Final Report Navanaami Megaleio Puppalaguda
Final Report Navanaami Megaleio Puppalaguda
Final Report Navanaami Megaleio Puppalaguda
1. Introduction: M/s. Navanaami Projects Pvt Ltd has proposed to construct High Rise Residential
Apartments (Navanaami Megaleio) consisting of (4 Basements + Ground + 52 Upper Floors) located
in Survey No: 283(p), Puppalaguda Village, Gandipet Mandal, Ranga Reddy District. In this
connection M/s. Navanaami Projects Pvt Ltd has requested EE Engineering Construction Services for
Geotechnical investigation and to provide recommendations for the site on foundation. This report
presents the details of Geotechnical investigation carried out by EE Engineering Construction Services
by advancing 10 Bore Holes up to a depth of 30 m from natural ground level.
2. About the proposed site: Proposed site is located in Survey No: 283(p), Puppalaguda Village,
Gandipet Mandal, Ranga Reddy District. Proposed site is generally a level ground without any outcrop
of boulders.
3. About the Project: The proposed project consists of RCC Framed Residential Apartment consisting
of (4 Basements + Ground + 52 Upper Floors) located in Survey No: 283(p), Puppalaguda Village,
Gandipet Mandal, Ranga Reddy District.
4. Geotechnical Investigation: Geotechnical investigation of the site include (1) Inspection of the site by
Geotechnical expert, (2) Field Investigation consists of Advancement of Bore Holes, Collection of Soil and
Rock samples, (3) Laboratory Testing on soils and Rock samples.
4.1 Site Inspection: Two Geotechnical Experts have visited the site to plan and execute the Soil
investigation for the site and monitor the field and laboratory tests.
4.2 Field Investigation, Collection of Soil and Rock samples: Field Investigation includes advancement
of 10 boreholes covering the entire area of the proposed Building
The boreholes were advanced using wash boring. Further, from each borehole Soil Samples, Soft
Disintegrated Rock, highly fractured rock samples and hard rock (with less fractures) were collected. For
completely fractured rock shear strength was found as per IS Codes. The Shear strength values of the
highly fractured rock are reported in Table 2(b). However, the rock samples collected Rock Quality
Designation (RQD) (RQD = Sum of length of recovered pieces equal to or longer than 100mm /
Theoretical length of Rock cored) values were estimated. The RQD values of rock observed are reported
in Table 3(a). Further, from each borehole soil samples were collected to conduct classification test. Rock
Samples were used to estimate density and compressive strength of rock. For completely fractured rock
shear strength was found.
5.0 Laboratory Testing on soils and Rock samples: Laboratory Investigation has been Carried out on
Soil and rock samples collected from the field.
5.1 Laboratory Tests on Rock Samples: On each rock sample collected Dimension test, Density test
and Compressive strength test were conducted. The rock samples collected were of 55mm diameter. To
determine density and compressive strength rock samples were prepared by cutting the core samples
obtained to a length of 110mm to satisfy Length: Diameter ratio of 2: 1. The test results obtained on rock
samples are presented in Table 2 &3. Further, the shear strength was obtained for the highly fractured
rocks by carrying out the Direct Shear Test on Rocks using IS 12634-1989. The bearing capacity for the
fractured rock was found out using the Direct Shear Test Values.
6.0 Bore Log Details: Based on the field and laboratory test results bore logs for the 10 boreholes are
presented in Bore logs Attached. From the bore logs it can be observed that, there is Soft Disintegrated
Rock up to a depth ranging from 13 to 22 m. Further, it was followed by Hard Rock/ Fractured Rock up
to explored depth of 30 m. Moreover, it was observed that the Strength of the Rock in terms of
Compression is good from a depth of 17 m the RQD can be affected due to the uncontrolled blasting in
the site. Further, water table/ Local Seepage is observed is not observed up to the explored depth of
30.00 m from Natural Ground Level.
