1 s2.0 S0030399222004674 Main
1 s2.0 S0030399222004674 Main
1 s2.0 S0030399222004674 Main
Research Note
Keywords: Visible wavelength lasers appear a straightforward solution for improved density in LPBF of Cu. However, only
Pure copper few high power continuous wave (CW) green lasers are industrially available. Nanosecond (ns) pulsed green laser
Green laser sources can be appealing for a wider industrial use, if adapted towards a melting-based process avoiding ablation
Pulsed wave
based shockwaves. This work reports the use of a novel ns-pulsed green fiber laser with 100 W average power
and 30 MHz pulse repetition rate for processing pure Cu. The work shows that free-standing samples without
excessive powder ejection from the powder bed and densities of 98.1% can be achieved with processing con
ditions similar to a conventional CW lasers.
1. Introduction established method. Commonly such lasers have been employed for
processing Cu alloys, glass, and ceramics in ablation-based micro
Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) with Cu can boost the efficiency of machining applications [15–17]. The ns-pulsed lasers are generally
heat transfer devices thanks to the possibility of producing complex characterized by high peak powers (Ppk > 10 kW) and are not suited for
geometries [1]. While low absorption of copper towards the commonly LPBF as they induce severe powder ejection and powder bed instability
used near infrared (NIR) fiber laser source [2–5] in LPBF makes the full due to the shockwave generated during ablation [18]. Such laser sources
melting of metallic powder difficult, its high thermal conductivity tends have been used in the early LPBF research [19] and successively aban
to destabilize the melt pool. Different strategies have been used to tackle doned as the CW fiber lasers became commercially available. Today
the processability of pure Cu such as using high power NIR continuous commercial LPBF systems operate with NIR fiber lasers run at CW or
wave (CW) lasers [2,3], multiple pass strategies [4], small beam sizes power modulated PW mode with µs-long pulses [20]. With these lasers
accompanied by fine powders [6], improved optical absorptivity via the light-material interaction is melting dominated and the LPBF process
powder modifications [7,8] and high temperature preheating [9]. The follows a well-known trend in densification as function of the energy
use of visible wavelength lasers is a more recent development. The use of density starting from low-energy density caused lack-of-fusion, moving
blue diode lasers has been limited to large beam sizes [10,11]. The use of towards a stable plateau of high density, and with excessive energy
green lasers on the other hand is limited to especially availability. density generating keyhole porosity [21]. Recently, novel ns-pulsed
Conventionally a green laser is a solid state laser (eg. Nd:YAG, fiber, or laser sources with high average (P > 50 W), low peak power (Ppk < 5
disc operating at 1030–1080 nm) with the second harmonic generation kW) and very high pulse repetition rates (PRR at MHz level) have been
(530–540 nm). Few examples show their use in LPBF [12–14].While made available, which can provide a Quasi-CW (QCW) emission profile
improved processability of Cu with visible wavelength lasers is an [22]. Stable green lasers can be made with such emission profiles, which
established fact, the research concerning the different type of laser ar can be exploited in LPBF coming close to a CW process due to the
chitectures is still an open field. elevated pulsation frequency even though duty cycles levels are below
High power CW green lasers are difficult to manufacture and main 10%.
tain stable. The harmonic crystals used in the generation of the green This work studies the LPBF feasibility of pure Cu using a new gen
wavelength are sensitive to the heat induced with the high power CW eration of ns-pulsed green fiber laser with 30 MHz pulse repetition rate
laser emission. While the lifetime of a NIR fiber laser is associated to the and 100 W average power. The paper shows the system configuration
lifetime of the pumping diodes, for a green fiber laser it is associated to and studies the processability through a large experimental campaign
the much shorter lifetime of the harmonic generator. The use of a har assessing the effect of the main process parameters on the apparent
monic generator with ns-long pulsed wave (PW) systems is an density.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: aligokhan.demir@polimi.it (A.G. Demir).
