A Report On Structural Analysis and Design On Residental Building
A Report On Structural Analysis and Design On Residental Building
A Report On Structural Analysis and Design On Residental Building
Owner: Mr.
Prepared By: Er.
NEC Registration No. “Civil” “A”
Date: 2077/4/18
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: GENERAL DATA AND LOAD CALCULATION.................................................................................3
Description of the Building................................................................................................................................................5
Basic Data..........................................................................................................................................................................5
Relevant Codes followed...............................................................................................................................................6
Basic Principal of Analysis of the structure Step for earthquake load...........................................................................6
Basic Principal of Design of Foundation.......................................................................................................................6
Software used for Analysis and Design.........................................................................................................................6
Concrete and Steel Grade...............................................................................................................................................6
Preliminary Design for proportioning of the Structural Elements.....................................................................................6
Chapter 2 : 3D MODELLING, ANALYIS AND DESIGN..............................................................................................7
Design Methods of Structural Elements............................................................................................................................9
Limit State Method............................................................................................................................................................9
Load Cases.......................................................................................................................................................................10
Seismic Analysis..............................................................................................................................................................11
Design Parameters............................................................................................................................................................12
Story Drifts.......................................................................................................................................................................16
Base Reaction...................................................................................................................................................................17
Chapter 3 SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULT AND SAMPLE DESIGN RESULT............................................................
Sample Slab Design.........................................................................................................................................................26
Sample Staircase Design.................................................................................................................................................28.
Design of foundation........................................................................................................................................................29
Design of Isolated Footing..........................................................................................................................................27
Design of Strap
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Nepal lies in seismically vulnerable zone. It is located in the boundary of the two colliding
tectonic plates- the Indian plate (Indo-Australian Plate) and the Tibetan plate (Eurasian Plate)
which is known as “Subduction Zone”. Records of earthquakes are available in Nepal since 1255
A.D. Those records reveal that Nepal was hit by 18 major earthquakes since then, resulting in
huge loss of life and property. Out of these earthquakes, the 1833 and 1934 earthquakes were
the most destructive ones.
Designing building against earthquake forces does not mean that we are making the building
proof against it. Although we can design such robust structure, it would be too expensive to
build, it would be far cheaper to rebuild the building again instead of making it completely
earthquake proof. The structures are generally designed for much lower seismic forces than
what it may actually experience during its life time. Since the structure is expected to undergo
damage in the event of a severe shaking, reliance is placed on the inelastic response of the
structure beyond yield.
Therefore, structures have to be ductile and capable of dissipating energy through inelastic
actions. Ductility can be achieved by avoiding brittle modes of failures. Brittle modes of failures
include, shear and bond failure. Thus, structures should be designed on Weak Beam-Strong
column philosophy.
The structural design alone is not enough to ensure the safety of the building, equally
important, is its construction. The role of the contractor is of paramount importance as he is the
one to execute the construction work at the site. He is required to execute the work according
to the drawings supplied by the consultant to him and detailing has to be carefully followed. A
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large percentage of failure of the building is attributed to poor quality of construction. Past
experiences from damages have shown that quality of material and workmanship plays an
important role in good seismic behavior of the buildings. Hence, quality assurance in
construction is expected to gain good seismic performance.
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Basic Data
General Features
Architectural features
Number of floors 3 floors
Height of story 3.175m
Total Height of Building 12.1158m
No. of Staircase 1 no.
Height to width ratio ………..
Length to width ratio ………..
Wall and Partition Masonry walls
Structural Features
Structural system RCC Frame Structure
Foundation Type Isolated footing & strap footing
Column size 304mmX304mm
Beam Size 230mmX355mm,
Slab 127 mm Overall Depth
Geotechnical Features
Soil Type Type C
Grade of Concrete M20 for Column and M20 for beam slab and
Grade of Steel Fe500
Unit weight of Concrete 25 KN/m3
Unit weight of Masonry wall 19 KN/m3
Young’s Modulus of Elasticity 5000 √ fck
Poisson’s Ratio 0.2 for concrete
0.3 for rebar
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a. ETABS 2016
b. Custom Software
The tentative sizes of the Structural elements are determined through preliminary design so
that after analysis, the presumed dimensions may not deviate considerably, thus making the
final design both safe and economical. The tentative sizes have been determined as follows:
Slab: From Deflection Criteria [Effective Depth = Effective Shorter Span / (26 * MF)]
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Beam: For Practical rule as 25mm Depth for 300mm of Span covering deflection criteria
Column: From evaluation of approximate gravity loading coming up to the critical Column.
To compensate for the possible eccentric Loading and earthquake loads the size is
increased by about 25 % in design.
