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En 443 2008

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EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 443 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM rans ee ee ves 4020 Siposades EN 44-1097 Enalsh Version Helmets for fie fighting in buildings and other structures Cerne tn et ar Faerie tanga Getter Ts npn Sead us provsy CEN 8 Ons 27, sare ch sly conto gee i Eason i ar rnen rrr cnc sah an ‘Pe Eucten Seat mtan hn! eine nt ech, Gea Aver hy rege aie Yonon ne sean mane Fn ser ange aed ae COW Magoo Gare a an oak ee BB (22m CEN Arh fem maya ary yaa tne eees20 £ EN 443:2008 (E) 2 Normative re6¢0N088.snvrwnnn “Terms and detnons nn Breas taand 15. 482 Arete 3a and 0. a 450” Flame resistance. 412 Electrical proper. 4324 Conductive headform = 4322 Wet helmet insulation... 4323 Surace insulation 415. Contact wit quid showicais (optional) 4334 Atees ta, 1b 4982 Areas 30,35 214" Ftd of vision 4415 Extent of protection 44354 Area ta and atea 0. 44182 Area 3 (optional). 5 Tost procedire6 enn 51 Sampling and helmet 544 Sampling non 51.2 Helmet adjustment 52. Visual inspection. 53 Conditioning nen S34 Generate EN 443:2008(E) $32, Ueto easing 533. Thermal shock, $34 Solvent condoning. 535 “Thermal pis” conditioning, 38 “Thermal minus" condoning 537 Wetcondilonings sr snnsn se $4. Shock absorption anes 841 Areata = 842. Aree ta and tb, 85. Rasltance to ponetaion nna 88 Lateral crushing 881 Principe “ os 5882 Procedure nn 87. Retention system effectiveness ‘58 Ratenon system strength 89. Radiant heat. 504 Arese Ta and i 592 Areas 3a and 36.2 510 sia S412 Area Saand area 36 S42. Hoatresistance. saa 122 30 eu Saas 14a Saas 848. Contact wit iquid chemicals (optional. S484 Area to an tb, 5452 Areas 3a and 3b, S48 Fleld of visionesans 517 Extontof protection, avea Ta and 1b BAZ. Equipmontecenneenn enn S472. Samp were 8173 Testmethod. vw ee 7 Information to be supplied bythe manUtaetitt ann nnn ‘Annex A informative) List of M8288 even ‘Annex B (normative) Conditioning - Teeting 8eNedUa nnn ‘Annex informative) Checking compatisilly of PPE ‘Annex D (iormatve) Test results, uncertainty of measurement... Br Uneereiny of roeenremert ecm onan D2 Interpretation of results en D3 Calculation of uncertainty of measuramont. ‘Annex2ZA (formative) Relationship betweon ths European Standard and the Essontial Requiromonts of EU Directive SCBSIEEC. Bibliography. EN 443:2008 (€) Foreword This document (EN 443.2008) ras been prepared ty Technical Committee CEN/TC 158 Head protection the secretariat of whieh shes by 8S ‘This European Standard shales gven te status ofa national eancar, ener by pubteaton of an desc texto by endorser at the latest by August 2008, aa canting neon etanses shal be tndrawn ate lawstby August 2008 ‘This document supersedes EN 643-1067, ‘This document has been prepared under 2 mandate gen to CEN by the European Gonmisson and the European Fr Trace Associaton. and supers essen requirements cf EU Orectvate) For relationship with EU Dircive() see formative Annex ZA, hich sn integral par of tis document ‘According tothe CENICENELEG Intoral Repustions, the natorl standards ocgarieatons of the folowing sountles are bound to implement ths Eurepean Siandard. Austia, Bagum, Bugara, Cyzrus, Czech Repubic, Denmark. Estonia, Friand, France, Gemary, Greces, Hungay, load, roland, Tal, Latvia, Livan, Lizembour, Malta, Netherards, Nonay, Pals Portegal Roan, Sevakia Savers, Sh, ‘Sweden, Swizfand ané Unies Kingdom EN 443:2008 (6) Introduction Minimum resuremen for helmets protecting the lower face and te neck ae included in bis European ‘Standard. Roquremerss for other procucs protecting the Inve fae and rack are also Covered in ether European Standards. Ths Evroean Standard alows pions to take account of pericus” adchional requrement, ‘This European Standard dese wih to tyoes of hemes: tyre A and yoe 8 Secon of he type othemet ‘and any optional equipment snows be made folowing a comprehensive Fak sscesment, ‘Annex A ges an intormatve Sst of haze Erofightrs shoud be tained inte use, care and mabtenanee of helmets covered by tis European ‘Standard using an understanding of any Imtatons, EN 443:2008 (€) 1 Scope This European Standard species minimum requtement or rafters helmet protecting Ine upper head ‘mainly against tho effecs ef mpack penetration ane oat and fame, wht treightingnDuldngs and ther Shutees 2 Normative references “The folowing rferoncea documents are ndpansstle forthe appleatin ofthis document For dated ‘eferences, ony he edition ced apples Fo undated ‘elerences. the latest econ of the referenced ocumentincuding any amanments}apotes, EN 1261998, Resoctry protect doncos — Fal face masks — Requirements, testing marking EN 1972008, Resokatory potecve devices — Sei.containes open cat compressed ai boating _pporatis with face mask — Requirements, es, marking EN 1862001, Parsona eye-potecton ~ Sosereatons EN 168:2001, Personal eye-roteton — Nonoptial test methods EN 489.2005, Protective hing for frotighters — Pertumance requrements for protective ching for ‘ropaning EN 591:1095, Protective cohing for indusial workers exposed to est (excluding frofghers' and welders tarnng) EN 3602006, Heaton for use nthe Tosh of proactive haat EN 12087-12000, Protective helmets — Test mtiods — Part Convene and condoning EN 12087-22000, Proto haimots — Te ft mathods — Par 2: Shock absorption EN 19087-3, Protective heats — Test methade — Part 3 Resistance to panetration| EN 19087-4, Protective helmets — Test mothods — Pat & Retort system efectvonacs EN 19067-5:2000, Protective heels — Tas! matheds — Part Retain system strength EN 180874, Protective heinets — Test methods — Pat 6: Fed of vision EN 13087-82000, Protective eles — Tes! mafiads — Part & Electrical properties EN 19087-10, Protective nomots — Test matheds — Par 10: Resistance oraiant neat EN 13611, Protective ccthig for fraghtors — Requremonts ad lst mthcds fr fe hoods for freighters