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Hardness Testing Spring Testing Tension / Compression Testing



Therefore do test . . .

Service // Calibration
To us service does not mean only the technical renovation of material testing systems, but also a subsequent
service in order to increase i.e. improve the efficiency and reliability of client products.
Our service offer comprises the following:

 maintenance contracts
 calibrations, etc.

An experienced team of service technicians is at disposal for the repair, maintenance and calibration of material,
spring, hardness and special testing machines of any manufacturer.

Apart from that we supply to you spare parts for machines types of all manufacturers.
We are also at your disposal any time for special tasks.

DKD Calibration Certificate

(Extract according to industrial sectors)

Automotive (+OEMs) Steel Works / Metal Working

Porsche, Germany Metallwerk Plansee, Austria
BMW, Germany ThyssenKrupp AG, Germany
Volkswagen AG, Germany Hoesch Hohenlimburg GmbH,
Volvo AG, Sweden Germany
Mercedes AMG, Germany Saarstahl, Germany
Scania CV, Sweden Iron Steel, China
Calibrations FIAT, Italy Ovako Steel, Sweden
Mercedes Benz, Germany Xingtai Iron & Steel Copper. Ltd., China
Via our accredited calibration laboratory GETRAG GmbH, Germany Wuxi Tiang Liang Wusteel, China
of DKD (DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025) we are et al.
Wabco, Germany
entitled to issue DKD calibration certifi-
Hoerbiger Ventilwerke GmbH,
cates for various fields of material testing,
thus e.g. for hardness testing machines,
Mahle GmbH, Germany Further industrial sectors:
spring testing machines, universal testing
machines, but also for tension, compres- ZF Transmission, China
sion and bending testing and measure- Faurentia, France
ment appliances for length variation. et al. Electronics
Plastics Industry
Chemicals Engineering
Mechanical / Plant Engineering Mining
HILTI, Germany Universities (R&D)
Heidelberger Druck, Germany Medical Technology
If you have special testing problems or ZWICK, Germany Heat Treatment and
need special solutions, then we can offer Hegewaldt & Peschke, Germany Coating Industry
you customized problem solutions and LINDE, Germany Testing and Certification Bodies
match them to you. et al. et al.
Quality // Competence
At the beginning our reference clients showed us trust in advance. They have not been disappointed!!
As specialists of the leading manufacturers of hardness, spring and tension testing machines, we started to market
our know-how under our own name.

Thousands of machines in the world bear our development signature. Even today we assume, with our company,
cooperative development work for the leading producers in the field.
For more than 10 years KB Prüftechnik has asserted itself in the field of hardness, spring, tension and compression
testing. A competent, young and dynamic team is almost obsessed with meeting your testing demands and offering
both standard machines and customized solutions. We produce innovative testing machines from our own
development, software solutions for automation with a high degree of reproducibility with material testing, and
we introduce modernizations with numerous other systems.

Our references reflect our wide range of offer, but also the target branches in which we can place our products:
automotive (+ OEMs), machine-building, metal processing and further high-tech branches.

The customer takes the central stage – be sure of that!

Machine-building Software Modernization

Our products cover the complete load Our answer to the necessity of data prepara- Our flexibility and innovation strength allow
testing range from 0.05 kg to 3,000 kg, tion, processing and visualization! us to observe more than our own products.
and this for a great number of all standard Modernization of other systems is one of our
testing norms. We offer a number of hardness As the universal standard solution for hard- strengths. Especially in the field of extension
testing machines which can be divided into ness testing, regardless of the manufacturer of manual hardness testing machines can we
four groups: and the number of simultaneously used hard- offer solutions which considerably increase the
ness testing machines, KB HardWin facilitates automation degree of exploitation and result
 microhardness testing machines the control of all actions in the context of in saving of expenses and sparing of resources.
(KB 10 / KB 30) hardness testing with a subsequent flexible
 universal testing machines display of measured values and their analysis. Our offer includes:
(KB 150 / 250 / 750 / 1000 / 2000 / 3000) A big selection of statistics functions permit  the universal hardness testing panel KB UHP
 automatic hardness testing systems a comprehensive integration of the measured which, as a specially developed electronic
(KB 250 / KB 750 + revolver + cross table) values and their processing. unit, serves the modernization (digitization)
 special machine-building of hardness testing machines of various
(KB 30 air-cushions, KB Mammut) manufacturers
 the universal material testing panel KB UMP
which, as a specially developed electronic
unit, serves the modernization (digitization)
of spring and tension testing machines of
various manufacturers
 the serial KB slide-measuring device as a
digital ruler for hardness testing according
 the universal hardness testing panel KB 250
with a 800 x 600 color LC Display and foil
keyboard offers the highest ease of use.



