Neurosurgery Past Papers
Neurosurgery Past Papers
Neurosurgery Past Papers
ِّ الطب
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ُرؤية تُنير ُدروب تميّزكم
Yaqeen Batch
2. 55 teacher arrested for stealing and hasn’t showerd for 1 month Lesion is in
A. Occipital
B. Temporal
C. Frontal
D. Cerebellar
7. Quida equina syndrome in adults
A. L1 l2
B. L3 l4
C. S2
9. eye movement examition, pt with weak addiction and elevation right eye slightly
downward both puplie reactive to light , injury in
A. right 3rd crinal nerve
B. left 3rd crinal nerve
C. left 6th crinal nerve
D. right 4th crinal nerve
Answer: C
13. Bilateral schwannoma mostly associated with :
A. Turner syndrome
B. NF type 1
C. NF type 2
D. Addison’s disease
Answer: C
15. Pain in parts of the shoulder, forearm, hand, and/or little inger.Numbness in the
forearm and/or hand. Due to disc prolapse at which level ?
Answer : C7 t1
17. Pt with meninigoma and treated with medication and after 3 days she improved her
improvements due to :
18. 4 y/o with dilated ventricular system due to tumor on CT, where do you expect to see
the tumor:
19. Case of dilated right lateral ventricle on imaging, obstruction of which of the following
structures causes the hydrocephalus:
22. If a patient presents with symptoms of increased ICP you should do all of the following
24.Patient presents with an enhancing ring lesion of imaging, the least likely di erential
Answer: Meningoma
27. Patient presents with loss of sensation right lower limb weakness and hyperre lexia
and loss of the pain and temperature below the left dermetome of T8, where is the
Neurosurgery Final
1. Most common presentation of normal pressure hydrocephalus
A. abnormal gait
B. Headache
Answer : A
Answer: A
Answer : L5
4. False correlation:
A. Arachnoid cap with meningioma
B. Medullocyte with medulloblastoma
C. Astrocyte with astrocytoma
D. oligodendroglioma – oligodendrocyte
7. False:
Answer: Mets
Answer: Meningioma
10. True about edema
a. Caused by cell damage and swelling
b. Treat peirtumor edema by dextromethasone
c. Brain tumor cytotixic edema
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: D
14. Acute axonal injury present in all the following sites except
a. Temporal lobe
b. Grey matter junction
c. Corpus callosum
d. cerebellar peduncles
15. False about cauda equina and conus medullaris
a. Cauda equina -- asymmetfical areflexia
b. Cauda equina -- radicular pain
c. Conus medullaris -- back pain
d. Conus medullaris present with late urinary retention
Answer: C5-C6
18. All of the following are sings of basal skull fracture except:
a. Rhinorira
b. Hemptympanum
c. battle sign
d. loss of consciousness
Answer: D
Answer: Hoffman
Answer: B
-dexamethasone/prednisolone is useful (i forgot which drug they said but it was one of those 2)
-no atypia
1.56-year-old, female underwent resection of grade three meningioma in the frontal convexity, all are
true except: Single choice.
a) Ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
b) External ventricular drain
c) Tumor excision in obstructive hydrocephalus.
d) Intracranial pressure monitoring.
e) Endoscopic third ventriculostomy.
Answer: d
3. In regards to the ventricular system anatomy, the correct answer is: Single choice.
a) The Trigone is the area connecting the body of 3rd ventricle to occipital and temporal horns.
b) Choroid plexus is absent in the inferior temporal horn.
c) Foramen of Monro is passageway for CSF from lateral to 3rd ventricles.
d) There are 2 foramens of Magendi and one foramen of Luschka.
Answer: c
4.45 years old female with a history of progressive lower limb weakness associated with numbness
and paresthesia at the level of the umbilicus. All true except: Single choice.
5.A 48-year-old woman presents with acute low central lumbar pain of five days duration. This pain
radiates down the back of her right leg to the outer aspect of her foot. Her symptoms are exacerbated
by raising an extended leg beyond 30 degrees and by bending forward. The first step in management
is: Single choice.
b) Order an urgent MRI scan.
c) Conservative management is likely to include simple analgesics and physiotherapy.
d) The symptoms are unlikely to resolve without surgery.
e) Order a DEXA scan to check for osteoporosis.
Answer: a
7.Blood leak from a linear skull fracture may lead to: Single choice.