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We have followed Nepal Building Code 105 & Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain
and Reinforced Concrete,
IS: 456 -2000 for design of Structural Elements. This incorporates the two methods of
Structural Design of RC structures specified as:
a. Working Stress Method based on the Working loads in conjunction with permissible
stresses in the materials.
b. Limit State Method based on safety and serviceability requirements associated with the
design loads and design strengths of the materials. These design loads and design
strengths are obtained by applying partial safety factors for characteristic loads and
strengths of the materials concrete and steel.
We have followed the limit state method which is incorporated in IS: 456-2000. It is
consistent with the new philosophy of design termed limit state approach which was
incorporated in the Russian Code – 1954, the British code BS 8110 – 1985 and the American
Code ACI 318 – 1989.
Limit States
The Limit State method of design covers the various forms of failure. There are several
limit state at which the structure ceases to function, the most important among them
b. The limit state of serviceability which includes excessive deflection and excessive local
The analysis has been carried out using a standard software package SAP2000 based on finite
element method. The software is capable of carrying out a Three Dimensional analysis. It is
windows based software. It has a user friendly graphical input and output interface. It can
account for the rigid zones at the beam - column junction. It has a capability to create a special
joint at any grid intersection. The program has a facility to create shell elements also. Shell
elements can be used for the analysis of Slabs and Shear walls. A full 3D finite element model
using frame and shell elements can also be created using ETABS.
A Three Dimensional Linear elastic analysis has been carried out. Structure is assumed to be
fixed at the Plinth level. The masonry wall load is distributed in the beams as uniformly
distributed loads. The beams are modeled as rectangular beams. A model based on Rigid
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Diaphragm Concept has been considered. This is done by creating a special joint at the center of
mass of each floor level and constraining all the joints at this level by a diaphragm constraint.
Load Cases
Following loads have been considered in the analysis of the building as per IS 456-2000 and
Dead Loads
Dead loads are assumed to be produced by slab, beams, columns, walls, parapet walls,
staircase, plasters and mortars, Floor finish and water tank. The weight of building materials
are taken as per IS 875(Part 1)-1987).
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Live Loads
Live loads are applied on floor slabs on the basis of usage of rooms, as specified in IS 875 part II.
Rooms 2 KN/m2
Toilet/Bathrooms/Kitchens 2 KN/m2
Balcony/Stairs 3 KN/m2
Terrace/Roof 1.5 KN/m2
Seismic Analysis
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The approximate fundamental natural period of vibration (Ti) in seconds, of moment-resisting frame buildings with
brick infill panels,
may be estimated using the empirical expression:
Ti = 0.075*h0.75
Ta = 0.075*h0.75
= 0.075*12.11580.75
=0.487 sec
Time period shall be increased by 1.25.
T=0.487*1.25=0.60315 sec
C (Ti) 0.75
Cd(Ti) = = =0.125
R μ x Ωu 1.5 x 4
VB = Cd(Ti) x W
Cs(T )
Cd(Ti) = =0.15/1.25=0.12
❑Ω s
C (Ti)
VB = xW
R μ x Ωu
T =0 . 075 h For RCC frame building
VB = Base shear
Cd(Ti) = Design horizontal acc. spectrum
Z = Zone Factor
I = Importance Factor
C(Ti) = Elastic Site Spectra at period (Ti)
Rμ = Ductility Factor
W = Seismic Weight of building
Ti = Fundamental time period of ith mode of vibration
Ωu = Over Strength Factor
h = Height of Building in m
d = Base Dimension at Plinth level
The total design lateral force or design seismic base shear (VB) along any principal direction is determined by the
following expression
For Ultimate condition
VB = Cd(Ti)*W
= 0.125*3922.4687
= 490.3086kN
For serviceable condition
VB = Cd(Ti) x W
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= 470.6962KN
W = Seismic weight of the building
1.6 Mass
Table 1.9 - Mass Source Definition
Include Include Source Source Source Move
Lump Load
Name Is Default Lateral Vertical Self Added Load Mass Multiplier
Mass? Pattern
Mass? Mass? Mass? Mass? Patterns? Centroid?
MsSrc1 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Dead 1
MsSrc1 Live<=3 0.3
MsSrc1 Live>3 0.6
MsSrc1 wall 1
MsSrc1 ff 1
MsSrc1 pwl 1
MsSrc1 stair dead 1
Load Patterns
Name Type Weight Auto Load
Dead Dead 1
Live Live 0
Live<=3 Live 0
Live>3 Live 0
wall 0
d Dead
ff 0
d Dead
stair 0
d Dead
pwl 0
d Dead
rooflive Roof Live 0
eqxuls Seismic 0
eqyuls Seismic 0
eqysls Seismic 0
eqxsls Seismic 0
The design of reinforced concrete structural members includes selection of material properties
(grade of steel and concrete), shape and size of cross section, factor of safety and amount of
steel required. The design of reinforced concrete members are carried out using limit state
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method as per IS 456: 2000. The limit state method is the modern and latest design
methodology. This method evolved around 1970’s. Limit state method is based on the concept
of multiple safety factors and attempts to provide adequate safety at the ultimate loads and
adequate serviceability at service loads.