EN 144582004, Personal eye-oqupment — Face shale ond visors fo use ith feefgntars’ and igh perfamance indus cael aine's used by Negers, ambulance ond amarany seraces EN 1S0 91852007, Priectve loting — Assessment of resistance of materials to maten metal slash (480 9852007) |S0 1817-2008, Rubber, vlcanzed — Determination of he ofc af igus EN 4432008 (E) 180 17493, Clothing and equipment for pretation agaist neat — Test method for convectve host resistance using no a cvetatg over 3. Terms and definitions Feorthe purpose this document, he terms an dfinions given in EN $80 2008 and tho flowing apy. a halmet for ratighting In buildings and other structures (nersater refered to as "helmet eadwear, forthe protection of he woare’s head against hazards wnch might cecur during operations of ‘rotghing i bullings ane other sucires aa Bea of protetion ‘pacic rea cn eheasterm fr which protection i intended tobe provided by he helmet NOTE ThsEuopean Stands ewsages fv as as deed 3193.7 33 areata {168 siuated above plane "AN as defines in Figure 1 ‘eat ea stuates between plane AA’ andpsints GDEF as denadn Figure 1 38 ‘ree? east the ava doied for an eyeguardin EN 14458 36 ‘ee 38 ‘fea on te neck-guard from the lower ego ofthe shel to he ower edge fhe nack-guard and rear fram the verical Wansverse pane, o pat heat az ‘e030 ‘Mins! the ares COHG dines in Figure 2 38 1yp0 A holmot amet potting st last area ta 39 ‘ype B helmet emat aosting st oazt eae 1a and a0 head ‘shape replacing the head which fused for testa certan helmet ctaracterstes ant ‘Sagitl plane ofthe helmet Plane ctresaonang wih he onglanal vere! mecian pane of te haserm when tha helmet is corecty ‘used on taccoring to manurarurars nawucsons of Use EN 443:2008 (€) 312 Yetial axis of the helmet axis corresponding wih the coral vertca ais of te hese when the helmet is comect adie on it Senoraing to marutactrers naruchons of use 333 basic shape er shape which te helmet would have # it had nether comb nor bem nar any ofthe feng or raising sssodatou win hese aa hate shot component in has tori wth a emocth fish, whch ges the helmel is genera! shape ais om "986 par of he shal thatrans along the mis eagtal lane a3e brim "ge peorudng oars om te basic shape ofthe shel foming th ewer ecg ofthe shell end inclsing Isasteciste fangs and rachxing sar ‘accessory ‘ional devices) approved by the manufacturer wich may be ataened tothe helmet and intended be removable by the user bul which provide no protecive uncon tthe west NOTE Example ofacceetores er amp boc, cable os bes and ims 3a intogral ational protective function ans) ofthe hana, intended by te hime! manutaturar net to be removed by the user, excest for ‘artenance ans fitng purposes, and wish provide protection te te wearer NOTE, Te potactonaforea ote wearer by th ge dona protective fons ot wii the geop of ‘te European Sanson 318 ‘on-ntegraladational protective function agonal prfecive devcs) whlch may be attached to the helmet and intended to be removable by the NOTE Sonu astral race fincon re eora ana rol spectealy ages catty fo 320 ‘energy absorption aystom ‘atetalancor suspension systar which Serves to eampen impact eneray aa comfort systom ‘aleal andor eystom which serves to improve comfort forte woaror a2 fotenton system ‘Rose pats ‘ahich are responsible fer securing te helmet i poston on he head, including items which enable adit or improved comfort EN 443:2008 (€) a2 ‘hinetrap pat ofa stonionaystan,nclucng 9 stop which passes under or on he wears chin and which heb io ‘nsure tha! he helmets cowesty mamtained lace a2 neck-quard Dat uhien protects he nck area 3a tom lauds hot mater, atant heat and ames 328 ace protector ‘art thal prtocs at east ho pa ofthe face tate defies by erea.2 328 at otha nelmet wich protects at least the oars ofthe waarer aar ‘poing ‘Sofening win materiel movernent ard consequent detachant 328 badge ‘teal etched tothe helmet for purposes of identification 329 tn ‘ato relctve snsloeMuerescent material atached tothe outermost sutace of the helmet shel og. for abby ensancernent 4 Requirements 44 General 444 Surtace fini \Wnen tested n accordance wth 5.2 there shall te ro shar eeges, roughness or projection on any pat of the elmetthat may eause ciscemtor or mury tone wearer ding ing, weatng or mantenance, 442. Innoeuousness of materials |Whon ested in accordance with 52 materia that may come into contact wth the wearer's sla shal not be ‘rou te kel 6 cause tation or ary oar acvaree sc te healh [Al ratoals shall be vsbty unimpses ater cleaning anc cisnfecton oy the agents and procedures Speceg by ine manvtechizerin ne information speed ‘Sch agers shall not be krown o be kel to cause tation or any oar aaveres etc one neath of ne 444 Adalvonat devices and accessories hen tems as dane in 3.17, 3.18 and 5.19 are ststd ab being for use with the helmet by the halt manufacturer te neimel with such Roms fies to ena conve t say the eqaremorts of This European Stancara EN 4432008 (E) 448. Face protectors Face protectors intended for use end supple wih helmets conforming tot European Standare shall ‘conform tee requirments of EN 14488 when protein of fea 2s provides or recormantes by the helmet manufacire for uso wih a helmet complying wit bis Euepesn Stancard, sal be bya face proietnr coarang Io EN 148, 448 Neck guards \Wnen neck-quards sre provided or recommendes by the helmet manvlacturer for use wih 2 helmet ‘complyng wih tis European Standard, te nec-guards shall conform othe requements fr area 3a sport 11.7 Protection of eres 3 \whon proteston of area 3b i provided or recommended by the helmat manutsctur for we wth a heme comping wih ths European Standard, ths protecton shall conform to the requremente for area 30 ae Sppropite 441.8 Wearing the helmet ‘The constrains impesed by the westing ofthe helret shall be minimized, so at to enable the wearer to ovo seta rerartng NOTE AnsexC avs gudance to ey theequtement 4.2Shock absorption 424 areata iver the hanes tested in accordance wt 581, tho force wansnes tothe head shall not exceed ihn 422 Areas ta and 10 hen tested n accordance wih 542 9} ject shal be prevented from paseng completly hough the helmet 1b) there shal be no elnase of materal rm henner suite fhe helmet ©) where protection i xovced by onsigid maton there shallbe ro adtional contact wi the heaton ‘ich thata mark pears onthe white rape” onthe cpposte sie to tat suck byte bal 4.3 Resistance to penetration When be helmets tested in secordance wth 55, tere shall be no contact between the stker andthe test eck 4.4 Lateral erushing When the net i tested in accortance wi 58 the mayinum tanaverse and lngitusina deformations of 'ne eet shal ot exceed 0 rm. TheYesidual defomatorssral ot exceed 8m 45 Retention system effectivenoes ‘hen the heimet is estos in accordance wih 5.78 shal ot com ofthe headorm. 