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Dynamic and Fatigue

Testing Systems

PB 765 2.0315

Intelligent testing
1 Zwick – with passion and competence
Contents Page
1 The Zwick Roell Group 2 For over 160 years the family-run concern of Zwick
Roell has stood for outstanding technical achieve-
2.1 Servo-hydraulic testing machines 4 ment, innovation, quality and reliability in materials and
2.2 Vibrophores 9 component testing. Zwick is the world leader in static
materials testing; Zwick testing machines are used in
2.3 High-speed 12
R&D and quality assurance in more than 20 different
testing machines
3.1 testControl II control electronics 13
and testXpert R testing software Zwick can also look back on a long tradition in the field
3.2 Control Cube control electronics 17 of dynamic testing technology. It is hard to imagine
and Cubus testing software a laboratory engaged in fatigue testing which is not
equipped with Amsler resonance testing machines. Our
4.1 Modernization of servo- 19
servo-hydraulic portfolio is similarly being expanded
hydraulic testing machines
step by step, while product development has embraced
4.2 Materials Testing Laboratory 19 new technologies such as electric linear drives; all part
of the significant growth in dynamic testing which Zwick
has experienced over many years.

Dynamic testing machines by Zwick

With over 1,200 employees, production facilities in Ger- Our ‘all-purpose’ servo-hydraulic testing machines can
many, the United Kingdom and Austria and branches in be used for both static and fatigue loading. There is also
France, the UK, Spain, the USA, Brazil, Turkey, Singa- a range of machines for high speed testing up to 20
pore and China, together with agencies in 56 countries m/s. Their unitary modular design includes testing sys-
around the world, the Zwick brand is a guarantee of the tems up to 2,500 kN (even higher in special versions).
highest product and service quality.

Dynamic testing machines at Zwick

At Zwick we use various physical drive principles for our
dynamic testing machines. Each has its own special
advantages and areas of application, allowing us to find
the optimum solution for your testing situation in line
with your requirements.

Vibrophores employ an electromagnetic resonance

drive. This enables high testing frequencies, giving short
testing times with minimal use of energy. Vibrophore
resonance testing machines are available for test loads
up to 1,000 kN.

2.1 Servo-hydraulic testing machines

HA series: 50 to 500 kN
Standard versions of the HA load frame in the 50 to
500 kN range have the testing actuator mounted in
the lower crosshead, below the test area. They are
especially suitable for test arrangements which require
temperature chambers or furnaces to be installed in
the test area. The position of the actuator means that it
is unaffected by the rising warm air; it also prevents oil
drips into the heated test area.

• 4 standard nominal capacities from 50 kN to 500 kN
• actuator recessed into the lower crosshead to
minimize piston rod length
• ergonomic working height
• particularly suitable for integration of a high-temperature
furnace or chamber
• hydraulic clamping and adjustment for easy
positioning of upper crosshead
• safety guard to comply with EC Machinery Directive,
depending on application

Fig. 2: Easy change between static and dynamic test arrangements

Fig. 1: HA 100 servo-hydraulic testing machine for static tensile tests Fig. 3: HA 100 for low-cycle fatigue (LCF) tests at high temperature
(sample temperatures up to 1,000 °C )

HB Series: 50 to 2,500 kN
Standard versions of the HB load frame in the 50 to
2,500 kN range have the testing actuator located above
the test area, allowing the use of an optional T-slotted
platform on the lower crosshead. This makes the HB
models particularly suitable for dynamic testing of com-

• 6 standard nominal ratings from 50 kN to 2,500 kN
• convenient working height
• hard-chromed columns for precise guidance of
upper crosshead
• hydraulic clamping and adjustment for easy
positioning of upper crosshead
• safety housing as required by CE Machinery
Directive, depending on application
• version with integrated T-slotted platform especially
suitable for fatigue tests on components
Fig. 2: Fatigue test on metal specimens using an HB 100

Fig. 1: HB 250 for testing elastomer panels, with temperature cham- Fig. 3: HB 1000 for fracture mechanics investigations on aluminium
ber with crack-propagation extensometer (inset)

