NQP Ngpe2022
NQP Ngpe2022
NQP Ngpe2022
Instructions to Candidates
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and answer paper for part B.
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4. In Part A each question has FOUR alternatives. Any number of these (4, 3, 2 or 1) may
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Q.No. a b c d
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National Graduate Physics Examination 2022
Day and Date of Examination : Sunday, January 23, 2022
Time : 10 AM to 1 PM
Part A- Maximum Marks: 150 Time for Part A : 60 minutes
Part B- Maximum Marks: 150 Time for Part B : 120 minutes
Part A 25x6 = 150
Mark the correct option/options (Any number of options may be correct).
Marks will be awarded only if all the correct options are marked. No negative marking.
velocity (vp) and the group velocity (vg) is The phase angle θ for p>>ω, when the
expressed as damping factor b tends to zero is
(a) 0.25c2
(b) 0.5c2 (a) Zero
(c) c2 π
(b) 4
(d) data insufficient to calculate
(c) π
3. In a simple circuit for charging of a
(d) π
capacitor of 100 µF through a resistance of
10 kΩ in series by a battery of 6 volt in your 5. A thin long wire of mass M and length 4L is
laboratory, the displacement current id folded into a square and is now rotated
between the capacitor plates after about an axis passing through its centre and
500 millisecond shall be perpendicular to the plane of the square
(a) 240 µA with an angular speed ω rad/sec. Its angular
momentum is
(b) 364 µA
(c) 480 µA (a) 4ML ω (b) ML ω
2 2
(d) 600 µA 3 3
ML 2
ω ML2ω
(c) (d)
4 12
6. In an experiment with Michelson's 8. If the charge density ρ(r, t) in a poorly
interferometer using monochromatic light conducting dielectric medium of
of wave length λ = 600 nm and adjusted for conductivity σ and permitivity ε is ρ0 (r) at
circular fringes, a thin transparent sheet of time t = 0. At a later time t the charge
thickness t and refractive index µ = 1.54 is density ρ(r, t) is expressed as
introduced between the mirror M1 and the (a) ρ(r, t) = ρ0 (r)
beam splitter. In doing so, 180 circular
fringes are observed to disappear. The (b) ρ(r, t) = ρ0 (r) σt
thickness t of the transparent plate is σt
(c) ρ(r, t) = ρ0 (r) exp ε
(a) 27.0 µm
(b) 54.0 µm (d) ρ(r, t) = ρ0 (r) exp σt
(c) 100.0 µm
(d) 200.0 µm 9. The magnetic flux density B for a Ferro-
magnetic substance is expressed as
7. Two simple harmonic motions executed 2. The magnetic energy density
along mutually perpendicular directions 3 +H
(x-axis and y-axis) x = a sin 2ωt and y = a cos3ωt stored in the spacemen when H increases
from H = 0 to H = 180 Am− is
are superimposed. Identify the resulting
Lissajous figure (a) 5.84 MJ m−3
(b) 3.89 MJ m−3
(c) 32.4 kJ m
0.5 (d) data insufficient
(a) - 0.5
-1 10. Which of the statements below express
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Gauss's divergence theorem.
1 (a) ∫∫ E.dS = ε1 Σq
(b) ∇.E = ρ
(b) 0
- 0.5
(c) ∇.g = 4π Gρ
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(d) ∫∫ g.dS = 4π G Σm
12. If φ = 3x2 + y + 6x z then
4 2 2
17. Ultrasonic waves are the mechanical waves
div grad φ = [∇.(∇φ)] is (a) of frequency greater than the audible
(a) 6 + 12y + 12x
2 range of sound
(b) 12r 2 (b) which can be produced using piezo
electric generator
(c) 6 + 12r2
(d) zero (c) which are used to detect flaws in
diamond and other precious stones
[Given that r2 = x2 + y2 + z2].
(d) which travel faster than sound
13. Claussius Mossotti equation is valid for 18. Choose the correct statement/s:
(a) gases
(a) Varactor diode is used for high
(b) liquids frequency tuning circuits.
(c) crystalline solids
(b) Tunnel diode is used for high
(d) polar dielectrics frequency switching circuits.
(c) Photo diode is used to charge auxiliary
14. Annihilation of an electron by a positron of storage batteries.
negligible initial kinetic energy produces
two identical photons. The minimum (d) Zener diode is used for reference
frequency of such a photon may be voltage.
(a) 3.0 × 108 Hz 19. A gold wire, 0.32 mm in diameter,
(b) 1.2 × 10 Hz
elongates by 1 mm when stretched by a
(c) 6.6 × 1020 Hz force of 330 gmwt and twists through
1 radian, when equal and opposite torques
(d) 1.6 × 10 Hz
21. The thermodynamic cycle of a heat 23. Langvin theory explains the behaviour of a
engine is shown in figure below. The Paramagnetic substance in terms of a
shape of the closed cycle is an ellipse function known as Langvin function L(α).