For the design of the members IS 456:2000 and design aid SP 16 has been used. Footings have
been checked for vertical loads and moments developed at the base due to dead load and live
load only. Square footings have been adopted from seismic point of view that reversal stress
may occur. And footing beams are provided for column at foundation for more rigidity of
building and also need for the column located at boundary. Longitudinal reinforcement in
beams and columns has been calculated based on critical load combination among the thirteen
load combinations. Spacing of the shear reinforcement has been calculated as per the ductility
criteria as defined in IS 13920 -1993. Some sample designs are shown later on in this report.
Direction = Multiple
Eccentricity Ratio = 10% for all diaphragms
Factors and Coefficients
Direction Used C
(kN) (kN)
X 0 0 3922.4687 470.6962
X + Ecc. Y 0 0 3922.4687 470.6962
X - Ecc. Y 0 0 3922.4687 470.6962
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Direction = Multiple
Eccentricity Ratio = 10% for all diaphragms
Factors and Coefficients
Direction Used C
(kN) (kN)
X 0 0 3922.4687 490.3086
X + Ecc. Y 0 0 3922.4687 490.3086
X - Ecc. Y 0 0 3922.4687 490.3086
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Direction = Multiple
Eccentricity Ratio = 10% for all diaphragms
Factors and Coefficients
Direction Used C
(kN) (kN)
Y 0 0 3922.4687 490.3086
Y + Ecc. X 0 0 3922.4687 490.3086
Y - Ecc. X 0 0 3922.4687 490.3086
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Structure Data 11/11/2020
Direction = Multiple
Eccentricity Ratio = 10% for all diaphragms
Factors and Coefficients
Direction Used C
(kN) (kN)
Y 0 0 3922.4687 470.6962
Y + Ecc. X 0 0 3922.4687 470.6962
Y - Ecc. X 0 0 3922.4687 470.6962
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Structure Data 11/11/2020
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Design Parameters
Followings factors are considered for earthquake resistant design of the building
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Page 26
Page 27
permissible limit of 0.025/Rμ i.e 0.025/4 0.625 % for ultimate limit state as per NBC
Page 28
Case Mode UX UY UZ Sum UX Sum UY Sum UZ
Modal 1 0.636 0.1445 0.4428 0 0.1445 0.4428 0
Modal 2 0.6 0.2649 0.4026 0 0.4095 0.8454 0
Modal 3 0.519 0.4476 0.0118 0 0.8571 0.8573 0
Modal 4 0.206 0.0132 0.0823 0 0.8703 0.9396 0
Modal 5 0.202 0.0425 0.0248 0 0.9128 0.9644 0
Modal 6 0.182 0.0498 6.908E-06 0 0.9625 0.9644 0
Modal 7 0.129 0.0147 0.0048 0 0.9773 0.9693 0
Modal 8 0.127 0.0038 0.0263 0 0.981 0.9955 0
Modal 9 0.118 0.0136 0.0003 0 0.9946 0.9958 0
Modal 10 0.091 4.686E-05 0.0004 0 0.9946 0.9962 0
Modal 11 0.086 0.0003 0.0001 0 0.995 0.9963 0
Modal 12 0.076 9.036E-06 7.149E-06 0 0.995 0.9963 0
Slab Design
Page 31
Panel Between Grid B&C, 1&2
LEVEL - Story 1
Short Span, lx (m) = 4.571
Long Span,ly(m) = 5.129
ly/lx 1.122 Two Adjacent Edges Discontinuous
CASE AS PER IS 456:2000 Case No. 4 1 Interior Panels
GRADE OF CONC. N/sq mm 20 2 One Short Edge Discontinous
GRADE OF ST EEL N/sq mm 500 3 One Long Edge Discontinous
COVER OF MAIN R/F (mm) 15 4 Two Adjacent Edges Discontinous
SLAB T HICKNESS (mm) 125 5 Two Short Edges Discontinous
Effective Depth 106 6 Two Long Edges Discontinous
COMPUTATION OF LOADING 7 One Long Edge Continous
SELF WEIGHT OF SLAB 0.3125 T /SQ M 8 One Short Edge Continous
WPC+ FLOOR FINISH 0.2 T /SQ M 9 Four Edges Discontinous
T OT AL (DL+LL) 0.813 T /SQ M
Factored Load(DL+LL) 1.219 T /SQ M
