Comparative Analysis of Solar Cell Efficiency
Comparative Analysis of Solar Cell Efficiency
Comparative Analysis of Solar Cell Efficiency
Abstract—The output power capacity of solar panels depends due to exposure to sunlight is called the photovoltaic
on the intensity of light radiation it receives, while the life time
depends on the high and low temperatures experienced. The effect.
purpose of this study was to examine the effect of light intensity
on the output power and efficiency of solar panels. This study Solar panels are the most effective, sustainable and
applies a direct measurement method using a monocrystalline environmentally friendly power generation system in the
type solar panel and a polycrystalline type with the same power world today. Various types of solar panel technologies
capacity with a peak capacity of 50 Wp. The research was
conducted indoors using lights as light sources by varying the such as mono crystalline silicon, poly crystalline silicon,
light intensity in the range 2.21-331.01 W/m2 with a distance of 50 amorphous silicon, thin films are the most popular
cm from the light source from the solar panel. The increase in
temperature on the surface of the solar panel can also reduce the technologies for generating electricity. The performance
power capacity generated, and the monocrystalline type is more and efficiency of solar panel modules depend on the
resistant to temperature increases than polycrystalline. The electrical parameters and the environment in which they
efficiency of the solar panel changes when given light with a
certain energy, up to the highest intensity of 331.01 W/ m2, with are located [1].
the highest temperature that occurs resulting in an efficiency of
12.84% on the Monocrystalline Panel and 11.95% on the The sun never stops emitting its rays but the
Polycrystalline Panel. availability of sunlight in various parts of the earth
Keywords—Efficiency, solar panels, 50 Wp, monocrystalline, varies greatly with different environmental temperatures
polycrystalline and atmospheric conditions so that the MPP (Maximum
Power Point) of the solar panels is unstable. Therefore,
an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) controller
I. Introduction is needed to operate the solar panel at its MPP [2]. In
A semiconductor material composition in the form of recent years, various methods have been developed to
a p-n (positive-negative) diode meeting, if it gets a light track the MPP, to orient the solar panels in the right
beam it will cause a flow of electrons in it, so it is called sunlight to maximize the output power of the solar
a Solar Cell which can be used as a source of electrical panels, regardless of temperature conditions, radiation
energy. The sun is the strongest light source that can be and electrical load characteristics [3].
used as a source of light rays in solar cells, so solar cells
The temperature of the PV module is a function of
are often referred to as photovoltaic cells, on the other
the incidence of radiant power density, electrical power
hand, photovoltaic cells can be interpreted as "light-
output and thermal properties of the semiconductor
electricity". To meet the electron flow capacity as
materials used in the manufacture of the module. Only
needed, a number of solar cells are combined in a certain
part of the solar spectrum is converted into electricity,
area called the solar panel. The transfer of electrons or
while the rest is dissipated as heat. This heat causes the
the so-called current flow between two layers of
module temperature to rise which results in a decrease in
photovoltaic cells which are opposite in the solar panel
module efficiency and output power [4].
INTEK Jurnal Penelitian. 2020, Volume 7 (2): 92-100 93
The environment affects the solar panel modules and This energy is emitted to the earth in the form of
in turn, affects the performance of the solar panels or the electromagnetic waves. The sun emits light radiation of
electrical energy generated. This study calculates the various wavelengths, ranging from ultraviolet radiation,
performance of solar panels with a single diode model visible light to infrared (infrared) from the
using the Five Parameters method, that the most efficient electromagnetic spectrum. The amount of radiation
and optimal type of solar panel is a monocrystalline energy received from the sun per unit area per unit time
solar panel [5]. as a function of wavelength.
This model is based on mathematical equations and is Solar energy that is transmitted has a wavelength
described via an equivalent circuit including a photo ranging from 0.25 micrometers to 3 micrometers (for
current source, diode, series resistor, and shunt resistor. outside the earth's atmosphere), while for the earth's
The developed model allows prediction of the behaviour atmosphere it ranges from 0.32 micrometers to 2.53
of solar panel cells under different physical and micrometers. Only 7% of this energy consists of
environmental parameters [6]. Fundamental ultraviolet (Air Mass 0), 47% is visible (visible light has
mathematical equations based on the equivalent series of a wavelength of 0.4 micrometers to 0.75 micrometers),
photovoltaic cells are used to prepare the model. This 46% is infrared light.
model shows the overall performance of the photovoltaic
The conversion of solar energy into other energy can
cell characteristics by analyzing various types of
generally be divided into three separate processes,
electrical and environmental parameters [7].
