, however, may demand further treatment, such as
low-dose chemotherapy or, in rare instances, low-dose radiation therapy. The
findings of targeted treatment with BRAF inhibitors for systemic illness are
promising [15].
16. What is the best management of a patient with a biopsy-proven, non-AIDS-
related primary CNS lymphoma?
(a) Surgical resection followed by XRT
(b) Surgical resection followed by methotrexate chemotherapy
(c) Surgical resection followed by XRT and methotrexate chemotherapy
(d) XRT and methotrexate chemotherapy
Answer: d
The most effective treatment for primary CNS lymphoma in patients without
AIDS is a combination of X-ray radiotherapy and methotrexate chemotherapy.
There is no justification for surgical excision [16].
17. What is the best management of a patient with biopsy-proven, metastatic non-
small-cell lung cancer?
(a) Erlotinib
(b) Avastin
(c) Methotrexate
(d) Vincristine
Answer: a
Erlotinib is an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor that targets the human epidermal
receptor type 1/ epidermal growth factor receptor. It was recently authorized by
the FDA for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-
small-cell lung cancer who have failed more than one or two previous chemo-
therapy regimens [17].
18. What is the following chemotherapy agent contributing to delayed wound
(a) Erlotinib
(b) Avastin®
8 Chemotherapy 101
(c) Tamoxifen
(d) Methotrexate
Answer: b
Using Avastin® may result in bleeding or infection as a consequence of
wounds not healing properly. The patient must discontinue bevacizumab at
least 28 days before undergoing any form of surgery. After surgery, Avastin®
should not be resumed for at least 28 days, or until the surgical incision has
healed [18].
19. You are evaluating a 60-year-old patient, known to have colorectal cancer, and
recently diagnosed with GBM. Which of the following concerns of starting
bevacizumab in this case?
(a) Megacolon
(b) Bowel perforation
(c) Liver metastasis
(d) Mesenteric venous thrombosis
Answer: b
The majority of bowel perforations caused by Avastin® (bevacizumab) have
occurred when the tumor penetrates the colon’s wall. Avastin® causes the
tumor to disintegrate, leaving behind a void. With Avastin®, the tumor disap-
pears, but scar tissue does not develop since the tumor is unable to generate its
blood supply [19].
20. You are evaluating a patient with brain lymphoma who developed generalized
tonic-clonic convulsions after intrathecal injection. Which of the following che-
motherapeutic agent was likely given?
(a) Lomustine
(b) Vincristine
(c) Cisplatin
(d) Methotrexate
Answer: d
The intrathecal injection of methotrexate may achieve therapeutic concentra-
tions in the cerebrospinal fluid without the use of intravenous methotrexate at
large doses. 3-to-40 percent of individuals receiving intrathecal methotrexate
have been documented to have major neurologic problems. Dosage, methotrexate
concentration in CSF, patient age, anatomical and physiological abnormalities in
the CNS, type of dilutional vehicle, intracranial radiation, and intravenous metho-
trexate are all factors that contribute to the development of neurotoxicity [20].
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102 E. Abdulla et al.
Joe M Das
1. Which of the following medicines has been tried to ameliorate the neurocogni-
tive effects of whole-brain radiotherapy?
(a) Trastuzumab
(b) Folic acid
(c) Memantine
(d) Folinic acid
Answer: c
Memantine—n- methyl-d-aspartate-receptor antagonist
2. Match the following side effects to the period when they occur following radia-
tion therapy.
(a) Radiation-induced seizures Days to weeks
(b) Cerebral edema 1-6 months
(c) Radiation necrosis 1-6 months
(b) Alopecia Days to weeks
(e) Neuropraxia Days to weeks
(f) Somnolence syndrome 6-24 months
(a) Radiation-induced seizures Days to weeks
(b) Cerebral edema Days to weeks
(c) Radiation necrosis 6–24 months
(b) Alopecia Days to weeks
(e) Neuropraxia 1–6 months
(f) Somnolence syndrome 1–6 months
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 103
Switzerland AG 2023
J. M. Das, Neuro-Oncology Explained Through Multiple Choice Questions,
104 J. M. Das
7. What is the most common device-related adverse event reported with TTFields
(a) Seizures
(b) Skin toxicity
(c) Infection
(d) Insomnia
Answer: b
8. Which of the following is not an unfavorable prognostic factor for survival in a
patient with low-grade glioma according to the European Organisation for
Research and Treatment of Cancer Trials (EORTC)?
(a) Age less than 40 years
(b) Astrocytoma histology
(c) Tumor diameter more than 6 cm
(d) Tumor crossing midline
Answer: a
High-risk features in patients with low-grade glioma:
• Age 40 or older
• Astrocytoma histology
• Tumor diameter ≥ 6 cm
• Tumor crossing the midline
• The presence of neurologic deficit before surgery
9. Which of the following is not included in the 4Rs involved in the radiobiology
of ionizing radiation?
(a) Repair
(b) Regeneration
(c) Repopulation
(d) Reoxygenation
Answer: b
The biological effect of ionizing radiation to a given tissue is determined by:
• Repair capacity of cells
• Repopulation of surviving tumor stem cells
• Redistribution of cells between the cell cycle
• Reoxygenation of hypoxic tumor cells
10. Which part of the brain is most radioresistant?
(a) Frontal lobe
(b) Parietal lobe
(c) Temporal lobe
(d) Cerebellum
Answer: a
106 J. M. Das
15. Which pediatric brain tumor is most commonly treated with proton therapy?
(a) Medulloblastoma
(b) Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor
(c) Brainstem glioma
(d) Craniopharyngioma
Answer: a
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Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
• Normal dendritic cells secrete IFNα that helps in T-cell maturation, whereas
brain tumor-associated dendritic cells will not secrete IFNα.
7. Which of the following does not usually correlate with an improved prognosis
is glioblastoma?
(a) Increased calreticulin
(b) Increased HSP70
(c) Decreased HMGB1
(d) Decreased ratio of infiltrated CD8+ to CD4+ T-cells
Answer: d
Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs):
• Increased calreticulin
• Increased HSP70
• Decreased HMGB1
8. Match the following vaccines with the corresponding types
(a) Peptide vaccine Ofranergene obadenovec (ofra-vec; VB-111)
(b) Dendritic cell vaccine Ipilimumab (anti–CTLA-4 mAb)
(c) Immune checkpoint inhibitor Rindopepimut®
(d) Non-replicative viral therapy Sipuleucel-T
(a) Peptide vaccine Rindopepimut®
(b) Dendritic cell vaccine Sipuleucel-T
(c) Immune checkpoint inhibitor Ipilimumab (anti–CTLA-4 mAb)
(d) Non-replicative viral therapy Ofranergene obadenovec (ofra-vec; VB-111)
10. The most common target for antibody-based drugs for GBM is
(a) VEGF-A
(b) Programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1)
(c) Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4)
(d) HER-2
Answer: a
11. Which of the following is a Programmed cell death—ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibi-
tor that is being studied for the treatment of glioblastoma?
(a) Nivolumab
(b) Cemiplimab
(c) Pembrolizumab
(d) Atezolizumab
Answer: d
• Nivolumab, cemiplimab, and pembrolizumab—Anti–PD-1 (programmed
death—1) monoclonal antibodies
• Atezolizumab, durvalumab, and avelumab—PD-L1 inhibitors
12. The recombinant oncolytic poliovirus, PVS-RIPO, is administered through
which route?
(a) Intraventricular
(b) Intratumoral
(c) Intravenous
(d) Intraarterial
Answer: b
• PVS-RIPO contains recombinant, live-attenuated type 1 (Sabin) poliovirus
• Carries internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) of human rhinovirus 2.
• Enters the neoplastic cells via the polio receptor CD155, expressed in
solid tumors.
• Has found initial promise in patients with recurrent glioblastoma.
13. Neurons support tumor cell proliferation via secretion of
(a) Neuroligin-1
(b) Neuroligin-2
(c) Neuroligin-3
(d) Neuroligin-4
Answer: c
• NLGN3 expression strongly predicts survival in human high-grade gliomas.
10 Immunotherapy 113
(c) Aquaporin 3
(d) Aquaporin 4
Answer: d
“Glymphatic system” was discovered in 2012 by Iliff et al.
It helps in:
• Clearing the interstitial solutes in the brain parenchyma
• Para-arterial influx of subarachnoisd CSF into the brain interstitium,
• Exchanging of CSF with interstitial fluid
• Para-venous efflux of ISF
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1. Lyon JG, Mokarram N, Saxena T, Carroll SL, Bellamkonda RV. Engineering challenges for
brain tumor immunotherapy. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2017;114:19–32.
2. Jin X, Riew TR, Kim HL, Choi JH, Lee MY. Morphological characterization of NG2 glia and
their association with neuroglial cells in the 3-nitropropionic acid-lesioned striatum of rat. Sci
Rep. 2018;8(1):5942–17.
3. Srivastava S, Jackson C, Kim T, Choi J, Lim M. A characterization of dendritic cells and
their role in immunotherapy in glioblastoma: from preclinical studies to clinical trials. Cancers
(Basel). 2019;11(4):537.
4. Hernandez C, Huebener P, Schwabe RF. Damage-associated molecular patterns in cancer: a
double-edged sword. Oncogene. 2016;35(46):5931–41.
5. Muth C, Rubner Y, Semrau S, Rühle PF, Frey B, Strnad A, Buslei R, Fietkau R, Gaipl
US. Primary glioblastoma multiforme tumors and recurrence: comparative analysis of the
danger signals HMGB1, HSP70, and calreticulin. Strahlenther Onkol. 2016;192(3):146–55.
6. Han S, Zhang C, Li Q, Dong J, Liu Y, Huang Y, Jiang T, Wu A. Tumour-infiltrating
CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocytes as predictors of clinical outcome in glioma. Br J Cancer.
7. Swartz AM, Li QJ, Sampson JH. Rindopepimut: a promising immunotherapeutic for the treat-
ment of glioblastoma multiforme. Immunotherapy. 2014;6(6):679–90.
8. Razpotnik R, Novak N, Čurin Šerbec V, Rajcevic U. Targeting malignant brain tumors with
antibodies. Front Immunol. 2017;8:1181.
