Epsilon Manual
Epsilon Manual
Epsilon Manual
Models ES2 and ES4
Service manual
1. USE ................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Consumables and tools for sensor's installation and calibration ...................................... 8
8. INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................... 13
9. CALIBRATION .............................................................................................................................. 20
«DALCON» .......................................................................................................................................... 47
A1" ....................................................................................................................................................... 51
MF4100(4200) -. .................................................................................................................................... 58
Safety requirements on installation and maintenance of fuel level sensor
During installation of the fuel level sensor you should take organizational and technical
measures for ensuring safe work with instrumentation, accessories and consumables.
At the place of work fire safety rules should be kept in accordance with GOST (Ukrainian: ГОСТ
12.1.004 "ССБТ. Fire Safety. General requirements", and rules of electrical safety in
accordance with ГОСТ 12.1.019" ССБТ. Electrical safety. General requirements. "
On motor transport at the place of work labour safety rules should be kept in accordance with:
ДНАОП 0.00-1.28-97 "Rules of safety on motor transport" (in Ukraine) or ПОТ РM 027-2003
"Inter-sectoral labour safety rules on motor transport» (in Russian Federation).
1. Use
Fuel level sensor Epsilon (hereinafter referred to as the FLS or sensor) is used to measure the
fuel level in containers and fuel tanks (hereinafter - the tanks) of vehicles (hereinafter – the
The sensor can be used in conjunction with the equipment that supports a unified
communications protocol Epsilon Data Exchange (hereinafter - EDE) and (or) processing of the
analog signal.
The sensor is compatible with different control units, concentrators and equipment of GPS -
monitoring, such as follows:
M2M Telematics
Teltonika… etc.
Model Epsilon ES2 provides data exchange on the interface RS-232, ES4 – on the interface
RS-485. The add-on device (digital to analog converter EG4x) ensures the formation of an
analog signal and exchange on the interface RS-485.
2. Explosion Protection
The sensor is explosion-protected and it has such explosion protection marking:
1Exm[ia]IICT6 Х - for use in Russian Federation.
1ExsiaIICT6 X - for use in Ukraine;
The sign "X" in the marking of explosion protection shows special conditions of safe use of
sensors as follows:
sensors should be connected to the electrical circuits of equipment that feeds only from the car
battery with voltage not more than 36 V and has no electrical connections with electrical
equipment that has other sources of supply, including the network ones;
connection of sensors to the mains supply should be carried out via a fuse rated at no more
than 0.1 A.
Documents confirming compliance of the sensor with the requirements of explosion protection:
Certificate of conformity of the Russian Federation State Standard № РОСС.UA.ME92.B02278
and certificate № 2703 of the State Testing and Certification Center of Explosion-Protected and
Mine Electrical Equipment (Donetsk, Ukraine).
3. Main Technical Characteristics
Table 1.
Name of characteristic or parameter Units Value Notes
Accepted values of electrical conductivity of Cm/
10-8 1
controlled fuel, not more m
Limit range of operating temperature 0С – 40 … + 75
Climatic range 1.1 ГОСТ15150-69
Degree of protection IP56
from 10 to 800
Range of measured values of level of
mm from 800 to 2,3,4
controlled fuel
Resolution of measurement of diesel fuel mm
0,05 5
level in static mode, not worse
Basic permissible error in level measuring in mm
0,5 6
static mode, no more
The period of measurement results averaging
in a dynamic mode s 8
5 holes.
Kind of bumper ring 10
Type of probe’s thread M25х1,5
4. Delivery set
11 ZIP String 1
probe (preferably produced by ROTHENBERGER company:
"MINIKAT II PRO", Art. 7.0402 or similar).
5) Spanner with 7 mm gap amount. 1
6) Spanner with 36 mm gap amount (can be ordered at your
sensor provider). Note for order IEC ES.002.0.
7) Special spanner for probe (can be ordered at your sensor
supplier). 1
Note for order IEC ES.003.0.
8) Auto Sealant Loctite 5900. 0,1 ml
9) Laptop (PC), minimum requirements: Pentium 500 MHz, 64 MB
RAM, MS Windows 98/2000/XP, MS Office not higher than 2003,
not less than 10MB of free hard disk space, the manipulator
"mouse", a free USB-port.
10) Adapter for connecting of the sensor eS2 to the PC 1
11) The converter USB/RS-485 model MOXA UPort 1130 (for 1
calibration of the tank with the sensor eS4).
12) The converter USB/RS-232 model MOXA UPort 1110 (for the 1
calibration of the tank with the sensor eS2).
Measurement head
Hermetic cable input
Interface cable
Cap of Plug
Measuring of fuel level is made with help of measuring head with the probe, immersed into the
fuel. The probe is a coaxial capacitor, which is made of an aluminum tube (external electrode)
and insulated copper string (internal electrode). The required tension of the string is supported
by a spring which is situated in contact of the probe’s connector.
Mounting of the sensor is performed with help of self-drilling screws, which fix the sensor’s
flange on the tank. Impermeability of the fit of measuring head is provided by sealing ring,
located in the front groove.
The interface cable is protected from mechanical damage by a flexible metal sleeve or
corrugated pipe.
The sensor safety is provided by such facilities:
fuse for protection against overloads and short circuits;
intrinsically safe measuring circuit with normalized values of voltage, inductance,
capacitance and resistance;
multi-level protection of charging and interface circuits;
metal sheath with a proper degree of protection (IP56 according to ГОСТ14254);
compound filling of the measuring head’s membrane.
unified protocol EDE of bus RS- 485 or RS-232 or in an analog signal (only the level),
depending on the model.
