Lesson No. 8 in Machine Design 1
Lesson No. 8 in Machine Design 1
Lesson No. 8 in Machine Design 1
Experimental points of failure, when plotted on the σ m−σ a coordinates determines the equations
to be used in designing of machine parts. Although the parabolic curve (Gerber Fatigue Line)
closely approximates the line of failure, other lines of failures are, were, or are still being used
by some designers due to reasons of simplicity and or conformance to some legal codes being
implemented in their countries. However, for reason of economy and transparency (maybe) the
Gerber Criterion still provides a good trace of the true material failure which all designers will
not argue.
Presently, the Criteria used for the Indefinite design of ductile machine members
with variable loads are the following:
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Lesson No. 8 in Machine Design 1[Pick the date]
We will try to explain to the readers the merits of these criteria and later suggest
procedural guidelines for their use. The upper limit (or the least conservative) of the
failure plots representing safe indefinite life design is the Langer-Yield/Gerber-
Fatigue Criteria. Next less conservative design criteria is the Langer-Yield/ASME
Elliptic-Fatigue Criteria, then the Langer-Yield/Modified Goodman-Fatigue
Criteria comes next. The most conservative of these fatigue-failure criteria is the
Soderberg Line of Failure which is too deterministic and not so popularly used
nf= K f σm K f σa Fatigue criterion
Su Se
Step 1.
Su −S y S y −S e
Sa = Sm =
Solve for values of Su
and 1− e
Se Su
(Also: Sm= S y −S a)
Step 2.
Solve for value of Yield Factor of safety using the Langer-Yield formula
ny = K f σ m+ K f σ a
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Step 3.
Instead, Use Fatigue equation n f = K f σ m + K f σ a
Su Se
Learners can verify the state of stress by plotting them on the σ m−σ a plane, whether
n y K f σ a falls on the Langer Yield Line IB or if n f K f σ a fell on the Modified Goodman
Line AI.
S sy
ny = ------ Yield criterion , for n y K fs τ a < Ssa
K fs τ m + K fs τ a
S su −S sy
Where S su
S se
n f = K fs τ m K fs τ a ----Fatigue criterion, for n y K fs τ a > Ssa
S su S se
Example Problem 3:
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Lesson No. 8 in Machine Design 1[Pick the date]
A stress concentration of 1.42 is present. Area of the part is 2.75 in 2. Find the factor of Safety by the
Modified Goodman/Langer Yield Criteria. Assume there will be no plastic yielding.
And therefore,
P m 30,000
Midrange Stress: σ m= = =10,909 psi
A 2.75
P 15,000
Amplitude Stress:σ a= a = =5,455 psi
A 2.75
Because this is an axial load, we employ a coefficient of 0.85 to increase the design stress. The
reason for this is because of the difficulty in maintaining axial loads centrically.
The value of amplitude stress Sa at the intersection of Modified Goodman and Langer Yield
S −S y 90,000−70,000
Sa = u ¿ =12,143 psi
Su 90,000
−1 −1
Se 34,000
And since there will be no plastic yielding (or strain-hardening) of the material, we apply K f to
both midrange stress and amplitude stress:
0.85 S y (0.85)70,000
n y= = =2.56
Try Yield Criterion: K f σ m K f σ a 1.42(10,909+5,455)
0.85 0.85
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Lesson No. 8 in Machine Design 1[Pick the date]
Since ¿ ¿=23,329) > ( Sa =¿12,143), state of stress did not fall on the Langer-Yield Line of failure line. Use the
Modified-Goodman fatigue equation instead. Thus,
1 0.85
= =2.12
nf= K f σm K f σa 1.42 ( 10,909 ) 1.42 ( 5,455 ) ***Tentative.
+ +
0.85 Su 0.85 Se 90,000 34,000
Especially for beginners, it is advised to always check the state of stress so that
the appropriate failure may be predicted accurately.
Example Problem 4.
Same data as in the above example except Pmax =246,474 newtons and Pmin =198,424 newtons.
For a Factor of Safety equal to 2.0, calculate the required stress area A by the Langer-Yield/Mod.
Goodman Criteria.
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90,000 34,000
Su = ∨620 MPa , S e = ∨234 MPa ,
145 145
Sy= ∨482 MPa . Factor of Safety = 2.0,
K f =1.42 .
*Required: Find the required stress area of the part by the LY/MG criteria
*Analysis/ Evaluation:
n y= = Pm Pr
K f σm+ K f σr K f +K f
0.85 A 0.85 A
n y K f ( Pm + Pr ) 2.0( 1.42) ( 222,449+ 24,025 ) 2
A¿ = =1,708 mm
0.85 ( S y ) 0.85 ( 482 )
Check state of stress:
2.0(1.42) 24,025
n y K f σ r=
0.85 ( 1,708 ¿)¿ = 47.0 MPa
The Intersection amplitude stress value for these two lines is:
S u−S y 620−482
Sr = =
Su 620 = 83.65MPa
−1 −1
Se 234
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Upon plotting, the state of stress lies on the Line segment IC which, is
not included in our assumed lines of failure.
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