Coefficient Moment (KN.m) pt % Ast req. (sq.mm)
- ve short span ( support ) 0.055 13.999 0.311 329
+ ve short span (mid span ) 0.041 10.518 0.228 242
- ve long span( support ) 0.047 11.968 0.262 278
+ ve long span( long span) 0.035 8.913 0.192 203
Provided reinforcement - span position dia. spacing Ast prov. Ast req. (sq.mm)
mm mm c/c sq.mm
Short Span support 8 150 335 329 OK
midspan 8 150 335 242 OK
Long Span support 8 150 335 278 OK
midspan 8 150 335 203 OK
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Page 33
Staircase Design
Effective Span (l) 4.57 m
Riser (R) 178 mm
Thread (T) 254 mm
Overall Depth (D) 125 mm
Effective Cover 15 mm
Thickness of slab (t) 127 mm
Loads on going Loads on waist slab
Self weight of waist slab 3.82 KN/m Self weight of landing slab 3.18 KN/m
Self weight of steps 2.23 KN/m Live Load 4.00 KN/m
Live Load 4.00 KN/m Floor Finish Load 1.25 KN/m
Floor Finish Load 1.25 KN/m Total Load 8.43 KN/m
Total Load 11.29 KN/m Factored Load 12.64 KN/m
Factored Load 16.94 KN/m
Bending Moment
Calculate Bending Moment using the equation (W*L*L )/8
to be used as UDL = 39 KN
Page 34
Diameter of bar in mm (ø) 12
Spacing required in mm 120 c/c
Spacing provided in mm 100 c/c
Diameter of bar in mm (ø) 8
Spacing in mm 335 c/c
Spacing provided in mm 150 c/c
Design of foundation
The purpose of the foundation is to effectively support the superstructure by
transmitting the applied load effects to the soil below, without exceeding the safe
bearing capacity of the superstructure by ensuring settlement of the structure is within
tolerable limits, and as nearly uniform as possible.
The choice of the type of the foundation depends not only on the type of the
superstructure and the magnitude and types of reactions induced at the base of the
superstructure, but also on the nature of the soil strata on top of which the substructure
is to be founded.
The foundation used for this building is isolated foundation. Bearing Capacity of Soil is
Page 35
Load Pu 780 KN
Design Load P 520 KN
L 2.25 meters
Footing Size Provided
B 2.25 meters
Area Provided A prvd 5.06 meters
Zx 1.90
Zx 1.90
Footing Size OK
2 Slab Design
lx 0.973
ly 0.973
Spacing c/c in mm
Area of Steel
12# 16# 20#
473 sqmm 239 c/c 425 c/c 664 c/c
473 sqmm 239 c/c 425 c/c 664 c/c
Minimum Ast required across x direcion
Minimum Ast required across y direcion
Page 36
Vu1 198 KN
ζv 0.223 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 231 KN
Vu1 198 KN
ζv 0.223 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 231 KN
L= 2.25 meters
B= 2.25 meters
Page 37
450 mm
200 mm
12 mm @ 150 mm
12 mm dia @ 150 mm c/c
dia c/c
Page 38
Vu1 198 KN
ζv 0.223 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 231 KN
Vu1 198 KN
ζv 0.223 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 231 KN
L= 2.25 meters
B= 2.25 meters
450 mm
200 mm
Page 39
Isolated Footing ALLEXCEPT( D3,D4,E2,E3,E4 )F2
Load Pu 596 KN
Design Load P 397 KN
L 1.95 meters
Footing Size Provided
B 1.95 meters
Area Provided A prvd 3.80 meters
Zx 1.24
Zx 1.24
Footing Size OK
2 Slab Design
lx 0.823
ly 0.823
Spacing c/c in mm
Area of Steel
12# 16# 20#
473 sqmm 239 c/c 425 c/c 664 c/c
473 sqmm 239 c/c 425 c/c 664 c/c
Minimum Ast required across x direcion
Minimum Ast required across y direcion
Page 40
Vu1 144 KN
ζv 0.187 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 200 KN
Vu1 144 KN
ζv 0.187 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Vc1 200 KN
L= 1.95 meters
B= 1.95 meters
450 mm
200 mm
Page 41
Design of Strap Footing(C2-E2)
