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Bow Mathematics 7 10

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Grade Level: GRADE 7

Time Allotment: 60 Minutes for Four (4) Days

Most Essential Learning

The learner …
1 Defines well-defined sets, universal
sets, null set,and the cardinal number
Illustrates well-defined sets, of sets.
subsets, universal sets, null set, 2 Rewrites the set in roster form to set-
cardinality of sets, union and builder form and vice versa.
intersection of sets and the 3 Lists the subsets of a set.
difference of two sets.
4 Illustrates the union of sets,
intersection of sets and the difference
of two sets.
1 Uses Venn diagrams to represent
union of sets, intersection of sets, and
difference of two sets.
Solves problems involving sets 2 Solves problems involving two sets
with the use of Venn Diagram. 2 with the use of Venn Diagram.
3 Solves problems involving three sets
with the use of Venn Diagram.
4 Constructs real-life problems involving
sets and Venn diagrams.
1 Represents the absolute value of a
Represents the absolute value of a
number on a number line as the
number on a number line as the
distance of a number from 0.
distance of a number from 0.
3 2 Adds integers.
Performs fundamental operations
on integers. 3 Subtracts integers.
4 Multiplies and divides integers.
1 Illustrates the different properties of
Illustrates the different properties
operations on the set of integers.
of operations on the set of
2 Changes fractions to decimals.
4 3 Changes decimals to fractions.
Expresses rational numbers from
4 Expresses rational numbers from
fraction form to decimal form and
fraction form to decimal form and vice
vice versa.
1 Adds and subtracts fractions.
Performs operations on rational 2 Multiplies and divides fractions.
numbers. 3 Adds and subtracts decimals.
4 Multiplies and divides decimals.
Describes principal roots and tells 6 1 Identifies a perfect square and its
whether they are rational or square roots.
irrational. 2 Identifies an irrrational number.
3 Determines whether each square root
is rational or irrational.
Determines between what two Determines two rational numbers
integers the square root of a between which a square root lies.
number is.
1 Estimates the square root of a whole
number to the nearest hundredth by
using the square root algorithm.
Estimates the square root of a
2 Estimates the square root of a whole
whole number to the nearest
number to the nearest hundredth by
using division.
7 3 Uses a calculator to approximate the
square root of a whole number to the
nearest hundredth.
Plots irrational numbers (up to Plots irrational numbers (up to square
square roots) on a number line. roots) on a number line.

1 Identifies the different subsets of real

Illustrates the different subsets of
real numbers.
2 Compares the different subsets of real
3 Plots real numbers on the number
Arranges real numbers in line.
increasing or decreasing order and 4 Arranges real numbers in increasing or
on a number line. decreasing order.
Writes numbers in scientific 1 Writes numbers in scientific notation.
notation and vice versa. 2 Transforms numbers in scientific
notation to decimal form.

