Pe 3RD Quarter
Pe 3RD Quarter
Pe 3RD Quarter
Street dance
Street dance refers to dance styles
that have evolved outside of dance
studios. It is performed in streets,
dance parties, parks, school yards, or
in any available space. It is often
improvisational and social in the
nature, encouraging interaction and
contact with spectators and other
Hip-hop Dance
Hip-hop is a cultural movement best
known for its impact on music in the
form of the musical genre of the
same name. It has its origins in the
Bronx, in New York City, during the
1970s, mostly among African
Americans and some influence of
Latin Americans
Fun fact!
Street dance can be
considered as the father
of hip-hop dancing
Four Pillars of Hip-hop
1. Djing
is the art of spinning records at a dance party,
picking out songs in a crowd-pleasing sequence.
Also the art of touching and moving records
with your hands. Cutting (using volume control
to drop in a section of music from one
turntable into music from another turntable)
and Scratching (the sound a DJ makes by
putting his hand on the record and rubbing the
vinyl under the needle in time with the music)
are two popular DJing techniques.
Four Pillars of Hip-hop
2. Breakdancing
is a style of dancing that includes
gymnastic moves, head-spins and
Four Pillars of Hip-hop
3. Rapping
Rapping is the art of saying rhymes
to the beat of the music. It comes
out of the African-American oral
tradition of using rhyming language
to ridicule your friends or enemies in
a clever way.
Four Pillars of Hip-hop
4. Graffiti
is a visual art, an expression of youth
culture and rebellion in public places.
The first forms of subway graffiti
were tags or signatures of someone’s
nickname or crew (a group of artists
that work together). It has evolved
into elaborate scripts, color effects,
and shading.