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A 3rd Round of DIRNSA Messages

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Directoros Messages
Message'. "2011 NSA/Css Memorial Day observance"

(u) Director's

(U) Director's lVfessage: "2010 Travis Trophy", (u) Director's Message: "National Police week - r5 May through 2l May 201l" (U) Director's Message: "NSA/CSS Enterprise-Wide Military Performer of the Year Awards"
Director's Message: "I{SA's Role in the Death of Osatlla


(u4potD Director's

Message: "Director's Trophy winners for


201l" Resolutions" (U) Director's Message: "The Importance of LifeAVork Balance"

(U*+{JD Director's Message: "Anned Forces Week (U) Director's Message: "Managing Under Continuing (U) Director's h{essage: "Terrorist Surueillance Prograul" ru/lFeUe) Director's Message


(bX3)-P.L. 86-36

(u) Director's Message. "Kicking off the 20il Civilian promotion prografl"
(U) Director's Message: "Looking Back and Ahead" (U) Director's Message: "Thanksgiving 20I0" (U) Director's Message: "Veterans Day 2010" (U) Director's Message: "Introducing New Deputy Chief, Central Security Seruice" (U) Director's Message: "U.S. Cyber Comrnand Attains Full Operating Capabilityl' (U) Director's Message: "Welcome Teresa Shea,' (U) Director's Message: "DoD-DHS Initiative to Improve cybersecurity,' (U) Director's Message: "Cybersecurity Awareness Month" (U) Director's Message: "New NSA/CSS Strategy" (U) Director's Message: Constitution Day and Citizenship Day l7 September 2010 CORRECTED URL (U) Director's Message: Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (U) Director's Message: "gllllZOOl - We Will Never Forget"

17 September 2010

(u) Director's Message: "No FEAR Act Training Requirement (EEoDl120)"

(U) Director's Message: "New Requirernents for Monitoring Contract Performance" (U) Director's Message: "Mr. Matthew G. Olsen Selected as NSA's General Counsel" (U) Director's Message. "Director's Trophy Winners fbr 2009" (U) Director's Message: "Violence In The Workplace" (U) Director's Message: "2010 NSA/Css Mernorial Day observance" (u) Director's Message: "Farervell to Major General Noel "Tom" Jones"

,D##,ID; SffifiFESS
(U) Director's Message: "National Police week 2010 ; May 9 through May r5" X (U) Director's Message: Director's Message to the Workforce: "Farewell to COL Williamson, NSA/CSS Chaplain" (U) Director's Message: "NSA/CSS Celebrates Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month" (U) Director's Message: "Transition of the IAD Director"

(u) Director's Message: "2a09 NSA/css Military Performers of the year" (U) Director's Message. Hail and Farewell Message to the IAD Directors
(U) Director's Message: "LTG Alexander's Nomination Hearing Before the Senate Armed Services Committee" (U) Director's Message: "Days of Remembrance for victims of the Holocaust" (U) Director's Message. "Armed Forces Week; America's Heroes Serving in Silence" X (u) Director's Message: "Director's charge for the 2010 Promotion program" (U) Director's Message: "Change of Command at National Security Operations Center (NSOC)" (U) Director's Message: "Congratulations to the Winners and Finalists of the 2009 Galileo Arvard" (U) Director's Message: "SSCI Investigation into Christmas Day Bombing Attempt" (u) Director's Message: "commemorating the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King" (U) Director's Message: "Passing of Former NSAiCSS Director General Lew Allen, Jr." (U) Director's Message. "Traditions Past and Future"

(tI) Director's Message: "Half-Day Holiday Designation for 24December 2009 Release Approval for 3l December 2009"
(U) Director's Message: "Happy Thanksgiving" (U) Director's Message: "Honoring Our Veterans" (U) Director's Message: "'New Director of Research" (U) Director's Message: "Cyber Security Awareness Month" (U) Director's Message: "Fairness, Inclusion, Respect!' (U) Director's Message: "Remernbering 9/l l"

and Early

(U) Director's Message: "NSA/CSS Establishment of a Director of Compliance" (U) Director's Message: "Secretary of Defense Signs Memorandum Creatilg Nerv U.S. Cyber Cornrnand"

