Ankh - Gods of Egypt: Rules Clarifications
Ankh - Gods of Egypt: Rules Clarifications
Ankh - Gods of Egypt: Rules Clarifications
Q: When Merging, can players choose any mix of Giant Scorpion
Guardians from both gods? Q: What does the phrase “Those spaces must be 1 space
A: No. The higher-merging god MUST keep all their Guardians away from the Scorpion and 1 space away from each
and may gain control of the lower-merging god’s Guardians other” mean?
as long as they have spare color bases. They cannot swap A: A Space is 1 Space away from another if they share a Hex
their Guardians for ones from the lower-merging god. border, which also means that with 1 movement, you could
go from one space to the other. In Ankh, this is different from
Q: When Merging, do Guardians that were kept from being adjacent: Two spaces are adjacent if they are 1 space
the lower-merging god stay on the board? away from each other AND in the same region.
A: The higher-merging god simply replaces the color bases
from the chosen Guardians, and they stay where they are. If Since the Giant Scorpion is a physical miniature, it is always
they were on the board, they stay there, if they were in the pointing at 2 spaces that are 1 space away from it. But they
pool, they stay in the pool. are not necessarily adjacent to it. If there’s a river or camel
between the Scorpion and the Monument, the Monument is
Q: Since both Merged players have a dashboard with not adjacent, and thus cannot be destroyed.
the same set of Ankh powers, can they use their Ankh
powers twice? Mummy
A: No. The Merged players have only 1 instance of each Ankh Q: If a Mummy is killed multiple times in the same
Power even though they keep track of them separately. For Battle, how many times does it count for the Miracle
all purposes, the Merged God is considered a single entity. card?
Any effects that refer to gods or players see the Merged God A: Each time the Mummy dies, it is considered a different
as a single player/god. instance of a figure being killed. So, if a Mummy is killed
twice in the same battle, you would gain 2 Devotion from
Miracle, 1 from each time the Mummy was killed.
Plague of Locusts Q: Can Satet move Sobek into a Water space?
Q: What happens when multiple players play the Plague A: You may only move enemy figures into a Water space if
of Locusts card in the same Battle? the figure is allowed to occupy it (e.g., you cannot move Apep
A: If multiple Plague of Locusts cards are played in a Battle, into a Water space, but you can move Ammit or Sobek).
that many bids are resolved in sequence. Players with at
least 1 figure in the region participate in the resolution of all
bids, even if all their figures were killed in one of the previous SCENARIOS
bids. (Being in the region at the beginning of the phase is
enough to qualify for all Plague of Locusts resolutions.) The Great Rebuilding
Q: NOTE 1 says that if a player would resolve a Control
Monument event, but has no Monument tokens
GODS AND GUARDIANS left in their pool, instead of gaining control of an
adjacent neutral Monument, they destroy it and gain
Anubis the 3 Followers. But NOTE 2 says that when neutral
Q: Can Anubis trap a Warrior killed in a Battle he is not Monuments are destroyed, Followers are discarded.
participating? What is the correct way to resolve this?
A: Yes. Anubis can trap a Warrior any time Warriors are A: NOTE 2 describes what happens when OTHER effects, like
killed, even outside of a Battle. the one from Giant Scorpion, destroy a Monument. In the
case a Monument is destroyed because the player has no
Apep tokens left, the player gains the Followers instead of them
Q: Can Apep move into Water spaces? being discarded.
A: No. It can finish a movement only in non-Water spaces.
Ankh - FAQ
Note, however, that it may be summoned in ANY Water space, Twilight Over the New Kingdom
it doesn’t need to be adjacent to your figures or monuments. Q: What happens first, Worshipful or the Devotion loss
from losing a Battle while controlling a City?
Cat-Mummy A: Worshipful triggers before the player controlling the City
Q: If the 2 players controlling the Merged God would loses Devotion.
lose Devotion because a Cat-Mummy died, how much
Devotion do they lose?
A: The Merged God is considered a single god/player for
effects. So, in this case they would lose only 1 Devotion.
Q: Does resolving the War Room effect count as Q: Can Hathor summon a Priest to the Palace dashboard
building a Monument? instead of a figure on the board?
A: No. You are not building the Monument, you are merely A: No. Hathor’s ability can only be used to summon figures
replacing it. to the main board.
Q: Can you choose to end Am-Heh’s move in the same Shezmu
space it started and still activate the ability? Q: What happens if 2 Shezmus are in the same region?
A: Yes. A: This is very rare since a Shezmu cannot enter or be
summoned in an enemy Shezmu’s region. But in the rare
Ammit cases when it happens, ALL Guardians in the region lose
Q: Can you choose to end Ammit’s move in the same their strength and abilities (including both Shezmus).
space it started and still activate the ability?
A: Yes.
are both Level 3 Guardians. But Babi is not a Monument, so A: When Radiant Petsuchos is removed from the board, the
he can’t be destroyed by the Giant Scorpion. Radiant token is returned to Ra.
Petsuchos Ptah
Q: Does Petsuchos stay on the board if it was controlled Q: What happens if Anubis has an Exalted Follower and
by one of the Merged Gods? Ptah is forgotten?
A: Petsuchos is resolved after the Merging, so if it was A: If Ptah is forgotten, any Exalted Followers in Anubis’
controlled by one of the Merged Gods, it stays on the board. possession stay with him and can still be spent as 2 Followers.