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Yugoh Dice Master Rulebook (Text Only)

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Chapter 1 How to play the game

1 Items needed for the battle 5
2 Introduction to the items
3 Battle preparation
4 Dice and monster components
5 Winning conditions
6 Dungeon Master
7 Game progress
8 Game flow
9 How to battle

Chapter 2 Dice and Cards

1 Dice rules
2 About the crests
3 Let’s use cards
O how to view the cards
- Monster cards
- Item cards

Chapter 3 Lets take a look at the progress of a game

Early game
Mid game 1
Mid game 2
End game
What is “Dungeon Dice Monsters”?
Dungeon Dice Monsters is a game that was made based on the one that appears in the weekly
Shonen Jump manga Yugio. This game uses dice with various crests on them. The dice that you
rolled are them placed in the dungeon and appear on the field. The make the dungeon and then
think how to move the monsters… Both players have fun with deep strategy and tactics.

The DDD(Dragon, Dice and Dungeons) that appeared in the source material is brought to life.
In this game appears a large amount of monsters that are used as the pieces to battle with. You can
play with just the starter box monsters, but if you collect the additional boosters boxes with the
monsters that have various abilities it will be an even more fun game.
“A strategy game unlike anything up to now”

Chapter 1 How to Play the Game

1. Items needed for battle
The starter box contains the following items
- Dungeon Master: 1
- Dice: 15
- Monster figure: 10
- Figure support cards: 11
- Field 1
- Crest counter: 1
- Damage counter: 10

This starter box contains everything you need to play the game, so you can have fun playing
Dungeon Dice Monsters only using this box. The various items included in this set are introduced
on the next page.
*The items included in this set are for one player.
2. Introduction to the Items
“Dice” When deployed the dice make up the dungeon. The white space on the inside is to write
your name.
“Dungeon Master” They are figures that take the place of the player, and the dungeon master can
take up to three damage before losing.

“Monster figures” In this set are packaged 10 monsters that are used as pieces.

“Monster Cards” The monster’s various abilities are written on the cards.

“Crest counter” This counts the crests which are used to pay for various actions.

“Damage Counters” These are used to mark the damage taken by monsters in battle.

“Field” This is the field in which the dungeon is deployed on the grid spaces.

3. Preparing for battle

- Things to prepare
Dice (15)
Monster/Item figures (total 10)
Dungeon Master (Figure, Card)
Crest counter
Damage counters

- Preparing for battle

The players each get ready the 15 dice, 10 monsters or items and their associated cards. During the
game you cannot use anything about the decided limit. Lay out the field layout the cards on a flat
surface and proceed to the game. If you write your name in the white space on the dice and figures
(inside the dice, on the bottom of the figures), then you can have fun playing without getting you
and your opponents things mixed up.

4. Dice and Monster components

Players start the game with 15 dice each. Up to 10 monsters (items) can be used.

For monsters and items, within the limit any number of the same thing can be used. However for
the dice, only 3 level 4 dice can be used in a game so be careful. If you get booster pack series
(sold separately), the variety of monsters and the pool of strategies will increase.
“It is important to build up a solid strategy and use the dice to match it!”
5. Victory conditions
The player that takes their opponents dungeon masters down to 0 life points wins the game.
The game starts with both players having 3 life points.
Life points are reduced by the player controlled monsters making attacks on the figure of yourself –
the dungeon master. If you reduce your opponent’s life points to 0 you win, and in reverse of your
life points are reduced to 0, you lose. If the player and their battle opponent’s life points are both
reduced to 0 at the same time, then the game is a draw.

As the game progresses and you come to a point where your dice cannot dimension and there are no
monsters remaining to attack the follow victory conditions come into effect.
1. The one with the dungeon master that has the most remaining life points wins (if a tie, go to 2)
2. The one with more summoned monsters wins (if a tie, go to 3)
3. From the monsters that are summons the player with the highest level monster wins. (if a tie, go
to 4)
4. Draw

If it comes to a point in which you cannot attack the enemy dungeon master, but the enemy can
attack you, the game continues.