(u) Director's Message: "2009 NSA/css Mernorial Day observance"

(U) Director's Message: "National Police Week" (U) Director's Message: "Staternent for the Record to the House Anned Services Committee" (U) Director's Message: "Director's Trophy Winners for 2008"



(U) Director's Message. "New York Times Article" (U) Director's Message: "Congratulations, Brigadier Generals Jones and Vautrinot" (U) Director's Message: "Armed Forces Week Celebrating the NSA/CSS partnership" X i (U) Director's Message: "2008 Travis Trophy Awarcl Winner" (u) Director's Message: "2008 NSA/css Military pertbrmers of the year',

(u) Director's Message: "Introducing The New NSAlcss, JFCC-NW command Senior
Enlisted Leader" (U) Director's Message: "Network Security Focus Day,,

(U#F0{J+) Di rector's


Cyber Operations lntegration

(U) Director's Message: "NSA and the New Adrninistration" (U) Director's Message: "Responding to News Reporting"

(u) Director's Message: "2008 Galileo Award winner and Finalists,,


(U) Director's Message: "Director's Charge to the Workforce: The 2009 Civilian promotion & Awards Program" (U) Director's Message: "second Annual Global Town Hall Meeting,' (U) Director's Message: "Holiday Designation for 26December 2008 and Early Release Approval" (U) Director's Message: "Integrating Cornputer Network Exploitation, Attack, Defense. Netrvork Operati ons, and Information Assurance"

(u) Director's Message: "Have A

Safe a,d Happy Holiday season',

(U) Director's Message: "Happy Thanksgiving" (U) Director's Message. "Holiday Season and Time Off, (U) Director's Message: "Remembering and Honoring our Veterans,, (U) Director's Message: "Dr. Prescott B. Winter Appointed to New position in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence" (U) Director's Message: "support to the president-elect's Transition Team,, (U) Director's Message: "lVly Charge For 2009" (U) Director's Message: "president Bush visits NSA/css

({JA#+H$ Director's Message: "Responding t

24 october 200g,



Security Operatiotls Center " (LI) Director's Message: "A Nerv Era in Cyber Security Began This Week"

Director's Nlessagq


(U) Director's Message. 'lConstitution Day and Citizenship Day - l7 September 200g" (U) Directorls Message: "Join Me For a Town Hall Meeting on I I Septernber 2008" (U) Director's"Message: "UPDATE: The Global Cryptologic Integration Center (GCIC), (b)(1) (b)(3)-P


Effi#ID; 3#SpESH
(U) Director's Message. "Introducing New Deputy Chief, Central Security Service" (U) Director's Message: "Passage of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008"
(U) Director's Message. "Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction,
Prol iferati on and Terrori srn Begi ns Investigati orr "

(tl) Director's

Message: "Welcome New Deputy Comrnander of the Joint Functional Component Command 6 Network Wart'are"

(U) Director's Message: "Passing of Former Director William E Odom" (U) Director's Message: "Mandatecl No FEAR Act Training for the Work Force" (U) Director's Message: "2008 NSA/CSS Memorial Day Observance" (U) Director's Message: "National Police Week" (U) Director's Message: "NSA/CSS Europe Makes History While Winning Prestigious Safety and Health Awards" (U) Director's Message: "NSA/CSS's Role in the Syrian Nuclear Story" (U) Director's Message: "2007 Travis Trophy Award Winner" (U) Director's Message: "Military Performer of the Year Awards" (U) Director's Message: "NSA/CSS Role in the National Cybersecurity Initiative"

U ) Di rector's Message: " C ongratulations, Brigadi er General


(U) Director's Message: Director's Charge to the Workforce: The 2008 Civilian Promotion & Awards Prograln