Received 15 March 2022; Received in revised form 16 May 2022; Accepted 18 May 2022
Available online 31 May 2022
0030-3992/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Singh et al. Optics and Laser Technology 154 (2022) 108310
2. Experimental systems system named Powderful (Fig. 1.b). The system was equipped with a ns-
pulsed single-mode pulsed fiber laser (GLPN-100-M, IPG Photonics,
2.1. Materials Cambridge, USA) with a central emission wavelength of 532 nm. The
laser is based on a MOPA (master oscillator power amplifier) active fiber
This work was carried out using gas atomized pure copper powder laser architecture. The seed laser is emitted at NIR, sent to a remote
(Cu 99.9 %wt, O 0.08 %wt, P < 0.15 %wt) (LPW Technology Ltd, amplifier, where it is amplified to the power level and converted to the
Runcorn, UK). The powder particle size was +15 μm/− 45 μm. Base plate green wavelength. The laser was characterized by P = 100 W average
material was AISI 316L stainless steel (Cr 16–18 wt%, Ni 10–14 wt%, Mo power, emitting τ = 1.4 ns pulses with a fixed pulse repetition rate at
2–3 wt%, Mn 2 wt%; C < 0.03 wt%, Fe bal). A SEM image of the powder PRR = 30 MHz. The maximum peak power of the pulses was calculated
is shown in Fig. 1.a. as Ppk = 2.4 kW with a maximum pulse energy of E = 3 µJ. The rise time
of the laser source to the average emission power corresponded to 400
µs. Its effect over the deposition process was minimized by employing
2.2. Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) system serpentine scanning strategy during the tests which did not consider
switching on and off of the process emission when jumping between
The LPBF of copper powder was carried out with a flexible prototype
Fig. 1. (a) SEM image of gas atomized pure copper powder. (b) The open LBPF platform Powderful fitted with the ns-pulsed green fiber laser. (c) Spot size at the
powder bed with variable lens position. (d) Spot size measured at different planes with fixed lens position. (e) The resulting energy density, peak irradiance, and peak
fluence values employed in the experimental campaign. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
A. Singh et al. Optics and Laser Technology 154 (2022) 108310
adjacent scan tracks. layer. It can be seen that the powder bed remains within and between
The beam was manipulated using a scanner head (Superscan II, the layers. In particular, in the investigated conditions there are not
Raylase, Wessling, Germany) coupled to focus shifting optics (Focus regions where powder is missing due to a violent ejection caused by the
shifter, Raylase, Wessling, Germany) and an F-theta lens with nominal ablation shockwave.
focal length of 260 mm (SL-532-165-260, Wavelength Opto-electronic, Figure 3.a shows examples of free-standing Cu samples built at 60 W
Singapore). The combined optical system yielded an effective working of power. Majority of the samples showed no evidence of macro defects.
distance of 244 mm from the F-theta lens. In this configuration, the Specimens produced with z = 70 μm, P = 60 W, and vs = 900 mm/s were
measured smallest spot diameter at the working plane was d0 = 38 μm. delaminated, due to the low energy density. Fig. 3.b. shows a subset of
The measured laser beam size in x and y axes and different positions of the experimental plan with the cross-section images. It can be seen that
the focus shifting optics is reported in Fig. 1.c. The caustic shape of the the process shows mainly lack-of-fusion pores with the porosity
beam propagation at different positions of the focus shifter is shown in decreasing towards higher power and slower scan speed. Fig. 3.c and
Fig. 1.d. The figures show that the beam size is controllable on the d show the main effects and interaction plots of the process parameters.
powder bed without changing the caustic propagation significantly. Table 2 shows the ANOVA results, which confirm the statistical signif
icance of all the process parameters and the interactions between P*vs,
3. Experimental campaign P*h, and vs*ds. It can be seen that P, vs, h, and z show the expected trends
from an LPBF process, increasing the density as the energy density is
The experimental campaign aimed to analyze the feasibility of the increased.
