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Gallego v. Verra

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004 GALLEGO v.

November 24, 1941 | Ozaeta, J. | Domicile/Residence FACTS:
1. Petition for certiorari to review the decision of the CA which affirmed the CFI
of Leyte, which declared illegal and void Gallego’s election to the office of the
PETITIONER: Pedro Gallego
municipal mayor in Abuyog, Leyte in the general elections of December 1940,
RESPONDENT: Vicente Verra
on the ground that he did not have the residence qualification and was ordered
ousted from office.
SUMMARY: Gallego was a native of Abuyog, Leyte. He ran for municipal mayor
a. Verra was the unsuccessful opponent of Gallego, who was declared elected
in 1937, but he lost. Since he incurred debts and was unemployed, he looked for
by the municipal board of canvassers with a majority of nearly 800 votes.
work and eventually found one in Malaybalay, Bukidnon. He was employed as a
2. Pedro Gallego (Gallego) was a native of Abuyog, Leyte.
nurseryman in the chinchona plantation of the Bureau of Forestry. He returned to
a. After studying in the Catarman Agricultural School in the Samar province,
Abuyog on July 30, 1938 where he was offered employment, but he rejected it and
he was employed as a school teacher in the municipality of Catarman,
continued to work in the nursery until his resignation in September 1940. While in
Samar, as well as in the municipalities of Burawen, Dulag, and Abuyog,
Malaybalay, the government offered him free house and plantation, but he never took
province of Leyte, and also in the Agusan province.
his family in Malaybalay and never availed of the land offered by the government
3. In 1937, he resigned as a school teacher in Abuyog, Leyte, and presented his
and he also had property in Abuyog, which he acquired while he was in Malaybalay.
candidacy for municipal mayor in his home town, but he was defeated.
In October 1, 1938, he registered himself as an elector in Malaybalay and also voted
a. After the defeat, unemployed and in debt, he went to Mindanao to find
in the election for assemblymen held in December 1938. On 20 January 1940, he
work. He went to Oriental Misamis, no work.
obtained and paid for his residence certificate from the municipal treasurer of
b. He proceeded to the sitio of Kaato-an, municipality of Malaybalay,
Malaybalay, which certificate it was stated that he had resided in Malaybalay for 1 yr
Bukidnon, where he arrived on 20 June 1938 and immediately found
and a half. In December 1940, Gallego ran for municipal mayor. Gallego won, so
employment as a nurseryman in the chinchona plantation of the Bureau of
Verra questioned his win on the ground that Gallego did not have the residence
Forestry. (nurseryman - worker or owner of a plant or tree nursery;
qualification. The trial court and the CA both ruled against Gallego. Hence, this
chinchona - tree, whose bark is being used for medicine)
petition. The issue in this case is whether or not Gallego has been a resident of
4. 30 July 1938, he returned to Abuyog because he had been offered an
Abuyog for at least 1 yr prior to the December 1940 elections. The SC held in the
employment as teacher in the public school of barrio of Union, municipality of
affirmative. The term "residence" as used in the election law is synonymous with
Sogod, Leyte, but he didn’t accept the offer, so he returned to Kaato-an on 23
"domicile," which imports not only intention to reside in a fixed place but also
August 1938 and resumed employment as a nurseryman until his resignation on
personal presence in that place, coupled with conduct indicative of such intention. In
September 1940.
order to acquire a domicile by choice, there must concur: (1) residence or bodily
a. Although the government offered him free house and plantation in Kaato-
presence in the new locality, (2) an intention to remain there, and (3) an intention to
an: (1) he never took his family there, (2) never availed of the offer of the
abandon the old domicile. In other words, there must be an animus non revertendi
government of a parcel of 10 ha of land within the reservation of the
and an animus manendi. The purpose to remain in or at the domicile of choice must
chinchona plantation. (3) He and his wife own real property in Abuyog,
be for an indefinite period of time. The acts of the person must conform with his
part of which he acquired during his stay in Malaybalay.