9 Represents real-life situations which

Represents real-life situations and involve real numbers.
solves problems involving real
4 Solves problems involving real
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
1 Approximates the measures of
quantities of length.
Approximates the measures of 2 Approximates the measures of
quantities particularly length , quantities of weight/mass.
weight/mass, volume, time, angle 3 Approximates the measures of
and temperature and rate. quantities of volume/capacity.
4 Approximates the measures of
quantities of angle, time and rate.
Converts measurements from one 1 Converts measurements of length
unit to another in both Metric and from one unit to another in both
English systems. Metric and English systems.
2 Converts measurements of
weight/mass and volume/capacity
from one unit to another in both
Metric and English systems.
Converts Celsius measurements to
Fahrenheit measurements and vice
Solves problems involving 4
Solves problems involving conversion
conversion of units of
of units of measurement.
Translates English phrases to 1 Translates English phrases to
mathematical phrases and English mathematical phrases and vice versa.
sentences to mathematical 2 Translates English sentences to
sentences and vice versa. mathematical sentences and vice
Interprets a n where n is positive
Illustrates and differentiates
related terms in algebra: Differentiates between constants and
a. a n where n is positive integer 3 variables in a given algebraic
b. constants and variables expression.
c. literal coefficients and numerical
coefficients Differentiates literal coefficients and
d. algebraic expressions, terms numerical coefficients.
and polynomials
e. number of terms, degree of the 4 Defines algebraic expressions, terms
term and degree of the and polynomials.
polynomial. Identifies number of terms, degree of
the term and degree of the
Evaluates algebraic expressions for 1
Evaluates algebraic expressions for
given values of the variables.
given values of the variables.
4 2 Adds polynomials.
Adds and subtracts polynomials. 3 Subtracts polynomials.
4 Adds and subtracts polynomials.
1 Applies the Product Rule, Power Rule
Derives the laws of exponent.
and Product-to-a-Power Rule for
2 Multiplies polynomials.
3 Applies the Quotient Rule and
Multiplies and divides
Quotient-to-a-Power Rule for
4 Divides polynomials.
Uses models and algebraic 1 Finds the product of two binomials
methods to find the: (a) product of and the product of the sum and
two binomials; (b) product of the difference of two terms.
sum and difference of two terms; 6 2 Finds the square of a binomial.
(c) square of a binomial; (d) cube 3 Finds the cube of a binomial.
of a binomial; (e) product of a 4 Finds the product of a binomial and a
binomial and a trinomial. trinomial.
Solves problems involving 7 to 8 1
Solves problems involving algebraic
algebraic expressions.
Differentiates between algebraic 2 Creates real-life problems involving
expressions, equations and algebraic expressions.
inequalities. 3 Differentiates between algebraic
expressions and equations.
4 Illustrates linear equation in one
Illustrates linear equation and 5 States the properties of equality.
inequality in one variable. 6 Differentiates between equations and
7 Illustrates linear inequality in one
8 States the properties of inequalities.
Finds the solution of linear 1
equation or inequality in one Finds the solution of linear equation
variable. or inequality in one variable.
Solves linear equation or 2 Solves linear equation in one variable
inequality in one variable involving involving absolute value by: (a)
absolute value by: (a) graphing; graphing; and (b) algebraic methods.
and (b) algebraic methods. 3 Solves linear inequality in one variable
involving absolute value by: (a)
graphing; and (b) algebraic methods.
Solves problems involving 4
Solves problems involving equations
equations and inequalities in one
and inequalities in one variable.
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
Represents point, line and plane 1
Represents point, line and plane using
using concrete and pictorial
concrete and pictorial models.
Illustrates subsets of a line. 1 2 Illustrates subsets of a line.
3 Measures angles.
Classifies the different kinds of 4
Classifies the different kinds of angles.
1 Derives relationships of geometric
figures using measurements and by
inductive reasoning; adjacent angles
Derives relationships of geometric and complementary angles.
figures using measurements and 2 Derives relationships of geometric
by inductive reasoning; figures using measurements and by
supplementary angles, inductive reasoning; supplementary
complementary angles, congruent angles and linear pairs.
angles, vertical angles, adjacent 3 Derives relationships of geometric
angles, linear pairs, perpendicular figures using measurements and by
lines, and parallel lines. inductive reasoning; congruent angles
and vertical angles.
4 Derives relationships of geometric
figures using measurements and by
inductive reasoning; perpendicular
lines and parallel lines.
1 Names pairs of angles formed by
parallel lines cut by a transversal;
Derives relationships among alternate interior angle, alternate
angles formed by parallel lines cut exterior angles and corresponding
by a transversal using angles.
measurement and by inductive 2 Describes pairs of angles formed by
reasoning. parallel lines cut by a transversal;
alternate interior angles, alternate
exterior angles, and corresponding
3 Finds the measure of an angle formed
by parallel lines cut by a transversal.
4 Applies the Parallel – Interior Angles –
Same Side Theorem and Parallel –
Exterior Angles – Same Side Theorem
in finding the measure of an angle.
4 1 Draws a line and an angle.
Uses a compass and straightedge 2 Constructs perpendicular bisector of a
to bisect line segments and angles segment and a line perpendicular to a
and construct perpendiculars and line from a point on the line.
parallels. 3 Constructs the bisector of an angle.
4 Constructs parallel lines and
perpendicular lines.
1 Determines a polygon.
2 Differentiates between a convex
Illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; polygon and a nonconvex polygon.
(b) angles; and (c) sides. 3 Determines the number of diagonals
of a polygon.
4 Constructs regular polygons.
1 Finds the sum of the measures of the
interior angles of a convex polygon.
derives inductively the 2 Finds the measure of each interior
relationship of exterior and angle of a regular polygon.
interior angles of a convex 6 3 Finds the measure of each exterior
polygon. angle of a regular polygon.
4 Derives inductively the relationship of
exterior and interior angles of a
convex polygon.
1 Defines the terms related to a circle:
radius, diameter chord, center, arc,
chord, central angle and inscribed
Illustrates a circle and the terms angle.
related to it: radius, diameter 2 Names the radius, diameter chord,
chord, center, arc, chord, central center, arc, chord, central angle and
angle, and inscribed angle. 7 inscribed angle of a circle.
3 Finds the measure of the radius,
diameter chord, central angle and
inscribed angle of a circle.
4 Illustrates the radius, diameter chord,
center, arc, chord, central angle and
inscribed angle of a circle.
1 Constructs triangles.
Constructs triangles, squares, 2 Constructs squares and rectangles.
rectangles, regular pentagons, and 3 Constructs regular pentagons.
regular hexagons. 4 Constructs regular hexagons,
1 Solves for the number of sides of a
convex polygon given the sum of the
measures of its interior angles.
Solves problems involving sides 2 Solves for the number of sides of a
and angles of a polygon. convex polygon given the measure of
each interior angle.
3 Solves for the number of sides of a
convex polygon given the measure of
each exterior angle.
4 Solves for the measure of each
interior angle and each exterior angle
given the number of sides.
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
Poses problems that can be solved 1 Explains the importance of Statistics.
using Statistics. 2 Poses problems that can be solved
using Statistics.
1 3 Differentiates descriptive statistics
from inferential statistics.
Formulates simple statistical 4 Formulates simple statistical
instruments. instruments.
2 1 Gathers data through interview.
2 Gathers data through questionnaire.
Gathers statistical data. 3 Gathers data through observation.
4 Identify the sampling technique used
in a given research topic.
1 Tallies data and counts the frequency.
2 Determines the class boundaries in a
Organizes data in a frequency frequency distribution table.
distribution table. 3 3 Determines the cumulative frequency
in a frequency distribution table.
4 Organizes data in a frequency
distribution table.
Uses appropriate graphs to 1 Represents data using a line graph.
represent organized data: pie 2 Represents data using a bar graph
chart, bar graph, line graph, 3 Represents data using a pictograph.
histogram, and ogive. 4 Represents data in a pie graph.
5 Constructs a pie graph of a given data.
4 to 5 6 Draws a histogram from a frequency
7 Draws an ogive from a frequency table
8 Uses appropriate graphs to represent
organized data: pie chart, bar graph,
line graph, histogram, and ogive.
Illustrates the measures of 1 Illustrates the measures of central
central tendency (mean, tendency (mean, median, and
median, and mode) of a mode) of a statistical data.
statistical data. 2 Solves for the mean of ungrouped and
6 grouped data.
3 Solves for the median of ungrouped
Calculates the measures of and grouped data.
central tendency of ungrouped 4 Solves for the mode of ungrouped and
and grouped data. grouped data.
Illustrates the measures of 1 Calculates the range of ungrouped and
variability (range, average grouped data.
deviation, variance, standard 2 Calculates the average deviation of
deviation) of a statistical data. ungrouped and grouped data.
3 Calculates the variance of ungrouped
Calculates the measures of and grouped data.
variability of grouped and 4 Calculates the standard deviation of
ungrouped data. ungrouped and grouped data.
Uses appropriate statistical 1 Uses appropriate statistical measures
measures in analyzing and in analyzing and interpreting statistical
interpreting statistical data. data.
2 Draws conclusions from a line graph.
Draws conclusions from graphic 3 Draws conclusions from a bar graph.
and tabular data and measures of 4 Draws conclusions from a pie graph.
central tendency and variability. 5 Draws conclusions from the measures
8 to 9
of central tendency.
6 Draws conclusions from the average
mean of a data set.
7 Draws conclusions from the variance
of a data set.
8 Draws conclusions from the standard
deviation of a data set.
Grade Level: GRADE 8
Time Allotment: 60 Minutes for Four (4) Days