6. Dungeon Master
- Rules for the Dungeon Master
The dungeon master is the important figure that takes your place in the game. The following rules
are determined for the dungeon master
- Dungeon Master power meter
You can check the dungeon master’s power meter on the dungeon master card. The dungeon
doesn’t have an HP, and all enemy monster attacks reduce LP by 1. They have a defence of 0 and
an attack 10, and can attack adjacent monsters. (in this case reduce the sword crest by 1)
-Dungeon Master area
The dungeon master is placed in the white spaces on either edge of the field separating enemy and
allies. This space is called the dungeon master area. The dungeon master cannot move from this

7. Game Progress
- Game start preparation
Do rock scissors paper to determine first and second player. Then place the dungeon master in the
dungeon master area on the field. Layout the monster cards to be used in the game face up and
place the monsters on top of their cards. For the item cards, place them face down with the items
placed on them. Place all of these to the left side of the field, and when you summon a monster or
item move them to the right side of the field. The item cards are moved face down.
When a monster is destroyed, remove it from the field. Then flip that monsters card face down.
When an item’s power is used flip it face up.

Beginning the game

After finished the setup, it is time to start the game. Now will be explained the four actions that
make up the games core.
1 Dice Roll
Lets start with the first player’s turn. The player chooses three dice from the 15 to roll once per
turn. This is called the dice roll and is always done first in a turn. The dice have swords, shields
and a variety of crests on them. Within those, if any other crest besides the summoning crest (the
star mark) is rolled, whether you fail to summon or succeed, these are collected. (Using the crest
counter) The crests are used to play for the monsters’ action costs. Each type has a maximum of 10
and any over 10 are not counted.
- A player must first undertake the dice roll on their turn.
- Three dice are chosen to be rolled.
- Besides summoning crests, all crests are collected.
- “X2” crests count as two when adding them up.
- Each crest has a stock maximum of 10.
2 Monster/ Item summoning
A monster or an item can be summoned if the same level summoning crest is rolled 2 or more times.
From the monsters or items choose one of the same level and color as the dice rolled and summon it
to the dungeon. Summoning takes place at the same time as dimension dice explained on the next
EX: If the dice are like this “Summoning crest red”, “Summoning crest green”, “Progress crest
white” Summoning is successful.
The number written on the summoning crest (star mark) is the level. In this case a level one red or
green monster can be summoned. The color determines the monsters type. (refer to pg.20) The
remaining progress crest is collected as 1 progress crest.
- To succeed at summoning at least 2 of the same level dice must be rolled.
- With the exception of special cases (refer to the bottom of pg.15), an appropriate monster or item
must be summoned to the dungeon.

3 Dimension Dice
When you succeed at a summoning, open that die and it becomes part of the dungeon. The
summoned monster is placed on the white space (where you write your name). The player
controlling the dice aims for the enemy dungeon master. The first dimension dungeon has to be
placed connected to your dungeon master. (refer to the example below)
First dimension ex: *DM = dungeon master
EX1: can dimension EX 2: cannot dimension
From the 2nd and so on dimension, it must be placed connected to a part of your dungeon, cannot
stick off the edge of the field and cannot lay on top of a part of the enemies dungeon.
- In the following cases even with a successful summoning a dimension cannot be done.
1 If on the field there is no place to progress the dungeon.
2 If the successful summoning dice has no corresponding monster (item) of the same level and color
to be summoned.

4 Monster progression and battle

You need various crests in order to take actions with the monsters you summon. For a monster to
progress into the dungeon you need progress crests. To proceed one space, you need one progress
crest, otherwise you cannot progress. Likewise to battle you need crests. Please refer to page 18
“how to battle” for a detailed explanation of battles. In the core rules a single monster has only one
opportunity to progress-attack. For example after a monster progresses, it can attack an enemy
monster, but it cannot progress any further after that. Also when progressing, a monster can pass
over an ally monster, but not go through an enemy monster. Once you run out of things to do, you
turn ends.
- For a monster to progress one space, it need to use one progress crest.
- After you have used a special power progress or attack (ex: duker, twin, sword etc..) on that turn
you cannot use the regular progress or attack.
8. Game Flow
The progress of the game shown as a chart can be seen below.
1. Select your 15 dice
2. Decide on first and second player.
3. Choose 3 dice

Your turn
Dice roll
Summoning failure
Summoning successful
Dimension dice
Monster’s progress/attack
Use an item etc..
End of turn.
Opponent’s turn
* Repeat that from the second turn

9. How to do Combat
- How to attack and defend
1. Normal attack
On a player’s own turn they can make an attack once per monster against an enemy monster. A
normal attack that does not use special abilities needs to follow the below rules.
Normal attack rules
In order to attack you need to pay 1 sword crest. On your turn you can only make one attack per
monster. You can only attack monsters in adjacent spaces.
2 Normal defense
When one of your monsters takes an attack from an enemy monster, it can defend itself. In the case
of the normal defense, when taking an attack from one enemy monster if you use shield crests you
can defend as many times as you need.
Normal defense rules
You need to pay 1 shield crest to defend. You can defend as many times as you need as long as you
have shields to pay with.
* Warning: If you pay extra crests for normal attacks or defense it does not increase the attack or
defense strength.
Special attack abilities
You don’t need to pay attack crests except the cost of the special ability when attack using special
abilities. (continuous attacks “duker, twin, sword” etc.)
- Determining damage
1. How to calculate damage
Attack damage calculation is divided into two types depending on whether the attack is normally
defended or not. If while accumulating damage it exceeds the monsters HP, it is destroyed.
Destroyed monsters are removed from the game, and excluding special circumstances, they cannot
be used in the that game again.
(Calculating damage when normally defended)
Attacking monster’s attack strength – Defending monster’s defence strength = Defending monster’s
* Even if the defending monster’s defense is higher than the attacking monster’s attack strength, the
attack monster does not take damage.
(Calculating damage for a non-defended attack)
The defending monster reduces their HP the amount of the attacking monster’s attack strength.
2. Damage counter
The damage taken by the defending monster is shown on the damage counter and it is placed on that
monster’s card. One counter shows 10 damage. A monster that accumulated damage and was
destroyed turns it’s card face down.
Chapter 2 Dice and Cards
1. Dice rules
- Dice colors
Basically the dice colors are divided into the 6 monster and item types.
White – Magic
Blue – Warrior
Yellow – undead
Green – Beast
Red – Dragon
Black – item
The cards and dice are both divided into 6 colors. (This set does not include items or item dice.)
- Dice level
The number displayed in the center of the summoning crests are the die’s level. The die level
displays the level of the monster or item a player can summon. The higher level monsters are
statistically harder to summon. Also, the yellow numbers written on other crests are the number of
crests, this number is how many crests can be gathered.

2. About crests
- The meaning of each crest
A maximum of 10 crests can be gathered for each crest except the summoning crests.
Summoning crest
Crests used to summon monsters (or items), these cannot be collected. If within the dice rolled two
or more have the same number you can do a summoning.
Attack crests
Collected as sword crests. They are used to pay for normal attacks and special abilities when
attacking. You can only attack on your own turn.
Defense crests
Collected as shield crests. They are used to pay for normal defense and special abilities when
defending. You can only defend on your opponent’s turn.
Progress crests
You can collect progress crests which are used when you need to move your monsters. Normally
you need to use one for one space of movement. You cannot move during your opponent’s turn.
Magic crests
You can collect magic crests. They are used to pay for monster special abilities that are activated by
magic. Magic cannot be used during an opponent’s turn.
Trap crests
You can collect trap crests. They can be used to pay for traps that monsters have. Traps can be
activated during anyone’s turn.
3. Using cards
- Monster cards
A monster’s HP, attack, defense, level, type and special abilities are written on them.
1. Monster special abilities
By paying the indicated crests you can activate the special ability power written on the card. If you
have enough crests you can activate special abilities as many times as you want on your turn.
However check to make sure it doesn’t say “Once per turn” or “When activating a dimension” and
follow those directions.
The timing for crest payment of special abilities is determined as shown below.
Progress, and magic crests – on your turn
Sword and shield crests – during battle
Trap crests – during either turn
Upgraded sword special abilities attack strength reverts to normal at the end of combat. Also trap
special abilities can be activated during an opponent’s turn. If in the space that shows the crest cost
only has a number, any crest can be used to activate it. Also for abilities with a crest cost of “0”,
they can be activated without paying anything (they can be automatically activated).

