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First edition

Prosthetics - Testing of ankle-foot

devices and foot units - Guidance on the
application of the test loading c m d i t i ~ ~ k ' ~ ~
of IS0 22675 and on the design of
appropriate test equipment
Protheses - Essais de m6canismes cheville-pied et unit& de pied
Directives d'application des conditions de force d'essai selon
I'lSO 22675 et de la conception d'bquipement d'essai approprie

TI51 Library

Reference number
ISOrrR 22676:2006(E)
aqljo hIuno3 aq) u! Apoq J w u a w qosl
JO Molaq ssajppe aq) le OSI Jaqga tuo~j6u!lum u! uo!ss!lurad w o q ) ! ~'wl!&o~)ow
pue 6u!Admo)oqd Gu!pnpu! 'le3!uerpaur JO 3!uo~mqa
'sueaw Aue Aq JO UUO~ A U U!
~ paq!qn JO pmnpo~da~ aq Aew uo!)e3!lqnd s!q) jo ped ou 'paynads as!maqto ssafun .pantasad s14& 1 1 ~
.Molaq ua~!6ssaJppeaql )e leuetanas IeJiuW aql uoju! aseald 'punoj s! g 0) 6u!te(a ~ a l q 0 e
~ d i t m a Apglun q
UI 'sa!poq Jaquau OSI r(4 asn ~ oafqqps
j j
s! aly aq) )eql ansua o) uayq uaaq seq ale3 kw-j %u!)uud ~ opaqu#tdo aam s r w u w e d
uo!)ean-jad aq) :a14 aq) 0) arr!telaJ owl lwaua~)a y u! punoj aq ue3 aly j a d s!4) atean o) pasn spnpod ae-05 aql l o sl!e)eg
suratsr(s w o p v ~ o
weurapw e e w o w
s!w u! 4!1!qtn1 ou wJ-8
Jeuqanas 1e~lua3 OSI a u 'h!lod 6u!sua3!1 s,aqopv 6u!6u&u! IOU jo 4!l!q!suodsa aq) u!aaw )dame sawed 'qy slw &r!peolumop
UI '6u!l!pa aw &r!~o)lad~ a l n d u w
au) uo palletsu! pue ot pasuao!l a e pappaqua we w!w sa3e4ad4 aq) p a w aq )ou I I ~
~nq pamaw JO patuud aq Aeu qy s!w ' h l o d Bu!suaq~s,aqopv U)!M a u e p l m e UI .saoejadh pappaqua u ! m w l e u el& dad w u
J="'!=l=s!P dad
Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ vi
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... ..

1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Guidance on the specification of the test loading conditions of IS0 22675 .................................. 1
2.1 General............................................................................................................................................1
2.2 Directions of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading .............................
2.2.1 Basic relationships and conditions .................................................................................................... 1
2.2.2 Lines of action of the resultant reference forces FRi and FR2 .........................................................
2.2.3 Position of the top load application point PT..................................................................................... 3
'e 2.3
Magnitudes of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading
Reference test loading conditions of static and cyclic tests
........................... 6
........................................................ 7
2.4.1 Static tests ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.4.2 Cyclic test .............................................................................................................................................. 8
3 Guidance on the design of appropriate test equipment for the application of IS0 22675 20 ..........
3.1 Background statement................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 Basic design for test equipment ..................................................................................................20
3.3 Design variants for load application ................................................................................................. 24
3.3.1 General............................................................................................................................................ 24
3.3.2 Design variant A.................................................................................................................................. 24
3.3.3 Design variant B................................................................................................................................ 24
3.3.4 Main differences between design variants A and 6 ........................................................................25
3.4 Examples of crank gear designs ......................................................................................................
3.4.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................
3.4.2 Asymmetrical (60:40) crank gear ......................................................................................................
3.4.3 Symmetrical (5050) crank gear ......................................................................................................
3.5 Effect of deviations of the tilting angle I.([) from the specified profile (curve), addressed
i n 3.4, on the test loading conditions of IS0 22675 .........................................................................
3.6 Effect of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform on the elevation E and
the A-P displacement Af of the test sample at the foot ................................................................ 35
3.6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................
3.6.2 Position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform ......................................................................36
3.6.3 Values of elevation E..................................................................................................................... 36
3.6.4 Values of A-P displacement Af ......................................................................................................... 37
3.6.5 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 39
3.7 Effect of the elevation E and A-P displacement Af of the test sample, caused by the tilting
of the foot platform, on the test loading conditions of IS0 22675................................................. 43
3.8 Transposition of the top load application point PT for compensation of the dependence of
the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform on the foot length L .................................
3.8.1 General .............................................................................................................................................
3.8.2 Possibilities of transposing the top load application point PT.....................................................49
3.8.3 Practicality...........................................................................................................................................
3.9 Effect of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform on the tilting moment and
the driving torque ............................................................................................................................... 53
3.10 Alternative design of foot platform ................................................................................................... 58
Annex A (informative) Information on IS0 22675 ..........................................................................................61
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................... 62

O !SO 2006 .All rights reserved

Figure 1 -lllustration of different components of loading ....................................................................... 10
Figure 2 -
Profiles (curves) of force components and tilting angle for test loading level P5,
based on gait analysis data representative of normal level walking .............................................11
Figure 3 -
PIofiles (curves) of force components and angles for test loading level P5,
establishing the basis from which to specify the test loading conditions of IS0 22675 .............12
Figure 4 -lllustration of different test loading conditions for test loading level P5............................... 13
Figure 5 - lllustration of different test loading conditions for test loading levels P5, P4 and P3.......... 15
Figure 6 -
lllustration of the dependence of the position of the top load application point PT on
the foot length L (see 2.2.3) ............................................................................................................17
Figure 7 -
lllustration of the progression of the line of action of the resultant force I;R from heel
contact to toe-off in 30 ms time increments for related values of angle a shown in
Figure 3 ........................................................................................................................................19
Figure 8 - Diagrammatic view of test equipment with test sample........................................................... 22
Figure 9 -
Parameters of a crank gear capable of driving the foot platfonn of the test equipment
to generate the profile (curve) )(r) ................................................................................................ 23
Figure 10 Asymmetrical (60:40) crank gear according to 3.4.2 -Tilting range - 20" (heel
contact) to + 40" (toeoff) ............................................. .................................................................27
Figure 1I- Symmetrical (5050) crank gear according to 3.4.3 -Tilting range - 20" (heel
contact) via + 40" (toe-off) to + 50" .............................................................................................. 28
Figure 12 -Tilting characteristics of asymmetrical (60:40) crank gear according to 3.4.2 and
Figure 10 and symmetrical (5050) crank gear according to 3.4.3 and Figure 11 ........................ 29
Figure 13 Profiles (curves) of angles a, fl and yas specified and as produced by crank
gear 60:40 ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Fig& 14 - lllustration of angular deviations produced by crank gear 60:40 ......................................... 32
Figure 15 Profiles (curves) of force components Fp and FT, as specified and as produced by
crank gear 60:40 .................................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 16 - Illustration of force deviations produced by crank gear 60:40 ............................................. 34
Figure 17 - lllustration of distortion of time base of test-forceF produced by crank gear 60:40 ..........35
Figure 18 - Effect of f-position of tilting axis TA of foot platform on the elevation E of the foot at
the instants of heel contact and toe-off .......................................................................................... 40
Figure 19 Effect of u-position of tilting axis TA of foot platform on the Alp displacement Af of
................................................................................................... 41
the foot at the instant of toe-off
Figure 20 - Values of elevation E and A-P displacement Af at specific positions of tilting axis TA ......42
Figure 21 lllustration of the effect of A-P displacement Af on the angular movement A p of the
test sample about the "internal" top load application point PT in an arrangement
according to 3.3.2 ...........................................................................................................................46
Figure 22 - lllustration of the effect of A-P displacement A f on the angular movement Arpof the
test sample about the "external" top load application point PTEin an arrangement
according to 3.3.3 ...............................................................................................................................
Figure 23 - lllustration of possibilities of transposing the top load application point PT for
compensating the dependence of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform on
the foot length L ..................................................................................................................................
Figure 24 - lllustration of the effect of a fixed compromise offset UTA, of the tilting axis TA of
the foot platform on the A-P displacement Afat the foot for different foot lengths 1,
[see 3.8.2 c) 2)] ................................................................................................................................... 52

O I S 0 7006 - A l l rights reserved

~g""""'w!m weap a e sural! papalas ya!ym u! 'uodau lea!uqaal s!yj 40 slasnela 6u!puodsauoa
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........................................................... a~
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IS0 (the lnternational Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing lnternational Standards is normally carried out through I S 0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the
lnternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

lnternational Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISOIIEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare lnternational Standards. Draft lnternational Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. PublicatirSn as an
lnternational Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

In exceptional circumstances, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that
which is normally published as an lnternational Standard ('state of the artn, for example), it may d W e by a
simple majority vote of its participating members to publish a Technical Report. A Technical Report is entirely
informative in nature and does not have to be reviewed until the data it provides are considered to be no
longer valid or useful.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. I S 0 shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISOnR 22676 was prepared by Technical Committee lSO/TC 168, Prosthetics and orthotics.

C I S 0 2006 - All rights reserved


This Technical Report is exclusively intended for use in connection with IS0 22675.

This Technical Report offers information that is closely related to the above International Standard but is not
necessarily required for its application.

In order to confine the volume of IS0 22675 to the necessary, information with guidance character has been
separated from it and compiled in this Technical Report.

O IS0 2006 - All rights reserveti vii


Prosthetics - Testing of ankle-foot devices and foot units -

Guidance on the application of the test loading conditions of
I S 0 22675 and on the design of appropriate test equipment

1 Scope
This Technical Report offers guidance on:

a) the specification of the test loading conditions of IS0 22675;

t b) the design of appropriate test equipment.

The analytical work related to these items would have expanded the length of IS0 22675 without being
directly required for its application. Most of the text of this Technical Report relates to the theoretical and
technical background and the design of the equipment.

2 Guidance on the specification of the test loading conditions of I S 0 22675

2.1 General
Although the concept of the tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units of IS0 22675 differs from that of the
corresponding tests of IS0 10328, the relevant values of loads and dimensions are adopted where possible.
Nevertheless, a few adaptations are unavoidable.

In order to confine the volume of IS0 22675 to the necessary, these and other matters relevant to the
specification of the test loading conditions and test loading levels of IS0 22675 are dealt with in detail in this
Technical Report.

1 2.2 Directions of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading
NOTE For the meaning of "reference" see also statements under "IMPORTANT" at the end of 2.4.1 and 2.4.2.

2.2.1 Basic relationships and conditions

The specification of the directions of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading is based
on the relationships of a) and the conditions of b) and c) below.

a) According to Figure 1, for any instant of the loading period shown in Figure 2 there is a given relationship
between the test force F and the forces at the foot platform, comprising the tangential (A-P) force
component FT, the perpendicular force component Fp and their resultant FR. This relationship is
determined by the angles a, pand y.

The following Equations apply:

f l = arctan (Iq+ll",,)
b) The values of the tilting angles yl and y2 of the foot platform for static and maximum cyclic heel and
forefoot reference loading are consistent with those specified in IS0 10328 for the separate structural
tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units. These values are y, = - 15" for heel loading and y2 = 20" for
forefoot loading (see Table 10, Figure 7 and 17.2 of IS0 10328:2006 and Table 8 of IS0 22675:2006).

c) The ratio FdFp of the values of the tangential and perpendicular force components at the foot platform
according to Figures 1 and 2 for static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading at the
tilting angles according to b) is roughly k 0,15.

NOTE The ratio addressed in c) is based on gait analysis data rep~sentative

of normal level walking.

2.2.2 Lines of action of the resultant reference forces FR1

and FR2

The relationships of 2.2.1 a) and the conditions of 2.2.1 b) and c) allow the inclination of the lines of action of
the resultant reference forces FRl and Fw of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading to
be specified as follows:

- from Equation (2) and the condition according to 2.2.1 c) P = arctan (FTIFP) = arctan (k 0,15) = + 8,5";
- from Equation (1) and the conditions according to 2.2.1 b) a, = yl - Dl = - 15" + 8,5" = - 6,5" and
a2= a - & = 2 0 ° - 8 , 5 " = 11,5".

The inclinations of the load lines of test loading conditions I and II of the principal structural tests of IS0 10328
do not correspond to these values, as the following calculation demonstrates. The inclination of their
projection on thef-u-plane is defined by Equation (3).

The specific values of al, calculated with thef and u-coordinates specified for test loading level P5 (see
Tables 5 and 6 of IS0 10328:2006) are al = - 11,31° and all = 6,52". Together with the values 9,, = - 3,6g0
and 4, = 13,48" calculated using Equation (1) and the values of y according to 2.2.1 b) they determine the
ratio of horizontal and vertical ground reaction force as

giving the values (FTIFP)1= - 0,064 and (FTIFP3,, = 0,24, which differ considerably from the ratio according to
2.2.1 c).

In order to approach the conditions illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, the inclination of the lines of action of the
resultant reference forces FR1and Fw of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading
according to IS0 22675 need to be determined by values of the angles al and a2 close to those calculated in
the above.

This has been taken into account when establishing the full set of parameters required to specify the. test
loading conditions of the tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units of IS0 22675.

Figure 3 illustrates the profiles (curves) of the forces Fp, FT, FRand F as well as the profiles (curves) of the
angles a, pand yas a function of stance phase time.

Apparently, the values of the angles a and P for static heel reference loading or maximum cyclic heel
reference loading at 150 ms after heel contact (al = - 6,18"; 4 = - 8,82") and for static forefoot reference
loading or maximum cyclic forefoot reference loading at 450 ms after heel contact (a2 = 11,14O; & = 8-86")
are close to the values of the angles a,, a, and P calculated in the above (al = - 6,5"; a2 = 11,5" and
p= & 8,5").