proposed laser source. Three levels of laser power (P), scan speed (vs) A peculiar behaviour is observed with ds, where larger beams appear
hatch distance (h), and spot size (ds) with two levels of layer thickness to improve the density. The cross-section images of the specimens pro
(z) were set and specimens corresponding to all parameter combinations duced with z = 50 μm, h = 0.1 mm, P = 80 W, vs = 300 mm/s and with
were produced. Specimens with a dimension of 5 × 5 × 5 mm3 were different ds is reported in Fig. 4. As confirmed by ANOVA, larger process
built directly on the substrate without any support structures in an inert diameters appear to be beneficial to the densification process. This can
atmosphere of argon on AISI 316 stainless steel substrate with 45◦ hatch be attributed to the fact that very small beams may generate conditions
rotation between the subsequent depositions employing a serpentine close to ablation which may induce powder ejection from the bed
scanning strategy. The set of fixed and variable parameters are reported [18,25]. This type of severe powder bed denudation through powder
in Table 1. ejection at higher levels of peak irradiance was qualitatively observed in
Relative density (ρ) of the produced specimens were analyzed via terms of the powder flying from the powder bed and depositing in the
cross-section images by measuring the proportion of the solidified area chamber. In the examined regime, the issue related to the peak irradi
over the total area in the image [23] using optical microscope (Mitutoyo ance regards the powder ejection rather than keyholing and keyhole
Quick Vision ELF QV-202). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to porosity. The results showed that for a stable process the peak irradiance
the results analyzing the parameter interactions up to the second order. with the medium or the largest beam size can be potentially used, which
Statistical significance level was set at α = 5%. The results were also is up to approximately 144 MW/cm2.
analyzed as a function of energy density (Ev) expressed by: Melt ejections and powder denudation have been observed in detail
via X-ray transmissive imaging by Hojjatzadeh et al. during pulsed wave
Ev = (1) LPBF due to the sudden peak power emission over the melt [26]. This is
vs hz
coherent with the model of the keyhole formation process by Semak
The mapping of the power and energy densities in the different et al., where vapour ejections due Knudsen layer formation at elevated
conditions tested are reported graphically in Fig. 1.e where peak irra peak temperatures will generate disturbances in the neighbourhood of
diance (I0) and peak fluence (F) of a single pulse were calculated ac the melt [27]. The mitigating impact of reducing the peak emission
cording to the following formulas [24]: power via beam defocusing will impact the localised vapour generation
8Ppk and thus the Knudsen flow which has been reported to be a significantly
I0 = (2) influencing factor over powder denudation by Matthews et al. [28]. In
terms of short to ultrashort pulsed lasers, the single laser pulse ablates
8E the material, generating a plasma with a relatively short life time. The
F= (3) measurements in literature show that the following shockwave gener
ation and the plume expansion may last in the order of a few micro
seconds [24]. Employing multiple pulses the plume generation was
4. Results and discussions
found to be further increased [29,30]. Such ejection mechanisms is ex
pected to be locally more violent compared to the vapour pressure
Fig. 2 shows representative images of the powder bed taken through
achieved in LPBF with CW lasers generating localized powder bed
the protective window after the recoating and during the scanning of a
Fig. 5a shows the relative density as a function of the energy density
grouped by different spot sizes. A large variation in terms of density is
Table 1
observed, which is typical of pure Cu processing. On the other hand, the
Fixed and variable parameters for the LPBF process.
processed energy density levels (20–180 J/mm3) are much smaller than
Fixed parameter Value
what is reported in literature using CW NIR lasers (200–2000 J/mm3)
Inert Gas Argon [31]. Evidently the higher optical absorption of the green wavelength
Substrate Material AISI 316 Stainless Steel improved the process efficiency. Presumably, the high thermal con
Hatch Rotation Angle 45◦
ductivity remains the issue resulting in the high variability. As shown in
Fig. 5b, density levels at 98.1% can be readily achieved.
Variable Factor Level The results overall show that the high PRR and relatively low Ppk of
Average power, P (W) 60; 80; 100
the ns-pulsed laser source provides an effective solution for improved
Scan speed, vs (mm/s) 300; 600; 900 density in LPBF of pure Cu. The duty cycle (δ) can be used to compare
Hatch distance, h (mm) 0.04; 0.07; 0.1 the emission profiles between different PW laser technologies:
Layer thickness, z (mm) 0.05; 0.07
Spot size, ds (mm) 0.04; 0.07; 0.10 δ = τ PRR (4)
A. Singh et al. Optics and Laser Technology 154 (2022) 108310
Fig. 2. Powder bed images acquired with an external camera through the protective window of the LPBF system. (a) Powder bed after the recoating of a new layer.
