Sgi O2 Sales Flyer
Sgi O2 Sales Flyer
Sgi O2 Sales Flyer
Silicon Graphics O2
Visual Workstation
The Silicon Graphics O2 visual workstation uniquely integrates high-quality graphics performance and powerful image processing with built-in video in an affordable entry-level UNIX system. Features
MIPS R12000 300 MHz processor, 1MB L2 cache QED RM5200 300 MHz processor, 1MB L2 cache Standard 32-bit double-buffered graphics, native OpenGL graphics subsystem with hardware support for advanced features and image processing extensions Unified Memory Architecture
Provides users the power of RISC processing with price/performance choices to suit their needs
Gives users industry-leading 3D performance and quality; accelerated texture mapping, Z buffering, antialiased points and lines, stencil, fog, and color space conversions High-speed processing, even with very large data sets; simultaneous data flows from the system resources (CPU, graphics, video, imaging, compression, and I/O) have equal access to the 2.1GB-per-second unified main memory subsystem Interactivity with very large data sets, support for over 900MB resident texture memory from available system memory Provides outstanding expandability and flexibility Users in any market can creatively combine video, audio, 3D graphics, and images A low-cost development or client seat for other SGI products, including the Silicon Graphics Octane2 visual workstation and the Silicon Graphics Onyx2 graphics supercomputer Provide a range of professional-quality digital video capabilities Provides high resolution (1600x1024 @ 60 Hz) for fully digital display of up to two full pages of information; facilitates professional-quality image editing Offers cost-effective dual-monitor capabilities Power and throughput for rendering, Web serving, and imaging for customers who require high-density installations
Dual Ultra Fast/Wide SCSI implementation, 64-bit PCI expansion bus, and other I/O options Built-in digital media capabilities
Advanced digital video options Supports the Silicon Graphics 1600SW flat panel display option
Advanced Capabilities Made Affordable Based on an innovative Unified Memory Architecture (UMA), O2 enables stunning 3D graphics, powerful image processing, and real-time video processing far beyond that of any other machine available in its class. These features make O2 the ideal platform for scientific visualization, 2D and 3D animation, broadcasting, simulation, defense, and medical imaging. Integrated, Industry-Leading Feature Set Designed for Customer Value The Silicon Graphics O2 visual workstation is designed for creative and technical professionals who need maximum flexibility and productivity. O2 is the only UNIX workstation to integrate video, audio, and real-time compression technologies as fundamental components of its architecture. High-Performance Unified Memory Architecture All O2 data resides in main memory, where every computing engine has direct, fast access to it. There are no dedicated pools of proprietary memory; system memory, frame buffer, Z buffer, texture memory, rendering memory, image memory, and video memory are all the same. This means that graphics and imaging data can be more flexibly manipulated and shared and application performance can be optimized. Unlike traditional (e.g., PCI or AGP) workstation architectures that require data to be transferred across narrow buses and between separate boards, the O2 design accommodates simultaneous flows of data in and out of the system for high-speed processing. Higher-quality products can be generated on the O2 system by creatively combining graphics, images, and video data. High-Bandwidth I/O The O2 I/O engine maximizes performance by removing the bandwidth bottlenecks that would otherwise starve even the fastest system components. O2 systems deliver peak performance on 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet networks. O2 also features a dual
Ultra Fast/Wide SCSI implementation, a 64-bit PCI expansion bus, and several other standard I/O options. Leading Processing Power The O2 visual workstation is powered by either a MIPS R12000 or a QED RM5200 processor. The MIPS processor is the advanced processor used in other SGI IRIX OS-based workstations and servers, delivering the highest level of performance available on the O2 platform. The RM5200 processor offers users a price/performance option for less compute-intensive applications. With every configuration, the unique O2 UMA means that O2 users can enjoy a graphics performance boost with a simple processor upgrade. A Flexible, Modular Design The O2 system has a five-piece modular design to simplify upgrades and maintenance. Disk drives, the system module, and PCI cards can be easily accessed from the rear of the system. This simplicity is also reflected in the O2 system administration tools, which guide users through simple maintenance and configuration functions. Further servicing is available through a series of warranty options and online support systems. All the Graphics and Image Processing You Need, Right Out of the Box Built upon a native OpenGL graphics subsystem and Unified Memory Architecture, the O2 system provides standard 32-bit double-buffered graphics with advanced features accelerated in hardware. Accelerated features include texture mapping, Z buffer, and anti-aliased points and lines as well as stencil, fog, and color space conversion. These image-processing extensions allow users to manipulate large, high-resolution image data sets in real timemaking it as easy to manipulate a 200MB image as a 2MB image. The Unified Memory Architecture enables access to nearly unlimited texture capacity. Unlike traditional graphics boards that set a limit on texture memory, the flexible UMA allows users to scale the amount of memory that can be allocated for textures.
Visual Simulation The O2 Unified Memory Architecture enables access to nearly unlimited texture capacity. This feature, combined with its affordability, makes O2 the ideal modeling station for real-time visual simulation applications.
Scientific Imaging With high-performance texturing, volume visualization capabilities, and high bandwidth for large data set manipulation, O2 is the platform of choice for scientific imaging professionals.
Entertainment In the entertainment industry, creative professionals can take advantage of the O2 workstations support for compressed or uncompressed video, excellent compositing performance, and the ability to create high-quality fully textured 3D models.
Defense The ability of O2 to handle large, complex data sets allows users to easily manipulate images in real time while maintaining high-quality resolutions. Its form factor and modular design make O2 easy to deploy in the field. Ruggedized O2 systems are available through third-party vendors.
