Bade-Basic Calculus-WHLP-Q3-W1-4
Bade-Basic Calculus-WHLP-Q3-W1-4
Bade-Basic Calculus-WHLP-Q3-W1-4
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Roxas City
City of Roxas
Telefax (036) 6216-290
WEEK 2 Quarter 3 – MELC 2: Distinguishes From Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) Online submission thru email or
(Feb. 23 – Basic between lim f ( x )∧f (c) No. 2: messenger or personal submission by
Mar. 2) Calculus x →c
1. Read the limit of a function. (page the parent/ guardian to the teacher in
(STEM _BC11LC-IIIa-2) 3) school.
2. Study well the given example.
(pages 3 – 6)
3. Do the exercise 1. (page 6)
4. Answer the reflection. (page 6)
WEEK 3 Quarter 3 – MELC 3: Illustrates the From Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) Online submission thru email or
(Mar. 2 – Basic limit laws No. 3: messenger or personal submission by
Mar. 9) Calculus (STEM _BC11LC-IIIa-3) 1. Read the basic theorems on limits. the parent/ guardian to the teacher in
(page 3) school.
2. Study well the given examples.
(pages 4 – 5)
3. Do the exercises and enrichment
activity. (page 6)
4. Answer the reflection. (page 7)
WEEK 4 Quarter 3 – MELC 4: Applies the limit From Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) Online submission thru email or
(Mar. 9 – Basic laws in evaluating the limit of algebraic No. 4: messenger or personal submission by
Mar. 16) Calculus functions (polynomial, rational and 1. Read the illustration of the limit the parent/ guardian to the teacher in
radical) theorems. (page 3) school.
(STEM _BC11LC-IIIa-4) 2. Study well the given examples.
(pages 4 – 5)
3. Do the exercises and enrichment
activity. (page 6)
4. Answer the reflection. (page 6)