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EI8692 - Electronic Instrumentation: Unit I - Electronic Instruments Part-A

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EI8692 – Electronic Instrumentation

Unit I – Electronic Instruments

1. What are the advantages of electronic voltmeters over conventional ones?
2. Calculate the sensitivity of 300 µA meter movement which is to be used as a DC
3. What is true responding voltmeter?
4. List the advantages and disadvantages of an Electronic Multimeter.\
5. List the elements present in an Electronic Multimeter.

PART – B & C
1. Explain the construction, working principle and applications of True RMS reading
voltmeter with neat sketch.
2. Explain the working of a microprocessor based DMM with auto ranging and self
diagnostic features, with necessary diagram.
3. Explain the circuit diagram and operation of differential electronic voltmeter.
4. Construct & explain with the help of a block diagram, the various parts of an electronic
5. With the help of neat diagram, explain the working of Ohmmeter.

Unit II - Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and Signal Analyzers

1. How will you classify the oscilloscope?
2. Give some applications of sampling oscilloscope.
3. What is the purpose of spectrum analyzer?
4. What are the different modes of dual slope oscilloscope.
5. What are the difference between dual beam and dual trace oscilloscope?

PART – B & C
1. Explain how the frequency and amplitude of the signal can be estimated using oscilloscope
front panel diagram.
2. Describe the circuits and working of wave analyzers used for audio frequency and
megahertz range.
3. With schematic block diagram explain the working of CRO (or) general purpose CRO and
also mention the advantages of storage oscilloscope.
4. Sketch the basic block diagram for a DSO. Sketch the system wave forms and explain its
5. Draw and explain the Sampling oscilloscope in detail.
6. Examine how Oscilloscopes can be used to measure a) Frequency b) Phase angle and Time
delay c) Signal origins.

Unit III – Waveform Generators

1. What is Barkhausan criterion?
2. What are the advantages of RC phase shift Oscillator?
3. Bring out the different types of electronic counters.
4. What is working principle of Q-meter?
5. Write the expression for frequency of oscillation of RC phase shift oscillator.

PART – B & C
1. Draw the circuit diagram of triangular wave-shape generator and obtain its generated
frequency expression.
2. With neat circuit diagram explain the operation of an RC phase shift oscillator and develop
the condition for oscillation.
3. What is Q meter? Explain about its applications and discuss in detail about any one method
of measurement using a Q meter.
4. With a neat sketch, explain the working of a Function generator. How can you vary the
Amplitude and Frequency of the output wave form?
5. Explain how to measure the frequency of an unknown signal.
6. Derive the expression for frequency of RC phase shift oscillator and design the circuit to
generate 10kHZ sine wave.

Unit IV – Virtual Instrumentation

1. Define Virtual Instrumentation.
2. Mention any two applications of virtual instrumentation.
3. Point out the components of DAQ Cards.
4. Write VI program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius temperature.
5. Define SubVI.

PART – B & C
1. Develop VI program to find the sum and average of 10 numbers.
2. With a neat block diagram describe the architecture of a Virtual instrumentation system.
Also state its advantages and disadvantages over conventional instruments
3. Explain the parts of DAQ system in detail.
4. List the various DAQ cards used for virtual instrumentation applications and explain any
one of DAQ module with serial communication in detail.
5. Define Sub VI and explain the purpose of Sub VI with example.
6. Explain with a neat VI diagram how temperature is controlled? Use appropriate DAQ
cards for obtaining real time data.

Unit V – Telemetry

1. Define telemetry.
2. Discuss the advantages of radio frequency telemetry system.
3. What is time division multiplexing?
4. Where frequency multiplexing technique is used?
5. What are the blocks of basic telemetry system?

PART – B & C
1. Describe the different methods of data transmission. Explain the block diagram of general
telemetry system.
2. Classify the different types of telemetering systems? Explain the landline telemetering
system and describe its advantages and disadvantages.
3. Describe in detail about pulse amplitude modulation telemetry (PAM) and pulse code
Modulation telemetry
4. Compare any two modulation telemetry with their special features.
5. What is radio frequency telemetry? Explain in detail about the various types of modulation
6. Distinguish between voltage, current and position telemetry systems with suitable

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