This bore log chart summarizes the results of a bore hole drilling project. It was conducted by EE Engineering Construction Services for an unnamed client. The bore hole was drilled using a rotary drilling method to a termination depth of 35 meters. The log details the depths drilled, sample types collected, and descriptions of soil and rock materials encountered during drilling.
This bore log chart summarizes the results of a bore hole drilling project. It was conducted by EE Engineering Construction Services for an unnamed client. The bore hole was drilled using a rotary drilling method to a termination depth of 35 meters. The log details the depths drilled, sample types collected, and descriptions of soil and rock materials encountered during drilling.
This bore log chart summarizes the results of a bore hole drilling project. It was conducted by EE Engineering Construction Services for an unnamed client. The bore hole was drilled using a rotary drilling method to a termination depth of 35 meters. The log details the depths drilled, sample types collected, and descriptions of soil and rock materials encountered during drilling.
This bore log chart summarizes the results of a bore hole drilling project. It was conducted by EE Engineering Construction Services for an unnamed client. The bore hole was drilled using a rotary drilling method to a termination depth of 35 meters. The log details the depths drilled, sample types collected, and descriptions of soil and rock materials encountered during drilling.
uniqut Hotlo & Resos Organization: EE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTIONNellosu SERVICES Location Depth of Casing: Client Umiaus Water Table: Type of Boring: Rotary Drilling Starting Date: Ending Date: Depth (m) Length of Description Log Bore Hole No: Casing Diameter: 100 MM Run (n) of Sampling SPT Details of ROCK CORE Water Vater Rate of bore Blows Lose colour Drill |From To (m) Depth Type 15 30 45 N Total Min/m (m) cm cm 210cm No. of % of Core RQD Cm value Length Core Core Recovery Value of core pieces Pieces % (cm) (cm) l:00 ReosPI 03 0404|08 NeBouwn A30p A_ 400 sse02 05 06 la Bon 500 Na Bown 6o0 10D:00 hno700 00 IMooka No Bouen Foo on 00 00 Aklsez| D|092 NoBodn 0D 4:o 00 Ne Boupn 00 0:0D 00 ' No Baoupn Maoun Ala Boupn- 10-60-o 00 00 200 on Moovyn No Moou 45 No Bsoupn l3-00 Ne Bansn= L3 00 4-o0 dayeylanl No Ne Bauon Signature of the Engineer - Incharge Termination Depth: 35 00 WM Signature of the Supervisor PROJECT: FIELD BORE LOG CHART - hwhue Hottls & Keosh- nl dlore Organization: EE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Location: Depth of Casing: Client: Water Table: Type of Boring: Rotary Drilling Starting Date: Ending Date: Depth (m) Length of Description Log Sampling Bore Hole No: A SPT Casing Diameter: 100M Run (n) of Details of ROCK CORE Water Wate Rate of bore Blows Lose colour Drill From To (m) Dèpth Type 15 30 45 N Min/m (m) Cm Total2 10 cm No. of % of Core RQD cm cm value Length Core Core Recovery Value of core pieces Pieces % cm) (cm) 6-00 oseo135 28 No soum En enzdasey San 1o0As |°| No Btou Ikoo lsprl09|144 30 No o R12-0a codeg Sand 1100 || 14.0 Can 00 cdaan No Baue Ro-00 Aske 1o5 143 No an-0n na :00 No aFoo skayuysan NDBauen 220023n 00 daukan | Na BLou 2400 ASPr12120 34 Nn Baue R5-00 ls No Boun 25:n0 40an 00elauy land 4-00 eTl_4S231 No oum teoAl Na Bouen 22-0a20 nlayy San 20214 Na Boun 2420024-0 00 duge sand 00AL 24anlan-od 0o R Hanu 30-00 lAxseT 15 12 24 L4 No kI-Bcouen Signature of the Engineer Incharge Termination Depth: 35.00 Signature of the Supervisor FIELD BORE LOG CHART PROJECT: PROJECT msut Hohl Resasta Nlo NL Organization: EE ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Location: Depth of Casing: Client: wwmau hpoup Water Table: Type of Boring: Rotary Drilling Starting Date: Ending Date: Bore HoleNo: (1B Casing Diameter: Depth (m) Length of Description Log lo0 Mm_ Run (in) of Sampling SPT Details of ROCK CORE Water Water Rate of Blows Lose colour Drill From To bore Min/m (1m) Dèpth| Type 15 30 45 N Total 10 cm No. of % of Core RQD (m) Cm cm Cm value Length Core Core Recovery Value of core pieces Pieces % (cm) cm) 31-0D sser I23 | No :Bapun No 32 -00 33-o00p dayy ar 33.00 4sP1214 34 No BAo w 3-00340o 100 35olalkerA41 32 LNo &ousn Signature of the Engineer - Incharge Termination Depth: 35. 00 m Signature of the Supervisor