(ex:) When using the duker twin sword special ability

1. progress crest x1: can move 2 spaces
(you cannot use normal movement if you use this on your turn)
With this special ability you can pay 2 progress crests to move 4 spaces, or 3 to move 6 spaces.
However if you do that you cannot use regular movement on that turn.
2. Sword crest x2: continuous attacks can be done
(limited to targeting one monster)
With this special ability if you pay 4 sword crests you can attack four times, or 6, then 6 times.
However you cannot pay 3 to attack 3 times.
About earth counters
The “Dragon that crawls on the ground” special ability allows you to place an earth counter in an
open space of the field. This earth counter can be used to join together damage counters. When
using the earth counters you need to be careful to follow the below rules.
- You cannot put together earth counters to progress the dungeon.
- You cannot place them in front of, to the left or the right of your own dungeon master or your
opponent’s dungeon master.
* DM – dungeon master
Earth counters cannot be placed in the 3 X symbols shown.

2 About special abilities that do not require crests

There are some monsters that have abilities that do not require crests
For monsters that have flying written in the upper left corner of the card, other monsters cannot
attack them. Only other flying monsters or special abilities that allow attack against flying monsters
can attack them. But flying monsters require 2 progress crests to move 1 space. They cannot fly
over enemy monsters, and cannot stop in the same space as another monster. Also when they pass
over an item, like normal monsters, the item results activate.
Monsters with tunnel written in the upper lefter corner of their card can not only move under allies,
but also enemy monsters. The crests required for progress are the same as normal monsters, 1 crest
for one space. Monsters with tunnel can also move under items. At this time the items do not
activate. However, like normal monster they cannot stop in a space with another monster in it.
- About linking
Within the special abilities the trap effect can be used in conjunction with each type of effect-action.
For example, it is possible that “in response to your opponent’s trap activating, your own trap effect
can activate.” When this linking stacks up the activated effects are resolved from the last effect to

Linking structure
resolve order→
Each type of effect-action → response → trap activation
← Activation order

