Choice Questions.: Mulllple
Choice Questions.: Mulllple
Choice Questions.: Mulllple
is a feature in Cale, by which cursor can be placed anywh•,.
Section B
(Subjective Type Questions)
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Define Worksheet:
. h · the working area. The spreadsheet
Ans .. The worksheet in Cale is also referred to as spreadsheet w h 1c is - .
· nd colum ws its
consists of ma~eets. Each sheet has cells arrange d in rows a
default name as She~tl, Sheet2, Sheet3 and we can insert ~heet~.)
2. • If al contains 10 and cell bl contains 50, the formula is given in cl as al+bl.
i. The cell cl does not show 60 as answer instead displays al+bl.What could be the reason?
To delete the content of an active cell, select the cell and right click a d h
n c oose delete cell.
6. Differentiate between the following:
rrnulae Bar
aperands "· SheetTabs
fO""ulae Bar: One of the most im iv Cell
~ • ._-_,~; - are used
1-01 ._u,_JjratttJTTTU1mulae __ Th f - - ~ o_~readsheetJ>ac:kag.e
portantfeatures f is dom" ,.,.1,.,Lliltim'.15-
- • e ormula ap I' d . ~-
-formula bar when the specific cell is selected p ,e m a particular cell can be viewed ,n e
Formula: A ormula is an
'¾'n-ari~ca~sl!s, ex ress·of the operands and the operators which operate upon the data
It consists
Formula has to be expressed with prefix'•' before the operator/data.
What is a Spreadsheet Package? What are its features?
tspreadsheet package enables to accorrp~h tasl0luic!<)y and..efficiell11!1-Jl.5preadsbeet . c
~n application Software that d,;:;;;-,;;;al sis, cal cul · i n _anddisµla)I' inlormatian.lO
uired f~rrTiat and m en arts and g, a p h s ~ a spreadsheet ~application, a user can arra
a ys ematic manner and can ;iso make use of logical functions to compute and
Ans. Shrink to fit Cell size ,,.. f lls Name this tool.
2. ·..t fnee values of a range o ce
Amandeep wants to use shortcut tool for add 1r,g .
Ans. Autosum
UnsolvtZd ExtZrcistZ e
Section A
(Objective Type Questions)
A. Multiple choice questions.
1. A function should start with
i. '=' sign ii. Alphabets
iii. Numbers iv. All of the these
2. What is the correct way to enter a function in Cale?
[CBSE Handbook]
i. Directly typing function name in a cell
ii. Using function wizard or selecting from tool bar
iii. Both i and ii
iv. Depends on the function
3_ How can one calculate the total of values entered in a worksheet column of?
1. By manual entry ii. By auto-sum
helps to rotated.1rect1on
. of columns and 10'48' 576 rows.
occurrence. P( O
9 Explain th• tallowing statistical functions:
i. MAXO ~ef.
ii AVERAGE() A £:5
10. iii.
What couNTO _J?_/
do you mean by,6cell range? Explain the different types of cell ranges. J. 5 /
A production
l Application company decides to keep its records in computer so that the data can be handled
based questions.
easily. The company is in search of software that will help to store large amount of data. perfor"'
calculations on that ?ta and analyze the data to use the result tor taking up decisions. Which~
would wants to enter a value in the cell address formed by the intersection of th• fifth coltJIIIII
be u ed?
'th . ) <....,,.....
2. In telephone n}Jm)::>er, STD code always start wi
)' ·d tify the chart. (
/ is the heading text that helps to I en
. d of time in columns.
4. 'A 7'iA chart represents the data over a per; /
. ;rpv1 -r ~v' J1A
5. Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic are the types of 0: 5. Font Styles
o 3. Chart Title 4· olumn
Ans. 1. 20 2.
Section B
(Subjective Type Questions)
s af cell with respect to appearance
acder Patterns. ~ •
111. Charts I.D,_spreadsheet package, ther~are additional features that help to represen!J__nformation in
the form of charts and graphs It is a visiial graphical repce~q!ion of data from a worksheet which
is_very useful for instant analysis of data and deci~ion making. There are various options of charts that
can be used to display in 'Cale' in graphical format.
iv. Axis Titles&efers to the titles given to the three axis.,jg. X.,_Y and z axis~
2. Differentiate between:
· entity the
.._.quNtlons f
th f hart She has a data o s ng
t the information m e form ;h~ch chart type must she use?
at v ircular size of each value.
0 .
k ng on her Social Studies proJect She is trying to record the data on a
an cities as shown:
CITY TEMP(Celsius 't Population
2 Delhi 31 19000000
3 Surat 33 4490000
4 Mumbai 34 18590000
29 1170000
you find out which city has the maximum population and mi,-.1mum temperature?
= AX C2 CS)
= B2.BS)
Unsolved Exercise e
Section A
(Objective Type Questions)
pie choice questions.
