Safe Design Report
Safe Design Report
Safe Design Report
24 April 2017
footing test.fdb SAFE 2016 v16.0.2 - License #*1YUG537EW2XEGKS
Contents 24 April 2017
Model Definition .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Model geometry ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1. Connectivity ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Model properties ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Material properties ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Section properties .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Support properties ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Model assignments ................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Slab assignments .......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2. Support assignments ..................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Model loading ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1. Load patterns ............................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2. Load cases .................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3. Load combinations....................................................................................................................................... 11
Analysis Results ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
5. Analysis results ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.1. Support results ............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.2. Structure results ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Design ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6. Design summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1. Preferences ................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.2. Overwrites .................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.3. Slab design .................................................................................................................................................. 17
6.4. Beam design ................................................................................................................................................ 23
6.5. Punching check/design ................................................................................................................................ 23
List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Deformed shape .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Finite element model ................................................................................................................................... 15
List of Tables
Table 1: Concrete Slab Design Summary 02 - Span Definition Data ........................................................................... 5
Table 2: Material Properties 03 - Concrete................................................................................................................... 6
Table 3: Material Properties 04 - Rebar ....................................................................................................................... 6
Table 4: Material Properties 05 - Tendon ..................................................................................................................... 6
Table 5: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2 .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2 .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 6: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam ....................................................................................................... 6
Table 7: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data ................................................................................................................. 7
Table 8: Tendon Properties .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Table 9: Column Properties 02 - Rectangular .............................................................................................................. 7
Table 10: Soil Properties .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Table 11: Spring Properties - Point .............................................................................................................................. 7
Table 12: Spring Properties - Line ................................................................................................................................ 8
Table 13: Slab Property Assignments .......................................................................................................................... 9
Table 14: Soil Property Assignments ........................................................................................................................... 9
Table 15: Load Patterns ............................................................................................................................................. 10
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List of Tables 24 April 2017
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Model Definition 24 April 2017
Model Definition
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1. Model geometry 24 April 2017
1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and
element connectivity.
1.1. Connectivity
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2. Model properties 24 April 2017
2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support
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2. Model properties 24 April 2017
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2. Model properties 24 April 2017
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3. Model assignments 24 April 2017
3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.
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4. Model loading 24 April 2017
4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.
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4. Model loading 24 April 2017
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Analysis Results 24 April 2017
Analysis Results
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5. Analysis results 24 April 2017
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .
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5. Analysis results 24 April 2017
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Design 24 April 2017
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.
6.1. Preferences
Table 23: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 01 -
Resistance Factors
GammaStee GammaCon GammaShe
l c ar
No 0.800000 0.500000
6.2. Overwrites
Table 27: Slab Design Overwrites 01 - Strip Based
Table 27: Slab Design Overwrites 01 - Strip Based
Strip Layer DesignType RLLF IgnorePT RebarMat
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
LOAD1 CSA-G30.18Gr400
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Strip SpanID Location FTopCombo FTopMomen FTopArea
kN-m mm2
CSA3 Span 1 Start COMB1 -4.1569 28.591
CSA3 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
CSA3 Span 1 End COMB1 -4.1569 28.591
CSB3 Span 1 Start COMB1 -4.1569 29.952
CSB3 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
CSB3 Span 1 End COMB1 -4.1569 29.952
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Strip SpanID Location FBotCombo FBotMomen FBotArea
kN-m mm2
CSA3 Span 1 Start COMB1 8.8002 60.528
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Strip SpanID Location FBotCombo FBotMomen FBotArea
kN-m mm2
CSA3 Span 1 Middle COMB1 70.3369 483.777
CSA3 Span 1 End COMB1 8.8002 60.528
CSB3 Span 1 Start COMB1 8.8002 63.410
CSB3 Span 1 Middle COMB1 70.3369 506.814
CSB3 Span 1 End COMB1 8.8002 63.410
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Slab Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3
Strip SpanID Location VCombo VForce VArea Status Layer
kN mm2/m
CSA3 Span 1 Start 0.000 0.000 OK A
CSA3 Span 1 Middle COMB1 58.988 0.000 OK A
CSA3 Span 1 End COMB1 58.988 0.000 OK A
CSB3 Span 1 Start 0.000 0.000 OK B
CSB3 Span 1 Middle COMB1 58.988 0.000 OK B
CSB3 Span 1 End COMB1 58.988 0.000 OK B
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
Geometric Properties
Combination = 0
Point Label = 9
Column Shape = Rectangular
Column Location = Edge
Global X-Coordinate = 0 m
Global Y-Coordinate = 0 m
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6. Design summary 24 April 2017
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