This document provides a scoring rubric for grading work tasks in Field Study 1. It outlines several indicators and criteria for evaluation, including accomplished observation sheet, analysis, reflection, following instructions, and submission of requirements. For each criterion, it describes the standards for meeting excellence, meeting an acceptable standard, approaching the standard, and not meeting the acceptable standards, assigning a corresponding score from 1 to 4.
This document provides a scoring rubric for grading work tasks in Field Study 1. It outlines several indicators and criteria for evaluation, including accomplished observation sheet, analysis, reflection, following instructions, and submission of requirements. For each criterion, it describes the standards for meeting excellence, meeting an acceptable standard, approaching the standard, and not meeting the acceptable standards, assigning a corresponding score from 1 to 4.
This document provides a scoring rubric for grading work tasks in Field Study 1. It outlines several indicators and criteria for evaluation, including accomplished observation sheet, analysis, reflection, following instructions, and submission of requirements. For each criterion, it describes the standards for meeting excellence, meeting an acceptable standard, approaching the standard, and not meeting the acceptable standards, assigning a corresponding score from 1 to 4.
This document provides a scoring rubric for grading work tasks in Field Study 1. It outlines several indicators and criteria for evaluation, including accomplished observation sheet, analysis, reflection, following instructions, and submission of requirements. For each criterion, it describes the standards for meeting excellence, meeting an acceptable standard, approaching the standard, and not meeting the acceptable standards, assigning a corresponding score from 1 to 4.
Meets Standard Meets Acceptable INDICATORS Standard of Acceptable of Excellence Standard Score Excellence Standards CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 One (1) to two (2) All observation Three (3) observation Four (4) observation observation Accomplished questions/tasks were questions/tasks were questions/tasks were questions/tasks were Observation completely not completely not completely not completely Sheet answered/accomplished answered/accomplished answered/accomplished answered/accomplish . . . ed. Four (4) or more All questions were Questions were not All questions were observation questions answered completely; answered completely; answered completely; were not answered answers are with depth answers are not clearly answers are clearly completely; answers are Analysis and are thoroughly connected to theories; connected to theories; not connected to grounded on theories; one (1) to three (3) grammar and spelling theories; more than four grammar and spelling grammatical/spelling are free from error. (4) grammatical/spelling are free from error. errors. errors. Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow; Profound and clear; supported by what shallow; somewhat rarely supported by Reflection supported by what were were observed and supported by what were what were observed and observed and analyzed. analyzed. observed and analyzed. analyzed. One (1) to two (2) Three (3) to Four (4) More than four (4) All instructions in instructions in instructions in instructions in Following accomplishing the accomplishing the accomplishing the accomplishing the Instructions learning episodes were learning episodes learning episodes were learning episodes were followed. were not followed. not followed. not followed. The assigned work The assigned work The assigned work The assigned work Submission of tasks are submitted 3 tasks are submitted on tasks are submitted a tasks are submitted 2 Requirements days or more after the or before the deadline day after the deadline days after the deadline deadline TOTAL SCORE
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