Biology Notes Biodiversity Class 9th
Biology Notes Biodiversity Class 9th
Biology Notes Biodiversity Class 9th
The term biodiversity has been derived from tow Greek words.
The different kind of organisms such as plants, animals and microorganisms present in different
ecosystems of the world is called biodiversity.
There are two millions organisms which have been identified. Out of these two millions 1.5 million are
animals and 0.5 million are plants. In Pakistan, there are about 6000 kinds of plants and 23,00,0 types of
Biologist estimated that today’s global biodiversity may consist of more than 100 million kinds of
organisms. The biodiversity of an area depends on climate; altitude and composition of soils etc.
Tropical regions of the earth have richer biodiversity while Polar Regions have fewer species.
Importance of biodiversity:-
Biodiversity provides high variety of food for human in the form of different crops, fruits, meat, eggs,
milk, fish and forestry etc.
2. Production of drugs:
Biodiversity plays a vital role in human and animal’s health. A wide variety of plants, animals and fungi
are used as medicine and essential vitamins. Drugs such as streptomycin and Erythromycin are derived
from fungi. Drugs like caffeine, morphine and quinine are produced by other plants.
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
Biodiversity plays an important role in the production of industrial materials. Building materials, Building
materials, fibers, dyes, resins, gums, rubber and oil are some of the industrial materials derived from the
Biodiversity play important role in making and maintaining ecosystem. It is directly involved in recycling
of nutrients and providing fertile soil. Loss of species makes the ecosystem less productive.
Classification of Organisms:-
The arrangement of organisms into group and sub group on the basis of their similarities and differences
is called classification.
Biologist have identified or described about 2 million kinds of organism (0.5 million type of plants & 1.5
million of animals). These are only a small percentage of the total Kinds estimated to live on the earth.
Basis of classification:-
Aristotle Classification:-
He classifies the organisms on the basis of Habitat i-e Air, Water and land.
However, it was not justified as animals in one group may have nothing in common except their habitat.
Biologist began to classify organisms on the basis of physical characteristics. Some of the characteristics
given below on which they classify the Organisms.
Modern Classification.
This system of classification is based on the habitat and physical characteristics but also on
genetics, Anatomy, physiology and evolution theory.
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
Aims of classification:-
Classification is the arrangement of organisms on the basis of certain groups these are:
4. To provide idea about the sequence of evolution of organism from simple to complex.
Principles of Classification:-
Biologist follows certain principles for classification. A few of the principles are:
1. Organisms are classified on the basis of their apparent similarities such as color, height, weight etc.
2. Organisms are classified in one group or in closer group if they have more homologous
3. The anatomical features and evolutionary history is also considered principle during classification.
4. Genetics and Biochemistry of different organism are also considered as principle for classification
Ans:-Hierarchy Of Taxonomy:-
Swedish naturalist Carlous Linnaeus (1707-1778) proposed a system of different ranks or levels for the
classification of organisms.
The arrangement of different organisms in their respective group called taxa. The taxa form a ladder
called taxonomic hierarchy.
Various categories:-
All organisms are divided into five kingdoms. So kingdom is the largest taxon. On the basis of similarities,
each kingdom is further divided into smaller taxa in the following way.
1) Species:-
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
It is the basic and smallest unit of classification. A species contain similar organisms.
A group of organisms that can naturally interbreed and produce fertile off springs are known as species.
The members of the species have same number of chromosomes.
Example: Parrdus
2) Genus:-
Example: Panthera
3) Family:-
Example: felidae
4) Order:-
Example: Carnivora
5) Class:-
Example:- Mammalia
6) Phylum:-
Examle:- Chordata
7) Kingdom:-
Example: Animalia
Each category is called taxon. Members of the lower taxon resemble one another more than the
members of a higher taxon.
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
Write the taxonomies hierarchy of Amoeba, mustard, mushroom. Man and panther?
The arrangement of different organisms in their respective group called taxa. The taxa form a ladder
called taxonomic hierarchy.
History of classification:
1) Aristotle classification:
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist in 4th BC. He classified plants and animals on the basis of
similarities. He listed only few hundred plants and animals.
Plant classification:
B. Animal classification:
Date of Birth:
He described the life system of ants and his own observations on seasonal migration of fishes in river
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
Al-Jahiz wrote a book Kitab-Al-Hayawan on animals. This book is consist of seven volumes in printed
edition. He described the characteristics of 350 species of animals.
He knew that some insect are responsive to light and he used this information for getting rid of
mosquitoes and files.
In this book he also discusses animal mimicry, communication, physiology, degree of intelligence and
their geographical region etc.
The two kingdom system of classification was presented by a Swiss scientist Carolus Linnaeus in 1753.
According to two kingdom system of classification all living organisms are classified into:
1. Kingdom Plantae
2. Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Plantae included all green plants, algae, fungi and bacteria.
Failure / Limitations:-
1). Euglena is placed in kingdom planate. Euglena have plant like character i-e chlorophyll but it have
also animal like characters as well i-e engulf food in darkness and lack cell wall.
2). This system did not clear the difference between prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
3). New discoveries also that Fungi is different from plants. Plants are Autotrophic and fungi are
heterotrophic. Plant cell wall is made up of cellulose but fungi cell wall is made up of chitin.
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
According to “Five kingdom system of classification all living organisms are classified into five kingdoms.
In 1968 Robert Whittaker introduced this system. These five kingdoms are.
