ABB - E-Mobility Global Portfolio Brochure - 01 - 22
ABB - E-Mobility Global Portfolio Brochure - 01 - 22
ABB - E-Mobility Global Portfolio Brochure - 01 - 22
ABB E-mobility
Global product portfolio
Pioneering the future of e-mobility
Delivering end-to-end electrification
solutions for the transport of
tomorrow, today.
Long standing experience
More than a decade in launching innovative
EV charging technology, complimented by a
century of experience in power distribution
and energy management.
Trusted problem solver
From highway to home, from EV fleets to
retail, we are the partner of choice for the
world's biggest brands of electric vehicle
OFMs to nation-wide EV network operators.
Global leader in EV charging infrastructure
Writing the future together
ABB E-mobility has years of experience in designing, manufacturing, installing and
maintaining electric vehicle charging infrastructure, including several nationwide
charger networks.
The key elements
to run an EV charging operation
ABB E-mobility provides all elements to run a successful charging operation.
One stop for hardware, software, connectivity and services.
Car charging infrastructure
Terra DC fast chargers - from 20 kW to 180 kW
The Terra fast chargers are designed for convenient charging of all types of electric
vehicles, including the upcoming ones equipped with high voltage systems.
The compact size makes it perfect for urban use, while its modularity allows to
increase the charging power up to 180 kW and serve up to 3 electric vehicles
at the same time.
Main features and key benefits • Easy integration in OCPP backends and local
• DC fast charger supporting CCS (type 1 and 2), control systems via OPC-UA (optional)
CHAdeMO 1.2 and GB/T. • Remote uptime monitoring and assistance
• Serving up to 3 vehicles at the same time, • Remote updates and upgrades
2 fast-charging and one AC charging. • Easy to use:
• Modular design allows to increase the power - Daylight readable touchscreen display
level depending on the specific needs of the - Graphic visualization of the charging
site, from 20 to 50 kW (Terra 24-54) and from progress
90 to 120 to 180 kW (Terra 94-124-184) - RFID/PIN/Remote authorization
• The 300 A CCS cables allow high power • Upgradable with credit card payment
charging speed in a compact form factor, terminals
ideal for urban environments.
• Capable of charging high voltage batteries Configurations
(up to 920 Vdc) • Low power models: Terra 24 (20 kW),
• Simultaneous AC charging via optional Terra 54 (50 kW)
22/43 kW cable (Terra 24/54) or 22 kW socket • High power models: Terra 94 (90 kW),
AC Type-2 (all models). Terra 124 (120 kW), Terra 184 (180 kW)
• MID and Eichrecht (PTB) compliant metering • European, US, Japan and China versions
system for DC and AC outlets available available, for 400 V, 480 V and
as option. 380 V AC grid inputs
• Upgradable with cable management system • Many combinations of the open protocols
to handle long cables and enhance the user CCS, CHAdeMO, GB/T and AC charging
experience. • Continuous current output up to 125 A
• IEC 61000 EMC Class B certified for industrial (Terra 24/54) and 300 A (Terra 94/124/184)
and residential areas (including petrol • Different cable lengths available and optional
stations, retail outlets, offices, etc.) cable management system
• Future-proof connection via open industry
01 Terra 54CT
02 Terra 54 CJG
03 Terra 184 CC
04 Terra 184 CJ
05 Terra 184 CJ with
cable management
— — — — —
01 02 03 04 05
Terra 360 all-in-one high power charger – from 90 kW to 360 kW
The Terra 360 is the fastest all-in-one charger on the market. Designed around the
needs of today’s EV driver, the Terra 360 is powerful, flexible, user-friendly and
designed for accessibility.
ABB’s Terra 360 charging network operators deploy fast-charging stations and
accelerate the transition to future mobility.
06 Terra CE 360 CC Key features
• "All-in-one" integrated design
• Up to 360 kW of charging power
• Modular and scalable in 30 kW steps
• Serving multiple EVs at the same time
• Dynamic power allocation across the outlets
• Supporting the major charging standards
• CCS charging up to 500A (liquid cooled option
available in 2022)
• The only charger that can serve a high
performance car, such as the Porsce Taycan, at
full power (270 kW) and charger a second
vehicle (90 kW)
• Serving up to four vehicles at the same time
(available from 2022)
• Charging batteries up to 920 Vdc
• Integrated cable management system
• Five meters of cable reach on all sides of the
• 15" touchscreen user interface
• Optional 27" advertisement screens 06
• Optional credit card payment terminals
• Native support to OCPP 1.6 JSON
• Easy and fast installation and commissioning
• Online and local service and configuration
• Native integration to ABB site and fleet power
management solutions
Terra HP – 175 kW to 350 kW
Fast charging just got faster. High power for next gen EVs
Several EV models with larger batteries and • Suited for current and next generation EVs
longer range are coming. Infrastructure needs are • CHAdeMO and liquid cooled CCS up to 350 kW
growing. More fast charging points with higher and 500 A
power demands will be needed for drivers to • 375 A output current per power cabinet
adopt the next generation of electric to charge fast at 400 VDC
transportation. ABB has solutions today that will • Dynamic DC to save costs
enable this future. • Flexible charge
• Scalable installation with integrated
Main features and key benefits galvanic isolation
• Ultra-high current of 500 A per individual power • Cable retraction system, advanced
cabinet liquid-cooling system
• Dynamic DC functionality: 500 A per charge • Robust, all-weather enclosure for indoor
post and outdoor use
• Wide voltage range: 150-920 V • EU and US models available
• Modular system: 175-350 kW
Dynamic DC
2 x 350 kW
2x 500 A
150-920 V DC
Terra DC Wallbox – 24 kW
The smart e-mobility investment for today, and tomorrow.