8.Regarding basal skull fracture, one of the following is FALSE: Single choice.
a) All patients with basal skull fractures should be admitted for observation.
b) The use of prophylactic antibiotics for meningitis is a must.
c) Most post-traumatic CSF leaks heal without surgical intervention.
e) Racoon eyes indicates anterior cranial fossa fracture.
Answer: b
9.Regarding cauda equina syndrome (CES), choose the INCORRECT statement Single choice.
12.The Monro-Kellie doctrine states that the sum volumes of the brain, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and
intracerebral blood is constant. An increase in one can cause a reciprocal decrease in either one or
both remaining. A brain tumor can cause disequilibrium by all the following except
a) Thoracic Spondylarthritis.
b) Cervical epidural abscess
c) Metastatic spinal cord compression
d) Midbrain infarction
e) Spinal astrocytoma
Answer: d
15.Which of the following appear hyperintense of T1 WI (weighted images) MRI of the brain:
a) CSF.
b) Calcified tumor.
c) Bone
d) White matter.
e) Fat.
Answer: e
17.When doing a lumbar puncture, which of the following indicates traumatic tap
a) Pupil dilatation
b) Level of consciousness
c) CT brain findings.
d) Hemiplegia
e) CSF leak
Answer: b
19.A 42-year-old man presents to A & E after a grand-mal seizure. He fails to recover. A CT scan shows
a subdural hematoma with a 1 cm midline shift. Unfortunately, his consciousness level deteriorates.
Which blood test would you need prior to surgery?
a) Fatigue.
b) Photophobia.
c) Depression.
d) Headache.
e) Word finding difficulty
Answer: d
24.A 3-year-old boy with a history of headaches and morning vomiting for 10 days presents to the ER
after a bad episode of vomiting. He is afebrile. The diagnostic studies might include all the following
a) Fundoscopic examination
b) CSF by lumbar puncture for viral PCR
c) Brain CT scan
d) Brain MR scan
e) Blood tests
Answer: b
25.The differential diagnosis of numbness and paresthesia in the distribution of index and ring fingers
is all except:
a) Cervical rib.
b) Guyon's canal syndrome.
c) Carpal tunnel syndrome.
d) Cubital fossa syndrome.
e) C8 radiculopathy.
Answer: c
a) .
b) Increase intracranial pressure.
c) Vasoconstriction and Ischemia.
d) Increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF).
e) Peripheral vasodilatation.
Answer: c
a) Observation
b) Surgery
c) Radiosurgery
d) Gamma Knife
e) Chemotherapy
Answer: e
a) Glioblastoma multiforme
b) Meningioma
c) Astrocytoma
d) Skull metastasis
e) Hemangiomas
Answer: b
31.Glioblastoma Multiforme is a grade four primary brain tumor, Regarding grade 4 primary brain
tumors, choose the incorrect answer:.
33.A 32-year-old male patient complaining of neck pain that radiates along the C6 nerve distribution
of 3 days duration. Choose the most correct answer:
a) Arachnoid villi.
b) Interstitial space.
c) Frontal horns of the lateral ventricles.
d) Choroid plexuses of lateral and 4th ventricles.
e) Ependymal cells.
Answer: d
35.The dural sinuses are folds of the dura, which drains the brain venous blood. select the correct
sequence of blood flow in the venous sinuses:
36.You were called to assess a patient with an ongoing seizure, your priority is:
a) Securing airways
b) Breathing
c) Safe environment
d) Starting 5% dextrose water
e) Giving 5mg of IV lorazepam
Answer: c
38.According to ASIA score, a patient with incomplete spinal cord injury with only sensory function
preserved, is considered:
a) A score.
b) B score.
c) C score
d) D score
e) E score.
Answer: b
40.24 years old patient was involved in RTA and sustained a severe head injury, he has a right-sided
dilated pupil and left-sided hemiparesis, He has uncal herniation secondary to right temporal
extradural hematoma. The uncus can compress all the following except:
41.19 years old male patient had a fall from three meters height, his GCS is 8 and a brain CT scan
showed extradural hematoma, while waiting for surgery his ICP monitor showed sustained readings
above 25mmhg, which of the following statements is correct:
42.In Signs & symptoms of neonatal hydrocephalus all are true except:
a) CN VI palsy
b) Increase of Head circumference.
c) Early closure of cranial sutures.
d) Sunset eyes.
e) Prominent scalp veins.
Answer: c
44.75 years old male, with a history of prostate cancer on hormonal therapy presented to A&E with
insidious onset low back pain, fever, and bilateral lower limb weakness. He is hypotensive and febrile,
mostly likely he has discitis; the most urgent step is: