People VS Que Po Lay
People VS Que Po Lay
People VS Que Po Lay
QUE PO LAY, defendant-appellant.
The appellant was in possession of foreign exchange consisting of U.S. dollars, U.S. checks and
U.S. money orders amounting to about $7,000 failed to sell the same to the Central Bank through its
agents within one day following the receipt of such foreign exchange as required by Circular No. 20.
The appeal is based on the claim that said circular No. 20 was not published in the Official Gazette
prior to the act or omission imputed to the appellant, and that consequently, said circular had no
force and effect.
Although circular No. 20 of the Central Bank was issued in the year 1949, it was not published until
November 1951, that is, about 3 months after appellant's conviction of its violation. It is clear that
said circular, particularly its penal provision, did not have any legal effect and bound no one until its
publication in the Official Gazzette or after November 1951. In other words, appellant could not be
held liable for its violation, for it was not binding at the time he was found to have failed to sell the
foreign exchange in his possession thereof.