7.0 Bearing Capacity Calculations: Bearing capacity was computed for a depth of 15.50 m below ground
level. While calculating the bearing capacity it is assumed that the submerged density of soil γ = 1.0
t/cum. Square footing size (B) of 2.0 m. The bearing capacity is calculated using the Terzaghi Bearing
capacity formula as shown below:
SBC = (1.3 CNc + (Nq-1) γ Df + 0.5 γ B N γ)/FS ------- (Eq. 1)
SBC = Safe Bearing Capacity (T/Sqm)
C= Cohesion (T/Sqm)
Nc , Nq, and N γ = Terzaghi Bearing Capacity factors
Df = Depth of Foundation (m) (considering 2.0 m depth of foundation)
B = Width of foundation (m) (assumed 2.0m)
FS = Factor of safety (3.0)
7.2.1 Bearing Capacity for 12.00 m depth of foundation (Based on Shear Strength): From the Table -1 the
for a depth of 15.50 m the minimum C and Փ are as follows
C =0.0 t/m2
Փ = 45o
Df = 15.50m (Depth of Foundation is considered as 1.50 m)
For Փ = 45o the bearing Capacity factors are
Nc = 172.28, Nq = 173.28, and N γ = 325.34
Substituting the above values in Eq. 1 the SBC at 15.50 m depth below ground level works out to
172.897 T/m2
7.2.2 Computation of Bearing Capacity based on Settlement criteria or SPT - N Values at a depth of
15.50 m:
At Depth of 15.50 m: From Table-1 it can be observed that a minimum of SPT – N value of 100 was
observed at a depth of 15.50 m.
Hammer Efficiency Considered = 75%
N - Effective Value = 75,
From Fig- 1, The bearing Capacity for at the depth of 15.50 m is 163.67 T/m2as per Fig -1
Based on the type of the structure, properties of soils and Rock formation at the site, based on site inspection
and laboratory examination of soil and rock samples, the following recommendations are made
2. Bearing Capacity: Keeping in view the strength and Settlement parameters of soil and variation in
rock formation a safe bearing capacity of 150 T/Sqm is recommended at the proposed depth of 15.50
m below natural ground level in the SDR/ Fractured Rock.
3. Other Recommendations: If at any location the suggested SDR/rock formation is not observed, the
depth of foundation may be suitably increased.
4. However, considered the Soft Disintegrated Rock at Excavated depth due to improper
blasting/excavation, Plate Load Tests are recommended for confirming the Safe Bearing Capacity of
the strata in the proposed Site.
6. After the Excavation till the foundation depth is reached, should inform to our geotechnical experts to
visit the site for the soil conditions before laying of the footings.
2.00 53 -
4.00 76 -
9.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 04 cm Gone 2nd Mark
Bore Hole 01 11.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 08 cm gone 1st Mark
2.00 61 -
4.00 73 -
Bore Hole 02
9.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 09 cm gone 2nd mark
11.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 06 cm gone 2nd mark
13.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 02 cm gone 2nd Mark
2.00 53 -
4.00 71 -
6.00 94 -
8.00 Refusal (100 Blows) -
10.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 10 cm gone 2nd mark
Bore Hole 03 12.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 06 cm gone 2nd mark
14.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 04 cm gone 2nd mark
16.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 04 cm gone 2nd mark
18.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 12 cm gone 1st Mark
20.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 09 cm gone 1st Mark
22.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 05 cm gone 1st Mark
24.00 Refusal (100 Blows) No Penetration
2.00 55 -
4.00 69 -
6.00 92 -
8.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 11 cm gone 2nd mark
10.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 08 cm gone 2nd mark
Bore Hole 04 12.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 05 cm gone 2nd mark
14.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 02 cm gone 2nd mark
19.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 09 cm gone 1st Mark
21.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 06 cm gone 1st Mark
23.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 02 cm gone 1st Mark
25.00 Refusal (100 Blows) No Penetration
2.00 57 -
4.00 73 -
6.00 Refusal (100 Blows) 12 cm gone 2nd mark
1. BH 01 2.00 2.68 12 28 22 21 17 SP
2. BH 01 4.00 2.67 16 26 22 19 16 SP
3. BH 01 9.00 2.66 23 32 30 15 00 SP
4. BH 01 11.00 2.72 29 28 22 21 00 SP
5. BH 02 2.00 2.64 15 24 19 25 17 SP
6. BH 02 4.00 2.67 40 27 18 15 00 SP
7. BH 02 9.00 2.66 23 32 30 15 00 SP
8. BH 02 11.00 2.72 29 28 22 21 00 SP
9. BH 02 13.00 2.68 12 28 22 21 17 SP
of Rock
BH 09
20.00 to 21.00 987 Kg/cm2