O I S 0 2006 -All rights resewed

Based on these values, the directions of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading
according to I S 0 22675 can be specified in part as follows:

- The direction of static and maximum cyclic heel reference loading is defined as a straight line inclined to
the u-axis by al = - 6,18".

- The direction of static and maximum cyclic forefoot reference loading is defined as a straight line inclined
to the u-axis by a2= 11,14".

NOTE The angles al and 9 only determine the inclination to the u-axis of the lines of action of the resultant
reference forces FRl and FAZof static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading according to IS0 22675. In
order to also determine their position, further parameters need to be specified, as for example the coordinates of specific
reference points, through which they pass, as follows.

The different test loading conditions applicable to or particularly developed for ankle-foot devices and foot
units, specified in IS0 10328 and IS0 22675, are illustrated in Figure 4 for test loading level P5. This figure

1) the test loading conditions I and II of the principal structural tests of IS0 10328 (their projection on

2) the loading conditions of the separate structural tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units of
IS0 10328;

3) the directions of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading of the tests on ankle-
foot devices and foot units of IS0 22675.

The directions of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading according to IS0 22675 are
specified in Cartesian coordinates as in test loading conditions I and II of the principal structural tests of
IS0 10328.

For consistency at test loading level P5, the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FR1 and FR2 of
static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading according to IS0 22675 have the same
fA-offsets as in test loading conditions I and I1of IS0 10328 (see Figure 4).

W i h the values of the fA-offsets at test loading level P5 specified in Table 7 of IS0 10328:2006 the above
requirement allows the complete specification of the directions of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot
reference loading according to IS0 22675 at test loadinq level P5 as follows:

- the direction of static and maximum cyclic heel reference loading at test loading level P5 is defined as a
straight line which passes the ankle level at fAl = fAl = - 32 mm and is inclined to the u-axis by
al =-6,18";

- the direction of static and maximum cyclic forefoot reference loading at test loading level P5 is defined as
a straight line which passes the ankle level at fA2 = fAll = 120 mm and is inclined to the u-axis by
a2= 11,14".

2.2.3 Position of the top load application point PT

NOTE 1 The following is in accordance with Clause 6 and Figure 1 of I S 0 226752006,

For the tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units of IS0 22675, the top load application point PT is the point of
intersection Pi of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FR1 and FR2of static and maximum cyclic
heel and forefoot reference loading specified in 2.2.2.

O IS0 2CC6 - All riohtc. reserved

The coordinates fT and u~ of the top load application point PT are calculated by determining at first the
functions u,V) and u2V) of these lines of action from Equation (5)

uy) =f x tan (90 - a) + u, (5)

and then determining their point of intersection Pi by putting ulV) = u2V).

This method provides the following results:

- the functions of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FRl and FR2 are
ulMP5 = 9,24 x f + 375,53 and u2flp5 = - 5,08 x f + 689.39;

- their point of intersection is located at Pi, P5 V;, P5 = 22; ui, P5 = 578).

The method for determining the functions rr1V) and u2V) of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces
FR, and FR2 and their point of intersection Pi relates to test loading level P5. To apply this method to test
loading levels P4 and P3, adaptations concerning the specific fA-offsets are necessary, as described in the

According to 10.1.2. Iof IS0 10328:2006, "For the principal structuraltests on samples of prosthetic structures
including an ankle-foot device or a foot unit [...I, the size of the foot selected shall allow the application of load
in accordance with the combined bottom offset SB specified for the test. .."

NOTE 2 The combined bottom offset SBIldetermines the distance from the u-axis of the bottom load application point
Ps,, on the forefoot.

The selection of the correct size of foot providing the correct distance from the u-axis of the bottom load
application point PBll on the forefoot determines also the correct distance from the u-axis of the bottom load
application point PBI on the heel.

Assuming standard proportions for different sizes of feet, the values of SBI1 and SBl should show a similar
scaling. According to the dimensions specified in Table 8 of IS0 10328:2006, this is, however, not the case.
While the values of SBll decrease from test loading level P5 to test loading level P3, as to be expected, the
corresponding values of SBl have the opposite trend. (Hence, for test loading levels P4 and P3, the bottom
load application point PBI of test loading condition I is likely to be located outside the heel portion of an ankle-
foot device or foot unit of the size that provides the correct combined bottom offset SBll of the load application
point Pall on the forefoot.)

The same applies, in principle, to the values of the offsetsfBll; fBl andfAll; fAl.

For the determination of the reference test loading conditions for static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot
reference loading according to IS0 22675 adapted values of fA- and fB-offsets, identified by suffixes "1" and
'2', can be established by the following conditions, which take account of the configurations described in 2.2.2
and illustrated in Figure 4.

NOTE 3 The offsets fAl and fAII of test loading level P5 and the offset fAll of test loading levels P4/P3 of
I S 0 10328:2006 have been adopted as fA, and& of P5 andfA, of P4/P3 without adaptation of their values.

O IS0 2003 - All rights reserved

using Equation (6) fBl, P5 = (- 32 - 22)1(578 - 80) x (578 - 0) + 22 = - 41 and

fBZ p5 = (120 - 22)1(578 - 80) X (578 - 0) + 22 = 136.

using Equation (7) fA,. p4p3 = - 321120 x 115 = - 31.

using Equation (8) fB,l P4p3/f82, P41P3 = - 411136 = - 0,3 or

using Equation (9) fs2, P4p3 -fB1, P4,P3 = (136 + 41)1(120 + 32) x (115 + 31) = 170 or

fB2, p 4 p 3 = 17011,3 = 131 and

Since it is desired that for static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading the ratio FT:Fpof the
values of the tangential and perpendicularforce components (see 2.2.1) is the same for all test loadtng levels,
the inclinations of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FR, and FR2,determined by the angles
a, = - 6,18" and a2= 11,14O (see 2.2.2) also need to be the same for all test loading levels.

The point of intersection Pi,-P4lP3 of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FRl and FR2 for the
specificfA-offsets related to test loading levels P4 and P3 illustrated in Figure 5 in the style applied to Figure 4
can, therefore, be calculated in the manner described in the above for test load~nglevel P5, using the
functions determined by application of Equation (5), modified by a coordinate transformation that regards
parallel shifting determined by the differences

The resulting coordinates of the point of intersection Pi, P4p3 are

The different positions of the point of intersection Pi of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FR1
and FR2determined in the above are dependent on the size of foot determined by the foot length L rather than
on the test loading level. This can be shown as follows.

I Assuming again, standard proportions for different sizes of feet, the values of fA2, .iAl
expected to show a scaling that is proportional to the size of foot.
or VA2+fAl) can be

the same position of Pi, P41P3 as calculated in the above.

Indeed, the scaling of thef and u-coordinates of Pi, by the quotientfm, p41p31f, P5 = 1151120 gives exactly

For test loading level P5 test loading condition II the most appropriate size of foot meeting the condition of of I S 0 10328:2006 quoted in the above is size 26 (foot length L = 26 cm).

Consequently, the most appropriate size of foot meeting this condition for test loading levels P4 and P3 shall
be size 26 scaled by either of the quotients

. .
, which give identical values (0,96) ind~catingsize 25 (foot length 1, = 25 cm).

@ IS0 2006 - All rights resewed

In this relation it is important to realize that straight lines drawn from the points of intersection Pi, P5 or Pi P41P3
to the points on the f-axis at fBl P5 and fB2, P5 or f g l , p41p3 and fB2, P41P3 determine reference triangles of
identical proportions (see Figure 5).

Since the ratio of feffsetslfoot length L is identical for both sizes of foot, triangles determined by straight lines
drawn from the points of intersection Pi, P5 or Pi, p41P3 to the points on thef-axis determined by the posterior
heel edge and the point of foot of the reference feet of sizes 26 (foot length L = 26 cm) and 25 (foot
length L = 25 cm) will also have identical proportions (see Figure 6).

The dependence of the position of the point of intersection Pi of the lines of action of the resultant reference
forces FR1 and FR? on the foot length L described in the above has been established in the concept of the
tests of I S 0 22675 n the following manner.

- The point of intersection Pi of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FR1and FR2 of static
and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading is referred to as top load application point PT. If
appropriate, the dependence of the position of the top load application point PTV;, uT) on the foot length 1.
is indicated by the additional suffix 'L' in the form PT, Lfi, L, UT, L). If appropriate, general suffix 'l'is
replaced by specific values.

- The f- and 11-coordinates determining the position of the top load application point PT are specified in
Table 8 of IS0 226752006 for a wide range of foot lengths L. In addition, that table includes the
Equations that determine these coordinates for any other foot length.

- As is illustrated in Figure 6, the proportion of the reference triangle described in the above uniformly
applies to all sizes of foot, independent of the test loading level. In principle, this allows ankle-foot devices
and foot units of any size of foot to be tested at any of the test loading levels specified.

For feet of different lengths L, positioned within the coordinate system as illustrated in Figure 6, the related top
load application points PT, are located on a straight line directed to the origin of the coordinate system. The
distance DpT between load application points PT, relating to two successive values of foot length L has a
fixed value determined by the Equation

which gives a value of DpT = 22,2.

2.3 Magnitudes of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading

The specification of the magnitudes of static and maximum cyclic heel and forefoot reference loading is based
on the following general condition.

The specific values FRlxand Fm of the resultant reference forces FRl and FR2,(see Figure 1) are consistent
with the corresponding values Flx and F2, of the test forces Fl and F2 specified In IS0 10328 for the separate
tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units (see Tables 12 and D.3 of IS0 10328:2006). The specific values
FRlxand Fm of the resultant reference forces FR1and FR2are listed in Table 1.

The specific values FlXand Fa of the test forces F1 and F2 related to the specific values FRlxand FRa of the
resultant reference forces FR1and FR2(see Figure 1) are determined by the following Equation, derived from
the relationship described in 2.2.1 a):

The specific values FIX and Fa. of the test forces Fl and F2 calculated using Equation (11) for a, = - 6,18"
and a, = 11,14" (see 2.2.2) are l~stedin Tables 10 and C.2 of IS0 226752006.
ISO/TR 22676:2006(E)

Table 1 -Magnitudes of resultant reference forces FRtxand F~~~

Resultant force Related test forces F,, and F;, of the separate tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units
F ~F ~ ~2 r ~ * specified in IS0 10328 (see Tables 12 and D.3 of IS0 10328:2006)
Symbol Numerical values for heel and forefoot loading F,, and FZr
at test loading level P,,
P6 P5 P4 P3
Heel Forefoot Heel Forefoot Heel Forefoot Heel Forefoot
F ~ l ~ . Fl SP. 2 800 - - 2 065 - 1610

FwsP F2sp
- 2 800 -
240 2 240 - 2 065 - 1 610
F ~I- ~
M.~ ,
Fisu, lower level. 4 200 - 3 360 - 3 098 - 2415 -
F ~ s u lower
. M. F2su. lower l e d
- 4 200 - 3 360 - 3 098 - 2 415
F ~ l s uupper
. kvel. Flsu. upper levd. 5 600 4 480 - 4 130 - 3 220 -
F-. uppar~ upper tevel
- 5 600 - 4 480 - 4 130 - 3 220
F~lanax, F~a. 1 600 - 1 280 - 1 180 920 -
F~2cmax F2cr
- 1600 - 1 280 - 1180 - 920
2 800 - 2 240 1 - 2 065 - 1 610 -
F~lfin. Fifin.

,Fmn F2fin
- 2 800 - 2 240 - 2 065 - 1610

2.4 Reference test loading conditions of static and cyclic tests

2.4.1 Static tests

According to the statements of 2.2 and 2.3, the reference test loading conditions for static (and maximum
cyclic; see NOTE) heel and forefoot loading according to IS0 22675 are determined by the parameters listed
in a) to d). (For the meaning of "reference" see IMPORTANT.)

a) The position of the top load application point PT, determined by the coordinatesfT and zrT relevant to the
foot length L of the test sample (see 2.2.3); these are specified as offsets-fT, and uT, in Table 8 of
I S 0 22675.

b) The direction of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces FR1 and FR2,determined by the
coordinates of the top load application point PT [see a)] and their inclinations to the u-axis, determined by
the angles a, = - 6,18" and a2 = 11,14" (see 2.2.2).

c) The magnitudes of the resultant reference forces FR1and FR2,specified in Table 1, and the related test
forces F, and F2 to be applied in the top load application point PT [see a)] as illustrated in Figure 1.
determined by Equation (1 1) for a, = - 6,18" and a2 = 11,14O. These are specified in Table 10 of
I S 0 22675:2006.

d) The tilting angles yl = - 15" and y2 = 20" of the foot platform for static (and maximum cyclic; see NOTE)
heel and forefoot loading. These are specified in Table 9 of IS0 226752006,

IMPORTANT - The inclinations of the lines of action of the resultant reference forces f R 1 and /;k2 to the
u-axis addressed in b) are only relevant to the reference test loading conditions of the static (and cyclic; see
NOTE) tests, since the concept of the tests of IS0 22675 allows each sample of ankle-foot device or foot unit
to develop its individual performance under load corresponding to its individual design.

O IS0 2006 -All rights resenred

This will automatically determine the individual position of the bottom load application point PBl on the heel or
Peon the forefoot of the test sample (and with it the individual inclination of the load line) relating to the tilting
pos~tionof the foot platform at yi or y2 [see d)] and the individual magnitude of the resultant reference
force FR1Or FR2.