Kingdom Plantae:-
5) Kingdom Animalia:-
Characteristic s:-
The Word virus is derived from Latin word “Venome” which mean “Poisonous fluid”.
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
Virus is A cellular (non cellular) Infectious particle contain DNA or RNA in envelope of protein called
Virus are unique particles, they do not considered as living organisms and not included in
classification system.
They live as parasite in all types of organisms and cause disease in them.
The use metabolism of the cell in which they live.
They are not affected by Antibiotics but it can be affected by radiation, high temperature and pH
Living characteristics:
Non-Living characteristics:
Ans:- Meaning:-
Bi meaning two.
Nominal means names.
1) According to this system every plant and animal name consisting of two parts (words).
2) The first word is the name of genus while second word is the name of species.
3) The generic (genus) name begins with a capital latter and specific (species) name begins with small
These names are more definite and precise than common names. Common names have no scientific
Being generally in latin, they have a universal acceptance by people of all languages.
They indicate the generic and evolutionary relationships of individual plant and animals.
Q (13): What do you know about conservation of biodiversity? Why conservation of biodiversity is
The use of natural resources such as plants, animals, minerals and water in a wiseful manner is called
conservation of biodiversity.
Nature has gifted us with natural resources. We need to make wise use of these resources so that their
balanced state will not be disrupted.
Conservation of resources is necessary to fulfill the needs for the present generation, as well as for the
future generation.
Q (14): What do you meant by extinct, threatened and endangered species? Write examples with
references to Pakistan?
Asiatic cheetah, tiger, lion, Wild ass, Indian one horn rhinoceros. Swamp deer, black buck and Hangul
Endangered species:
Specie that is at risk of extinction in near future is called endangered species. In Pakistan 31 species of
mammals, 20 species of birds and 5 species of reptiles are endangered.
Threatened species:
A species which are likely to become endangered in the near future are called threatened species.
All species have specific food and habitat. Human Population increase day by day, in order to fulfill the
demands of food people are clearing forests and developing agricultural lands and residential colonies.
Deforestation mean cutting down of trees without proper planning is called deforestation.
In Pakistan, forests cover only 2.5% of the land. Pakistan has the highest annual deforestation rate in
Asia. According to a report of WWF, since 1947 more than 151,500 acres of forest land have been
converted to non forest land.
2. Over-hunting:
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
Illegal hunting of animals causes loss biodiversity. Pakistan various lizards, snakes, crocodiles and larger
mammals are hunted for various purposes. Large number of migratory birds is hunter and killed during
their seasonal migration.
When new specie is introduced in an ecosystem. It may prove harmful for the existence of other species
living there.
a) Introduction of species:
Eucalyptus trees were imported to Pakistan from Australia. These trees consume more water and have
disturbed the level of underground water so other smaller plants cannot grow near these trees.
b) Removal of species:
Starfish eats mussels which are harmful to many other species. If starfish is removed form that
ecosystem, the mussels will increase in number and they will harm to other species.
4. Rapid industrialization:
The chemical pollutants released from industries are harmful for species and ecosystem. Pollution is not
recognized as a cause of extinction, but it usually harms species which line in small areas.
The non-domesticated animals and non-cultivated plant present naturally in an area is called wild life.
We should conserve our wild life by controlling the following dangerous issues.
1. Over population
2. Deforestation
3. Over grazing
4. Urbanization etc.
Q (17): List down the endangered species of Pakistan? And what are the reasons behind their
population decrease?
Mammals = 31 species
Birds = 20 species
Reptiles = 5 species
Taxusbaccata (yew)
Pinusgeradiana (chilghoza)
Houbarabustard (talor)
Marcopolo sheep
Musk deer
Climate change.
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
Ans: Deforestation:-
Definition:-The removal or cutting down of forests in an unwise and unplanned manner is called
deforestation (or) The cutting down of trees from land without proper planning is called deforestation.
Causes of deforestation:-
1. Extension of cities requires more land, thus forests are cut to build roads and houses etc.
2 . Over population need more land for agricultural activities thus forest are cut down.
Effects of deforestation :-
3. Flooding: with rain falls soil drain off into the rivers, which causes flooding.
5. Reduce source of rain: Deforestation decrease transpiration. This ultimately reduce source of rains.
5. Forest also enhances the aesthetic value of ecosystem and a site for tourist attraction.
6 . Forest keeps the air clean by extracting carbon dioxide from air .
Biology notes Biodiversity class 9th
7 . It provide habitat for some important animals and other organisms.
Ans:- Pakistan is facing many problems related to conservation of natural resources, Deforestation and
hunting are most common issues.
Following are a few examples of the steps taken in Pakistan to conserve biodiversity.
Suleiman range chilzghoza forest is the largest chilghoza forest In the world. In 1992 the WWF-P started
its conservation program.
The northern area of Pakistan serve as a habitat for a number of wildlife species. The survival of these
species in under theat. The NACP is a project of WWF-P which is successful in implementing a ban on the
hunting of these species.
Chitral lies on the migratory route of several important birdsspecies. The birdsface enormous pressure,
WWP-Pakistan initiated efforts to reduce the hunting pressure in 1992. The efforts proved successful.
4. Conservation of chiltanMarkhor:
Hazarganji national park is located close to Quatta and is the only remaining habitat of chiltanMarkhor
in the country. WWF-Pakistan developed the management plan of the park.
Importance of biodiversity:-
It gives us food.
It is a source of Recreation.