Tutorial Sheet 3
Tutorial Sheet 3
Tutorial Sheet 3
In the system studied in Example 4.1-1, let the fluid be at rest before t = 0. At time t = 0 a constant force is applied to the fluid at the wall in the positive x direction, so that the shear stress xy takes on a new constant value 0 at y = 0 for t > 0. (a) Differentiate Eq. 4.1-1 with respect to y and multiply by - to obtain a partial differential equation for yx(y,t). (b) Write the boundary and initial conditions for this equation. (c) Solve using the method in Example 4.1-1 to obtain yx y = 1 erf 4t
(d) Use the result in (c) to obtain the velocity profile. The following relation7 will be helpful 1 x 2 (1 erf u) du = e x(1 erf x) x 4B.3 Creeping flow around a spherical bubble. When a liquid flows around a gas bubble, circulation takes place within the bubble. This circulation lowers the interfacial shear stress, and, to a first approximation, we may assume that it is entirely eliminated. Repeat the development of Ex. 4.2-1 for such a gas bubble, assuming it is spherical. (a) Show that B.C. 2 of Ex. 4.2-1 is replaced by 1 2 B.C. 2: at r = R, 2 + 4 = 0 and that the problem set-up is otherwise the same. (b) Obtain the following velocity components: 1 = 1 2 (c) Next obtain the pressure distribution by using the equation of motion: 2 = 0 (d) Evaluate the total force of the fluid on the sphere to obtain 4 = 2 + 4 3 This result may be obtained by the method of Appendix 2.6 or by integrating the z-component of -[n ] over the sphere surface (n being the outwardly directed unit normal on the surface of the sphere). = 1
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4B.4 Use of the vorticity equation. (a) Work Problem 2B.3 using the y-component of the vorticity equation (Eq. 3D.2-1) and the following boundary conditions: at x = B, vz=0, = 0 and at x = 0, vz = vz,max. Show that this leads to 2 = , 1 Then obtain the pressure distribution from the z-component of the equation of motion. (b) Work Problem 3B.6(b) using the vorticity equation, with the following boundary conditions: at r = R, vz = 0 and at r= KR, vz = vo. In addition an integral condition is needed to state that there is no net flow in the z direction. Find the pressure distribution in the system. 4B.9 Checking solutions to unsteady flow problems. (a) Verify the solutions to the problems in Examples 4.1-1,2, and 3 by showing that they satisfy the partial differential equations, initial conditions, and boundary conditions. To show that Eq. 4.1-15 satisfies the differential equation, one has to know how to differentiate an integral using the Leibniz formula given in Appendix C.3. (b) In Example 4.1-3 the initial condition is not satisfied by Eq. 4.1-57. Why?
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