For this reason the configuration of the test set-up for the preparation of test loading [see 16.1.1 a) of
I S 0 22675:2006] is determined only by the position of the top load application point PT relevant to the foot
length L of the test sample according to a) and the tilting angles y, and y2 of the foot platform according to d).

NOTE References (in parentheses) to the cyclic tests take into account that the linear and angular dimensions
determining the reference test loading conditions for static heel and forefoot loading are identical to those for determining
the referencetest loading conditions for maximum cyclic heel and forefoot loading [see 2.4.2 a)].

2.4.2 Cyclic test

According to the statements of 2.2 and 2.3, the reference test loading conditions for cyclic loading according
to IS0 22675 are determined by the parameters listed in a) and b). [For the meaning of 'reference" in a)
see IMPORTANT of 2.4.1 and for the meaning of 'reference" in b) see IMPORTANT of this subclause.]

a) The reference test loading conditions for maximum cyclic heel and forefoot loading are determined by the
same linear and angular dimensions as the reference test loading conditions for static heel and forefoot
loading (see 2.4.1).

b) The reference test loading conditions for repeated foot loading proqressinq from heel contact to toe-off
are determined by the parameters listed in 1) to 4).

1) The position of the top load application point PT [see 2.4.1 a)].

2) The progression of the resultant force FR, characterized by the sequence of the instantaneous
directions of its line of action, which are determined by the coordinates of the top load application
point PT [see 2.4.1 a)] and the inclinations of the line of action to the u-axis at the related
instantaneous values of angle a (see Figures 1 and 3).

Figure 7 illustrates the progression of the line of action of the resultant force FRfrom heel contact to
toe-off in 30 ms time increments for related values of angle a shown in Figure 3.

3) The profile (curve) of the pulsating test force Fc,to be applied in the top lead application point PT
[see 2.4.1 a)] as illustrated in Figure 1 as a function of time Fc(t) as illustrated in Figure 3 and in
Figure 6 of I S 0 22675 or as a function of tilting angle of the foot platform Fc(y3 as illustrated in Figure
7 of I S 0 22675. The instantaneous values of Fc are determined by Equation (11) for the related
instantaneous values of the resultant force FRand the angle a (see Figures 1 and 3).

The description and specification of the profile of the test force Fc(r) or Fc(y3 is primarily based on the
,1 (1st maximum of loading profile), FVin (intermediate minimum of loading profile) and
FZmax (2nd maximum of loading profile), specified In Table 10 of IS0 22675.

Further guidance on the description and specification of the profile of the test force F is given in
Figure 3 and Tables 11 and 12 and also by Equation (2) of of IS0 22675.

4) The profile (curve) of the tilting angle y(t) of the foot platform, determining its periodical oscillation
within the range of - 20" ,< y G 40" specified for the period between the instants of heel contact and
toe-off (see Figure 3).

The description and specification of the profile of the tilting angle y ( r ) of the foot platform is primarily
based on the values yl = - 15" (instant of 1st maximum F, of loading profile), y~~~~~ = 0" (instant
of intermediate minimum , ,F of loading profile) and y2 = 20" (instant of 2nd maximum F2maxof
loading profile), specified in Table 9 of IS0 22675:2006.

Further guidance on the description and specification of the profile of the tilting angle A() is given in
Table 12 and also by Equation (1) of of IS0 22675:2006.

O IS0 2006 - P.!I rights reserved

IMPORTANT - The progression of the lines of action of the resultant force FR addressed in,b) 2) is only
relevant to the reference test loading conditions for the cyclic test, since the concept of the tests of IS0 22675
allows each sample of ankle-foot device or foot unit to develop its individual performance under load
corresponding to its individual design.

This will automatically determine the individual position of the bottom load application point PB on the foot of
the test sample relating to the specific value of tilting angle At,) of the foot platform and the individual
inclination and magnitude of the resultant force FR.

For this reason the configuration of the test set-up for the preparation of test loading [see@6.1.1b) of
IS0 226751 is determined only by the position of the top load application point PT relevant to the$oot length L
of the test sample according to b) 1) and an appropriate initial tilting position of the foot platform. @ccording to
16.1.1 b) 3) of IS0 22675:2006 an appropriate initial tilting position of the foot platform is determined by the
temporary tilting angle y = 0° relevant to the instant of the intermediate minimum Fmi, of the loading profile ]

O IS0 2006 -All rights reserved

1 foot platform j; u axes of wordinate system
PT top load application point F test force
FR resultant force y tilting angle of foot platform
F, force component perpendicular to foot platform
FT force component tangential to foot platform
F,, force component transverse to line of application of test force F
a angle of indination to u-axis of line of action of resultant force FR
p angle between resultant force FR and force component Fp determining ratio FTIFp

Figure 1 - Illustration o f different components o f loading

0 IS0 2006 - All rights reserved

qep s!sAleue ~ e uo
6u!ylem lanai l e u o u 40 a~!$e)uasaldal 6 paseq
' ~ lanai
d 6u!peol p a l lo) aZ6ue 6 u ~ 1 !pue
$ quauodluo:, aao) 40 (sa~n:,)salyold - z an6!j
(.aseqd 6uws a w 08 spuodsar~ooa p h 6 u ! y l e ~aqt 40 sw oop 40 awl8 Gu!u!ewa~a q l ) .uo!yeJnppumas c 40 apk
6u!ylew (m!dA) e 40 am!) aseqd a u e t s a6wahe aq) o) spuodsauo:, sw 009 40 po!Jad Gu!peol a u 3 1 0 ~
oz- OOP
002 C
00P L
NOTE The loading period of 600 ms corresponds to the average stance phase time of a typical walking
cycle of 1 second duration. (The remaining time of 400 ms of the walking cycle corresponds to the swing phase.)

1 force component Fp perpendicular to foot platform 5 tilting angle yof foot platform
2 force component FT tangential to foot platform 6 angle a between resultant force FR and u-axis
3 resultant force FR 7 angle p between resultant force FR and force
4 test force F component Fp
X loading time in milliseconds
Y1 forces in newtons
Y2 angles in degrees

Figure 3 - Profiles (curves) of force components and angles for test loading level P5,
establishing the basis from which tospecify the test loading conditions of IS0 22675

O IS0 2006 - All rights reserved


See page 14 for the key to this figure.

Figure 4 - Illustration of different test loading conditions for test loading level P5

- All rights reserved

Key to Figure 4

.L axes of coordinate system

C, effective knee joint centre
CA effective ankle joint centre
L foot length
1, I1 directions of test loading conditions I (heel loading) and II (forefoot loading) of principal tests of IS0 10328
A. B directions of heel (A) and forefoot (B) loading of separate tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units of IS0 10328
1, 2 directions of static and maximum cydic heel ( I ) and forefoot (2) loading of IS0 226752006
P,, ,,, point of intersection of lines of application of test loading conditions I and IIof principal tests of IS0 10328
'i. NB point of intersection of lines of application of heel (A) and forefoot (8) loading of separate tests orr"ankle-foot
devices and foot units of IS0 10328:2006
Pi ,, point of intersection of lines of action of static and maximum cyclic heel (1) and forefoot (2) ,-ding
IS0 226752006

P, knee load reference points of test loading conditions I and II of principal tests of IS0 10328
PA,, ankle load reference points of test loading conditions I and II of principal tests of IS0 10328
PA,, ankle load reference points of static and maximum cyclic heel (1) and forefoot (2) loading of IS0 2267!5:2006
PBvell bottom load application points of test loading conditions I and IIof principal tests of IS0 10328
PBAIBB bottom load application points of heel (A) and forefoot (B) loading of separate tests on ankle-foot devices and
foot units of IS0 10328:2006
PB,l bottom load application points of static and maximum cydic heel ( I ) and forefoot (2) loading of IS0 226752005

O IS0 2006 -All rigttts reserved

~ d pue pd ' ~ d
slanal 6u!peol pas 104 suo!)!puo~6u!peol ass) )uaraU!p l o uo!$wjsnl(l- s a1n6!j
.a~n6ys!q) o) Aay aq) J O 9
~ 1 a6ed aaS
xuns ot 6u1plme~ d l p d pue sd slaAal 6u!peol $sat
JOJ ~ Z Z40 )I(
~ O O Z : S LOSI 6u!peo( too)aJo) 3!pr(:, wnw!xew pue 3!tets 40 stu!od uo!tm!ldde peal wouoq Id'SdPd
xuns ot 6u!plme ~ d j p d
pue sd slahal 6uipeol
Isat JO) 900z:s~gzzOSI 40 (1) 6u!peo( laaq apK3 unu!xeu pue ateis 40 sp!od uo!tm!ldde peol uouoq 'Sd 'lad
xuns ot ~ U ! P J O ZE~ ~ I P pue slanal 6u!peo1tsat JOJ BZEOCOSI 40 svun
too4 pue s=!Aap poi-alyue uo stsat ate~edas40 ( Q ) 6u!peol toojaJo4 40 stu!od uo!tm!ldde peol wouoq 'e8d
xY4ns Ot 6u!vo33e Edltd Pug Ed SlaAal 6u!Peol Isat Jo4 BZEOL OSI
40 svun too4 pue s=!Aap too)-alyue uo stsat ateledas 40 (v) 6u!peol laaq 40 s t u ~ uo!tm!ldde peol wouoq 'Sd 'ved
xuns oj 6u!pJome c d l ~ d pue ~d slaAal
6u!peol tsat JOJ 8 ~ ~ OSI
0 140 stsat ledpuud 40 11 uo!t!pum 6u!peo1isat 40 s)u!od uo!tm!ldde peol w o ~ o q Ednd 'Sd 'lad
xuns ot 6u!plome cd pue vd ' ~ slahal
6u!peol pat JO) 8 ~ ~ OSI
0 140 spat ledpu!~d40 I uo!t!pum 6u!peol tsat 40 s)u!od uo!tm!ldde peol w o ~ o q Ed 'td 'Sd 'lad
xuns 03 6u!pome ~ d l p d pue sd slahal6u!peol
Isat JO)
E L ~ Z ZOSI 40 (z) 6utpeol tooja~o)q p k urnu!xeu pue 39ep 40 s~u!odauaJa4aJ peol qyue E&d'Sd'md
xNns ot 6u!plome ~ d l v pue
d sd slaAal
6u!peol )sat lo) S L ~ Z ZOSI 40 (1) 6u!peol laaq 3!pr(3 wnu!xeu pue qtets 40 s)u!od auaJa4aJ peol alyue Ednd 'lVd
xuns ot 6u!plme ~ d l p pue
d sd slaAal
6u!peol )sat JOJ BZEOL OSI 40 stsat ledpuud 40 11 uo!t!pucx, 6u!peol $sat 40 qu!od WuaJqaJ peol qyue 'sd 'lIvd
xuns ot 6u!plme ~d pue pd 'sd slaha(
Ed 'sd 'Ivd
6u!peol p a l JO) BZEOCOSI 40 spat ledpuud 40 I uo!t!pucx, 6u!peol sat 40 qu!od auaJa)a peol qyue
xuns ot 6u!prme ~ d l v d
pue sd slaAal
6u!peol tsat JOJ BZEOCOSI 40 stsat ledpuud 40 11 uo!gpum 6u!peol tsaj 40 stu!od auaa4aJ peol aauy Ed/td'Sd'llxd
x#ns 01 6u!p~omeEd pue pd 'Ed
slaAa1 6u!peol Isat 104 8 ~ ~ OSI
0 140 stsat ledpuud40 I uo!t!pucx, 6u!peol isat jo sju!od auaJa4a peol aauy Ed "d 'Sd 'Ixd
xuns ot 6u!plme E ~ I V pue
~ sd s l a w ~U!P~OI ~ZZ
sat J O ~~ O O Z : E L OSI
40 6u!peo1(z) l o o j a o ~pue (1) laau 3!13k wnu!xew pue aaets 40 uo!pe 40 sau!ljo uo!paslatu! 40 qu!od 'Sd 'WC '!d
xuns ot 6~!pJ033egdlpd pue sd s(aAal6u!peolIsat JO) 8260 1 OSI 40 st!un too4 pue sao!Aap too)
-alyue uo stsal atwedas 40 6u!peol (a) too4aJo4 pue (v) laaq 40 uo!gm!ldde jo sau!l 40 uo!pawaju! 40 qu!od '!d
xuns ot 6u!plme cd pue vd 'sd slaAal ~ U ! P ~isat
40 stsat ledpuud 40 II pue I suo!l!pum 6u!peol isat 40 uo!tm!ldde 40 saw1 40 uo!pawatu! 40 stu!od Ed 'Pd'Sd 'lIn''d
xuns ot 6u!prome ~ d l v d
pue ~d slaAal 6u!peol tsat JO) ~ L ~ OSI
Z Z40 (2) 6u!peol toojaoj 3 ! p k wnw!xew pue 3!jets jo suo!paJ!p ~ ~ d
d 'sdZ
xuns ot Gu!pl=e cdltd
Pue sd sla~al6u!peo1 isat J O ~~ L ~ OSIZ Z 40 (1) 6u!peo1 laaq 3 ! p k unw!xew pue qiels 40 suo!par!p ~ d l 'sd
~d c
xylns ot 6 u ! p ~ m e
cd/td pue ~d slaAal6u!peol jsat
J018ZEOL OSI 40 st!un too) pue s=!~ap tool-alyue uo sjsq atwedas 40 (9) 6utpeol tooja~oj40 suo!pa~!p c a d 'lids
xylns ot 6up~ome~ d l p d pue sd slaAal6u!peo1
)sat 104 QZEOL OSI 40 sttun too4 pue s a ! ~ a ptooj-alyue uo stsat ate~edasjo (y)Gu!peol laaq 40 suo!pa~!p ~
E ~ I V 's%
xuns ot 6u!p~o33e~ d l pue~ d~d slahal
6u!peol tsat ~q8 ~ ~ OSI
0 140 stsat ledpu!~d40 (6u!peol loo~a~o))
11 uo!~pucx,6u!peo1 Isal 40 suo!w!p ~dmd'sdll
XUns Ot 6u!PJ=e Ed Pue V d 'Ed
slaal 6u!peol $sat JO) 8 ~ ~ OSI
0 1P stsal ledpu!~d40 (6u!peo1laaq) I uo!t!pum 6u!peol tsat4o suo!par!p cd 'td 'sdl
w6ual1004 7
aJtua ~u!o!qyue aypaua v!3
a t u a tu!o! aauy a~!p*a "3
wa~sKsateu!plm 40 saxe n y
lSO/TR 22676:2006(E)

Dimensions in centimetres

See page 18 for the key to this figure.

