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DLL Gen Math Week 2

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GRADES 1 to 12 School LA FILIPINA NATIONAL HS Grade Level 11

Teaching Dates and Time Mt. Pinatubo 10:50-11:50 am Quarter 1
Mt. Hamiguitan 1:00-2:00 pm
Mt. Makiling 3:00-4:00 pm
Week 2

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons
exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives
support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrates understanding of key concepts of functions.

B. Performance Standards The learner is able to accurately construct mathematical models to represent real- life situations using functions.
C. Learning Represents real life situations Solves rational equations and Represents a rational function Finds the domain and range
Competencies/Objectives using rational functions. inequalities. through its: (a) table of values, (b) of a rational function.
M11GM-Ib-1 M11GM-Ib-3 graph, and (c) equation. M11GM –Ib-5
Distinguishes rational function,
rational equation, and rational
inequality. M11GM-Ib-2
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages General Mathematics Deped General Mathematics Deped General Mathematics Deped
Copy pp. 23-29. Copy pp. 30-40.. Copy pp. 41-49..
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages General Mathematics for senior Soaring 21st Century
high school; by Ricardo B. Mathematics by Chua et al.
Banigon JR; et al. pp.25- 30 pp. 20-23
5. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning TG,LM, Cartolina, Pentel pen,
Resources Metacards.

A. Reviewing previous (a) The local barangay received a As a review of the previous topic As a recall for the previous topic Ask the students if they have
lesson or presenting the budget of P100; 000 to provide the students is given metacards ask the students on what they researched on what is domain
new lesson medical checkups for containing rational equation and remember on rational function. and range.
The children in the barangay. The inequalities. Let the students paste What are some properties of
amount is to be allotted equally the given metacards on the correct functions?
among all the children group either it is rational equation
in thebarangay. Write an equation or rational inequality.
representing the relationship of Examples:
the allotted amount 1. x+2 / x+1 = 3
per child(y-variable) versus the 2. y-3 / y+2 > 0
total number of children (x- 3. x-5 /x+1 ≤ 3
variable). 4.1/x < 5
5. x/5 = 5 + x/3
6. 4/y =-5
7. (x/ x-2)-3 < 0
8. (a - 2) / (a + 2) ≥ 0
9. m/2 = 1
10. (x-3) / (3x-2) ≤ 2

B. Establishing a purpose What is the equation being After the given activity, ask the Ask the students how we can From the previous
for the lesson formed from the given real life students if they know the rule in represent rational functions using topic on representing
problem? solving rational equations? table of values, graphs and rational functions
Let the students give an idea . equations. from table of values
and its graph, can we
determine its domain
and range?
C. Presenting Fill up the table below with the Rules in Solving Rational Present the given examples to the Let the students consider the
examples/instances of different allotment amounts for Equation: students. rational function:
the new lesson different values for the number 1. Eliminate the rational  Represent the speed of a F(x) = x2 + 7x + 9
of children: No. of children (x) expressions in the equation by runner as a function of X (x -2) (x +5)
and Allocated Amount (y) multiplying both sides of the the time it takes to run (a) The domain of a function
X 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 equation by LCD. 100 is the set of all values that the
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. Solve the equation. meters in the track. variable x can take.
0 0 0 0 3. Check your solution. Let x represent the time it takes (b) The range of a function is
0 the runner to run 100 meters. Then the set of all values that f(x)
y the speed can be can take.
represented as a function s(x) as
s(x) = 100
D. Discussing new concepts Provide some examples of Give examples to the students. After the equation is given let the Tell the students that to
and practicing new skills algebraic expressions and have Examples: students create the table of values determine the domain of
#1 the class identify if they if they Solve for x. based on the given equation. rational function is the set of
are rational function, rational 1. ¾ = x/4 The table of values for run times all numbers except the x –
equation or rational inequality and Answer: from 10 seconds to 20 seconds . value that make the
have them explain their reasoning. x=3 ( The teacher may refer to the TG denominator zero.
Identify the following given Since the denominator of each p.42.) In the given equation, the
expressions wether rational expression is the same, the domain of the function is the
equation, rational inequality or numerators must be equivalent as set of all real numbers, except
rational function. well. This means that x = 3 0, 2, and -5.
1. 3/x = x/4 (rational eq.) 4. Solve the equation:
X+2/8 = ¾ (rational eq.) 2. x+2 = 3
2. x+1/x-5 <5 (rational ineq.) 5. 8 4
f(x) = 1/x (rational function) Solution:
3. y = x+2/ x-2 (rational func.) 6. x+2 = 3
1/x-5 >-2 (rational ineq.) 8 4
[ x+2 = 3 ] 8
[ 8 4 ]
x+2 = 6
 Multiply the whole
equations by the least
common denominator
 Simplify
 Solve for x
Check the solution by
substituting 4 for x in the
original equation.
4+2 = 3
8 4
6 =3
8 4
3= 3
4 4