Most Essential Learning

The learner …
1 Expresses a polynomial by
extracting its greatest common
monomial factor (GCMF) and its
prime polynomial.
2 Finds the factors of a polynomial by
a difference of two squares (DOTS).
Factors completely different types
of polynomials (polynomials with 3 Performs factoring a polynomial
using sum and difference of two
common monomial factor,
difference of two squares, sum and cubes (SDTC).
difference of two cubes, perfect 1 to 2 4 Distinguishes a perfect square
square trinomials, and general trinomial from other types of
trinomials). polynomials.
5 Applies factoring a polynomial by a
perfect square trinomial (PST).
6 Demonstrates factoring a general
quadratic trinomial (GQT).
7 Determines the most appropriate
method of finding factors of a
Solves problems involving factors of 8 Solves problems involving
I polynomials. polynomials and their factors.
1 Describes and illustrates rational
algebraic expressions.
2 Interprets zero and negative
Illustrates rational algebraic
expressions. exponents.
3 3 Simplifies rational algebraic
Simplifies rational algebraic expressions.
4 Evaluates procedures on
simplifying rational algebraic
1 Finds the product and quotient of
two or more rational algebraic
Performs operations on rational expressions.
algebraic expressions. 2 Performs addition and subtraction
1. solves problems involving of rational algebraic expressions
Week 4
rational algebraic with the same denominators.
expressions. 3
Executes addition and subtraction
of rational algebraic expressions
with different denominators.
Creates a new model to solve real
life problems involving rational
algebraic expressions.

Illustrates the rectangular 1 Defines and illustrates rectangular

coordinate system and its uses. coordinate system and its uses.
2 Illustrates linear equations in two
llustrates linear equations in two variables using coordinate axes.
variables. 5 3 Finds and interprets the slope of a
line given two points and a graph.
llustrates and finds the slope of a
line given two points, equation, and 4 Constructs a slope of a line from a
graph. given equation.
Writes the linear equation Ax + By = 1 Writes linear equation Ax + By = C
C into the form y = mx + b and vice into the form y =mx+b and vice
versa. versa.
2 Graphs a linear equation given (a)
Graphs a linear equation given (a) any two points; and (b) x- and y
any two points; (b) the x – and y – intercepts.
intercepts; (c) the slope and a point 3 Constructs the line on a coordinate
on the line. axes given a slope and a point.
Describes the graph of a linear 4
Describes the graph of a linear
equation in terms of its intercepts equation in terms of its intercepts
and slope. and slope.

1 Finds the equation of a line given

Finds the equation of a line given
(a) any two points and (b) the slope
(a) two points; (b) the slope and a
and a point.
point; (c) the slope and its
2 Determines equation of a line given
the slope and its intercepts.
7 3 Solves and evaluates problems
Solves problems involving linear involving linear equations in two
equations in two variables. variables.
4 Creates a linear model that solves
real life problems involving linear
equations in two variables.
1 Describes and illustrates a system
of linear equations in two variables
Illustrates a system of linear using practical situations and
equations in two variables. mathematical expressions.
2 Graphs a system of linear
Graphs a system of linear equations equations in two variables on a
in two variables. coordinate plane.
3 Categorizes when a given system of
Categorizes when a given system of
linear equations in two variables
linear equations in two variables
has graphs that are parallel,
has graphs that are parallel,
intersecting, and coinciding.
intersecting, and coinciding.
4 Distinguishes the kind of systems of
linear equations according to the
number of solutions.
Solves problems involving systems 9 1 Describes and illustrates solutions
of linear equations in two variables to a system of linear equations in
by (a) graphing; (b) substitution; (c) two variables by graphing.
elimination. 2 Finds solution to problems
involving systems of linear
equations in two variables by
3 Solves problems involving systems
of linear equations in two variables
by elimination.
4 Distinguishes the most appropriate
method of solving problems in real
life situation (such as age, distance,
motion, investment problems, etc.)
involving systems of linear
equations in two variables.
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
1 Translates statements from real life
situations to mathematical
Differentiates linear inequalities in equations or inequalities.
two variables from linear equations 2 Differentiates linear inequalities in
in two variables. two variables from linear equations
in two variables.
Illustrates and graphs linear 3
Week 1
inequalities in two variables. Illustrates and graphs linear
inequalities in two variables on a
Solves problems involving linear rectangular coordinate plane.
inequalities in two variables.
4 Designs model to solve real life
problems involving linear
inequalities in two variables.
1 Illustrates and interprets real life
situations involving systems of
linear inequalities in two variables.
2 Graphs a system of linear
II inequalities in two variables on a
Solves problems involving systems coordinate plane.
of linear inequalities in two 3 Solves problems involving systems
variables. of linear inequalities in two
Creates analogy between solutions
to systems of linear equations and
systems of linear inequalities.

1 Illustrates a relation and a function

Illustrates a relation and a function. using real life situations.
2 Discusses representations of a
Verifies if a given relation is a relation.
function. 3 3 Verifies if a given relation is a
Determines dependent and 4
independent variables. Differentiates dependent and
independent variables.
Describes domain and range of a
Finds the domain and range of a function with practical applications.
2 Determine the domain and range
Graphs and illustrates a linear 4 of a function using the different
function and its (a) domain; (b) relation representations.
range; (c) table of values; (d) 3 Constructs the graphs of linear
intercepts; and (e) slope. functions through its table of
Deconstructs linear functions and
its domain, range, intercept and a
slope through its graph.