(u) Director's Message: "Armed Forces week Activities i Not

Just for Military" X (U) Director's Message: See Yourself In "Did You Know: The NSA Story" (U) Director's Message: "2007 CFC Final Results"

(U) Director's Message: "Armed Forces Cornmunications Electronics Association 2008' (U) Director's Message: "Honoring a Great American" (U) Director's Message: "FY 2007 Director's Annual Report" (U) Director's Message: "Celebrate and Share" (U) Director's Message: Re-Release - "Polish ENIGMA Exhibit Debuts at National Cryptologic Museum" (U) Director's Message: "Holiday Leave and Early Release" (U) Director's Message: "DNI's 500 Day Plan" (U) Director's Message: "NSA Military Family Day/Iloliday" (U) Director's Message: "Opportunity to Make An Impactl'

(tl) Director's

Message: "To everything there is a season;" X

(U) Director's Message: "A Rewarding Week"

(U) Director's Message: "Veteran's Day 2007"

,D##IE; SfiEFES*
(U) Director's Message: "NSA's 55th Anniversary" (U) Director's Message: "Town Hall Meeting,'

(U) Director's Message: "Protect America Act of 2007,, (U) Director's Message: "Climate Survey Action plan"
(U) Director's Message: "President Bush's Visit to NSA" (u) Director's Message: "President Bush to visit NSA 1, r9 september 2007" X (U) Director's Message'. "2A07 Combined Federal Campaign" (U) Director's Message: "NSA/CSS Hawaii Groundbreaking Advances Mission Alignment" ruI4Feuq Director's Message: "Elevating Business Management Integration to the Corporate Level" (U) Director's Message: "Addition to the NSA/CSS Memorial Wall,, (U) Director's Message: "Intelligence Community Joint Duty program" (U) Director's Message: "New SIGINT Director Appointed,' (U) Director's Message: "Director's Trophy Winners for 2006" (U) Directorls Message: "Welcome to our New Inspector General" (U) Director's Message: "Secretary of Defense Awards Joint Meritorious Unit Award NSA/CSS'' (U) Director's Message: "Congratulations, MG Zahner" (U) Director's Message: "New CTO Structure" (U) Director's Message: "DNI's 100 Day plan" (U) Director's Message: "Annual IJ Security Requirement', (U) Director's Message: "An Ongoing Commitment to Transparency" (U) Director's Message'. "2007 NSA/CSS Mernorial Day Observance" (U) Director's Message: "Senate Intelligence Leaders Praise NSA/CSS Workforce" (U) Director's Message: "2006 Travis Trophy Award Winner" (U) Director's Message: "Military Perflonner of the year Awards,, (U) Director's Message: "JFCC-NW Putting the'3'in T3.0" (U) Director's Message: "Power, Space, and Cooling Milestone Achieved,, (U) Director's Message: "Today, we Are All Hokies - A Moment of Silence" (U) Director's Message: "Honoring our Heroes i2007 Armed Forces week" X (U) Director's Message. "New Chief ITD" (U) Director's Message. "Rescheduled - Town Hall Meeting', (U) Director's Message: "The Chief Technology Officer" (U) Director's Message. "NSA Continuity of Operations planning"




(U) Director's Message: "NSA/CSS Georgia Groundbreaking Advances Mission Alignment" (U) Director's Message: "Power, Space, ancl Cooling Challenges,' (U4,Fg+Jq Director's Message: ,'Visit of DNI Mr. John M. ,,Mike,,McConnell,, (U) Director's Message: "Cornmunications Security (COMSEC) and Operations Security
(OPSEC) Awareness'l