Figure 6 - Illustration of the dependence of the position

of the top load application point PT on the foot length 1, (see 2.2.3)

O IS0 2C06 - - All rights reserved

aJtu= tu!o.alwe W3=IIa v3
q u a o ~u!o!-aauyaAgsaga n 3
wajsKs a;eu!prm 40 saxe n
1004 40 m w qloqwhs c
See page 20 for the key to this figure.

Figure 7 -
Illustration of the progression of the line of action of the resultant force t.k from heel
contact to toe-off in 30 ms time increments for related values of angle a shown in Figure 3

@ I S 0 2006 -All rights reserved 19

Key to Figurn 7
axes of coordinate system
top load application point
effective knee joint centre
effective ankle joint centre
foot length
ankle load reference points of test loading conditions I and II of principal tests of IS0 10328
ankle load reference points of static and maximum cyclic heel (1) and forefoot (2) loading of IS0 22675:2006
1st maximum of resultant force F,, referred to as resultant reference form FR,
intermediateminimum of resultant force FR
2nd maximum of resultant reference force FR,referred to as resultant mfe~nceforce FR2
instantaneous lines of action of resultant force FR in 30 ms time increments

3 Guidance on the design of appropriate test equipment for the application

of IS0 22675

3.1 Background statement

The guidance on the design of test equipment offered in this Technical Report is based on the mathematical
and graphical analysis of various situations of interest. As far as physical characteristics of ankle-foot devices
or foot units are concerned, the analytical work is based on simplified foot models. This does, however, not
impair the power of statement of the related findings, since all of them are also applicable, in principle, to
relevant arrangements with real ankle-foot devices and foot units.

The guidance offered establishes a basis that can also be used for deliberations and decisions on a uniform
design concept for the test equipment required, in order to optimize the conditions of comparability ~f test
results achieved at different places.

3.2 Basic design for test equipment

Figure 8 illustrates the basic design concept of test equipment capable of performing cyclic loading in
accordance with the requirements of 13.4.2 of IS0 22675:2006, characterized by the following features.

a) An actuator applies the test force F,(r) or Fc(y3 to the top side of the test sample. The application of force
can be carried out directly or indirectly, depending on whether additional components are arranged
between the actuator and the test sample e.g.:

- a device of axial guiding, used to protect the actuator against forces or moments transverse to the
direction of actuating or against torque about the axis of actuating;

- a load cell, required for the control of the actuator.

b) The test sample is set up in the test equipment in a manner that does not allow it to perform angular
movement typical of the progression during the stance phase of walking from heel contact to toe-off.

O IS0 2006 -All rights rescrved

c) Instead, this angular movement is simulated by a foot platform capable of active tilting about an axis
transverse to the direction of progression of the test sample. As illustrated in principle in Figure 9, one
way to actuate the tilting of the foot platform is by means of a crank gear. The particular profile (curve) of
tilting angle )(I) required (see Table 11, and Figure 6 of I S 0 22675:2006) can be achieved by
appropriate dimensioning of

- the length of the cantilever fixed to the foot platform;

- the position of the crank shaft relative to the tilting axis TA of the foot platform;
- the length of the crank arm;
- the length of the driving rod.
Test equipment capable of performing cyclic loading in accordance with the requirements of 13.4.2 of
IS0 226752006 may also be capable of performing static heel and forefoot loading in accordance with the
requirements of 13.4.1 of I S 0 226752006, depending on its design.

This capability is, for example, of particular interest if the final static tests at proof load level following each
successfully completed cyclic test (see 16.4 of IS0 22675:2006) are intended to be conducted on the same
test equipment, on which the cyclic test has been conducted.

In this case it is recommended that means be provided to lock the foot platform in the positions of static heel
and forefoot loading at the tilting angles y, and y2 (.see Table 8 of I S 0 22675:2006) to facilitate its adjustment
and to avoid overloading of the tilting drive mechan~sm(see Figure 8).

O I S 0 2006 - All rights reserved

See page 23 for the key to this figure.

Figure 8 - Diagrammatic view of test equipment with test sample

O IS0 2006 - All rights reserved

1 reasonable area for the arrangement of alternative end attachments in consideration of the anent spectrum of foot
2 example of appropriate means to flexibly resist dislocation of the foot in the fu-plane during the lii-o#f phase of the
test sample to ensure contact of the foot on the foot platform in correct position for the next loading cyde
(corresponding means to resist dislocation in the plane transverse to thefu-plane and about the long axis of the test
sample not shown)
3 block of recommended heel height h, with speafic shape of top surface to provide a smooth transition towards the
4 tiltable foot platform,
- either fixed at the values of tilting angle y, and 72 specified for static heel and forefoot loading
- periodically oscillating with f i r ) within the range specified for progressive heel and forefoot loading from heel
contact to toe-off
5 :/,
means of lodi~ngthe foot platform at the values of tilting angle and d2 specified for static heel and forefoot loading
F test force Fc(t) or Fc(y),Fq or Ffin, F,
lifting force to lift the test sample off the foot platform during the period correspondingto the swing phase of walking
PT top load application point, preferably allowing rotation of the test sample about each of the 3 spatial axes
! C, effective kneejoint centre
CA effective ankle-joint centre
TA tilting axis of foot platform

1 foot platform 4 crank arm
2 cantilever 5 crank shaft
-3 driving rod TA tilting axis of foot platform
a Horizontal distance between tilting axis of foot platform TA and crank shaft (5)
Vertical distance between tilting axis of foot platform TA and crank shaft (5).

Figure 9 - Parameters of a crank gear capable of driving the foot platform

pf the test equipment to generate the profile (curve) )(I)

O I S 0 2006 - A!! rights resewed

3.3 Design variants for load application

3.3.1 General

Two different designs for load application have been discussed. They are briefly described in 3.3.2 and 3.3.3
as design variants A and B.

In this Technical Report preference has been given to design variant A, carefully balancing its advanwes and
disadvantages against those of design variant B, outlined in 3.3.4, 3.4 to 3.7 and 3.9.

3.3.2 Design variant A

The test force F is applied in a direction parallel to the u-axis by an actuator fixed to the base frame of the test

The top load application point PT of the test sample is directly or indirectly (see NOTE) attached to the driving
part of the actuator (e.g. the piston rod of a fluid system) by a connecting device providing at least one degree
of freedom in order to allow free angular movement of the test sample in the f-u-plane, caused by the
superimposed effects of tilting of the foot platform and loading by the test force F (see statements bebw), and
to exclude the transmission of A-P bending moments.

A second degree of freedom may allow free angular movement of the test sample perpendicular to the
f-u-plane and exclude the transmission of M-L bending moments, and a third degree of freedom may allow
free rotation about the axis of actuating and exclude the transmission of torque.

NOTE For actuators sensitive to forces or moments transverse to the direction of actuating or to torque about the
axis of actuating. a guiding device to prevent transmission of these load actions may be required, to be arranged between
the actuator and the test sample. In addition, a load cell, required for the control of the actuator, is likely to be arranged
between the actuator and the guiding device.

3.3.3 Design variant B

The test force F is applied by an actuator capable of tilting relative to the base frame of the test equipment
about an axis parallel to the tilting axis TA of the foot platform, located in a position PTEcorresponding to that
of the top load application point PT of the test sample in its neutral position, i.e. with the tilting angle yof the
foot platform set at zero.

The test sample is directly or indirectly (see NOTE of 3.3.2) attached rigidly to the driving part of the actuator
(e.g. the piston rod of a fluid system), the driving part thus representing a particular piece of end attachment of
variable length relative to the top load application point PTE.

The axis of tilting of the actuator allows free angular movement of the test sample in the f-u-plane and
excludes the transmission of A-P bending moments [except those generated by effects addressed in
3.3.4 b) 2) and NOTE].

A second and a third degree of freedom may be provided at any appropriate position for the purposes
described in 3.3.2 for design variant A.

0 ISG 2006 -All rights resexed

3.3.4 Main differences between design variants A and B

The main differences between design variants A and B briefly described in 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 are addressed
below (see also 3.7 and Figures 20 and 21).

a) For the distance uT of the top load application point PT (PTE)from thefaxis, which is decisive for the test
sample set-up, the following applies:

1) for design variant A, this distance does not change during a loading cycle from heel contact to

2) for design variant B, this distance varies with the amount of elevation of the test sample caused by
the superimposed effects of the related values of tilting angle of the foot platform and test force F

b) For the orientation of the actuator the following applies:

1) for design variant A, the orientation of the actuator parallel to the u-axis does not change during a
loading cycle from heel contact to toe-off;

2) for design variant B, the actuator is tilted by the angle Ap, which will cause additional deviations from
the specified test loading conditions (see 3.7) and which may cause mass effects, depending on the
magnitude of the angular accelerations, the magnitude of the total mass of all components tilted and
the position of its centre of gravity relative to the position of the top load application point PTE
(see also NOTE).

NOTE If the centre of gravity of the total mass of the arrangement of actuator and adjacent components gets into a
position above the tilting axis with which they are linked to the base frame of the test equipment, this arrangement will
become top-heavy and tend to exert unintended A-P bending moments on the test sample during the loading cycle from
heel contact to toe-off and eventually to topple or capsize during the lift-off phase of the test sample, if spedal
suspensions do not prevent this.

3.4 Examples of crank gear designs

3.4.1 General

In principle, two different types of crank gear design can be used. Examples of &ch type are briefly described
in 3.4.2 and 3.4.3.

3.4.2 Asymmetrical (60:40) crank gear

The crank gear according to Figure 10 has asymmetric positions of the dead centres determining the
maximum angular positions of the foot platform. The larger rotation of the crank arm (upper right portion)
exceeds its smaller rotation (lower left portion) by 36".

The resulting ratio is (180" + 36"):(180° - 36") = 60:40; i.e. it takes 60 % of the time of one revolution to pass
through the upper right portion used to tilt the foot platform during the period of loading from its position
specified for heel contact (y= - 20") to its position specified for toe-off (y= + 40") and 40 % to pass through
the lower let3 portion used to return the foot platform to the angular position specified for heel contact.

Hence, the ratio of 60:40 corresponds exactly to the average ratio of stance phase time and swing phase time
of a typical walking cycle, intended to be simulated by the test cycle; i.e. within a test cycle simulating a typical
walking cycle of 1 s duration the loading period simulating the stance phase will be 600 ms (but see NOTE).
. .. .
NOTE This statement is only wrred if the rotational speed of the crank is constant. This may require particular
technical measures, taking into account that the load on the mechanism varies over a wide range and reverses in direction.
However. the asymmetrical crank gear according to Figure 10 has two disadvantages, one regarding the
deviations of the profile of tilting angle At) created from the profile (curve) of tilting angle specified
(see Table 11, and Figure 6 of I S 0 22675:2006) and the other regarding the critical dimensions of the
components of the crank gear specified.

a) The profile of tilting angle At) created by the upper right portion of this crank gear design is shown in
Figure 12. It deviates from the profile of tilting angle specified (see Figure 6 of IS0 226752006) by
slightly less than 5".

b) The boundary conditions for the design of a crank gear with an asymmetry of 60:40 of the positions of the
dead centres determining the maximum angular positions of the foot platform and a range of tilting angle
of - 20" G y s + 40" are very limiting. This leads to the following conditions:

1 ) the angle of the driving rod to the cantilever, occurring in the position of the dead centre determining
the position of the foot platfom specified for heel contact ( y = - 2 0 9 , is 15"; as a consequence, the
sum of the lengths of the driving rod and the cantilever is only about 1,5 mm longer than the distance
between the centres of the crank shaft and the tilting axis TA of the foot platform;

2 ) when the crank a m passes through the upper right portion used to tilt the foot platform during the
period of loading, the angles between the driving rod and the crank arm and between the driving rod
and the cantilever reach low values, resulting in the force in the driving rod being considerably higher
than it would be if the rod were at right angles to the crank a m .

The conditions addressed in 1 ) and 2 ) need to be carefully considered in the design, manufacturing and
assembling of the system. The condition listed in 1 ) may require technical means such as a buffer, preventing
the tilting of the foot platform in the wrong direction when passing the dead centre.

Further details are given in 3.5 to 3.7 and 3.9.

3.4.3 Symmetrical ( 5 0 5 0 ) crank gear

The crank gear according to Figure 11 has symmetrical positions of the dead centres determining the
maximum angular positions of the foot platform, i.e. the ratio of the angles of the upper right and lower left
portions is 180":180" = 50:50; i.e. it takes 50 % of the time of one revolution to pass through each of the upper
right and lower left portion (but see NOTE of 3.4.2).

The crank gear is designed to tilt the foot platform within an angular range of - 20" ,< y,< + 50" (toe-off
position + 10"). This measure allows a better approach of the linear course of the final part of the specified
profile (curve) of tilting angle fit) of the foot platform up to the maximum value of + 40" at toe-off (see Table 1 1 , and Figure 6 of IS0 226752006), since the diminishing of the slope of the final part of the profile of
tilting angle produced by the crank gear drive is mainly progressing within the range of + 40" to + 50" early in
the lift-off phase of the test sample.