1 Translates words phrases in real

life problems involving linear
functions to mathematical symbols.
Transforms verbal sentences into
mathematical equations.
Solves problems involving linear
functions. 3
Creates a model to solve a real life
problem involving linear function.
4 Evaluates solutions to problems
involving linear functions and
1 Defines and illustrates simple
Determines the relationship
between the hypothesis and the
2 Determines the relationship
conclusion of an if-then statement.
between the hypothesis and the
conclusion of an if-then statement.
3 Transforms a statement into an
equivalent if – then statement and
Transforms a statement into an
equivalent if-then statement.
4 Verifies the truth value of if – then
1 Illustrates and finds the inverse of
if – then statements.
2 Expresses a simple if-then
Determines the inverse, converse, statement into its converse.
and contrapositive of an if-then 7 3 Formulates the contrapositive
statement. statement of a simple implication.
4 Generates the inverse, converse,
and contrapositive of an if-then
1 Defines logical equivalence of a
2 Illustrates the equivalence of the
Illustrates the equivalences of: (a)
statement and its contrapositive.
the statement and its
8 3 Illustrates the equivalence of the
contrapositive; and (b) the converse
and inverse of a statement. converse and inverse of a
4 Constructs the truth value table of
the statements.
1 Illustrates inductive and deductive
Uses inductive or deductive reasoning types.
reasoning in an argument.
2 Uses inductive or deductive
9 reasoning in an argument.
3 Writes a proof using direct
Writes a proof (both direct and approach.
indirect). 4 Shows a proof using indirect
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
Describes a mathematical system. 1 Describes a mathematical system.
2 States and illustrates the different
properties of equality.
3 Uses properties of equality to
justify steps in algebraic solutions.
4 Illustrates the need for an
axiomatic structure of Geometry in
particular: (a) undefined terms; and
(b) defined terms.
5 Constructs diagrams or concept
maps to illustrate the basic terms
in geometry.
6 Illustrates the need for an
Illustrates the need for an axiomatic
axiomatic structure of Geometry in
structure of a mathematical system
particular: (c) postulate; and (d)
in general, and in Geometry in
particular: (a) defined terms; (b)
7 Compares and contrasts postulates
undefined terms; (c) postulates; and 1 to 2
and theorems in Geometry through
(d) theorems.
the application of these
8 Constructs a design to show the
relationship of the basic structure
in Geometry.
1 Defines and illustrates congruent
2 Determines corresponding parts
Illustrates triangle congruence.
between pairs of triangles.
3 Identifies corresponding included
angles and corresponding included
sides between pairs of triangles.
4 States and applies SAS Congruence
Postulate to check if pairs of
triangles are congruent.
5 Illustrates and uses ASA
3 to 4
Congruence Postulate to verify if
pairs of triangles are congruent.
6 Investigates if pairs of triangles are
III Illustrates the SAS, ASA and SSS
congruent using SSS Congruence
congruence postulates.
7 Evaluates pairs of triangles
whether congruent or not using
SAS, ASA, and SSS Congruence
8 Solves real life situations applying
congruence postulates.
1 Describes and labels corresponding
parts of congruent triangles.
2 States the relationship between
parts of the given triangles.
Solves corresponding parts of
3 Finds the measures of the
congruent triangles. 5
corresponding parts of congruent
4 Solves the unknown quantity in
between parts of congruent
1 Describes two – column table and
its related elements.
2 Presents parts and uses of a two –
column proof.
Proves two triangles are congruent. 6
3 Shows that triangles are congruent
using two – column table.
Verifies statements on congruent
1 States and shows the proof of AAS
Congruence Theorem.
2 Applies AAS Congruence Theorem
in proving exercises involving
triangle congruence.
Proves statements on triangle
7 3 Generates LL and LA Congruence
Theorem using the previous
theorems on triangle congruence.
4 Verifies if right triangles are
congruent using HyL and HyA
Congruence Theorems.
1 Defines perpendicular lines and
angle bisectors.
2 Describes and labels the primary
and secondary parts of an isosceles
3 Presents and illustrates isosceles
triangle theorem.
4 Formulates and applies the
converse of an isosceles triangle
theorem in solving problems.
5 Generates and proves theorems
about isosceles and
Applies triangle congruence to
equilateral/equiangular triangles
construct perpendicular lines and 8 to 9
using two-column table.
angle bisectors.
6 Verifies the theorem about the
bisector of the vertex angle of an
isosceles triangle using the two-
column proof.
7 Justifies statements using two-
column proof and triangle
congruence theorems.
8 Creates and solves real – life
problems applying triangle
congruence theorems on
constructing perpendicular lines
and angle bisectors.
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
IV 1 States and illustrates properties of
inequalities both for real numbers
and geometric figures (line
Illustrates theorems on triangle segments and angles).
inequalities (Exterior Angle 2 States and illustrates Exterior Angle
Inequality Theorem, Triangle 1 Inequality Theorem.
Inequality Theorem, Hinge 3 Illustrates Triangle Inequality
Theorem). Theorem and generates its related
4 Explains Hinge Theorem and its
Applies theorems on triangle 2 1 Uses Exterior Angle Inequality
inequalities. Theorem in solving problems
related to triangle inequalities.
2 Applies Triangle Inequality
Theorem in solving problems
related to triangle inequalities.
3 Solves problems involving triangle
inequalities using Side – Angle and
Angle – Side Inequality theorems.
4 Evaluates problems on triangle
inequalities using Hinge Theorem
and its converse.
1 Shows proofs of Exterior Angle
inequality and triangle inequality
theorems using a direct proof.
2 Constructs a two – column proof to
verify side – angle and angle – side
Proves inequalities in a triangle. 3 inequality theorems.
3 Constructs a two – column table to
prove Hinge Theorem and its
4 Verifies exercises/problems on
inequalities in a triangle.
1 Defines and illustrates parallelism
and a transversal line.
2 Categorizes angle relationships
formed by parallel lines cut by a
Proves properties of parallel lines 3 Illustrates properties about
cut by a transversal. 4 corresponding angles and same
side angles formed by parallel lines
cut by a transversal.
4 Generates the properties about
alternate interior and alternate
exterior angles formed by parallel
lines cut by a transversal.
1 Differentiates parallel and
perpendicular lines
2 Determines the conditions under
which lines and segments are
parallel or perpendicular.
Determines the conditions under
3 Solves the unknown quantity
which lines and segments are 5
applying conditions under which
parallel or perpendicular.
lines and segments are parallel or
4 Evaluates real life problems
involving parallelism and
1 Defines and illustrates simple
probability and its related terms.
2 Differentiates a sample space and
an event.
Illustrates an experiment, outcome,
6 3 Finds the outcome of probabilistic
sample space and event.
4 Integrates and evaluates real life
situations involving the concept of
simple probability.
Counts the number of occurrences 7 1 Counts the number of occurrences
of an outcome in an experiment: (a) of an outcome in an experiment
table; (b) tree diagram; (c) using table of values.
systematic listing; and (d) 2 Computes the number of
fundamental counting principle. occurrences of an outcome in an
experiment using a tree diagram.
3 Solves for the number of
occurrences of an outcome in an
experiment using systematic listing.
4 Finds the number of occurrences of
an outcome in an experiment using
Fundamental Principle of Counting
1 Recognizes the formula in finding
the probability of a simple event
and the different probability rules.
2 Applies fundamental counting
principle in finding the number of
Finds the probability of a simple
8 favourable and possible outcomes.
3 Solves problems involving
probability of a simple event.
4 Creates a model in solving real life
situations related to simple
1 Defines and illustrates
experimental probability and
theoretical probability.
2 Compares and contrasts
Illustrates an experimental
experimental probability from
probability and a theoretical
theoretical probability.
Week 9 3 Finds solutions to problems
involving experimental and
Solves problems involving
theoretical probability.
probabilities of simple events.
4 Creates a design or a concept map
that summarizes all important and
related terms on simple

