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THERMOFIN Industrial Cooling

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Your strong partner

Kickoff Flexibility Product development thermofin® selection software

After company foundation in 2002, the first heat The basis of our service range are matured series, The core of our development department is an own test z wide range of variants
exchangers left the factory in Heinsdorfergrund already continually developed and adapted according to stand. With the objective to continually develop and
one year later. Thanks to the long experience and the current results from tests and research and customers’ optimize our products, calculated values are examined z application-related, optimally adapted dimensio-
emphatic support by Willy Löffler, thermofin® strongly requirements. Considering project-specific require- here in practical simulations for different cases of ning of the units considering different influencing
established in the branch of refrigeration technology ments, customer-related special designs can be imple- operation. Targeted measurements of noises and values: special acoustic requirements, installation
on the German and international market. mented in dimensioning, design and manufacture. vibrations offer our customers the possibility to verify conditions, energy consumption
Upon request, the products can be supplemented by the specified values already in our factory. In coopera-
Our components are applied both in commercial and in-house developed control technology. tion with international universities, we examine in test
industrial refrigeration and in the production and stands amongst others hybrid dry coolers and different
storage of food, for freezing systems and distribution moistening and spraying systems.
centers as well as in ice rinks. The scope of application We accompany your success
in industrial cooling ranges from smaller applications We can also complement the order-related documenta-
in building technology and process cooling to data Our technical sales team offers support already during tion with usage lists, non-destructive examinations as
centres and large systems for energy transmission lines, projecting of your systems. The close cooperation with well as strength calculations. On demand, we additio-
for turbine and motor cooling as well as for special leading international research institutes always gives nally provide calculations according to other internati-
applications for highest mechanical stresses. us the opportunity to implement the current state-of- onal regulations and standards.
the-art in our products.

02 03

Quality management

standards and guidelines Our vision A selection of test steps: Casing design
z Quality management system: The highest objective of our quality policy is to z type test on our own test stand Dry coolers used in industrial areas are subjected to
Certificate according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 preserve the trust and the satisfaction of our custo- z leakage tests particular ambient conditions. In order to continually
mers. Within the frame of our certified quality z measurements of operating and starting current ensure the high quality and performance of our units,
z Welding quality requirements: management system, we can ensure the traceability z measurement of layer thickness we pay special attention to the material selection.
Certificate according to DIN EN ISO 3834-3 from the finished unit back to the raw material. z vibration test
z volume flow measurement
z Manufacturer of pressure equipment according z test sequence plans for the documentation of all z noise level test by means of the enveloping Duplex systems
to Directive 2014/68/EU: steps of production surface method according to DIN EN 13487 or
Certificate according to AD 2000-instructions HP0 z material test certificates for the pressurised DIN EN ISO 9614-1 The duplex system for the protection against corro-
parts (DIN EN 10204) and fin materials sion is a combination of a pregalvanised metal sheet
z Internal manufacturing checks with monitoring z tests and records of electrical installation and one or multiple coating layers based on polyesters
of the final assessment (module A2) according to Project-related quality insurance which are resistant against weather and UV exposure.
Directive 2014/68/EU: Based on the synergy effects between the galvanising
Certificate according to module A2-Directive z evaluation of new types of units and fans and the coating, the resistance is particularly high and
FATs in our factory z individual noise assessment for each unit design the protection period can be considerably increased.
and application considering the design-related
In order to confirm the design values of our coolers, noise generation
we can effect FATs internally or in the presence of z noise emission values are verified by internal
our customers. measurements


base layer: base layer: coating of cold-rolled
min. 60 μm min. 80 μm sheet, made of corrosi-
on-resistant steel on the
top layer: top layer: top layer: outer side of the casing
min. 70 μm min. 60 μm min. 80 μm
C5-M and C5-I high
C3 (industrial area) C4 (corrosive C5-M and C5-I medium (highly corrosive area
protection period industrial area) (highly corrosive area – sea/industry)
> 15 years* protection period sea/industry) protection period
> 15 years* protection period > 15 years*
C4 (corrosive 5 – 15 years*
industrial area) highest demands on
protection period corrosion resistance
2 – 5 years*

all connection elements made of stainless steel

304 316

04 * Term of protection with given coating thickness and ambient conditions. (corrosion class) 05

