Stress Transformation and Circular Beam Under Combined Loading
Stress Transformation and Circular Beam Under Combined Loading
Stress Transformation and Circular Beam Under Combined Loading
Stress transformation
When the stress state for mechanical element can be analyzed in a single plane, the materials is
said to be subject to plane stress. The general state of plane stress at a point is represented by a
combination of normal components, σx, σy, and shear-stress component, σxy. Realize that if these
three stress components at a point are known for an element orientated in the x and y direction,
then the three stress components representing the same state of stress at the point on an element
orientated in the x’ and y’ directions will be different. In this section, we will demonstrate how to
transform the stress components from one orientation of an element to a different orientation.
Before the transformation equations are derived, we first establish a sign convention for stress
components. Figure 1 shows the positive sign convention. σx is positive since it acts to the right
on the right-hand vertical face (in other words, σx points outward from the acting face). σxy is
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
positive since it acts upward on the right-hand vertical face and it acts to the left on the bottom
face. Given the state of the plane stress in Figure 1, the orientation of the inclined plane on which
the normal and shear stress component are to be defined using the angle, θ . We take a segment
from the element. The resulting free-body diagram of the segment is shown in Fig.2. Applying
the equation of force equilibrium to determine σ x ' , σ y ' , and σ x ' y ' , we obtain:
∑F x'
= 0; σ x ' ∆A − (σ xy ∆A sin θ ) cos θ − (σ y ∆A sin θ ) sin θ − (σ xy ∆A cos θ ) sin θ
− (σ x ∆A cos θ ) cos θ = 0
∑F y'
= 0; σ x ' y ' ∆A + (σ xy ∆A sin θ ) sin θ − (σ y ∆A sin θ ) cos θ − (σ xy ∆A cos θ ) cos θ
+ (σ x ∆A cos θ ) sin θ = 0
σx σy
σ x' y' = − sin( 2θ ) − sin( 2θ ) + σ xy cos(2θ )
2 2
If the normal stress σ y ' can be obtained by substituting (θ=θ+90o) forθ , which yields,
In-plane principle stress: To determine the maximum and minimum normal stress, we will
differentiate Eq.(1) with respect to θ and set the equation to zero,
dσ x ' σ x −σ y
=− ( 2 sin 2θ ) + 2σ xy cos 2θ = 0
dθ 2
Solving the equation, we get the orientation θ = θ p of the planes of maximum and minimum
normal stress:
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
σ xy 2σ xy
tan 2θ p = = (4)
(σ x − σ y ) / 2 σ x −σ y
The solution of this equation has two roots, 2θ p1 and 2θ p 2 . And they have a relationship of
2θ p1 = 2θ p 2 + π . Therefore, θ p1 = θ p 2 + π / 2 . The principle stresses corresponding to 2θ p1 and
2θ p 2 :
This particular set of stress values is called in-plane principle stress. And the corresponding
planes on which they act are called principle planes of stress on which no shear stress acts.
Mohr’s circle-Plane stress: In the above equation, the plane transformation of stress
components is particularly suited for graphical interpretation. From Eq.(1) and (3), the parameter
θ can be eliminated, and this results in,
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y 2
σ x ' − ( ) + σ 2 x ' y ' = ( ) + σ 2 xy
2 2
For a specific problem, σx, σy and σxy are know constant, thus the above equation can be
[σ x'
] [
− σ avg + σ x ' y ' − 0 = R 2
σx +σ y
σ avg =
If we establish a coordinate axes with the normal stress σ positive to the right and σ x ' y ' positive
downward so that the positive direction of θ is counterclockwise, the geometrical representation
of Eq.(7) is a circle (Fig.3), which has a center located at ( σavg, 0) and the radius of R. This stress
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
circle is called Mohr’s circle in honor of Otto Mohr, who first employed it to study plane stress
In the Mohr’s circle, Point A has coordinate (σx, σxy), which represents the normal and shear
stress components on the element’s right-hand vertical face. At this point, the x’ axis coincides
with the x axis. Hence, this represents θ = 0 . Point G has coordinate (σy, σxy), which represents
the normal and shear stress components acting on the top face of the element.
It is easy to find the principle stress from the Mohr’s circle. The principle stresses σ1 and σ2 are
determined from the two points of the intersection of the circle with the abscissa, where the shear
stress is zero. Line OB represents σ1,
The orientation of the plane of primary stress can be derived from the angle between CA and CB
is 2θp, which is expressed by Equation (4).
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
Stress tensor
Stresses have both magnitude and direction. Figure 5 shows the resolution of the resultant
stress Tn into its normal and tangential components σn and τn. They can be further resolved into
stress components in the XYZ coordinate system. Therefore, at any point, the three-dimensional
stress state can be described using stress tensor [σ]. The first row corresponds to the stress state
described in the above figure.
By using the notation m=cosθ and n=sinθ, the above two-dimensional stress transformation
equations can also be written in the following general form:
It will relate the vector of the stress components {σ'}, in the new (rotated) coordinate directions
to the vector of the stress components, {σ}, in the original reference coordinate system. The
inverse transformation is performed by using the “inverse” matrix of [T],
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
Where the transformation matrix
It will relate the vector of the strain components {ε'}, in the new (rotated) coordinate directions to
the vector of the strain components, {ε}, in the original reference coordinate system. The inverse
transformation can also be performed by using the “inverse” of the matrix [T],
All the properties associated with stress transformations can be extended directly to
strain transformation:
- Existence of Principal directions for normal strains, planes of Maximum shear strain
- Use of Mohr’s circles
- Strain Invariant (independent to coordinate transformation)
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
the complete state of stress at the measured point. These unknowns can be the principal stress σ1,
σ2 and the principal angle θ or σx, σy and σxy. The required strain can be obtained from a three-
element strain rosette mounted on the free surface of the specimen. Consider three gages aligned
along axes A, B and C, as shown in the following figure, the equations of strain transformation
That is
For a given set of angles, βA, βB, and βC, the strain components (εx, εy and εxy) can be obtained by
solving Equation (13) when normal strain εA, εB and εC are known.
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
Then the principal strain ε1, ε2 and the principal direction θ can be calculated as,
2ε xy
tan 2θ p = (16)
εx −εy
This yields,
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
For the principal angle θp, two possible values exist. One is between ε1 and the x axis while the
other is between ε2 and the x axis. The range can be determined by the following equations,
The corresponding principal stresses can be expressed in terms of the measured strains. The
expressions are,
This yields,
MAE 244 Stress transformation and circular beam under combined loading Lab6-A .
0 o < θ p < 90 o , when 2ε B > ε A + ε C
− 90 < θ p < 0 ,
o o
when 2ε B < ε A + ε C
θp = 0 , o
when ε A > εC and ε A = ε1
θ p = ±90 , o
when ε A < εC and ε A = ε2