Grade Level: GRADE 9

Time Allotment: 60 Minutes for Four (4) Days

Most Essential Learning

The learner …
1 Illustrates quadratic equation.
Illustrates quadratic equations. Solves quadratic equation by
extracting square roots.
Solves quadratic equations by: (a)
2 Solves quadratic equations by
extracting square roots; (b) 1
factoring; (c) completing the
3 Solves quadratic equation applying
square; and (d) using the quadratic
completing the square.
4 Applies quadratic formula to solve
quadratic equations.
1 Characterizes the roots of a
quadratic equation using the
I Characterizes the roots of a discriminant.
quadratic equation using the 2 Describes the relationship between
discriminant the coefficients and the roots of a
quadratic equation
Describes the relationship between 3 Illustrates problems involving the
the coefficients and the roots of a 2 and 3 relationship between the
quadratic equation. coefficients and the roots of a
quadratic equation.
Solves equations transformable to 4 Solves routine and non-routine
quadratic equations (including problems involving roots of a
rational algebraic equations). quadratic equation.
5 Solves quadratic equations that are
not written in standard form.
6 llustrates rational algebraic
equations transformable to
quadratic equations.
7 Determines the roots of rational
algebraic equations transformable
to quadratic equations
8 Solves routine and non – routine
problems involving equations that
are not written in standard form
including rational algebraic
1 Illustrates and applies the steps in
solving problems involving
quadratic equations.
2 Models and solves problems
related to quadratic equations
Solves problems involving
3 Illustrates and models problems on
quadratic equations and rational 4
algebraic equations. rational algebraic equations.
4 Formulates and solves problems
involving quadratic equations
based on real life situations
including rational algebraic
1 Illustrates quadratic inequalities.
Illustrates quadratic inequalities 2 Solves quadratic inequalities.
3 Solves routine and non-routine
Solves quadratic inequalities.
5 problems involving quadratic
Solves problems involving
4 Illustrates and solves problems
quadratic inequalities.
involving quadratic inequalities
based on real life situations.
1 Models and illustrates situations
using quadratic function.
Identifies and represents a
quadratic function given a table of
Models real-life situations using values.
quadratic functions.
Represents a quadratic function Identifies and represents a
using: (a) table of values; (b) graph; quadratic function given a graph.
and (c) equation.
Identifies and represents a
quadratic function given the

1 Transforms the quadratic function

Transforms the quadratic function
defined by y = ax2 + bx + c into the
defined by y = ax2 + bx + c into the
form y = a(x – h)2 + k and vice
form y = a (x – h)2 + k.
Graphs a quadratic function: (a) 2 Illustrates and describes the graph
domain; (b) range; (c) intercepts; 7 to 8 of a quadratic function.
(d) axis of symmetry; (e) vertex; (f) 3 Determines the following: domain,
direction of the opening of the range, intercepts of the graph of a
parabola. quadratic function.
4 Identifies the axis of symmetry,
Analyzes the effects of changing vertex and direction of the opening
of the parabola given the quadratic
5 Investigates and analyzes the effect
of changing the value of a of a
quadratic function y= a(x-h)2 + k on
its graph and make generalizations.
6 Investigates and analyzes the effect
of changing the value of h of a
quadratic function y= a(x-h)2 + k on
its graph and make generalizations
the values of a, h and k in the
7 Investigates and analyzes the effect
equation y = a (x – h)2 + k of a
of changing the value of k of a
quadratic function on its graph.
quadratic function y= a(x-h)2 + k on
its graph and make generalizations.
8 Day 8: draws the graph of the given
quadratic function
applying the effects of the values of
a, h, and k in the translation or
movement of its graph.
1 Derives the equation of the
quadratic function given the table
Determines the equation of a
of values and its graph.
quadratic function given: (a) a table
of values; (b) graph; (c) zeros. 2
Determines the quadratic function
given its zeros.
3 Solves problems involving
quadratic function.
Solves problems involving 4 Formulates and solves problems
quadratic functions. based on real life situations
involving quadratic function.
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
II Illustrates situations that involve 1 and 2 1 Illustrates situations that involve
the following variations: (a) direct; direct variation.
(b) inverse; (c) joint; (d) combined. 2 Translates into variation statement
a relationship involving direct
Translates into variation statement variation between two quantities
a relationship between two given by a table of values, a
quantities given by: (a) a table of mathematical equation and a
values; (b) a mathematical graph and vice versa.
equation; (c) a graph, and vice 3 Illustrates situations that involve
versa. inverse variation.
4 Translates into variation statement
Solves problems involving a relationship involving inverse
variation. variation between two quantities
given by a table of values, a
mathematical equation and a
graph and vice versa
5 Illustrates situations that involve
joint and combined variation
6 Translates into variation statement
a relationship involving joint and
combined variation between two
quantities given by a mathematical
equation and vice versa.
Models and solves problems
involving variation.
8 Formulates and solves problems
involving variation.
1 Illustrates expressions with zero
and negative exponents.
2 Applies the laws involving positive
integral exponents to zero and
Applies the laws involving positive
negative exponents.
integral exponents to zero and 3
3 Simplifies expressions with zero
negative integral exponents.
and negative exponents.
4 Applies the concept of zero and
negative exponents to problems in
real life situations.
1 Illustrates expressions with rational
Simplifies expressions with rational 2 Applies the laws involving positive
exponents. integral exponents to rational
Writes expressions with rational 4 3 Simplifies expressions with rational
exponents as radicals and vice
4 Writes expressions with rational
exponents as radicals and vice
1 Illustrates the law of radical (√n
a)n =
a, a>0 derived from the laws of
2 Illustrates the law of radical√n
ab =
√ a∗√ b , a>0 & b>0 derived from
n n

the laws of exponents.