namely heliochemical, heliothermal and helioelectrical
Comparative studies of commercial solar panels processes. The heliochemical process occurs in the
under natural sunlight conditions resulted in an increase photosynthesis process. This process is the source of all
in the average maximum power for monocrystalline fossil fuels. The heliothermal process is the absorption
silicon panels varying from 1.9 times for low radiation to (absorption) of solar radiation and is directly converted
2.4 times higher than that obtained from amorphous into thermal energy, while the main helioelectrical
silicon panels, during the test period. Monocrystalline process is the production of electricity by solar cells and
silicon panel temperature is lower than amorphous is also called the photovoltaic effect.
silicon panel temperature in most of the measurements
To measure the light intensity, a device called a lux
meter is used. Lux meter is a tool used to measure light
The main problem with the use of solar panel intensity or lighting level. Usually used indoors. The
modules that have been circulating in the market today is lighting needs of each room are sometimes different.
the level of efficiency and life time of each type of Everything depends and is adapted to the activities
module to changes in weather or the environment, both carried out. To measure the level of lighting, a tool that
during the dry season and during the rainy season. For can work automatically is needed to be able to measure
this reason, a comparative analysis of the efficiency and light intensity and adjust to the light needed.
life time of monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar
Measurement of light intensity using a Lux meter
panels is carried out so that they can become a guideline
which produces a value of light intensity in units of lux.
for the design of using these solar panels.
There is no direct conversion between lux and W/m2 it
II. Research Methodology depends on the wavelength or color of the light. So that
to get the conversion between lux and W/m2, it is
A. Solar radiation necessary to experiment. However there is a conversion
The sun is one of the stars which becomes the main estimate of 0.0079 W/m2 per lux.
source of energy for life on earth. The source of solar
The amount of daily radiation received by the earth's
energy comes from the fusion reaction of atoms,
surface is shown in Figure 1 in the morning and evening,
resulting in very high pressure and temperature. From
the radiation reaches the surface of the earth with a small
this fusion reaction the sun produces enormous energy.
INTEK Jurnal Penelitian. 2020, Volume 7 (2): 92-100 94
intensity. This is because the direction of the sun's rays Solar cells made of single crystal silicon have been
is not perpendicular to the earth's surface (forming a widely used in everyday life, such as toys, clocks,
certain angle) therefore that sunlight experiences a calculators, water heaters to satellites. The lifespan of
solar cells made from single crystalline silicon material
diffusion event by the earth's atmosphere.
is up to 50 years with a possible reduction in efficiency
of 0.5% per year on average. Up to now, the use of
single crystalline silicon solar cells is easy to find in
urban areas and places with limited area.
- Polycrystalline
This type is composed by several silicon crystal rods
which are melted and then poured into a square mold.
The purity of the silicon crystals is not as pure as the
monocrystalline solar cells, therefore the resulting solar
cells are not identical to each other and the efficiency is
Figure 1. The graph of daily solar radiation amount which hit lower, around 13% - 16%. It looks like there is a broken
the earth. glass motif in it.
The amount of radiation received by the solar panel is The square shape, if it is arranged to form solar
strongly influenced by the angle of incidence, which is panels, will be tight and there will be no wasted empty
the angle between the direction of the incident rays and space like the arrangement of the monocrystalline solar
the perpendicular component to the plane of the panel. panels above. The manufacturing process is easier than
The panel will receive maximum solar radiation when monocrystalline, therefore the price is cheaper. This type
perpendicular to the panel plane. When the direction of is most widely used today.
the sun is not perpendicular to the plane of the panel, the
panel will receive less radiation.
B. Types of solar cells
The types of solar cells are classified based on their
manufacturing technology. Broadly speaking, solar cells
are divided into three types, namely:
- Monocrystalline
This type is made of thinly sliced pure silicon crystal
bars. With technology like this, it will produce solar cell
pieces that are identical to each other and high
performance. So that it becomes the most efficient solar
cell compared to other types of solar cells, around 15% -
20%. The high price of pure silicon crystals and the
technology used have resulted in the high price of this
type of solar cell compared to other types of solar cells
on the market. The drawback is that this type of solar Figure 2. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panel
cell if arranged to form a solar module (solar panel) will 50 wp
leave a lot of empty space because solar cells like this
are generally hexagonal or round in shape, depending on
the shape of the silicon crystal bars, as shown in the
following figure.