HC Series and HC Compact: 10 to 25 kN Features
While the HA and HB ranges are floor-standing, en- • 2-column frame for dynamic tests up to 25 kN
abling equipment assembly at an optimum operating • testing actuator located in upper crosshead
height, the HC range (10 to 25 kN) are table-top models • suitable for axial actuator, 10 kN and 25 kN
and can also be positioned on a workbench, for ex- • suitable for combined tensile and compression-torsion
ample. A concrete base can optionally be supplied as a actuator with a maximum torque of 250 Nm
support. With all HC models the actuator is positioned • hard-chromed T-slotted platform and columns for
above the test area, which is equipped with a T-slotted tests in corrosive media
platform. A special feature of the HC series is the HC • wide accessory range: temperature chamber,
Compact. In this model the hydraulic power-pack is compression platens, specimen grips, flexure test kit etc.
incorporated into the machine support, reducing the • optional hydraulic adjustment for easy positioning
system footprint to a minimum. With a flow rate of 12 of upper crosshead
liters/min, special sound insulation for the hydraulic
power-pack and a minimal footprint, the HC Compact is
ideal for laboratory operation.

Fig. 1: HC 25 servo-hydraulic testing machine Fig. 2: HC Compact servo-hydraulic testing machine with integrated
hydraulic power pack and temperature chamber

Special testing solutions
As well as standardized systems, Zwick also designs
and produces special dynamic testing systems, so that
multiaxial systems, combined tension-torsion systems,
testing systems with various environments and large-
scale testing systems all form part of our product range

Fig. 2: Four-column HB 250 for component testing

Fig. 1: Servo-hydraulic test portal for railroad ties (sleepers) Fig. 3: Servo-hydraulic test portal for testing aircraft components

Accessories for servo-hydraulic testing machines
The final element in our dynamic testing product-range
is the manufacture of all the required accessories. The
range is constantly being expanded through a program
of continuous development and the inclusion of new
products, allowing us to satisfy our customers' most
demanding quality requirements while continually im-
C mpress
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proving the quality of our products.

Hy aulilic
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Fig. 1: Servo-hydraulic testing actuators up to 5,000 kN from Zwick Fig. 3: Comprehensive accessory packages for all sectors and

Fig. 2: Zwick supplies tbe complete servo-hydraulic infrastructure (distribution units, valves, hydraulic power-packs)

2.2 Vibrophores The intelligent testControl II measurement and control
electronics have a control frequency of 10 kHz, provid-
Due to their design, high-frequency pulsators have so ing rapid response to events during tests combined
far been used exclusively as dynamic materials testing with a high measured-value acquisition-rate. Together
machines for determining the fatigue strength of ma- with the 24-bit resolution, this enables very precise
terials and components with regard to fatigue life and measurements.
fatigue limit, for example in fatigue tests to DIN 50100
(S-N curve) in the tensile, compression, pulsating load Also new is the high-quality display-equipped remote
and alternating load ranges. control unit which shows measurement channels and
machine and test status. This simplifies the set-up pro-
Modern laboratories and institutes in research, training cedure and enables accurate positioning of the oscil-
and industry increasingly find themselves confronted lating crosshead without direct use of the PC, offering
with frequent changes in testing requirements. The greater operator convenience, particularly when PC and
latest generation of Vibrophores (high-frequency pulsa- testing machine are installed separately, for example in
tors) from Zwick can for the first time be used as both an acoustic booth
dynamic and fully-fledged static materials testing ma-
chines - and with test loads of up to 1,000 kN. This also
makes them an attractive proposition for laboratories
which perform predominantly static tests, as well as for
those which mainly carry out dynamic tests, with only
the occasional static test.

Fig. 1: Vibrophore 100 high-frequency pulsator Fig. 2: Vibrophore 1000 high-frequency pulsator