9. Khasraw M, Reardon DA, Weller M, Sampson JH. PD-1 inhibitors: do they have a future
in the treatment of glioblastoma? Clin Cancer Res. 2020;26(20):5287–96. https://doi.
org/10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-20-1135. Epub 2020 Jun 11
10. Beasley GM, Nair SK, Farrow NE, Landa K, Selim MA, Wiggs CA, Jung SH, Bigner DD,
True Kelly A, Gromeier M, Salama AK. Phase I trial of intratumoral PVSRIPO in patients
with unresectable, treatment-refractory melanoma. J Immunother Cancer. 2021;9(4):e002203.
10 Immunotherapy 115
11. Venkatesh HS, Johung TB, Caretti V, Noll A, Tang Y, Nagaraja S, Gibson EM, Mount CW,
Polepalli J, Mitra SS, Woo PJ, Malenka RC, Vogel H, Bredel M, Mallick P, Monje M. Neuronal
activity promotes glioma growth through Neuroligin-3 secretion. Cell. 2015;161(4):803–16. Epub 2015 Apr 23
12. Mohan AA, Tomaszewski WH, Haskell-Mendoza AP, Hotchkiss KM, Singh K, Reedy JL,
Fecci PE, Sampson JH, Khasraw M. Targeting immunometabolism in glioblastoma. Front
Oncol. 2021;11:696402.
13. Zhai L, Lauing KL, Chang AL, Dey M, Qian J, Cheng Y, Lesniak MS, Wainwright DA. The
role of IDO in brain tumor immunotherapy. J Neuro-Oncol. 2015;123(3):395–403. https://doi.
14. Rius-Rocabert S, García-Romero N, García A, Ayuso-Sacido A, Nistal-Villan E. Oncolytic
Virotherapy in glioma tumors. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(20):7604.
15. Andersen JK, Miletic H, Hossain JA. Tumor-associated macrophages in gliomas-basic insights
and treatment opportunities. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14(5):1319.
16. Xu D, Zhou J, Mei H, Li H, Sun W, Xu H. Impediment of cerebrospinal fluid drainage
through Glymphatic system in glioma. Front Oncol. 2022;11:790821.
Chapter 11
Stem Cells
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
13. Match the following molecules with the corresponding mechanisms of action.
(a) Cyclopamine STAT3 inhibitor
(b) Resveratrol Induces stem cell differentiation
(c) Metformin Shh inhibition
(d) Napabucasin Permeability glycoprotein inhibitor
(e) Epigallocatechin gallate Activates autophagy
(f) Curcumin Modulates the Wnt pathway
(g) Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (BMP4) Inhibits AKT signaling
(a) Cyclopamine Shh inhibition
(b) Resveratrol Modulates the Wnt pathway
(c) Metformin Inhibits AKT signaling
(d) Napabucasin STAT3 inhibitor
(e) Epigallocatechin gallate Permeability glycoprotein inhibitor
(f) Curcumin Activates autophagy
(g) Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (BMP4) Induces stem cell differentiation
14. Which is a highly selective aurora-A kinase inhibitor that inhibits colony for-
mation in glioma stem cells and potentiates the effects of temozolomide and
radiation in glioblastoma?
(a) Honokiol
(b) Alisertib
(c) Pazopanib
(d) Cyclopamine
Answer: b
• Honokiol—Inhibits PI3K/mTOR signaling activation in gliomas
• Pazopanib—Oral multitarget angiogenesis inhibitor
• Cyclopamine—Specifically inhibits the Hedgehog pathway
15. As of now, which of the following neural stem cell lines has been approved for
human clinical trials in glioblastoma?
(a) HB1.F3.CD
(b) ReNCell VM
(c) ReNCell CX
(d) Hoechst 33342 SP
Answer: a
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11 Stem Cells 123
1. Bexell D, Svensson A, Bengzon J. Stem cell-based therapy for malignant glioma. Cancer Treat
Rev. 2013;39(4):358–65.
2. Zarogoulidis P, Darwiche K, Sakkas A, Yarmus L, Huang H, Li Q, Freitag L, Zarogoulidis K,
Malecki M. Suicide gene therapy for cancer - current strategies. J Genet Syndr Gene Ther.
3. Dong Z, Cui H. The emerging roles of RNA modifications in glioblastoma. Cancers (Basel).
4. Alves ALV, Gomes INF, Carloni AC, Rosa MN, da Silva LS, Evangelista AF, Reis RM,
Silva VAO. Role of glioblastoma stem cells in cancer therapeutic resistance: a perspective
on antineoplastic agents from natural sources and chemical derivatives. Stem Cell Res Ther.
5. Calinescu AA, Kauss MC, Sultan Z, Al-Holou WN, O'Shea SK. Stem cells for the treatment
of glioblastoma: a 20-year perspective. CNS. Oncologia. 2021;10(2):CNS73. https://doi.
6. Rich JN, Eyler CE. Cancer stem cells in brain tumor biology. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant
Biol. 2008;73:411–20. Epub 2009 Mar 27
Chapter 12
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
• The only theranostic tool approved for use in the clinical treatment of glio-
blastoma in Europe is the magnetic fluid MFL AS-1 (NanoTherm®,
MagForce AG, Berlin, Germany).
• Aqueous dispersion of superparamagnetic nanoparticles.
• An iron concentration of 112 mg/ml.
• Nanoparticles are formed as magnetite (Fe3O4) cores of approx. 12 nm
• Coating is given by aminosilane, an inert, enzymatically not cleavable
silicium compound with a positively charged surface.
• This product is applied directly on the tumor either stereotactically or
• Externally applied alternating magnetic field creates heat through relaxation
3. Which of the following is the most used quantum dot nanomaterial for diagnos-
tic purposes?
(a) Polydentate phosphine-coated QDs
(b) Cadmium selenide/Zinc sulfide (CdSe@ZnS)
(c) Nitrogen and sulfur co-doped carbon dots (N,S/CDs)
(d) Polyacrylic acid-coated Cu2(OH)PO4 quantum dots (Cu2(OH) PO4@
Answer: b
4. Which of the following nanoparticles has a low chance of producing
(a) Gold nanoparticles
(b) Magnetic nanoparticles
(c) Quantum dots
(d) Carbon nanotubes
Answer: a
• Gold nanoparticles—Low cytotoxicity—2–60 nm
• Magnetic nanoparticles—Potential cytotoxicity—7–20 nm
• Quantum dots—Potential cytotoxicity—2–50 nm
• Carbon nanotubes—Potential cytotoxicity—0.4–40 nm
5. Match the following lipid-based nanosystems with their composition
(a) Niosomes Solid lipid, emulsifier, and water/solvent.
(b) Cubosomes Nanostructured liquid crystalline particles
(c) Cubosomes and hexosomes Physiological and biocompatible lipids, surfactants,
and co-surfactants.
(d) Transferosomes Biodegradable natural or synthetic phospholipids.
(e) Ethosomes Unsaturated long-chain monoglycerides emulsified in
12 Nanotheranostics 127
(a) Niosomes Nonionic surfactants
(b) Cubosomes Lipid cubic phase and stabilized by a polymer-based
outer corona.
(c) Cubosomes and hexosomes Nanostructured liquid crystalline particles
(d) Transferosomes Phosphatidylcholine and an edge activator
(e) Ethosomes Phospholipids, alcohol, and water.
(f) Liposomes Biodegradable natural or synthetic phospholipids
(g) Monoolein aqueous dispersion Unsaturated long-chain monoglycerides emulsified in
(h) Solid lipid nanoparticles Solid lipid, emulsifier, and water/solvent
(i) Nanostructured lipid carriers Physiological and biocompatible lipids, surfactants,
(NLCs) and co-surfactants.
7. Which is the most widely used magnetic nanoparticle that has intrinsic imaging
properties for T2 contrast?
(a) Gold
(b) Iron oxide
(c) Manganese oxide
(d) Gadolinium
Answer: b
• Manganese and Gadolinium are T1-contrast agents.
8. Which of the following medicines helps to induce radiosensitivity in glioma
stem cells (bearing CD133) by inhibiting the Notch signaling pathway?
α-secretase inhibitor
β-secretase inhibitor
γ-secretase inhibitor
δ-secretase inhibitor
Answer: c
9. What is a nanoparticle?
(a) A particle with at least one dimension smaller than 100 nanometers (nm)
(b) A particle with at least two dimensions smaller than 100 nm
(c) A particle with all three dimensions smaller than 100 nm
(d) A particle with all three dimensions smaller than 1 nm
Answer: a
Nanoparticles are classified into:
• Inorganic—Metallic, non-metallic
• Organic—Organic lipid nanomaterials, organic polymeric nanomaterials
10. What is the optimum size for nanoparticles to avoid immediate clearance by the
lymphatic system?
(a) 100 nm
(b) 200 nm
(c) 300 nm
(d) 400 nm
Answer: a
Nanoparticle with a size of 100 nm→
• Restricted nanoparticle accumulation around tumor blood vessels
• Poor penetration into the tumor parenchyma
Nanoparticles <10 nm are cleared by renal excretion and phagocytosis.
12 Nanotheranostics 129
(c) 50–180 nm
(d) >180 nm
Answer: b
• Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION)—50–180 nm
• Ultra small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (USPION)—10–50 nm
• Very small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle (SPION)—<10 nm
15. Which compound is tried as a radiosensitizer and MRI contrast-enhancing
(a) AGuIX
(b) Manganese oxide
(c) Lipid-coated perfluoropropane
(d) Magnesium oxide
Answer: a
AGuIX (Activation and Guidance of Irradiation by X-ray)
• Sub-5 nm nanoparticles
• Composed of a polysiloxane matrix with gadolinium cyclic chelates
• Covalently grafted on inorganic matrix
The commercial organic microbubbles or liposomes used in ultrasound
imaging are lipid-coated perfluoropropane microbubbles—Phase transition
temperature of 56 °C.
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1. Zhang P, Zhang L, Qin Z, Hua S, Guo Z, Chu C, et al. Genetically engineered liposome-like
nanovesicles as active targeted transport platform. Adv Mater. 2018;30:1705350. https://doi.
2. Muthu MS, Leong DT, Mei L, Feng SS. Nanotheranostics - application and further develop-
ment of nanomedicine strategies for advanced theranostics. Theranostics. 2014;4(6):660–77.
3. Martinelli C, Pucci C, Ciofani G. Nanostructured carriers as innovative tools for cancer diag-
nosis and therapy. APL Bioeng. 2019;3(1):011502.
4. d’Angelo M, Castelli V, Benedetti E, et al. Theranostic nanomedicine for malignant gliomas.
Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2019;7:325. [published correction appears Front Bioeng Biotechnol.
2020 7:468], Published 2019 Nov 14.