AK 61 67

HOCHDORF- HAFEN International representations
ASSENHEIM 6 in following countries
. 61
HOCHDORF- Italy // Scandinavia // France //
Poland // Czech Republic // US //
GARTEN India // Turkey // China // Korea //
AD HEILBRONN Spain // Australia // Switzerland //
HOCKENHEIM 6 NÜRNBERG Austria // Hungary // BeNeLux //
SPEYER STUTTGART Great Britain // Brazil //
WALLDORF Egypt // Estonia


KB Prüftechnik GmbH
Im Weichlingsgarten 10 b
67126 Hochdorf-Assenheim
Tel.: +49 (0)6231 93992-0
Fax: +49 (0)6231 93992-69
Hardness Testing Machines

Innovative solidness – this is our motto regarding the value of our genuine service. The latter is reflected in our high
aspiration to our entrepreneur and productive identity.

Well-founded competence and innovative development work regarding the demands in the field of quality have resulted
in the development of the hardness testing machines series KB 10 – KB 3000 which, according to the established test-
ing methods ROCKWELL / BRINELL / VICKERS, can test the surface hardness. Starting with the standard versions of
these machines, with a modular construction mode any upgrade or modernization can be achieved, both of hardware
and software components. But even these standard versions offer a sufficient price-performance ratio with unique
features. These are the keywords: flexibility and modular system group composition!

The type series of microhardness testing appliances KB 10 / KB 30 covers the testing load range up to 10 kg (KB 10),
or up to 30 kg (KB 30). The type series KB 250 / KB 750 / KB 3000 and KB Mammut cover the universal testing range
of loads up to 3,000 kg.

KB 10 / KB 30 KB 250 / KB 750 KB 3000


Highlights: Microhardness Tester series with flexible Highlights: Universal Hardness Tester conforming to Highlights: Universal Hardness Tester conforming to
probe (230 mm) and integrated data analysis hardness testing standards, fully automatic measurement hardness testing standards, fully automatic measurement
Test Method: BRINELL, VICKERS routines with extremely operator-friendly and effective routines with extremely operator-friendly and effective
Configuration: Swivel-mounted LCD Video Panel, optical optical data and integrated video analysis optical data and integrated video analysis
10x Zoom Objective (motor-driven) – single lens, CCD Test Method: BRINELL, VICKERS, ROCKWELL Test Method: BRINELL, VICKERS, ROCKWELL
Camera, Super LED Light source Configuration: Optical 10x Zoom Objective (motor-driven) Configuration: Optical 10x Zoom Objective (motor-driven)
Measurement Range: Test load range KB 10: 0.05 – 10 kg / – single lens, magnification factor 1:7, colour LC Display, – single lens, magnification factor 1:7, colour LC Display,
KB 30: 0.1 – 30 kg internal CCD Camera internal CCD Camera
KB 30 options: Motor-driven X-Y table, master camera, Measurement Range: Test load range KB 250 (1 – 250 kg), Measurement Range: Test load range 20 – 3,000 kg
fully-automatic data analysis via PC including KB HardWin KB 750 (3 – 750 kg) KB 3000 options: Motor-driven X-Y table, master cam-
Software Package KB 250/KB 750 options: Motor-driven X-Y table, master era, fully automatic data analysis via PC – including KB
camera, fully automatic data analysis via PC – including KB HardWin Software Package, Test load extensions available
HardWin Software Package, test load extensions available

KBE 150 R / KB 150 R KB 1000 KB Mammut


height: 3300 mm
weight: 7300 kg

Highlights: Universal Hardness Tester Series Highlights: Universal Hardness Tester conforming to Highlights: Special Hardness Tester for big parts /
conforming to hardness testing standards hardness testing standards, fully automatic measurement components - column-based construction and modular
Test Method: ROCKWELL routines with extremely operator-friendly and effective test gauges
Configuration: Colour LC Display optical data and integrated video analysis Test Method: BRINELL, VICKERS
Measurement Range: Test load range Test Method: BRINELL, VICKERS, ROCKWELL Configuration: Optical 10x zoom Objective (motor-driven)
KBE 150 R / KB 150 R (1 – 150 kg) Configuration: Optical 10x zoom Objective (motor-driven) – single lens, magnification factor 1:7, colour LC Display,
KB 150R options: Motor-driven X-Y table, – single lens, magnification factor 1:7, colour LC Display, internal CCD Camera
KB HardWin Software Package internal CCD Camera Measurement Range: Test load range 20 – 3,000 kg,
Measurement Range: Test load range 3 – 1,000 kg maximum Test Hight 1,500 mm
KB 1000 options: Motor-driven X-Y table, master camera, KB Mammut options: KB HardWin Software Package
fully automatic data analysis via PC – including KB (pre-condition: PC availability), peripheral Printer
HardWin Software Package, test load extensions available
Spring testing Machin