The profile of tilting angle f i t ) created by the lower left portion of this crank gear design up to the value of
y = + 40" at toe-off is showri in Figure 12. It is much closer to the profile of tilting angle specified than the
profile of the crank gear design according to 3.4.2, deviating from the profile of tilting angle specified
(see Figure 6 of IS0 22675:2006) by at most + 1" or - 0,6".

However, the symmetrical crank gear according to Figure 11 has also two disadvantages, one regarding the
timing and the other regarding the elevation and A-P displacement of the test sample caused by the tilting of
the foot platform.

a) The angular position of the crank arm corresponding to the angular position of the foot platform specified
for toe-off ( y = + 40") is reached at 143" from the dead centre (0") determining the angular position of the
foot platform specified for heel contact (y = - 20") and 37" to the dead centre (180") determining the
maximum angular position of the foot platform (after toe-off) of y = + 50".

The resulting ratio of angle andlor time is (180" - 37"):(180°+ 37") = 39,7:60,3;i.e. it takes 39.7 % of the
time of one revolution to pass through the lower left portion used to tilt the foot plafform during the period

I 26 O IS0 2006 -All righis reserved

of loading up to the value specified for toe-off (y = + 40") and 60,3 % to pass through the upper right
portion used to reach the maximum angular position of the foot platform (after toe-off) of y = + 50" and
then to return the foot platform to the angular position specified for heel contact ( y = - 20") (but see NOTE
of 3.4.2).

Hence, if 39,7 % of the time of one revolution is 600 ms, one full revolution takes 1,5 s, which is 50 %
longer than the time of one full revolution of the crank gear design according to 3.4.2.

! b) The tilting of the foot platform elevates and horizontally displaces the test sample at the foot. Apparently,
the value of elevation and A-P displacement is higher for a tilting angle of y = + 50" than for a tilting angle
of y= + 40".

NOTE In contrast to the crank gear design according to 3.4.2, the crank gear design according to 3.4.3 does not
suffer from limiting boundary conditions. For example, it is possible to increase only the length of the driving rod. in order
to reduce the load level at which the transmission of the driving forces is performed. Of course, the profile of tilting angle
will change, accordingly, and may deviate from the profile of tilting angle at a greater extent than is the case for the crank
gear design specified in 3.4.3 and Figure 11.

Further details are given in 3.5 to 3.7 and 3.9.

Dimensions in millimetres

NOTE The crank gear characteristic does not change, if the given values of lengths (except the minimum length of
the foot platform) are proportionally scaled.

1 foot platform of length 3 350 mrn 4 crank arm of specific length 47 mm
2 cantilever of specific length 100 mm 5 crankshaft
3 driving rod of specific length 75 mm TA tilting axis of foot platform

Figure 10 - Asymmetrical (60:40) crank gear according t o 3.4.2 -

Tilting range 20" (heel contact) t o + 40" (toe-off)

Q I S 0 200t:- All nghts resewed

. A
Dimensionsin millimetres

NOTE The crank gear characteristic does not change, if the given values of lengths (except the minimum length of
the foot platform) are proportionally scaled.

1 foot platform of length g 350 mm
2 cantilever of specific length 100 mm
3 driving rod of @C
I length 100 mm
4 crank arm of specific length 57 mm
5 crankshaft
TA tilting axis of foot platform

Figure 11 Symmetrical (5050) crank gear according to 3.4.3 -
Tilting range - 20" (heel contact) via + 40" (toe-off) to + 50"

O IS0 2906 -All ights reserved

X loading time in milliseconds
Y1 angles in degrees
Y2 deviation of angles in degrees
1 specified profile (curve) of tilting angle At) of foot platform
2 tilting angle At) produced by crank $ear 60:40 upper right portion of rotation
3 tilting angle At) produced by crank gear 50:50 lower left portion of rotation
4 deviation of tilting angle produced by crank gear 60:40 from specified profile
5 deviation of tilting angle produced by crank gear 50:50 from specifd profile

Figure 12 - Tilting characteristics of asymmetrical (60:40) crank gear according to 3.4.2 and Figure 10
and symmetrical (5050) crank gear according to 3.4.3 and Figure 11

O I S 0 1006 -All rights rpse~ved

3.5 Effect of deviations of the tilting angle At) from the specified profile (cuwe), addressed
in 3.4, on the test loading conditions of IS0 22675
Apparently, the deviations of the tilting angle At) of the foot platform, which occur if this is driven by the crank
gear described in 3.4.2 and illustrated in Figure 10, will affect the related angles a and P and, consequently,
the ratio of the force components Fp and FT, acting perpendicular and tangential to the foot platform
[see Figure 1 and Equations (1) and (2) of 2.2.11.

There are two possibilities of evaluating this effect, as described in a) and b).

a) The instantaneous values of the tilting angle At) of the foot platform driven by the crank gear according to
3.4.2, which occur in 30 ms time increments from the instant of heel contact to the instant of toe-off, will
also occur in the course of the prescribed profile of tilting angle At), however, at different instants
wherever the two profiles deviate from each other. The different instants determine the distortion of the
time base of the prescribed profile of tilting angle At) necessary to adapt it to that produced by the crank
gear according to 3.4.2. A graph of the angles a and fl as a function of the distorted time base facilitates
the determination of their values at the regular 30 ms time increments. With these values the force
components Fp and FT, acting respectively perpendicular and tangential to the foot platform, can be
calculated. The results of this measure are shown in Figures 13 to 16.

The most noticeable effects are that on the force component FT tangential to the foot platform. The first
occurs at the instant of 360 ms after heel contact. According to Figure 16, the deviation from the
prescribed value at this instant is - 36 N, which is about - 80 %. The second occurs at the 2nd maximum.
According to Figure 16, the deviation from the prescribed value at this instant is 48 N, which is about
20 %. These deviations are considered to exceed the tolerable range.

The effect on the force component F p perpendicular to the foot platform can be neglected. The same
applies to the resultant force FR, composed of Fp and FT, and the test force F (Figure 1).

b) The situation described in a) is based on the condition that the profiles of tilting angle and test force are
applied as synchronized functions of time At) and F(I).

This need not necessarily be the case. As already addressed in 13.4.2 of IS0 226752006, an
appropriate alternative is the application of the profile of tilting angle as a function of time At) and the
profile of test force as a function of tilting angle F(y3. In this case the deviations referred to in a) are
irrelevant, since the test force follows the tilting angle as specified by the profile fly), independent of the
time base of the tilting angle.

However, any distortion of the time base of the tilting angle [see a)] will also apply to the test force. Hence,
the only noticeable effect is that on the test force F(y3 when plotted against the distorted time base, as
Figure 17 illustrates. The influence of this effect on test results is not yet known.

Q I S 0 2006 -All rights reserved

loading time in milliseconds
angles in degrees
specified profile (curve) of tilting angle f i r ) of foot platform
tilting angle At) produced by crank gear 60:40 upper right portion of rotation
angle a between resultant force FR and u-axis of coordinate system related to specified profile of tilting angle
angle arelated to tilting angle produced by crank gear 60:40
angle p between resultant force FR and force component Fp perpendicular to foot platform related to specified profile
of tilting angle
angle p related to tilting angle produced by crank gear 60:40

Figure 13 - Profiles (curves) o f angles a, ,@andyas specified and as produced by crank gear 60:40

O IS0 2006 - All riahts resewed

al6ue 6u!jl!t40 alyo~dpaypads ot pqelaJd a16ueluoy 0~:0glea6 yuem Aq p n w d q6ue 6u!tl!l
ot patelaJ w q e l d too4 oj JelII3!ptJadIad d~ tuauodum a ~ opue j ug xu04 lua1nsa.J u a w a q d a16ue16 uo!tqmp E
al6ue 6u!j(9jo q g o ~ d yum
paypads oj pqelaJx, al6ue u a y ov:og ~ e a 6
Aq p a n p o ~ dq6ue 6u!gl!j 03 pajelaJ uajsks ajeu!pJom 40 s!xe-n pue a 0 4 JuqnsaJ u a w a q o q6ue jo uo!je!AaP 2
tool 40 (IY ( a ~ m q) g o ~ dpaypads UJOJJ 0p:og ~ e a 6y u w ~Lq p ~ n p 0 J duuofleld tow 40 a16ue 6u!u!9 40 uo!le!Aw c
saa~6apu! sa(6ue A
spumas!ll!lu u! awn 6u!peo1 x
009 OSP OOE OS 1 0
X loading time in milliseconds
Y force i'n newtons
1 force component F,, perpendicular to foot platform related to specified profile (curve) of tilting angle At) of foot
2 force component F,, related to tilting angle produced by crank gear 60:40
3 force component FT tangential to foot platform related to specified profile (curve) of tilting angle At) of foot platform
4 force component FT related to tilting angle produced by crank gear-60:40

Figure 15- Profiles (curves) of force components Fp and FT,

as specified and as produced by crank gear 60:40

Q I S 0 2006 -- All rights reserved

X loading time in milliseconds
Y fonz in newtons
1 deviation of force component F,, perpendicular to foot platform related to tilting angle produced by crank gear 60:40
from force component Fp related to specified profile (curve) of tilting angle At) of foot platform
2 deviation of force component FT tangential to foot platform related to tilting angle produced by crank gear 60:40 from
force component FT related to specified profile (curve) of tilting angle At) of foot platform

Figure 16 -Illustration of force deviations produced by crank gear 60:40

X loading time in milliseconds
Y force in newtons
1 specified profile (curve) of test force as function of time I;([)
2 test force F related to tilting angle produced by crank gear 60:40 as function of distorted time

Figure 17 - Illustration of distortion of time base of test force F produced by crank gear 60:40

3.6 Effect of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot datforrn on the elevation E and the
A-P displacement LSfof the test sample at the foot

3.6.1 General

As is outlined in 3.6.3 and 3.6.4, the tilting of the foot platform during the cyclic test up to the values occurring
at the instant of heel contact (mc = - 20°) and at the instant of toe-off (fto= 40")- specified in Table 12 of
IS0 22675:2006, can move the ankle-foot device or foot unit by considerable amounts of both elevation E,
illustrated in Figure 18, and A-P displacement Af, illustrated in Figure 19.

For the reasons given in a) and b), this is not desirable.

a) The higher the maximum value of elevation E is, the longer the travel of the actuator needs to be. If, for
example, a fluid cylinder is used, the travel required may well result in a length of the piston rod that
makes the system sensitive to transverse forces, thus requiring additional means of axial guidance.

There is also a direct relationship between the travel of the pistoil (rod) and the volume of the fluid
needed for its operating. This affects the capacity of the pump and the flow control required and,
consequently, the cost-price and the operating expenses of the system. !

O IS@2006 -A11 rights reserved

b) As is outlined in 3.7, any A-P displacement Af of a test sample at the foot will result in an angular
movement Ap of the test sample about the top load application point PT (PTE).The higher the maximum
value of A-P displacement Af is, the greater will be the angular movement Aq and, hence, the deviations
from the specified test loading conditions.

As a general rule, the maximum value of angular movement A q about the top load application point PT
(PTE) at the instants of F,,, (1st maximum of the loading profile) and F,,,, (2nd maximum of the
loading profile) should not exceed 1". The statements in 3.6.3 to 3.6.5 and 3.7 demonstrate that this can
be achieved by an appropriate positioning of the tilting axis TA of the foot plafform.

I 3.6.2 Position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform

According to Figures 18 and 19 the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform within thef-ri plane of the
coordinate system is determined by the coordinatesfTA and UTA.

Together with the dimensions determining the position of the foot of an ankle-foot device or foot unit within the
j-u plane of the coordinate system the offset urn can be calculated as

UTA = - (0,25 L +fTA) x tan (X x mc)

I With Y l = 0,25, y2 = 0,5 and y3 = 0,41 for the illustrated situations at heel contact and toe-off (see also NOTE).
The value of fTA = 25 rnm, applied to Figures 18 and 19, corresponds to the value of fT, 30 of the top load
application point PT,30, specified in Table 8 of IS0 226752006 for foot length L = 30 crn, i.e. for the situation
illustrated, the centre of the tilting axis TA is located on a parallel to the u-axis passing through the top load
application point PT,30.
NOTE The value of y, = 0,41 results from the condition applying to that elevated position of the tilting axis TA of the
foot platform, at which the maximum value of anterior displacement AJ,- a., occurring during elevation of the forefoot is
the same as the value of posterior displacement AfTo at the instant of toeoff (see 3.6.3). This wndition can be calculated
determining at first the dimensions Af-, a,. and MTO and then putting Urn, a., = AfTo.

The Equations determining the dimensions Af-, a., and MTocan be derived from the following geometric and
trigonometric relationships (see Figure 19):

M-, -
ant. = DTA-TO(0,75 L -fTA) and cos (v x yo) = (0.75 L -f,,)lDTA-To for the maximum anterior displacement or

cos [(I - Y) ~ 0 =1 [(0,75 L - f , ~ -)crj;oy&A-To and cos 0, x Ro) = (0,75 L - fTA)/DTA-TO

for the posterior
displacement at toe-off, respectively,

where b-To
is the distance of the point of the foot from the tilting axis TA of the foot platform.

Putting 4f-, a., = OfTo gives the condition cos [fro x (1 - y)] = 2 x ws x yo)- 1, from which the value of J, = 0,41

3.6.3 Values of elevation E

NOTE 1 All values calculated in 3.6.3 are also listed in Table 2.