IINd the questions carefully and circle the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers the qu1es1.-~
ce multiple occurrences of a word using which of the followin fac
11 By r place o I
1v By pr view command
r 1th f ur t p on th I
Wh1 h
axes does charts m Cale have
v Fa
tfte blanks.
ta present in the cell can be customized or formatted ...is1'1g
nrnents c n also be dpplied by using shortcut buttons from the
A g
. .
a cell includes .
changing th e contents of cell v. th respect to appea a
>, :, g
Arithmetic and Geometric p rogression can be create d and inserted acto'tla ca
fea,ure. C S e
is a visual graphical representation of data frolTI a v. orks eet
·nstant analysis o f data and decisi o n making.
Section B
(Subjective Type Questions)
I presentation Packag0
of the different presentation packages.
1rnpress MS PowerPoiot A ~ d i o , ! U
of five tabs present in workspace.
ne, Notes Handout and Slide Sorter.
create a template.
rn template'.
the o ut medi
a mp ess presentat on on the Seven Wonders of
ct o t e s des Which menu should she use for the same
d Exercise e Section A
(Objective Type Questions)
chOice questions.
v ew Is general y used for creating. formatting and designing shdes?
1i. Outline view
Normal view
iv. Slide Sorter vtew
Notes view
menu contains options to customize the presentation hke v1ewmg of slideS a
particular sequence adding transition, animation, etc.
VifN' 1i. Insert
iv. Format
Side Show
of the following Is not a section of tasks pane?
II Layouts
the following toolbars 1s generally located aboYe the statuS bar u.•t;lii
ill!lilliin? It conta ns varlOUS optionsftOOls which help in inserti'II
i. Speaker s Note
,v Temp ate
dd t e name of the company on the top of the each s de7
zard dialog box appears with the three options each of which
Dftl!senta on. Name these three options. ~ Cf y
l!l 1
tatian Name any
tt opens with one slid• wltf1 the .......i•,-~----
11 Content
N Blank Slrde
USlld to combine different objects together to drsplay as a sing
ii Ungrouprng
iv. None of these
stores pre-downloaded and pre-designed images?
ii. Text
ii. Animation
iv. Zooming in and out
in the Presentation, select the slide by clicking on the slide in the
ii. Task Pane
iv. None of these
wtlich tons_ists of outline boundary, conteu-.
ii. Im-.
d tnf rr
II B tm p Im
3 Ill
8 IV q II 10 I
Fffl In the blanks.
.. U", d to lnc)tntarn (0ns1ste
ncy in design and co 1our rn the pre entat,on
4 1. k on
To nsert an image from the gallery, CIC menu and then click on 'Gallery option
from the pop-up menu.
4. Tools 5 Table
Section B
(Subjective Type Questions)
A. AnsWer the following questions.
11 Shapes in Presentation
Ans 1. Zoom Control Slider: 'Zoom Control Slider' is used to adjust the size for viewing a shde Cl k and
drag the slider to use the zoom control. The number next to the slider displays the current zoom
· t 1on7
What ,s an,ma . f contents ·in a spec1a
• 1 sequence
. Of typl"ke graeff
Ans I f presentation o f media contro
Animation facilitates the d1sp ay o . . ludes multiple types o 1 I
leading to interesting an d I.iveIY Presentat1on. It ,nc
video, sound, music, movies, etc.
What is the use of Custom Animation? . he content or objects of the slides
Ans. Custom Animation enables to set timings
• · between the display
. of
h t bject.
and also enables to apply different whirling effects to animate t e o
7. Write down the steps to create a table in a presentation. h
Ans. Step 1: Click on the 'Table' icon on the Standard toolbar. 'Insert Table' dialog box
appears on t e
Click anywhere in the table, and begin typing to add content. 'Tab' key or the 'Arrow' keys of k
can also be used to navigate from one cell to other in the table.
What do you mean by formatting images? How would you format using the Image Toolbar?
Ans. Formatting an image includes moving, resizing, rotating an image. The image inserted into a
presentation can be formatted.
When an image is selected, the Image toolbar becomes available in the Side Bar deck 'Graphia
section provides a number of formatting options such as to adiust brightne
transparency, etc
,., ss, contrast. color
What is a shape' How do you insert shapes in presentation?
Shapes are the forms of an object which consists of outline bo d
enhMce the vtsual effect in a presentation. In OpenOffice I un ary, contours' etc. """'·
"Hill To msert shape mpress' Various 1nbuth
1i I (tab ➔ eneral Options ➔ Pa word to open ➔ Type ctNirad PMl8llllfd
cd Exercise e
Section A
(Objective Type Questions)
the rnsertion point on the desired area where content is required to appear.
~ text will appear at the insertion point.
IMt content to be copied, then click the 'Copy' command on standard toolbar:
mean by multimedia software?