purpose. The change of residence must be voluntary; the residence at the place
5. 1 October 1938, he registered himself as an elector in precinct no. 14 of
chosen for the domicile must be actual; and to the fact of residence there must be
Lantapan, municipality of Malaybalay, Bukidnon, and voted there in the
added the animus manendi. In this case, SC believes he did not reside in Malaybalay
election for assemblymen held in December 1938.
with the intention of remaining there indefinitely and of not returning to Abuyog: (1)
6. The trial court noted that in his voter’s affidavit he did not fill the blank space
his departure after his defeat in that election was temporary and only for the purpose
corresponding to the length of his time he had resided in Malaybalay.
of looking for employment to make up for the financial drawback he had suffered as
7. On 20 January 1940, he obtained and paid for his residence certificate from the
a result of his defeat at the polls; (2) he did not take his wife and children
municipal treasurer of Malaybalay, which certificate it was stated that he had
notwithstanding the offer of a free house by the Government; (3) he bought a piece
resided in Malaybalay for 1 yr and a half.
of land in Abuyog while working in Malaybalay; (4) he frequently visited his family
8. Based upon the facts that: (1) his registration as a voter, (2) his having actually
no less than 3 times, notwithstanding the distance; (5) he did not avail of the housing
voted in Malaybalay in 1938 election for assemblymen, and (3) his residence
and plantation offered by the government.
certificate for 1940, trial court and CA declared that Gallego had acquired a
residence or domicile of choice in Malaybalay, Bukidnon, and had lost his
DOCTRINE: In order to acquire a domicile by choice, there must concur: (1)
domicile of origin in Abuyog, Leyte, at the time he was elected mayor of
residence or bodily presence in the new locality, (2) an intention to remain there, and
Abuyog, and that, his election was void, following the case of Tanseco v.
(3) an intention to abandon the old domicile. In other words, there must be an
Arteche and Nuval v. Guray.
animus non revertendi and an animus manendi.
9. Hence, this petition.
4. The facts of the case are more analogous to those of Larena v. Teves,1 Yra v.
ISSUE/s: Abaño, Vivero v. Murillo, than to those of Nuval v. Guray and Tanseco v.
1. WON Gallego has been a resident of Abuyog for at least 1 yr prior to the Arteche, which were followed by the CA.
December 1940 elections. - YES, he did not reside in Malaybalay with the 5. Gallego contends that even assuming that he had lost his residence or domicile
intention of remaining there indefinitely and of not returning to Abuyog. He is a in Abuyog, he reacquired it more than 1 yr prior to December 10, 1940.
native of Abuyog. Notwitstanding his absences, he always returned to Abuyog. a. In support, he invokes his letter or note addressed to Valeriano Tupa, vice
president of the political faction to which Gallego belongs, in which note
RULING: WHEREFORE, the judgment of the CA is REVERSED, with the costs of this he announced his intention to launch his candidacy again for municipal
instance against the respondent. mayor of Abuyog as early as the month of May 1939.
b. But SC says it’s not necessary to pass upon the contention since the
RATIO: consensus of SC is that Gallego did not lose his domicile of origin.
On whether Gallego has been a resident of Abuyog 6. The manifest intent of the law in fixing a residence qualification is, to
1. The term "residence" as used in the election law is synonymous with exclude a stranger or newcomer, unacquainted with the conditions and
"domicile," which imports not only intention to reside in a fixed place but also needs of a community and not identified with the latter, from an elective
personal presence in that place, coupled with conduct indicative of such office to serve that community; and when the evidence on the alleged lack
intention. of residence qualification is weak or inconclusive and it clearly appears, as
2. In order to acquire a domicile by choice, there must concur: (1) residence or in the instant case, that the purpose of the law would not be thwarted by
bodily presence in the new locality, (2) an intention to remain there, and (3) upholding the right to the office, the will of the electorate should be
an intention to abandon the old domicile. respected.