can't change these values
change these values
fc' = 20 N/mm2
fy = 500 N/mm2
Bearing Capacity 120 KN/m2
Size of Column A (c1xc2) = 0.304 x 0.304
Size of Column B (c1xc2) = 0.304 x 0.304
Distance between two A and B Columns (S) = 4.62054252 m
Distance of Col A Left edge with edge of footing = 0 m
Distance of Col A with edge of footing = 0.152 m
Service Load Pa = 366.666667 KN
Service Load Pb = 520 KN
Assume Dimesions :=
Footing Thickness (m) Length (m) Area (m2) Status Arm -X Lever Arm -Y
(m) (m)
A 0.45 2.25 2.25 5.06 Dimension Ok 1.946 0.973
B 0.45 2.25 2.25 5.06 Dimension O.k 0.973 0.973
Eccentricity; e = 0.973 m
Eccentric Moment ; M = 357 knm
Shear; V = 98 KN
Reaction Ra = 269 KN
Reaction Rb = 422 KN
Factored Load :=
Pua = 550 KN
Pub = 780 KN
Mua = 535 k-m
Vua= 147 kN
Rua = 696.7 kn
Rub = 633.3 kn
Page 42
Punching Check :=
Footing A:=
Cover = 0.075 m
d avg= 0.37 m
bo = 5.85 m
qu = 137.62 kN/m2
Vup = 341.60 KN
Adequate in Punching
Footing B:=
Cover = 0.075 m
d avg = 0.37 m
bo = 4.27 m
qu = 125.09 kn/m2
Vup = 656.96 KN
Adequate in Punching
Adequate in Shear
Footing B:=
Vud = qu{L/2 – c2/2-davg} B = 170.00 KN
Vud = qu{B/2 – c1/2-davg} L = 170.00 KN
Adequate in Shear
Adequate in Shear
Page 43
Assume Dimension of Beam = 0.355 x 0.7112
Cover = 0.04 m
Effective Depth, d = 0.6712 m
Vc = tc' b d = 66.72 KN
Point Mu (k-m) Ru (KN/m2) e (req) e(min) e (max) As (req) As (min) As (max) Ast (mm2)
Point 3 405 2254.682 0.0061 0.0017 0.0400 1545.928 429.209 10099.040 1545.928
Point 4 370 2061.113 0.0055 0.0017 0.0400 1387.507 429.209 10099.040 1387.507
Point 5 319 1775.638 0.0046 0.0017 0.0400 1165.644 429.209 10099.040 1165.644
Point 6 268 1490.163 0.0038 0.0017 0.0400 955.787 429.209 10099.040 955.787
Point 7 216 1204.688 0.0030 0.0017 0.0400 756.175 429.209 10099.040 756.175
Point 8 165 919.212 0.0022 0.0017 0.0400 565.441 429.209 10099.040 565.441
Point9 178 991.927 0.0024 0.0017 0.0400 613.245 429.209 10099.040 613.245
Φ Vc = 66.72 KN
S = Av fyt d / Vs
Max S = min ( d /2 , 0.87Av fyt /0.4 bw, 600, d/4, 300)
Bar No. of Max S
Vu (KN) Status Vs (KN) ouble Av (mm2) S (mm)
Stirrup (mm)
Beam on footing (Left) 248 Shear R/F Needed 181.31 8 Double 201.088 300.000 300
Beam on footing (Right) 378 Shear R/F Needed 311.70 8 Double 201.088 300.000 300.00
Beam without footing 147 Shear R/F Needed 106.663919 8 Double 201.088 300.000 300
Page 44
Design of Strap Footing(E2--F2)
can't change these values
change these values
fc' = 20 N/mm2
fy = 500 N/mm2
Bearing Capacity 120 KN/m2
Size of Column A (c1xc2) = 0.304 x 0.304
Size of Column B (c1xc2) = 0.304 x 0.304
Distance between two A and B Columns (S) = 3.429 m
Distance of Col A Left edge with edge of footing = 0 m
Distance of Col A with edge of footing = 0.152 m
Service Load Pa = 260.666667 KN
Service Load Pb = 520 KN
Assume Dimesions :=
Footing Thickness (m) Length (m) Area (m2) Status Arm -X Lever Arm -Y
(m) (m)
A 0.45 1.95 1.95 3.80 Dimension Ok 1.646 0.823
B 0.45 2.25 2.25 5.06 Dimension O.k 0.973 0.973
Eccentricity; e = 0.823 m
Eccentric Moment ; M = 215 knm
Shear; V = 82 KN
Reaction Ra = 178 KN
Reaction Rb = 438 KN
Factored Load :=
Pua = 391 KN
Pub = 780 KN
Mua = 322 k-m
Vua= 123 kN
Rua = 514.5 kn
Rub = 656.5 kn
Page 45
Punching Check :=
Footing A:=
Cover = 0.075 m
d avg= 0.37 m
bo = 5.25 m
qu = 137.68 kN/m2
Vup = 210.32 KN
Adequate in Punching
Footing B:=
Cover = 0.075 m
d avg = 0.37 m
bo = 4.27 m
qu = 127.90 kn/m2
Vup = 654.20 KN
Adequate in Punching
Adequate in Shear
Footing B:=
Vud = qu{L/2 – c2/2-davg} B = 173.81 KN