E. Discussing new concepts Ask the students to give a Rules In Solving Rational From the given table of values, let Let us consider on how to
and practicing new skills summary on the difference Inequality. the students sketch the graph of obtain the range of the given
#2 between the rational function, 1. Write the inequality with a the rational function.. rational function.
rational equation and rational single rational expression on Given: The graph of f(x) = 1
inequality. the left-hand side of the X
inequality Let the students sketch the
2. Determine the meaningful graph.
numbers by setting the
numerator equal to zero and
setting the denominator equal
to zero.
3. Use the meaningful numbers
to separate the number line
into intervals.
4. Test for the meaningful
numbers if they make the
inequality true or false. If
true, then they are part of the
solution. If false, then they
are not part of the solution.
- Get the values in each intervals
and substitute these into the
- If the test value makes the
inequality true, then the entire
interval is a solution to the
- If the test value makes the
inequality false, then the entire
interval is not a solution to the
5. Express the answer in interval
F. Developing mastery Ask the students to share their ups Examples: From the given graph of rational
(Leads to Formative and downs in their lives and relate Solve the given inequality. Show function let the students observe
Assessment) to the lesson about rational the number line. the graph.
inequality and rational equality. 1. x+1 ≤ 0 Is the graph follows a smooth
x-5 curve? Or the graph forms a
Solution: straight line?
x+1 ≤ 0
x = -2 x=0 x=6
1 False -1 True 7 False Let the students observe the
7 5 graph formed. The graph
I IIIIIIIO I I . approaches x -axis as x tends
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 to positive or negative infinity,
6 7 but never touches the x -axis.
We need regions that make That is, the function can take
the rational expression negative. all the real values except 0 .
We avoid x = 5 since that gives So, the range of the function is
division by zero. the set of real numbers
The solution for this except 0
inequality is,

Set builder notation: -1 ≤ x < 5

Interval Notation: [ -1, 5)

G. Finding practical Give a real life problem to the Present the real-life problem to the Give the given problem to the
application of concepts students. An object is to travel a students. EXAMPLE 7. Ten goats were set students.
and skills in daily living distance of 10 meters. Express  In an inter-barangay loose in an island and their  Past records from a
velocity v as a function basketball league, the population growth can be factory producing
v(t) of travel time t, in seconds. team from Barangay approximated electronic
Create a table showing the value candabong has won out by the function components show that
of v when t is 1,2,3,4 seconds. of 25 games, a winning P(t) = [ 60 ( t + 1)] on average, new
percentage of 48%. How t+6 employees can assemble N(t)
many games should they components per day after t
win in a row to improve where P represents the goat days of training. What does it
their win percentage to population in year t since they means?
60%. were set loose. (Even if a person trains for
 Solution: (a) How many goats will there be several days, the maximum
12 + x = 0:6 after 5 years? number of items that he
25 + x or she can assemble cannot
12 + x = 0.6(25 + x) exceed 75.)
12 + x = 0.6(25) + 0:6x
x- 0.6x = 15 - 12
0.4x = 3
x = 7.5
H. Making generalzations  A rational function is a Tell the students the following In representing rational function The domain of
and abstraction about function of the form f(x) important points to remember. we should: a function f(x) is the set of all
the lessons. =  To solve an equation or a. Make an equation if it is not values for which the function
p(x) inequality in one variable given. is defined, and the range of
q(x) such as x means to find b. Construct a table of values. the function is the set of all
where p(x) and q(x) are all values of x c. Sketch the graph from the table values that f takes.
polynomial functions, and q(x) is for which the equation or of values.
not the zero function (i.e., q(x) ≠ inequality is true. d. Describe the graph.
0). The domain of
f(x) is all values of x where q(x) ≠
 A rational expression is
an expression that can be
written as a ratio of two
 Rational Inequality is an
involving rational
I. Evaluating learning Determine whether the given is a Represent the rational function Find the domain and range of
rational function, a rational Solve the following rational f(x) = the following:
equation, equation and inequality. Using ½ X2 - 3x - 10 1. f(x) = (x+1) (x-2)
a rational inequality. sheet of paper. x (x – 2)
1. y = 5x3 – 2x = 1 1. 6 + 4 = - 5 using a table of values. Plot the
2. 8/x – 8 = x x points given in the table of values 2. R(x) = 2x2 – 4
2x – 1 2. X–9 ≤ 3 and sketch a graph by connecting X+5
3. x-1= x3 3x + 2 the points. (The teacher may refer
X+1 to the TG p. 46.)
4. 6x – 5/x+3 ≥ 0.
J. Additional activities for How to solve rational equations? Let the students write on their As a preparation for the next Let the students find the other
application or rational inequality? journal notebook their insights on topic let the students study domain properties of rational functions
remediation what they have learned on the an range. aside from domain and range.


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked and Reviewed by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III/ SHS Curriculum Head

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