Micro Matrix Cement
Micro Matrix Cement
Micro Matrix Cement
Micro Matrix cement at 12 lb/gal showed 91% penetration through a 0.006-in. slot. Standard cement at
16 lb/gal showed zero penetration.
Micro Matrix Cement Also Offers Unique
Properties for Primary Cementing
For any primary cementing application requiring a high-
strength, lightweight slurry, Micro Matrix could be your
solution. Also, WOC times with Micro Matrix cement may
be reduced by as much as 50% at low temperature as
compared to premium cement.
Micro Matrix cement expands slightly on hydration and
offers significantly better bonding strength than typical
cement at low temperature. And, Micro Matrix is versatile,
compatible with virtually all of Halliburton's proven
cement additives.
Micro Matrix cement is micro ground so that the particle
size is 10 or more times smaller than standard cement. These two 1-in. diameter syringes show Micro Matrix cement (on left) has
This smaller particle size has been particularly useful for penetrated 20/40 sand while conventional cement (on right) has bridged.
remedial cementing where penetration of small cracks is Micro Matrix cement is able to penetrate openings as small as 0.05 mm or
100 mesh sand.
required, and for wells completed and produced that
develop high permeability streaks resulting in adverse
production economics.
Standard cement slurries, because of their greater particle
size, are unable to produce more than a skin effect following
a squeeze procedure. Micro Matrix cement, on the other
hand, has been proven to penetrate small channels, thus
helping shut off undesired water, gas, or steam production.
Micro Matrix Cement—One More Reason
to Call Halliburton for Advanced Micro Matrix cement's 10-micron or less particle size (left) compared to
Cementing Solutions standard cement's 100-micron size (right).