5. Bozzato E, Bastiancich C, Préat V. Nanomedicine: a useful tool against Glioma stem cells.
Cancers (Basel). 2020;13(1):9.
12 Nanotheranostics 131
6. Buzea C, Pacheco II, Robbie K. Nanomaterials and nanoparticles: sources and toxicity.
Biointerphases. 2007;2(4):M17–71.
7. Pijeira MSO, Viltres H, Kozempel J, Sakmár M, Vlk M, İlem-Özdemir D, Ekinci M,
Srinivasan S, Rajabzadeh AR, Ricci-Junior E, Alencar LMR, Al Qahtani M, Santos-
Oliveira R. Radiolabeled nanomaterials for biomedical applications: radiopharmacy in the
era of nanotechnology. EJNMMI Radiopharm Chem. 2022;7(1):8.
8. Rizvi SA, Saleh AM. Applications of nanoparticle systems in drug delivery technology. Saudi
Pharm J. 2018;26(1):64–70.
9. Zein R, Sharrouf W, Selting K. Physical properties of nanoparticles that result in improved
cancer targeting. J Oncol. 2020;2020:1–16.
10. Barua S, Mitragotri S. Challenges associated with penetration of nanoparticles across cell and
tissue barriers: a review of current status and future prospects. Nano Today. 2014;9(2):223–43.
11. Dennahy IS, Han Z, MacCuaig WM, Chalfant HM, Condacse A, Hagood JM, Claros-Sorto JC,
Razaq W, Holter-Chakrabarty J, Squires R, Edil BH, Jain A, McNally LR. Nanotheranostics
for image-guided cancer treatment. Pharmaceutics. 2022;14(5):917.
12. Naik K, Chaudhary S, Ye L, Parmar AS. A strategic review on carbon quantum dots for
cancer-diagnostics and treatment. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2022;18(10):882100. https://doi.
13. Cortajarena AL, Ortega D, Ocampo SM, Gonzalez-García A, Couleaud P, Miranda R,
Belda-Iniesta C, Ayuso-Sacido A. Engineering iron oxide nanoparticles for clinical settings.
Nanobiomedicine (Rij). 2014;1(1):2.
Chapter 13
Metastatic Brain Tumors
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
(c) Bevacizumab
(d) Dexamethasone
Answer: a
14. Hippocampal avoidance while administering whole brain radiation therapy is
not appropriate in which of the following conditions?
(a) Patients with favorable prognosis
(b) Leptomeningeal disease
(c) Patients with a seizure disorder
(d) Breast cancer metastases
Answer: b
• Lesions located close to the hippocampus are another contraindication for
hippocampal avoidance.
15. What is the treatment recommendation for a patient with a limited number of
brain metastases having an ECOG performance status of 3–4 with stable sys-
temic disease and the largest metastasis measuring <4 cm with no mass effect?
(a) Single fraction SRS
(b) Multi-fraction SRS
(c) Surgical resection
(d) Whole brain radiation therapy
Answer: d
• For a patient with a limited number of brain metastases having an ECOG
performance status 0–2 with the largest metastasis measuring <2 cm can be
managed with single fraction SRS.
• Lesions >4 cm or mass effect need neurosurgical consultation.
WHO Classification of Metastases to the CNS
• Metastases to the brain and spinal cord parenchyma
• Metastases to the meninges
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1. Morgan AJ, Giannoudis A, Palmieri C. The genomic landscape of breast cancer brain metas-
tases: a systematic review. Lancet Oncol. 2021;22(1):e7–e17.
2. Jaray H, Wang MD, Lily C. Brain metastases. Ferri’s Clinical Advisor. 2022:271–2.
13 Metastatic Brain Tumors 137
3. Mayer SA, Marshall RS. Chapter 23: Neuroncology. In: On Call Neurology. Elsevier. p. 358–77.
4. Kotecha R, Ahluwalia MS, Siomin V, McDermott MW. Surgery, stereotactic radiosur-
gery, and systemic therapy in the Management of Operable Brain Metastasis. Neurol Clin.
5. Ghiaseddin A, Peters KB. Use of bevacizumab in recurrent glioblastoma. CNS Oncol.
6. Brem S, Desai A, Bagley SJ, Fan Y, Wong ET. Angiogenesis and brain tumors: scientific prin-
ciples, current therapy, and future. Youmans Winn Neurol Surg. 140:970–970.e33.
7. Gondi V, Bauman G, Bradfield L, Burri SH, Cabrera AR, Cunningham DA, Eaton BR,
Hattangadi-Gluth JA, Kim MM, Kotecha R, Kraemer L, Li J, Nagpal S, Rusthoven CG, Suh
JH, Tomé WA, Wang TJC, Zimmer AS, Ziu M, Brown PD. Radiation therapy for brain metasta-
ses: an ASTRO clinical practice guideline. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2022;12(4):265–82. https://doi.
org/10.1016/j.prro.2022.02.003. S1879-8500(22)00054-6, Epub ahead of print
Chapter 14
Low-Grade Gliomas
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
7. Which of the following mitotic figures is the cut-off for defining anaplasia in an
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 10
Answer: b
> 6 mitotic figures per 10 high-power fields as a generally accepted cut-off
for designation of anaplasia.
8. Which is the most common mutation present in IDH-mutant diffuse gliomas?
(a) R132H
(b) R321H
(c) R231H
(d) R312H
Answer: a
• The most common mutation present in approximately 90% of IDH-mutant
diffuse gliomas—p.R132H
9. Oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and 1p/19q co-deleted is characterized by
(a) Presence of IDH1 or IDH 2 mutation with whole-arm codeletion of
1p and 19q
(b) Presence of IDH1 and IDH 2 mutation with whole-arm codeletion of
1p and 19q
(c) Presence of IDH1 or IDH 2 mutation with whole-arm codeletion of
1p or 19q
(d) Presence of IDH1 and IDH 2 mutation with whole-arm codeletion of
1p or 19q
Answer: a
• Oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and 1p/19q co-deleted—WHO
grade 2 tumor
• Genetically defined by:
– The presence of either an IDH1 p.R132 or IDH2 p.R172 missense
mutation +
– Whole-arm co-deletion of chromosomes 1p and 19q
10. Standard chemotherapeutic regimens for low-grade glioma patients do
not include
(a) Procarbazine
(b) Lomustine
(c) Vincristine
(d) Carboplatin
Answer: d
142 J. M. Das
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14 Low-Grade Gliomas 145
1. Sim HW, Nejad R, Zhang W, Nassiri F, Mason W, Aldape KD, Zadeh G, Chen EX. Tissue
2-Hydroxyglutarate as a biomarker for Isocitrate dehydrogenase mutations in gliomas. Clin
Cancer Res. 2019;25(11):3366–73. Epub
2019 Feb 18
2. Altieri R, Hirono S, Duffau H, Ducati A, Fontanella MM, La Rocca G, Melcarne A, Panciani
PP, Spena G, Garbossa D. Natural history of de novo high grade glioma: first descrip-
tion of growth parabola. J Neurosurg Sci. 2020;64(4):399–403.
3. Civita P, Valerio O, Naccarato AG, Gumbleton M, Pilkington GJ. Satellitosis, a crosstalk
between neurons, vascular structures and neoplastic cells in brain Tumours; early mani-
festation of invasive behaviour. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12:3720.
4. Shaikh N, Brahmbhatt N, Kruser TJ, Kam KL, Appin CL, Wadhwani N, Chandler J, Kumthekar
P, Lukas RV. Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma: a brief review. CNS Oncol. 2019;8(3):CNS39. Epub 2019 Sep 19
Chapter 15
High-Grade Gliomas
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
Carrier-Mediated Transport
• Glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1)
• Monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1)
• Large neutral amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1)
• Cationic amino acid transporter type 1 (CAT1)
• Concentrative nucleoside transporter type 2(CNT2)
Receptor-Mediated Transcytosis
• Transferrin (TfR)
• LDL receptor-related protein 1 and 2 (LRP-1, LRP-2)
• Insulin (InsR)
• Leptin
• Epidermal growth factor
• Tumor necrosis factor
Adsorptive-Mediated Transcytosis
• Cationic substance passing through BBB via electrostatic interaction
with the plasma membrane
Cell-Mediated Transport
• Leukocytes directly migrate through the cytoplasm of endothelial cells
12. For people with multiple large metastatic brain tumors, whole-brain radiother-
apy remains the standard approach. What is the dose of radiation given in this?
(a) 30 Gy in 20 fractions
(b) 30 Gy in 10 fractions
(c) 60 Gy in 20 fractrions
(d) 60 Gy in 10 fractions
Answer: b
13. fMRI uses which of the following as contrast agent?
(a) Ratio of oxyhemoglobin to deoxyhemoglobin
(b) Ratio of deoxyhemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin
(c) Oxyhemoglobin
(d) Deoxyhemoglobin
Answer: a
14. Which of the following is not a common feature of IDH-mutant glioma?
(a) Arises in the frontal lobe
(b) A unilateral pattern of growth
(c) Sharp tumor margin
(d) Brilliant contrast enhancement
Answer: d
15 High-Grade Gliomas 151
15. Which of the following is a specific radiological marker for astrocytic glioma?
(a) T2/FLAIR matching
(b) T2/FLAIR mismatch
(c) T2/T2* matching
(d) T2/T2* mismatch
Answer: b
• T2–FLAIR mismatch sign—T2-weighted hyperintensity often accompa-
nied by relative hypointensity on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
(FLAIR) sequences.
• Seen in astrocytoma IDH-mutant CNS WHO grades 2 and 3 tumors.
16. What is the most common location of astrocytoma, IDH-mutant?
(a) Frontal lobe
(b) Temporal lobe
(c) Parietal lobe
(d) Occipital lobe
Answer: a
17. The absence of which of the following is a defining feature of IDH-mutant
astrocytoma WHO grade 3, that differentiates it from grade 4?
(a) Hypercellularity
(b) Nuclear atypia
(c) Significant mitoses
(d) Microvascular proliferation and necrosis
Answer: d
• Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant, CNS WHO grade 2—A single mitosis or a low
mitotic count
• Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant, CNS WHO grade 3—Hypercellular, multinucle-
ated tumor cells, nuclear atypia, and significant mitosis. Absent microvascu-
lar proliferation and necrosis.
• Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant, CNS WHO grade 4—Focal necrosis or
CDKN2A/B homozygous deletion
• Glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype—Large areas of ischemic necrosis or palisad-
ing necrosis
18. Which is not a feature of oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and 1p/19q code-
leted, CNS WHO grade 3 tumor?
(a) ≥6 mitoses/10 high-power fields (HPFs)
(b) Microvascular proliferation
(c) Necrosis
(d) Low MIB1 labeling index
Answer: d
152 J. M. Das
(a) Proneural type Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) and platelet-
derived growth factor alpha (PDGFRɑ) amplification
(b) Mesenchymal type Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) loss
(c) Classical type Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
amplifications and homozygous loss of CDKN2A/B
25. Match the following drugs being used in the trials for glioblastoma treatment
with their corresponding mechanisms of action.
(a) Dichloroacetate Tyrosine kinase inhibitor of MET
(b) Anhydrous enol-oxaloacetate Inhibitor of tubulin polymerization
(c) Napabucasin Produces glutamate scavenger
(d) Durvalumab (anti-CD274) Glycolysis inhibitor
(e) Fuzuloparib Prevents binding of PD-1 on PD-1 receptor
(f) Vorinostat Proteasome inhibitor
(g) Marizomib Histone deacetylase inhibitor
(h) Eribulin Signal transducer and activator of transcription 2
(STAT3) inhibitor
(i) Cabozantinib Induction of DNA double-strand breaks
(a) Dichloroacetate Glycolysis inhibitor
(b) Anhydrous enol-oxaloacetate Produces glutamate scavenger
(c) Napabucasin Signal transducer and activator of transcription 2
(STAT3) inhibitor
(d) Durvalumab (anti-CD274) Prevents binding of PD-1 on PD-1 receptor
(e) Fuzuloparib Induction of DNA double-strand breaks
(f) Vorinostat Histone deacetylase inhibitor
(g) Marizomib Proteasome inhibitor
(h) Eribulin Inhibitor of tubulin polymerization
(i) Cabozantinib Tyrosine kinase inhibitor of MET
154 J. M. Das
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1. Oberheim-Bush NA, Shi W, McDermott MW, Grote A, Stindl J, Lustgarten L. The safety pro-
file of Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) therapy in glioblastoma patients with ventriculoperito-
neal shunts. J Neuro-Oncol. 2022;158:453–61.
2. Meena US, Sharma S, Chopra S, Jain SK. Gliosarcoma: a rare variant of glioblastoma
multiforme in paediatric patient: case report and review of literature. World J Clin Cases.
3. Wick W, Platten M, Weller M. New (alternative) temozolomide regimens for the treatment
of glioma. Neuro-Oncology. 2009;11(1):69–79.
4. Seo MJ, Lee DM, Kim IY, Lee D, Choi MK, Lee JY, Park SS, Jeong SY, Choi EK, Choi
KS. Gambogic acid triggers vacuolization-associated cell death in cancer cells via disrup-
tion of thiol proteostasis. Cell Death Dis. 2019;10(3):187–16.
5. Chen WL, Wagner J, Heugel N, Sugar J, Lee YW, Conant L, Malloy M, Heffernan J, Quirk
B, Zinos A, Beardsley SA, Prost R, Whelan HT. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy and
its clinical application in the field of neuroscience: advances and future directions. Front
Neurosci. 2020;14:724.
6. Santosh V, Rao S. A review of adult-type diffuse gliomas in the WHO CNS5 classification
with special reference to Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant and Oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and
1p/19q codeleted. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2022;65:S14–23.
7. Kunigelis KE, Vogelbaum MA. Therapeutic delivery to central nervous system. Neurosurg Clin
N Am. 2021;32(2):291–303. Epub 2021 Feb 18
8. Bunevicius A, Sheehan JP. Radiosurgery for glioblastoma. Neurosurg Clin N Am.
2021;32(1):117–28. Epub 2020 Nov 5
9. Chi AS, Tarapore RS, Hall MD, Shonka N, Gardner S, Umemura Y, Sumrall A, Khatib Z,
Mueller S, Kline C, Zaky W, Khatua S, Weathers SP, Odia Y, Niazi TN, Daghistani D, Cherrick
I, Korones D, Karajannis MA, Kong XT, Minturn J, Waanders A, Arillaga-Romany I, Batchelor
T, Wen PY, Merdinger K, Schalop L, Stogniew M, Allen JE, Oster W, Mehta MP. Pediatric and
adult H3 K27M-mutant diffuse midline glioma treated with the selective DRD2 antagonist
ONC201. J Neurooncol. 2019;145(1):97–105.
Epub 2019 Aug 27
10. Butte PV, Mamelak A, Parrish-Novak J, Drazin D, Shweikeh F, Gangalum PR, Chesnokova A,
Ljubimova JY, Black K. Near-infrared imaging of brain tumors using the tumor paint BLZ-100
156 J. M. Das
Joe M Das
(a) Anterior skull base Smoothened (SMO) and v-akt murine
thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (AKT1)
(b) Falx/parasagittal NF2
(c) Spinal meningioma in conjunction with SMARCE1
cranial meningioma in a young patient
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
(a) Desgeorges and Sterkers Posterior petrous
(b) Al-Mefty classification Clinoidal
(c) Bassiouni classification Tentorial notch
(d) Yasargil classification Tentorial
(e) Brotchi and Pirotte classification Sphenoid wing
(f) Bayoumi classification Spine
(g) Mohr classification Anterior midline skull base
(h) Zuo classification Falx meningioma
(i) Sekhar-Mortazavi classification Planum sphenoidale and tuberculum sellae
(j) Shick classification Optic nerve sheath
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1. McFaline-Figueroa JR, Kaley TJ, Dunn IF, Bi WL. Biology and treatment of Meningiomas:
a reappraisal. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2022;36(1):133–46.
Chapter 17
Ependymal and Embryonal Tumors
Ryan M. Hess and Mohamed A. R. Soliman
R. M. Hess
Department of Neurosurgery, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences,
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Buffalo General Medical Center, Kaleida Health,
Buffalo, NY, USA
M. A. R. Soliman (*)
Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Based on the pathology slide, [9] which of the following diagnosis is most
likely the daignosis?
(a) Medulloblastoma
(b) Ependymoma
(c) Meningioma
(d) Choroid plexus papilloma
(e) Astrocytoma
Answer: b
The above pathology slide demonstrates a perivascular pseudo-rosette, com-
monly seen in ependymoma specimens. The other answer choices typically do
not have this finding on frozen section. Medulloblastoma can have a similar
finding called a Homer-Wright rosette, however cells surround eosinophilic
neuropil and not a blood vessel [10].
7. A five-year old female undergoes resection of a posterior fossa ependymoma
found on work-up for progressive morning headaches. Gross total resection is
achieved based upon post-operative MRI. Which of the following represents
the most appropriate next step in the patient’s treatment?
(a) Observation
(b) Chemotherapy alone
(c) Radiotherapy alone
(d) Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Answer: c
Following surgical resection, post-operative radiotherapy plays an important
role in the treatment of ependymomas. Studies have demonstrated improved
rates of survival and local disease control in patients who undergo post-opera-
tive radiotherapy following resection. Unfortunately, the role of chemotherapy
is not clear with current data not demonstrating a clear benefit of chemotherapy
to the treatment paradigm [11–13].
8. Following surgical resection of an ependymoma, residual tumor greater than
which threshold has been associated with a less favorable outcome?
(a) 0.5 cm3
(b) 1 cm3
(c) 1.5 cm3
(d) 2 cm3
(e) 2.5 cm3
Answer: c
It has been shown that residual tumor burden following resection >1.5 cm3
has been associated with worse outcome in patients with the diagnosis of epen-
dymoma [14].
17 Ependymal and Embryonal Tumors 167
12. Other than RELA mutations, what other genetic mutation is characteristic of
pediatric supratentorial ependymomas?
(a) Chromosome 22
(b) INI1
(c) YAP1
(d) PTEN
(e) P53
Answer: c
In addition to RELA mutations, the YAP1 mutation is characteristic of pedi-
atric supratentorial ependymomas. The YAP1 protein is a downstream mediator
of the tumor suppressing Hippo pathway [4, 20, 21].
1. Based on the 2021 WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous sys-
tem guidelines, which of the following is no longer considered to be a distinct
pathologic entity?
(a) Medulloblastoma
(b) Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (AT/RT)
(c) CNS neuroblastoma
(d) Primitive neuroepithelial tumors (PNET)
(e) CNS tumor with BCOR internal tandem duplication
Answer: d
In the current iteration of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central
Nervous System, the term “PNET” was removed and replaced with embryonal
tumors in order to reflect this version focus on molecular characterization.
Broadly, embryonal tumors are poorly differentiated, hypercellular neoplasms
that bear resemblance to the embryonic CNS, hence the name. In the past,
tumors that had these characteristics on pathologic evaluation were labeled as
PNETs, sometimes being subclassified based on location (medulloblastoma in
posterior fossa for example). However, the ever-developing field of genomics
has allowed for families of these tumors to be identified based on molecular
subtypes. Currently, embryonal tumors include the following: medulloblas-
toma, AT/RT, CNS neuroblastoma, embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes,
CNS embryonal tumor not-otherwise specified, CNS tumor with BCOR inter-
nal tandem duplication, and cribriform neuroepithelial tumor [22].
2. A 2-year-old male is found to have a posterior fossa mass on work-up for
increased lethargy and vomiting. The frozen specimen obtained during surgical
resection is shown below. Based on the specimen, which diagnosis is most likely?
17 Ependymal and Embryonal Tumors 169
(a) AT/RT
(b) medulloblastoma
(c) ependymoma
(d) choroid plexus papilloma
(e) pilocytic astrocytoma
Answer: a
The Answer is AT/RT. The pathology slide shows classic histological find-
ings of AT/RT which is the appearance of rhabdoid cells [23]. These cells are
small and possess eccentric nuclei as well as globular eosinophilic inclusions.
Mitotic figures are also common [24].
3. Which of the following mutations is most commonly associated with atypical
teratoid/rhabdoid tumors?
(a) YAP1
(b) RELA
(c) KIAA1549-BRAF fusion
(d) SMARCB1 (INI1)
(e) Wnt
Answer: d
AT/RT is commonly associated with SMARCB1 (INI1) inactivation. It is
occasionally associated inactivation of SMARCB4 as well. YAP1 and RELA
are mutations associated with ependymomas. The KIAA1549-BRAF fusion is
170 R. M. Hess and M. A. R. Soliman
The four main molecular subtypes of medulloblastoma are Wnt, SHH, group
3, and group 4. Proper identification of the subtype through molecular testing is
critical for treatment and determining prognosis, as each group behaves as its
own pathologic entity. YAP1 is a mutation associated with some forms of epen-
dymoma [29].