Today, developers are confronted with th

they encounter more and more limits. Th
KB HardWin and this is especially true for springs. Th
these rising demands.
Software Package
The newly developed software package
KB Prüftechnik disposes of a long-lastin
KB “HardWin Vol. 1-4” is meant to be for We know that a precision spring length a
measurement automation and data analysis. development of new products. As specia
It has got an unique scope of operation and develop the optimal machine testing con
besides that an operator-friendly menu navigation. Therefore we can offer you testing syste
The statistical options are the best one’s peers and
there is a wide range of statistical functions to be
used as there are f.e.: Routine tests, tests in characteristics, chart and diagram-based data processing, Spring testing systems by KB Prüftechni
statistics, data export, customized connection to and integration in quality management systems etc. compression and coil springs, as well as

KB 30 Air Cushion Upgrades FW 4 / 3 F


Highlights: Microhardness Tester Series with swivel- Highlights: Manually operated Spring Testing Machine
mounted LCD Video Panel, Zoom Objective – single lens, Basic Unit (f.e. KB 30) in two-column design (four supporting points)
Super LED Light source for special measurement routines Test Method: Tension and Compression
Test Method: BRINELL, VICKERS Measurement Gauge: 1,000 N
Configuration: Optical 10x Zoom Objective (motor-driven) + KB HardWin Software Package (alternatively 100 N / 200 N / 500 N)
– single lens, colour LC Display, internal CCD Camera Measurement Range: 0,5 – 100%
Measurement Range: Test load range 0.1 – 30 kg Length Infeed: Up to 250 mm (compression springs),
KB 30 (Air Cushion) options: Motor-driven X-Y table, + x-y table up to 300 mm (tension springs)
master camera, fully automatic data analysis via PC– Configuration: Internal LC Display
including KB HardWin Software Package (resolution of 0.001 mm)
FW 4 / 3 F options: PC (Microsoft Windows®
= Fully automatic Unit operating system), printer

Modernization (digitization upgrade) KB 6000


Highlights: Compound Spring Testing Machine

Analogue Hardness Testing Machines (almost all other manufacturers) Measurement Range: 50 kN – 1 MN
Configuration: Servo-hydraulic device for spring
characteristics, LC Display, PC-interface, KB SpringWin
Software Package, build-in interfaces
KB 6000 options: According to customer request
+ KB + KB 250 + KB HardWin + Digital
Digital Video Panel Software Hardness
Measuring Slide Package Testing Panel
(serial) KB UHP 0303
Spring testing Machines

Today, developers are confronted with the task to have to develop ever more efficient products at lower costs, and here
they encounter more and more limits. The newly developed construction parts must meet ever narrower tolerances,
and this is especially true for springs. The precision of spring testing systems is therefore crucial for the meeting of
these rising demands.

KB Prüftechnik disposes of a long-lasting experience in the field of spring testing technology.

We know that a precision spring length and spring strength measurement is very significant in quality assurance and
development of new products. As specialists in spring testing systems we analyze the demands, together with you, and
develop the optimal machine testing concept, consisting of the testing frame, electronics, software and testing tools.
Therefore we can offer you testing systems assured of a good future, with comprehensive support services.

Spring testing systems by KB Prüftechnik offer highly precise, reliable and low-cost solutions for testing of tension,
compression and coil springs, as well as of springy construction parts.

FW 4 / 3 F KB 1288 KB 2000 F


Highlights: Manually operated Spring Testing Machine Highlights: Motor-driven Spring Testing Machine Highlights: Motor-driven Spring Testing Machine for
in two-column design (four supporting points) Test Method: Tension and Compression spring characteristics
Test Method: Tension and Compression Measurement Range: Up to 400 kN Test Method: Tension and Compression
Measurement Gauge: 1,000 N Travel Speed: Up to 2,000 mm per minute Measurement Gauge: 2,000 N
(alternatively 100 N / 200 N / 500 N) Configuration: Internal LC Display, Measurement Range: 1 – 2,000 N
Measurement Range: 0,5 – 100% Measurement Software Maximum Lifting Range: 365 mm
Length Infeed: Up to 250 mm (compression springs), FW 4 / 3 F options: Eccentricity/Minimum Circumscribed Configuration: Internal LC Display
up to 300 mm (tension springs) Circle measurement device EMSY I/II/III, printer (resolution of 0.001 mm)
Configuration: Internal LC Display FW 4 / 3 F options: KB SpringWin Software Package
(resolution of 0.001 mm) (pre-condition: PC availability), printer
FW 4 / 3 F options: PC (Microsoft Windows®
operating system), printer