(U) Director's Message: "Cryptologic Enterprise Architecture Town Hall Meeting" (U) Director's Message: RE-RELEASE: "The 2007 Prornotion & Awards Prograrn" (U) Director's Message: "The 2007 Prornotion & Awards program', (U) Director's Message: "My Appeal to you:A Call to Action" (U) Director's Message: "Media Scrutiny on TIIRBULENCE" (U) Director's Message: "Campaign Update - 3l January 20A7, (U) Director's Message: "Enterprise Architecture Initiative " (U) Director's Message: "The Enterprise lntegration Office" (U) Director's Message: "2006 CFC Final Results" (U) Director's Message: "Tier I Programs,'

(u) Director's Message: "FY 2006 performance tU/Ire{JB}f{# Director's Message: "NSA/CSS's Role (u) Director's Message'. "2006 Holiday Season"

and Accountability Report


(UrFOti) Director's

Message: "New Director of Research"

(U) Director's Message: "Town Hall Meeting,, (u) Director's Message: "NSA/GSS command and control center" (U) Director's Message: "REL TO Required on all Releasable NSA/CSS Information" (U) Director's Message: "Thanksgiving" (U) Director's Message: "Thanksgiving" (u) Director's Message: "2006 combined Federal campaign update" (U) Director's Message: "Veterans Day 2006"
(U) Director's Message: "Equal Employment opportunity (EEO): A lv{ission Imperative', (U) Director's Message: "2006 IC Ernployee Clirnate Survey',

(fI) Director's Message: "The Global cryptorogic Integration center (GCTC)"

(U) Director's Message: "2006 Combined Federal Campaign" (U) Director's Message: "Constitution Day and Citizenship Day - l7 September 2006" (u) Director's Message: "Terrorist Surveillance program Talking points" (U) Director's Message: "New SID Leadership" (U) Director's Message: "Five Years since the September I lth Attacks,'

DffitrIB; 3#frFESS
(U) Director's Message: "Family Battle Rhythms #10 and
Famity Picnic at Burba Lake"


Message: "Changes in SID Leadership" (U) Director's Message, ;;CyU., e*ploit[tion Corpsll

(U) Director's Message: "Prograrn Executive Offices at NSA/CSS:I , ,' ' (b)(1 ) (b)(3)-P (U) Director's Message: "Welcome NSA's New Deputy Director,, '



(U) Director's Message: "Farervell to NSA's l3th Deputy Director,, (U) Director's Message:'"Cltanges to the NSA/CSS Military Personnel Management Process" Director's lv{essage The Real f)eal " (U) Director's Message: "New NSA/CSS Strategic plan" (tI) Director's Message: "Introducing New NSA/Css Commancl Sergeant Major" (U) Director's Message: "Introducing New Deputy Chief, Central Security Service"

(U) Director's Message: "Establishment of NSA Senior Cryptographic Evaluation Authority


(U) Director's Message: "Military Performer of the year Awards" (U) Director's Message. "Director's Trophy Winners for 2005"

(II) Director's Message: "Sensitive Metadata Analytic Collaboration (SMAC) Senior Lead"
(U) Director's Message. "Announcement of New DDIR and SUSLOL,' (U) Director's Message: "NSA in the Media IIPDATE; Intelligence Gathering Practices" X (U) Director's Message: "New Ways to Serve Their Country" (U) Director's Message: Fallen Cryptologic Soldiers (U) Director's Message: DIRgram-432: "New Infonnation Assurance Director" (u) Director's Message: DIRgram-43 I . "Foundation of rransformation 3.0"

(u) Director's Message: "The 2006 promotion

and Awards program"

(U) Director's Message. "Restructured NSA/C S S Reassirnilation program" (U) Director's Message: "NSA in the Media - Media Leaks" (U) Director's Message: "Thank You from the president" (U) Director's Message: "Lean Six Sigma" (U) Director's Message: 2005 CFC Final Results (tI) Director's Message: "NSA/CSS Welcomes the Honorable George W. Bush, president of the United States" (U) Director's Message: "support to the presidential Visit" (U) Director's Message. "president Bush to visit NSA - 25 January 2006',

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