INTEK Jurnal Penelitian. 2020, Volume 7 (2): 92-100 95
Table 1. Solar Cell Specification = Energy/output power from solar panels (Watts)
V = Voltage that occurs (Volt)
I = Current (Ampere)
= Efficiency of solar panels
= Maximum power
= energy / power going into solar panels (Watts)
Where :
The most important parameter in the performance of
= energy / power going into solar panels (Watts) a solar panel is the intensity of solar radiation or
= panel surface area (m2)
commonly referred to as solar irradiation, which is the
I = the intensity of solar radiation at observation
(W/m2) amount of solar power coming to the surface per area.
The intensity of solar radiation outside the Earth's
atmosphere is called the solar constant, which is
- The amount of energy generated by Solar Cell Cell 1365 W/m2. Filtered by the earth's atmosphere, some
( )
light is lost, and the peak radiation intensity becomes
The amount of energy produced from the Pout solar around 1000 W/m2. This value is a typical radiation
panel can be calculated by measuring the voltage and intensity on the surface perpendicular to the sun and in
output current of the solar panel, so that the energy bright conditions. The magnitude of the solar irradiance
produced is the output power of the solar panel, it can be value will determine the amount of power. that can be
found with the formula generated by a solar panel.
INTEK Jurnal Penelitian. 2020, Volume 7 (2): 92-100 96
properties of solar cells in generating electrical energy 4. The fill factor or Fill Factor (FF) is a price that is
can be observed from the characteristics of these cells, close to the constant of a particular solar cell. If the FF
namely based on the current and voltage generated by value is higher than 0.7, the cell is better off.
solar cells under different light and load conditions. The
Fill factor is basically a measure of the quality of the
characteristics of solar panels consist of current-voltage
solar cell. It is calculated by comparing the theoretical
curves and power-voltage curves [9].
maximum power and output power at open circuit and
short circuit voltages. The fill factor equation is
Pmax/PT or (Imp x Vmp)/(Isc x Voc).
The simple equivalent sequence for a PV solar cell
consists of a current source driven by sunlight in parallel
with the diode.
3. The maximum power (Pmax) in Figure 3, is at a. The amount of incoming solar energy ( )
point A (Vmax, Imax).
INTEK Jurnal Penelitian. 2020, Volume 7 (2): 92-100 97
The amount of incoming solar energy can be done by So : . = 18.58 V . 0.72 A = 13.37 Watt
calculating the intensity of the incoming light ( ),
c. Value of Efficiency
The amount of efficiency produced by solar panels
where: on battery charging can be calculated by first calculating
= energy / power entering the solar panel (Watts) the amount of incoming solar energy (Pin) and the
amount of solar energy that comes out (Pout), so the
= panel surface area ("# )
efficiency obtained is the output efficiency of the solar
I = intensity of light radiation at observation (W/"# ) panels on battery charging. The efficiency calculation is
as follows:
From the observations, the data obtained from each
interval of the difference in light intensity from the = 112.99 Watt
minimum light to the maximum light. The data is then = 13.37 Watt
processed to determine the amount of incoming solar
energy. For the first data, the calculations are as follows: $%&'&( '&
INTEK Jurnal Penelitian. 2020, Volume 7 (2): 92-100 98
Research table using 4 lamps To calculate the value of FF, an equation is used and
the results can be calculated as follows:
789 .:89
FF =
7 ; . :<;
INTEK Jurnal Penelitian. 2020, Volume 7 (2): 92-100 99
= Max power voltage 15
= Max power current 5 Monokristalin
0 Polykristal
= Open circuit voltage
= Short circuit current
Input Power (P IN)
From the observations generated from the parameter
data of the solar cell module. The data is then processed
to determine the Fill Factor produced by the solar Figure 7. Graph of the relationship of energy entering the
solar panel with the power generated from the 50 Wp solar
module as follows: panel.
= 17,40 V Meanwhile, from Figures 7 and 8, it can be seen that
the amount of energy / power generated by the solar
= 2.284 A
panel, both monocrystalline and polycrystalline, is
= 22.40 V directly proportional to the amount of energy entering
the panel by following a pattern that forms an angle with
= 3,04 A
the amount of energy entering. It can also be seen that
So that : the ability of monocrystalline materials to convert
INTEK Jurnal Penelitian. 2020, Volume 7 (2): 92-100 100
incoming energy into electrical energy that comes out is energy entering the solar panel when compared to
better than solar panels with polycrystalline materials. polycrystalline solar panels.
20 Acknowledgement
Eficiency (&)