a. In other words, there must be an animus non revertendi and an animus a. Gallego is a native of Abuyog, had run for the same office of municipal
manendi. mayor of said town in the election preceding the one in question, had only
b. The purpose to remain in or at the domicile of choice must be for an been absent for about 2 years without losing contact with his townspeople
indefinite period of time. The acts of the person must conform with his and without the intention of remaining and residing indefinitely in the place
purpose. The change of residence must be voluntary; the residence at of his employment; and he was elected with an overwhelming majority of
the place chosen for the domicile must be actual; and to the fact of nearly 800 votes in a third-class municipality.
residence there must be added the animus manendi. b. These considerations cannot be disregarded without doing violence to the
3. SC is persuaded that the facts weigh heavily against the theory that Gallego had will of the people of said town.
lost his residence or domicile in Abuyog.
a. SC believes he did not reside in Malaybalay with the intention of
remaining there indefinitely and of not returning to Abuyog. He is a
native of Abuyog.
b. Notwithstanding his periodic absences from there previous to 1937, when
he was employed as teacher in Samar, Agusan, and other municipalities of In The Teves case, Pedro Teves in 1904 had his own house in Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, where he has constantly
Leyte, he always returned there. been living with his family and he has never had any house in which he lived either alone or with his family in Bacong,
Negros Oriental. All that he has done in Bacong was to register as elector in 1919 through an affidavit stating that he was
c. In the year 1937, he resigned as a school teacher and presented his a resident of Bacong; run for representative in the second district of the province of Negros Oriental and vote in the said
candidacy for the office of mayor of said municipality. His departure municipality in said year; run again for reelection in 1922, launch his candidacy for member of provincial board of the
therefrom after his defeat in that election was temporary and only for province in 1925, stating under oath in all certificates of candidacy that he was a resident of Bacong. The affidavit made
by him upon registering as elector in the municipality of Bacong in the year 1919, stating that he was a resident of
the purpose of looking for employment to make up for the financial Bacong; his 2 certificates of candidacy for the office of representative for the second district of the Province of Oriental
drawback he had suffered as a result of his defeat at the polls. Negros, which were filed, the former in the year 1919 and 1922, and the certificate of candidacy for the office of member
d. After he had found employment in Malaybalay, he did not take his wife of the provincial board filed by him in the year 1925, in every one of which he stated that he was a resident of the
municipality of Bacong, are at most a prima facie evidence of the fact of his residence in the municipality of Bacong,
and children thereto notwithstanding the offer of a free house by the which is required by law in order that the corresponding officials could register him as an elector and candidate, and not
Government. conclusive, and may be attacked in a corresponding judicial proceeding. If, according to the ruling laid down in the case
e. He bought a piece of land in Abuyog and did not avail himself of the offer of Vivero vs. Murillo, cited above, mere registration in a municipality in order to be an elector therein does not make one
a resident of said municipality; if, according to constant rulings the word 'residence' is synonymous with 'home' or
of the government of 10 ha of land within the chinchona reservation in 'domicile,' and denotes a permanent dwelling place, to which an absent person intends to return; if the right to vote in a
Malaybalay, where he worked as a nurseryman. municipality requires the concurrence of two things, the act of residing coupled with the intention to do so; and if the
f. During the short period of about two years he stayed in Malaybalay as a Teves, has always lived with his family in the municipality of Dumaguete and never in that of Bacong, he has never lost
his residence in Dumaguete. The fact that his registration as elector in the municipality of Bacong was cancelled only on
government employee, he visited his home town and his family no less than April 6, 1934, upon his petition, did not disqualify him to be a candidate for the office of municipal president of said
3 times, notwithstanding the great distance between the two places. municipality of Dumaguete on the ground that, as has been stated in the case of Yra vs. Abano, cited above, registration
in the list of voters is not one of the conditions prescribed by section 431 of the Election Law in order to be an elector;
neither does failure to register as such constitute one of the disqualifications prescribed in section 432 of said law."

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