Dynamic tests using the Zwick Vibrophore nents (e.g. connecting rods, crankshafts and threaded
The operating principle of the Zwick Vibrophore is connectors), as well as quality control of components
based on the concept of a mechanical resonator with which are subjected to oscillating loads in service, such
electro-magnetic drive. The mean force is applied by as concrete-reinforcing steel and rebars.
displacement of the upper crosshead via the lead-screw
drive, while the dynamic load is generated through an Static tests using the Zwick Vibrophore
oscillating system working in full resonance mode. In Mechanical clamping of the oscillating crosshead and
this way test frequencies of up to 285 Hz are possible, the deployment of testXpert II software transform the
provided specimens are sufficiently stiff. The two drives, Vibrophore into a fully-fledged static materials testing
for dynamic and for static testing, are controlled sepa- machine. Generous connecting surfaces and ruggedly
rately, so that any stress ratios (R-ratios) are possible. dimensioned components ensure high machine stiff-
Tests can be force, displacement or strain-controlled. ness. The combination of this plus precise crosshead
guidance ensures that unacceptable mechanical influ-
Because testing is in the resonance range, the Vibro- ences on the specimen are minimized.
phore can in addition detect developing and growing
cracks in the specimen at an early stage through mini- By using suitable additional devices, both static and
mal changes in the test frequency. The signal form of dynamic testing can be performed under various envi-
the dynamic load applied always corresponds to a sine ronmental conditions (temperature, aggressive media),
wave. The testXpert Research software provides intui- together with torsion and flexure tests. The absence of
tive test definition, performance and evaluation. Typical a central lead-screw allows maximum test-area variabil-
applications include fracture mechanics investigations ity on the new Vibrophore, enabling testing of both very
on CT and SEB specimens, material fatigue tests and short and very large components.
fatigue tests on standard specimens and on compo-

Fig. 1: Vibrophore 100 high-frequency pulsator Fig. 2: The Vibrophore can be used for dynamic (top) and static
(bottom) tests

Additional advantages and features: • maintenance-free system - wear-free components
• can be used as fully-fledged static and dynamic • safe, reliable operating concept - ideal for research
materials testing machine and education
• high test-frequencies offer short test times for high • continuously controlled servo motor for fast,
specimen throughput accurate mean-force control
• resonance drive has very low energy consumption • high pulse-width modulation resolution (120 MHz)
(approx. 2 % of that of servo-hydraulic testing for high control stability and low failure liability
machines) • easy to operate via testXpert II and testXpert
• stiff 4-column load frame, giving excellent guidance Research test programs matched exactly to the
properties testing situations
• clamping table at convenient working-height • easy 8-step test-frequency change by means of
(800mm), with ample working area varying weights.
• easy to install - no ancillary units or systems
(e.g. hydraulics, coolant) required
• no additional vibration damping required from a structural

Typical Vibrophore applications

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2.3 High-speed testing machines The HTM 5020 is the most versatile machine in the
range. Rated at 50 kN and with a maximum piston
Strain rate up to 1,000 s-1 - the HTM range of high- speed of 20 m/s, it can be used for testing both plastics
speed testing machines are ideal for determining and metallic specimens, e.g. sheet metal for automo-
material behavior under crash loading. With a maximum bile bodywork and fiber-reinforced composites. The
piston speed of 20 m/s (72 km/h), they are even faster actuator is mounted on the upper crosshead, enabling
than the 64 km/h test speed used in the Euro NCAP component testing in conjunction with the optional T-
frontal impact crash test. The strain rate can easily be slotted platform. The machine is also available in an 80
varied by means of the piston speed, from quasi-static kN version designated HTM 8020.
up to maximum speed. However, it can also be adjust-
ed via the specimen length. The relationship (dependent The HTM 16020 is the biggest machine in the range,
on specimen length lO and speed v) is as follows: with a static nominal force of 160 kN. The actuator
is mounted on the upper crosshead of the 4-column
frame and the baseplate is provided with T-slots, mak-
ing the machine ideal for component testing. However,
tensile tests on larger-dimensioned specimens or belts
are also possible. The maximum tensile force at 20 m/s
is 100 kN.

Rated at 25 kN and 12 m/s, the HTM 2512 is the small-

est machine in the range. The testing actuator is installed
below, in the machine table. The HTM 2512 is particularly
suitable for testing plastics (polymers, polyurethane) and
is often used for puncture tests to ISO 6603-2, together
with high-speed tensile tests to ISO 18872.

