FS2 Ep3 Morales
FS2 Ep3 Morales
FS2 Ep3 Morales
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Understanding AR Concepts, Processes and Models
Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements of the
Based on what I’ve seen in the three elements of Action Research Models all of them
shared elements. Wherein they are sharing the same features that is making them peculiar.
They have a cycle with elements such as observing, reflecting, planning, acting, assessing and
even adjusting. The parts I started earlier are common approach used by action researchers to
collect data. To recapulate it all, action research tests ideas as they are produced, providing real
time feedback on what works and how it works.
Guide Questions
Choose the AR sample Abstract that you submitted in Episode 2.
Analyze the components vis-à -vis only one model out of the 3 presented.
If you choose to compare with Model A-McNiff & Whitehead, 2006, here are the components.
Behavioral Effects of Outdoor Learning on Primary Students
by Makena Cameron and Samantha McGue
Key Components Entry from your Sample AR
OBSERVE The Problem
Learning outdoors can be beneficial to the children's wellbeing
and their successes in the classroom. Teachers are looking to
incorporate outdoor education not only outdoors but bringing
the outdoors inside. Including outdoor education in primary (3-
6 years of age) classrooms may positively affect the children’s
behavior in regard to motivation and concentration. Therefore,
the purpose of this action research will explore how bringing
outdoor education into the curriculum will impact behaviors,
such as motivation and concentration, and the wellbeing of
students in the primary classroom.
REFLECT Reflection
This research focuses on the applicability of outdoor education
and incorporating nature based materials and its effect on
learning. It is truly believed that this outdoor education refers
and deals with the lessons that are given in the outside
environment as well as using materials from what we see in the
nature as assess to easily teach the children. This I think would
really benefit both children and the teachers as well in fostering
curiosity about nature, the interest in the presentation of the
lessons and being able to stand on their own, being independent
engagement while learning.
PLAN Plan of Action
The purpose of this study was to attempt to use outdoor and
nature-based education as a positive influence on students’
behavior. The research design focused on changes in motivation
and concentration measured by observing the students’
behavior before, during and after lessons were given as well as
their own evaluation of the experiences. Therefore, the purpose
of this action research will explore how bringing outdoor
education into the curriculum will impact behaviors, such as
motivation and concentration, and the well-being of students in
the primary classroom.
ACT Implementation
The sample of this action research study consisted of 22
primary aged students between the ages of 3-6 years old.
Students chosen to participate in this study showed signs of
difficulty with concentration and motivation in the classroom.
There were a total of 11 girls and 11 boys chosen for this study
because of their lack of concentration and motivation in the
classroom. This study used indoor and outdoor classroom
observations using Tally along with pre- and post-Attitude
Assessment Scales and Anecdotal Observations with
commentary on each student’s overall behavior. This study was
experimental utilizing outdoor education curriculum
implemented in four different lessons. Some lessons were
conducted outdoors if weather permitted and if the lesson was
conducted indoors it included nature-based materials and
topics. Each lesson involved nature-based and hands on
What have you understood about the concept of Action Research and how ill these be utilized in
your practice?
I came to understand that this paper taught me that there is so much more to
learn; it is essentially a tool that will help me continue on my path to become an
effective and efficient educator who places a high value on growth and advancement.
This is crucial since it contributes significantly to identifying, locating, and assisting the
gaps and shortages in the teaching-learning process. By doing this, I will be able to
recognize and pinpoint issues that arise within the four walls of the classroom,
improving classroom management. We should use action research instead of ignoring it
because it has such a significant and profound impact.
Self-Learning Activity-A
As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing? Why?
Action Research can be useful for every classroom teacher in a way that it is their boat in
sailing the challenging life of managing the classroom. This will be the transportation to
generate and provide a justification and rationale for decisions and action especially with deal
what route to take and pursue. This will be their acting defense and intervention in facing the
waves of challenges that will truly test the stamina and core of the teachers in effectively
managing the room.
Self-Learning Activity-B
Direction: Check from the choices, what answer’s respond to the question correctly and
put an X if otherwise.
1. Action research requires a teacher to be:
___/__ observant of what is happening in the classroom.
___/__ asking oneself of how to improve teaching
___/__ following the daily routine all the time
___/__ finding ways on how children should learn better
___x__ blaming learners for their inability to learn.
2. There are many ways of doing action research which follow a cyclical process.
The process include:
___/__ Observe, Reflect, Plan, Act
___x__ Observe, Plan, Act, Reflect
___x__ Reflect, Act, Plan, Observe
___x__ Plan, Observe, Act, Reflect
___x__ Modify, Observe, Plan, Reflect
Remembering my classroom observations in FS 1, I noticed that there are many
questions that I raised in my mind. These include:
Write Action Research Prompts
a) What are the reasons behind why these students are behaving this way?
b) How can we really attain the full attention of all the students?
c) As a future educator, am I capable of becoming an effective, efficient and
influential teacher?
Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been done to
solve the problem or answer the questions, like:
a) By knowing and understanding the background of the students to be able to at
least manage the disruptive behaviour of the students while the teaching is
b) By generating possible intervention and strategies that can greatly reduce the
behavioural issues of the students to get and attain the attention of the students
to eradicate its main dilemma.
c) By untiringly perpetuate myself by means of never stop learning and seeing
difficult situation with a silver lining believing that every labour comes with a
great success.
Now, that I am in FS 2, I plan to make a plan for my solution to problem (choose from a,
b, c) because
I want to bring quality and work in finding solution on how to effectively create
strategies and intervention in addressing the behavioral adversity allowing the teachers
to expand their horizon in disciplining the students itself. For this is what I believe the
long-time dilemma teachers are dealing and wanting to suppress. That is why it made
me realize to pursue this action research to at least contribute in a certain and simplest
My actions will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching Internship.
I am looking forward that this action research I prompted to formulate that it
will be soon realized and be published in order to fulfill the final requirements of this FS
1 and FS 2. This will leave a remarkable contribution for the betterment of managing the
student-behavioral issues and adversity.
Behavioral Effects of Outdoor Learning on Primary Students
Makena Cameron and Samantha McGue
n forum, giving
speak and ask
ify everything.