- Item cards
Summoning items works the same as summoning monsters. The die color is black. Once placed an
item cannot be removed with the exception of special circumstances. Regardless of whether an
enemy or ally, once a monster monster over an item it activates. Unlike monsters, the item cards
are placed face-down until they activate, making what item it is a secret from your opponent.
When they activate the item card is flipped over, and if after it activates it is destroyed, then remove
it from the game.
- Viewing the cards
Monster cards
Type – dragon
Monster name – Lizard Dragon
Level - 2
HP – 30
Defense – 10
Attack – 10
Crest to activate abilities – (shield thing…)
Special ability explanation - Reduce damge by 10. This effect can only be used when attacked by
an enemy monster.
Item cards
Item name - Landmine
Level - 3
Item effect explanation – Place two damage counters on a monster that crosses over the landmine.
After that the landmine is destroyed.
Chapter 3 Lets take a look at the progress of a game
- Explanation of game flow in scenes.
The fastest way to remember how to play it to actually play. In this chapter is explained in scenes
points to be careful of when at that point in the game flow.
Early game – First try for a successful dimension.
Scene 1 – First dimension
After the dice roll and a successful summoning, the dungeon needs to be placed in connection with
the dungeon master area.
“As long as it connects it is okay”
Scene 2 - Expanding the dungeon
From the second dimension onward, place it in connection with the dungeon you have made. Don’t
do off the field.
“Don’t place it off the edge.”
Mid-game 1 – After summoning some monsters, try attacking
Scene 3 – Start progressing
After you and your opponent’s dungeons connect, it is time to progress your monsters forward. At
this time your can cross over allied monsters, but not enemy monsters. Think about the distance
from your opponent as you dimension.
“The facing of the monsters determines ally and enemy. The ones pointing towards your opponent
are your allies.”
Scene 4 – Join battle
In the photo to the right “Duker twin swords” is attacking “Gorogon”. The attacking side’s attack
strength is 20 and the defending side’s defense is 10, so with a normal defense the “Gorogon” takes
10 damage.
“In a normal attack you can only attack your opponent’s monster from up, down, left or right.”
Mid-game 2 – Lets use special powers and items well.
Scene 5 – Items are convenient things
Item effects are activated when a monster goes over the top and the card is flipped over. Before that
your opponent doesn’t know what item it is. Regardless of whether an enemy or ally, items activate
when moved over.
“The type of item is revealed when it is activated”
Scene 6- How to view “within 3 spaces”
The photo to the right shows the within three spaces area for “Wizard Dragon’s” special ability
“destroy a monster/item within three spaces”. Different from progressing three spaces, be careful to
count the diagonal spaces also.
Endgame – Every step towards the dungeon master is vital.
Scene 7 With a trap going off, the tables are turned
With the special bomb lizard power seemed like it would take out the “swift attack black ninja”,
instead the trap activated and got “cannot be the target of a special ability” so it wasn’t destroyed.
Traps are useful abilities because effects can be used in response to your opponent’s actions.
“Traps can activate regardless of whether it is your turn or your opponent’s, so they can be used
when you want to use them.”
Scene 8 Dungeon Master’s last stand.
The dungeon master has an attach strength of 10 and like monsters can make a normal attack when
paying with attack crests. However, it cannot defend itself, and if the opponent’s monster attacks it
three times you lose.
“The dungeon master has a defense of 0, so damage calculation is not needed.”
Q: When paying three progress crests for the Duker Twin Sword special ability, must I progress 6
spaces? Also after using this special ability, can I progress normally?
A: You can move any number of spaces within 6. Moving 5 spaces and stopping is fine. Also after
using this special ability, you cannot progress normally. As well as after moving normally you
cannot use this special ability to move once more.

Q: When using the Duker Twin Sword ability to make repeated attacks, can I pay 4 attack crests to
make 4 attacks? Also when doing this, how many shield crests does the defending monster need to
A: If you pay 4, then you can attack 4 times. If you pay 6, then 6 times, 8, then 8 times is also
possible. However, 3 for 3 times and 5 for 5 times is not possible. You must pay 2 at a time. Also
you must pay one shield crest to defend against each attack. If 4 attacks, then you must pay 4 shield
crests to defend 4 times.
Q: Using the Crocsaurus special ability to boost an attack, will the attack be boosted the next turn?
A: After using a special ability, it only boosts during the attack. When the attack is finished your
attack strength returns to normal. Only after paying the sword crest for the crocsaurus special
ability can you use it for that attack, and after the combat is finished it reverts to the prior combat

Q: With the Godogres special ability attack boost, is it still boosted on the next turn?
A: It stays boosted. Unlike the Crocsaurus special ability, the Godogres special ability is paid for
with magic crests. In this case the attack strength is boosted until the monster is destroyed. Also
the Godogre special ability can be used as long as you have crests to pay for it.
Q: Can the special ability of the little wizard that allows an attack from two spaces away and the
continuous attacks of the Duker twin sword special ability be used to make an attack against the
dungeon master?
A: No. You cannot attack the dungeon master with special abilities. You have to deal three damage
with normal attacks to take him down.

Q: When changing the dungeon with the little wizards special ability, is there any changes that are
not allowed?
A: You cannot change the dungeon so that it overlaps the enemy dungeon. Also you cannot
rearrange it so that it cuts off the path to your own dungeon master. If moving a dungeon piece with
a monster on it, please move the monster with it.

List of the various level dice crests

Regardless of the die face’s color the levels are determined. Here are introduced the separate level
dice crests to be thought about for the game.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

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