Oil Well Cementing-1 8
Oil Well Cementing-1 8
Oil Well Cementing-1 8
Corrosion resistance
Formation water contains certain corrosive
elements which may cause deterioration of the
cement sheath.
Two compounds which are commonly found in
formation waters are sodium sulphate and
magnesium sulphate.
These will react with lime and C3S to form large
crystals of calcium sulphoaluminate.
These crystals expand and cause cracks to
develop in the cement structure.
Lowering the C3A content of the cement
increases the sulphate resistance. For high
sulphate resistant cement the C3A content should
be 0 - 3%
Cement Additives
Additional chemicals are used to control slurry
density, rheology, and fluid loss, or to provide
more specialized slurry properties.
Additives modify the behavior of the cement
slurry allowing cement placement under a wide
range of downhole conditions.
There are many additives available for cement
and these can be classified under one of the
following categories:
chemicals which reduce the thickening time of a slurry and
increase the rate of early strength development. They are
usually use in conductor and surface casing to reduce
waiting on cement time (WOC). Calcium chloride (CaCl2),
sodium chloride (NaCl) and sea water are commonly used
as accelerators.
Retarders are chemicals which hinder the setting time
(extend the thickening) of a slurry to aid cement placement
before it hardens. These additives are usually added to
counter the effects of high temperature. They are used in
cement slurries for intermediate and production casings,
squeeze and cement plugs and high temperature wells.
Typical retarders include: sugar; lignosulphonates,
hydroxycarboxylic acids, inorganic compounds and
cellulose derivatives.
Retarders work mainly by adsorption on the cement
surface to inhibit contact with water and elongate the
hydration process; although there are other chemical
mechanisms involved.
Extenders(Lightweight Additives)
Extenders are materials which lower the slurry density and
increase the yield to allow weak formations to be cemented
without being fractured by the cement column.
Examples of extenders include: water, bentonite, sodium
silicates, pozzlans, gilsonite, expanded perlite, nitrogen
and ceramic microspheres.
Weighting Agents
They are materials which increase slurry density
including barite and haematite.
Dispersants(Friction reducing additives)
Dispersants are chemicals which lower the slurry
viscosity and may also increase free water by
dispersing the solids in the cement slurry.
Dispersants are solutions of negatively charged
polymer molecules that attach themselves to the
positively charges sites of the hydrating cement grains.
The result is an increased negative on the hydrating
cement grains resulting in greater repulsive forces and
particle dispersion.
Fluid-Loss Additives
Excessive fluid losses from the cement slurry to the
formation can affect the correct setting of cement.
Fluid loss additives are used to prevent slurry
dehydration and reduce fluid loss to the formation.
Examples include: cationic polymer, nonionic
synthetic polymer, anionic synthetic polymer and
cellulose derivative.
The most common types of lightweight additives are:
Bentonite (2 - 16%) - This is by far the most common
type of additive used to lower slurry density. The
bentonite material absorbs water, and therefore
allows more mixwater to be added. Bentonite will also
however reduce compressive strength and sulphate
Pozzolan - This may be used in a 50/50 mix with the
Portland cement. The result is a slight decrease in
compressive strength, and increased sulphate
Diatomaceous earth (10 - 40%) - The large surface
area of diatomaceous earth allows more water
absorption, and produces low density slurries (down
to 11 ppg).
Heavyweight additives
Heavyweight additives are used when cementing
through overpressured zones. The most common
types of additive are:
Barite (barium sulphate) - this can be used to attain
slurry densities of up to 18ppg. It also causes a
reduction in strength and pumpability.
Hematite (Fe2O3) - The high specific gravity of
hematite can be used to raise slurry densities to 22
ppg. Hematite significantly reduces the pumpability of
slurries and therefore friction reducing additives may
be required when using hematite.
Sand - graded sand (40 - 60 mesh) can give a 2 ppg
increase in slurry density.
Primary Cementing
The objective of a primary cement job is to place the cement
slurry in the annulus behind the casing. In most cases this
can be done in a single operation, by pumping cement down
the casing, through the casing shoe and up into the annulus.
However, in longer casing strings and in particular where the
formations are weak and may not be able to support the
hydrostatic pressure generated by a very long column of
cement slurry, the cement job may be carried out in two
The first stage is completed in the manner described above,
with the exception that the cement slurry does not fill the
entire annulus, but reaches only a pre-determined height
above the shoe.
The second stage is carried out by including a special tool in
the casing string which can be opened, allowing cement to
be pumped from the casing and into the annulus.
This tool is called a multi stage cementing tool and is placed
in the casing string at the point at which the bottom of the
second stage is required. When the second stage slurry is
ready to be pumped the multi stage tool is opened and the
second stage slurry is pumped into the casing, through the
stage cementing tool and into the annulus, as in the first
When the required amount of slurry has been pumped, the
multi stage tool is closed. This is known as "Multi-stage
Cementing Operation" or a "Two-stage Cementing
Calculate Annular Capacity
Annular capacity is the area of the space between two
diameter of cylindrical objects. This topic demonstrates
how to calculate annular capacity between casing and
hole and casing and casing.
There are several formulas as shown below to calculate
annular capacity depending on unit of annular capacity
Dh is bigger ID and Dp is smaller OD. The examples below will
show the Dh as hole size and Dp is casing OD
Calculate inner capacity in bbl/ft
Inner Capacity in bbl/ft = (ID in.)2 ÷1029.4
Example: Determine inner capacity in bbl/ft of a 6-
1/8 in. hole:
Inner Capacity in bbl/ft = 6.1252÷1029.4
Inner Capacity in bbl/ft = 0. 0364 bbl/ft
Example: Determine inner capacity in ft/bbl of 6-1/8
in. hole:
Inner Capacity in ft/bbl = 1029.4 ÷ (ID in.)
Inner Capacity in ft/bbl = 1029.4 ÷ 6.1252
Inner Capacity in = 27.439 ft/bbl
Calculate inner capacity in gal/ft
Inner Capacity in gal/ft = (ID in.)2 ÷24.51
Example: Determine inner capacity in gal/ft of 6-1/8
in. hole:
Inner Capacity in gal/ft = 6.1252÷ 24.51
Inner Capacity in = 1.53 gal/ft
Calculate inner capacity in ft/gal
Inner Capacity in ft/gal = 24.51 ÷ (ID in.)2
Example: Determine inner capacity in ft/gal of 6-1/8
in. hole:
Inner Capacity in ft/gal = 24.51 ÷ 6.1252
Inner Capacity in ft/gal = 0.6533 ft/gal
Determine the volume of mud to fill up the inner of
the cylindrical objects by the following equation.
Inner Volume = Inner Capacity x Length
Example: Inner capacity = 0. 0364 bbl/ft
Length = 3000 ft
Volume = 0. 0364 x 3,000 = 109.2 bbl.
Calculate annular capacity in bbl/ft
Annular capacity in bbl/ft= (Dh2 – Dp2)÷ 1029.4
Example: Hole size (Dh) = 6-1/8 in.
Pipe OD (Dp) = 3.5 in.
Annular capacity in bbl/ft = (6.1252 – 3.5 2) ÷1029.4
Annular capacity = 0.0245 bbl/ft
Calculate annular capacity in ft/bbl
Annular capacity in ft/bbl = 1029.4 ÷ (Dh2 – Dp2)
Mixwater Requirements
Additive Requirements
A 13-3/8”, 72 lb/ft casing string is to be cemented at 8,000 ft. The
20” casing has been set and cemented at 1,200 ft. The following
data are given: