College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837
Patient’s Initials: H.T.B.__ Date of Admission: October 19, 2021 Diagnosis: DM Type II, HHNKS, Gangrenous Right Foot secondary to Uncontrolled DM Type 2
Age: 63 years old Height/Weight: 5’4”/90 kg_____________________ Clinical Intervention: BKA, right foot
Sex: Male ______Ward: Medical Pavilion Bed No.: 6 Name of Physician: Dr. Camay Moscuvado
Drug Information Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Pharmacologic Pharmacodynamics or General Indication/s: Contraindicated in: (per system preferably) Before Drug Administration:
Gliclazide Classification: Mechanism of Action: Control of blood sugar Hypersensitivity - Assess patient if s/he has allergies
Sulfonylureas Gliclazide selectively binds to in type 2 diabetes Unstable diabetes ENDO: to medication.
Trade Name: sulfonylurea receptors (SUR-1) mellitus when control Type 1 diabetes hypoglycemia, - Explain to the patient that this
Diamicron MR Therapeutic on the surface of the pancreatic of diet and exercise mellitus dizziness, weakness, medication does not cure diabetes
Classification: beta-cells. It was shown to fails or when insulin Diabetic drowsiness, and must be used in conjunction
Minimum Dose: Antidiabetics provide cardiovascular is not an option headache, sweating, with the prescribed diet, exercise
80 mg/day (tablets) protection as it does not bind to Requires some Diabetic coma or nervousness, shaking, regimen, to prevent
30 mg/day Pregnancy sulfonylurea receptors (SUR- tingling of the hands hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic
pancreatic function pre-coma
(modified-release Category: 2A) in the heart. This binding or feet, hunger, fast events.
Severe hepatic or - Obtain baseline vital signs.
tablets) Not applicable effectively closes the K+ ion Patient’s Indication: renal disease heartbeat.
channels. This decreases the To control hyperglycemia Alcohol or During Drug Administration:
Maximum Dose: efflux of potassium from the or high blood sugar levels alcohol- GI: abdominal pain,
320 mg/day cell which leads to the diarrhea, dyspepsia, - Administer once daily in the
of the patient since he has containing evening.
(tablets) depolarization of the cell. This Type II Diabetes Mellitus medications increased liver
- This is best taken with meals. Try
120 mg/day causes voltage dependent Ca++ enzymes, nausea,
to take this medication at the
(modified-release ion channels to open increasing vomiting
Precautions: same time(s) each day.
tablets) the Ca++ influx. The calcium
Liver and kidney
can then binds to and activate DERM:
problems After Drug Administration:
Patient’s Dose: calmodulin which in turn leads photosensitivity,
Glucose 6- - Advice patient to report any
80mg to exocystosis of insulin rashes, itching, easy
phosphate adverse effects (e.g., weight gain,
vesicles leading to insulin bruising or bleeding swelling of the ankles,
release. dehydrogenase
Route: drowsiness, shortness of breath,
College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837
College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837
Jones & Bartlett Learning. (2019). 2020 Nurse’s Drug Handbook (19th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (Producer). (2013). Nursing 2013 Drug Handbook. Philadelphia, Pa.: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
Schull, P. D. (2013). McGraw-Hill nurses drug handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical.
Vallerand, A., Sanoski, C., & Deglin, J. (2017). Drug Guide for Nurses. 15th Ed. FA Davis Company: Philadelphia
College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837
Directions: Please select the appropriate rating using the following descriptions.
College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837
Nursing ☐ Accurately presented all of the common ☐ Accurately presented most of the ☐ Accurately presented some of the
Responsibili nursing responsibilities (before, during, and after) common nursing common nursing
ties (30%) related to the drug. [9] responsibilities related to the drug. 1-2 missing responsibilities related to the drug. 3 or more
information or errors noted. [7] missing information or errors noted. [3]
☐ Presented at least 2 sources that are updated ☐ Presented only one source that is updated ☐ No source was presented. Sources are not
(within 5 years), relevant, and credible. [3] (within 5 years), relevant, and credible. Other updated (more than 5 years), relevant, and credible.
sources are not updated, credible or relevant. [2] [1]
Sub-score = = =
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