Dry coolers

Product overview TSDH self-draining dry coolers



TDH, TDCH dry coolers industrial line


TMDH dry coolers for power plants



TDV, TDCV dry coolers industrial line DRY COOLERS FOR POWER PLANTS 16 · 17
TDDP dry coolers for power plants


TDW dry coolers “V-shape” single-row THDW hybrid dry coolers single-row
THDD hybrid dry coolers double-row

open, closed
TDD dry coolers “V-shape” double-row
TDE cooling towers

06 07

Dry coolers

Design overview
The dry coolers of thermofin® are available in a wide range of performance.
F casing
The series are especially designed regarding high requirements of
performance and stability. z sendzimir galvanised steel, powder coated (stan-
dard colour RAL 7035, special colours possible)
In-house developed special solutions ensure the various surface coatings. All units can be adapted z option: stainless steel 316L (1.4404), coating is
optimum integration into system concepts. The individually to the prescribed noise values. Water, possible
requirements given by the different ambient condi- glycol mixtures, demineralised water as well as oil z connection elements in stainless steel 304/316 E fans
tions can be realised by material selection and are applied as mediums. z corrosion protection class C3 (option: C4, C5I/M)
z project-specific application of varied axial fan solu-
F z aerodynamically optimized impeller geometry for a
high efficiency and a minimum noise emission
z very quiet running thanks to the dynamical balance
of the fans on two levels
z dimensioning for country-specific power grids and
industrial networks
z CE marking and numerous further international
A z range of application from standard to hot air design


A  heat exchanger coil


z copper or stainless steel 304L (1.4307)/316L (1.4404)
z staggered tube arrangement for an effective heat
z individual operating pressure according to material

z aluminum, AlMg 2,5, epoxy-coated aluminium,
cathodic dip paint coating, copper B  electrical design
z finned coil construction without supporting plate,
smooth fin surface for easy cleaning z individual control cabinets D  adiabatic system for peak loads
z fin spacing standard 2.0 to 3.0 mm, other fin according to customers’ require-
spacings possible on customers’ request ments regarding material selec- z spraying with variable selection of nozzles
tion and cable glands C  protection grid z tubing in stainless steel 316L (1.4404)
z entire wiring according to z pre-assembled spraying bar system in tiltable
EN 60204-1 z small mesh size in front of the finned package on air design for purposes of transport
z elements and wiring can be inlet side as protection and for pre-filtration of dust z in case of multiple spraying bars: possibility of
optionally made according to and pollen, etc. sequential activation
other international standards z larger mesh sizes for the protection against mecha- z possible accessories: control valves incl. the
nical influences, vandalism, etc. adiabatic control via TCS system
08 09

Dry coolers Options

horizontal · vertical

optimal system solution

thanks to the wide
range of performance

series airflow electric design efficiency service and cleaning

TDH, TDCH vertical z repair switches/motor protec- z spraying system for peak loads z smooth fin surfaces prevent
TDV, TDCV horizontal tion switches (wired individually in case of high ambient tempe- soiling and facilitate cleaning
or pair-wise) ratures z optional: tiltable fans
z wiring to terminal box z low water consumption z protection grids for the filtration
z TPD­­  —­­  thermofin® power distri- z optimized energy consumption of pollen and dust
bution z hygiene and frost protection
medium water z control cabinet for the integra- thanks to the fully-automated
glycol mixture tion of all electrical components drain system
demineralised water z TCS­­  —­­  thermofin® control system z control with TCS controller
oil (max. 4 spraying levels)

z circuit partitions
z inspection openings
z extended/shortened legs
z special colours
z vibration dampers
z streamers for an increased
air throw
z diffusers
z tiltable fans
z flange connections
z earthing points
z repair switches
z protection grids
z spraying system

