Report Mini Project
Report Mini Project
Report Mini Project
Monocrystalline Solar Panel
Polycrystalline Solar Panel
The Sun is the central star of our solar system. It consists mainly of
hydrogen and helium. Some basic facts are summarised and its
structure. The mass of the Sun is so large that it contributes to
99.68% of the total mass of the solar system. In the center of the Sun
the pressure-temperature conditions are such that nuclear fusion can
take place. In the major nuclear reaction, the proton-proton reaction,
via a number of steps four protons react into
1.4 Radiometric properties
P = dE/ dt
1.6 Solar spectra
only photons of appropriate energy can be absorbed and hence generate
m electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor material. Therefore, it is
important to know the spectral distribution ofthe solar radiation, i.e. the
number of photons of a particularenergy as a function of the wavelength l.
The PV Powertech solar photovoltaic module provides superior value
and performance. They may be used in single-module and multiple module
systems to meet the current or voltage requirements of a wide range of
applications with its nominal power; it’s well-suited to utility grid systems
and traditional applications.
Modules comply with the International standards IEC 61215, IEC 61730
and IEC 61701 product
certification Standard 10 year manufacturing warranty
10 years/25 years limited power guarantee for 90%
& 80% power respectively Cells are encapsulated with premium EVA
from USA, with good light transmission resistance to
degradation over a long period of time Back sheet is from Japan with
extra white surface for light reflection and high strength
Junction box has six bypass diodes for extra protection and standard
MC4 compatible
connectors for easy installation. IP65 compliant for all weather usage
Structural integrity offered by a robust double wall screw‐less, snap‐fit
aluminum frame that is
anodized for safety against corrosion
The primary requirement for the design of any solar power project is
accurate solar radiation data. It is essential to know the method used for
measuring data for accurate design. Data may be instantaneously measured
(irradiance) or integrated over a period of time (irradiation) usually one
hour or day. Data maybe for beam, diffuse or total radiation, and for a
horizontal or inclined surface. It is also important to know the types of
measuring instruments used for these measurements.
For the purpose of this report, data sources such as NREL, NASA, IMD
and so on were compared. All these sources specify global irradiance,
measured over one hour periods and averaged over the entire month. The
data is available for horizontal surfaces and must be suitably converted for
inclined solar collectors. Monthly average daily solar radiation on a
horizontal surface is represented as H, and hourly total radiation on a
horizontal surface is represented by I. The solar spectrum, or the range of
wavelengths received from the Sun are depicted in the figure below. Short
wave radiation is received from the Sun, in the range of 0.3 to 3 μm, and
long wave radiation (greater than 3 μm) is emitted by the atmosphere,
collectors or any other body at ordinary temperatures.
1.11 Losses in PV Solar systems
The estimated system losses are all the losses in the system, which
cause the power actually delivered to the electricity grid to be lower than
the power produced by the PV modules. There are several causes for this
loss, such as losses in cables, power inverters, dirt (sometimes snow) on
the modules, ambient temperature, varying insolation levels and so on.
While designing a PV system, we have to take into consideration all
possible losses.
Reflection losses
Mismatch effects
Mismatch losses are caused by the interconnection of solar modules in
series and parallel . The modules which do not have identical properties or
which experience different conditions from one another. Mismatch losses
are a serious problem in PV modules and arrays because the output of the
entire PV array under worst case conditions is determined by the solar
module with the lowest output. Therefore the selection of modules
becomes quite important in overall performance of the plant.
Chapter No.2
Although solar panels are a relatively new source of energy that have
recently been extensively developed, they are the most widespread form of
personal renewable energy that does not require a connection to a power
grid worldwide (“Solar Energy Basics”, n.d.). This freedom from the grid
makes solar energy an attractive solution for powering the one billion
people worldwide that do not have access to electricity. As the world
moves into the digital age, electricity is becoming an essential part of
improving the quality of life for many people in the developing world.
With global warming on the rise and with governments in some
developing countries trying to maintain basic peace and order, a solution
involving the expansion of the power grid to one billion people is not
feasible because it is expensive, dangerous, and harmful to the
Solar energy is one of the few portable sources of energy that can
provide enough power for home use (“Solar Energy Basics”). However,
the expense of solar panels makes them unaffordable to many people that
urgently need them. One solution is to fully redesign a solar panel from the
inside out, but this approach could entail the use of overly expensive
materials and lead to the development even more expensive panels while
only marginally effecting solar efficiency. Cheaply build and effective
external structures to solar panels have not been developed yet. An
external structure would increase the amount of light that makes contact
with the solar panel, thereby increasing the energy output of the solar
panel significantly. As a result, fewer solar panels would be required to
create the same energy necessary to power a household. Fewer solar
panels result in a lower cost of production and a lower purchase cost,
while helping the environment at the same time by acting as an alternative
to fossil fuels.
Solar panels have been widely used since the 1980’s, but modern
technology for solar panels has been around for much longer (“The
History of Solar”, n.d.). The photovoltaic effect, an integral part of how
most commercial solar panels operate today, was first discovered in 1839
by French scientist Edmond Becquerel. He discovered the effect by
placing two metal electrodes in an electricity-conducting solution, and he
found that when the electrodes were exposed to light, they produced more
electricity. The first instance of modern photovoltaic technology was in
1954, when Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson developed
the silicon.
Chapter No.3
1.The Panels
2.The Inverter
3.The Battery
4.The Distributor
Chapter No.4
Every solar electric system with batteries should have a solar charge
controller. A charge controller regulates the amount of current the PV
modules feed into a battery bank. Their main function is to prevent
overcharging of the batteries, but charge controllers also block battery
bank current from leaking back into the photovoltaic array at night or on
cloudy days, draining the battery bank.