7. Which of the four molecular subtypes of medulloblastoma has the best
(a) Wnt
(b) SHH
(c) Group 3
(d) Group 4
Answer: a
Of the four subtypes of medulloblastoma, Wnt has the best prognosis while
group 3 has the worst prognosis [30].
8. Which of the following is the most common subtype of medulloblastoma?
(a) Group 3
(b) Group 4
(c) Wnt
(d) SHH
(e) RELA
Answer: b
Group 4 medulloblastoma is the most common, accounting for 35% of cases.
The Wnt subtype is the least common, accounting only for 10% of medulloblas-
toma cases [30].
9. Which genetic abnormality seen in the group 3 subtype of medulloblastoma is
associated with the worst prognosis?
(b) GFI1
(c) Isochromosome 17q
(d) KBTDB4
(e) MYC
Answer: e
Unlike the Wnt and SHH subtypes of medulloblastoma, the group 3 subtype
is not defined by abnormalities in a specified signaling pathway. Instead, it is a
heterogenous group composed of tumors with similar underlying behavior and
genetic abnormalities. Group 3 medulloblastomas can be subcategorized into 3
alpha, 3 beta, and 3 gamma. Group 3 gamma is associated with mutations in the
MYC gene and has the worse prognosis of any group 3 medulloblastoma.
5-year survival is only 41% [31].
172 R. M. Hess and M. A. R. Soliman
10. In patients with medulloblastoma, residual tumor volume greater than what
threshold has been associated with worse outcome?
(a) 0.5 cm3
(b) 1.0 cm3
(c) 1.5 cm3
(d) 2.0 cm3
(e) 2.5 cm3
Answer: c
Patients with medulloblastoma with residual tumor burden of >1.5 cm3 fol-
lowing surgical resection have been shown to have lower odds of survival and
reduced progression free survival [32].
11. Which of the following statements regarding post-operative adjuvant radiother-
apy in patients with medulloblastoma is most accurate?
(a) Chemotherapy is commonly deferred in children younger than three until
recurrence or until they reach the age of three
(b) All patients older than 3 years receive 36 Gy of craniospinal irradiation
followed by a boost to 54 Gy to the posterior fossa regardless of molecu-
lar subtype
(c) There are attempts to limit radiation dose in patients older than 3 years of
age with low risk or average risk medulloblastoma by using chemothera-
peutics during radiotherapy treatments
(d) A and C
(e) A and B
Answer: c
Currently, there have been several attempts to use the molecular classifica-
tion schemes in order to modify treatment regimens for patients with medullo-
blastoma. Radiotherapy is a good example of this given its association with
delayed toxicity. As such, irradiating all patients with the previous standard
36 Gy of craniospinal irradiation followed by a boost to 54 Gy to the posterior
fossa is becoming less common. There is evidence suggesting that patients with
low or average risk medulloblastoma have favorable outcomes with reduced
radiation dosing if chemotherapy is given along with it. However, high risk
patients with aggressive forms of medulloblastoma continue to receive the stan-
dard dosage regimen of radiation. Similarly, recent data has shown favorable
outcomes in patients younger than 3 years of age if they are treated first with
chemotherapy and radiation is deferred until they are older than 3 or there is
recurrence [33–35].
12. Which of the following clinical features of medulloblastoma are associated
with poor outcome?
(a) Age younger than 3 at the age of diagnosis
(b) Residual tumor >1.5cm3 after resection
17 Ependymal and Embryonal Tumors 173
Image attributions:
1. WebPathology
2. Nirupama Singh, M.D., Ph.D., and
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1. Cage TA, Clark AJ, Aranda D, et al. A systematic review of treatment outcomes in pediatric
patients with intracranial ependymomas. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2013;11:673–81.
2. McGuire CS, Sainani KL, Fisher PG. Both location and age predict survival in ependymoma:
a SEER study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2009;52:65–9.
3. Villano JL, Parker CK, Dolecek TA. Descriptive epidemiology of ependymal tumours in the
United States. Br J Cancer. 2013;108:2367–71.
4. Pajtler KW, Pfister SM, Kool M. Molecular dissection of ependymomas. Oncoscience.
17 Ependymal and Embryonal Tumors 175
28. Korshunov A, Sturm D, Ryzhova M, et al. Embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true
rosettes (ETANTR), ependymoblastoma, and medulloepithelioma share molecular similarity
and comprise a single clinicopathological entity. Acta Neuropathol. 2014;128:279–89.
29. Northcott PA, Korshunov A, Witt H, et al. Medulloblastoma comprises four distinct molecular
variants. J Clin Oncol. 2011;29:1408–14.
30. Juraschka K, Taylor MD. Medulloblastoma in the age of molecular subgroups: a review. J
Neurosurg Pediatr. 2019;24(4):353–63.
31. Cavalli FMG, Remke M, Rampasek L, et. al. Intertumoral heterogeneity within medulloblas-
toma subgroups. Canc Cell. 2017;31:737–54. e6.
32. Thompson EM, Bramall A, Herndon JE, Taylor MD, Ramaswamy V. The clinical importance
of medulloblastoma extent of resection: a systematic review. J Neuro Oncol 2018;139:523–39.
33. Gajjar A, Chintagumpala M, Ashley D, et al. Risk-adapted craniospinal radiotherapy followed
by high-dose chemotherapy and stem-cell rescue in children with newly diagnosed medul-
loblastoma (St Jude Medulloblastoma-96): long-term results from a prospective, multicentre
trial. Lancet Oncol. 2006;7:813–20.
34. Oyharcabal-Bourden V, Kalifa C, Gentet JC, et al. Standard-risk medulloblastoma treated by
adjuvant chemotherapy followed by reduced-dose craniospinal radiation therapy: a French
society of pediatric oncology study. J Clin Oncol. 2005;23:4726–34.
35. Jakacki RI, Feldman H, Jamison C, Boaz JC, Luerssen TG, Timmerman R. A pilot study of
preirradiation chemotherapy and 1800 cGy craniospinal irradiation in young children with
medulloblastoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004;60:531–6.
36. Packer RJ, Cogen P, Vezina G, et al. Medulloblastoma: clinical and biologic aspects. Neuro
Oncol 1999;1:232–50.
37. Packer RJ, Vezina G: Management of and prognosis with medulloblastoma: therapy at a cross-
roads. Arch Neurol. 2008;65:1419–24.
38. Packer RJ, Gajjar A, Vezina G, et al. Phase III study of craniospinal radiation therapy followed
by adjuvant chemotherapy for newly diagnosed average-risk medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol.
39. Gandola L, Massimino M, Cefalo G, et al. Hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy in the
milan strategy for metastatic medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27:566–71.
40. Zhao M, Wang X, Fu X, Zhang Z. Bevacizumab and stereotactic radiosurgery achieved
complete response for pediatric recurrent medulloblastoma. J Cancer Res Ther. 2018;14:
41. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. A clinical and molecular risk-directed therapy for
newly diagnosed medulloblastoma. 2021.
Chapter 18
Pituitary and Sellar Tumors
Ahmed A. Najjar and Mohammed Jawhari
1. Which of the following is the most common type of metastatic tumors to the
sellar region in men?
(a) Liver
(b) Lung
(c) Prostate
(d) Colon
Answer: b
Lung and breast cancers are the most common types of cancers in both sexes.
Prostate cancer does not usually give distant metastases to the sellar region. Liver
cancer usually spreads to the lungs and bones. Colon cancer metastasis to the
brain is also very rare and indicates a very aggressive disease.
2. Which of the following is the most common type of metastatic tumors to the
sellar region in women?
(a) Breast
(b) Ovaries
(c) Uterus
(d) Lung
Answer: a
A. A. Najjar (*)
College of Medicine, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia
M. Jawhari
Neurosurgery Resident, King Fahad General Hospital, Medina, Saudi Arabia
6. Factors affecting the recurrence of pituitary adenomas include all the follow-
ing except
(a) Tumor size
(b) Post-operative residue
(c) Invasive tumor
(d) Post-operative radiotherapy
Answer: d
Pituitary adenomas are very common. Treatment usually is effective. Factors
that affect recurrence include the size of the tumor, preoperative hormone lev-
els, invasiveness of the tumor, and younger age. Post-operative radiotherapy is
associated with a lower recurrence rate.
7. The histologic feature predicting the metastatic potential of pituitary adenomas
(a) P53
(b) Ki-67
(c) Cell type
(d) Mitotic activity
Answer: d
There is no World Health Organization (WHO) grade for pituitary adenomas
according to the 2017 classification. The use of P53 and Ki-67 alone for grading
is largely abandoned. The concept of lineage-specific classification was intro-
duced. Pituitary adenomas should be assessed according to their proliferation
(mitotic count and Ki-67 indices), tumor invasiveness, and functional status.
8. After resection of a pituitary adenoma, histology shows the presence of large
dysmorphic ganglionic cells that are positive for neuronal markers and negative
for glial markers. What is the histologic diagnosis?
(a) Pleurihormonal PIT-1 positive adenoma
(b) Ganglioglioma
(c) Mixed Pituitary Adenoma-Gangliocytoma
(d) Prolactinoma
Answer: c
Mixed Pituitary Adenoma- Gangliocytoma is a rare tumor. It represents the
neuronal metaplasia of adenoma cells. Usually, it is reactive to neuronal mark-
ers and negative for glial markers. They can be positive for pituitary hormones.
9. A 53-year-old lady, known to have Hashimoto thyroiditis, presents with an
enhancing sellar mass. You decided to operate. Histology shows lymphocytic
heavy infiltration. Which is the following is the most likely diagnosis?
(a) Pituitary adenoma
(b) Hypophysitis
180 A. A. Najjar and M. Jawhari
(c) Lymphoma
(d) Pituiticytoma
Answer: b
Hypophysitis is a rare mimicker to pituitary tumors. There is usually a his-
tory of autoimmune disease or the use of checkpoint inhibitors or other targeted
therapies. Histopathology confirms the diagnosis. The prognosis generally
depends on the cause with primary hypophysitis having a bit better prognosis
than secondary hypophysitis.