Vud = qu{B/2 – c1/2-davg} L = 173.81 KN
Adequate in Shear
Adequate in Shear
Page 46
Design Reinforcement :=
Footing A:=
As = e b d
Direction Mu (k-m) Ru (KN/m2) e As = 0.0012 Ast (m2)
X-Dir 364 1369.758 0.0034 3025.259 1053.000 3025.259
Y-Dir 91 342.439 0.0008 578.347 1053.000 1053.000
Bar # 12
As = e b d
Direction Mu (k-m) Ru (kN/m2) e As = 0.0012 Ast (m2)
X-Dir 136 444.633 0.0011 871.955 1215.000 1215.000
Y-Dir 178 581.094 0.0014 1149.425 1215.000 1215.000
Providing at 12 mm dia bar at spacing 6 " c/c
Bar # 12
Page 47
Assume Dimension of Beam = 0.355 x 0.5588
Cover = 0.04 m
Effective Depth, d = 0.5188 m
Vc = tc' b d = 51.57 KN
Point Mu (k-m) Ru (KN/m2) e (req) e(min) e (max) As (req) As (min) As (max) Ast (mm2)
Point 3 225 2032.367 0.0054 0.0017 0.0400 1072.156 337.236 7934.960 1072.156
Point 4 193 1737.306 0.0045 0.0017 0.0400 893.209 337.236 7934.960 893.209
Point 5 182 1639.215 0.0042 0.0017 0.0400 835.983 337.236 7934.960 835.983
Point 6 171 1541.124 0.0039 0.0017 0.0400 779.785 337.236 7934.960 779.785
Point 7 160 1443.033 0.0037 0.0017 0.0400 724.560 337.236 7934.960 724.560
Point 8 149 1344.942 0.0034 0.0017 0.0400 670.260 337.236 7934.960 670.260
Point9 182 1642.765 0.0042 0.0017 0.0400 838.036 337.236 7934.960 838.036
Φ Vc = 51.57 KN
S = Av fyt d / Vs
Max S = min ( d /2 , 0.87Av fyt /0.4 bw, 600, d/4, 300)
Bar No. of Max S
Vu (KN) Status Vs (KN) ouble Av (mm2) S (mm)
Stirrup (mm)
Beam on footing (Left) 170 Shear R/F Needed 118.53 8 Double 201.088 259.400 259.4
Beam on footing (Right) 326 Shear R/F Needed 273.99 8 Double 201.088 259.400 259.40
Beam without footing 133 Shear R/F Needed 107.939398 8 Double 201.088 259.400 259.4
Page 48
Design of Strap Footing(E3--F3)
can't change these values
change these values
fc' = 20 N/mm2
fy = 500 N/mm2
Bearing Capacity 120 KN/m2
Size of Column A (c1xc2) = 0.304 x 0.304
Size of Column B (c1xc2) = 0.304 x 0.304
Distance between two A and B Columns (S) = 3.429 m
Distance of Col A Left edge with edge of footing = 0 m
Distance of Col A with edge of footing = 0.152 m
Service Load Pa = 348.666667 KN
Service Load Pb = 460 KN
Assume Dimesions :=
Footing Thickness (m) Length (m) Area (m2) Status Arm -X Lever Arm -Y
(m) (m)
A 0.45 1.95 1.95 3.80 Dimension Ok 1.646 0.823
B 0.45 2.25 2.25 5.06 Dimension O.k 0.973 0.973
Eccentricity; e = 0.823 m
Eccentric Moment ; M = 287 knm
Shear; V = 110 KN
Reaction Ra = 239 KN
Reaction Rb = 350 KN
Factored Load :=
Pua = 523 KN
Pub = 690 KN
Mua = 430 k-m
Vua= 165 kN
Rua = 688.2 kn
Rub = 524.8 kn
Page 49
Punching Check :=
Footing A:=
Cover = 0.075 m
d avg= 0.37 m
bo = 5.25 m
qu = 184.51 kN/m2
Vup = 281.86 KN
Adequate in Punching
Footing B:=
Cover = 0.075 m
d avg = 0.37 m
bo = 4.27 m
qu = 101.41 kn/m2
Vup = 591.25 KN
Adequate in Punching
Adequate in Shear
Footing B:=
Vud = qu{L/2 – c2/2-davg} B = 137.82 KN
Vud = qu{B/2 – c1/2-davg} L = 137.82 KN
Adequate in Shear
Adequate in Shear
Page 50
Design Reinforcement :=
Footing A:=
As = e b d
Direction Mu (k-m) Ru (KN/m2) e As = 0.0012 Ast (m2)
X-Dir 487 1835.685 0.0048 4209.779 1053.000 4209.779
Y-Dir 122 458.921 0.0011 780.673 1053.000 1053.000
Bar # 12
As = e b d
Direction Mu (k-m) Ru (kN/m2) e As = 0.0012 Ast (m2)
X-Dir 108 352.560 0.0008 687.470 1215.000 1215.000
Y-Dir 141 460.762 0.0011 904.494 1215.000 1215.000
Providing at 12 mm dia bar at spacing 6 " c/c
Bar # 12
Page 51
Assume Dimension of Beam = 0.355 x 0.7112
Cover = 0.04 m
Effective Depth, d = 0.6712 m
Vc = tc' b d = 66.72 KN