with major axis extending from 15 J/K to µB
25 J/K parallel to entropy (S) axis and here α = The Langvin function is
the minor axis being from 300 K to 500 K
parallel to temperature axis. (a) L (α) = cosh α − 1α
T (b) L (α) = coth α + 1
500 (c) L (α) = coth α − 1
(d) L (α) = tanh α + 1
300 α
S 24. According to the nuclear shell model, the
15 25
spin and parity of the two nuclei Sb
The cycle is executed by the engine 51
20 times per second. The power output of and 89 Sr are respectively
the engine is approximately
(a) 12.5 KW 5 +and 5 + 7 +and 7 +
(a) (b)
(b) 16.0 KW 2 2 2 2
(c) 31.5 KW +
5 and 7 + 7 and 5 +
(c) (d)
(d) 63.0 KW 2 2 2 2
22. Which of the following statement/s is/are 25. A message signal 12 KHz and peak voltage
Correct for a LASER. 20 volt is modulated (Amplitude modulation)
(a) Spontaneous emission occurs in a by a carrier wave of frequency 12 MHz and
LASER system. peak voltage of 30 volt. The value of the
(b) Stimulated emission occurs in a modulation index (ma) and the side band
LASER system. frequencies produced are
(c) The active medium consists of (a) ma = 1.5 and LSB = 11988 KHz, HSB = 12012 KHz
metastable state. (b) ma = 0.67 and LSB = 11.88 KHz, HSB = 12.12 KHz
(c) ma = 0.67 and LSB = 11988 KHz, HSB = 12012 KHz
(d) The LASER system does not require
(d) ma = 1.5 and LSB = 11.88 KHz, HSB = 12.12 KHz
any external energy source.
Part B1 10x5 = 50
Answer all the following in brief (not more than 10 lines) with appropriate reasoning
B1. In a longitudinal wave the displacement node is axis as compared to that in a direction
pressure antinode. Defend or refute. perpendicular to the optic axis. Defend or
B2. A boy standing close to a wall (behind him)
cannot touch his toe on bending forward, B4. The energy produced by fusion of one kilogram
however he can do so if he stands in an open of Hydrogen in the deep interior of the Sun is
ground and bends forward. Explain why? about eight times more than the energy
produced by one kilogram of Uranium in a
B3. In a negative crystal the speed of an nuclear reactor. Defend or refute.
extraordinary ray of light is less along the optic
B5. A maximum of 20 orders of diffraction are B8. In a three dimensional cubical box of side L, a
observed in a diffraction grating having maximum number of 19 electrons can occupy
2620 line per inch when monochromatic light 33h
of the wavelength 500 nm is used. Defend or refute. the discrete energy level E = 2
B6. A Gypsy car has a canvas top. When the car Defend or refute.
runs at a highway the top bulges out. Explain
B9. The resolution of a 4−bit counting ADC
(analogue to digital converter) is 0.5 volt. For
B7. One of your friends argues that he has studied an analog input of 6.6 volt, the digital output of
that there exists no electric field inside a the ADC is 1110. Defend or refute.
conductor hence there cannot be any current
through the conductor. What is the fallacy in B10. The circuit in which two transistors are connected
this argument? Explain. in series in emitter follower configuration is
known as Darlington Pair. Defend or refute.
2 2
a distance z = a + b from the CG of the ψ (x) = A sin πx
4ea a ;0<x<a
plate on its major axis. Here e being the 0 ; otherwise
eccentricity of the ellipse. Obtain the expectation value of the
energy of the particle.
P3. Two metallic spherical shell of radii r1 = a
and r2 = b (b>>a) are kept coaxially. The P5. (a) Write an expression for
inner shell is given a charge +q distributed
uniformly on its surface while the outer (i) Lande's g factor gj for one valence
shell is earthed. The electron system in weak magnetic field.
space between the (ii) Lande's g factor gj in LS coupling for
two shells is now the atomic systems containing two
uniformly filled half valence electrons and
by a dielectric
(iii) Lande's g factor gj in case of JJ coupling
medium of dielectric
constant K1 and the
(b) What does Pauli's g sum rule state? increased to 2 atmosphere. The latent heat
Show the calculations of g factor by of vaporisation of water is 540 cal/gm.
illustrating g sum rule for ps electron (b) The surface area of the filament of a 100 W
configuration for both JJ coupling and Lamp which emits as a black body, is
−2 2
LS coupling schemes. 6.25×10 cm Estimate the wavelength of
P6. Distinguish between negative and positive radiation for which the maximum emission
crystals producing double refraction. Show takes place from this lamp. Given that
explicitly how would you draw the wave-front the Wien's constant b = 0.288 cmK and
Stefan's constant σ = 6.67×10 Wm K
−8 −2 −4
for an O-ray and E-ray in a doubly refracting
negative crystal in the following cases.
(a) The optic axis lies in the plane of P9. The adiabatic lapse rate is defined as the
incidence and subtends an angle of variation of temperature with height in the
30 degree with the crystal surface both atmosphere. This may be explained by
for oblique incidence and normal incidence. adiabatic expansion. The air near the
(b) The optic axis lies in the plane of surface of earth is heated by the radiations
incidence and is parallel to the crystal received from the sun as well as those
surface both for oblique incidence and reflected from earth. The hot air from the
normal incidence. lower region rises upwards to the region of
P7. (a) An aluminum block scatters a beam of low pressure hence expands. The air being
photons of energy 50 keV. Considering a poor conductor of heat, the expansion
Compton scattering, obtain the energy may be considered as adiabatic. Find the
of photons detected at an angle of temperature gradient considering γ = 1.4
30 degrees with respect to the direction and molar mass as 0.029 kg/mole for air.
of incidence.
(b) Two semi-infinite grounded conducting P10. The channel resistance,
plates meet at right angle at (0, 0). ρL
R= , of n channel JFET
[tch -- 2dx] × W
shown in figure is 600 Ω when the full
channel thickness of 10 µm is available for
+Q conduction.
dx D
0,0 tch
S 2b
A point positive charge +Q is located at
(a, a) as shown. Find the expression for
the force experienced by the charge +Q. P+