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Measurements Questions

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a. With a neat diagram explain in detail the construction of a PMMC instruments. b. How do you measure large currents in PMMC instruments? c. What is Aryton shunt?

2. Discuss in detail about Kelvin double bridge. 3. With a neat diagram explain in detail about Hay Bridge. 4. With a neat block diagram explain in detail about vector impedance meter
5. Explain the types of error possible in an instrument and also discuss their causes

and remedies.

A resistance is measured by voltmeter ammeter method. Ammeter shows 3.22A on a 10A scale and the voltmeter shows 96.6 V on accurate within 0.5% of full scale regarding. Find the indicated value of resistance and the limiting error within which you can guarantee the result. Explain how Schering Bridge is used for the measurement of unknown capacitor. Derive its balance equation.

8. Explain, how the quality factor can be obtained using Schering Bridge?

9. With a neat diagram explain in detail about Ramp type DVM and Successive approximation DVM.
10. With a neat block diagram explain in detail about vector impedance meter. 11. Explain how the Q-meter can be used for the measurement of Q factor and


resistance and discuss the sources of error.

12. A coil with a resistance of 10 is connected in the direct measurement mode.Resonance

occurs when the oscillation frequency is 10MHz and the resonating capacitor is at 65PF. Calculate the % error introduced in the calculated value of Q by the 0.02 insertion resistance 13.Explain on the static and dynamic characteristics of a measurement system If a set of six observations are as follows: 1.5V, 3V, 1V, 5V, 2V. 1. Calculate the arithmetic mean, average deviation and standard deviation 14. Derive the bridge balance condition for the Maxwell bridge and schering bridge 15. Find the equivalent parallel resistance and capacitance that causes a wein bridge to null if the following components are given: R1=8K, C1=6F R2=30K, f=2.5kHz R3=1k 16. Discuss briefly on types of instrument errors and instrument faults. With neat figure explain the need of WAGNERS EARTH (ground) connection in bridge circuit. 17. Briefly describe about different measurement methods. State the sources of error in measurement and their remedial measures 18. State the importance of calibration of measuring instruments . Define standards and classify them. 19. Draw the circuit diagram and phasor diagram for schering expression for unknown capacitance. bridge . Drive the

20. With neat schematic explain the working of electronic weighing system. 21. Explain the working principle of moving coil instrument and derive an expression for it s deflection and give its errors . How can the range of instruments be extended ? 22. A moving coil instrument has a resistance of 100 and gives a full scale deflection with a full scale deflection with a current 50mA . This is converted to an ammeter range 1000A. find the shunt deflection 23. Explain the working of a schering bridge and how it is used to measure power factor and dissipation factor of series RC combination

24. Which ac bridge is used to measure frequency procedure ? list the applications for AC bridge

and explain the measurement

25. With circuit diagrams explain working of electronic multimeter , the resistance range selector circuit and commercially available VOM 26. How is phase angle and magnitude of a component measured using impedence meter? UNIT 3 1. With a neat block diagram explain in detail about the frequency divider type of signal generator with frequency modulation. 2. Explain: i) General purpose spectrum analyzer. ii) Phase locked circuit for the first local oscillator of a spectrum analyzer. 3. What method can be used to increase the frequency of frequency counter? 4. How can this be achieved without degrading the accuracy of the counter? 5. Discuss in detail about i) Gating error ii)Time base error and trigger level error iii)Maximum accuracy achieved for frequency measurements. 6. Draw and explain the block diagram of digital storage oscilloscope and the modes of operation of digital storage oscilloscope. 7. What are Lissajous patterns ?How are they measurement ? used for frequency entire of a vector

8. Draw and explain the block diagram of sweep generator frequency band 9. What is marker generator? How does it overcome the sweep generator?



10. With a neat diagram describe the operation of a superhetrodyne analyser.


11. What is the dynamic range of a spectrum analyser with a third order intercept point of +25db and a noise level of -85db? 12. With a block schematic, explain the frequency mode and the frequency ratio mode operation of a frequency counter. 13. What is meant by gating error in a frequency counter ? How does it arise? Can it be eliminated? 14. Write briefly on the various torque in analog indicating instruments. 15. With neat figures explain how frequency of a signal is measured using a CRO 16. Write briefly with neat figures on i) ii) Principle of operation of a current transformer B.H. cure analysis of a magnetic circuit

17. With neat figures explain the construction and working principle of a digital storage Oscilloscope. Compare its advantages over an analog CRO 18. Draw the block diagram of a AM/FM signal generator and explain its working 19. Briefly discuss about wave analyzers 20. With the block diagram explain the working of distortion analyzer 21. Explain the functioning of spectrum analyzer with neat diagram 22. Ramp type DVM uses a 1MHz clock generator and a ramp voltage that increases from 0V to 12.5 in a time of 125ms. Determine the no of clock pulses counted into the register when Vi=0.9V and when it is 7.5V 23. Draw waveforms to show how time period and a pulse width is measured on a digital frequency meter explain each case 24. Draw the circuit diagram for time interval measurement and discuss its operation 25. What is reciprocal counting? where it is used ? 26. With neat block diagram explain the working of a digital storage oscilloscope 27. Briefly discuss about linear interpolation and sine wave interpolation UNIT 4 1. Write briefly on thermocouples and thermistors as temperature transducers

