Time: 3 hours and 15 minutes Maximum Marks: 70
Instruction for the candidates:
(1) Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as for as practicable.
(2) Figure in the right hand margin full marks.
(3) 15 Minutes of extra time has been allowed for the candidates to read the questions
(4) This question paper is divided into two sections- Section-A and Section-B
(5) In Section-A, there are 35 objectives types question which are compulsory. Each
carrying 1 mark. Darken the circle with blue black pen against the correct option on
OMR Sheet provided to you.
Do not use whitener/Liquid Blade/Nail on OMR Paper, otherwise the result will be
(6) In Section-B, there II short answer type question (each carrying 2 marks), out of
which any 18 questions are to be answered. Apart from this, there are 6 long
answer Type questions. (Each Carrying 5 marks), out of which any 3 question are to
be answered.
(7) Use of any electrons device is prohibited.
(c) Coulomb/volt (d) Coulmb/metre
Answer: Option (a)
4. Deviation of a thin prism of refractive index n and angle of prism A is
(a) 1 n A (b) n 1 A (c) n 1 A (d) 1 n A
(a) V.R (b) V R
(C) (d) V 2 Rt
Answer: Option (c)
11. Equivalent focal length of two lenses in contact having power -15D and +5D will be
(a) -20 cm (b) -10 cm (c) +10 cm (d) +20 cm
Answer: Option (b)
12. Cylindrical lenses are used to correct the eye defect called
(a) Myopia (b) Hypermetropia
(c) Astigmatism (d) Presbyopia
Answer: Option (c)
13. If +q charge is placed inside any spherical surface then total flux coming out from
whole surface will be
q 0
(a) q 0 (b) (c) (d)
0 q
18. In a step-up transformer, no, of turns in primary and secondary coils are N1 and N2,
1 p
(c) (d) Zero
4 0 r
24. The resistance of ideal ammeter is
(a) Zero (b) Very small (c) Very large (d) Infinite
Answer: Option (a)
25. The magnifying power of an astronomical telescope for normal adjustment is
f0 fe
(a) (b) f 0 f e (c) (d) f 0 f e
fe f0
1 1
(a) 2 (b) (c) (d) 2 2
2 2
31. The current flowing; in a wire is 1 A. if the charge of an electron is 1.6 10 C, then the
number of electrons flowing through the wire per second is
(a) 0.625 1013 (b) 6.25 1018 (c) 1.6 10 19 (d) 1.6 1019
Answer: Option (b)
32. The stored energy, of a capacitor charged to 100 V, is 1 J. capacitor is
(a) 2 10 4 F (b) 2 10 4 F (c) 2 10 2 F (d) 1.6 1019 F
Answer: Option (b)
33. The value of angle of dip at the earth’s magnetic pole is
(a) 00 (b) 45 0 (c) 90 0 (d) 180 0
Answer: Option (c)
34. The Boolean expression for NAND gate is
[10 2 20]
d E. ds E.ds cos
S.I Unit: Voltmeter or, Nm2/Coulomb
2. Establish the relationship between electric field intensity and electric potential.
Answer: Relation between Electric field intensity and potential E
It is also called potential gradient. The electric field at a point is equal to the negative
gradient of the electrostatic potential at that point.
3. The equivalent capacitance of three equal capacitors connected in series
combination is 6 F .
1 1 1 1 1
Answer: In series, .....
Cs c c c n
1 n c c
; Cs ; = ; C=18 f
Cs c n 3
For parallel combination, C p 18 18 18; C p 54 f
4. Two resistors of resistance ratio 3:4 are connected in parallel. Compare the
magnitude of heat produced in them.
1 H1 R2 H1 4
Answer: In parallel H ; ;
R H 2 R1 H2 3
7. Lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction follows the principle of conservation of
energy. Discuss it.
Answer: Lenz’s law states when an emf is generated by change in magnetic flux
according to Faraday’s Law, the polarity of the induced emf is such, that it produces an
current that’s magnetic field opposes the change which produces it.
The negative sign used in Faraday’s law of electromagnetic, indicates that the induced
emf and the change in magnetic flux B have opposite signs.
I 0 cos 2 T cos 2
T /2
cos wt
q I0 0
w 0 w T 2 T
0 cos cos 0 0 1 1
2 2
q 0 .........(ii)
If Im is the mean value of A.C then q Im ......(iii )
From equation (ii) and (iii) Im. 0 ; Im 0 ; Im=0.636I0
Thus, mean value of A.C is equal to 0.636 times of peak value of A.C
9. What are reactance and impedance in alternative current circuit?
Answer: Reactance: when A.C circuit contains only coil (inductance) then its resistance
is called inductive resistance or reactance of circuit. It is denoted by XL
Impedence : when A.C circuit contains resistance an coil then maximum value of
R W 2 L2
It is denoted by Z.
1 2 dPP
1 2
P1 5D P=5+4 0.1 5 4
P2 4 D P=9 2
d 10cm P=7D
Focal length of equivalent lens F
1 100
F 100 ; F=14.28 cm.
7 7
11. Two thin convex lens of power +5 and +4 diopter and placed co-axially at a distance
10 cm. Find the focal length of the combination.
12. Differentiate between primary and secondary rainbow.
14. The decay constant of a radioactive substance is 5.2 103 per year.
Answer: Half life time T ;
T ;
5.2 103
T ; T=133.2years
15. Write truth table and Boolean expression of OR and AND get.
Truth table
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1
Truth table
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1
d E. ds E.ds cos
S.I Unit: Voltemeter or, Nm2/Coulomb
F qBv sin
Here, 90 ; F=qBvsin90
0 0
The force it’s along Z= axis.