3 Illustrates the law of radical

√ a √a
Derives the laws of radicals. 5 = , b>0
b √n b
derived from the laws of
4 √
m n
Illustrates the law of radical √ a=
√ √ a , a>0
derived from the laws of

1 Simplifies radical expressions by

removing the perfect nth powers
using the laws of radicals.
2 Simplifies radical expressions by
reducing the index to the lowest
possible order using the laws of
Simplifies radical expressions using radicals.
the laws of radicals. 3 Simplifies radical expressions by
rationalizing the denominator of
the radical using the laws of
4 Solves routine and non-routine
problems involving simplifying
radical expressions.
Performs operations on radical 1 Performs addition or subtraction of
expressions. radical expressions.
2 Performs multiplication of radicals.
a. radicals of the same
b. binomials involving
c. radicals of different
3 Performs division of radicals.
a. radicals of the same
b. radicals of different
Performs division of radicals with
a denominator consisting of at
least two terms
Illustrates radical equations.

2 Determines the roots of the radical

equations applying the concepts of
 Illustrates extraneous
Solves equations involving radical
8 roots.
3 Solves equations involving radical
4 Solves routine and non-routine
problems involving radical
Illustrates and models real
situations involving radicals.
2 Applies the concept of radical
equations in solving problems
Solves problems involving radicals. 9 involving radicals.
3 Solves routine and non-routine
problems involving radicals.
4 Formulates and solves problems
based on real life situations
involving radicals.
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
1 Identifies and illustrates
quadrilaterals that are
Determines the conditions that parallelograms.
make a quadrilateral a 2 Determines the conditions that
parallelogram. make a quadrilateral a
Uses properties to find measures of 3 Uses properties to find measures of
III angles, sides and other quantities angles, sides and other quantities
involving parallelograms. involving parallelograms.
4 Solves routine and non-routine
problems involving properties of
Proves theorems on the different 1 Proves theorems that justify a
kinds of parallelogram (rectangle, parallelogram a rectangle.
2 Proves theorems that justify a
parallelogram a rhombus.
3 Proves theorems that justify a
rhombus, square). parallelogram a square.
4 Applies the theorems to find
measures of angles, sides, and
other quantities involving
rectangle, rhombus and square
1 Proves the Midline Theorem.
2 Proves theorems on trapezoids.
Proves the Midline Theorem. 3 Applies the theorems to find
measures of angles, sides, and
Proves theorems on trapezoids and 3 other quantities involving
kites. trapezoids.
4 Proves theorems involving kite and
applies these theorems to find
measures of angles, sides, and
other quantities involving kite.
1 Illustrates and solves real life
problems involving parallelograms.
2 Models and solves problems based
on real situations involving
Solves problems involving
parallelograms, trapezoids and 4
3 Illustrates and models real
situations involving kites.
4 Formulates and solves problems
involving parallelograms,
trapezoids and kites.
1 Defines and illustrates a proportion
and its properties.
2 Applies the fundamental rule of
Describes a proportion. proportion to determine the
unknown quantity in a proportion.
Applies the fundamental theorems *defines and illustrates a
5 scale factor
of proportionality to solve
problems involving proportions. 3 Illustrates and applies the Triangle
Proportionality Theorem in solving
problems involving proportions.
4 Illustrates and applies the Triangle
Angle Bisector Theorem in solving
problems involving proportions.
Illustrates similarity of figures.
2 Proves the conditions that justify
similarity of triangles by SAS
Illustrates similarity of figures. Similarity Theorem.
3 Proves the conditions that justify
proves the conditions for similarity
similarity of triangles by SSS
of triangles.
Similarity Theorem
1.1 SAS similarity theorem
6 to 7 4 Proves conditions that two
1.2 SSS similarity theorem
triangles are similar by AA
1.3 AA similarity theorem
Similarity Theorem.
1.4 right triangle similarity theorem
5 Investigates the ratios of
1.5 special right triangle theorems
perimeters, areas, volumes of
similar figures (triangles, cubes,
spheres, rectangular prisms).
6 Proves the conditions that justify
similarity of triangles by Right
Triangle Similarity Theorem.
7 Illustrates and determines the
special properties of right triangle
when an altitude is drawn to the
 Geometric Mean
8 Proves the conditions for right
triangles similarity by the special
right triangle theorems
 45-45-90 Right Triangle
 30-60-90 Right Triangle
1 Illustrates and determines whether
the two given triangles are similar
by applying the similarity
*SAS Similarity Theorem
* SSS Similarity Theorem
* AA Similarity Theorem
2 Proves the conditions for a right
Applies the theorems to show that
triangle by Pythagorean Theorem.
given triangles are similar.
8 3 Applies Pythagorean Theorem in
Proves the Pythagorean Theorem. finding the missing lengths of the
sides of a right triangle.
4 Classifies the kind of triangle
according to angles by comparing
the squares of the lengths of the
sides of the triangle.
* c2 = a2 + b2
* c 2 > a2 + b 2
* c2 < a2 + b2
Day 1: illustrates problems in real
situations that involve triangles
Day 2. solves real life problems
applying the concept of similarity
of triangles.
Solves problems that involve Day 3. formulates and solves real
triangle similarity and right 9 life problems involving right
triangles. triangles especially in finding
heights and distances applying
Pythagorean Theorem.
Day 4: applies the concept of
similarity in dilation; reducing and
enlarging the size of objects and in
scale drawing.
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
1 Defines and illustrates the six
trigonometric ratios.
Illustrates the six trigonometric 2 Finds the trigonometric ratios of
ratios: sine, cosine, tangent, the given acute angles with the use
secant, cosecant, and cotangent. of a calculator.
IV 1 to 2 3 Applies trigonometric ratios to
Finds the trigonometric ratios of solve right triangle given the length
special angles. of the hypotenuse and length of
one leg.
4 Applies trigonometric ratios to
solve right triangle given length of
the hypotenuse and one of the
acute angles.
5 Applies trigonometric ratios to
solve right triangle given the length
of one leg and one of the acute
6 Applies trigonometric ratios to
solve right triangle
given length of both sides.
7 Determines the trigonometric
ratios involving special angles.
8 Computes and evaluates the exact
numerical values of trigonometric
expressions involving special angles
1 Defines and illustrates angles of
elevation and depression.
2 Distinguish between angle of
elevation and angle of depression.
3 Solves problems involving angle of
4 Solves problems involving angle of
5 to 6 Formulates and solves problems
Illustrates angles of elevation and involving angle of elevation and
angles of depression. depression.
7 Determines and enumerates some
3 to 5 practical applications of
Uses trigonometric ratios to solve trigonometry to everyday life and
real-life problems to the different fields.
involving right triangles. 8 Solves real – life problems
involving right triangles using
trigonometric ratios. (finding
heights and distances)
9 to 10 Formulates and solves real life
problems involving right triangles
using trigonometric ratios.
11 to 12 Investigates on finding height of
buildings/ mountains, etc. without
actually measuring it.
1 Defines and illustrates oblique
2 Derives and illustrates the Law of
3 Illustrates the Law of Sines in
solving oblique triangles when
measures of two angles and one
Illustrates laws of sines and non- included side given. (SAA
cosines. Case)
4 Illustrates the law of Sines in
6 to 9 solving oblique triangles given
Solves problems involving oblique
triangles. measures of two angles and the
included side. (ASA Case)
5 Illustrates finding measure of
another angle of the triangle when
measures of two sides and an angle
opposite one of them are given
applying the Law of Sines. (SSA
6 Determines the missing parts of
oblique triangles applying the Law
of Sines.
7 Applies the Law of Sines to solve
real life problems involving oblique
8 Formulates and solves real life
problems involving oblique
triangles applying the Law of Sines.
9 Derives a formula for area of an
oblique triangle using the sine
10 Finds the area of an oblique
triangle using the derived formula:
a. A= ½ab Sin C
b. A= ½ bc Sin A
c. A= ½ ac Sin B
11 Illustrates the Law of Cosines
12 Applies the Law of Cosines in
finding the missing parts of an
oblique triangle when measures of
the two sides and the included
angle are given. (SAS Case)
13 Applies the Law of Cosines in
finding the missing parts of the
oblique triangle when measures of
the three sides are given. (SSS
14 Solves real life problems involving
oblique triangles applying the Law
of Cosines.
 Bearing and Navigation
15 to 16 Formulates and solves real life
problems involving oblique
triangles applying the Law of