NOTE 2 The values of elevation E in parentheses apply, if the foot platform is driven by a crank gear of a design
according to 3.4.3 and Figure 11.

The values of elevation E at the instants of heel contact and toe-off are determined by the following Equations
(for their derivation see NOTE 3):

Ehed contad = EHC = ~ - ( 0 2 5 L +fTA) x sin [(I - x ) x yHc]lcos (x x

T A yHC)

,,t = ETO= UTA + (0,75 L -fTA) x sin [(I - y) x ~ o l l c o sCv x n o )

36 O I S 0 20CE -All rights reserved

or, with Equations (12) and (13)

EHC= - (0.25 L +fTA) x {sin (x x w )+ sin [(I - X) x ~ C ] } / ~ (Xo sx yHC) (144

ETO = (0,75 L - ~ T A x) {sin O, x no)+ sin ((1 - y) x fio]}lcos (y x yTO) (154

with y, = 0,25, y2 = 0,5 and y3 = 0,41 for the illustrated situations at heel contact and toe-off (see also NOTE
of 3.6.2).

NOTE 3 Equations 14 and 15 are derived from two trigonometric relationships each (see Fgure 19), reading

sin [(I - x) x yHC1= - (EHC- uTA)IDTAaC

and cos (sx ,vHc)= (0,25 L +&A)/L)TA-HC
for the situation at heel contact or

sin [(I - y) x fiol= (ETo - u ~ ~ ) and ~ (Y~ x ~fiO)~ = (0,75 L - /TA)/DTAeTO

I & cos for the situation at toe-off,
respectively, where &AHC and DTA-TO are the distances from the tilting axis TA of the foot platform to the posterior
heel edge or the point of the foot, respectively.

For the position of the tilting axis TA at platform level, the factors x and y become zero. This simplifies
Equations (14a) and (15a) to

EHC= - (0,25 L +fTA) x sin mc (14b)

Oi E = (0,75 L -fTA) x sin (15b)
For the position of the tilting axis TA at platform level, the values of elevation of an ankle-foot device or foot
unit of foot length L = 30 cm at the instants of heel contact and toe-off are EHC, = 34 mm and
ETO, = 129 mm; (154 mrn, see NOTE 2).

The position of the tilting axis TA at platform level required to achieve a balanced proportion of elevation at the
instants of heel contact and toe-off can be calculated by the condition

E~~= E ~ O
resulting in a value offTA determined by
fTA = L x (0,75 x sin fro + 0,25 x sin mc)/(sin 30- sin yHC)= 0,40 x L; (0,44 x L, see NOTE 2) (17)
For an ankle-foot device or foot unit of foot length L = 30 cm, the value of elevation at heel contact and toe-off
is EHcs0= ETO, = 67 mm; (71 mm, see NOTE 2).

3.6.4 Values of A-P displacement Af

NOTE 1 All values calculated in 3.6.4 are also listed in Table 2.

NOTE 2 The values of A-P displacement Af in parentheses apply, if the foot platform is driven by a crank gear of a
design according to 3.4.3 and Figure 11.

The values of A-P displacement Af at the instants of heel contact a8;3toe-off are determined by the following

Afhee~contact = A f= (O125
~ ~+ ~ T A ) (1 - COS [(I - x) &~C]/COS
(x x YHC)} (18)
L\ftoe+ff= A f ~ o= (Ov75 - ~ T A ) - COS [(I - Y ) Y~O
Cv I%o)I
~~OS (1 9)
with y, = 0,25, y2 = 0,5 and y3 = 0,41 for the illustrated situations at heel contact and toe-off (see also NOTE of

For the position of the tilting axis TA at platform level, the factors x and y become zero. This simplifies the
Equations (18) and (19) to

G I S 0 2006 - A l l rights resewed 37

or the position of the tilting axis TA at platform level, the values of A-P displacement Af of an ahkle-foot
device or foot unit of foot length L = 30 cm at the instants of heel contact and toe-off are wK,
= 6 mm and
wTO, = 47 mm (72 mm, see NOTE 2).
At the position of the tilting axis TA at platform level required to achieve a balanced proportion of elevation at
the instants of heel contact and toe-off (see 3.6.3). the values of A-P displacement Af are AfHC, = 12 !vn
(12 mm, see NOTE 2) and gTO, = 25 mm (33 mm, see NOTE 2).
Apparently, a position of the tilting axis TA at platform level at fTA = 0,4 L (0,44 x L, see NOTE 2) also
diminishes the A-P displacement AfTo, at the instant of toe-off to a considerable extent. Nevertheless, the
A-P displacement during elevation of the forefoot remains more critical than that during the elevatiop of the
heel, due to the higher value of maximum tilting angle.

The values of A-P displacement Af can be diminished further by elevating the position of tilting axis TA at u,~.
the values of u T being
~ determined by the Equations (12) and (13). In Figure 19 three different elevated
positions are shown, determined by the values of UTA, UTA, and UTA, (see Table 2).

The corresponding values of A-P displacement wTO, AfTO, and AfTO, shown in Figure 19 can be
calculated using Equation (19) (see Table 2).

The findings described in the foregoing paragraphs suggest that two specific positions of the tilting axis TA of
the foot platform exist, at which

a) at the instants of heel contact and toe-off the values of elevation EHC and ETO are the same, and the
values of A-P displacement AfHC and AfTo are zero and

b) at the instants of the first and second maximum of the test force F,(t), ,,F
, and F2cmax,at which the
lines of action of the corresponding resultant reference forces FRl and FR2are passing through the
bottom load application points PBl (heel) or PB2(forefoot), respectively (see Figure 1 of IS0 22675:2006),
the values of elevation EpBl and EpB2 are the same, and the values of A-P displacement A B
fl and AfR2
are zero.

Ail values can be calculated, using the Equations (14a)1(15a) and (18)1(19) with the following modifications for
the calculation of the values of elevation and A-P displacement at the bottom load application points PB1 and
PB2at the instants ,of, lF and
, All values calculated are listed in Table 2.

Epg, forefoot = EPBP= (fB2 -fTA) isin

6' a ) + sin [(I - Y ) Y~I)/6
c'~x ~r2) (21)

with = {arctan [ ~ ~ ~+fTA))IyI ~ y = {arctan [uTA/CfB2- fTA))/y2 and with y, = - 15" and
/ ( f ~and = 200 (see
Table 8 of I S 0 22675:2006).

The two specific positions according to a) and b) are illustrated in Figure 20 and specified in Table 2. As to be
expected, they deviate considerably from each other:

- the condition of a) is met at fTA = 0,423 1, and ~A 0,120 L, resulting in an elevation EHC= ETO= 71 mm
T =
and an A-P displacement AfHc = Aho= 0 for a foot length L = 30 cm;

- the condition of b) is met at ~ T A= 0,222 1, and NTA = 0,053 L, resulting in an elevation

fzPBl = fzPB2 = 30 mm and an A-P displacement AfBl = AfB2 = 0 for a foot length L = 30 cm.

Hence, the final step of optimizing is the specification of a compromise position of the tilting axis TA of the foot
platform, at which

O IS0 2005 - All rights reserved

'8.c u! paq!~sap' s A e ~planas u! lno pa!um aq ue3
s ! y l .7 q16uat po) aq) uo luapuadap osle s! a ~ ! 'Aehue palsnfpe aq 01 spaau y q q '~l d lu!od uo!lw!ldde
oeol do* patela, aql l o u o ~ ! s o d s u e6u!puodsa~~o3
~~ e Aq 7 ql6ual 1004 aql uo v l s!xe 6 u ~ l !sgl 40 uo!gsod
ayj 40 muapbadap ayl p ~ e 6 a 01~alq!ssod s! I! 'w~ogeldloo) ayl)o u6!sap ayl )o Aj!xaldwo:, ayl a!w!l o l Japo ul
.sa~law!jua:, u! 14~6ual
loo) ayl s! 7 aJaqM '7 1'0 = Vin pue 7 ~ g e ' o= VlJ
Je Yv )uawa3elds!p d-t/ a41 pue 3 uo!qeAala a* 40 s a n p
s!xe 6u!ll!l ayl )o uo!g!sod aw sale3!pu! s!sA(eue 6u!o6a~o4a q l
aLR saz!w!u!w q 3 ! q ~'uuogeld loo) aql 40 ~1
.A(aypadsa~' J O ! J ~ ~ww
S O8~= OlJv snsJan Jo!Jajue ww 8 = Z8Jv JO ~oualsodww z = l?& b
snsiah Jo!Jalue ww 1 = 3HJV aJe (a pue (p suo!l!puo:, o) 6u!p~o33eluawmelds!p d-v l o sanlen aq1 -
:(us oe = 7 qa6ua1loo) e 01 pajela.1a x molaq
sanlen aql) 'Jl. L'O =nlv pue 7 ~ g g ' o= vlelJ
u o g e l d loo) aql 40 ~1 s!xe 6u!a!l aql 40 uo!l!sod as!wo~dwo3
e Aq law AlWe~s!lesaJe (a pue (p '(3 40 suo!l!puo:, aql 'Z alqel u! pagpads pue 02 a ~ n 6 !u! j pale~~snll!
-uo!paJ!p apoddo )o sanlen lenba
Alalew!xo~dd$Aq oJaz WOJ) aje!nap yo-ao) 40 luepu! aqj le 6 u u ~ n mo.L$i7 luawaelds!p d-y aql pue
'"*Zd '(r)=..f a3104 lsal a y j l o wnw!xew p u m aqljo luelsu! aqt l e 6u!J~n330zaJv $uawa3elds!p d-tl at# (a
!uo!l3a~!pal!soddo p sanleA lenba Alalew!xo~dde
Aq oJaz wo4 ale!nap 'Xewrd '(1)'d a3~04p a j a41 40 wnw!xew l s ~ ya q )o juelsu! aql le 6 u w m m
18!v luawa:,eids!p d-y ayl pue p q u m laaq 40 luelsu! aql l e 6 u ! u n m 3HEV ?uawa~elds!pd-y aw (P
!u6!s a)!soddo)o sanlen lenba Alalew!xo~ddeAq (e oj 6u!p~m3ejeql wo4 ale!Aap go-aoj
P ~ u q s uaql
! l e 6 u w n m 013 uonehala a q pue pejuo:, laaq 40 luelsu! aqt b Gu!unm 3% uo!leAala 3 1 (3
go-a01 pue p . e ) u o ~leay.40 auqsu! aya ae 8004 aya 40
3 uo!aeAa(a a w uo ~ u o ~ e$004
t d 40 v l s!xe 6 u ~ 140g uog!sod/40 ma443 - 8~ a1n6!j
s!xe-/uo uuo~eldloo) 40 s!xe 6u!91!14osuo!)!sod a ~ p a d s
a ~ i u tu!o!-alyue
a aypqa
~ualsAsateu!plorn40 saxe
.f.U axes of coordinate system
CA effective anklejoint centre
TA,,,,, specific positions of tilting axis of foot platform on straight line parallel to u-axis
L foot length
ho tilting angle of foot platform at instant of toe-off (fro = 40')
&0 , . , 3I T
specific 0
values ,displacement at instant of toe-off,
of A-P
related to specific positions of tilting axis TA of foot platform

Figure 19 - Effect of u-position of tilting axis TA of foot platform on the AIP displacement Af
of the foot at the instant of toe-off

O IS0 2006 - All rights reserved

* ~ H c . OD+ *
- a
f ~ l

- - fTA, = 0,222L
- A
opt A f ~ o opt

f,,, ,, = 0,365L
t C

f T A , ,= 0,423L
4 m

f,2 -


I; u axes of coordinate system
cA effective anklejoint centre
TAa, b. opt. specific positions of tilting axis TA of foot platform
a, b, opt. faordinates of specific positions of tilting axis TA of foot platform
u ~a. b,
~opt., ucoordinates of specific positions of tilting axis TA of foot platform
"61 position of bottom load application point on heel
P62 position of bottom load application point on forefoot
opi. anterior displacement at heel of foot at instant of heel contact (test force F = 0) for optimum position of tilting
axis TAoM. of foot platform
posterior displacement at PBj on heel of foot at hatant of maximum heel reference loading (test force F =
Fima) for optimum position of tilting axis TAofl, of foot platform
opt. anterior displacement at PB2on forefoot at instant of maximum forefoot reference loading
(test force F = F2cmax) for optimum position of tilting axis TAW. of foot platfom
posterior displacement at point of foot at instant of toe-off (test force F = 0) for optimum position of tilting
axis TAoW of foot platform
foot length

Figure 20 -Values of elevation E and A-P displacement Afat specific positions of tilting axis TA

O IS0 7006 - All rights reselved

Table 2 -CoordinatesfTA and UTA of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform and related values
of elevation E and A-P displacement Ajfor foot length L = 30 crn

Position of tilting axis TA Elevation E A-P displacement Af

rnrn rnrn rnrn
E Heel Forefoot
AA "TA Heel Forefoot
Posterior Anterior Posterior Anterior
18 f,,1=25 0 34 129 (154) 6 47 (72) at TO
19 fTA = 25 u ~1 '
~35. 137 (170) 24 (38) at TO
19 fTA = 25 u ~2 =~73. 146 (187) 0 (0) at TO
19 fTA = 25 u ~3 =~59. 143 (181) 9 (14) at TO
18 fTA, 2 = 0,4 L 0 67 67 (71) 12 at HC 25 (33) at TO
20 fTA = 0,222 L uTA = 0,053 L 49 at HC 105 at TO 3 at HC 28 at TO
30 at F1- 30 at, ,2
F 0,at, ,F o at F2max
20 fTA = 0,423 L u,, = 0.120 L 71 at HC 71 at TO 0 at HC 0 at TO
46 ,at, lF 10 at, ,2
F 3 at F,, 11 at, ,2
20 fTA = 0,365 L uTA = 0,100 L 65 at HC 81 at TO 1 at HC 8 at TO
41 ,at, ,F , at
16 , ,F 2 at F,,, I 8 at F 2 m a
NOTE The values of elevation E and A-P displacement 4 i n parentheses (see 3.6.2 and 3.6.3) apply, if the foot platform is driven
by a crank gear of a design according to 3.4.3 and Figure 11.