10 11

Dry coolers V-shape Options

single-row · double-row

high performance also

in case of limited space,
units combinable to
a dry cooler field
electric design efficiency pad system
series airflow
z repair switches/motor protec- z spraying system for peak loads z activation of the humidification
TDW drawing-in laterally, tion switches (wired individually in case of high ambient tempe- system in case of higher perfor-
TDD blowing-out verti- or pair-wise) ratures mance requirements
cally upwards z wiring to terminal box z low water consumption z even humidification of the entire
z TPD­­  —­­  thermofin® power distri- z optimized energy consumption surface on the length of the
bution z hygiene and frost protection water distribution pipe
z control cabinet for the integra- thanks to the fully-automated z no aerosol output
medium water tion of all electrical components drain system z direct assembly on the air inlet
glycol mixture z TCS­­  —­­  thermofin® control system z control with TCS controller sides
demineralised water (max. 4 spraying levels) z easy replacement of the pads
oil thanks to a modular design

z circuit partitions
z special colours
z vibration dampers
z streamers for an increased
air throw
z diffusers
z tiltable fans
z flange connections
z earthing points
z repair switches
z protection grids
z spraying system

12 13

Self-draining dry coolers Options


self-draining function
thanks to the inclined
coil positioning

series airflow electric design efficiency energy assessment optimization

TSDH vertical z repair switches/motor protec- z spraying system for peak loads z increase in efficiency thanks to
tion switches (wired individually in case of high ambient tempe- the in-house developed and
medium water or pair-wise) ratures patented high-efficiency nozzle
z wiring to terminal box z low water consumption TEX
z TPD­­  —­­  thermofin® power distri- z optimized energy consumption
bution z hygiene and frost protection
z control cabinet for the integra- thanks to the fully-automated
tion of all electrical components drain system
z TCS­­  —­­  thermofin® control system z control with TCS controller
(max. 4 spraying levels)

z circuit partitions
z inspection openings
z extended/shortened legs
z special colours
z vibration dampers
z streamers for an increased
air throw
z diffusers
z tiltable fans
z flange connections
z earthing points
z repair switches
z protection grids
z spraying system

14 15

Dry coolers for power plants Options

horizontal · double coil V-shape

dry coolers for energy

and power plant appli-

series airflow multiple circuit partition cleaning resistance

TMDH vertical z combination of the high and z distance between the coils for z particularly solid frame cons-
TDDP drawing-in laterally, low temperature circuit in one optimal cleaning truction with connection points
blowing-out verti- cooler directly in the dry cooler for the
cally upwards assembly of railings on site
TMDV horizontal

medium water
glycol mixture
demineralised water

z circuit partitions
z inspection openings
z extended/shortened legs
(depending on series)
z special colours
z vibration dampers
z streamers for an increased air
z diffusers
z tiltable fans
z flange connections
z earthing points
z repair switches
z protection grids
z spraying system

16 17

Hybrid dry coolers Design/Options

single-row · double-row

with an outstanding
performance potential
thanks to the inter-
action between wet
and dry cooling electric design heat exchanger coil water circuit

z control system with TCS for the z high protection against corro- z deluging of the finned surface
series airflow regulation of all unit functions sion thanks to cathodic dip- for an increased performance
z connection to higher level paint coating and a decreased medium
THDW drawing in laterally, control z protective grid for the filtration temperature
THDD blowing out verti - z regulation of summer/winter of pollen and dust z UV lamps to prevent microbial
cally upwards mode with draining growth
z continuous regulation of the fan z long cleaning intervals due to
speed optimized tray design
z regulation of the deluging water
medium water circuit with desludging and refil-
glycol mixture ling function

z parts with contact to water
made of stainless steel
z fans Ø 800 to Ø 2,000 mm
z fan selection optimized to noise
values and energy efficiency
z continuous speed control of the
z completely piped water circuit
z water collection tray
z filling level sensor
z submersible pump for water
z conductivity measurement with
automatic deluging system
z automatic control of the biocide
mixture supply
z access door with automatic fan
z all valves and service points
easily accessible