Grade Level: GRADE 10

Time Allotment: 60 Minutes for Four (4) Days

Most Essential Learning

The learner …
I Generates patterns. Week 1 to 1 Generates pattern
Illustrates an arithmetic sequence. 2 2 Derives a mathematical
expression (rule) by searching a
Determines arithmetic means, nth pattern.
term of an arithmetic sequence and 3 Illustrates arithmetic sequence.
sum of the terms of a given 4 Identifies an arithmetic
arithmetic sequence sequence.
5 Finds the common difference
and nth term given the first few
terms of an arithmetic sequence
6 Finds the first term and
common difference or a
specified nth term given two
terms of an arithmetic sequence
7 Determines the arithmetic
means of an arithmetic
8 Finds the sum of the terms of a
given arithmetic sequence.
1 Illustrates a geometric
2 Generates a rule for geometric
Illustrates a geometric sequence.
3 3 Distinguishes between
Differentiates a geometric sequence
arithmetic and geometric
from an arithmetic sequence.
4 Illustrates finite and infinite
geometric sequence.
1 Determines the geometric
means between two terms.
2 Calculates the specified nth term
Determines geometric means, nth given the first few terms of a
term of a geometric sequence and geometric sequence.
Sum of the terms of a given finite or 3 Calculates the sum of the terms
infinite geometric sequence of a finite geometric sequence.
4 Calculates the sum of the terms
of an infinite geometric
1 Solves real-life problems
involving arithmetic sequence.
2 Solves problems involving the
Solves problems involving sum of arithmetic sequence.
sequences. 3 Solves real-life problems
involving geometric sequence.
4 Solves problems involving
geometric means.
1 Performs division of
Performs division of polynomials polynomials using long division.
using long division and synthetic 2 Performs division of
division. polynomials using synthetic
6 division.
Proves the Remainder Theorem, 3 Proves and applies remainder
Factor Theorem and the Rational theorem and factor theorem.
Root Theorem. 4 Proves and applies rational root
1 Factors polynomials by
groupings and by a common
monomial factor.
2 Evaluates polynomials using
substitution method.
Factors polynomials. 7 3 Determines the factors of the
polynomial using synthetic
division and factor theorem.
4 Determines the factors of the
polynomial using factor
Illustrates polynomial equations. 8 1 Illustrates polynomial
2 Solves polynomial equations in
factored form.
3 Determines the solution/root of
the polynomial equation.
Creates polynomial equations.