3.7 Effect of the elevation E and A-P displacement Aj'of the test sample, caused by the
tilting of the foot platform, on the test loading conditions of IS0 22675

The elevation E and the A-P displacement Af of the test sample at the foot, caused by the tilting of the foot
platform during the cyclic test up to the values of mc and fro occurring at the instants of heel contact and toe-
off at magnitudes depending on the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform, is described in detail in
3.6 and illustrated in Figures 18 to 20. Specific values are listed in Table 2.

One example of the effect of elevation E and A-P displacement ~fof the test sample at the foot on the test
loading conditions of IS0 22675 is illustrated in Figures 21 and 22 for the two different designs of test
equipment, briefly described in 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.

The situation illustrated in Figures 21 and 22 is determined by:

- a specific position of the top load application point PT at fT, and uT, relevant to a specific foot length L;

- a position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform on a straight line passing through the top load
application point PT parallel to the u-axis;

- a (fictitious) design of ankle-foot device or foot unit with a plane foot sole, illustrated by a symbolic view of

- the instant of toe-off at a tilting angle of the foot platform of no = 40'. specified in Table 11 of
IS0 226752006,

O IS0 2006 - All rights reserved

From Figures 21 to 22 the following can be concluded.

a) The elevation ETo and the A-P displacement AjTO of the test sample at the point of the foot, caused by
the tilting of the foot platform at an angle of no,
results in an angular movement of the test sample about
the top load application point PT by

The value of angular movement A e o reached in test equipment according to 3.3.2 and Figure 21 is
lower than that reached in test equipment according to 3.3.3 and Figure 22, due to the circumstance that
the 'internal' top load application point PT has a fixed position on the test sample and, hence, a fixed
distance to the point of the foot, while the 'external" top load application point PTEhas a fixed pQsitionon
the base frame of the test equipment and, hence, a distance to the point of the foot of the test sa'hple that
shortens approximately by the amount of its elevation.

b) The angular movement of the test sample about the top load application point PT (PTE) incrthses the
angle between the foot (sole) and (the contact surface 09 the foot platform at a+total of
n o , total = K-o + A V ) r ~

c) Apparently, a deviation of the tilting angle yof the foot platform from the specified profile (curve) will affect
the values of the angles a and P, related to the tilting angle y by the Equation a + /I= y [see Eqwtion (1)
and Figure I].

d) In addition to the effect on the values of the angles a and p addressed in c), the arrangement according
to 3.3.3 and Figure 22 provides an increased value of the angle aTo,PITE,enclosed by the p a a e l to the
waxis passing through the top load application point PTEand the stra~ghtline connecting.this point with
the point of the foot. This increase is likely to diminish the value of the ratio FTIFpof the tangential and
the perpendicular force components at the foot platform (see Figure 1).

e) Finally, attention has to be paid to an earlier statement [see 3.3.4 b) 2)], according to which the actuating
system in the arrangement according to 3.3.3 and Figure 22 is tilted by A e o . The possible effects
resulting from this angular movement are already addressed in 3.3.4 b) 2).

The value of A e o can be calculated by adopting the general Equation below, which provides sufficient
accuracy within the range of angular movement occurring,

in the form

Aeo = arctan (A\fTduT)for a test sample set-up in a test equipment according to 3.3.2 or (24a)
= arctan (Ah&TE) for a test sample set-up in a test equipment according to 3.3.3. (24b)
The value of UTE can be calculated from the condition (0,751L -fT)2 + uTE2= (0,75 L -fT - ~ f ~ +~(uT) -*~ ~ ~ ) 2 .

The value of cqo can be calculated by adopting the general Equation

, = arctan [Vx-fT)I~T] (25)
in the form

ato,pT = arctan [(0,75 L -fT)IuT] (253)

4 0 , PTE = arctan No-75L - f ~ ) I u ~ ~ l (25b)

O :SO 2006 -All ri2hts reserved

For the arrangements according to Figures 21 and 22 and a foot length L = 30 cm, the following values apply
(see also Table 3).

- Arrangement according to Figure 21: A*, = 4,03"; aTo,PT = 16,6g0

with u~ = 667 mm (see Table 7 of I S 0 22675:2006).

- Arrangement according to Figure 22: A n o = 5,14"; qo,~ T=

E 20,96"

with UTE = 522 mm [see condition following Equation (24b)l.

Corresponding adoptions of Equation (24) permit the calculation of the angular movement A q of the test
sample about the top load application point PT (PTE),caused by the tilting of the foot platform, at any other
value Af occurring at the discrete instants of the loading cycle specified.

For specific values of Af see 3.6.4, Figures 18 to 20 and Table 2.

In order to demonstrate once more the influence of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform, a
series of informative values has been calculated or determined by graphical analysis for the specific positions
of the tilting axis TA atfTA, = 25 mm; UTA. = 0 mm andfTA, = 0,365 L; u T ~= 0,10 L according to 3.6.5, all
related to a foot length L = 30 cm.

The results are listed in Table 3, comprising

- values of A-P displacement Af and angular movement Apfor specified instants of the loading cycle;
- values of the deviation Ay,, of the total angle fro,, = y + Acp between the foot (sole) and (the contact
surface of) the foot platform for the period between the instants of 210 ms and 420 ms and the period
between the instants of 480 ms and 570 rns after heel contact, at which the tilting angle At) of the foot
platform produced by the crank gear 60:40 (see Figure 10) deviates from.the specified value by
- 4,s < Ay < + 4,4".
The latter list of values is interesting for the following reason.

As demonstrated in 3.5 and illustrated in Figures 14 and 15, the deviation of - 4,5" G Ay< + 4,4" alone results
in deviations of the force component FTfrom the specified profile of - 36 N 6 FT<+ 48 N. 1

This deviation can be diminished or enlarged by the angular movement A p of the test sample about the top
load application point PT (PTE)addressed in the above, depending on the position of the tilting axis TA of the
foot platform, the resulting magnitudes and directions of A-P displacement Af of the test sample at the foot and
the arrangement according to either of the Figures 21 and 22.
For example, a position of the tilting axis TA at fTA, = 25 mm and UTA, = 0 mm in the arrangement according
to Figure 21 will increase the positive deviation of A y = 4,4", produced by the crank gear 60:40 at the instant of
540 ms after heel contact, by another 3,3" (see Table 3). Apparently, this will increase the related positive
deviation of FT considerably.

The relevant values listed in Table 3 disclose the following. I;I,

The ranges of angular movement Acp, caused by the tilting of the foot platform with its tilting axis TA positioned
at fTA, = 25 mm and UTA, = 0 mm, are considerably diminished by a position of the tilting axis TA positioned
at fTA, 2 = 0,365 L and l i ~
2 =~
0,10, L according to 3.6.5:

a) for a position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform at fTAq ,= 25 mm and NTA, = 0 m m the range of
angular movement Apis 0,5" anterior < Acp < 4" posterior;

6 ISG 21306-All rights reserved

b) for a position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform at fTA, = 0,365 L and uTA, = 0,10 L according to
3.6.5 relating to a foot length L = 30 cm, i.e. for a position at fTA, = 0,365 x 30 cm = 110 mm and
1 4 ~ ~ =. 0,10 x 30 cm = 30 mm the range of angular movement A p is 0,7" anterior ,< A p ,< 0,7" posterior;

c) one particular effect of the diminished ranges of angular movement A p is the reduction of the
considerable deviation A h l of the total angle qotal= y + A p between the foot (sole) and (the contact
surface 09 the foot platform during the period between the instants of 480 ms and 570 ms after heel

1 -axial guidance fixed to base frame of equipment with its axis parallel to u-axis of coordinate system
2 symbolic view of foot
3 foot platform
C, effective ankle-joint centre
P, "internal" top load application point with fixed position on test sample
TA tilting axis of foot platform

Figure 21 Illustration of the effect of A-P displacement Af on the angular movement A(o of the test
sample about the "internal" top load application point PT in an arrangement according to 3.3.2

O IS0 2006 -All rights resewed

uojteld 1004 40 s!xe 6u!+1!1 vl
( C a s ) woUeld
loo4 40 v l s!xe 6u!jl!l 0) lalle~ed)uaud!nba 40 aueJ4 aseq oj paxy s!xe uo )u!od uo!jm!ldde peol dot .leuJava, 31d
a r l u a ju!o!-alyue aA!paMa v3
uuolle~d+oo~ E 1
8004 $0M q A 3 ! 1 0 q ~ k ~ Z
uofield 1004 40 v l
s!xe 6u!11!3ol ~alle-led~uawd!nba40 awwj aseq 01 pax& pue 31d ~ 6 n o ~ 6u!ssed
y) s!xe woqe alqell!$ aouep!n6 le!xe L
Table 3 -Specific values demonstrating the effect of A-P displacement Afon the angular movement
A p of the test sample about the top load application point PT for foot length L = 30 cm

450 F-alp,, 0,365L 0,lOL 8 anterior 20 20 0.7 - 0,7

480 7 anterior 24 26,4 0,6 1,8
Deviation of
51 0 tilting angle y 2 anterior 28 32,l 02 3,9
produced by 0,365L 0,101.
540 crank gear 2 posterior 32 36,4 02 4,6
- 570 60:40 5 posterior 36 39 0,4 3.4
600 Toe-off 0.365L 0,lOL 8 Posterior 40 40 0,7 0.7

O IS0 2006 -All rights reserved

3.8 Transposition of the top load application point PT for compensation of the dependence
of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platfonn on the foot length L

3.8.1 General

As already indicated in 3.6.5, it is possible to take account of the dependence of the position of the tilting axis
TA of the foot platform on the foot length L by a corresponding transposition of the related top load application
point PT, which needs to be adjusted anyway, since it is also dependent on the foot length L.

This procedure has two advantages:

- it simplifies the setting-up of the test sample in the test equipment, since it reduces the amount of
adjustment work;

- it does not necessarily require a design of the foot platform that allows the position of its tiltiqg axis TA to
be adjusted (but see NOTES of 3.8.2).

3.8.2 Possibilities o f transposing the top load application point PT

According to the illustrations in Figure 23, the procedure addressed in 3.8.1 can be carried out in principle 1 ~ 1 ;

a) specifying a fixed standard or compromise position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform, determirreci
by the o f f s e lfTA, 20 and u,,, 32 (see NOTE 1 ) or I(,A, c, respectively (see NOTE 2);

b) transposing the top load application point PT, relevant to a specific foot length L of the test sample
parallel to thefaxis by A T A , L, the value of A T A . = fiA20 - fTA L) representing the difference between
the offsetfTA 20 of the fixed position of the tilting axis see see
a)] and its offsetfTA, relevant to a specific
foot length L (see Table 4);

c) transposing the top load application point PT, relevant to a specific foot length L of the test sample
parallel to the u-axis by AuTA, [see I ) ] or AuTA, [see 2)], where

1) the value of AuTA, = (uTA 32 - UTA, L) represents the difference between the offset "TA, 32 of the fixed
position of the tilting axis f~[see a)] and its offset UTA, relevant to a specific foot length L, and

2) the value of AuTA, = (uTA, - UTA, c) represents the difference between the offset U T A , . of~ ~the
fixed position of the tilting axis TA [see a)] and a specified compromise offset UTA, of the ttlting axis
TA of the foot platform, uniformly applied to test samples of any foot length L,

the values of AuTA, and AuTA, corresponding to the thickness of the compensation plates used for the
elevation of the contact surface of the foot platform required to adapt it to the value of UTA, or UTA, C,
respectively (but see NOTE 3).

The results of c) 1) and c) 2) are also listed in Table 4.

NOTE 1 The possibilities of transposing the top load application point PT shown in this subclause, Figure 23 and Table
4 require the fixed standard position of the tilting axis TA to be determined by a value of fTA, relevant to the smallest size
and a value of u ~ relevant
~ , to the largest size of foot covered by the range 20 cm < L < 32 crn, which is considered to
cover the vast majority of sizes expected to be submitted for test. If appropriate, this range can easily be extended to
smaller or larger sizes with subsequent changes of the values of AfTA, , AuTASLand AuTA,C.

NOTE 2 The most appropriate uniform compromise offset uTA, of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform addressed in
c) 2) is that providing values of A-P displacement AJ which will cause the lowest possible deviations from the specified test
loading conditions [see 3.6.1 b) and 3.71 at both the instant of F,, for a test sample of an ankle-foot device or foot unit
of a low value of foot length as for example L = 20 cm and the instant of toe-off for a test sample of an ankle-foot device or
foot unit of a high value of foot length as for example L = 32 cm. ..

0 IS0 2006 - All rights reserved

According to Figure 24, this is the case for UTA = 26 mm (0,l L according to 3.6.5 for a foot of the length L = 26 an)
applicable to all foot lengths L, applied together kith the individual offset&, = 0,365 L according to 3.6.5 relevant to ea&
individual foot length L (see Figure 24). The resulting displacements A&, 20 = 7,7 mm and MT0, 32 = 12.3 mm will cause
angular movements A Cabout~ the top load application point PT in an arrangement according to 3.3.2 keeping just below lo
(0.99O). (The corresponding angular movements A p about the top load application point PTE in an arrangement according
to 3.3.3 slightly exceed the value of 1O.)