10. Differential diagnoses of a sellar cystic mass include all of the following except
(a) Rathke cleft cyst
(b) Arachnoid cyst
(c) Meningioma
(d) Epidermoid cyst
Answer: c
Cystic sellar and suprasellar masses are common. Meningioma is usually
solid in sellar and suprasellar region. Rathke pouch and arachnoid cysts are
developmental in origin. Epidermoid cyst can be mistaken for a Rathke pouch
cyst and may need histopathology to distinguish between the two entities.
11. Which of the following histologic markers is a hallmark of pituicytomas?
(a) Galectin-3
(b) TTF-1
(c) PIT-1
(d) EMA
Answer: b
Pituicytomas arise from the posterior hypophysis. TTF-1 positivity is a char-
acteristic feature of tumors of posterior hypophysis origin. Galactin-3 is not
positive in pituicytomas as well as PIT-1. EMA is positive for epithelial tumors.
12. Which of the following histological appearances is suggestive of brain invasion
in adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma?
(a) Dense nodules and trabeculae of squamous epithelium bordered by a pali-
sade of columnar epithelium
(b) Yellow-brown, cholesterol-rich fluid
(c) The presence of an isolated nest of tumor cells surrounding brain tissue
(d) Well-differentiated surface epithelium lacking surface maturation
Answer: c
Admantinomatous craniopharyngioma is a distinct histopathological entity.
Pathologically, they are characterized by dense nodules and trabeculae of squa-
mous epithelium bordered by columnar epithelium. The cystic part contains
yellow-brown cholesterol-rich fluid. On the other hand, the papillary type is
18 Pituitary and Sellar Tumors 181
EES is very effective and nowadays becoming more frequently used for
large pituitary adenomas. The rate of gross total resection is 50% of the cases.
Factors affecting the extent of resection include the size, degree of invasion of
the adjacent structures, and tumor-related factors. Redo surgery occurs only in
about 3% of the cases. CSF leak occurs in 10–20% of the cases. Radiotherapy
is needed in only 5% of treated cases.
19. Regarding sellar and suprasellar dermoid and epidermoid cysts, which state-
ment is true?
(a) The most common location is in the sella
(b) They are treated medically
(c) Epidermoid is usually midline and dermoid is off midline
(d) Surgical treatment, when indicated, is the mainstay of management
Answer: d
Dermoid and epidermoid lesions are rare intracranial pathologies that are
rarely purely sellar. They usually extend to the sella from suprasellar or rarely
sphenoidal locations. Dermoid is usually midline while epidermoid is off mid-
line. Surgery remains the main form of therapy when indicated with a recur-
rence of up to 26%.
20. Which of the following is the most common pituitary tumor in McCune-
Albright syndrome?
(a) GH-secreting adenomas
(b) Prolactinomas
(c) TSH-secreting adenomas
(d) Nonfunctioning adenomas
Answer: a
McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare genetic disease. It has the triad
of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty, and café-au-lait spots. It is
caused by a post-zygotic spontaneous mutation of the GNAS gene. GH-secreting
adenomas are the most common. Other types of adenomas typically do not
occur in MAS. The prognosis is worse than in isolated cases.
21. All of the following are considered a syndromic familial pituitary ade-
noma except
(a) MEN 1
(b) MEN 4
(c) USP8-related syndrome
(d) FIPA
Answer: d
Familial Pituitary Adenomas are of two kinds: syndromic or isolated.
Isolated familial pituitary adenomas (FIPA) are less common and they usually
occur in younger patients. The mutation is in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-
184 A. A. Najjar and M. Jawhari
interacting protein (AIP) gene. The other 3 options are syndromic having pitu-
itary adenomas plus other body tumors. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 1 and 4
are associated with MEN1 and MEN 4 mutations, respectively. Ubiquitin-
specific peptidase 8 gene mutations predispose to delayed development of pitu-
itary adenomas, dysmorphic features as well as lung disease.
22. Regarding sellar glomus tumors, which statement is true?
(a) They are common
(b) They can be easily diagnosed with the help of an MRI
(c) They are classified as benign, of uncertain malignancy, or malignant
(d) The treatment of choice is medical
Answer: c
Sellar glomus tumors are very rare mesenchymal tumors. They can be easily
misdiagnosed as pituitary adenoma. The MRI is not specific. Histologically,
they are classified as benign, of uncertain malignancy, or malignant based on
nuclear atypia and mitosis. The treatment of choice is complete surgical
23. Craniopharyngioma can be treated successfully with all of the following except
(a) BRAF-V600E- inhibitors like dabrafenib and trametinib
(b) Temozolomide
(c) Interferon-a
(d) Bleomycin
Answer: b
Papillary and adamantinomatous types of craniopharyngiomas are distinct
histopathologies. BRAF-V600E mutation-positive tumors can be successfully
treated with BRAF-V600E- inhibitors. Interferon-alfa is used very successfully
for the cysts associated with adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas.
Bleomycin is used in the same way as interferon but with more toxicity.
Temozolomide is not a medical treatment for craniopharyngiomas. It is mainly
used for malignant gliomas.
24. The most sensitive pituitary adenoma to gamma knife therapy is
(a) Prolactinoma
(b) ACTH-secreting adenomas
(c) Non-functioning pituitary adenoma
(d) Growth hormone (GH)-secreting adenoma
Answer: c
Gamma Knife radiation therapy has been used successfully in the treatment
of pituitary adenomas. With appropriate size, non-functioning tumors respond
the most to radiation. Prolactinomas respond the least with about 50% achiev-
ing remission. Other functioning adenomas have a response rate of 60%.
18 Pituitary and Sellar Tumors 185
25. The following are correct matches of immunohistochemical markers for pitu-
itary tumors except
(a) PIT-1: Somatotrophs, lactotrophs, and thyrotrophs
(b) T-PIT: Corticotrophs
(c) SF-1: Gonadotrophs
(d) TIFF-1: Germ cells
Answer: d
TIFF-1 is an immunohistochemical marker that is useful to differentiate
tumors originating from the pituitary gland from metastases. It is positive in
pulmonary and some extrapulmonary tumors. All other matches are correct,
and they must be done for each case of pituitary adenomas.
26. Which is true concerning the medical management of Cushing disease?
(a) Has no role
(b) Surgery is curative in 100% of cases
(c) Retinoic acid, gefitinib, and seliciclib are new treatments
(d) Dopamine agonists work effectively
Answer: c
Cushing disease is caused by pituitary adenomas primarily secreting
ACTH. Surgery is still not curative in a large proportion of patients. New medi-
cal therapies directly targeting ACTH and cortisol secretion such as retinoic
acid provide promise. Gefitinib and seliciclib are anti-EGFR and anti-CDK,
respectively. Clinical trials are undergoing assessing their effectiveness.
Dopamine agonists are used for prolactinomas and are not frequently used for
Cushing disease.
27. With the 2017 WHO new classification of endocrine tumors, silent corticotroph
adenomas (SCA) were introduced as a new entity. Which is true regarding this
new entity?
(a) It is introduced as a subtype of functioning adenomas
(b) They are reportedly aggressive and highly invasive
(c) Low-risk tumors
(d) They are positive for PIT-1
Answer: b
SCA is introduced as a new entity in the 2017 WHO classification of endo-
crine tumors. They are a subtype of non-functioning pituitary adenomas. They
are usually aggressive and highly invasive, so they were classified as high risk
in the WHO classification. They are of corticotroph lineage positive for T-PIT,
T BOX family member. PIT-1 is for cells of somatotroph, lactotroph, and thy-
rotroph lineage.
186 A. A. Najjar and M. Jawhari
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1. Abad AP. Sellar and Parasellar pain syndromes. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2019;23:7.
2. Albano L, Losa M, Barzaghi LR, et al. Gamma knife radiosurgery for pituitary tumors: a sys-
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3. Altay T, Krisht KM, Couldwell WT. Sellar and parasellar metastatic tumors. Int J Surg Oncol.
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In: Tamagno G, Gahete MD, editors. Pituitary adenomas: the European neuroendocrine
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6. Burcea I, Poiana C. Updates in aggressive pituitary tumors. Acta Endocrinol (Buchar).
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9. Fetcko K, Dey M. Primary central nervous system germ cell tumors: a review and update. Med
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10. Gregoire A, Bosschaert P, Godfraind C. Granular cell tumor of the pituitary stalk: a rare and
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11. Jiang S, Chen X, Wu Y, Wang R, Bao X. An update on silent Corticotroph adenomas: diagno-
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12. Lara-Velazquez M, Mehkri Y, Panther E, et al. Current advances in the management of adult
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13. Li Z, Liu R, Liu P. McCune-Albright syndrome associated with pituitary adenoma: a clinico-
pathological study of ten cases and literature review. Br J Neurosurg. 2021:1–10.
14. Lu L, Wan X, Xu Y, Chen J, Shu K, Lei T. Prognostic factors for recurrence in pituitary adeno-
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16. Ouyang T, Zhang N, Xie S, et al. Outcomes and complications of aggressive resection strat-
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21. Tena-Suck ML, Hernández-Campos ME, Plataa AO, Sánchez-Garibay C, Salinas Lara C,
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23. Voellger B, Zhang Z, Benzel J, et al. Targeting aggressive pituitary adenomas at the molecular
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lar lesions: clinical, radiologic, and pathologic correlations. Cham: Springer International
Publishing; 2016. p. 245–50.
Chapter 19
Pineal Region Tumors
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
• These include:
– Endodermal sinus tumors
– Choriocarcinomas
– Embryonal carcinomas
6. Which of the following are the second most common pineal tumors?
(a) Germinomas
(b) Choriocarcinomas
(c) Teratomas
(d) Pineal parenchymal tumors
Answer: c
The most common pineal gland neoplasms—Germ Cell Tumors (GCT)
(60%)—include germinoma, mature/immature teratoma, embryonal carci-
noma, yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, and mixed GCT.
The next common pineal gland tumor is PPT (half as common as the GCT).
7. Which surgical approach is suitable for tumors that extend inferiorly into the
quadrigeminal plate?
(a) Supracerebellar infratentorial
(b) Occipital transtentorial
(c) Interhemispheric transcallosal
(d) b or c
Answer: d
Either the occipital transtentorial or the interhemispheric transcallosal
approach is preferable in the following conditions:
• Tumors that extend superiorly, involving or destroying the posterior
aspect of the corpus callosum and deflecting the deep venous system in a
dorsolateral direction
• Tumors that extend laterally to the region of the trigone
• Tumors that extend inferiorly into the quadrigeminal plate
• In rare cases in which the tumor displaces the deep venous system in a
ventral direction
8. Lateral Supracerebellar Infratentorial approach is over the surface of which lob-
ule of the cerebellum?