1 Solves problems involving

2 Formulates and solves real - life
Solves problems involving problems involving polynomials.
polynomials and polynomial 9 3 Solves problems involving
equations. polynomial equations.
4 Formulates and solves real – life
problems involving polynomial
Most Essential Learning
The learner …
1 Illustrates polynomial functions.
2 Rewrites the polynomial
function in factored form.
3 Identifies the x and y –
intercepts of a polynomial
Illustrates polynomial functions. function.
4 Graphs polynomial functions
Understand, describe and interpret using the x and y – intercepts.
the graphs polynomial functions. 1 to 2 5 Identifies end behaviors of the
graph using the leading
Solves problems involving coefficient test.
polynomial functions. 6 Identifies the multiplicity of
root(s)/ zero(es) of polynomial
7 Describes the graph of
polynomial functions.
8 Solves problems involving
polynomial functions.
1 Illustrates chords, arcs and
central angles.
2 Derives the relationship
between central angles and
II their intercepted arcs.
3 Proves theorems related to
congruent central angles and
their corresponding arcs.
Derives inductively the relations
4 Proves theorems related to
among chords, arcs, central angles,
congruent chords and their
and inscribed angles.
corresponding arcs.
3 to 4
5 Proves theorem on chord
Proves theorems related to chords,
perpendicular to a diameter (or
arcs, central angles, and inscribed
6 Derives the relationship
between inscribed angles and
their intercepted arcs
7 Proves theorems on inscribed
8 Proves theorems on
quadrilateral inscribed in a
Illustrates secants, tangents, 1 Illustrates sector and segment
segments, and sectors of a circle. of a circle.
5 to 6 2 Illustrates secants and tangents
Proves theorems on secants, of a circle.
tangents, and segments. 3 Proves theorems on tangent
4 Proves theorems on angles
formed by intersecting secants.
5 Proves theorems on angles
formed by intersecting
6 Proves theorems on angles
formed by intersecting secant
Solves problems on circles. and tangent.
7 Proves theorems on secant
segment, tangent segments and
external secant segments.
8 Solves problems on circles.
1 Derives the distance formula.
2 Applies the distance formula in
finding the distance between
Applies the distance formula to two points.
7 3 Finds the midpoint between
prove some geometric properties.
two points.
4 Applies the distance and the
midpoint formula to prove
some geometric properties.
1 Illustrates the center-radius
form of the equation of a circle.
2 Rewrites the center-radius form
Illustrates the center-radius form of
of the equation of a circle into
the equation of a circle.
general form.
8 3 Rewrites general form of the
Determines the center and radius of
equation of a circle into center-
a circle given its equation and vice
radius form.
4 Determines the center and the
radius of a circle given its
equation and vice versa.
1 Graphs a circle given the center
and the radius.
2 Graphs a circle defined by the
given equation.
Graphs and solves problems
3 Solves problems involving
involving circles and other geometric 9
figures on the coordinate plane.
4 Solves problems involving
geometric figures on the
coordinate plane.

Most Essential Learning

The learner …
III Illustrates the permutation of 1 to 2 1 Illustrates Fundamental
objects. Counting Principles.
2 Solves problems involving
Solves problems involving Fundamental Counting
permutations. Principles.
3 Illustrates factorial notation.
4 Illustrates permutation of
5 Finds the permutation of n
objects taken r at a time.
6 Illustrates distinguishable
7 Illustrates circular
8 Solves problems involving
1 Illustrates combination of
2 Derives the formula for finding
the numbers of combinations of
n objects taken r at a time.
3 Determines the combination of
n objects taken r at a time
4 Solves routine and non-routine
problems involving
Illustrates the combination of combination.
objects. 5 Differentiates permutation from
3 to 4 combination of objects taken at
Differentiates permutation from a time.
combination of objects taken at a 6 Identifies the situations that
time. involve permutation and
7 Compares the number of
possible arrangements of
permutation and combination
of n objects taken r at a time.
8 Solves problems that involve
both permutation and
1 Illustrates and models problems
involving permutation and
2 Solves real- world problems
Solves problems involving involving permutation.
permutations and combinations. 3 Solves real – life problems
involving combination.
4 Formulates and solves real life
problems involving
permutation and combination.
1 Illustrates experiments, sample
space and outcomes.
2 Differentiates simple events and
Illustrates events, and union and
6 compound events.
intersection of events.
3 Illustrates union of events.
4 Illustrates intersection of
1 Illustrates probability of simple
2 Identifies the samples space
Illustrates the probability of a union 3 Identifies the number of ways
of two events. the union of two events can
4 Illustrates the probability of a
union of two events,
Finds the probability of ( A ∪ B) . 8 1 Finds the probability of the
union of two events.
2 Illustrates probability of
dependent and independent
3 Determines probability of
dependent and independent
4 Solves routine and non routine
problems involving probability
of events.
1 Illustrates mutually and not
mutually exclusive events.
2 Solves real life problems
involving probability of mutually
and not mutually exclusive
Illustrates mutually exclusive events. events.
Solves real life problems
Solves problems involving involving probability of
probability. independent and dependent
Solves real life probability
problems involving permutation
and combination.

Most Essential Learning

The learner …
IV 1 Illustrates quartiles.
Illustrates the following measures of 2 Illustrates deciles.
position: quartiles, deciles and 1 3 Illustrates percentiles.
percentiles. 4 Identifies relationship between
the measures of position.
1 Calculates the quartiles of
ungrouped data.
2 Calculates the deciles of
Calculates a specified measure of
ungrouped data.
position (e.g. 90th percentile) of a set 2
3 Calculates percentiles of
of data.
ungrouped data.
4 Calculates inter-quartile range
and percentile rank.
1 Interprets quartiles.
2 Interprets deciles.
Interprets measures of position. 3
3 Interprets percentiles.
4 Interprets percentile rank.
1 Calculates the quartiles for
grouped data.
2 Calculates the deciles for
grouped data.
3 Calculates percentiles for
grouped data.
4 Calculates inter-quartile range
and percentile rank for grouped
Solves problems involving measures
4 to 5 data.
of position.
5 Solves problems involving
6 Solves problems involving
7 Solves problems involving
8 Solves problems involving
percentile rank.
Formulates statistical mini-research. 6 to 7 1 Formulates a simple discussion
on the desired statistical
2 Creates a question survey that
collects some form of numerical
(quantitative) data.
3 Identifies a sampling method.
4 Conducts a survey.
5 Conducts a survey.
6 Conducts a survey.
7 Organizes the data collected.
8 Organizes the data collected.
1 Creates a frequency distribution
2 Analyzes the data using an
appropriate measure of
3 Analyzes the data using an
appropriate measure of
Uses appropriate measures of position.
position and other statistical 4 Writes an interpretation of the
8 to 9
methods in analyzing and data.
interpreting research data. 5 Creates a write-up on the mini-
6 Creates a write-up on the mini-
7 Presents the final mini-research
8 Presents the final mini-research

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