Point Mu (k-m) Ru (KN/m2) e (req) e(min) e (max) As (req) As (min) As (max) Ast (mm2)
Point 3 302 1681.458 0.0043 0.0017 0.0400 1095.179 429.209 10099.040 1095.179
Point 4 258 1437.342 0.0036 0.0017 0.0400 918.126 429.209 10099.040 918.126
Point 5 244 1356.188 0.0034 0.0017 0.0400 860.923 429.209 10099.040 860.923
Point 6 229 1275.033 0.0032 0.0017 0.0400 804.491 429.209 10099.040 804.491
Point 7 214 1193.878 0.0030 0.0017 0.0400 748.799 429.209 10099.040 748.799
Point 8 200 1112.724 0.0027 0.0017 0.0400 693.819 429.209 10099.040 693.819
Point9 144 804.147 0.0019 0.0017 0.0400 490.818 429.209 10099.040 490.818
Φ Vc = 66.72 KN
S = Av fyt d / Vs
Max S = min ( d /2 , 0.87Av fyt /0.4 bw, 600, d/4, 300)
Bar No. of Max S
Vu (KN) Status Vs (KN) ouble Av (mm2) S (mm)
Stirrup (mm)
Beam on footing (Left) 173 Shear R/F Needed 106.41 8 Double 201.088 300.000 300
Beam on footing (Right) 365 Shear R/F Needed 298.72 8 Double 201.088 300.000 300.00
Beam without footing 178 Shear R/F Needed 147.845647 8 Double 201.088 300.000 300
Page 52
fc' = 20 N/mm2
fy = 500 N/mm2
Bearing Capacity 120 KN/m2
Size of Column A (c1xc2) = 0.304 x 0.304
Size of Column B (c1xc2) = 0.304 x 0.304
Distance between two A and B Columns (S) = 3.429 m
Distance of Col A Left edge with edge of footing = 0 m
Distance of Col A with edge of footing = 0.152 m
Service Load Pa = 292 KN
Service Load Pb = 432 KN
Assume Dimesions :=
Footing Thickness (m) Length (m) Area (m2) Status Arm -X Lever Arm -Y
(m) (m)
A 0.45 1.95 1.95 3.80 Dimension Ok 1.646 0.823
B 0.45 2.25 2.25 5.06 Dimension O.k 0.973 0.973
Eccentricity; e = 0.823 m
Eccentric Moment ; M = 240 knm
Shear; V = 92 KN
Reaction Ra = 200 KN
Reaction Rb = 340 KN
Factored Load :=
Pua = 438 KN
Pub = 648 KN
Mua = 360 k-m
Vua= 138 kN
Rua = 576.3 kn
Rub = 509.7 kn
Page 53
Punching Check :=
Footing A:=
Cover = 0.075 m
d avg= 0.37 m
bo = 5.25 m
qu = 151.56 kN/m2
Vup = 239.09 KN
Adequate in Punching
Footing B:=
Cover = 0.075 m
d avg = 0.37 m
bo = 4.27 m
qu = 100.68 kn/m2
Vup = 548.98 KN
Adequate in Punching
Adequate in Shear
Footing B:=
Vud = qu{L/2 – c2/2-davg} B = 136.82 KN
Vud = qu{B/2 – c1/2-davg} L = 136.82 KN
Adequate in Shear
Adequate in Shear
Page 54
Design Reinforcement :=
Footing A:=
As = e b d
Direction Mu (k-m) Ru (KN/m2) e As = 0.0012 Ast (m2)
X-Dir 400 1507.908 0.0038 3366.156 1053.000 3366.156
Y-Dir 100 376.977 0.0009 638.027 1053.000 1053.000
Bar # 12
As = e b d
Direction Mu (k-m) Ru (kN/m2) e As = 0.0012 Ast (m2)
X-Dir 107 350.003 0.0008 682.378 1215.000 1215.000
Y-Dir 140 457.421 0.0011 897.747 1215.000 1215.000
Providing at 12 mm dia bar at spacing 6 " c/c
Bar # 12
Page 55
Assume Dimension of Beam = 0.355 x 0.6604
Cover = 0.04 m
Effective Depth, d = 0.6204 m
Vc = tc' b d = 61.67 KN
Point Mu (k-m) Ru (KN/m2) e (req) e(min) e (max) As (req) As (min) As (max) Ast (mm2)
Point 3 258 1666.244 0.0043 0.0017 0.0400 1006.491 398.551 9377.680 1006.491
Point 4 226 1457.173 0.0037 0.0017 0.0400 865.637 398.551 9377.680 865.637
Point 5 208 1344.155 0.0034 0.0017 0.0400 791.614 398.551 9377.680 791.614
Point 6 191 1231.137 0.0031 0.0017 0.0400 718.972 398.551 9377.680 718.972
Point 7 173 1118.119 0.0028 0.0017 0.0400 647.635 398.551 9377.680 647.635
Point 8 156 1005.101 0.0025 0.0017 0.0400 577.535 398.551 9377.680 577.535
Point9 143 925.857 0.0023 0.0017 0.0400 529.088 398.551 9377.680 529.088
Φ Vc = 61.67 KN
S = Av fyt d / Vs
Max S = min ( d /2 , 0.87Av fyt /0.4 bw, 600, d/4, 300)
Bar No. of Max S
Vu (KN) Status Vs (KN) ouble Av (mm2) S (mm)