10 EN 443:2008 (€) 4.6 Retention system strength This clause apeles to neimats for which a chin stap is recommended cr proved by the heme ‘manufocsec or use win te heme ‘Won the helmet testes in sccordance with $8 '3)_ maximum elongation othe whole sstem shal et excone 20 mm for aaa of 250 1) minum with of the cin strap shal be 16 mm fora load of 250 )_ lease point fe retertion system shal be between $00 N and 1690 N. 4.7 Radiant heat ATA. Areas ta and tb ‘When tn helmet is testedin ceardance with 89.4 2) temperate messured at the sutace of he arial heed shall nat ese more than 25°C above the ‘anard laboratory torperatue, (20 ¢2)°C: 1) no nar of te helmet proving proton to areas 1a and 1 shal grit or met o uch a segeee as alse seftening oelgpng of matora such at hae ie contac tthe mata wae besser, ©) the horn shal continue to conform wth the shock abserption area ta and 1b ae sppropriato, see 4.2) land etstance to penetration area 1a oly, seo 3) reqomer folowing radant Neat exposure, 472 Areas 3a and 30 ‘When tested in accordance wth 5.92 the components prctacing areas 32 and 3b shall achieve ot east eformance love seeocing to 8.9 of EN 4652005 Inthe case wher area 3b potecton provced by ‘nay ofa face protector compying wits EN 14458 testing of rea ab exempt fom ta reaowerent 48 Protection against hot solide Winer the nelmet s tested in accordance with 5.1 t shal conform to te requirements of EN 186-2001, 7239) 4.9 Protection against motton metale 494 Areas ta and 1b When tesiedn accordance with §.11.1 the hem sal nt 15) te penetrated bythe main meta 1») show any deformation, measured at rat angio she base pane ofthe ele greater than 10 ren; ©) bum wen me emission of fame ater a paid of Ss has elaneed efter ne poung of molen metal has eases 492. Areas 3a.and.26 \Whon the tats pertormed in accordance with 5.112 I shall anf tothe requirements of EN 534196, 8S ” EN 4432008 (E) In the case wince sea Sb prolecton Is xouded by way ofa face protecor complying with EN 14488, {esting of area Sb s exer rom ts requfem sn 4.10 Hoat resistance 4041 Areata, area th and area? ‘When te helmet and the face potectr inher ase positon ae ested in accordance wih 6.124 they ‘hal crform'a the flowing requternens 9) ro part of he helmet thats notin conta: withthe headorm before this test shall come nto contac wi ‘he heaoform as a resu of ts test Testing by veil inepacien (see Cause 3) 0) shores ll be ro separation, meting, o siping of ary par of he het ©) any moveabie elements of the helmet, eg. chin strap clsure and release devce() shall roan Tunetonat 9) here shat be no igriton of any pat ofthe helmet ©) there shal be no gniton, meting ors of egy of he produc labels; no par ot the face protector that was rot below the bi Ine priors he tet shale below the brim ine ‘fer test ‘9) no pat ct he face pots shalignte or coma ins contact wi the test headorm. 4102 Area 2a nen tested in accoance with 5122 the matoral used the neck guard assembiy shal not ignite of mot ‘and sal not shink more han % ta perpendar dracon 4.11 Flame resistance ‘When the hsimet is tested in accordance wit 6.12 the materi shal nt show 2) ny dp aunng tne whole test ©) any vb lam or low ater folowing retnoval ofthe fame, 4.12 Electrical properties 4.421 Conductive headform When the helmet tested in accordance wih 5.141, ro evidence of breakdown shall be vse ond the nage cure sa sot exceed 1.2 ma 4122 Wet helmet insulation ‘Wan the heimet is. n ection, optional tested in accordance wih 5,142, na endenoe of breakdown shat bo vibe andthe leakage curent shal nt exceed #2 ma 44123 Surface insulation When the heimetis, in ation, optional tested in accordance wih 5.143, no evdenee ef breskcoun shall Be visible an the leakage curent shal not exceed 12 mk 2 EN 443:2008 (€) NOTE 1 _ These requremeints remanded erode pron oe were gan! shot orm acetal cont! ‘ah ve ett! errors a wolape a 8 a0 NOTE2, The tst in 5.141 is lended oct sae eon i we tha is leakage curent othe twelve te conor ening me NOTE The tin. 142 decendet oy spon fe tanavece eine lh she ines) This eect Posies true os mei shal adsl el a pacsng tough e sC NOTE 4 Th ten 5:43 ele donde uaen te euros resatance ofthe shell and octal pleles te he ste with ave a eerdtie surace (et! ware tng), The fa renee wove he Sogo he ‘tears shold oy ys reve ahaiat ha sel otwhene meta wi as condo 443 Contact with quid chemicals (optional) 4434 Areas ta, th “Tne helmet may be tested n accordance wih 6.15.1 Hosted, there shal be no vile damage to the shel and teeing cove, 4182 Aroas 30,38 “he hemet may be testa in accordance wih 5°52. este, he component rctecng area 9 ancior 3 hal confor fo te requirements of EN 459 2008, 610. Whara area 3b polecion fs provised by a fore ‘retector complying win EN 14289, ettng ofthe sea a trees 4.14 Field of vision lien the helmet Ie tested n accordance wih 6.16 the wearers fed of vision shal correspond to the folowing angles: 2) horiortal Fld of vision of not ss than 105% 5) verti fed of vtlon inthe upwards rection of not ess han 7% ©) vert field of vison nthe downwards ection ef notes than 4st “The specif ie of vison sna be screed wit a face