The two main types are PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) and MPPT (
Tracking). PWM technology is older and more commonly used on smaller
solar arrays. Choose a PWM charge controller that is the same as your
solar array and battery bank. The controller must also have enough
capacity (in rated Amps) to handle the total current of the solar array
An inverter takes (DC) from batteries and turns it into (AC) which is
used to run most common electrical loads. There are two main classes of
inverters, or grid-capable and , standalone units.
Off-grid inverters require batteries for storage. Straight grid-tied
inverters don’t use batteries and grid-capable inverters can work either
with or without batteries depending on system design. There is a wide
range of available inverter features suited to differing system needs and
situations. Some inverters have integrated AC chargers so that they can
use AC power from the grid to charge the batteries during periods of low
sun. Inverters with integrated AC chargers can also be used in conjunction
with fossil fuel-based generators for battery charging or running very large
loads. Off-grid inverters meant for whole-home usage must have
appropriate conduit boxes and accessories that enclose all live wiring.
Usually, whole-home inverters are rated to produce 2,000 Watts
continuous power or more. Off-grid inverters come in two flavors: those
producing current and those producing current. Some appliances
(compressors or other inductive loads) and many sensitive electronics
(cordless battery chargers, computers, stereos, etc.) will not function
properly on modified sine wave power. Off-grid inverters can cost
anywhere between $100 to $3,000 depending on size and type.
Solar modules, power controller modules, and batteries are the three
primary components of the Solar Power System. Various combinations of
the three allow the customer to choose a system that most matches site
conditions such as load level requirements and availability of daily
sunlight. With the deep cycle battery(s), recharged by solar modules,
providing load power for customers’ remote equipment, the power
controller module optimizes control of battery recharging while protecting
components during the extremes of solar energy availability as well as
protecting the battery from damage due to overcharging.
The solar controller monitors battery terminal voltage and passes the
current through from the solar modules to the battery bank to maintain
charge on the batteries. As the battery voltage rises to 14.0 VDC, the
controller limits the amount of current provided to the battery to prevent
overcharging. As the terminal voltage drops, the controller will pass more
current to the battery to maintain the terminal voltage. Since these systems
are at sites with all weather conditions, the controller will also adjust this
voltage for temperature compensation.
The sun’s height above the horizon is called altitude, which is measured
in degrees above the horizon. When the sun appears to be just rising or just
setting, its altitude is 0 degrees. When the sun is true south in the sky at 0
degrees azimuth, it will be at its highest altitude for that day. This time is
called solar noon.
A location’s latitude determines how high the sun appears above the
horizon at solar noon throughout the year. As a result of the earth’s orbit
around the sun with a tilted axis, the sun is at different altitudes above the
horizon at solar noon throughout the year.
Photovoltaic module(s) or arrays work best when the sun’s rays shine
perpendicular (90 degrees) to the cells. When the cells are facing the sun
in both azimuth and altitude, the angle of incidence is “normal”
4.9 Angle of Incidence on a Solar Module
The load capacity, equipment size and geographic location of the Solar
Power System purchased determines the number of solar modules needed.
Also, mounting configurations are driven by the pole size and number of
solar modules needed. The following figures show various pole mounting
configurations for the solar modules and how the module interconnect
conduit assembly is installed in a 2-solar module mount assembly.
Module Junction Box Connection
Be certain to position the modules such that the junction boxes are on
the same side in the series. For easiest access, use the junction box
penetration hole toward the center of the module for attaching the 90
degree connectors. Instructions for connecting multiple modules follow.
1 Lay the modules face down on a flat, protected surface when attaching
the support rails to prevent damaging the glass and to eliminate
electrical hazard.
2 Take great care in the use of hand tools in the vicinity of modules’ back
surface. The module back surface materials are easily punctured, and
any opening in the back surface will allow the entry of moisture which
can shorten module service life. If punctures occur, seal with a non-
acidic, commercial grade RTV sealant.
3 Remove the junction box hole tab closest to the middle of the module.
4.10 Enclosure
The mounting poles are not part of the solar system package, but can be
providedseparately. Sizing will depend on the solar system purchased,
including number ofmodules needed, enclosure size, etc.
With the enclosure delivered to the site pre-wired, solid lines in the
indicate factory wiring, dashed lines represent wiring provided with the
system but require on-site installation and connection after the solar
modules aremounted and battery(s) installed. Dotted lines indicate wiring
not provided in thepackage that are to be supplied on-site by the customer.
4.12 Multiple Modules Connected in Series
1. Open the solar module junction boxes on all modules by loosening the
2. Connect #10 AWG black wire from terminal two (2) (negative) on the
solar module in the series to the Solar Controller Terminal three (3)
3. Connect #10 AWG red wire from terminal three (3) (positive) on the
solar module in the series to the terminal block that connects to the Solar
Controller Terminal four (4) (positive).
4. Connect a #10 AWG black wire from terminal two (2) (negative) on the
module in the series to terminal three (3) (positive) of the second module
in the series.
4.13 Multiple Modules Wired in Parallel
Chapter No.5
Renewable Energy Source. Among all the benefits of solar panels, the
most important thing is that solar energy is a truly renewable energy
source. ...
Reduces Electricity Bills. ...
Diverse Applications. ...
Low Maintenance Costs. ...
Technology Development. ...
Cost. ...
Weather Dependent. ...
Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive.
Chapter No.7
machining while doing this project work. We feel that the project work is a
are proud that we have completed work with the limited time successfully.
Lutishoor Salisbury.