19. What is Electrical dipole? Find an expression for electric potential any point due to
an electric dipole.
Answer: Electric dipole: when two charge equal in magnitude but opposite in nature
placed very near to each other then it is called electric dipole.
Since, charge are very near to each other in electric dipole.
So, r1 OM ON ; r1 r l cos
Similarly r2 r l cos
Putting the value of r1 and r2 in equation (1)
1 1 1
V q
4 0 r l cos r l cos
1 r l cos r l cos
V q
4 0 r l cos
1 q 2l cos
4 0 r2 l 2 cos 2
Where P q 2l Electric dipole moment
l 2 cos2 r 2 so, l2 cos2 can be neglected
1 P cos
4 0 r 2
20. State and explain Kirchhoff’s law’s. Applying this law, obtain the balanced
condition of Wheatstone bridge.
Answer: : It states that in any closed part of an electrical circuit, the algebraic sum of the emf is
equal to the algebraic sum of the products of the resistance and current flowing through them. It
is also called loop rule. This law is based upon the law of conservation of energy.
Wheatstone bridge: It is one of the accurate arrangements for measuring an unknown
resistance. It is based on the principle of Kirchhoff’s law.
Four resistance P, Q, R and S are connected to form a quadrilateral of galvanometer and a
tapping key k1 (called galvanometer) are connected between points B and D as shown in the
Applying Kirchhoff’s second law, for closed pas ABDA in the circuit
I1P I g g I I1 S 0
I1 P O g I I1 S 0
I1 P I I1 S
P I I1
S I1
I g g I I1 I g R I1 I g Q 0
O I I1 R I1Q 0
I I1 R I1Q
Q I I1
R I1
From equation (i) and (ii) ; S= R
Hence, unknown resistance cab be calculated.
The alternating voltage to be transformed is connected to the primary while the load is
connected to the secondary. In a set-up transformer, the primary coil consists of a few of
thick insulated copper wire and the secondary consists of a large number of turns of thin
insulated copper wire while consists of a large number of turns of thin insulated copper
wire the case is reverse in step down transformer.
Theory: On applying the alternating voltage to the primary an alternating current flows
in the coil. An alternating magnetic flux is then set up in the core which gets linked with
both primary and secondary.
Let np and ns be the number of turns of wire in primary and secondary coil, p and s are
magnetic flux linked with primary and secondary coil at any instant then.
s N s
p N p p
d s N s d p
Differentiating both side w.r.t then .
dt N p dt
According to faraday law of electro-magnetic inductions
d d N e N
es s ; e p ; e s s .e p ; s s
dt dt Np ep N p
Then ratio K
For no. loss of energy, Output-power=Input power es I s e p I p
es I p
ep I s
22. With neat diagram describe the construction and working of an astronomical
telescope and find its magnifying power.
Answer: Astronomical Telescope: It is an optical instrument which is used to see
heavenly bodies.
Construction: An Astronomical telescope consists of two lens system. The lens which is
kept towards object is called lens or objective and the lens which is kept towards eye is
called eye lens. The distance between two lens is adjusted by rack and pinion
(i) When final image is formed at Infinity: when a parallel beam of light rays from
distant object falls on objective then its real and inverted image PQ is formed on
the side of the objective.
Now eye lens is so adjusted that PQ lies at the focus of eye lens, then final image is
formed at infinity.
Magnifying power of astronomical telescope
Angle subtended final image at the eye
M ; M=
Angle substended by object at the eye
The value of and are very small so,
tan PQ PQ OP
tan ; =tan ; M= ; M=
tan EP EP PQ
OP f
M ; M= 0
EP fe
(ii) When the final image is formed at least distance of district vision.
In this position eye lens is so adjusted that PQ lies between optical centre and
focus of eye lens then final image is formed at the least distance of district vision.
Deviation without Dispersion: Two prism crown glass an flint glass prism are taken
whose refracting angle are A and 1 respectively.
Let v , r , and 'v , 'r , ' are repractive indices for violet, red and mean colour of crown glass
and flint glass prism respectively.
The angular dispersion produced by crown glass prism.
v r v r A
Angular dispersion produced by flint glass prism 'v 'r 'v 'r A'
v r 'v ' r 0
v r A 'v 'r A' 0
v r A 'v 'r A'
r ...........(i)
A' '
v 'r
Negative sign indicates that refracting angle of prism are in opposite direction. The combination
of prism which satisfies the above condition is called achromatic combination of prism. If the
white light passes through such combination then only deviation is produced.
' 1 A'
; '
= 1 A 1 A ; D= 1 A 1
' '
1 A
Putting the value of in above equation
' 1
1 A 1 'v r
; D= 1 A 1
1 v r 1
24. Explain with the help of a labelled diagram the working of a transistor as an
Answer: An oscillator circuit consisting of an amplifier circuit, tuned circuit in the collector
and an inductive coupling for feedback. The emitter junction is forward biased while the
collector junction is reverse biased. The coil L1 and L2 are would on the same core so that
they are inductively coupled through their mutual inductance.
Working of a transistor as an oscillator- The transistor transfers the resistance, it is called
as transistor.
There exists an input circuit with a small source of power and a small resistance and an
output circuit with a high resistance and moderately large source of power.
In the input circuit, whenever there is a small change in current, there is an amplified
variation of current in output circuit, mainly because the resistance are transferred.
The amplified output current also oscillates with respect to the input, when the input current
is made to oscillate by applying a signal to the input terminal.