18 19

Cooling towers Design/Options

open · closed

high performance
potential by evaporative

series airflow cooling circuit casing tray design

TDE drawing in laterally, z open: process water cooling z stainless steel casing in robust z completely welded water collec-
blowing out verti - through plastic elements industrial design tion tray made of stainless
cally upwards z closed: corrosion protection z optional: railing and access steel 304 (1.4301)
ensured by heat exchanger coils ladder z UV lamps to prevent microbial
made of stainless steel 316L growth
medium water (open) (1.4404) z long cleaning intervals due to
glycol mixture optimized tray design
(closed) z tray heater (frost protection)

z completely made of stainless
z fans Ø 800 to Ø 2,000 mm
z fan selection optimized to noise
values and energy efficiency
z continuous speed control of the
z water noise absorbers
z completely piped water circuit
z filling level sensor
z automatic deluging system
z automatic conductivity
z option: open water circuit or a
closed one with pump
z biocide connection possible

20 21

Special conceptions
for highest mechanical stresses

Project-specific documentation
individual solutions on
In order to meet the high requirements of this industrial sector, our scope
highest technical level of services comprises the preparation of project-specific examination docu-
for the integration into ments.

power plants and for

projects with highest included documents

safety requirements z data sheets

z parts lists
z solder or welding plans (including process instruction and solder or
welding certificates)
z material certificates for the pressurised parts
z records of leak testing processes
z acceptance test certificates
z declarations of conformity
z evidence of internal process flows

Constructional design
The constructional design of the
units is subjected to detailed
calculations of individual compo-
nents. The operational reliability
is ensured by various verifications
and tests prior to delivery.

z strength verification of finite

z vibration tests imitating earth

22 23

Fans and airflow Optimization

individual applications according to project-specific requirements
and the currently valid guidelines

AC fans Individual fan units diffusers system reliability service

z external rotor motors with mainte- z internal rotor motors according to coun- z increased volume flow z streamers to increase the thro- z tiltable fans for the optimization
nance-free bearing try-specific standards with individual z energetic optimisation wing distance and to prevent of maintenance interventions on
z optimized impellers with the most impeller design z reduction of operating costs “thermal short-circuits” the heat exchanger
modern motor technology z consideration of motor manufacturers z acoustic directivity z protection against corrosion
z compact dimensions for any moun- defined by customer z easy retrofitting and/or integ- according to resistance classes
ting situation z impeller geometry up to a diameter of ration z fan junction box in metallic
z fans controllable via frequency 2,000 mm z power increase of existing design for a high mechanical
converter with an all-pole sinus z direct-driven without power losses and systems load as well as demanding
filter according to prescriptions of maintenance works (e. g. V-belts) ambient conditions
manufacturer z high air volume flows with a low speed
z compliance with the current ErP z protection type IP54, option: IP55 (furthers
directive on request)
z protection type IP54

EC fans
z brushless synchronous motor with
permanent magnet and electronics
z high-efficient thanks to an integ-
rated control function
z power electronic with integrated
control and regulating function as
well as motor protection and EMC
z independent from mains frequen-
cies (50 or 60 Hz)
z flexible direct speed control
possible via 0 – 10 V, 4 – 20 mA or
Modbus systems
z emergency operation in case of a
signal failure
z compliance with the efficiency class
IE4 (IEC 60034-31)
z protection type IP54 (optional IP55)
24 25

Technical control design

energy-efficient and customer-oriented solutions
Our competent team accompanies the complete internal planning from the creation of circuit diagrams until
completion in electrical installation department. Electrical elements can be selected in conformity with coun-
try-specific regulations.

control system wiring control cabinets

z self-developed components for z complete wiring according to z executed individually accor-

the easy integration into the EN 60204-1 ding to customers’ requirements
system z cable labelling (plastic or stain- regarding material selection,
z optimal adaption to the ambient less steel) casing and mains voltage
conditions on site