I NOTE 3 A compromise in the design of the foot platform may be the limited adjustability of the position of its tilting axis
TA only in the udirection. Its technical realization is considered to be rather simple, since the fixed distance between two
successive u-positions of the tilting axis TA, the value of which is 1 mm (see Figure 22 and Table 4). can be provided, for

example, by a grid of keyways cut into the contact surfaces of the adjustable bearing blocks of the tilting axis TA and the
foot platform, to which these are attached by screws. In this case the compensation plates addressed in c) are not needed,
of course.

3.8.3 Practicality
I The procedure described in 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 is considered to be both appropriate and practicable:

- It provides appropriate means of diminishing the elevation E and A-P displacement 4 o f the test sample
I at the foot, caused by the tilting of the foot platform up to the values occurring at the instants of heel
contact and toe-off (see 3.6).

- It simplifies the setting-up of the test sample in the test equipment, since it reduces the amount of
i adjustment work (see 3.8.1).

- It does not increase the complexity of the design of the foot platform to an intolerable extent (see 3.8.2).

The only difference to be regarded is that the u-axis of the coordinate system (see 6.2 and Figure 1 of
IS0 22675:2006) and the effective ankle-joint centre (see 6.7.3 of IS0 22675:2006) located on it, which are
used as reference for the alignment of the test sample and its setting-up in the test equipment, do not have
any longer a fixed position relative to the base frame of the test equipment. Moreover, they keep their fixed
position relative to the top load application point PT and, hence, are transposed together with it.

O I S 0 2006 -All rights resened

1 individual position of top load application point P T , for different foot lengths L
2 .transposed positions of top load application point PT, for different foot lengths L; positions marked square
transposed by "fTA, and A U ~ ~and , positions marked rhomb transposed by AfTn, and AuTA,
3 individual position of tilting axis TAL of foot platform for different foot lengths L
4 fixed standard or compromise position of tilting axis TA of foot platform athA, 20 and u-rA,32 or u-rA,C , respedively
5 individual elevation of contact surface of foot platform by compensation plates of different thickness AuTA, (or by
corresponding adjustment) for adaptation to individual foot length L
6 uniform elevation of contact surface of foot platform by A U ~ ~ for , adaptation to compromise offset UTA, applicable
to all foot lengths L

Figure 23 - Illustration of possibilities of transposing the top load application point PT

for compensating the dependence of the position of the tilting axis T A
of the foot platform on the foot length L

O IS0 2006 - All rights resewed

A I‘ axes of coordinate system
CA,,,, 26. 32 specific positions of effective ankle-joint centre CA related to feet of specific lengths L = 20 cm, L = 26 cm
TA20,26. 32 specific positions of tilting axis TA of foot platform related to feet of specific lengths L = 20 cm, L = 26 cm
and L = 32 cm
ufA,,.-, 20, =,,, dimension of uniform compromise offset UTA, = UTA. 26 = 26 mm (0,l . foot length L = 26 cm) related to
feet of specific lengths L = 20 cm, L = 26 an and L = 32 an
P ~ i
position of bottom load application point on heel
"62 position of bottom load application point on forefoot
~ B Z20.
anterior displacement of bottom load application point PB2at the instant of maximum forefoot reference
loading (test force F = F2anax) related to foot of specific length, L = 20 cm
posterior displacement of the point of the foot at the instant of toe-off (test force F = 0) related to foot of
specific length, L = 32 cm
L foot length

Figure 24 -
Illustration of the effect of a fixed compromise offset UTA, of the tilting axis TA of the
foot platfonn on the A-P displacement Afat the foot for different foot lengths L [see 3.8.2c) 2)]

O IS0 zuub -All rights reserved

Table 4 -
Possibilitiesof transposing the top load application point PTfor compensating the
dependence of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform on the foot length L

coordinates of
Procedure according to
3.8.2 b) and 3.8.2 c) 1) for
Transpositi~nof P, ,
according to 3.8.2 b) and
Of Yregulap
"regular" position compensation of fixed 3.8.2 c) 2) for coqapensation of
paition .Of
of tilting axis TA of position of tilting axis TA of fixed compmmiqe position of
load aPPllcabon
foot platform foot platform atfTA = 73b tilting axis TA of foot platform
point pT, and
, , =,8' atfTA,, = 73band l, = 26C
La Transposit~onof Use of
PT L cornpen-
A , T.L AA.L "TA. L sat~on ~ T AL, AUTA cC
*~TA L AUTA. L plates of
cm mrn rnrn mm mrn mm mrn rnrn rnrn mm
20 17 445 73 20 0 12 12 0 6
51 1

- 11
- 15
- 18
- 11
- 15
- 18

- L

- 22
- 26
- 22
- 26
28 24 623 102 28 - 29 4 4 - 29 6
29 24 645 106 29 - 33 3 3 - 33 6
30 25 667 110 30 - 37 2 2 - 37 6
31 26 689 113 31 - 40 1 1 - 40 6
32 27 711 117 32 - 44 0 0 - 44 6
a The range of foot lengths 20 cm s L s 32 cm IS cons~deredto cover the vast majonty of sizes expected to be submitted for test
Thls range can eas~lybe extended to smaller or larger slzes w~thsubsequent changes of the values Y;, AzcTk, and AllTA
The poss~b~lities of transposing the top load appl~cat~on polnt P, shown, require the fixed standard pos~tionof the ttling avis T A to
be determined by a value of f,, , ,
relevant to the smallest slze and a value of uTA relevant to the largest slze of foot covered by
t h e r a n g e 2 0 m L G 32cm
For a real arrangement of foot platform with the t~ltlngaxls TA located at a un~formcompromtse offset UTA c above the platform
surface the value of A U ~ would~ be zero The value of ArtT, = 6 only applies to the speufic arrangement shown In 3 8 2
F~gure23 and this table It concerns the difference between the offset uTk = 32 relevant to the maxlmum foot length L = 32 and
the most appropnate fixed compromise offset uT, = 26 relevant to a foot length L = 26 (see NOTE 2 of 3 8 2) and allows the
effects of the two different examples of transpositron to be illustrated In a comparable manner

3.9 Effect of the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform on the tilting moment and
the driving torque

According to its distances from the load lines shown In Figure 25, the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot
platform at fTA ,,
located on a straight line passing through the top load application point PT parallel to the
u-axis, provides a more balanced proportion of the trlt~ngmoments occurring at the instants of maximum heel
, (1st maximum of the loading profile) at 150 ms after heel contact.(25 % of the loading perlod,
see NOTE) and maximum forefoot loading I ;
, (2nd maxlmum of the loading profile) at 450 ms after heel
contact (75 % of the loading period, see NOTE) than the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform at
fTA = 0,365 1, and = 0,10 L, developed in 3.6 as an appropriate position regard~ngbalanced proportions of
elevation E and A-P displacement Af(see 3.6.5).

O IS0 2006 -All rights resewed

NOTE The instants of 150 ms and 450 ms are related to a loading period of 600 ms, which corresponds to the
average stance phase time of a typical walking cyde of 1 s duration. (The remaining time of 400 ms of the walking cyde
correspondsto the swing phase.)

At first sight, the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform atfTA, may, therefore, be considered as the
preferred position regarding a balanced driving torque of the actuating system.

As far as the crank gear drives according to 3.4.2fFigure 10 and 3.4.3lFigure 11 are concerned, this is not the
case. Moreover, it is the position of the tilting axis TA of the foot platform at fTA = 0,365 L and UTA = 0,10 L,
which harmonizes better with the force transmission characteristics of these crank gears, as will be
demonstrated in the following.

At any instant I,, the torque about the crankshaft of a crank gear, generated by the tilting moment of the foot
platform, is determined by the general Equation

h!mh,h,fi is the torque generated about the crankshaft;

F~ is the resultant force;

DFR-TA is the distance in millimetres of the line of action of the resultant force FR from the tilting axis -

DDR-TA is the distance in millimetres of the driving rod DR from the tilting axis TA;

I)DR-CS is the distance in millimetres of the driving rod DR from the crankshaft CS.

The force transmission characteristics of the crank gears according to 3.4.2ffigure 10 and 3.4.3lFigure 11 at
the instants of maximum heel loading F,,,, (1st maximum of the loading profile) and maximum forefoot
loading FZmax(2nd maximum of the loading profile) at 150 ms and 450 ms after heel contact are illustrated in
Figures 26 and 27.

The values of F R , DFR-TA, D D R - and

~ ~ DDR-cs are listed in Table 5, together with the related values of torque
Mgenerated about the crank shaft, calculated using Equation (26).

These values give rise to the following conclusions:

- the most balanced torque about the crankshaft is reached in the combination of a foot platform with its
tilting axis TA located at fTA = 0,365 L and UTA = 0,10 L with a crank gear drive according to 3.4.2 and
Figures 10 and 26;

- in the combination of a foot platform of the same design with a crank gear drive according to 3.4.3 and
Figures 11 and 27, the torque generated about the crank shaft in the direction of rotation is considerably
higher than that generated about the crankshaft opposed to the direction of rotation;

- the combination of a foot platform with its tilting axis TA located at fTA, ,
with either of the crank gear
drives addressed in the above results in a torque about the crank shaft opposed to the direction of
rotation of 2% x the magnitude of the relevant torque generated in the previous combinations.

8 IS0 2006 -All rights reserved

1 position of load line on foot at instant of F,,,; foot platform tilted by f i about TA,
2 position of load line on foot at instant of F,,,; foot platform tilted by yl about TAW.
3 position of load line on foot at instant of F
;, foot platform in neutral position
4 position of load line on foot at instant of F2,=; foot platform tilted by i., about TA,
5 position of load line on foot at instant of F2,,; foot platform tilted by &.about TAW.

a effective lever arm determined by distance of load line according to 1 from TA,
effective lever arm determined by distance of load line according to 2 from TAW,
effective lever arm determined by distance of load line according to 3 from TA,
effective lever arm determined by distance of load line according to 3 from TA,@,
effective lever arm determined by distank of load line according to 4 from TA,
effective lever arm determined by distance of load line according to 5 from TAopl,

Figure 25 - Illustration of effective lever arms

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Distance driving rod DR from:
Instant of
loading mrn
Tilting axis TA ( I ) Crankshaft CS (2)
Fianax 83,5 11.8
Fcmin 940 33,O
F2cmax 79,8 46,9

Figure 26 - Force transmission by asymmetrical (60:40) crank gear drive according to 3.4.2
and Figure 10

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Distance of driving rod DR from:
Instant of
loading mm
Tilting axis TA ( I ) Crankshaft CS (2)
Acrnax 67,l 19,O
Fmin 78.0 42,3
F~max 95,6 56.2

Figure 27 - Force transmission by symmetrical (50:50) crank gear drive

according to 3.4.3 and Figure 11

Q I S 0 2006 - All rights reserved

Table 5 -Moments at tilting axis TA and crankshaft CS, generated by test force F(i) at test loading
level P5, applied to test sample of foot length L = 30 cm

Distance of tilting Distance of driving rod from Momentb exerted

axis TA from load On CS
line Tilting axis TA Crankshaft CS
Force Tilting mm mm N.m
Instant value momenta
N Tilting axis Tilting axis
atfTA = atfTA = 25
,, Crank
110 and and UTA = gear
60:40 5050 60:40 5050 60:40 50:50
UTA = 30 0

- 160,5 - - 205 29 58
Ficmax 1280 83.5 67,l 11,8 19.0
- - 70.7 -90 13 26
- 71,8 - - 61 21 33
Fan~n 850 94,O 78.0 33,O 42,3
- 14.1 12 -4 -7
50,9 - 65 - 38 - 38
F2anax 1280 79.8 95,6 46,9 562
- 131,O 168 -99 -99
a Negative tilting moments assist crankshaft rotation; positive tilting moments resist crankshaft rotation.
Positive moments act in the direction of rotation; negative moments act opposed to the direction of rotat~on.

3.10 Alternative design of foot platform

As illustrated in Figure 28 and demonstrated in the following, a polycentric design of foot platform offers
several advantages, compared to the monocentric (hinge) design referred to in the foregoing text.

Up to the maximum tilting angle of the specified foot platform, which is the tilting angle at toe-off yro = 40°, all
critical parameters keep at levels below the lowest values that are possible with a monocentric (hinge) design
of foot platform.

- = 57 mm.
The maximum vali;e of elevation is Emax

- The maximum value of A-P displacement is Afmax = 7,5 mm. This value can be considerably reduced by
means of a compensation plate of a thickness of about 15 mm.

- Starting at a tilted position of the foot platform representing, for example, the instant of heel contact, the
horizontal displacement of the instantaneous centre of rotation, IC (see Figure 29), corresponds rather
well to that of the instantaneous position of the bottom load application point PB, shown in Figure 7. This
leads to low values of the distance of the line of action of the resultant force FR from the tilting axis TA
and, hence, to low values of tilting moment (see 3.9).

The only disadvantage of a polycentric design of foot platform according to Figure 28 that can be currently
seen is the higher complexity of its design.

NOTE The design of a well adapted crank gear driving the foot platform according to Figure 28 is still pending.

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Dimensions in millirnetres

bars 1 and 2 of four-bar-linkage design of foot platform

suspension of bars 1 and 2 on frame representing bar 3
foot platform representing bar 4
cantilever to be linked to driving rod DR of crank gear
compensation plate
individual (positive) tilting positions 0 to 10 of foot platform
individual instantaneous centres of rotation 0 to 10 related to individual (positive) tilting positions 0 to 10 of foot
individual (negative) tilting positions a to j of foot platform
individual instantaneous centres of rotation a to j related to individual (negative) tilting positions a to j of foot platform

Figure 28 -Tilting characteristic of foot platform of polycentric (four-bar-linkage) design

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