protector ints suse end outs postons. The porary oft fe peter may fll win ne Speced halo! von NOTE The ee prtetershould ot atthe a ene of the euros, 445 Extent of protection 415.1 Area ta and area 1b yon tne nests testa in accordance wi 6.17 1) ype Areimets shal protect at last ares 1a 5) ype Bhetmets shal protect atleast area ta and ara 1 ©) protection chal be provided oy the helmet. ‘or opona pas sembla wthout sry nonntegtal components, acessories Inte case ofan nigral face protector bong ted, a cnerauton te protecton may be provided by te face protector, o long as ne ace preacos ns out ot use poston 2 EN 443:2008 (€) 4418.2 Area 3b (optional) Helmets may prove protecton forthe optional aree 3b, his protwcton i provided & sha 9) tect at least the area COHG of the medium hesdform, defined in Figue 2, when assessed in ‘ecordaree with EN 108:2001,102, NOTE Hemet itd with fco gud enoming EN 14488 oe conieed ost hs regener, 5) be provide by the heimat assembled wihout any narntagral components, accotsoris of optional atts, apart trom tego opboal pats speed nt rtormaton supplied by the maufscere a see ‘ecessary fo provide the esis protection the sae ange of the hefnet does et Bert te horeat to tie test resetorm, ten a clam of prtacten of aea Sb cannot be made for bat Se ofl 5 Test procedures: 451 Sampling and helmet adjustment 5.44 Sampling Helmets shall be submited for testing in the conan in which they ate ofeed fr sal, incucing any ‘equsite holes or cher means of acachnet for any tam) as efnedin 347998. i several sees of helmet ave avaliable ten the size representing he most unfavurabis helmet in relation the nead‘or se chal ba ured 54.2 Helmet 2djustment etore any testing on = headform, the hermot shal be adjusted in accordance with the manutocturer's instruc, Ths headform fr uoe in his Eucpean Standars shal be sizes 406, 626,575,605 and 625 complying wth EN 9.2006 or the medium size comalyng wih EN 1682001, es appropiate othe est parlor tthe westing acjustment covers several sizes c headform then the sizeof hesorm representing he most Uunfavowrasie cave shal bo sed, 5.2Visual inspection ‘A visual inspection sallaeperermad pri laboratory tests NOTE ___is may enti 9 cetain amour ot demaning in accordance with the manulacier stuctone for The visual inspection shal incude te assessment of the device marking an infomation supoted ty the ‘manufacturer and any salty data shoes oF declarations relevant tothe mati usou consti, 53 Conditioning 53.1 Goneral Before any tasting Is performed ine helt shal be condltened in accordance wih the condoning ‘seaeneas gen in Annex B and the relevant specteatons detnadins 32 587 “ EN 443:2008 (€) 53.2 Ultraviolet (UV) ageing ‘The helmet sha be preconatoned in accordance wi) 47 of EN 43087-42060, 533, Thermal shock ‘The helmet shal be exposed successively to the following conten 4) hatone ofthe folowing, as denied inthe marking at) 4 @t022)°0; @ (2080°c i) 3022)°0, iy (ave2"e; by thay 6022)"; ©) 18 minictaty mmersod in dst water at a temperature of (+10 42)°C; @ thar so# 23°C: ©) 7001024 hat standard temperature (+20: 2)°C and sanders relative bury (65 = 8) %. ‘The time intl between sequences a) tb), b 0) ards) 04) sal be within §s During sequences 3) and), he helmet shal be placadin a postion hat lowsitta dan 534 Solvent conditioning ‘Take a coton clot at eas 150 mm x 160 mm and at least 25m of salventconssting of test Said 8 in acostdance wit (SO 18172005, Tole A Using te co soaved i he sober apy te sovent foal ‘hose regions ofthe cue sutace o he heimet anal witun SO mm ofthe rtenton sytem Neng, and Koop thse regione wot wih te sovent for {7 7 28) «Repeat he prosedse on the remain fo enteral surface, keeping these rgions wet or(12.5428) 8 ‘Dono cary out further condoning testing during the flowing 20 rin 535 “Thermal plus" conditioning ‘The helmet shal be preconditioned in accordance with EN 12087-:2000, 44, The temperature shal be 150022 °C 6.8 “Thermal mina ‘Tha helmet shall be precordtcned in accordance wit EN 18067-12000, 4.5, ‘The temperate selected in 5.3.32) call be uted forte thermal mines! conioing 53.7 Wet conditioning ‘The helmet shal be preconditioned in accordance win EN 19087-12000, 48 Method 1 6 EN 443:2008 (E) 5.4 Shock absorption 5 1A Areata ‘The helmet shal be testd in accorcace wth EN 130872 wi ne folowing modification, 2) parform the impacts in acconance with EN 79087-22000, 5.2, aling mass method, ushg te hemphercal suiker. The mass of the etkar shal be (50 © 005) kg, fae: Dan thal sed & EN 0872 1) impact energy shal be (1283) ©} headform shal be rotated so ina the impact it Ses slong the ax thcugh theses and waneoucer ‘Aw the skeofacn to each ofthe impact ponte shoo sn igure 3 9) where samples have been ily condoned in accordance wih 636,636, or $3.7, the fst impact ‘all be petrred within one minute of removal Wem eonstoning and subsesuent erp tin fe males, I furter impacs are resuted, sampes shal be ftumed inmedatoly to fe eondtonng chamber forat ast 1h betere ter impacts, 542 Areas taand 1b ‘The here shale testd in gccordace with EN 165:2001, 7.2.2 withthe folowing moeatons a) testin EN 166.2007, 71.422 not perform ») ‘toe balls projectes ata speed of 1203" mi ©) or Type A helmets, impacts shell be drectod wih te zone descrbed atove the ne AA (see Figue 4 ‘or Type 8 helms, mpscis shal be dreied within the zone deserted above the fre ACDEF (860 gure } Impact pont ofthe ba shal be at any point ofthe helmet at lass mm inside he edge o this zone: ‘sheet of carbon papas, on lop of a shest of white paper, attached tothe headonm atthe impact sont 2) impact tests shat te conducted on both areas 1a and 1 (a8 anpooriate to the type of eimet) and ‘adetonaly at any areas o ferent constuction, ae assesses bya visel npecton 1) umber of impscts shal be deterrined as appropri tote ype af helet (Aor) and any areas of ‘ferent constuction, as esgeesed bya iu Inssecion | mule imoacts may be pate on the same tame, but there chal hs minimum