A Native Digital Media Workstation The O2 visual workstation is truly a native digital media machineit integrates video, audio, and real-time compression technologies as fundamental components of its architecture. The flexible O2 architecture allows digital media to be brought directly into memory as a standard data type. Once there, the graphics, image-processing, and compute engines can access and manipulate the data in real time. Flexible Video Processing With every engine able to access all data residing in main memory, the O2 system delivers video manipulation capabilities never before available in this class. Applications can decode a compressed video source and use it as a texture map or utilize the image-processing hardware to blur or distort a live video stream in real time. Users view video in its native format due to the O2 visual workstations ability to display nonsquare video pixels. Professional Video Capabilities and Tools O2 delivers real-time JPEG compression and decompression hardware in every system. Supporting compression ratios of up to 4:1, the O2 system delivers a level of quality that meets the needs of the video post-production market. Each O2 system provides the option for two channels of simultaneous input and one channel of output for serial digital or analog video. The bundled digital media tools give any user the ability to easily develop compelling digital media content that incorporates video, audio, and 3D graphics. Independent audio can be synchronized to video data.
Cross-Format Video Output In addition to real-time capabilities, O2 systems implement a wide range of video compression algorithms through software, including industry standards such as QuickTime, AVI, and Cinepak. These built-in capabilities allow users to create and edit video on the O2 system and then distribute video via the Web to any computer for playback. Capturing the Screen Display as Video The O2 system turns your application into a video source by allowing any portion of the screen to be recorded directly to disk in real time. You can also directly output the screen recording to an external video device via the optional composite video, S-Video, or serial digital interfaces. With the O2 Digital Video Option, the workstation supports one input and two output streams of uncompressed 8or 10-bit CCIR 601/SMPTE 259M serial digital video. Silicon Graphics DVLink provides a complete IEEE-1394 digital video solution. Industry-Leading Solutions The complete, easy-to-use O2 desktop environment helps users accelerate workflow and enhance productivity. SGIs expertise in graphics and system architecturescombined with a flexible, high-performance operating system, high-bandwidth I/O, and support for the most strategic and demanding applicationsmakes the O2 system the ideal solution in industries for which reliability, scalability, and serviceability are key requirements.
Expansion Options
PCI Single-port Ultra SCSI Single-attached FDDI Dual-attached FDDI Digital audio
Physical Environment
System Dimensions 9" W x 12" H x 10.5" D 22 lb 19" monitor: 18.42" H x 18.03" W x 18.85" D Skinless Rack-Mountable System Dimensions 7.75" W x 10.5" H x 9.0" D 17 lb 175 W power supply Voltage and Frequency 00-132/200-264 VAC Heat Dissipation <900 BTU/hour +100C to +350C (operating) -400C to +650C (nonoperating) Relative Humidity 10% to 80% operating, no condensation 5% to 95% nonoperating, no condensation Altitude 10,000 ft operating 40,000 ft nonoperating Vibration 0.1" displacement with all axes 0.25G, 5-380-5 Hz (operating) 0.5G, 5-380-5 Hz (nonoperating)
Second 100Base-TX Ethernet ISDN basic rate interface ATM adapter OC3 (155Mb/sec), 1 PCI port Fibre Channel adapter
Storage Options
Internal 9GB Ultra Fast/Wide drive (standard) 18GB Ultra Fast/Wide drive 40X CD-ROM (standard) External 9GB Ultra Fast/Wide drive 18GB Ultra Fast/Wide drive 3.5" floppy drive 12GB 4 mm DAT drive Digital linear tape
Display Options
Monitors 19" color monitor (standard) 21" color monitor 17.3" Silicon Graphics 1600SW flat panel display O2 Dual Display option
Bundled Software
Collaboration Outbox InPerson IRIS Annotator IRIS Showcase Netscape Communicator 4.05 Cosmo Player Cosmo Create Netscape FastTrack Server Adobe Acrobat Reader InfoSearch SGI Meeting Teleffect Connectivity NFS ISDN/PPP support Novell NetWare Client Xinet AppleTalk Samba
Regulatory Agency
Canada DOC Class A CISPR22: 1993/EN 55022: 1988 Class A EN 50082-1:1992 EN 61000-4-2:1995/IEC 1000-4-2:1995 ESD IEC 1000-4-3:1995 Radiated RF EN 61000-4-4:1995/IEC 1000-4-4:1995 EFT
Corporate Office 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy. Mountain View, CA 94043 (650) 960-1980
North America 1(800) 800-7441 Latin America 1(650) 933-4637 Europe (44) 118.925.75.00 Japan (81) 3.5488.1811 Asia Pacic (65) 771.0290
2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Silicon Graphics, OpenGL, O2, Onyx, Onyx2, Octane, IRIX, IRIS, and InPerson are registered trademarks, and SGI, Octane2, IRIS Annotator, IRIS Showcase, and the SGI logo are trademarks, of Silicon Graphics, Inc. MIPS and R12000 are trademarks of MIPS Technologies, Inc., used under license by Silicon Graphics, Inc. Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, and Adobe are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. AppleTalk is a registered trademark, and QuickTime is a trademark, of Apple Computer, Inc. NFS is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Netscape and Netscape Communicator are registered trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. RM5200 is a trademark of Quantum Effect Devices, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Liveline Genesis Weather Presentation System image courtesy of Weather Central, Inc. Aircrafts image courtesy of Gemini Technology. Heart image courtesy of University Hospital of Rotterdam and Duke University. Spider image created with SoftImage 3D, copyright 1996 SoftImage, Inc. VSM SA Helicopter Simulation 2 image courtesy of VSM SA and MultiGen, Inc. Virtual News Set courtesy of IMP and Virtual Studio Hamberg. Blueberry Blues courtesy of TOPIX Computer Graphics and Animation, Inc. 1067 [7/01] J12993