2. With neat figure explain LVDT for velocity measurement. UNIT 5 1. What are the requirements of an automatic test system? 2. Explain in detail about IEEE 488 system. 3. With a neat block diagram explain i) Optical power meter ii)Auto ranging power meter iii)Optical time domain reflectometer. 4. With a neat schematic, explain the operation of a dual slope analog to digital conversion 5. A dual slope ADC uses a 16 bit counter and 4 MHz clock rate. The maximum input voltage is +10V. The maximum integrator output voltage should be -8V when the counter has cycled through 2^n counts. The capacitor used in the integrator is 0.1F. Find the value of the resistor R of the integrator. 6. Explain the generalized block schematic of a Digital Data Acquisition system and list out its advantages over analog Data Acquisition system. 7. What are the various techniques of multiplexing ? Discuss any one in detail? 8. Draw the schematic diagram of a computer controlled measurement system for testing a radio receiver using an automatic system 9. Explain the various management lines and data byte transfer lines of GPIB 10. Write briefly on any TWO: i) Dot matrix display ii) Advantage and principle of LCD Displays iii)Digital data logger 11 . How are A/D converters classified? With neat diagram explain the construction and principle of successive approximation type ADC. 12. Write briefly on thermocouples and thermistors as temperature transducers 13. With neat figure explain LVDT for velocity measurement

14. Draw a block diagram to show how high frequency wave form can be sampled to create a low frequency dot representation of wave form bring out the relationship between the signal frequency , the dot waveform frequency and no of samples per cycle in low frequency wave 15. Briefly discuss the operation of digital recorders and state the relative advantages of digital recorders over analog recorders 16. With neat block diagram explain the functioning of computer controlled testing of radio receiver 17. State the salient features of GPIB instrument 18. Draw the schematic of IEEE 488 instrumentation bus and explain its features 19. Write a brief note on instruments used in computer controlled instrumentation 20. With a neat block diagram discuss the working of dual slope integration type ADC and the measurement of voltage from the same. List the advantages. 21. Why I it required to evaluate sensitivity and resolution of the digitizer? 22. Discuss the measurement of the following with necessary diagrams: i) Totalising and period mode ii) Time interval and time interval averaging 23. Describe the principle of a bus system to communicate between instruments and explain the configuration of IEEE 488 bus in detail 24. With a block diagrams explain optical power meter and how can it be modified to display logarithmic power? 25. Explain automatic test system to analyze an audio amplifier with a block diagram PART A UNIT `1 1. Precision is a necessary but not sufficient condition for accuracy. True or False. Justify your answer 2. What are the two conditions to be satisfied to make an AC bridge balanced? 3. What is a vector voltmeter? 4. What are the different types of standard of measurement?

5. What is a transfer instrument? 6. How is trigger time error reduced? 7. Give the principle of operation and need for Q-meter. 8. Define static errors and how are they classified. 9. What is difference between analog and digital instruments? 10. What is the importance of dynamic characteristic of systems? 11. Why must instruments be calibrate? 12. What are the advantages of digital instruments over analog instruments? 13. How are resistors and diodes checked using digital multimeters? 14. Bring out the differences between DC and AC Bridges 15. Draw the circuit diagram for frequency modulation using variable voltage capacitor(VVC)diode. State the specific purpose of using VVC diode

UNIT 3 1. Justify A CRO can be regarded as a X-Y recorder. 2. What are the requirements of signal generator> 3. What is real time spectrum analyser? 4. Enumerate the advantages of digital meter over the analog meter 5. Why is period mode preferred for measurement of very low frequency in a frequency counter? 6. How is the electron beam focused to a fine spot on the face of the cathode ray tube? 7. List the disadvantages of storage cathode ray tube 8. Give the functions of an attenuator in a signal generator

9. What are the drawbacks of tuned circuits analysers? 10. What is the importance of gate time in frequency counter?
11. The current in a circuit is got by using a resistance R of 3 . The vertical

trace of the CRO screen is 10cm and the Y amplifier setting is 6V/cm. Find the rms value of current taking the waveforms as a sine wave. 12. How is voltage converted to frequency in V-F conversion?
13. How much loss will be experienced if a fiber of numerical aperture of 0.3 is

the source for a fiber with a numerical aperture of 0.242? 14. What is the dynamic range of a spectrum analyzer with a third order intercept point of +25dBm and a noise level of 85dB? 15. Derive the condition for sustained oscillation in feedback oscillators. 16. What is electromagnetic interference in instruments? 17. Write briefly in pink plotter. 18. Explain briefly on magnetic tapes. 19. How is frequency, amplitude and pulse width changed in a pulse generator?
20. A frequency counter with an accuracy of 1LSD (110^-6) is employed to

measure frequencies 100 Hz, 1MHz, and 100 MHz. Calculate the percentage measurement error in each case 21. What is a power scope? Bring out the differences compared with ordinary CRO. 22. What is a self balancing potentiometer? Where it is used? UNIT 4 1. Define Transducers. Bring the advantages of electric transducers. 2. How are strain gauge used for pressure measurement?


1. What is meant by IEEE 488 standard and GPIB? 2. What are the various instrumentation system? instruments used in computer controlled

3. Distinguish between analog and digital data acquisition systems. 4. How much elapsed time would occur to a reflection from a break in an optical fibre of 1.4km if the index of refraction of the core was 1.55? 5. List the requirements of ADC in voltmeters and millimeters 6. Write briefly on serial interfacing 7. Why is a fixed attenuator inserted between a piston attenuator and the oscillator of a signal generator? 8. What is meant by quantization error? 9. State any four advantages of Digital Instruments over analog Instruments. 10. Name the different instruments required to completely test an Audio amplifier with the help of computer. Show their connection diagram. 11. Define interface functions and device functions.

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