separation of ‘iim between impact tes. nine casa.!sampes may conctionedin accordance wih 628, 836, or 5.37, the frst impact shal be performed witnn ne minute of removal Tom condoning ane Subsequent impacts wihin fve minutes. I tucher mpacts ae reqited samples sal be olred immesistly te the conatoring camber a least th bets futher m sacs 1) dung testing he neastorm shalonly be rotated sbout the vertical a, 6 EN 443-2008 (€) 5.5 Resistance to penetration ‘The hale sal be tested in aocortance wth EN 1S067-3 using the Nat bade sie end wih the following rmoateatons 1) mass of eft ade striker shal be {1000 15) ‘tres impacts per helt, one hee pr condition: ©} on each helmet, one imsact onthe ciown plus two impacts of-cown, Alow the striker 1 fal wih the ‘eral axe pereenscuiar to the suface of ie Ramo, on fo each of Sates separated by at ate 40mm, measures wih e ctor and win the area dened by 2 Grd of 100m Gamer eoned ‘ne Vertcal xs of theheimet, 4) impact energy shall bo (24, $1) Jer erown pact 1) impact energy salle (18, 51) Jor tterown impos, 4) Impact sto for oftcronn impacs sal be at a citferent pont ofeach ofthe helmets tested unde the ‘condoning required eee 9.3) For example: fon, ef, ete ear and right se, 8) nme case of sampes intially condones in gocordance with 525 $26, o1 537, the tat pact shat be performed within ove min.te of removal fem conatonng and subvequert Inpasis wenn fe minus. If futher impacts are requred. semcles shall be vellzned medal to he condoning ‘Chamber for st acs bofere emer mart 58 Lateral crushing 584 Principle ‘The helmets subjecoa te tansversecamressive fore then to orgtusinal comeressive force, ‘The maximum an the residual deformations are mensures. 562 Procedure 8} Conaiton the helmet as spected in 5.3 1) plots the neimet between two guided "pi paral plates of norrina size 300 mm x 250 mim, raving ‘nal lower 309 mm long inner edges adunes fo (10208) nem ©) poston the lower edges ofthe pats atthe lve ofthe “AK pane; 4) =pal an nisl forge of 30 N_perpendeular to the pats, go that the helmet is subjected to a ‘Compressive force. Afar 20 s measure the dance between the plates increase the forces by 100 Nimin up to 610 N and haid for 20s, Measure the ditence between: es and calculate tte manu delorneton 4) decrease the force to 26 N ard than immediately nerease to 90 N. and hold fr 30, Msasure the ‘stance Letveen the laos ans calcu the reidul deformation 8) make measurement tothe nearest miner, and noe the extent of damage, any 157 Retention system effectivenass ‘The hotmet shal bo tested in accordance wih EN 19087-4 “The drop height of he fling mass erat be (175 5) mm, ” EN 443:2008 (E) ‘5.8 Retention system strength “The hole sal be tested in accordance wit EN 13087-62000, 62, Method b ‘The helmet shel shal be fixed relate fo the header ‘The nat ten frce shal bs 30 N ante nteredite free shal be 250 N ‘The chrstrap with shailbe measure ene minute atrial appicaton ofthe intermedi fore, 5.9 Radiant heat 594 Areas te.and 1b 5944 General ‘Tha helmet, wth any face protector in ho russ! potion, cha be tested in accordance with EN 19087-10, exoept hate exposure me sna (480) 5}. The eat hx nny shale 14 KNin ‘Two helmets shal be teste, one for the shock (areas 1a and 1b, I appropiate) and ore forthe penevaton (zea tacay) 5942 shock ‘The sample shall be tested acconfng 10 5.4.1, except that only a single impact shal be perfec st he conve ofthe Wadsies area, and the corliining of 541 shall not be permed. ‘This Impact shal Be Peron wihin 60 afer the endo te sxposure For ype 8 nemets, the same shall en be impected according to 642 wit area 1b only andthe Conatning af 54.2 shallot be pero 5943 Penetration ‘The sample shal be mpactes according to 55, except hat he poet shal be performed a he cane of te radiated area ana'hecondtoning of 5 5 shal nol be performed This impact ss be performed wh Dl's atertne enc af he expose 592. Areas2e.and 30 ‘The helmet shal be tested in accordance wth EN 469:2005, 63, 5.10 Protection against hot solids ‘reas ta and 19 of te helmet shalbe tested in accordance wih EN 168.2001, Cause 11; he socket shall be pled onthe aes that has 0 be test (One tet shall be serfamad win area a ans one test shal be performed win ares 1b. Tests may be over at any Ioosion win te spect tes area NOTE One eine nay te used erste 5.11 Protection against molten motale S44 Area ta and 12 ‘reas 12 and 1b he hemet shale tele n accordance win EN ISO 9185, moat by he invoduction (ofan appropriate headform andy substuing te etme under test forthe PY in snulant, EN 443:2008 (€) ‘The metal shal be on, a8 species in EN ISO 91852007, Annox A, witha mass of (150 10)g Place he helmet on te heasform in suc a way that te pln of pac of the metals within a ce ‘trade 20, canes on the coun 5.14.2 Area Soand area 38 ‘The tet shal be parfomed in accordance with EN ISO 185, using proecton of meten aluinum 3s Spectod n ENISO 6185-2007, AeA 5.12 Heat resistance 5424 Areas ta and 1b ‘The helmet shal be etd n accordance with ISO 17498 wih temperature of (20 #8) °C for 20 min. Any {ave protector stale te inthe reise poston 5122 Area 3a ‘Te test on the nec-guard material shall be In accordance wih ISO 17493 with a temperature of (1805) °C 5 min 15.49 Flame resistance “The completa heot shal be ested n accordance win he ame engument tat desrsed in EN 1972006, Ties putin th flowing maeesions 2) test mankin shat be fos with the helmet te be tetas, ogeter wih a refighters jacket accoraing to EN 460, 2 fire hoes accorng fo EN 12011 sra'e fl foomask aocaring fo EN 190"1998, Cees 3 ‘ha Jacket, aos ara sco maak shal be slecoa win te agreement of tn manstacure of he helmet {and the modes uses shall be reported bythe test house. Any hele! accessores, ornare! ‘atonal protechie functan components fied durng the test shal asa be “epéded hs rat cessor fo it breathing apparatus accordng 0 EN 137 2) one heme shal be testes: ean machine shal ot be aed fr eng, ante easement of beating restr srt recuted, 