(a) Gracile
(b) Quadrangular
(c) Biventral
(d) Semilunar
Answer: b
192 J. M. Das
(c) Prostate
(d) Pancreas
Answer: a
18. Which is a novel marker useful for the grading and prognostic evaluation of
pineal parenchymal tumors of intermediate differentiation?
(a) CD4
(b) CD24
(c) CD44
(d) CD144
Answer: b
CD24 and PRAME are novel markers for pineal parenchymal tumors of
intermediate differentiation.
WHO classification of pineal tumors
• Pineocytoma
• Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation
• Pineoblastoma
• Papillary tumor of the pineal region
• Desmoplastic myxoid tumor of the pineal region, SMARCB1-mutant
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“Springer Nature Flashcards” app to access questions using
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1. Favero G, Bonomini F, Rezzani R. Pineal gland tumors: a review. Cancers (Basel).
2. Vuong HG, Ngo TNM, Dunn IF. Incidence, prognostic factors, and survival trend in pineal
gland tumors: a population-based analysis. Front Oncol. 2021;19(11):780173. https://doi.
19 Pineal Region Tumors 195
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
16. Which is not a poor prognostic factor for hearing preservation during vestibular
schwannoma surgery?
(a) Abnormal ABR Latency
(b) Inferior vestibular nerve origin
(c) Superior vestibular nerve origin
(d) Opacification of the fundus of the internal auditory canal by tumor
Answer: c
• Poor prognostic signs for hearing preservation include the following:
– Abnormal auditory brainstem response latency
– Inferior vestibular nerve origin
– Fundus opacification by the tumor
17. Changes to the latency or amplitude of the which cochlear nerve action poten-
tial (CNAP) wave peak suggests neural injury while performing vestibular
schwannoma surgery?
(a) P1
(b) P2
(c) N1
(d) N2
Answer: c
WHO classification of cranial and paraspinal nerve tumors
• Schwannoma
• Neurofibroma
• Perineurioma
• Hybrid nerve sheath tumor
• Malignant melanotic nerve sheath tumor
• Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
• Paraganglioma
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Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
Criterion Points
Age < 65 years Yes-1 No-0
Headache Yes-1 No-0
Axial diameter ≥ 7 mm Yes-1 No-0
FLAIR hyperintensity Yes-1 No-0
Risk zone Yes-1 No-0
21 Intraventricular Tumors 207
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1. Brzegowy K, Zarzecki MP, Musiał A, Aziz HM, Kasprzycki T, Tubbs RS, Popiela T, Walocha
JA. The internal cerebral vein: new classification of branching patterns based on CTA. AJNR
Am J Neuroradiol. 2019;40(10):1719–24.
2. Altafulla JJ, Suh S, Bordes S, Prickett J, Iwanaga J, Loukas M, Dumont AS, Tubbs
RS. Choroidal fissure and choroidal fissure cysts: a comprehensive review. Anat Cell Biol.
3. Zohdi A, Elkheshin S. Endoscopic anatomy of the velum interpositum: a sequen-
tial descriptive anatomical study. Asian J Neurosurg. 2012;7(1):12–6. https://doi.
4. Rupareliya C, Naqvi S, Hejazi S. Alexia without agraphia: a rare entity. Cureus.
5. Zhao X, Borba Moreira L, Cavallo C, Belykh E, Gandhi S, Labib MA, Tayebi Meybodi A,
Mulholland CB, Liebelt BD, Lee M, Nakaji P, Preul MC. Quantitative endoscopic com-
parison of contralateral interhemispheric Transprecuneus and Supracerebellar Transtentorial
Transcollateral sulcus approaches to the atrium. World Neurosurg. 2019;122:e215–25. https://
21 Intraventricular Tumors 209
6. Lee SJ, Bui TT, Chen CH, Lagman C, Chung LK, Sidhu S, Seo DJ, Yong WH, Siegal TL,
Kim M, Yang I. Central neurocytoma: a review of clinical management and histopathologic
features. Brain Tumor Res Treat. 2016;4(2):49–57.
Epub 2016 Oct 31
7. Park SJ, Jung TY, Kim SK, Lee KH. Tumor control of third ventricular central neurocytoma
after gamma knife radiosurgery in an elderly patient: a case report and literature review.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(50):e13657.
8. Safaee M, Oh MC, Bloch O, et al. Choroid plexus papillomas: advances in molecular biol-
ogy and understanding of tumorigenesis. Neuro-Oncology. 2013;15(3):255–67. https://doi.
9. Beaumont TL, Limbrick DD Jr, Rich KM, Wippold FJ 2nd, Dacey RG Jr. Natural his-
tory of colloid cysts of the third ventricle. J Neurosurg. 2016;125(6):1420–30. https://doi.
org/10.3171/2015.11.JNS151396. Epub 2016 Mar 11
10. Ravindran K, Sim K, Gaillard F. Magnetic resonance characterization of the ‘dot sign’ in
colloid cysts of the third ventricle. J Clin Neurosci. 2019;62:133–7.
jocn.2018.11.042. Epub 2018 Nov 27
11. Luo W, Xu Y, Yang J, Liu Z, Liu H. Fourth ventricular Meningiomas. World Neurosurg.
2019;127:e1201–9. Epub 2019 Apr 17
12. Baalaan KP, Gurunathan N. Currarino triad. Pan Afr Med J. 2022;41:143. https://doi.
Chapter 22
Miscellaneous Skull Base Tumors
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
• Chondrogenic tumors
– Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
– Chondrosarcoma
• Notochordal tumors
– Chordoma (including poorly differentiated chordoma)
22 Miscellaneous Skull Base Tumors 215
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1. Volpe NJ, Liebsch NJ, Munzenrider JE, Lessell S. Neuro-ophthalmologic findings in chordoma
and chondrosarcoma of the skull base. Am J Ophthalmol. 1993;115(1):97–104. https://doi.
2. Pandiar D, Thammaiah S. Physaliphorous cells. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2018;22(3):296–7.
3. Jo VY, Hornick JL, Qian X. Utility of brachyury in distinction of chordoma from cyto-
morphologic mimics in fine-needle aspiration and core needle biopsy. Diagn Cytopathol.
2014;42(8):647–52. Epub 2014 Feb 19
4. Guha A, Vicha A, Zelinka T, Musil Z, Chovanec M. Genetic variants in patients with mul-
tiple head and neck Paragangliomas: dilemma in management. Biomedicine. 2021;9(6):626.
Published 2021 May 31.
5. Withey SJ, Perrio S, Christodoulou D, Izatt L, Carroll P, Velusamy A, Obholzer R, Lewington
V, Jacques AET. Imaging features of succinate dehydrogenase-deficient Pheochromocytoma-
Paraganglioma syndromes. Radiographics. 2019;39(5):1393–410.
6. Lin EP, Chin BB, Fishbein L, Moritani T, Montoya SP, Ellika S, Newlands S. Head and
neck Paragangliomas: an update on the molecular classification, state-of-the-art imaging,
and management recommendations. Radiol Imaging Cancer. 2022;4(3):e210088. https://doi.
7. Vuong HG, Ngo TNM, Dunn IF. Consolidating the Hyams grading system in esthesioneuro-
blastoma - an individual participant data meta-analysis. J Neuro-Oncol. 2021;153(1):15–22. Epub 2021 Mar 26
Chapter 23
Primary CNS Lymphoma
Joe M Das
J. M. Das (*)
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Bahrain Specialist Hospital, Juffair, Bahrain
(a) Lenalidomide Modulation of the substrate specificity of the
CRL4CRBN E3 ubiquitin ligase
(b) Ibrutinib Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitor
(c) Temsirolimus Small molecule inhibitor of mTOR
(d) Buparlisib Inhibition of PI3K
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222 J. M. Das
A. Maani (*)
Department of Anatomy, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
A. Alashkham
Edinburgh Medical School, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
J. Baj
Chair and Department of Anatomy, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
(a) Methylprednisolone
(b) Methylphenidate
(c) Valproic acid
(d) Rivastigmine
(e) None of the above
Answer: b
Methylprednisolone is a corticosteroid that is used for anti-inflammatory
purposes. Methylphenidate is proven effective in dealing with irreversible fron-
tal subcortical dementia in elderly patients undergoing whole-brain radiother-
apy or chemotherapy. Valproic acid is an anticonvulsant used to treat seizures.
Rivastigmine is a cholinesterase inhibitor used for the treatment of mild to mod-
erate degenerative brain disorders causing memory and thinking problems.
However, it is not effective in irreversible subcortical dementia.
5. A 64-year-old male patient being treated for an end-stage glioma is complain-
ing of myalgias and arthralgias. He has been taking steroids for the past
12 months, which could result in myopathy and osteoporosis. Which would be
the best course of action in dealing with patients if steroids are a necessary part
of treatment in advanced stages?
(a) Provide adequate nutritional support to the patient (calcium, protein,
vitamin D)
(b) Suggest an adequate daily physical activity
(c) Recommend physiotherapy sessions
(d) If needed, a slow tapering of steroids is recommended
(e) All of the above
Answer: e
Option A is correct as adequate nutrition helps in decreasing the rate of
osteoporosis as well as increasing muscle strength. Physical activity is neces-
sary to load the weakened muscles and increase their strength. A diffuse myal-
gia/arthralgia withdrawal syndrome is usually caused by a fast tapering of
steroids. A slower tapering of steroids is recommended. Thus, all of the options
combined are the best course of action in dealing with this issue.
6. A 32-year-old male is diagnosed with end-stage brain cancer. He has been
experiencing fatigue daily. What is the best course of action that will help brain
cancer patients with their fatigue?
(a) Light daily exercise
(b) Methylphenidate
(c) Ginseng
(d) Erythropoietin and darbepoetin-alpha
(e) Options a and d
Answer: e
226 A. Maani et al.
tumors continues to be poor. What is the median survival rate for glioblastoma
(a) 7 to 8 years
(b) 12 to 15 months
(c) 2 to 5 years
(d) 3 to 4 years
(e) None of the above
Answer: b
Typically, the prognosis for metastatic brain and the primary tumors is poor.
Malignant gliomas are considered to have the poorest outcome. Thus, 12 to
15 months is the median survival rate for glioblastoma multiforme. On the other
hand, 2 to 5 years is the survival rate for anaplastic gliomas. The rest of the
options are incorrect.