Fig. 2: Test device for puncture tests

Fig. 1: HTM 5020 high-speed testing machine Fig. 2 High-speed tensile test with optical measurement system

3.1 testControl II control electronics and testControl II measurement and control
testXpert® R testing software electronics
The first Zwick measurement and control electronics
The first choice for single-axis standard appli- for dynamic testing machines to be developed entirely
cations in-house, testControl II provides a new hardware and
Due to their design, servo-hydraulic testing machines software platform for all Zwick testing machines. Users
and, in particular, Vibrophores have so far been used now have access to a uniform testing environment for
exclusively as dynamic materials testing machines for both static and dynamic testing machines. The intel-
determining the fatigue strength of materials and com- ligent testControl II measurement and control electron-
ponents with regard to fatigue life and fatigue limit in ics have a control frequency of 10 kHz, providing rapid
the tensile, compression, pulsating load and alternating response to events during tests combined with a high
load ranges. measured-value acquisition-rate. Together with the 24-
bit resolution, this enables very precise measurements.
By switching from testXpert Research to testXpert II,
Zwick servo-hydraulic standard testing machines and testXpert® R testing software
the new generation of Vibrophores can be used for testXpert Research - the intelligent testing software for
both dynamic and static applications. These Vibro- fatigue and component testing. testXpert Research pro-
phores have therefore been designated 'two in one'. vides the user with a uniform operating concept, from
The crucial advantage is that both types of machines sensor calibration, setting PID parameters and specify-
can be used as fully fledged static and dynamic materi- ing set values, right through to the evaluation and report
als testing machines capable of using the full scope of stages. The software's modular design allows easy ad-
Zwick's well-proven testXpert II testing software and our dition of test programs for specific tests or standardized
application-specific testXpert Research dynamic testing test sequences as per ISO/DIN or ASTM.

Fig. 1: testControl II and testXpert Research - first choice for single-axis standardized dynamic applications

testControl II - powerful modular electronics with state-of-the-art hardware architecture

• 24-bit measurement-signal resolution over the

entire measurement range for maximum data

• synchronous 10 kHz measured-value acqui-

sition-rate delivers precise measurement re-
gardless of number of measurement channels

• 10kHz control frequency for precise control -

e.g. rapid reaction to spontaneous events

• proven industry-standard Gigabit Ethernet

interface enables very high data throughput to
test-bench computer

One testing system for dynamic and quasi-static tests

testXpert® R's conveniently laid-out user interface at a glance

Workflow Sidebar
Process-oriented structuring Central control field for all key
of test definition and perfor- machine status information. The
mance. sidebar is always active and cannot
be hidden by other desktop applica-
Online graphics tions.
Key functions at a glance. Synchronous display of the
curve graph

Input field Status display

All test-related parameters can be The status display provides
input directly in the test layout. the operator with detailed
information on the current
Digital display Sequencer test sequence.
All key measurement chan- Individually tailored configu-
nels are displayed clearly. ration of a block program.
The display is freely

testXpert® R's modern software design simplifies operation and provides support for each indi-
vidual operation.

testXpert® R - sequencer testXpert® R – Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF)

The freely programmable block program for generating For strain-controlled determination of low cycle fatigue
freely definable loading cycles as per ASTM E606

testXpert® R - fracture mechanics

Pre-cracking for determination of crack progress
testXpert® R - fracture mechanics (K-R curve) as per ASTM E561
Determination of K1C value as per ASTM E399

testXpert® R – testXpert II
testXpert R - fracture mechanics Determination of J1C and CTOD as per ASTM
K-R curve as per ASTM E561 E1820. Display of CTOD curve

3.2 ControlCube control electronics and In addition, everyday use of the testing system is made
Cubus testing software easier by a multitude of helpful functions. These include
automatic optimization of control parameters together
For single and multi axial testing of compo- with adaptive control which allows control parameters
nents and structures to adapt automatically to changing requirements during
the course of the test. There is also a wide range of
Advantages at a glance: useful options for data acquisition, measured-value dis-
• simple, intuitive and well-structured user interface play and export. To interface with the test environment,
shortens familiarization times connections for servo valves, hydraulic supply, remote
• flexible, modular design allows straightforward sys- control and Emergency STOP are available. These are
tem configuration to accommodate both simple and complemented by universal measurement amplifiers
complex testing requirements and analog and digital inputs and outputs. These can
• easily expanded to up to 32 control channels for naturally also be retrofitted.
multi-channel applications
• basic unit available as 1 or 2-channel version Cubus testing software
• optimized 4 kHz data-acquisition and control Whether you wish to test a complete product, a com-
frequency for cyclic testing requirements ponent or a single material specimen, Cubus provides
• 19-bit resolution for reliable, highly accurate test professional, highly efficient support. Cubus is a modu-
data acquisition lar software environment specifically developed for
• reliable PC connection and high data single and multi-channel servo-hydraulic testing situa-
transfer rate via Ethernet tions. In a single integrated application Cubus enables
• Cubuslight basic software and Cubus testing software full configuration of the test environment, at the same
for a wide variety of customer-specific testing situations time meeting all the demands placed on modern test-
• QuanTiM software package for simulation of actual bench control systems.
operating loads

