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MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR Sanne TECHNICAL DATA (Dual MC1741) Internally Compensated, High Performance Operational Amplifiers ‘The M1747 and MC1747C were designed for use as summing ampilfiers, integrators, or ampiiers with operating characteristics as a function of the external feedback components, The MC1747L and MC1747CL are functionally and electrically equivalent to the wA74? and wA747C respectively © No Frequency Compensation Required © Short Circuit Protection '* Wide Common Mode and Diferential Voltage Ranges © Low-Power Consumption © No Latch Up © Offset Voltage Null Capability Foe Hpbinpetiee ehh vring Amen | Veo Yoo eal pe 12 uct 2-200, ee) 1 100 | VEE“ Terminals not shown are not connected £4 10En “ag | MC1747 | MC1747C | (DUAL MC1741) DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS | SILICON MONOLITHIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Figure 2. Circuit Schematic pe ws te [is res eto ome te ] 4 te D SUFFIX | | PLASTIC PACKAGE : CASE 7510 , (50-14) i Pa surrix PLASTIC PACKAGE . CASE 46 | L surrix CERAMIC PACKAGE | CASE se | | PIN CONNECTIONS ww | invept TSA asa Noninv input [3-1 3 Voc A ometaaa 3 8 outa Vee i] ne onset aso a ova | nov 8 | I veo inp FEF ofmatags | YocA and VecB are not connected internally ORDERING INFORMATION "Temper Device Rar Morar | 8510+ 105°C] [MorrercD | [Morarct | oto 700 [moT7a7ere | Resicoe— MOTOROLA LINEARVINTERFACE ICs DEVICE DATA 2427 MC1747, MC1747C (MAXIMUM RATINGS (7, - +25°C, uniass otherwise noted) Rating Symbol [_weira7 [-weT7a7e [Unt | Power Supply Vatages Voc +22 +18 Vee vee | ian Differential input Signal Voltages (Note 1) Vio — Con Mode Tp Swng Votegs (ow 2 Vion ‘Guia Shor Cut Daraion so | Continous | ‘lage (Meostamon been OFse Nal and VEE) v08 | ‘Operatg Arba Toriprue Range Ta | eo | Vee 1 Sige Temperate Range a Jorckon Terps U ‘Seam Facage ws Paste Pacane io ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voc » +15 V, Vee =~15 V, Ta = «25°C ules otherwise not) wCTrAT WeTTTE Characteristics symbot_ [Wie [Typ [War |Win [yp | unit Tap Bas Ooo Ta ade er ao | soo | — | a | soo | TA= Thigh (Note 3) = x | 500 | — 30 | 200 TA= Tow Note 3) =| s00 | 500] = | a0 | om Tia OFeat Curent To t Ta arse | - | 2» | 2m] - | 2 | x Ta= Thich | = | 70 | 20) = | 70 } 500 } TA= Tow. - 85 500 = HE 70 300 | Taput Offset Curent wane — mivee Tqrase | - | |so] - | w | eo TA Tow to T= Thigh oe Cie! Voie Austen Faroe ss = as a ‘ern irputimpadane (Opon Toon = AOR t arate! not Rosco 1 | 02 | 20 a Ss Paral nut Capartonce a {Pie |a] Pe ele | Common Mode Input Vokage Sang Vien | T v “Tow STA Thigh Lise | se | — [ise | ass ‘Common Mode Rejection (Fig = 10 KD) ‘CMR T cs “Tow? Taz Thigh wm | » || | «© | - Oe 'Not | s0.00 | 200.000 25,000 | 200,000 . Ta = =25° L — |e, _ TA= Tow 0 TA= Thigh (VO =*10V. RL =2.0 KO) 25000 | —- | — | 1s00/"— | — [arson Response (nity Gait T ‘Mine 20 mV BL = 2 OK C= 100) ' BE time wu | - fe oats een Svershot Percentage 7 =|= | 8 |=) 8 Sian Rae Uriy Gan ES ae Ore mm Cuiput impedance 7, = % [| - |} |= Shor Grek Ost Carent [a ‘Channel Separation ~ = vo | — = 120 = 8 aig Volage Swi iow

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