Reviewer Midterms Pe 2
Reviewer Midterms Pe 2
Reviewer Midterms Pe 2
ACCORDANCE WITH WHO & DESIGNING measures of adiposity may also improve
3. Older Adults
World Health Organization
Intensity: Moderate intensity aerobic exercises.
o provide evidence-based public health
recommendations for children, adolescents, adults and Time: At least 150 - 300 minutes a week.
older adults on the amount of physical activity (FITT
principles) required to offer significant health benefits Intensity: vigorous intensity aerobic exercises.
and mitigate health risks.
Time: at least 75 to 150 minutes a week.
With the help of regular physical activities:
Time: At least 60 minutes a day. Immune Function: A well-balanced diet supports a strong
immune system, reducing the risk of illness and downtime
Intensity: vigorous intensity aerobic exercises. for athletes.
Time: at least 3 days a week. Injury Prevention: Certain nutrients, like calcium and
vitamin D, are essential for bone health, reducing the risk
of fractures and injuries.
improved cognition in individuals with diseases or disorders that impair
cognitive function, including attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
1. ADEQUACY – eat adequate amount of food, not
(ADHD); improvements in physical function may occur in children with too much.
intellectual disability. 2. BALANCE – eat the right proportion from different
categories of food.
7. ADULTS (aged 18 years and older) LIVING 3. VARIETY – eat different types of food Go, Glow
WITH DISABILITY and Grow categories.
for adults with multiple sclerosis – improved physical function, and 1. Carbohydrates
physical, mental, and social domains of health-related quality of life
o Carbohydrates are a critical macronutrient for athletes,
providing the primary source of energy for muscles
for individuals with spinal cord injury – improved walking function, and the brain during exercise.
muscular strength, and upper extremity function; and enhanced
health-related quality of life
a. Energy Source:
for individuals with diseases or disorders that impair cognitive
o Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is
function – improved physical function and cognition (in individuals stored in muscles as glycogen and used during physical
with Parkinson’s disease and those with a history of stroke); activity for energy.
beneficial effects on cognition; and may improve quality of life (in o During high-intensity exercise, carbohydrates are the
adults with schizophrenia); and may improve physical function (in
adults with intellectual disability); and improves quality of life (in
body's preferred fuel source.
adults with major clinical depression).
b. Endurance and Performance:
o Adequate carbohydrate intake can improve endurance
and delay fatigue during prolonged exercise.
o Carbohydrate loading, or increasing glycogen stores
before an endurance event, can enhance
3. Fat Micronutrients
o Nutrients that are only needed in very little amount.
o While often misunderstood, fats are an essential
macronutrient for athletes, providing a concentrated Includes:
source of energy and supporting overall health.
o Vitamins
a. Energy Source: o Minerals
o Fats are a rich source of energy, especially during low
to moderate-intensity exercise and endurance
o Athletes with high energy demands can benefit from o Elements in foods that help your body work properly
including healthy fats in their diet to support their energy and help strengthen bones, keep muscles healthy, and
needs. help your heart beat regularly.
b. Fat-Soluble Vitamins:
o Fats play a crucial role in the absorption of fat-soluble
vitamins (A, D, E, and K), which are important for Vitamins:
immune function, bone health, and overall well-being.
o Including healthy fats in the diet ensures adequate 1. Vitamin A
absorption of these vitamins, which are essential for Importance Signs and Symptoms of deficiency
athletes' health and performance. o Helps the body use o Anemia, painful joints, cracks
carbohydrates, protein, and in teeth, depression, frequent
c. Cell Membrane Structure fats. infections.
o Maintains healthy skin, bones,
teeth, and hair; aids vision.
Grazel Ann M. Caspillo
1BsPharma – B
o The food eaten before exercise serves as energy
source and will define one’s performance
2. Vitamin B (thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin) o 3-4 Hours
Vitamin B6 o “Carbo Loading”
Importance Signs and Symptoms of deficiency o Increases Blood Glucose & glycogen level
o Helps the body use o Anemia, painful joints, cracks
carbohydrates, protein, and in teeth, depression, frequent
fats. infections.
o Maintains healthy skin, bones, 2. During exercise
teeth, and hair; aids vision.
o Proper food intake Increases endurance and
3. Vitamin B12
o Easy to digest food
Importance Signs and Symptoms of deficiency
o Aids in maintenance of red o Red blood cell breakage, o Consume water every 15-30 minutes
blood cells. anemia, muscle
degeneration, difficulty
walking, leg cramps
3. After exercise
o Eat after exercise to reload the body's glycogen
4. Folate supply.
o After the exercise, it is ideal to eat within the first 30
Importance Signs and Symptoms of deficiency minutes with 1g of carbohydrate for every 1kg of an
o Aids in the formation of red o Anemia, heartburn, frequent individual's weight.
blood cells and proteins. infections, smooth red tongue,
depression, and mental
5. Vitamin E and C
Importance Signs and Symptoms of deficiency
o Aid in bone, teeth, and skin o Anemia, frequent infections,
formation and resistance to bleeding gums, loosened
infection. teeth, muscle degeneration
o Help protect the body from and pain, joint pain, blotchy
oxidative damage. bruises, failure of wounds to
6. Iron
Importance Signs and Symptoms of deficiency
o Help in regulating the o Sports Anemia - a condition
chemical reactions in the body where temporary decrease in
o Helps in energy metabolism; hemoglobin concentration
important in transporting occurs during exercise
oxygen through the training.
bloodstream; prevents o Anemia, weakness, fatigue,
anemia pale appearance, reduced
attention span, developmental
delays in children.
7. Calcium
Importance Signs and Symptoms of deficiency
o Helps build and maintain
bones and teeth; nerve and o Stunted growth.
muscle function and blood
o Needed to maintain blood
calcium levels and promote
bone density, consequently
reducing the risk of
8. Zinc
Importance Signs and Symptoms of deficiency
o Helps carry out body - that are considered as large portions that our body
processes; plays a role in o Growth failure, delayed needed.
immune function, protein sexual maturation, slow
synthesis, and wound healing wound healing. VITAMINS
- Nutrients are divided into these number of parts. Cardio – Any type of exercise that improves your
cardiovascular system.
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamin B12 Strength Training – Any type of exercise that tones and
strengthens the muscles.
- Vitamin that aids in maintenance of red blood cells.