Technical advantages of Control Cube at a glance

PC connection Multi-channel connection Digital I/O connection

Industry-standard CNet connects up to 32 Digital inputs and
Ethernet port control channels outputs

Channel identification Remote control

LED indicates channel Change to Setup or
currently configured Testing mode using key switch
Jog wheel
System connec- The jog wheel can be used
tion e.g. for safety to change the position of the
door or flow-limiting actuator in the relevant
valve control mode

Interface panel for expansion

Channel switching
Universal measurement amplifier For multi-axis systems
Here for example with two analog
For AC or DC sensors (strain gage, user-friendly switching
outputs and four analog
inductive etc.). Fully synchronised between individual channels
data acquisition for control is possible
and monitor channels.

Test options cubus test software

Cyclic Pro Block program

• Constant amplitude cyclic test • Graphical editor for sequence of test elements
• Adaptation, acquisition, trend monitor • Cyclic, ramp, dwell, digital IO, acquisition etc.

Ramp test Dura test

• Ideal for structural engineering tests • Replay sequence of drive files
• Failure detection

Some Controle Cube testing applications

Fig. 1: Multiaxial test bench for simulation tests (Image: © IABG) Fig. 2: Multiaxial test bench (Image: © Ford)

Fig. 1: Modernized servo-hydraulic testing machines Fig. 3: New ring line for expansion of central hydraulic oil supply

4.1 RetroLine modernization packages for 4.2 Fatigue Testing Laboratory / Contract
servo-hydraulic testing systems Testing Laboratory

The modular RetroLine modernization packages for The many and varied challenges in the field of dynamic
servo-hydraulic testing systems can easily be tailored to call for long-term experience in this area. From simple
individual needs and testing requirements. Moderniza- material testing to complex component testing, the test
tion of the testing machine usually includes renewal of engineers in the Zwick Laboratory are always ready to
the measurement and control electronics and the test- share their experience with our customers and provide
ing software. If necessary the modernization can involve support. Our equipment includes testing systems for
a complete solution with replacement and modification static and dynamic tests on threaded fasteners, CT
of the hydraulic components. Areas of application range specimens, springs, chains, gears, connecting rods and
from materials characterization on single-axis materi- much more. Our customers benefit from our modern
als testing machines to complex component-testing on testing systems and our laboratory staff's years of expe-
multiaxial testing systems, for example simulation tests. rience in fatigue testing.

Fig. 2: Zwick Fatigue and Impact Testing Laboratory, Ulm, Germany Fig. 4: Selection of specimens used by customers

Zwick Roell AG
August-Nagel-Str. 11
D-89079 Ulm
Phone +49 7305 10 - 0
Fax +49 7305 10 - 200

The Zwick Roell AG group

Zwick GmbH & Co. KG


CaTs³ Limited

Your local company – worldwide

Zwick UK Zwick Ibérica Zwick Avrasya Zwick Korea
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Zwick France Zwick Norge Zwick USA Zwick India

www.zwick.fr www.zwick.no www.zwickusa.com www.zwick.co.in

Zwick Belux Zwick Sveriga Zwick Brazil

www.zwick.be www.zwick.se www.panambrazwick.com.br

Zwick Netherlands Zwick CR, SR Zwick Asia

www.zwick.nl www.zwick.cz www.zwick.com.sg

Zwick Italia Zwick Polska Zwick China

www.zwickroell.it www.zwick.pl www.zwick.com.cn

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