KB 6000 KB MU 10000 TG 8


Highlights: Compound Spring Testing Machine Hightlights: General Spring Testing System Hightlights: Manually operated Spring Testing Machine
Measurement Range: 50 kN – 1 MN for different components (coiled leg springs), torque / angle indication
Configuration: Servo-hydraulic device for spring Test Method: Tension and Compression Test Method: Angle measurements (in 3,600 steps)
characteristics, LC Display, PC-interface, KB SpringWin Measurement Range: Up to 1 MN Measurement Range: 100 Ncm
Software Package, build-in interfaces Resolution: 0.01 mm Resolution: 0.001 Ncm (0.1°)
KB 6000 options: According to customer request Configuration: Servo-hydraulic device for spring Display: Internal LC Dispaly
characteristics, LC Display, PC-interface, KB SpringWin Configuration: PC-interface
Software Package (Microsoft Windows® operating system), printer interface
KB MU 10000 options: Eccentricity/Minimum TG 8 options: KB SpringWin Software Package
Circumscribed Circle measurement device EMSY I/II/III, (pre-condition: PC availability), printer

KB SpringWin
Software Package
The name of our software solution for spring testing is “KB SpringWin”. Here we have a software
based on the Microsoft Windows® operating system which is unique in its functional range. Easy and
intuitively used menus permit a simple navigation and a fast processing of measured values. A num-
ber of statistical functions round off the positive appearance of this software. Experience only some
of the extraordinary functions, e.g.:
 statistical and dynamic survey of measured values
 freely definable course of trial (Option Interpreter) We do modernize
 compensation of the machine distortion
 15 (30,50) freely definable testing items
tension / compression
 15 (30,50) numerical and alphanumerical parameters Testing Machines of any
 15 (30,50) formula fields manufacturer, manually
 simple report composition with statistics operated or motor-driven
 administration of testing tools and if required we do
 data export (ASCII) of the characteristic curve and results
 manifold configuration possibilities
upgrade those in using new
 customized special versions. sensors and expansion indicators

KB TO 12 Upgrades

Software Package
Our own developed software “KB MatWin” permits
measuring data. It can be operated intuitively and
and permits extensive statistical processing, includ
Listed below are some examples of various testing

 metal tension trial, in line with DIN EN 10002

 plastic tension trial, in line with
DIN 53455, 53571, 53504, ASTM D 790
 point bending trial, in line with EN 63 etc.
Highlights: Motor-driven Spring Testing Machine
Rotation Speed: 0.05 – 5 rpm Motor-driven Basic Unit  compression trial on plastics and foams,
Measurement Range: Up to 500 Ncm in line with DIN 53421 etc.
Resolution: 0.001 Ncm (0.1°)  several Rp x Standard
Configuration: Clamping length up to 800 mm, + KB SpringWin Software Package  selective statistics
clamping plates up to 250 mm diameter,  data export
also available in a manually operated version
+ Interpreter  multiple graphics
 selective printing
 subsequent processing possibility.
= Dynamic Spring Testing System

Modernization (digitization upgrade) Modernization (digitization upgr

KB UMP 9709 – the universal Materials Testing Panel
 operator-friendly tension / compression testing
(without PC need)
 modular concept for use with any kind of sensor
 easy updating even on-site
 protocols in DIN A4 format
 help-function routines
 calibration routine for force-displacement-expansion
 controls for keyboard, monitor etc. (optional)

Manually operated and motor-driven Testing Machines of any manufacturer Tension/Compression Testing Machines o

+ Universal Materials Testing Panel + KB SpringWin + Universal Materials Testing Panel

KB UMP 9709 Software Package KB UMP 9709
Tension/Compression Testing Machines

We do modernize
tension / compression
Testing Machines of any
manufacturer, manually
operated or motor-driven
and if required we do
upgrade those in using new
sensors and expansion indicators

KB MatWin
Software Package
Our own developed software “KB MatWin” permits you a detailed and exact processing of
measuring data. It can be operated intuitively and easily, requires no extensive pre-knowledge
and permits extensive statistical processing, including data export to other software platforms.
Listed below are some examples of various testing applications and of the extent of function:

 metal tension trial, in line with DIN EN 10002

 plastic tension trial, in line with
DIN 53455, 53571, 53504, ASTM D 790
 point bending trial, in line with EN 63 etc.
 compression trial on plastics and foams,
in line with DIN 53421 etc.
 several Rp x Standard
 selective statistics
 data export
 multiple graphics
 selective printing
 subsequent processing possibility.

Modernization (digitization upgrade)

KB UMP 9709 – the universal Materials Testing Panel
 operater-friendly tension /compression
testing (without PC need)
 modular concept for use with any kind of
sensor (force-displacement-expansion)
 easy updating even on-site
 protocols in DIN A4 format
 help-function routines
 calibration routine for
 controls for keyboard, monitor etc.

Tension/Compression Testing Machines of any manufacturer

+ Universal Materials Testing Panel + KB MatWin

KB UMP 9709 Software Package

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