2) ure sts ena ot be eat a vn in Figure 2 of EN 137.2005, but netad anal be rlsd so tat ne highest sumar emis postoned on the level of po Lt (Figure 3 of hie European Standard) of he helmet onto fet mankin' eas: €@) top os shal pate pacers {5.44 Electrical properties, ‘5444 Conductive hesdlorm tast ‘Tne helmet shall be tested in accordance wih EN 13087-82000, 52, 45.4142 Wet helmet ineutation test ‘The helmet shall be tested in ascodence wh EN 13087-62000, 53 an shal be cared out on the Carpi he met wihhe fing devens for optional eqement andor accassre they are supplied 9 EN 443:2008 (€) ‘5443 Surtace insulation fst “The helmet hal bo tsted in accordance with EN 19087-82000, $4 15.18 Contact with liquid chemicals (optional) 5.484 Areas tang 1b Were equred 5) shel ard the fing devices shal ce testes in accordance with EN 14456,2004, 8.10, except thatthe ‘homcalis puraa ono he oun east he chemi std n EN 144562006, Table 1) shell and he tag devices shal be testa agent 152 Ateae 3a ana'30 The test shal be parormetn acordance wih EN 466:2005 6.10, 5.46 Field of vision ‘The heimet shal be teste in sccordance with EN 130874, 5.17 Extent of protection, area 1a and 1b 5.4174 Equipmant 2) Heats of sizes 435, 535, 575,608 and 625 comping wit EN 960-2006, marked wth the test ‘seas specified by Figure Toft European Slancs by balast mass of (5020.8) 4g 5.17.2 Samplos ‘One sample shat be tests for ach size combination of shel and retonon system ‘5473 Tost method From the size range states by the manutacuer fr the given combinaon ef shel and retenion system, select Oe largest nead'orm appeoprate oat range, Ft the hemet fo the test heaorn in accordance with the nfrmaton supeied by tne manutacturer and tensufe thatthe longzusinl verlea! mosian plane ofthe banat codes wilh te iruiaral vores ‘edn plane ote Feaatorm Cente tre bala: mass onthe coun of the heimat and stabilise tin casio, Determine wheter te helmet provides protection tthe aperoprate reas forts ype, Every hetnet conforming to this European Standard shal cam vsibe, lege and unambiguous. pamanent ‘and autale marking giving the fallowmg iniermaton 9) number and yoar this European Standard, i, EN 463:2006; 20 rare or isenteaton mark of he manuacter: 6) yoarof menuactxe o ‘ype ofhelmet 0 Are: iy A3b or 830 (where compiace is calmed €} mace! ot heme (manuacheer's designation fio or sie range (nem 9) low temperature asian: + forproduts satis the relevant requrements or -10 °C 1 forproduets ststying the evant requtements for -20 5)“ _forproduts satshing the rlevatrqurements or 20°C for products satstying he relevant raqurements for 40°C; Sub-assembles and comoonents wit consieable Leasing on eae) hal be marke so that they can be denied sub-sesembles th consierabl bearing on say are toe smal ta be market erraon ‘shal be gen inthe forraion supple bythe manctecurer vary hele claims to cantor ta the opona requirements ofthis Euopean Standard shal cary visible lepcle and unambiguous, permarent ard durable marking onthe shel r anal cary durable selhesive labo stating the tonal requremen’s compl’ wi, ao fos 1) local proper cssteaton (where complance sae) 1) E2 for products conforming wi the requirements of 4.122: ) 3 for products contorming wth the requirements of 4.123 1) resistance to qu chemicals where compliance fe etamed) shal be insicated bys capt iter’ Maing of compliance with requireontg) andthe aptonal equrerets hy end) sha be acjaent io each ‘ber, e9, E20". Marking shall be easly visible to he user wenout requiring eeassembty of te helt or removal of 7. Information to be supplied by the manufacturer ‘All accessories and thor respectve replacement shall be desarbed in the Infomation supplied by the rmanufoctere The following information shalbe clear and fly provided wh each helmet in one of the offical languages ofthe county af irvanded use 12) name and aciress ane vademare* of the manuscture of his authorised representative. (“Only it ‘Soproprise to id ert icaton) 1) telepnene andlor facile numbers andlor email adéeess of the manufacxer or his authorised reprecortatva a EN 443:2008 (€) 6) manutasures type number, denifiaon number or mace number, 8) homet sie range: ©} amber and year af hs Ewepean Standard, i EN 443-2008; )slantcance ofthe information gven by the matings or lobe n aocotdance wih 6 g) Gi 4) ‘matvctions or acommandaions regarding 9 siza soecon mass I) iting ard austen 1) use: \) leaning and esheets \¥) maintenance and seracing ‘iy storage and wansporaton; i) Obeoiescence ie expectancy) 1h) state “The ant ofthe useable if f his helmet wil be acd by he type) of mater ved in is constuction ana the endrorments in wher the Hemel & Used and sor Recommencatone on ‘hs tpt shouldbe sought om the manufactures 1) details of adstiona devices (dened in 3.17 and 3.19) approved by the menulacturr and appropriate ‘pare parts, eluding rferanan onze andr mateials wre necessary |) waring tat the set intended to be provides by th reimst can only Be ensued when its propery ‘assembles ana coecty Ht. sna tht removals pare sl not be worn senaretely 1) satoment. "Waring: When fies uth ancther tom of personal potectve equlament or wen 2n fazcewsay, (athe hah as Syppled 8y the helmet manvacurer fr use win hs elt) @ helnct Marked as eoralyng wi EN 443 might no onger satsly al causes of the sandara. Refer 2 Irfrmatonsoppig by te helmet maniacs 1) listeria against whch the hema has been tested ny such tests have bean cared oi In) staernent “Thi helmet comptes wi he retenton recuements of his sancard when the chin strap ‘capping by ne helmet maruiatre Isom and aajsied n nezorsancs wih fest niches 1) statement “Helmet abaoros the aneray of @ bow by part destucon oor data A, dm tn Eventhough sucn damage may nt be ready apparent any Nelmet subjected to Severe impact ‘ould be replaced NOTE The formation should be sey undeistond and where appropri, fe use of nstaions and par ure and dotestsnee arecurages Approprae wamegs or sane eu seked ene shoal ious io