(b) Powder bed during the scanning of the laser beam.
Fig. 3. (a) Macro images of the specimens produced during the experimental runs at P = 60 W and z = 0.05 mm. (b) Influence of scan speed and power on the
specimen density with z = 0.05 mm; ds = 0.04 mm and h = 0.04 mm. (c) Main effect plot for ρ (%). (d) Interaction plot for ρ (%).
A. Singh et al. Optics and Laser Technology 154 (2022) 108310
Table 2 The duty cycle used in this work is much lower than those used with
Analysis of variance table for ρ (%). Statistically significant parameters are µs pulsed power modulated fiber lasers (δ > 90%) [20]. Compared to a
shown in italic. typical ns-pulsed NIR laser used for ablation (eg. P = 50 W, PRR = 50
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value kHz, τ = 100 ns, δ = 0.5%, Ppk = 10 kW), the employed green laser
P(W) 2 3775.8 1887.90 43.92 0.000
provides higher duty cycle (δ = 4%) and lower peak power (Ppk = 2.4
vs (mm/s) 2 3287.2 1643.60 38.23 0.000 kW). Metelkova et al employed a similar 30 ns-pulsed laser operating at
h (mm) 2 330.0 165.02 3.84 0.023 1070 nm wavelength during the LPBF of maraging steel for the purpose
ds(mm) 2 562.4 281.20 6.54 0.002 of powder removal on the built surfaces to expose them for successive
z (mm) 1 478.6 478.65 11.13 0.001
surface polishing by a CW laser [18]. With 1.4 GW/cm2 peak irradiance
P(W)*vs (mm/s) 4 1858.3 464.57 10.81 0.000
P(W)*h (mm) 4 468.4 117.10 2.72 0.030 (P = 42 W, PRR = 100 kHz, τ = 30 ns, δ = 0.3%, Ppk = 14 kW) the
P(W)*ds(mm) 4 252.3 63.07 1.47 0.213 generated shockwaves were able to remove powder up to 4 mm in depth
P(W)*z (mm) 2 45.7 22.85 0.53 0.588 after 20 consecutive scans. The use of femtosecond pulsed laser sources
vs (mm/s)*h (mm) 4 130.3 32.58 0.76 0.554 has also been shown in literature, producing much lower density values
vs (mm/s)*ds(mm) 4 481.9 120.49 2.80 0.027
vs (mm/s)*z (mm) 2 138.8 69.41 1.61 0.201
[25]. Indeed, a typical fs-pulsed laser used for ablation (eg. P = 10 W,
h (mm)*ds (mm) 4 24.2 6.06 0.14 0.967 PRR = 10 MHz, τ = 150 fs, δ = 0.00015%, Ppk = 7 MW) can be expected
h (mm)*z (mm) 2 162.8 81.39 1.89 0.153 to denudate the powder bed but also provide an indirect melting process
ds (mm)*z (mm) 2 66.0 33.01 0.77 0.465 through the heating provided by the intense plasma on the laser-
Error 228 9801.7 42.99
material interaction zone. In the light of the powder bed stability ob
Lack-of-Fit 104 4895.8 47.08 1.19 0.176
Pure Error 124 4905.8 39.56 servations and the density results, it can be concluded that the emission
Total 269 19017.1 profile of the employed laser source is suitable for a melting-based
process similar to a CW laser. The results still require further improve
ment in terms of density and therefore the thermal, electrical, and
Fig. 4. Cross-section of the specimens produced at same process parameters with Ev = 54 J/mm3 but at different ds and consequently I0 (a) ds = 0.04 mm, I0 = 354
MW/cm2, ρ = 93 % (b) ds = 0 0.07 mm, I0 = 115 MW/cm2, ρ = 94 % (c) ds = 0.1 mm, I0 = 57 MW/cm2, ρ = 96%.
Fig. 5. (a) Apparent density as a function of the energy density and spot size. (b) Cross-section of the specimen produced with P = 100 W, vs = 300 mm/s, h = 0.04
mm, ds = 0.07 mm, z = 0.05 mm, E = 166 J/mm3, I0 = 144 MW/cm2, ρ = 98.1%.
A. Singh et al. Optics and Laser Technology 154 (2022) 108310
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