Developed with leading electric vehicle Main features and key benefits
manufacturers, trusted by energy suppliers and • CE variants:
governments, the Terra DC wallbox makes - 0–22.5 kW, 24 kW (peak) / 60 A
fast charging safe, smart and future-compatible. • UL variants:
Backed by 130 years of innovation and a decade in - Single phase: 19.5 kW @ 208 V/60 A
e-mobility, the DC wallbox supports the 22.5 kW @ 240 V/60 A
continuous advance of electric vehicles. - Three phase: 0–22.5 kW, 24 kW (peak) / 60 A
• Charging voltage: CCS 150 – 920 V DC,
Terra DC wallbox is a futureproof investment CHAdeMO 150 – 500 V DC
supporting current and future EVs with high • Protection NEMA 3 & IP54
voltage charging, applicable to a wide variety of • Overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage,
use cases, in an ultra-compact footprint, that is ground-fault, surge protection, PE continuity
safe and reliable, for residential use too. monitoring and leakage current monitor
protection integrated
• Futureproof investment supporting current and
future EVs with high voltage charging
• Space-savings with easy-to-install design
• Broad range of connectivity options
• Remote software updates
• Certified with EMC Class B protection for safe
use in residential areas
24 kW
Terra DC wallbox
Terra AC Wallbox – 3 kW-22 kW
The best value charger on the market.
Brought to you by the global experts in smart With connectivity and smart functionality, the
mobility, smart buildings and smart homes, the Terra AC wallbox is built to adapt to deliver the
Terra AC wallbox is built on ABB’s 130-year most optimized charge today and into the future.
heritage of accessible technology leadership for Convenient home charging that integrates
safe, smart and sustainable electrification and seamlessly into everyday life.
informed by our comprehensive expertise in Safety is a core principal of both ABB’s business
e-mobility. and the Terra AC wallbox. The wall charger, as
with ABB’s entire EV charging product portfolio,
The Terra AC wallbox is the superior EV home has been evaluated and tested to the highest
charger, delivering high-value quality, futureproof safety standards by independent, third-party
flexibility, and advanced safety and protection. safety certification organizations.
Key benefits
• Space-saving and easy-to-install design
• Smart functionality for optimized charging
• Remote software updates
• Broad range of connectivity options
• Built-in energy meter for load management
Main features
• Complying with IEC standards
• Single phase up to 7.4 kW / 32 A
— • Three phase up to 22 kW / 32 A
3 kW - 22 kW
Terra AC wallbox • Protection IP54, IK10
• Connectors type 2, socket with or
without shutter
• Overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, ground
fault and surge protections integrated
Heavy vehicle charging infrastructure
Connector based
Charge electric buses and trucks with a connector
HVC-150C with 150 kW
power cabinet and three
depot charge boxes with
sequential charging
12 A B B E - M O B I L I T Y G LO B A L P R O D U C T P O R T F O L I O
Pantograph Up
Charge electric buses with a roof mounted pantograph
HVC-300PU with 300 kW
power cabinet and slim
design charge pole
Pantograph Down
Charge electric buses following the OppCharge protocol
HVC-450PD with 450 kW
power cabinet and
standard charge pole
14 A B B E - M O B I L I T Y G LO B A L P R O D U C T P O R T F O L I O
ABB E-mobility Service Offering
Secure the availability, performance
and safety of your EV chargers
Charging infrastructure must operate with the highest utilization and
lowest downtime. ABB’s service level agreements meet that demand,
incorporating a decade of experience with thousands of intelligent
fast chargers deployed across the globe.
Charger Support Request Response Time (CSRT) Deployment Time of On-site Service (DTOS)
Response time is defined as the maximum Deployment time is defined as the amount of
allotted time requested for ABB to respond to time after the remote diagnostic response
customer inquiries, acknowledge receipt by the process is complete to the dispatching of an
EV charging service team, and begin the remote engineer/tech to site.
troubleshooting process.
If the issue cannot be resolved via remote
Remote Diagnostics Response Time (RDRT) support and it is mutually agreed that on site
Remote Diagnostic Response time is defined as support is needed; and spare parts are either at
the maximum allotted time requested for ABB to site or confirmed for delivery to site, then ABB
provide remote response after receiving a authorized service personnel will be dispatched
charger support request. In cases where the to be on site. The timing of site work must also be
charger error is flagged as a level 3 issue and the mutually agreed upon.
support issue must be elevated to the Global
Service Desk, the final response time may be
• Standardized online training
• Customized service training
• Third-party service training programs
ABB Ability™ Connected Services
Enabling your charging operation
To successfully run a commercial charging network in a dynamic
environment it is crucial to connect EV chargers to the Internet.
Digital integration - OCPP API Concept Digital integration - Dual Uplink Concept
Additional information
We reserve the right to make technical
changes or modify the contents of this
document without prior notice. With
regard to purchase orders, the agreed
particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does
not accept any responsibility whatsoe-
ver for potential errors or possible lack
of information in this document.
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