sete unto th eretSoncly EN 443:2008 (E) Dinersonsia mies 4 reteronc pane 2 base pane 3 ental vical ss Figure 1—Protected areas 4 and 1b ‘Table 1— Dimensions for Figure 1 [Reactor (aes EN Baa) —] a HD ee ao Br ee a0 Be a ap ores rere we a 08 EN 442-2008 (E) Figure 2— Protected areas 2 and 3 {all information about this headform ean be found In EN 168:2001) EN 443:2008 (€) Key 1 canal varia! as 2 feterence plane 3 tascplene Figure 3 — Impact points on the helmet EN 443:2008 (€) Iefeence plane base pane angie of 105 ‘Gratueinal verical mesan plane cena vores! ax, anna Figure 4— Lateral fel of vision EN 443:2008 (E) Key reference plone bose pane Tongtasal vertical maian plane cata verted aes Figure 5 — Vertical fed of vision EN 443:2008 (E) Annex A (informative) List of hazards ‘The most signlican hazarcs of structural freTgting the are taken into account inthis European Standard areatedin Table A+ ‘Table A — Significant hazards of structural refighting Hazard | Protection | — Conalions and | Relerences to the | ~ Test reference "area ‘objectives Tequiremerts in | method ‘his European ‘Stancars ‘Shock Areas Ta ana] Fal of buntanectin | 42.1 Bat e ‘he principal postions othe read Cotision with axed or | 4.2.2 542 rmourg ob! {incu ne ‘ancien case of ‘oasacccen) “Hieas fa ara | Prowsion cold, — | 422 Baz *° lis or gaseous marae ead) Picesion afe0is, fae ENTS liquor gaseous matecle Panlvaion [Area Ts [Fata sharp out P23 35 | Crashing [areas Ta and | Fang wor unney Pa 38 "0 aplavoment of apart othe stucture ‘ae th iervenion {ates place the vnile Iwansporing tho pareonra wearing a Famer ie invtved EN 443:2008 (€) Table Act (continued) Hazard [ Protection | Conditions and Referancea othe | Test reference | "area ‘objectives requirements in | method ‘his European’ ‘Standard Paling of | Areas Ta, 16) Erector vowentbow, [4S a7 and ced ornstance by anexseson of Becket Tearing ft “ Reanion | Caisingapar ore #5 38 sytem | reimet on = aes ‘lorent whieh car Feadtos frm of ‘stangulton by he Sinem Ratan beat) A735 18 | Flere and vary ree] 471 591 combuston, andi | icandessenes ‘Wea | Fees ane very tarce | 272 EN Tease combuston Inearcesoence ‘is Sa ad | Flare and vey Warde] €7Z 3 2 combust, Incancescence Galashes oF) Areas Ta and | Conwetwin hat | 46S BIoeAT rot tb substances Substanoes wreat—| Goriactwinkat ——} 45 eves sabsnces “eas Sa and | Coniaciwit hat | 482 waz % substances Fiat “eae 72,18 Expoaureo hat [4707 sia resistance | 2" atmosphere ‘areasa 4102 B19 Flames [Cong —[ Farce ara vay ters [17 a heimet” | combuston, tatrover eC ae ea ‘eas 1a and | Contact win elecety [412 514 1 EN 443:2008 (€) Table A. (concudec) | Hazaid Protection | — Conditions and | Rafarences tothe | teat references | "'sros" ‘objectives ‘oguirements in | method ‘this European’ ‘Stangare “Areas Ta and | Splash of lau ® chomieas uid | Breas a ana Spaah oS as a chomicals | 30 chemicate Physical charactors ofthe Shel or socessoras {hat prevent te wearer trom seeing, witout ‘moving his head icin cen fl of sen ‘Wead | Beroraton ora} 274 aaa face pooctor-by ‘ame or heat by 8 meciantal agent by a chemical ager by condensation ~ hs prolelon fara Tb ony vated ana cooled according Ws Europa Sardar Br ‘ype Beets and fr ype Aneel sia ae proved tha pte serene ete NOTE | Thats azar ao taken tom the document TCAGBIWGTIFFPPENS? Rik aes Bigne lr hoon he SPE fe at we a Pg [amor eat lead ra a (evs pees pus 7 (2 = om 7} a] (rset ile ae het oor [ae | eng EE, [owsenn) ame sats t A 2 ‘ souonbos ainpayos Buse, ~ Buuonipucg (engewsou) @ xeuuy (a) s00z:err wa ee elsigigia] giaizie| | (a) s00z:ere na ‘epneuco} EN 445:2008 6) Annex C (informative) Checking compatibility of PPE As fiefghers waar = combination of PPE to enable them to achieve ther ejects a potential exists for rnegaive ineterence votwoen te arent tems of PPE. The heimets inthis European Standard can be used fo eer aces eubeet to an appropiate risk ‘To ensure hat negative interference beween frefgrters' Nemes according to the European Standard and cbt ters of PPE s minimized, the guceines lo te desi of PPE gen it EN 340.2008, 42 and Ne ‘uidelines fr selection and use of PPE given mn CEN/TR 149002003, Cauvoe 8 and 4 should be Sovely ‘olowae {ts recommended tat Beore procurement. wearer als of potently sutsbie helmets according to this European Standard are conducted accoang lo CENITR 14560.2003, 35 mn coruncton wih tw oer tems (of PPE normaly wan by freighng persowel ofthat pateuar brgade, Partgents should be chosen according to CENITR 14860-2003, 2.6 wth ther elmets prope tied, ‘orecypostoned an fastanasacsoring fo the manufacture msinchons “The wearer til shoul ncude te folowing Detais of the ambien temperate and hut ofthe test envionment ‘Subjostio assessment ofthe helmet dung the tials by the wearer and an observer. A record oF the ‘bscrie”s nd he wearers comments and the frouing dela sould be mee ater he ta! 9) comfrtot the combination (weight balarce, therm )secuny oF fastenings ans retention sytem ©} Carly and fli of vision (ncusirg any tendency to fogang 3 ‘ry contact between the fae protector andthe face of corecive frames 2) sradvertnt operation of he ating lonering mechanism sity 0 operate the raising /oweting mechanism (wih an without gloves, worn), 5). =2y incompatbties wih ater items of equipment 1) ase win which he deren tasks coud be carried out 1) ease of commuricaton (speaking ar istenng) 4) sy other comment vluntetesby the wearer on request The folowing seties shouldbe perormed within a pei of 30 man. The sequence of acts wi be a the _Ssoteton ofthe orgariser of the sal. Ona sequeace of ess shouldbe pertormes wit he face protects the in-use goston, he sequence should tren be repeated wth he face pleco hw ovof-use poston If designated corrective frames are evalabl, a further lst sequence souls be cari out wih te arrest posiion and te aca protecorin the mas potion EN 443:2008 (€) 1) tity strokes on work machine, each stoke boing vertical mn 1, 8 m towards the ground on