Stirrup (mm)
Beam on footing (Left) 165 Shear R/F Needed 103.12 8 Double 201.088 300.000 300
Beam on footing (Right) 313 Shear R/F Needed 251.62 8 Double 201.088 300.000 300.00
Beam without footing 138 Shear R/F Needed 102.209167 8 Double 201.088 300.000 300
Page 56
Combined Footing(B3-D3)
L 3.58 meters
Footing Size Provided
B 1.98 meters
Area Provided A prvd 7.09 meters
x bar 1.203
y bar 0.000
Zx 2.34
Zx 4.23
Nup 93 KNm2
Footing Size OK
Page 57
2 Slab Design
Spacing c/c in mm
Area of Steel across x dir
12# 16# 20#
473 sqmm 239 c/c 425 c/c 664 c/c
Minimum Ast required across x direcion
Vu1 41 KN
ζv 0.105 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Shear Check OK
Page 58
3.58 meters
1.98 meters
450 mm
200 mm
Page 59
Combined Footing(A4-D4)
L 3.63 meters
Footing Size Provided
B 1.98 meters
Area Provided A prvd 7.20 meters
x bar 1.482
y bar 0.000
Zx 2.38
Zx 4.36
Nup 69 KNm2
Footing Size OK
Page 60
2 Slab Design
Spacing c/c in mm
Area of Steel across x dir
12# 16# 20#
473 sqmm 239 c/c 425 c/c 664 c/c
Minimum Ast required across x direcion
Vu1 31 KN
ζv 0.078 MPa
ζc 0.260 MPa
Shear Check OK
Page 61
3.63 meters
1.98 meters
450 mm
200 mm
Page 62
Chapter 2
Column Design Summary
Design parameters:
Concrete Grade: M20
Steel Grade: Fe500
Clear Cover: 40mm
GF 4 4 8 8mm Ø
1 D3,E4,F4 C1 14”X14” FF 4 4 8 100/150
14”X14” SF 4 4 8 mm c/c
GF 8 8 8mm Ø
A4,B3,C2, at
2 C2 14”X14” FF 8 8
E2,E3,F2,F3 100/150
14”X14” SF 8 8 mm c/c
GF 8 8mm Ø
14”X14” 8
3 C3 14”X14” FF 8 8
D4 100/150
14”X14” SF 8 8 mm c/c
Page 63
Design parameters:
Concrete Grade: M20
Steel Grade: Fe500
Clear Cover: 25mm
Concrete Grade:
Grade: Fe500
Cover: 50mm
S.N Column Grid Footing ID Size Depth (mm) Dedge (mm) Dia Spacing Footing Type
1 CF1 F4 m 450 200 12mm 150mm Isolated
2 CF2 F3 m 450 200 12mm 150mm Isolated
D2,D3,E2, 1.95mx1.95
3 E3,E4 F2 m 450 200 12mm 150mm Isolated
4 D2,D3,E2,E3,E4 F1 m 450 200 12mm 150mm Isolated
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&Base reaction Fz
Ductility and strength required to resist major earthquake can be achieved by following
the recommendations made in the standard codes of practice for earthquake resistant
design. After the analysis of the building components, the building is found to be safe
against the loads considered above. All the sections are found to be stressed within the
permissible limits due to axial, shear, flexural and torsional forces produced due to
above forces. The slab and foundations were checked manually. Shear stirrups is
sufficiently provided so that none of the elements are Vulnerable to shear failure and
failure mode will be flexural, which is more ductile. Bearing capacity of the soil is
assumed to be 120 KN/m2. It is strongly recommended to check the bearing capacity
before construction so as to ensure the assumed value is within safe limits. The
structural safety would further depend upon the effectiveness of construction
Page 78
IS: 456 – 2000 Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
IS: 875 (Parts 1-5) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures (second revision) Part 1 – Dead loads Part 2 – Imposed loads
SP: 16 – 1980 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 – 1978
SP: 34 – 1987
Jain, A.K.
Reinforced Concrete, Limit State Design, fifth edition, Nem Chand and Bros, Rookie,
Sinha, S. N.
IS 875 – 1987 Wind Load
Page 79
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Submitted by:
(Engg Council No. civil ‘A’)
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