TCS – thermofin® control system: options: options:

z control of EC fans z separate wiring of load and z heating, ventilation and light-
z control of AC fans with control cables ening of control cabinets
frequency converters z special cable glands in metallic
z step control design
z numerous control functions z laying of cables in metallic
selectable via the menu without flexible protective hose
programming unit z wiring to repair switch/motor
z single or multi-circuit cooler protection switch, control
systems possible cabinet/terminal box
z combined systems of several z individual or pair-wise wiring of
coolers on one cooling circuit fans
via TCS, without separate master z transmission of the signal wiring
control unit via wireless technology
z communication on site via
Modbus RTU, Profibus ID or accessories
z freely programmable digital or z repair switches in different
analog IOs according to custo- material combinations
mers’ requirements z motor protection switches
z pressure and temperature
sensors, immersion sleeves

26 27

Steel Structure Packaging

maximum safety for transport and storage
overall concept for
optimized positioning The packaging provides our customers the certainty The selection of the right packaging depends on
that the product reaches its point of destination in
perfect condition and can be professionally unloaded z design and size of the units
and unpacked there. Only an undamaged delivery z means of transport
Space-saving ensures the satisfaction of our customers and retains z type and duration of the transport path
the absolute value of our product. z country of destination

z units can be combined to a dry

cooler field
z positioning of table-shaped units Types of packaging
directly next to each other
z positioning of V-shaped units with
minimum distances depending on
performance and number of fans
(mounting of air baffles to prevent
thermal recirculations)

truck container seaworthy wooden box

z individual packaging: units with z preparation of all containers in z box design depends on means
Designs for optimal air leg heights up to 1,000 mm can our factory of transport and transport path
be delivered fully assembled z execution of packaging adapted z necessary wooden structures
draw-in and work safety z packaging of two stacked units to valid ISO container dimen- made of treated wood (ISPM 15)
possible for the optimal use of sions according to IPPC standard
z achievement of the required air the loading space, the legs are z packaging onto transport base z seaworthy packaging: airtight
inlet by adjusting of the clear delivered separately for container storage packaging in aluminium compo-
height z optional: units with protection z seaworthy packaging: airtight site film with desiccant (optional
z heights up to 2 m for table-shaped for the finned surface made of packaging in aluminium compo- for 1 or 2 years)
units with extended legs plastics or packaging with shrin- site film with desiccant (optional z attachment points for forklift
z for V-shaped units and installation king foil for 1 or 2 years) trucks or crane operation
heights of horizontal units above z labelling according to custo- z necessary wooden structures z execution of packages with
2 m with steel structures mers’ and project specifications made of treated wood (ISPM 15) shock indicators
z individually manufactured railings possible according to IPPC standard z optional: stackable
with stairs or access ladders with z execution of packages with z labelling according to custo-
safety cage shock indicators mers’ and project specifications
z anti-slip painting on the walk area z labelling according to custo- possible
on top of the coolers mers’ and project specifications
28 29
z 05/2021
z Production sites
thermofin GmbH OOO thermofin
Am Windrad 1 · OT Heinsdorfergrund Kolonzova 5 · Office 414
08468 Reichenbach · Germany 141009 Mitishi · Russia
Phone +49 3765 3800 0 Phone +7 495 663 24-12
Fax +49 3765 3800 8038 Fax +7 495 663 24-12
germany@thermofin.de russia@thermofin.de

thermofin Sudamérica S. A. thermofin Heat Exchanger (Pinghu) Co., Ltd.

José A. Olivera 2080 Workshop 3# · No. 999 · Xinming Road
2300 Rafaela, Santa Fe · Argentina Pinghu Economic · Technological Development Zone
Phone +54 3492 579206 314200 Zhejiang Province · China
Fax +54 3492 579206 Phone +86 573 8509 1180
sudamerica@thermofin.de Fax +49 3765 3800 8038

z sales offices

United Arab Emirates
South America


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