a ass of 25, ging ca wok loa of 12500 Nm 2) waking onthe oval with ut headroom fra etal tance of 126 m; 3) waking on te vet witpeacroom of (18+ 0.2) m total tance 209m) 4) craning on ne lve with headroom of (0,70 + 0.05) m (otal stance of 109m; '5) lining up and down a lado, pessing once in ach dracon trough a 450 mm sauare opening (ttl vera distance 20 m) 18) caning trough 2 narrow secton (4 long) wlhout removing of aust tho postion ofthe fae protecter/ remot 7) laying out fre hose of st last 15 min ength and econ it {8} resin four ines of newsprint aloud, and repeating two tines of newsprint road by the observer 9} reading 2 ypicl analogue pressure gauge tom a brething apparatus set, ad the tie from 2 ‘ypies! LCD agi water 10) moving te head rom sitet side, and up and down, whl stenng Each fest sequence shouldbe conthucus, without removal ofthe equipment. Between test sequences (ac0 Protector nthe cferet postions, ana wih earecve frames) ipa nay be toned an eo, “Te flowing are obvious reasors for concusng that shainatis unacceptable: 9) oes nt stay secure, or wil nat tay n piace 1) compromises vt funtion suchas vision 1) sins tasks fo be performed while weasng tar impossbe: Iw) te subject tunes, ors unaba, o continue this aseesement due fo pain or iscomor V)_itprevers the weatng of ther asental equipment. ‘Te ensure that each navel leary unde’sands how a comecty wea a heimetaccorsing lo this European ‘Standart tutes recommended tat ts above vests are aso car out curing Mandatoy basic Carney ot trerantn When indviual pans of PE - including but nt rested to the helmet - are replaces, tess should be cared outte ensure hatte requres level of protection re laned, Some basic ergonomic estures ean also be checked folowing EN 456-2006, Annex D. EN 443:2008 Annex D (informative) Test results, uncertainty of measurement D.A Uncertainty of measurement For each of the measurements perfomed in secotsance with ths European Standard, @ coresponding strata ofthe uncartsiy of measurement U eneuld be ealultnd This estate of ancesay shed Se applied in accordance with 02 and sated whe eporng tet resus, in order fe enable te ates otis tat ‘pot to assess the olay ote dala, D.2 Interpretation of results ‘The allowing prteeo wih regarsto urcertil of measurement shoud be apple to test resuts {tne mean valve of the res from the tet data phuminus te uncevainty of measurement U fal botwoen the upper and loner iiting vaues for ie particular parameter specied tthe product pearance ‘uideines than the esut shouldbe deemed ce a staighorward pass (sae Figure 9.1, i vs Key resi ofa measurement LSL Lower spect it ‘8. spected perfomance gudaines USL Upper specie’ lit U. theenainy of messurerent Figure 0.1—Reeut pass the mean value of me rests forthe fst data plusminus the uncertain of mesturement U fal outside fe uoper or lower liming values for te parieulr parameter soedad Ir the product parmvonce {udetnes, hen te resul should te deored bea sraghtonward ‘ai oee “eure D2)" EN 443:2008 (E) ey R_resutofa measuremert SL Lower spac iit ‘5 Spected performance gulelnes USL Uppet spaced imt Uncertainty ef measurement Figure 0.2—Resuit fal I he mean vee of he rests rom the test dia fs within the spsciias is forth parculrpecameter ven inte product performance guisenes, but the uncertainty of measurement U ila lade ef Oaper {rloweriming values, hem the rebut shouldbe deemed fal eee igre 63), is us Key R fosutof 3 measurement LSL Lower spectfed Smt 'S. speotes perarmance guidelines USL Upper speced it U_ Greananiy measurement D3 Calculation of uncertainty of measurement ‘The urcetany of messurament should ée calculated. The to folowing approaches canbe us 48) stata method foc example that glen in 180 87252; ») mathematical mettod fo example hat given ENV 19005 (GUM, EN 443.2008 (E) Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 89/686/EEC ‘This European Siandard has Been precared uncer a mandate gven to CEN by the European Comission to frovde © means of conforming to Essential Requements ofthe New Approach Diccive £0 Oocnees boissercec ‘Once tis standard sted inthe Offeil Journal of he European Conunites under that Directive and has been inplemenied 2 « naona standard in at east one Memoo: State complonce win the eases of se standard given n Table ZA confers, wihin the limts of te scope of ta slondera,& pressapice of confeity with te cesponding Essent Reausomons of that Oreeive and assocated EF Pe eed ene ‘Table ZA.1 — Correspondence betwven this European Standard and EU Directive ‘S9/686/EEC |Eiguse(eveub-couse(ey oF ie Essential Requirements (ERS) Guang emarkiNows ——] en of Directive areserece 7 Eigonomies ‘Considered Gut verified 7 (e004) rae TART Highest Tere! oll considered bt ol veed Protection pose ee aeae aT 2 Rosana ot TAR ad ier reates tecsors az TET Satie earavet siete aa 212 — Selsey — aataes consion ae 1213 Wana Pa pariay coved User impecimant as 151 Reap oF PPE User rrorpeiogy 55 Se tara adage aamareate 733 _Conpaabity_oF are PPE desigod fer smutaneous axe Ta Wforalinsopated by manasa EN 443:2008 (€) Table ZA. (conse) TAPP SRA wae 7] 7 Za PRE farses in var [Sangoroussaintons 6 ‘22 PPE basing enBRcaon| ‘marks rebies to ‘net and sstty axnazzas 1 pact caused by Tang Projecing objects ana colon of pans of the ead) sath an estale aa ‘32 Proucion against (eae) ompresson of pat ofthe becy eraser 36 Protection againet ha nd ee (mater) aa 382 Freiacion gaint Wasi and ea (complete PRE} WARNING — Otnerrequrements end other EU Direcoves may be appleatie to the pros fling within the eeope oft ance EN 44s:2008 (€) " a @ Bibliography EN 3402008, Protctne cling — General equrements ENV 19006, Guide tote expression of uncrtsinty in measurement GENITR 14500, Guidetns for selecton, use, cara and maintenance of protective clothing against het snd fame 10 8726-11994, Accursy frueness and preciscn) of measurement methods and resus — Pat (General princes and defntons,

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