10. A 73-year-old female patient, known to have a glioma presented to the clinic
with complaints of headache and dizziness. The patient also suffered from fre-
quent episodes of vomiting and neck stiffness. On MRI, peritumoral brain
edema has been confirmed. The physician is planning to prescribe either dexa-
methasone or methylprednisolone for the chronic treatment of peritumoral
brain edema. What should the recommended dosage of dexamethasone and
methylprednisolone respectively be?
(a) 96 mg and 8 mg given once or twice daily
(b) 8 mg and 96 mg are given once or twice daily
(c) 96 and 8 mg given thrice daily
(d) 8 mg and 96 mg given thrice daily
(e) 8 mg and 96 mg are given only once daily
Answer: b
A corticosteroid such as dexamethasone is considered to be an effective drug
in reducing tissue edema by reducing vascular permeability. It has a longer half-
life, which allows patients to take it once a day. Methylprednisolone is a corti-
costeroid that is used for anti-inflammatory purposes. Thus, option B is the
recommended dosage respectively.
11. A 60-year-old female patient who is diagnosed with malignant glioma. It has been
shown in previous studies that malignant glioma patients are usually at a high risk
of developing venous thromboembolism (VTE). Certain drugs are used to help in
both the treatment of symptomatic VTE as well as the prevention of recurrent VTE
among cancer patients but not in malignant glioma patients. What are those drugs?
(a) Bevacizumab
(b) Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
(c) Erythropoietin
(d) Darbopoietin-alpha
(e) Bevacizumab and LMWH
Answer: e
228 A. Maani et al.
In spite of the fact that there is doubt about the efficacy of the use of pri-
mary prophylaxis among cancer patients, certain drugs such as bevacizumab
and LMWH are used in both the treatment of symptomatic VTE and its pre-
vention. However, bevacizumab is not recommended for managing VTE in
malignant glioma patients because it may further increase the risk of VTE.
12. A 63-year-old male patient who is diagnosed with high-grade glioma presents
with gradual shortness of breath and chest tightness. The patient’s body tem-
perature is also increased and there is audible wheezing. The patient is taking
steroids for the past 6 months for his brain tumor. What could be the most prob-
able diagnosis?
(a) Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonitis (PJP)
(b) Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
(c) Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP)
(d) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
(e) None of the above
Answer: a
A clinically major suppression of the immune system is produced from com-
mon use of corticosteroids, which could lead to opportunistic infections to
occur such as PJP. ARDS normally appears in patients who are in critical condi-
tion. The main symptom is severe shortness of breath (SOB) which occurs
within a few hours or days after an infection or an injury. Since this patient
developed SOB gradually, ARDS is not the correct option. LIP is associated
with lymphoproliferative and autoimmune disorders, which include pernicious
anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, myasthenia gravis, and Hashimoto thyroiditis.
LIP is a syndrome of fever, dyspnea, and cough, along with bibasilar pulmonary
infiltrates comprising dense interstitial buildups of plasma cells and lympho-
cytes. COPD causes airflow obstruction and breathing-associated complica-
tions, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
13. A 54-year-old male patient, a diagnosed case of glioma presented to you with
complaints of frequent headaches. You suspect it to be due to vasogenic edema.
What would be the first choice to treat this type of headache?
(a) Dexamethasone
(b) Opioids
(c) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
(d) Anticonvulsants
(e) Opioids along with anticonvulsants
Answer: a
Dexamethasone is the first choice of clinicians in managing headaches in
glioma patients due to vasogenic edema. Options B and C are used for manag-
ing pain in glioma patients, but they are not the first choice. Option D is mainly
used for seizure management.
24 Palliative Care 229
14. A 63-year-old male patient presents with subacute onset of apraxia and new head-
aches. The headaches are present when the patient first awakens and, at times,
they wake him from sleep. More recently, they have been associated with nausea
and vomiting. An MRI scan shows the single nature of the lesion and the hetero-
geneous nonspherical enhancement pattern, which suggests a diagnosis of a high-
grade primary brain tumor such as glioblastoma, the most common glioma in
adults. Which of the following is associated with a greater survival in glioblastoma?
(a) Bevacizumab added to up-front treatment with radiation therapy and
(b) Age greater than 65 years at diagnosis
(c) MGMT promoter methylation presence
(d) Neoadjuvant chemotherapy before radiation therapy
(e) All except option c
Answer: c
Evidence does not support the use of up-front treatment with bevacizumab,
an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antibody, added to chemoradiation
with temozolomide in the majority of patients with glioblastoma. Advanced
age, in general, represents a significant survival disadvantage.
O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) is a repair enzyme that
removes excessive methyl groups from DNA, mitigating the effects of DNA
damage induced by chemotherapy agents and radiation therapy. Silencing of
the MGMT gene via methylation of its promoter is a favorable prognostic bio-
marker. It also predicts prolonged survival with the use of temozolomide for
glioblastoma. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been investigated in newly diag-
nosed glioblastoma. At this time, there is no evidence to support the use of
chemotherapy before radiation therapy in this tumor type.
15. A 70-year-old male patient with complaints of headache, nausea, vomiting,
vision disorders (double vision), and deteriorating consciousness. The patient is
a known case of glioma and is currently on chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Dexamethasone is considered the standard choice for dealing with vasogenic
brain edema. Which of the following is the main reason behind choosing this
corticosteroid to treat vasogenic brain edema?
(a) Longer half-life
(b) The absence of mineralocorticoid effect
(c) Low inhibition of leucocyte migration
(d) Options b and c
(e) All of the above
Answer: e
Dexamethasone has a longer half-life as compared to the other corticoste-
roids. Dexamethasone does not have any mineralocorticoid effect. There is low
inhibition of leucocytic migration when dexamethasone is used. Thus, the entire
characteristics mentioned in the rest of the answers make dexamethasone the
drug of choice.
230 A. Maani et al.
16. Glioma patients are at a greater risk of acquiring Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).
Tumor surgery could also lead to a hypercoagulable state, in which a release of
thrombotic microparticles could occur. Neurosurgical data recommends a “tri-
ple” prophylaxis to DVT in glioma patients, which consists of?
(a) Limb setting, pneumatic compression, and Low Molecular Weight
Heparin (LMWH)
(b) Preventive aspirin and Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH)
(c) Pneumatic compression and limb setting
(d) Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH)
(e) Limb setting and preventive aspirin
Answer: a
Neurosurgical data recommends a “triple” prophylaxis to Deep Vein
Thrombosis (DVT), which includes limb setting, pneumatic compression, and
Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH). However, aspirin is not recom-
mended for the prevention of DVT in glioma patients.
17. A 72-year-old female patient presented to your clinic with complaints of head-
ache. Based on your research, a prescription of dexamethasone is given to this
patient. Which of the following can be an associated symptom of dexametha-
sone that becomes worse with the increase in the dosage or duration of the
treatment in patients with glioma?
(a) Cushing’s effect
(b) Diabetes mellitus
(c) Muscle weakness
(d) Malignant hyperthermia
(e) All except option d
Answer: e
Cushing’s effect, muscle weakness, and diabetes are the most common symp-
toms associated with the use of dexamethasone in patients with glioma.
Nonetheless, dexamethasone is the preferred choice of drug to manage headaches
in a patient with glioma. Malignant hyperthermia is not a side effect of dexa-
methasone. It is a side effect of succinylcholine, which is an anesthetic agent.
18. A 38-year-old male patient is being treated for a grade 4-brain tumor that has a
very poor prognosis. Based on current evidence regarding the patient’s condi-
tion, which of the following symptoms is most common at the end of life in
such patients?
(a) Swallowing disorders
(b) Headaches
(c) Insomnia
(d) Epilepsy
(e) Delirium
Answer: a
24 Palliative Care 231
(c) Neuropathy
(d) Skin rash
(e) Hypertension
Answer: c
Option A is incorrect, delayed wound healing is a main side effect of
Bevacizumab. Option B is incorrect, pulmonary fibrosis is a side effect of
Lomustine. Neuropathy is a common side effect of vincristine, thus, C is cor-
rect. Option D is incorrect; skin rash is a common side effect of temozolomide
and procarbazine. Hypertension is considered to be a common side effect of
24. A 67-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with grade 2 astrocytoma pre-
sented to emergency with a single episode of seizure. The patient is in fear of
getting hospitalized and is restless. What should be the acute treatment of sei-
zures used for brain tumor patients?
(a) Benzodiazepine
(b) Succinylcholine
(c) Phenytoin
(d) Benzodiazepine and phenytoin
(e) Succinylcholine and phenytoin
Answer: d
Benzodiazepine is usually used to terminate status epilepticus or a seizure.
In addition, intravenous (IV) phenytoin is also used to prevent a recurrence.
Succinylcholine is not considered to be an anesthetic agent.
25. A 43-year-old female patient, diagnosed case of glioblastoma has presented to
the emergency department (ED) with complaints of body aches, gradual mus-
cular weakness, and dry skin. The patient’s blood pressure (BP) is 179/100 and
respiratory rate (RR) is 24. On inquiring, the ED physician gets to know that the
patient has been taking corticosteroids for the past 2 years. To avoid any further
complications, the physician plans to switch this patient from corticosteroid to
another alternative drug. Which drug is most likely to be recommended?
(a) Dexamethasone
(b) Valproic Acid
(c) Bevacizumab
(d) Options a and b
(e) All of the above
Answer: c
Dexamethasone is a steroid and cannot be used, as it will further aggravate the
symptoms of this patient. Valproic acid is an anticonvulsant and is not suitable
for this patient, as his primary complaints do not include seizures. Bevacizumab
therapy is favored for its use in recurrent high-grade glioma. It can also be taken
into consideration in an event when a patient is incapable to be weaned off or
reduced to a low dose of corticosteroids. This monoclonal antibody binds to the
234 A. Maani et al.
to do is nap during the day as well as nights of sleep for 13–14 h up to the fol-
lowing day. What should be the next step in the management?
(a) Provide frequent position changes to maintain good skincare
(b) Continue anticonvulsants if the patient can swallow
(c) Continue steroids if the patient can swallow
(d) Position the head of the bed at 30 degrees
(e) All of the above are correct
Answer: e
Drowsiness is one of the main often-reported symptoms that glioblastoma
patients experience in their final weeks of life. Great care should be delivered to
retain skin integrity as well as prevent aspiration by positioning the head of the
bed at 30 degrees. Lastly, if the patient can swallow, anticonvulsants and ste-
roids can be used to improve the patient’s symptoms only for a short time.
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