Data about fuel level may be issued in the form of 10-, 12-or 16-bits value, the temperature data
- in the form of 8-bits value.
For determination of the amount of controlled fuel the procedure of calibration of fuel tank
should be carried out. During this procedure the dependence between the amount of fuel and its
level, measured by sensor (by the code of the level), is set.
Controlling of the calibration procedure and setting of parameters of data exchange with the
help of eS Install program are described in details in Appendix 1.
Protocol of data exchange EDE is shown in Appendix 3.
8. Installation
Pic. 8.1 Proper position of sensor on fuel tank
It is necessary to clean the fuel tank in the place of sensor’s installation.
! WARNING! Before sensor’s installation on the tank, firstly you should fill
it with water or drain fuel and oil lubricants and clean the tank to the
complete removal of flammable liquids and vapors.
To ensure proper position of the sensor cable entry of the sensor and preparation of making the
procedure of sealing, we recommend following steps:
Determine the optimal orientation of the sensor. Cable entry of the sensor and the direction
of the interface cable should be oriented to the side of stowage and setting of connecting
cable on the car body.
Mark on the tank the position of flange holes and position of cable entry.
Set the flange on the sensor.
Drill or punch a central hole Ø22 and put the sensor with a flange into it.
Drill in the tank body 5 holes for flange setting (it is possible to make holes by self-drilling
screws). Example of holes drilling for self-drilling screws installation is the flange ES.001,
shown in Pic. 8.2. This picture also shows the reference sizes of flange setting.
WARNING! You must remove the chip from drilling of the holes, and
! also make sure that there are no foreign objects and trash on the tank
Lubricate both sides of the gasket 5320-382713 and self-drilling screws with sealant. The
type of sealant is shown in Table 5.
Set the flange ES.001 and gasket to the prepared surface of the fuel tank with help of a self-
drilling screw ES.004 (with an extra hole, provided for sealing). The screw should be placed
on the right side from the cable input, as shown in Picture 8.3.
Fix the flange with four self-drilling screws 9Т64219-2.
The manufacturer of the sensor provides the following range of unified types of sensors.
Table 6.
Probe’s length* Typical models of vehicles
800 Special machinery
620 Truck tractors DAF, IVECO, MAN, Mercedes-Benz,
Renault, Scania and others, machinery on their
530 Trucks КАМАЗ, КрАЗ, machinery on their base.
440 Trucks МАЗ, machinery on their base
350 Trucks ЗИЛ
260 Light trucks and vans
* corresponds to outer height of tank, mm, in place of sensor’s installation)
Type of the probe is indicated in the description of the sensor at the time of ordering.
In case of absence of type, as a rule, the length of delivering probe is 770 mm.
Description of measuring head and the index correspondence in the description of probe’s
length are shown in Appendix 3.
Pic. 8.4 Determining of measuring probe’s length
1) Cut the meted part of the probe’s tube. The cut must be made carefully, burrs must be
removed. The plane of the cut should be perpendicular to the guide line of the pipe. We
recommend using a special tool for cutting pipes. Type of the instrument is listed in Table 5.
2) Install an insulating cap ES.217 at the end of the probe, as shown on Picture 8.5, on the left:
3) Fix the central conductor of the probe. To do this, you should pull up to the stop (the length
of free movement of compressing spring 5 mm), fold and put the central conductor to the
grooves of stub, as shown on Pictures 8.5 and 8.6.
4) Check the quality of the tension. To do this, you should gently tap with your finger on the
probe (probe should be screwed to the measuring head against the stop) – you should feel the
vibration of the string taut (central conductor).
Cut the remained part of the conductor in the way that the cut was roughly in the center of a
5) Apply a drop of sealant (type shown in Table 5) on the place of conductor’s cut for providing
protection of the end of the conductor from water that may accumulate in the tank.
Install the plug on the cap, shown in Picture 8.5, on the right, and push until it clicks.
Preparation of the sensor for installation is complete. If the sensor is supplied with a probe of
unified or special length, the sensor assembly and preparation for installation is performed in
factory conditions.
! WARNING! Do not twist the cable entry or otherwise violate the integrity
of the measuring head from the input of interface cable.
The connecting cable is stretched from the sensor which installed on the fuel tank, to the control
unit, that is usually located in the driver’s cab through the technologic holes, provided by the
construction of a vehicle. The cable is fixed with ties on immovable parts of the construction
every 50-60 cm.
Channel B (RS485) Tx(RS232 output 3 DB9)
Channel A (RS485) Rx(RS232 output 2 DB9)
Channel A (RS485) Rx(RS232 output 2 DB9) Yellow
Channel B (RS485) Tx(RS232 output 3 DB9)
embedded network
general Black
Common earth conductors of the sensor (black wire) and of a control unit must be connected to
a single point on the chassis of a vehicle, to which "mass" or "earth" of the other electrical
appliances of a vehicle are connected (Pic. 8.9).
Electrical appliances of a vehicle
FLS Control
Электроприборы ТС
block 1
- 2
FLS Block
The resistance between the body of installed sensor and the point of connection of its common
wire to the "mass" should not exceed 0.5 Ohms. In any case, the total resistance of the earth
wires from the sensor to the control unit should not exceed 0.5 Ohms.
During installation of the sensor to the vehicle with switched "mass" and necessity to save
functionality when ”mass” is switched off, additionally a galvanic isolated voltage stabilizer or
other galvanic power supply is set (Pic.8.11).
Электроприборы ТС
ДУТ Unit 1
+ питания
- 2
Pic. 8.11 Installation of sensor on vehicle if it is necessary to save functionality when ”mass” is
switched off.
8.5 Sealing of sensor
To protect the sensor from unauthorized interference you should install two seals. The first
seal prevents the measuring head from twisting and the second one is set on a detachable
connection of interface and connecting cables.
For additional mechanical fixation of the seal we recommend to drag it to hermetic output and
press with a plastic electro technical clamp tie.
9. Calibration
To ensure the most accurate control of fuel level, tank calibration is performed - initially empty
(full) tank is filled (merged) by equal portions of fuel and with the help of special software "eS
Install" the sensors statements are measured and fixed after adding (pluming) of each portion.
Portion sizes should be chosen depending on configuration of a tank: if horizontal cross-
sectional area of the tank in height is sharply changing the portion should be the less. (For
example, the recommended portion for a 500 l tank of КамАЗ should be 10 l).
You must also take into account the time of level balancing level in tanks of complex
configuration (for example, in 2-tank systems) due the fuel flow.
Requirements to a measuring cup or a flow meter that provides a measurement of portions are
shown in Table 4.
WARNING! Calibration of the tank must be made using the same type of fuel,
! with which the sensor will be operating (for example, you can not use petrol
for calibration, if you intend to operate with diesel fuel).
To achieve the most accurate operating features of the sensor it is desirable to make “training”.
It is sufficient to perform the calibration procedure not immediately after installation of a sensor,
but after some time of car’s usage, when 50 – 70% of tank’s fuel capacity is used. During this
time, mechanical clearances will normalize, guaranteed by the rubber gasket flange and a
polymer sealant, and on the entire surface of the probe a stable dielectric fuel film is formed.
If the "training" of the sensor can not be performed, before the calibration of the tank by filling it
with use of a new sensor (probe), the probe must be immersed into the fuel than removed and
you should allow the fuel to drain for 20-30 minutes. If the calibration is performed by the
method of draining, this procedure is not performed.
At the time of calibration you must disconnect the sensor from the on-board controller and
connect it to the port of used PC (requirement to PC and port converter are shown in Table 5).
At the end of calibration a connection to the on-board controller should be restored.
The result of calibration in the form of tank calibration table and user’s data about work
executed is storing on the PC in a format which guarantees the data exchange into Dispatch
Software. Detailed procedure of calibration using software application eS Install is described in
Appendix 1.
10. Maintenance
The sensor is unattended product, but if the rules of vehicle maintenance provide the procedure
of fuel tank prevention; it is advisable to execute simultaneously preventive service of the
For sensor’s preventive service you have to:
Perform a complete removal of the sensor (see Pic.10.2);
Wash the probe from inside by the fuel (in which sensor is operating) and blow with
compressed air.
Check own parameters of the measuring head (by using "eS Install").
Perform installation and sealing of the sensor according to the requirements of section 8.
Measuring head of the sensor is not repairable product and during the warranty period
preserves the stability of its metrological parameters.
In the case of failure of the measuring head you must perform the following:
If you want to use vehicle before a new measuring head is installed, it is necessary to make
a partial removal of the sensor (see Pic. 10.1).
For new measuring head you have to install (by using eS Install) an appropriate unified type
(indicated in the calibration protocol).
If you use User’s type, it is necessary to perform automatic zero installation again, and then
by additional manual zero installation (see Appendix 1) to set for an empty probe (firstly you
should remove the probe from the fuel and wait until the fuel drain) the same level code as
specified in the calibration protocol of this tank.
Install and connect a new measuring head, make the sensor sealing in accordance with the
requirements of section 8.
Transportation of the sensor in transport package of the manufacturer is allowed by all means of
closed land and sea transport (railway cars, containers, closed vehicles, holds, etc.). It is
possible to transport in sealed heated compartments of airplanes. Transportation and storage
must be done in terms that correspond to conditions of storage 3 according to ГОСТ 15150-69.
During transportation and storage requirements of manipulation signs, printed on transport
package must be complied.
12. Warranty
Warranty period of operation of the sensor is 18 months from the date of entry into operation of
the sensor, but not more than 24 months from the date of production. Date of entry into
operation should be fixed in accordance with the requirements assigned in passport of the
sensor. If there is no such data in the passport the warranty period begins on the date of
shipment of the sensor to the consumer.
Manufacturer's warranties are valid if the consumer follows the requirements of this service
manual. In case of violation, or if there is any mechanical or electrical damage caused by
influence of factors, not provided by this service manual, warranty is considered to be expired.
Appendix 1
To get started with the program you need to connect the sensor to correct port (complying the
polarity of interface and the supply conductors) and provide sourcing of the sensor from an
onboard network of the vehicle or from an external source (power settings - in accordance with
Table 1 of section 3 of this manual).
After launch, in the window "eS Install" you have to select the desired COM port and set the
exchange speed. By default, the sensor with factory settings has the exchange speed of 19200.
Windows RTS and DTR you have to leave unchecked (engineering view).
In the same window there are available menu options such as "Файл (File)", "Опции (Options)",
"Вид (Type)" and «Help» (their purpose is described below).
At the bottom of the window the status of the port is displayed:
If you see message "Port is closed" you have to press active bottom and
program is ready for use.
“COM port N 5 is open“ this message means that COM port is open and works correctly.
“Error in port 257 opening” - message indicates that the COM port is opening with an
error. In this case, you should check and set up the functionality of the port on the level of
drivers or check the condition of the COM port itself.
For beginning of the process (calibration), press the button .
The presence of the symbol "Search", marked by the frame in the picture above, shows that a
device (sensor) is not connected to the specified COM port.
In case of normal program start the tab “Information” will be shown.
It has 2 panels:
Panel "Passport information" displays information about the factory settings and
configurations of the product.
• The panel "Complex Information" displays the data received from the measuring head at
present time and the data received from the calibration protocol saved before.
This tab is interesting as for beginning of calibration and for calibrated sensor as well. In the first
case, the user can check the availability and conformity of the product. In the second case, after
loading of calibration data, with the help of a button “Load calibration data”
you can analyze the efficiency of the product in real terms. If you
download calibration data you will be able to estimate the fuel level not only in the level code or
in capacity code, but also in quantitative units of measurement, in liters. Pressing the button
“Show the diagram” you’ll open a window where you can see and edit the
diagram and the calibration table. The process for editing will be described below, in the chapter
about window “Monitoring of fuel tank calibration”.
To continue, press the button “NEXT”
On the tab "Sensor’s general options” you can see parameters of data exchange with an
external controller.
Meaning of parameters:
"Turn on a text format" - activates the data output in text format (takes effect when you click
"APPLY" and restart the sensor by power reset). By default is not activated.
"Turn on periodic issuance" - activates the periodic issuance of the data. By default is not
"Repeat Interval" - defines the repeat interval during periodic issuance in seconds.
On the panel "Parameters of data exchange" factory settings are shown. Pressing the button
“APPLY” you will save changed parameters, and pressing the button “RESET”
all settings will be reset to initial state that corresponds to the factory
To continue the work you have to press “NEXT” , to return to the previous tab - pres
the button “BACK”.
Next, to continue the work (calibration) you should choose the length of the probe, after
measuring the depth of the tank. After that you need to screw the probe to the measuring head.
If the probe has a standard factory length, in the window "Type of probe" you have to select the
type, appropriate to the length of the connected probe.
If the probe was cut, it is necessary to make the procedure of measuring of the length of the
probe. For this you need to press “Auto detection of probe’s type”
. After that, the program will automatically determine the length
of the probe and offer a suitable type of the probe.
If the probe is shorter than 185 mm or longer than 725 mm, you will be offered to install the type
"User’s L» or «User’s H», respectively. In this case, you will have to make zero installation of a
measuring head.
Effective range is 846 mm, the probe type
“User’s H” will be set.
Zero installation is recommended to make in automatic mode, for this you should press button
“MAKE”. If necessary, you can make more correct manual setting, increasing or decreasing the
value in the box "Exact". In this case the deviation of the relative position of range start will be
indicated in the lower field in the form of a line with an indication of percentage value (from the
value of the full range). Allowable deviation is within the whole window; going beyond its limits
will be displayed by flashing, colored in red, figures of percentage value.
Sensors of modifications ES2X, ES2XL, ES2XXL, ES4X, ES4XL, ES4XXL are produced
according to given ranges of probes’ length and do not need calibration. The program
automatically determines the model of the sensor. If the connected sensor’s model is one of
listed above, there is not the tab "Calibration".
To continue the work and transfer to the tab "Calibration" it is necessary to select the protocol
and filling the data of calibration protocol. By pressing to the button “NEXT” the
program will offer you to select the protocol. If everything is done right, on your screen the
window of protocol select will appear.
Next, you have to create a file calibration protocol or select a necessary one of created before
(if the calibration, for whatever reason has not been completed and it is necessary to continue
it). In the window "Protocol select", the newly created protocols are available. To view those
saved before use the button and navigate to the choice of protocol by
operating system tools.
The data of calibration will be saved in this protocol file; in the case of abnormal power
disconnection of PC data will not be lost.
After selecting the protocol the tab «Data Protocol" will open.
Data made on this tab are complementary and they are used by technical support service. They
do not affect to the calibration, but are saved in the "cap" of calibration table.
To start the calibration it is necessary to fill all the fields on the tab "Data Protocol" and press
button “NEXT” .
Then you need to choose the initial volume of fuel in the tank in the window "Starting value, l":
- if the tank is empty - "0";
- Current value, in the case if the calibration does not begin from "zero" (has not been
completed before, or starts with a full tank by draining method). However, if the vehicle was in
operation and the fuel level is not the same as the last point of calibration, you should
add/reduce fuel to the nearest calibration point, guiding by code of level “N”.
In the window "Step, l" you need to set the volume size of fuel portion (calibration cup), at that:
• sign "+" corresponds to adding portion (set by default)
• sign "-" corresponds draining the portion of fuel.
To record the point of calibration, press the button «Rec», to pause the scrolling (with
long pauses) – press «Pause». In the box "Next value, l" you will see the prompt - the
expected amount of the fuel in the tank. If this value is in the process of calibration will exceed
the tank amount, indicated in the protocol, the window will be colored in orange for warning.
Code level, N is the result of measuring the fuel level by sensor eS4. It is displayed in decimal
format. If you will have 12-bit representation a typical value (in empty tank) is: for unified types
and for "User’s L" - N = 625, for "User’s H" - N = 100. During the rising of fuel level in the tank N
increases, the maximum value for type 710 is N = 4095.
The information about each saved calibration point is displayed on the graph. For taking extend
information you have to click the left mouse button on the relevant position in the table on the
right (or on the graph), this will give you transition to a selected point on the graph (and in the
table). For editing of selected point you have to press the right mouse button and select one of
listed menu items.
«Change fuel level of selected point» - if you choose this item you will see a dialog box "Fuel
Level" in which you have to enter a new value in liters for the selected point. After pressing the
button you will be offered to change the values all next points to quantity of values difference.
Pressing the button , changes all next values. To change only selected point you have
to press , to complete without changes press .
«Delete selected point» - when you select this item a dialog box "Information" will be shown.
Here all the properties of the deleting point will be listed. If you will press the selected
point will be deleted. – log out without changes.
"Properties" - when this option is selected you will see a dialog box in which all the properties
of the point will be listed.
Left overhead there are buttons of the graph scroll to the left/right.
Scaling is performed by selection of appropriate window (to fix an angle - press the left mouse
button, then draw:
To complete the calibration, press «Stop» button (right in bottom), before exit you will
be offered to export calibration file into Excel format.
The exported file in Excel format is a calibration table that can be used to control the fuel level.
It should be noted that the table may contain data (if they were saved), obtained as Auto save
points. They can duplicate the data got in the calibration points (User save). Auto save points
are required only for saving of calibration history, in the calibration table they are not used and
should be filtered.
Appendix 2
This document describes a protocol of data exchange of fuel level sensors «Epsilon»
(hereinafter referred to as FLS) with external devices.
Two types of exchange protocols are supported: in a binary form (HEX) or in a symbolic form
(ASCII-sequences transfer). For work it is recommended to use a binary exchange protocol.
After powering of FLS and before issuing the first command of request you should wait not less
than 250 ms. The command, sent in 250 ms after switching on, will not be accepted by FLS. It is
also possible do not get the answer to the request if the FLS is busy (data processing is
running). In this case, the command should be repeated in 100 ... 200 ms.
The reaction time on the received reading command (except a reading command of supply
voltage) does not exceed 5.5 ms. Reaction time to reading command of supply voltage is
approximately 250 ms. The reaction time to the command of parameters saving is no more than
200 ms. To avoid "hanging" during an unexpected serial interface disconnection timeout on
symbol receiving is used - about 100 ms. If during this time the expected symbol is not received,
FLS does not answer and goes into standby mode to next command.
Exchange speed corresponds to the parameter set in the sensor (19 200 bit/s by default).
Data capacity - 8 bits.
Parity - not checked.
Stop bit - 1.
Flow control – switched off.
All commands of a binary exchange protocol have the same standardized form:
Field contains:
- network address of acceptor for
prefix 31h;
2 Network address 1
- network address of message
sender for prefix 3Eh;
Field contains:
- for prefix 31h – code of
command code, that FLS has to
3 Command code 1 comply;
- for the prefix 3Eh – code of
command, on which FLS gives
the answer.
The data composition and the
Command Depends on the
4 format of the field depends from
parameters command code
the command code.
This field is used to control data
integrity. Calculated from all the
5 CRC8 1
previous bytes in accordance with
Application Note 27 from Dallas.
Multi-byte command parameters are transferred in order from a junior byte to a senior one(«low
The command is designed for reading of current data: user’s value of fuel level (10 or 12 bits),
technological value of fuel level (16 bit), temperature (8 bits).
Command format:
Answer format:
+4 2 User’s value of fuel level
or 0000h…0FFFh
Technological value of
+6 2 0000h…FFFFh
fuel level
+8 1 00h…FFh CRC8
In message current data is transferred: User’s value of fuel level (10 or 12 bits), technological
value of fuel level (16 bit), temperature (8 bits).
Message format:
Turning on of the periodic data output is performing by command 55h. In case of receiving of
any valid command periodic data output is disabled, for it’s turning on you have to restart FLS
(switch off and switch on of power supply).
The command is designed for reading of technological parameters of FLS: date of production,
serial number, model code, embedded software version, current calibration data, network
address, period of data output, data output mode.
Command format:
0 1 31h Prefix
Network address of
+1 1 00h…FFh
+2 1 41h Command code
+3 1 00h…FFh CRC8
Answer format:
01 ES4-0800 0…800
11 ES4X-1208 800…1200
21 ES4X-1412 1200…1400
31 ES4X-1514 1400…1500
41 ES4XL-1914 1400…1900
51 ES4XL-2119 1900…2100
61 ES4XL-2221 2100…2200
71 ES4XXL-2722 2200…2700
81 ES4XXL-2927 2700…2900
91 ES4XXL-3029 2900…3000
02 ES2-0800 0…800
12 ES2X-1208 800…1200
22 ES2X-1412 1200…1400
32 ES2X-1514 1400…1500
42 ES2XL-1914 1400…1900
52 ES2XL-2119 1900…2100
62 ES2XL-2221 2100…2200
72 ES2XXL-2722 2200…2700
82 ES2XXL-2927 2700…2900
92 ES2XXL-3029 2900…3000
The command is designed for reading of following FLS parameters: date of production, serial
number, model code, embedded software version.
Command format:
Answer format:
Command format:
Network address of
+1 1 00h…FFh
+2 1 50h Command code
+3 1 00h…FFh CRC8
Answer format:
Size of field, byte
Drift, byte Value Description
0 1 3Eh Prefix
Network address of
+1 1 00h…FFh
+2 1 50h Command code
Formula evaluation of
+3 2 Vcc=0000h…7FFFh supply voltage:
+5 1 00h…FFh CRC8
A2. Installing of the period of data output (command 54h).
Command format:
Size of field, byte
Drift, byte Value Description
0 1 31h Prefix
Network address of
+1 1 00h…FFh
+2 1 54h Command code
Value of the period of data
+3 1 00h…FFh
output -1 s
+4 1 00h…FFh CRC8
Answer format:
The command is designed for setting of following parameters: data output capacity (10 or 12
bits), periodic data output (On/Off), resolution
of a symbol protocol LLS (On/Off), averaging of data (On/Off) exchange rate on a serial port
(2400 ... 115 200 bit /s).
Command format:
Answer format:
Value by
default can be
0: denied
1 Symbol protocol LLS 0 (denied) changed
1: allowed
according to
Value by
default can be
Periodic data output after 0: OFF
0 0 (OFF) changed
restart 1: ON
according to
Setting of exchange speed and resolution of data output in symbol format is used in FLS ES2,
ES4 with software versions 1.8 and higher, as well as in ES2X, ES2XL, ES2XXL, ES4X,
ES4XL, ES4XXL with embedded software versions: 4.6, 4.7, 4.10 and higher.
Periodic data output mode is used in ES2, ES4 with software versions: 1.3, 1.4, 1.7 and higher,
as well as in ES2X, ES2XL, ES2XXL, ES4X, ES4XL, ES4XXL with embedded software
versions: 4.6, 4.7, 4.10 and higher.
For ES2, ES4 with software versions 1.3, 1.4, ; bits 1 ... 6 in the command parameter must be
equal to 0.
Command is designed for setting of network address of FLS for work of several fuel level
sensors on one line.
Command format:
Answer format:
Command is designed for rough calibration («zero installation») in the process of FLS
installation. If the length of probe is within (150…710) mm, «zero installation» is not required.
Command format:
Answer format:
Command format:
Answer format:
+4 1 00h…FFh CRC8
Command format:
Answer format:
The parameter values from 2 to 7 correspond to the factory calibration for the standard series of
probe length. In these cases the calibration of FLS during the installation is not required, you
just have to select the parameter of probe’s length according to Table 4.3.
The value of "0" is applied if the probe’s length is less than 150 mm, the value "1" is applied if
the length of the probe is in the range of (710 ... 800) mm. In these cases, the calibration of FLS
is made during its installation.
Command format:
Size of field, byte
Drift, byte Value Description
0 1 31h Prefix
Network address of
+1 1 00h…FFh
+2 1 4Eh Command code
Parameter of probe’s
+3 1 00h…07h
length (look table 4.3)
+4 1 00h…FFh CRC8
Answer format:
Size of field, byte
Drift, byte Value Description
0 1 3Eh Prefix
Network address of
+1 1 00h…FFh
+2 1 4Eh Command code
Return code: 00h -
command is complied
+3 1 00h or 01h
successfully, 01h -
+4 1 00h…FFh CRC8
The command is designed for storing in non-volatile memory of parameters, set by commands
45h and 49h during calibration («zero installation») for a set-up probe’s length parameter.
Command format:
Answer format:
DO – request for one-time data output. At the moment of receiving this command FLS shows
data 1 time in the format described in P 5.1.
DP – switching on of periodic data output. This command is sent only once, after which FLS
shows data in the format described in Section 5.1., with interval set by command 54h. This
mode does not depend on the resolution of periodic data output set by command 55h and is
stored until receiving any valid command of EDE protocol or to the turning off and restart of
For work with a symbol protocol, bit 1 must be installed in the parameter of command 55h.
Otherwise, commands DO and DP are ignored, and the periodic data output, if installed, is
made in a binary format in accordance with p.4.1.2.
Appendix 3
Interface type
Minimum allowable length, mm
Probe, Maximum allowable length, dm
Appendix 4
Concentrator of fuel level sensors "LLS DALCON" is designed for evaluating of current volume
of liquid in one or two tanks and for organization of interface of interaction with external devices
of data collection (recorders).
The concentrator also has the ability to control external status displays (needle indicator of fuel
level and light indicator "reserve").
A4.1 Connection
For connection of sensors to the concentrator you need to use the "Manual for installation of
concentrator of fuel level sensors LLS DALCON" (Ed. 1.3, Omnicomm 2008,
http://rega78.ucoz.ru/_ld/0/9_Installation_DA.pdf or later) and this appendix.
You can connect two sensors with the same interfaces RS485 (pic.A4.1) or different interfaces
RS485 or RS232 (Pic. A4.2) to connector MF-20F on the concentrator’s body.
Black Black
Yellow Yellow
Green Green
Red Red
Black Red
Yellow Yellow
Green Green
Red Black
A4.2. Configuration of sensor «Epsilon ES4» (see pic. A 4.3, pic. A4.4).
Data output capacity – 10 bits.
Periodic data output is switched off.
Network address – 1 for 1st sensor and 2 for 2nd sensor (other values can be applied, from 0
to 15, but necessarily different).
Before connection to DALCON sensors must pass the calibration in accordance with Appendix
Pic A4.5. Typical DALCON configuration for devices using a digital protocol.
Pic. A4.6. A typical DALCON configuration for devices using a text protocol
The value of tank volume should be set a little bit higher than real (for example, 1000 l when the
real volume of the tank is 900 l). This is due to calibration table – there must be a point
corresponding to the value of code equal to 1023. In the case of FLS LLS, this point always
corresponds to a full tank, and in case of FLS "Epsilon" value of the code for a full tank does not
reach this point.
For empty tank 2 values of code are entered: 0 (automatic) and the value got during the
calibration (for latter you have to establish the fuel volume of 1 l). Next, values from a calibration
table are entered until the code value for a full tank. Next, you have to enter a value of the tank
volume, set earlier, and the value of the code for it, equal to 1023. Conversion level table is
stored in memory of DALCON by pressing “Record conversion level table”
set zero value
Initial value of
fuel level code
Real tank’s
Relative tank
volume for code
To use all the settings, you need to switch off and restart DALCON.
Appendix 5
For connecting of 1 on more fuel level sensors to the range of devices ""AвтоГРАФ-GSM” you
have to use manufacturer’s manual " WORK_RS485 User manual.pdf", and also the following
красный желтый
red RS485 Yellow
красный ES4 Yellow
желтый 16 17 18 11 12 5 6 7 8 F C
red RS485
черный 13 14 15 9 10 1 2 3 4 E B
... -U B
красный ES4 Green
red RS485 Yellow
You can also use additional installation manuals on the site of the manufacturer:
Appendix 6
For installation and connection of FLS with onboard controller connector "Teletrack" on the
connecting cable we set (after installation) a corresponding answer connector supplied with the
control unit set.
Also, you should use the manual of "Wireless terminal of subscriber system TELETRACK.
Manual of onboard equipment installation" and the following scheme:
RS485 Yellow
Depending on your sensors board that are part of the system Teletrack to the control unit 1 or 2
FLS can be connected, with the capacity of 10 or 12 bits.
(see the above-mentioned manual).
Appendix 7
Device "IntelliTrac A1" is designed for monitoring a vehicle in real time, measurements of
traveled distance, arrival time etc.
To connect to FLS use RS232 port.
To connect FLS to "IntelliTrac A1" you have to use service manual "IntelliTrac A1 series User
Guide" and following scheme:
ES2 Red 3 3 5 9 3 5
RS232 черный
Black 2 4 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8
According to manufacturer’s manual for Intellitrack A1 for connection to FLS you have to make
next settings with help of the program HyperTerminal:
1) Check the connection speed to FLS with help of RS-232 and set 19200 bit/s:
At$baud=<Port ID>, <Speed>,
<Port ID> 1 -Serial port 1
<Speed> 0- by default 57600bps
4 -57600bps
2. Set the data reading from the FLS
At$fuel=<Option>, <Time>,< Frequency >, <Temperature in degrees of centigrade>,<Level>
<Option> 0-prohibited, 1- allowed
<Time> Minimal time in seconds in the range of 1...65535 sec.
<Frequency>, < Temperature in degrees of centigrade>,<Level> -fuel data, fuel volume range
of 0...1024
Example: At$fuel=1,60 –to set data reading from FLS every 60 seconds.
Fuel data comes in a standard protocol Intellitrac A1 according to the settings, as additional 6
<Asynchronous send>+<Fuel data>
Using the "IntelliTrac A1" with one FLS it is necessary during sensor’s configuration to set the
text format of the data.
Using the "IntelliTrac A1" with the concentrators of sensors "DALCON" (see Appendix 4) you
have to install a text format of the data during the configuration of DALCON (see Picture A4.6).
You must also coordinate the exchange speed on the serial port in one of the ways:
-either set in the sensor exchange speed equal to the exchange speed in "IntelliTrac A1" (see
Picture A4.3)
-or set it in "IntelliTrac A1" by command AT$BAUD with a parameter equal to exchange speed
in the sensor or in DALCON.
To enable transfer of data about the level of fuel in "IntelliTrac A1", use the command
Appendix 8
Pic. A8.1
Pic. A8.2
Procedure of FLS "EPSILON" calibration
1) Start the program "eS Install" (see details in Appendix 1)
2) On the tab "Sensor’s general options" set following parameters of a measuring head:
"Network address of device": 1
"Repeat interval": 1
"Capacity": 10 bit
"Enable periodic output": activate
"Enable text format": off
"Exchange speed on UART: 19200
Pic. A8.3
6) Then you need to perform calibration in accordance with Appendix 1.
Connection of the sensor to FM4100 (4200)
When configuration is complete, the sensor can be connected to models "Teltonika FM4100" or
"Teltonika FM4200" according to Pic. A8.4:
Pic. A8.4
Appendix 9
M2M-Cyber GLX
M2M-Cyber GLX-subscriber terminal operating satellite systems GLONASS and GPS, as well
as compatible with the data channels GSM (GPRS).
To connect the sensor to the fuel, "M2M-Cyber GLX" should take leadership of the "Terminal
subscriber's GSM / GLONASS / GPS" m2m-cYBER glx ". Manual. MDAV.464428.000 ER."
To connect the FLS port is RS485 or RS232. You can connect a FLS.
Configuring the M2M-Cyber GLX is from any terminal program (eg, Hyper Terminal) according
to the manual for M2M-Cyber GLX ”AVST.464468.002RE2_Manual for exploitation and
In order to provide M2M-Cyber GLX with the FLS «EPSILON» need to configure a custom
UART and set the parameters of the service to work with FLS.
Mode: RS232 for use with FLS ES2 and RS485 for use with FLS ES4.
Data Rate: must match the speed set in the FLS (setting manufacturer - 19,200 bit / s).
Team: UART SPEED = 19 200
After completing the configuration, the user must enable the port to receive data from a
command UART USE = 1. Upon completion of this command changed settings will be applied
to the device.
Notice. Disabling the averaging or the installation is too small values of the averaging time is the
accumulation of redundant data, which can lead to increased consumption of GPRS traffic on
their gear!
Notice. EPSILON FLS starts to give valid data at 1 ... 2 seconds after power-up.
Termination of the waiting time of packets from the fuel gauge - 30 seconds (the default).
2) On the tab "General Options sensor", set the following parameters of the measuring head:
• "Retry interval": 1
• "Bit" 10-bit
• "On. Periodically issue": the regime is included for LLS TYPE = 1 and has no value for the
mode LLS TYPE = 4
• "The rate of exchange on the UART": 19200 bits / s (may be modified depending on the
problem under the condition of equality of exchange rates in the FLS and device traffic
6) Next, you need to perform calibration procedures and calibration in accordance with Annex 1.
Once configuration is complete, the sensor can be attached to the device "M2M-Cyber GLX"
according to the following drawings:
+12V +12V
10 9 8 6 10 9 8 6
red 5 4 3 2 1 красный
red 5 4 3 2 1
black зеленый
RS232 желтый
yellow RS485 черный
green желтый
Check can be done by monitoring the debug information output to the terminal program used to
configure the device "M2M-Cyber GLX". If the connection is properly configured and the data
from the FLS will be prepared for shipment in the terminal window will be issued from time to
time information of the form:
3E 8F 01 July 18 01 0F 00 4F
Appendix 10
"LOCARUS 702", "LOCARUS 702X" - a GPS / GLONASS and GSM terminals, capable of
determining the coordinates of the vehicle, to obtain information from the sensors and pass it on
GSM networks. To connect the FLS port is RS485.
To configure the program is used LOCARUS 702/702X «U_Config» («Config900») from the
device manufacturer.
Connect the equipment into an available USB port on the PC is off when the supply voltage.
Enter the folder with the program «U_Config» and run the file «Config900.exe».
After reading from the device configuration data choose the tab «RS-485":
Set the protocol type («L»), network address and parametric inputs of connected sensors
(example for 3-sensor network addresses 1,2,3, non parametric inputs 2,3,4):
Notice. Sensor Network addresses must necessarily be different (the program «Config900» it
does not control). Network addresses are chosen from the range 0 ... 5.
Save Configuration button. If necessary, you can also save the configuration to a file button.
On the tab "General Options sensor", set the following parameters of the measuring head:
• "The network address of the device" from 0 to 5, is unique for each sensor
• "Bit" 10-bit
Next, you need to perform calibration procedures and calibration of all sensors connected in
accordance with Annex 1.
Once configuration is complete, the sensors can be connected to the device "LOCARUS
702/702S" according to the following figure:
+12V 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
RS485 green
Connect the equipment into an available USB port on the PC is off when the supply voltage.
Enter the folder with the program «U_InputTester» and run the file «InputTester900.exe».
Turn on the unit. Check the condition of parametric inputs assigned to the connected sensors
Appendix 11
In FLS model ES2s output mode on the line TXD RS-232 signal with a frequency is implemented, that
corresponds uniquely to the measured level of fuel. Full frequency range is (500 ... 1500) Hz. Frequency
dependence of the level is linear, lower level corresponds to a lower frequency, and vice versa:
F = 500 + (DATA / SCALE) * 1000, where DATA - N-level code or the code of the capacitance C;
SCALE - the maximum use of the scale (1023 - for N = 10 bits, 4095 - for N = 12 bits, 65535 - for C ).
To set the frequency output in the program «ES Install» tab and click
then turn off the power of FLS and the interface RS-232, connect the FLS to the frequency
input of tracker, according to the following scheme (see the attachment).
Устройство транспортного
Внешний резистор подтяжки к напряжению питания. мониторинга
Устанавливается в непосредственной близости к +Uпит
устройству мониторинга только в том случае, если
цифровой вход подключаемого устройства не имеет
внутреннего подтягивающего резистора.
Рекомендованный номинал резистора 3...50кОм. R3
К проводнику Земля ДУТ (черный) черный черный Общий
Diagram of the matching device to match the frequency output from the frequency of FLS and input
device of vehicle monitoring (output - open collector, the maximum load current - 25 mA).
Turn on the power of FLS. Power supply U+t should not exceed the maximum permittable level of logic
"1" for the corresponding input in the device for vehicle monitoring.
Calibration of the fuel tank using the frequency output by using software program «ES Install» with the
further conversion of code-level into frequency in MS Excel using the formula: F = 500 + (N/1023) *
1000 for 10-bit data width or F = 500 + (N/4095) * 1000 for 12-bit data width (here F - frequency in Hz,
N - code level).
To ensure maximum accuracy of conversion of code-level into frequency it is recommended to set 12 bit
data width.
Also it is possible to perform the calibration procedure when frequency mode output is on, with the help
of standard diagnostic devices used to monitoring traffic.
http://www.rcs. kiev.ua
v. 130904 (v1.5)