Postreading Self Assessment and CME Test.23
Postreading Self Assessment and CME Test.23
Postreading Self Assessment and CME Test.23
Self-Assessment and
CME Test
Adam Kelly, MD; D. Joanne Lynn, MD, FAAN
b 11. Which of the following best describes the pattern of relapses during and
immediately following pregnancy as seen in the Pregnancy in Multiple
Sclerosis (PRIMS) study?
A. no observed relationship exists between pregnancy and relapse risk
B . relapse risk is decreased in the postpartum period
C. relapse risk is increased in the first trimester of pregnancy
D. relapse risk is increased in the postpartum period
E . relapse risk is increased throughout pregnancy
b 12. What is the mean age in years for onset of progressive multiple sclerosis?
A. 30
B . 35
C. 40
D. 45
E . 50
b 13. Which of the following characteristics is more likely to be seen in optic
neuritis in the setting of neuromyelitis optica (NMO) as opposed to optic
neuritis as a manifestation of multiple sclerosis (MS)?
A. absence of pain with eye movements
B . altitudinal visual field defects
C. excellent response to oral corticosteroids
D. mild visual impairment
E . unilateral presentation
b 14. A 63-year-old woman has an 18-year history of multiple sclerosis (MS).
She had multiple exacerbations earlier in her disease course. She has been
treated with interferon beta for many years; however, she has not had any
recent exacerbations in over 5 years and has had a slowly progressive
worsening of her gait over the past 2 years. She asks if she can stop her
interferon beta treatment. Which of the following factors would most
strongly support continued treatment with a disease-modifying agent?
A. current gadolinium-enhancing lesions
B . Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score
C. patient age
D. patient sex
E . presence of cerebral atrophy
b 19. A 7-year-old girl presents with right leg weakness that developed several
days into a febrile illness marked by cough, sore throat, and rhinitis. The
weakness worsened over several days, and she developed plegia of the distal
right leg with loss of reflexes. MRI demonstrates a longitudinally extensive
thoracic spinal cord lesion primarily involving the gray matter and anterior
horn regions. Brain MRI is normal. This patients clinical scenario is most
compatible with which of the following clinical syndromes?
A. acute flaccid myelitis
B . acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis (Guillain-Barre syndrome)
C. monophasic acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
D. neuromyelitis optica (NMO) spectrum disorder
E . pediatric multiple sclerosis
b 20. Which of the following CSF patterns would be more likely in patients with
neuromyelitis optica (NMO) as opposed to relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS)?
A. absent oligoclonal bands
B . elevated opening pressure
C. lymphocytic cellular predominance
D. mild pleocytosis (less than 15 cells/mL)
E . normal protein level
b 21. Which of the following diagnostic changes occurred as a result of the
adoption of the 2010 revisions of the McDonald criteria for the diagnosis of
multiple sclerosis (MS)?
A. elimination of use of CSF examination in MS diagnosis
B . increased cost of diagnosis because of the requirement of more frequent
MRI scans
C. increased use of evoked potentials as an ancillary diagnostic tool
D. lengthening of time to diagnosis of definite relapsing MS
E . possibility of diagnosing MS decisively at the time of the first clinical attack
if MRI criteria are met
b 22. A 27-year-old woman is seen in clinic for management of newly diagnosed
multiple sclerosis. She has recently married and plans to start her family soon;
she would like to use a disease-modifying therapy that is considered safest
during pregnancy. Which of the following options has the best available
evidence regarding safety during pregnancy?
A. fingolimod
B . glatiramer acetate
C. interferon
D. natalizumab
E . teriflunomide
b 27. A 12-year-old boy presents with lower extremity numbness that started
in his right foot, spreading over 3 days to involve his left leg and ascending
onto the trunk. His deficits reached a plateau after the third day. He has difficulty
starting his urinary stream. His examination is remarkable for moderate
weakness of both lower extremities and a T4 sensory level. Spinal cord MRI
shows an enhancing lesion involving the cervical spinal cord from the
C5 to C7 vertebral levels without significant cord expansion. His brain MRI
is unremarkable. CSF is notable for a mild lymphocytic pleocytosis and
moderate elevation of total protein. Which of the following clinical
characteristics is associated with a higher risk of disability and subsequent
relapse of this patients syndrome?
A. male sex
B . maximal severity at 3 days
C. partial cord syndrome
D. presence of a CSF pleocytosis
E . spinal cord lesion with gadolinium enhancement
b 28. Which of the following medications carries an indication for treatment of
secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS)?
A. fingolimod
B . glatiramer acetate
C. methotrexate
D. mitoxantrone
E . natalizumab
b 29. A 42-year-old man with relapsing multiple sclerosis presents to the
emergency department with 5 days of progressive bilateral lower extremity
weakness. MRI demonstrates an active area of demyelination in the upper
thoracic spinal cord. He is prescribed 1 g/d IV methylprednisolone. Which of
the following treatments should also be considered in this patient?
A. calcium plus vitamin D for prevention of bone density loss
B . furosemide for prevention of hyperkalemia
C. ranitidine for peptic ulcer prevention
D. tamsulosin for bladder dysfunction
E . trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for infection prophylaxis