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Escape To Safety: D2b D2b K1b K1b G2a G2a B4b B4b A2b A2b

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BB3 Hissing in the Dark

Goal Escape to safety

Replacing a numbered token with an awake four characters. All spawned Drakes drop
Introduction Drake is exactly like spawning a Drake in money tokens when killed.
With the ground shaking under your feet, that location. A sleeping Drake should be
you quickly squeeze through the narrow placed laying down in the hex, and is not The first time any character moves into a hex
corridor out of the antechamber and into the considered spawned until it awakes, though 1 , read section 1 on the next page.
main cave network. You can see moonlight it is still considered an enemy figure and can
streaming in from the mouth of the cave and be affected by any abilities as such. If any character is exhausted before reading
begin moving in that direction when you section 2 , the scenario is lost.
hear a crash and the light disappears. At the end of each round, place one damage
token on each sleeping Drake for each Map Layout
The earthquake subsides, but it has destroyed character that is within Range 2 of it. At the
your exit. You look back to see it has also start of each round, if any Drake has C or more
collapsed the passage you came from. You damage tokens on it, remove the tokens and
remember there were other paths into the awaken the Drake. Additionally, if a Drake is
caves, and so you begin searching for those. affected in any way by any character ability
Going only by torchlight, however, doesn’t or if an Earth Demon moves adjacent to it, it
make the going any easier. You become immediately awakes, and any damage tokens K1b
hopelessly lost, and as you move deeper into used to track its awakeness are removed. If
these twisting tunnels, your torch grows an Earth Demon moves adjacent to a face-
dim, as if through some dark and mysterious down token, immediately flip and resolve the
force. token, then the Drake immediately awakens G2a B4b
if it was asleep. All Drakes are normal for
And that’s when you realize you are in the two characters, Rending Drakes are elite for A2b
middle of a drake nest. The hissing is soft three characters, or all Drakes are elite for
at first, but becomes more noticeable the
more you pay attention. It is not necessarily 2
a hostile hissing. It’s possible that they are
sleeping, but the earthquake has released A
some other creatures down in these depths,
and so the drakes may not remain peaceful
for long. You just hope they’re having as A
difficult a time seeing down here as you are.
Special Rules
Randomize the twelve numbered tokens and A A
place one face-down on each hex A without
looking at it. When any character moves A
within Range 2 of a numbered token, flip
it face-up and replace it with the following,
depending on its number: A
1-4: Sleeping Rending Drake
5-8: Sleeping Spitting Drake 1 1
9-10: Awake Rending Drake
11-12: Awake Spitting Drake
Scenario Key

Earth Rending Spitting
Demon Drake Drake

Door (x1)
Stalagmite Rock Corridor Long Corridor
(x2) Column (x6) (x4) (x1)
1 2 If any character is exhausted while not on the
D tile or any character is not on the D tile
You move further through the tunnel and You finally arrive in an area free of the horde when the passage is collapsed, the scenario
then hear crashes behind you. More earth of drakes. Of course, there are more earth is lost.
demons have emerged from the depths. You demons, but if you can dispatch them and
need to find a way to safety. find some way to close the passage behind
you, you should be rid of those clawing,
Special Rules spitting creatures once and for all.

Spawn one Earth Demon at each hex B Special Rules

and C . These are both normal for two
characters, B is elite for three characters, Wall hex D has (2xL+4)xC hit points
or both are elite for four characters. and can suffer damage through character
and character summon attacks or other
When door 2 is opened, read section 2 effects. It is immune to all conditions and
to the right. forced movement. It has an initiative of 99
for the purpose of summon focusing. When
it is reduced to zero hit points, the passage
is collapsed and everything not on the D tile, D
including door 2 , is removed from the
map. Once this happens and there are no
enemies on the D tile, the scenario is won.

All you hear is your own heavy breathing.

The tunnel is collapsed, the demons are dead,

and now the cavern is as silent as a tomb.
Except for your breathing, that is. That
means you’re still alive at least.

This quest hasn’t exactly gone as planned,

and now you’re stuck far beneath the earth
with two collapsed passages between you
and fresh air. Still, you are safe. For now.

And so, you rest a good, long while, finally in

peace. And then you continue on to see what
there is to find down here in the depths.

15 gold each
Resonant Crystal (Item 133)

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